view tango/tango/stdc/posix/dirent.d @ 132:1700239cab2e trunk

[svn r136] MAJOR UNSTABLE UPDATE!!! Initial commit after moving to Tango instead of Phobos. Lots of bugfixes... This build is not suitable for most things.
author lindquist
date Fri, 11 Jan 2008 17:57:40 +0100
line wrap: on
line source

 * D header file for POSIX.
 * Copyright: Public Domain
 * License:   Public Domain
 * Authors:   Sean Kelly
 * Standards: The Open Group Base Specifications Issue 6, IEEE Std 1003.1, 2004 Edition
module tango.stdc.posix.dirent;

private import tango.stdc.posix.config;
public import tango.stdc.posix.sys.types; // for ino_t

extern (C):

// Required

struct dirent
    char[] d_name;

int     closedir(DIR*);
DIR*    opendir(char*);
dirent* readdir(DIR*);
void    rewinddir(DIR*);

version( linux )
    // NOTE: The following constants are non-standard Linux definitions
    //       for dirent.d_type.
        DT_UNKNOWN  = 0,
        DT_FIFO     = 1,
        DT_CHR      = 2,
        DT_DIR      = 4,
        DT_BLK      = 6,
        DT_REG      = 8,
        DT_LNK      = 10,
        DT_SOCK     = 12,
        DT_WHT      = 14

    struct dirent
        ino_t       d_ino;
        off_t       d_off;
        ushort      d_reclen;
        ubyte       d_type;
        char[256]   d_name;

    struct DIR
        // Managed by OS

    dirent* readdir(DIR*);
else version( darwin )
        DT_UNKNOWN  = 0,
        DT_FIFO     = 1,
        DT_CHR      = 2,
        DT_DIR      = 4,
        DT_BLK      = 6,
        DT_REG      = 8,
        DT_LNK      = 10,
        DT_SOCK     = 12,
        DT_WHT      = 14

    struct dirent
        ino_t       d_ino;
        ushort      d_reclen;
        ubyte       d_type;
        ubyte       d_namlen;
        char[256]   d_name;

    struct DIR
        // Managed by OS

    dirent* readdir(DIR*);
    dirent* readdir(DIR*);

int     closedir(DIR*);
DIR*    opendir(char*);
//dirent* readdir(DIR*);
void    rewinddir(DIR*);

// Thread-Safe Functions (TSF)
int readdir_r(DIR*, dirent*, dirent**);

int readdir_r(DIR*, dirent*, dirent**);

// XOpen (XSI)
void   seekdir(DIR*, c_long);
c_long telldir(DIR*);

version( linux )
    void   seekdir(DIR*, c_long);
    c_long telldir(DIR*);