view tango/tango/net/ftp/FtpClient.d @ 132:1700239cab2e trunk

[svn r136] MAJOR UNSTABLE UPDATE!!! Initial commit after moving to Tango instead of Phobos. Lots of bugfixes... This build is not suitable for most things.
author lindquist
date Fri, 11 Jan 2008 17:57:40 +0100
line wrap: on
line source


        copyright:      Copyright (c) 2006 UWB. All rights reserved

        license:        BSD style: $(LICENSE)

        version:        Initial release: June 2006

        author:         UWB



private import;

private import;

private import  tango.time.Clock;

private import,

private import  tango.time.chrono.Gregorian;

private import  Text = tango.text.Util;

private import  Ascii = tango.text.Ascii;

private import  Regex = tango.text.Regex;

private import  Integer = tango.text.convert.Integer;

private import  Timestamp = tango.text.convert.TimeStamp;

/// An FTP progress delegate.
/// You may need to add the restart position to this, and use SIZE to determine
/// percentage completion.  This only represents the number of bytes
/// transferred.
/// Params:
///    pos =                 the current offset into the stream
alias void delegate(in size_t pos) FtpProgress;

/// The format of data transfer.
enum FtpFormat
    /// Indicates ASCII NON PRINT format (line ending conversion to CRLF.)
    /// Indicates IMAGE format (8 bit binary octets.)

/// A server response, consisting of a code and a potentially multi-line message.
struct FtpResponse
    /// The response code.
    /// The digits in the response code can be used to determine status
    /// programatically.
    /// First Digit (status):
    ///    1xx =             a positive, but preliminary, reply
    ///    2xx =             a positive reply indicating completion
    ///    3xx =             a positive reply indicating incomplete status
    ///    4xx =             a temporary negative reply
    ///    5xx =             a permanent negative reply
    /// Second Digit (subject):
    ///    x0x =             condition based on syntax
    ///    x1x =             informational
    ///    x2x =             connection
    ///    x3x =             authentication/process
    ///    x5x =             file system
    char[3] code = "000";

    /// The message from the server.
    /// With some responses, the message may contain parseable information.
    /// For example, this is true of the 257 response.
    char[] message = null;

/// Active or passive connection mode.
enum FtpConnectionType
    /// Active - server connects to client on open port.
    /// Passive - server listens for a connection from the client.

/// Detail about the data connection.
/// This is used to properly send PORT and PASV commands.
struct FtpConnectionDetail
    /// The type to be used.
    FtpConnectionType type = FtpConnectionType.passive;

    /// The address to give the server.
    Address address = null;

    /// The address to actually listen on.
    Address listen = null;

/// A supported feature of an FTP server.
struct FtpFeature
    /// The command which is supported, e.g. SIZE.
    char[] command = null;
    /// Parameters for this command; e.g. facts for MLST.
    char[] params = null;

/// The type of a file in an FTP listing.
enum FtpFileType
    /// An unknown file or type (no type fact.)
    /// A regular file, or similar.
    /// The current directory (e.g. ., but not necessarily.)
    /// A parent directory (usually "..".)
    /// Any other type of directory.
    /// Another type of file.  Consult the "type" fact.

/// Information about a file in an FTP listing.
struct FtpFileInfo
    /// The filename.
    char[] name = null;
    /// Its type.
    FtpFileType type = FtpFileType.unknown;
    /// Size in bytes (8 bit octets), or -1 if not available.
    long size = -1;
    /// Modification time, if available.
    Time modify = Time.max;
    /// Creation time, if available (not often.)
    Time create = Time.max;
    /// The file's mime type, if known.
    char[] mime = null;
    /// An associative array of all facts returned by the server, lowercased.
    char[][char[]] facts;

/// A connection to an FTP server.
/// Example:
/// ----------
/// auto ftp = new FTPConnection("hostname", "user", "pass",21);
/// ftp.mkdir("test");
/// ftp.close();
/// ----------
/// Standards:               RFC 959, RFC 2228, RFC 2389, RFC 2428
/// Bugs:
///    Does not support several uncommon FTP commands and responses.

class FTPConnection : Telnet
    /// Supported features (if known.)
    /// This will be empty if not known, or else contain at least FEAT.
    public FtpFeature[] supported_features = null;

    /// Data connection information.
    protected FtpConnectionDetail data_info;

    /// The last-set restart position.
    /// This is only used when a local file is used for a RETR or STOR.
    protected size_t restart_pos = 0;

    /// error handler
    protected void exception (char[] msg)
        throw new FTPException ("Exception: " ~ msg);
    /// ditto
    protected void exception (FtpResponse r)
        throw new FTPException (r);

    /// Construct an FTPConnection without connecting immediately.
    public this()

    /// Connect to an FTP server with a username and password.
    /// Params:
    ///    hostname =        the hostname or IP address to connect to
    ///    port =            the port number to connect to
    ///    username =        username to be sent
    ///    password =        password to be sent, if requested
    public this(char[] hostname, char[] username, char[] password, int port = 21)
        this.connect(hostname, username, password,port);

    /// Connect to an FTP server with a username and password.
    /// Params:
    ///    hostname =        the hostname or IP address to connect to
    ///    port =            the port number to connect to
    ///    username =        username to be sent
    ///    password =        password to be sent, if requested
    public void connect(char[] hostname, char[] username, char[] password, int port = 21)
        // We definitely need a hostname and port.
        assert (hostname.length > 0);
        assert (port > 0);
        // Close any active connection.

