view tango/tango/net/http/HttpPost.d @ 132:1700239cab2e trunk

[svn r136] MAJOR UNSTABLE UPDATE!!! Initial commit after moving to Tango instead of Phobos. Lots of bugfixes... This build is not suitable for most things.
author lindquist
date Fri, 11 Jan 2008 17:57:40 +0100
line wrap: on
line source


        copyright:      Copyright (c) 2004 Kris Bell. All rights reserved

        license:        BSD style: $(LICENSE)

        version:        Initial release: January 2006
        author:         Kris



public import;

private import;

private import,


        Supports the basic needs of a client sending POST requests to a
        HTTP server. The following is a usage example:

        // open a web-page for posting (see HttpGet for simple reading)
        auto post = new HttpPost ("http://yourhost/yourpath");

        // send, retrieve and display response
        Cout (cast(char[]) post.write("posted data", "text/plain"));


class HttpPost : HttpClient
        private GrowBuffer buffer;

                Create a client for the given URL. The argument should be
                fully qualified with an "http:" or "https:" scheme, or an
                explicit port should be provided.


        this (char[] url, uint pageChunk = 16 * 1024)
                this (new Uri(url), pageChunk);

                Create a client with the provided Uri instance. The Uri should 
                be fully qualified with an "http:" or "https:" scheme, or an
                explicit port should be provided. 


        this (Uri uri, uint pageChunk = 16 * 1024)
                super (HttpClient.Post, uri);
                buffer = new GrowBuffer (pageChunk, pageChunk);

                Send query params only


        void[] write ()
                return write (null);

                Send content and no query params. The contentLength header
                will be set to match the provided content, and contentType
                set to the given type.


        void[] write (void[] content, char[] type)
                auto headers = getRequestHeaders();

                headers.add    (HttpHeader.ContentType, type);
                headers.addInt (HttpHeader.ContentLength, content.length);
                return write (delegate void (IBuffer b){b.append(content);});

                Send raw data via the provided pump, and no query 
                params. You have full control over headers and so 
                on via this method.


        void[] write (Pump pump)
                try {
                    open (pump, buffer);

                    // check return status for validity
                    auto status = getStatus();
                    if (status is HttpResponseCode.OK || 
                        status is HttpResponseCode.Created || 
                        status is HttpResponseCode.Accepted)
                        buffer.fill (getResponseHeaders.getInt (HttpHeader.ContentLength, uint.max));
                    } finally {close;}

                return buffer.slice;