view tango/tango/net/cluster/NetworkCall.d @ 132:1700239cab2e trunk

[svn r136] MAJOR UNSTABLE UPDATE!!! Initial commit after moving to Tango instead of Phobos. Lots of bugfixes... This build is not suitable for most things.
author lindquist
date Fri, 11 Jan 2008 17:57:40 +0100
line wrap: on
line source


        copyright:      Copyright (c) 2007 Tango. All rights reserved

        license:        BSD style: $(LICENSE)
        version:        April 2007: Initial release      
        author:         h3r3tic, Kris



private import tango.core.Traits;
private import tango.core.Thread;

private import;

protected import,

protected import;


        task harness, for initiating the send


class NetworkCall : NetworkMessage


        void send (IChannel channel = null)
                if (channel)
                    channel.execute (this);
                   auto x = cast(IChannel) Thread.getLocal(0);
                   if (x)
                       x.execute (this);

        Template for RPC glue


class NetCall(alias realFunc) : NetworkCall 
        alias ParameterTupleOf!(realFunc) Params;
        alias ReturnTypeOf!(realFunc)     RetType;

        static if (!is(RetType == void)) {
                RetType result;
        Params  params;

        override char[] toString() {
                return signatureOfFunc!(realFunc);

        RetType opCall(Params params, IChannel channel = null) {
                foreach (i, _dummy; this.params) {
                        this.params[i] = params[i];
                send (channel);
                static if (!is(RetType == void)) {
                        return result;

        override void execute() {
                static if (!is(RetType == void)) {
                        result = realFunc(params);
                } else {

        override void read(IReader input) {
                static if (!is(RetType == void)) {
                foreach (i, _dummy; params) input(params[i]);

        override void write(IWriter output) {
                static if (!is(RetType == void)) {
                foreach (i, _dummy; params) output(params[i]);

        Magic to get a clean function signature


private {
        struct Wrapper(alias fn) {}
        const char[] WrapperPrefix = `__T7Wrapper`;

        uint parseUint(char[] str) {
                int res = 0;
                foreach (c; str) {
                        res *= 10;
                        res += c - '0';
                return res;

        char[] sliceOffSegment(inout char[] str) {
                assert (str.length > 0 && str[0] >= '0' && str[0] <= '9');

                int lenEnd = 0;
                for (; str[lenEnd] >= '0' && str[lenEnd] <= '9'; ++lenEnd) {}

                char[] lenStr = str[0..lenEnd];
                uint segLen = parseUint(lenStr);
                str = str[lenEnd .. $];

                char[] res = str[0..segLen];
                str = str[segLen .. $];
                return res;

        char[] digOutWrapper(char[] wrapped) {
                wrapped = wrapped[1..$];        // skip the 'S'
                char[] seg;

                do {
                        seg = sliceOffSegment(wrapped);
                } while (seg.length < WrapperPrefix.length || seg[0..WrapperPrefix.length] != WrapperPrefix);

                return seg[WrapperPrefix.length .. $];

        char[] demangleDFunc(char[] mangled) {
                char[] res = sliceOffSegment(mangled);

                while (mangled.length > 0 && mangled[0] >= '0' && mangled[0] <= '9') {
                        res ~= '.' ~ sliceOffSegment(mangled);
                return res;

        char[] nameOf_impl(char[] wrapped) {
                char[] wrapper = digOutWrapper(wrapped)[1..$];  // skip the 'S'
                char[] mangled = sliceOffSegment(wrapper);

                if (mangled.length > 2 && mangled[0..2] == `_D`) {
                        // D func
                        return demangleDFunc(mangled[2..$]);
                } else {
                        return mangled;         // C func
        int match_param_(char[] str) {
                if (str.length < `_param_0`.length) return 0;
                int numDigits = 0;
                while (str[$-1-numDigits] >= '0' && str[$-1-numDigits] <= '9') {
                if (0 == numDigits) return 0;
                if (str.length >= `_param_`.length + numDigits && str[$-`_param_`.length-numDigits .. $-numDigits] == `_param_`) {
                        return `_param_`.length + numDigits;
                } else {
                        return 0;

        // sometimes the param lists have ugly _param_[0-9]+ names in them...
        char[] tidyTupleStringof(char[] str) {
                char[] res;
                for (int i = 0; i < str.length; ++i) {
                        char c = str[i];
                        if (c == ')' || c == ',') {
                                if (auto len = match_param_(str[0..i])) {
                                        // len is the length of the _param_[0-9]+ thing
                                        int start = i-1-len;
                                        str = str[0..start] ~ str[i..$];
                                        i -= len;
                return str;

        template nameOfFunc(alias fn) {
                static assert (is(typeof(fn) == function));
                const char[] nameOfFunc = nameOf_impl((Wrapper!(fn)).mangleof);

        template signatureOfFunc(alias fn) {
                static assert (is(typeof(fn) == function));
                const char[] signatureOfFunc = ReturnTypeOf!(fn).stringof ~ ' ' ~ nameOfFunc!(fn) ~ tidyTupleStringof(ParameterTupleOf!(fn).stringof);