        if (this.socket !is null)

        // Connect to whichever FTP server responds first.
        this.findAvailableServer(hostname, port);

        this.socket.blocking = false;

        scope (failure)

        // The welcome message should always be a 220.  120 and 421 are considered errors.

        if (username.length == 0)

        // Send the username.  Anything but 230, 331, or 332 is basically an error.
        this.sendCommand("USER", username);
        auto response = this.readResponse();

        // 331 means username okay, please proceed with password.
        if (response.code == "331")
                this.sendCommand("PASS", password);
                response = this.readResponse();

        // We don't support ACCT (332) so we should get a 230 here.
        if (response.code != "230" && response.code != "202")

                exception (response);


    /// Close the connection to the server.
    public void close()
        assert (this.socket !is null);

        // Don't even try to close it if it's not open.
        if (this.socket !is null)
                // Ignore if the above could not be completed.
                catch (FTPException)

                // Shutdown the socket...

                // Clear out everything.
                delete this.supported_features;
                delete this.socket;

    /// Set the connection to use passive mode for data tranfers.
    /// This is the default.
    public void setPassive()
        this.data_info.type = FtpConnectionType.passive;

        delete this.data_info.address;
        delete this.data_info.listen;

    /// Set the connection to use active mode for data transfers.
    /// This may not work behind firewalls.
    /// Params:
    ///    ip =              the ip address to use
    ///    port =            the port to use
    ///    listen_ip =       the ip to listen on, or null for any
    ///    listen_port =     the port to listen on, or 0 for the same port
    public void setActive(char[] ip, ushort port, char[] listen_ip = null, ushort listen_port = 0)
        assert (ip.length > 0);
        assert (port > 0);
        this.data_info.type =;
        this.data_info.address = new IPv4Address(ip, port);

        // A local-side port?
        if (listen_port == 0)
            listen_port = port;

        // Any specific IP to listen on?
        if (listen_ip == null)
            this.data_info.listen = new IPv4Address(IPv4Address.ADDR_ANY, listen_port);
            this.data_info.listen = new IPv4Address(listen_ip, listen_port);

    /// Change to the specified directory.
    public void cd(char[] dir)
        assert (dir.length > 0);
        this.sendCommand("CWD", dir);

    /// Change to the parent of this directory.
    public void cdup()

    /// Determine the current directory.
    /// Returns:             the current working directory
    public char[] cwd()
        auto response = this.readResponse("257");

        return this.parse257(response);

    /// Change the permissions of a file.
    /// This is a popular feature of most FTP servers, but not explicitly outlined
    /// in the spec.  It does not work on, for example, Windows servers.
    /// Params:
    ///    path =            the path to the file to chmod
    ///    mode =            the desired mode; expected in octal (0777, 0644, etc.)
    public void chmod(char[] path, int mode)
        assert (path.length > 0);
        assert (mode >= 0 && (mode >> 16) == 0);
        char[] tmp = "000";
        // Convert our octal parameter to a string.
        Integer.format(tmp, cast(long) mode, Integer.Style.Octal);
        this.sendCommand("SITE CHMOD", tmp, path);

    /// Remove a file or directory.
    /// Params:
    ///    path =            the path to the file or directory to delete
    public void del(char[] path)
        assert (path.length > 0);
        this.sendCommand("DELE", path);
        auto response = this.readResponse();

        // Try it as a directory, then...?
        if (response.code != "250")

    /// Remove a directory.
    /// Params:
    ///    path =            the directory to delete
    public void rm(char[] path)
        assert (path.length > 0);
        this.sendCommand("RMD", path);

    /// Rename/move a file or directory.
    /// Params:
    ///    old_path =        the current path to the file
    ///    new_path =        the new desired path
    public void rename(char[] old_path, char[] new_path)
        assert (old_path.length > 0);
        assert (new_path.length > 0);
        // Rename from... rename to.  Pretty simple.
        this.sendCommand("RNFR", old_path);

        this.sendCommand("RNTO", new_path);

    /// Determine the size in bytes of a file.
    /// This size is dependent on the current type (ASCII or IMAGE.)
    /// Params:
    ///    path =            the file to retrieve the size of
    ///    format =          what format the size is desired in
    public size_t size(char[] path, FtpFormat format = FtpFormat.image)
        assert (path.length > 0);

        this.sendCommand("SIZE", path);
        auto response = this.readResponse("213");

        // Only try to parse the numeric bytes of the response.
        size_t end_pos = 0;
        while (end_pos < response.message.length)
                if (response.message[end_pos] < '0' || response.message[end_pos] > '9')

        return toInt(response.message[0 .. end_pos]);

    /// Send a command and process the data socket.
    /// This opens the data connection and checks for the appropriate response.
    /// Params:
    ///    command =         the command to send (e.g. STOR)
    ///    parameters =      any arguments to send
    /// Returns:             the data socket
    public Socket processDataCommand(char[] command, char[][] parameters ...)
        // Create a connection.
        Socket data = this.getDataSocket();
        scope (failure)
                // Close the socket, whether we were listening or not.

        // Tell the server about it.
        this.sendCommand(command, parameters);

        // We should always get a 150/125 response.
        auto response = this.readResponse();
        if (response.code != "150" && response.code != "125")
            exception (response);

        // We might need to do this for active connections.

        return data;

    /// Clean up after the data socket and process the response.
    /// This closes the socket and reads the 226 response.
    /// Params:
    ///    data =            the data socket
    public void finishDataCommand(Socket data)
        // Close the socket.  This tells the server we're done (EOF.)

        // We shouldn't get a 250 in STREAM mode.

    /// Get a data socket from the server.
    /// This sends PASV/PORT as necessary.
    /// Returns:             the data socket or a listener
    protected Socket getDataSocket()
        // What type are we using?
        switch (this.data_info.type)
                exception ("unknown connection type");

                // Passive is complicated.  Handle it in another member.
            case FtpConnectionType.passive:
                return this.connectPassive();

                // Active is simpler, but not as fool-proof.
                IPv4Address data_addr = cast(IPv4Address) this.data_info.address;

                // Start listening.
                Socket listener = new Socket(AddressFamily.INET, SocketType.STREAM, ProtocolType.TCP);

                // Use EPRT if we know it's supported.
                if (this.is_supported("EPRT"))
                        char[64] tmp = void;

                        this.sendCommand("EPRT", Text.layout(tmp, "|1|%0|%1|", data_addr.toAddrString, data_addr.toPortString));
                        // this.sendCommand("EPRT", format("|1|%s|%s|", data_addr.toAddrString(), data_addr.toPortString()));
                        int h1, h2, h3, h4, p1, p2;
                        h1 = (data_addr.addr() >> 24) % 256;
                        h2 = (data_addr.addr() >> 16) % 256;
                        h3 = (data_addr.addr() >> 8_) % 256;
                        h4 = (data_addr.addr() >> 0_) % 256;
                        p1 = (data_addr.port() >> 8_) % 256;
                        p2 = (data_addr.port() >> 0_) % 256;
                        // low overhead method to format a numerical string
                        char[64] tmp = void;
                        char[20] foo = void;
                        auto str = Text.layout (tmp, "%0,%1,%2,%3,%4,%5",
                                                Integer.format(foo[0..3], h1),
                                                Integer.format(foo[3..6], h2),
                                                Integer.format(foo[6..9], h3),
                                                Integer.format(foo[9..12], h4),
                                                Integer.format(foo[12..15], p1),
                                                Integer.format(foo[15..18], p2));

                        // This formatting is weird.
                        // this.sendCommand("PORT", format("%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d", h1, h2, h3, h4, p1, p2));

                        this.sendCommand("PORT", str);

                return listener;
        assert (false);

    /// Prepare a data socket for use.
    /// This modifies the socket in some cases.
    /// Params:
    ///    data =            the data listener socket
    protected void prepareDataSocket(inout Socket data)
        switch (this.data_info.type)
                exception ("unknown connection type");

                Socket new_data = null;

                SocketSet set = new SocketSet();
                scope (exit)
                    delete set;

                // At end_time, we bail.
                Time end_time = + this.timeout;

                while ( < end_time)

                        // Can we accept yet?
                        int code =, null, null, this.timeout);
                        if (code == -1 || code == 0)

                        new_data = data.accept();

                if (new_data is null)
                    throw new FTPException("CLIENT: No connection from server", "420");

                // We don't need the listener anymore.

                // This is the actual socket.
                data = new_data;

            case FtpConnectionType.passive:

    /// Send a PASV and initiate a connection.
    /// Returns:             a connected socket
    public Socket connectPassive()
        Address connect_to = null;

        // SPSV, which is just a port number.
        if (this.is_supported("SPSV"))
                auto response = this.readResponse("227");

                // Connecting to the same host.
                IPv4Address remote = cast(IPv4Address) this.socket.remoteAddress();
                assert (remote !is null);

                uint address = remote.addr();
                uint port = toInt(response.message);

                connect_to = new IPv4Address(address, cast(ushort) port);
        // Extended passive mode (IP v6, etc.)
        else if (this.is_supported("EPSV"))
                auto response = this.readResponse("229");

                // Try to pull out the (possibly not parenthesized) address.
                auto r =, `\([^0-9][^0-9][^0-9](\d+)[^0-9]\)`);
                if (r is null)
                    throw new FTPException("CLIENT: Unable to parse address", "501");

                IPv4Address remote = cast(IPv4Address) this.socket.remoteAddress();
                assert (remote !is null);

                uint address = remote.addr();
                uint port = toInt(r.match(1));

                connect_to = new IPv4Address(address, cast(ushort) port);
                auto response = this.readResponse("227");

                // Try to pull out the (possibly not parenthesized) address.
                auto r =, `(\d+),\s*(\d+),\s*(\d+),\s*(\d+),\s*(\d+)(,\s*(\d+))?`);
                if (r is null)
                    throw new FTPException("CLIENT: Unable to parse address", "501");

                // Now put it into something std.socket will understand.
                char[] address = r.match(1)~"."~r.match(2)~"."~r.match(3)~"."~r.match(4);
                uint port = (toInt(r.match(5)) << 8) + (r.match(7).length > 0 ? toInt(r.match(7)) : 0);

                // Okay, we've got it!
                connect_to = new IPv4Address(address, port);

        scope (exit)
            delete connect_to;

        // This will throw an exception if it cannot connect.
        auto sock = new Socket(AddressFamily.INET, SocketType.STREAM, ProtocolType.TCP);
        sock.connect (connect_to);
        return sock;

    /// Change the type of data transfer.
    /// ASCII mode implies that line ending conversion should be made.
    /// Only NON PRINT is supported.
    /// Params:
    ///    type =            FtpFormat.ascii or FtpFormat.image
    public void type(FtpFormat format)
        if (format == FtpFormat.ascii)
            this.sendCommand("TYPE", "A");
            this.sendCommand("TYPE", "I");


    /// Store a local file on the server.
    /// Calling this function will change the current data transfer format.
    /// Params:
    ///    path =            the path to the remote file
    ///    local_file =      the path to the local file
    ///    progress =        a delegate to call with progress information
    ///    format =          what format to send the data in

    public void put(char[] path, char[] local_file, FtpProgress progress = null, FtpFormat format = FtpFormat.image)
        assert (path.length > 0);
        assert (local_file.length > 0);
        // Open the file for reading...
        auto file = new FileConduit(local_file);
        scope (exit)
                delete file;

        // Seek to the correct place, if specified.
        if (this.restart_pos > 0)
                this.restart_pos = 0;
                // Allocate space for the file, if we need to.

        // Now that it's open, we do what we always do.
        this.put(path, file, progress, format);

    /// Store data from a stream on the server.
    /// Calling this function will change the current data transfer format.
    /// Params:
    ///    path =            the path to the remote file
    ///    stream =          data to store, or null for a blank file
    ///    progress =        a delegate to call with progress information
    ///    format =          what format to send the data in
    public void put(char[] path, InputStream stream = null, FtpProgress progress = null, FtpFormat format = FtpFormat.image)
        assert (path.length > 0);
        // Change to the specified format.

        // Okay server, we want to store something...
        Socket data = this.processDataCommand("STOR", path);

        // Send the stream over the socket!
        if (stream !is null)
            this.sendStream(data, stream, progress);


    /// Append data to a file on the server.
    /// Calling this function will change the current data transfer format.
    /// Params:
    ///    path =            the path to the remote file
    ///    stream =          data to append to the file
    ///    progress =        a delegate to call with progress information
    ///    format =          what format to send the data in
    public void append(char[] path, InputStream stream, FtpProgress progress = null, FtpFormat format = FtpFormat.image)
        assert (path.length > 0);
        assert (stream !is null);
        // Change to the specified format.

        // Okay server, we want to store something...
        Socket data = this.processDataCommand("APPE", path);

        // Send the stream over the socket!
        this.sendStream(data, stream, progress);


    /// Seek to a byte offset for the next transfer.
    /// Params:
    ///    offset =          the number of bytes to seek forward
    public void restartSeek(size_t offset)
        char[16] tmp;
        this.sendCommand("REST", Integer.format (tmp, cast(long) offset));

        // Set this for later use.
        this.restart_pos = offset;

    /// Allocate space for a file.
    /// After calling this, append() or put() should be the next command.
    /// Params:
    ///    bytes =           the number of bytes to allocate
    public void allocate(long bytes)
        assert (bytes > 0);
        char[16] tmp;
        this.sendCommand("ALLO", Integer.format(tmp, bytes));
        auto response = this.readResponse();

        // For our purposes 200 and 202 are both fine.
        if (response.code != "200" && response.code != "202")
            exception (response);

    /// Retrieve a remote file's contents into a local file.
    /// Calling this function will change the current data transfer format.
    /// Params:
    ///    path =            the path to the remote file
    ///    local_file =      the path to the local file
    ///    progress =        a delegate to call with progress information
    ///    format =          what format to read the data in
    public void get(char[] path, char[] local_file, FtpProgress progress = null, FtpFormat format = FtpFormat.image)
        assert (path.length > 0);
        assert (local_file.length > 0);
        FileConduit file = null;

        // We may either create a new file...
        if (this.restart_pos == 0)
            file = new FileConduit (local_file, FileConduit.ReadWriteCreate);
        // Or open an existing file, and seek to the specified position (read: not end, necessarily.)
                file = new FileConduit (local_file, FileConduit.ReadWriteExisting);

                this.restart_pos = 0;

        scope (exit)
                delete file;

        // Now that it's open, we do what we always do.
        this.get(path, file, progress, format);

    /// Retrieve a remote file's contents into a local file.
    /// Calling this function will change the current data transfer format.
    /// Params:
    ///    path =            the path to the remote file
    ///    stream =          stream to write the data to
    ///    progress =        a delegate to call with progress information
    ///    format =          what format to read the data in
    public void get(char[] path, OutputStream stream, FtpProgress progress = null, FtpFormat format = FtpFormat.image)
        assert (path.length > 0);
        assert (stream !is null);
        // Change to the specified format.

        // Okay server, we want to get this file...
        Socket data = this.processDataCommand("RETR", path);

        // Read the stream in from the socket!
        this.readStream(data, stream, progress);


    /// Get information about a single file.
    /// Return an FtpFileInfo struct about the specified path.
    /// This may not work consistently on directories (but should.)
    /// Params:
    ///    path =            the file or directory to get information about
    /// Returns:             the file information
    public FtpFileInfo getFileInfo(char[] path)
        assert (path.length > 0);
        // Start assuming the MLST didn't work.
        bool mlst_success = false;
        FtpResponse response;

        // Check if MLST might be supported...
        if (this.isSupported("MLST"))
                this.sendCommand("MLST", path);
                response = this.readResponse();

                // If we know it was supported for sure, this is an error.
                if (this.is_supported("MLST"))
                    exception (response);
                // Otherwise, it probably means we need to try a LIST.
                    mlst_success = response.code == "250";

        // Okay, we got the MLST response... parse it.
        if (mlst_success)
                char[][] lines = Text.splitLines (response.message);

                // We need at least 3 lines - first and last and header/footer lines.
                // Note that more than 3 could be returned; e.g. multiple lines about the one file.
                if (lines.length <= 2)
                    throw new FTPException("CLIENT: Bad MLST response from server", "501");

                // Return the first line's information.
                return parseMlstLine(lines[1]);
                // Send a list command.  This may list the contents of a directory, even.
                FtpFileInfo[] temp = this.sendListCommand(path);

                // If there wasn't at least one line, the file didn't exist?
                // We should have already handled that.
                if (temp.length < 1)
                    throw new FTPException("CLIENT: Bad LIST response from server", "501");

                // If there are multiple lines, try to return the correct one.
                if (temp.length != 1)
                    foreach (FtpFileInfo info; temp)
                        if (info.type == FtpFileType.cdir)
                            return info;

                // Okay then, the first line.  Best we can do?
                return temp[0];

    /// Get a listing of a directory's contents.
    /// Don't end path in a /.  Blank means the current directory.
    /// Params:
    ///    path =            the directory to list
    /// Returns:             an array of the contents
    public FtpFileInfo[] ls(char[] path = "") // default to current dir
        assert (path.length == 0 || path[path.length - 1] != '/');
        FtpFileInfo[] dir;

        // We'll try MLSD (which is so much better) first... but it may fail.
        bool mlsd_success = false;
        Socket data = null;

        // Try it if it could/might/maybe is supported.
        if (this.isSupported("MLST"))
                mlsd_success = true;

                // Since this is a data command, processDataCommand handles
                // checking the response... just catch its Exception.
                        if (path.length > 0)
                            data = this.processDataCommand("MLSD", path);
                            data = this.processDataCommand("MLSD");
                catch (FTPException)
                    mlsd_success = false;

        // If it passed, parse away!
        if (mlsd_success)
                auto listing = new GrowBuffer;
                this.readStream(data, listing);

                // Each line is something in that directory.
                char[][] lines = Text.splitLines (cast(char[]) listing.slice());
                scope (exit)
                    delete lines;

                foreach (char[] line; lines)
                        // Parse each line exactly like MLST does.
                        FtpFileInfo info = this.parseMlstLine(line);
                        if ( > 0)
                            dir ~= info;

                return dir;
        // Fall back to LIST.
            return this.sendListCommand(path);

    /// Send a LIST command to determine a directory's content.
    /// The format of a LIST response is not guaranteed.  If available,
    /// MLSD should be used instead.
    /// Params:
    ///    path =            the file or directory to list
    /// Returns:             an array of the contents
    protected FtpFileInfo[] sendListCommand(char[] path)
        FtpFileInfo[] dir;
        Socket data = null;

        if (path.length > 0)
            data = this.processDataCommand("LIST", path);
            data = this.processDataCommand("LIST");

        // Read in the stupid non-standardized response.
        auto listing = new GrowBuffer;
        this.readStream(data, listing);

        // Split out the lines.  Most of the time, it's one-to-one.
        char[][] lines = Text.splitLines (cast(char[]) listing.slice());
        scope (exit)
            delete lines;

        foreach (char[] line; lines)
                // If there are no spaces, or if there's only one... skip the line.
                // This is probably like a "total 8" line.
                if (Text.locate(line, ' ') == Text.locatePrior(line, ' '))

                // Now parse the line, or try to.
                FtpFileInfo info = this.parseListLine(line);
                if ( > 0)
                    dir ~= info;

        return dir;

    /// Parse a LIST response line.
    /// The format here isn't even specified, so we have to try to detect
    /// commmon ones.
    /// Params:
    ///    line =            the line to parse
    /// Returns:             information about the file
    protected FtpFileInfo parseListLine(char[] line)
        FtpFileInfo info;
        size_t pos = 0;

        // Convenience function to parse a word from the line.
        char[] parse_word()
                size_t start = 0, end = 0;

                // Skip whitespace before.
                while (pos < line.length && line[pos] == ' ')

                start = pos;
                while (pos < line.length && line[pos] != ' ')
                end = pos;

                // Skip whitespace after.
                while (pos < line.length && line[pos] == ' ')

                return line[start .. end];

        // We have to sniff this... :/.
        switch (! Text.contains ("0123456789", line[0]))
                // Not a number; this is UNIX format.
            case true:
                // The line must be at least 20 characters long.
                if (line.length < 20)
                    return info;

                // The first character tells us what it is.
                if (line[0] == 'd')
                    info.type = FtpFileType.dir;
                else if (line[0] == '-')
                    info.type = FtpFileType.file;
                    info.type = FtpFileType.unknown;

                // Parse out the mode... rwxrwxrwx = 777.
                char[] unix_mode = "0000".dup;
                void read_mode(int digit)
                        for (pos = 1 + digit * 3; pos <= 3 + digit * 3; pos++)
                                if (line[pos] == 'r')
                                    unix_mode[digit + 1] |= 4;
                                else if (line[pos] == 'w')
                                    unix_mode[digit + 1] |= 2;
                                else if (line[pos] == 'x')
                                    unix_mode[digit + 1] |= 1;

                // This makes it easier, huh?

                info.facts["UNIX.mode"] = unix_mode;

                // Links, owner, group.  These are hard to translate to MLST facts.

                // Size in bytes, this one is good.
                info.size = toLong(parse_word());

                // Make sure we still have enough space.
                if (pos + 13 >= line.length)
                    return info;

                // Not parsing date for now.  It's too weird (last 12 months, etc.)
                pos += 13;

       = line[pos .. line.length];

                // A number; this is DOS format.
            case false:
                // We need some data here, to parse.
                if (line.length < 18)
                    return info;

                // The order is 1 MM, 2 DD, 3 YY, 4 HH, 5 MM, 6 P
                auto r =, `(\d\d)-(\d\d)-(\d\d)\s+(\d\d):(\d\d)(A|P)M`);
                if (r is null)
                    return info;

                if (Timestamp.dostime (r.match(0), info.modify) is 0)
                    info.modify = Time.max;

                pos = r.match(0).length;
                delete r;

                // This will either be <DIR>, or a number.
                char[] dir_or_size = parse_word();

                if (dir_or_size.length < 0)
                    return info;
                else if (dir_or_size[0] == '<')
                    info.type = FtpFileType.dir;
                    info.size = toLong(dir_or_size);

       = line[pos .. line.length];

                // Something else, not supported.
                throw new FTPException("CLIENT: Unsupported LIST format", "501");

        // Try to fix the type?
        if ( == ".")
            info.type = FtpFileType.cdir;
        else if ( == "..")
            info.type = FtpFileType.pdir;

        return info;

    /// Parse an MLST/MLSD response line.
    /// The format here is very rigid, and has facts followed by a filename.
    /// Params:
    ///    line =            the line to parse
    /// Returns:             information about the file
    protected FtpFileInfo parseMlstLine(char[] line)
        FtpFileInfo info;

        // After this loop, filename_pos will be location of space + 1.
        size_t filename_pos = 0;
        while (filename_pos < line.length && line[filename_pos++] != ' ')

        if (filename_pos == line.length)
            throw new FTPException("CLIENT: Bad syntax in MLSx response", "501"); = line[filename_pos .. line.length];

        // Everything else is frosting on top.
        if (filename_pos > 1)
                char[][] temp_facts = Text.delimit(line[0 .. filename_pos - 1], ";");

                // Go through each fact and parse them into the array.
                foreach (char[] fact; temp_facts)
                        int pos = Text.locate(fact, '=');
                        if (pos == fact.length)

                        info.facts[Ascii.toLower(fact[0 .. pos])] = fact[pos + 1 .. fact.length];

                // Do we have a type?
                if ("type" in info.facts)
                        // Some reflection might be nice here.
                        switch (Ascii.toLower(info.facts["type"]))
                            case "file":
                                info.type = FtpFileType.file;

                            case "cdir":
                                info.type = FtpFileType.cdir;

                            case "pdir":
                                info.type = FtpFileType.pdir;

                            case "dir":
                                info.type = FtpFileType.dir;

                                info.type = FtpFileType.other;

                // Size, mime, etc...
                if ("size" in info.facts)
                    info.size = toLong(info.facts["size"]);
                if ("media-type" in info.facts)
                    info.mime = info.facts["media-type"];

                // And the two dates.
                if ("modify" in info.facts)
                    info.modify = this.parseTimeval(info.facts["modify"]);
                if ("create" in info.facts)
                    info.create = this.parseTimeval(info.facts["create"]);

        return info;

    /// Parse a timeval from an FTP response.
    /// This is basically an ISO 8601 date, but even more rigid.
    /// Params:
    ///    timeval =         the YYYYMMDDHHMMSS date
    /// Returns:             a d_time representing the same date

    protected Time parseTimeval(char[] timeval)
        if (timeval.length < 14)
            throw new FTPException("CLIENT: Unable to parse timeval", "501");

        return Gregorian.generic.toTime (Integer.atoi (timeval[0..4]), 
                                                 Integer.atoi (timeval[4..6]),
                                                 Integer.atoi (timeval[6..8]),
                                                 Integer.atoi (timeval[8..10]),
                                                 Integer.atoi (timeval[10..12]),
                                                 Integer.atoi (timeval[12..14]));

    /// Get the modification time of a file.
    /// Not supported by a lot of servers.
    /// Params:
    ///    path =            the file or directory in question
    /// Returns:             a d_time representing the mtime
    public Time filemtime(char[] path)
        assert (path.length > 0);
        this.sendCommand("MDTM", path);
        auto response = this.readResponse("213");

        // The whole response should be a timeval.
        return this.parseTimeval(response.message);

    /// Create a directory.
    /// Depending on server model, a cwd with the same path may not work.
    /// Use the return value instead to escape this problem.
    /// Params:
    ///    path =            the directory to create
    /// Returns:             the path to the directory created
    public char[] mkdir(char[] path)
        assert (path.length > 0);
        this.sendCommand("MKD", path);
        auto response = this.readResponse("257");

        return this.parse257(response);

    /// Get supported features from the server.
    /// This may not be supported, in which case the list will remain empty.
    /// Otherwise, it will contain at least FEAT.
    public void getFeatures()
        auto response = this.readResponse();

        // 221 means FEAT is supported, and a list follows.  Otherwise we don't know...
        if (response.code != "211")
            delete this.supported_features;
                char[][] lines = Text.splitLines (response.message);

                // There are two more lines than features, but we also have FEAT.
                this.supported_features = new FtpFeature[lines.length - 1];
                this.supported_features[0].command = "FEAT";

                for (size_t i = 1; i < lines.length - 1; i++)
                        size_t pos = Text.locate(lines[i], ' ');

                        this.supported_features[i].command = lines[i][0 .. pos];
                        if (pos < lines[i].length - 1)
                            this.supported_features[i].params = lines[i][pos + 1 .. lines[i].length];

                delete lines;

    /// Check if a specific feature might be supported.
    /// Example:
    /// ----------
    /// if (ftp.isSupported("SIZE"))
    ///     size = ftp.size("example.txt");
    /// ----------
    /// Params:
    ///    command =         the command in question
    public bool isSupported(char[] command)
        assert (command.length > 0);
        if (this.supported_features.length == 0)
            return true;

        // Search through the list for the feature.
        foreach (FtpFeature feat; this.supported_features)
                if (Ascii.icompare(feat.command, command) == 0)
                    return true;

        return false;

    /// Check if a specific feature is known to be supported.
    /// Example:
    /// ----------
    /// if (ftp.is_supported("SIZE"))
    ///     size = ftp.size("example.txt");
    /// ----------
    /// Params:
    ///    command =         the command in question
    public bool is_supported(char[] command)
        if (this.supported_features.length == 0)
            return false;

        return this.isSupported(command);

    /// Send a site-specific command.
    /// The command might be WHO, for example, returning a list of users online.
    /// These are typically heavily server-specific.
    /// Params:
    ///    command =         the command to send (after SITE)
    ///    parameters =      any additional parameters to send
    ///                      (each will be prefixed by a space)
    public FtpResponse siteCommand(char[] command, char[][] parameters ...)
        assert (command.length > 0);
        // Because of the way sendCommand() works, we have to tweak this a bit.
        char[][] temp_params = new char[][parameters.length + 1];
        temp_params[0] = command;
        temp_params[1 .. temp_params.length][] = parameters;

        this.sendCommand("SITE", temp_params);
        auto response = this.readResponse();

        // Check to make sure it didn't fail.
        if (response.code[0] != '2')
            exception (response);

        return response;

    /// Send a NOOP, typically used to keep the connection alive.
    public void noop()

    /// Send the stream to the server.
    /// Params:
    ///    data =            the socket to write to
    ///    stream =          the stream to read from
    ///    progress =        a delegate to call with progress information

    protected void sendStream(Socket data, InputStream stream, FtpProgress progress = null)
        assert (data !is null);
        assert (stream !is null);
        // Set up a SocketSet so we can use select() - it's pretty efficient.
        SocketSet set = new SocketSet();
        scope (exit)
            delete set;

        // At end_time, we bail.
        Time end_time = + this.timeout;

        // This is the buffer the stream data is stored in.
        ubyte[8 * 1024] buf;
        size_t buf_size = 0, buf_pos = 0;
        int delta = 0;

        size_t pos = 0;
        bool completed = false;
        while (!completed && < end_time)

                // Can we write yet, can we write yet?
                int code =, set, null, this.timeout);
                if (code == -1 || code == 0)

                if (buf_size - buf_pos <= 0)
                        if ((buf_size = is stream.Eof)
                            buf_size = 0, completed = true;
                        buf_pos = 0;

                // Send the chunk (or as much of it as possible!)
                delta = data.send(buf[buf_pos .. buf_size]);
                if (delta == data.ERROR)

                buf_pos += delta;

                pos += delta;
                if (progress !is null)

                // Give it more time as long as data is going through.
                if (delta != 0)
                    end_time = + this.timeout;

        // Did all the data get sent?
        if (!completed)
            throw new FTPException("CLIENT: Timeout when sending data", "420");

    /// Reads from the server to a stream until EOF.
    /// Params:
    ///    data =            the socket to read from
    ///    stream =          the stream to write to
    ///    progress =        a delegate to call with progress information
    protected void readStream(Socket data, OutputStream stream, FtpProgress progress = null)
        assert (data !is null);
        assert (stream !is null);
        // Set up a SocketSet so we can use select() - it's pretty efficient.
        SocketSet set = new SocketSet();
        scope (exit)
            delete set;

        // At end_time, we bail.
        Time end_time = + this.timeout;

        // This is the buffer the stream data is stored in.
        ubyte[8 * 1024] buf;
        int buf_size = 0;

        bool completed = false;
        size_t pos;
        while ( < end_time)

                // Can we read yet, can we read yet?
                int code =, null, null, this.timeout);
                if (code == -1 || code == 0)

                buf_size = data.receive(buf);
                if (buf_size == data.ERROR)

                if (buf_size == 0)
                        completed = true;

                stream.write(buf[0 .. buf_size]);

                pos += buf_size;
                if (progress !is null)

                // Give it more time as long as data is going through.
                end_time = + this.timeout;

        // Did all the data get received?
        if (!completed)
            throw new FTPException("CLIENT: Timeout when reading data", "420");

    /// Parse a 257 response (which begins with a quoted path.)
    /// Params:
    ///    response =        the response to parse
    /// Returns:             the path in the response

    protected char[] parse257(FtpResponse response)
        char[] path = new char[response.message.length];
        size_t pos = 1, len = 0;

        // Since it should be quoted, it has to be at least 3 characters in length.
        if (response.message.length <= 2)
            exception (response);

        assert (response.message[0] == '"');

        // Trapse through the response...
        while (pos < response.message.length)
                if (response.message[pos] == '"')
                        // An escaped quote, keep going.  False alarm.
                        if (response.message[++pos] == '"')
                            path[len++] = response.message[pos];
                    path[len++] = response.message[pos];


        // Okay, done!  That wasn't too hard.
        path.length = len;
        return path;

    /// Send a command to the FTP server.
    /// Does not get/wait for the response.
    /// Params:
    ///    command =         the command to send
    ///    ... =             additional parameters to send (a space will be prepended to each)
    public void sendCommand(char[] command, char[][] parameters ...)
        assert (this.socket !is null);

        char [] socketCommand = command ;

        // Send the command, parameters, and then a CRLF.

        foreach (char[] param; parameters)
                socketCommand ~= " " ~ param;


        socketCommand ~= "\r\n";

                Stdout.formatln("[sendCommand] Sending command '{0}'",socketCommand );

    /// Read in response lines from the server, expecting a certain code.
    /// Params:
    ///    expected_code =   the code expected from the server
    /// Returns:             the response from the server
    /// Throws:              FTPException if code does not match
    public FtpResponse readResponse(char[] expected_code)
        debug (FtpDebug ) { Stdout.formatln("[readResponse] Expected Response {0}",expected_code )(); }
        auto response = this.readResponse();
        debug (FtpDebug ) { Stdout.formatln("[readResponse] Actual Response {0}",response.code)(); }

        if (response.code != expected_code)
            exception (response);

        return response;

    /// Read in the response line(s) from the server.
    /// Returns:             the response from the server
    public FtpResponse readResponse()
        assert (this.socket !is null);

        // Pick a time at which we stop reading.  It can't take too long, but it could take a bit for the whole response.
        Time end_time = + this.timeout * 10;

        FtpResponse response;
        char[] single_line = null;

        // Danger, Will Robinson, don't fall into an endless loop from a malicious server.
        while ( < end_time)
                single_line = this.readLine();

                // This is the first line.
                if (response.message.length == 0)
                        // The first line must have a code and then a space or hyphen.
                        if (single_line.length <= 4)
                                response.code[] = "500";

                        // The code is the first three characters.
                        response.code[] = single_line[0 .. 3];
                        response.message = single_line[4 .. single_line.length];
                // This is either an extra line, or the last line.
                        response.message ~= "\n";

                        // If the line starts like "123-", that is not part of the response message.
                        if (single_line.length > 4 && single_line[0 .. 3] == response.code)
                            response.message ~= single_line[4 .. single_line.length];
                        // If it starts with a space, that isn't either.
                        else if (single_line.length > 2 && single_line[0] == ' ')
                            response.message ~= single_line[1 .. single_line.length];
                            response.message ~= single_line;

                // We're done if the line starts like "123 ".  Otherwise we're not.
                if (single_line.length > 4 && single_line[0 .. 3] == response.code && single_line[3] == ' ')

        return response;

    /// convert text to integer
    private int toInt (char[] s)
        return cast(int) toLong (s);

    /// convert text to integer
    private long toLong (char[] s)
        return Integer.parse (s);

/// An exception caused by an unexpected FTP response.
/// Even after such an exception, the connection may be in a usable state.
/// Use the response code to determine more information about the error.
/// Standards:               RFC 959, RFC 2228, RFC 2389, RFC 2428
class FTPException: Exception
    /// The three byte response code.
    char[3] response_code = "000";

    /// Construct an FTPException based on a message and code.
    /// Params:
    ///    message =         the exception message
    ///    code =            the code (5xx for fatal errors)
    this (char[] message, char[3] code = "420")
        this.response_code[] = code;

    /// Construct an FTPException based on a response.
    /// Params:
    ///    r =               the server response
    this (FtpResponse r)
        this.response_code[] = r.code;

    /// A string representation of the error.
    char[] toString()
        char[] buffer = new char[this.msg.length + 4];

        buffer[0 .. 3] = this.response_code;
        buffer[3] = ' ';
        buffer[4 .. buffer.length] = this.msg;

        return buffer;

debug (UnitTest )


                     + TODO: Fix this
                    auto ftp = new FTPConnection("","anonymous","anonymous");
                    auto dirList =; // get list for current dir

                    foreach ( entry;dirList )

                            Stdout("File :")("\tSize :")(entry.size).newline;



                    dirList =;

                    foreach ( entry;dirList )

                            Stdout("File :")("\tSize :")(entry.size).newline;


                    size_t size = ftp.size("emacs-21.3-barebin-i386.tar.gz");

                    void progress( size_t pos )

                            Stdout.formatln("Byte {0} of {1}",pos,size);


                    ftp.get("emacs-21.3-barebin-i386.tar.gz","emacs.tgz", &progress);
            catch( Object o )
                    assert( false );