view tango/tango/math/Random.d @ 132:1700239cab2e trunk

[svn r136] MAJOR UNSTABLE UPDATE!!! Initial commit after moving to Tango instead of Phobos. Lots of bugfixes... This build is not suitable for most things.
author lindquist
date Fri, 11 Jan 2008 17:57:40 +0100
line wrap: on
line source


        copyright:      Copyright (c) 2004. All rights reserved

        license:        BSD style: $(LICENSE)

        version:        Initial release: April 2004

        author:         Various


module tango.math.Random;

version (Win32)
         private extern(Windows) int QueryPerformanceCounter (ulong *);

version (Posix)
        private import tango.stdc.posix.sys.time;


        KISS (via George Marsaglia & Paul Hsieh)

        the idea is to use simple, fast, individually promising
        generators to get a composite that will be fast, easy to code
        have a very long period and pass all the tests put to it.
        The three components of KISS are

                x(n)=a*x(n-1)+1 mod 2^32
                z(n)=2*z(n-1)+z(n-2) +carry mod 2^32

        The y's are a shift register sequence on 32bit binary vectors
        period 2^32-1; The z's are a simple multiply-with-carry sequence
        with period 2^63+2^32-1.

        The period of KISS is thus 2^32*(2^32-1)*(2^63+2^32-1) > 2^127


class Random

                Shared instance:
                auto random =;

        public static Random shared;

        private uint kiss_k;
        private uint kiss_m;
        private uint kiss_x = 1;
        private uint kiss_y = 2;
        private uint kiss_z = 4;
        private uint kiss_w = 8;
        private uint kiss_carry = 0;

                Create a static and shared instance:
                auto random =;


        static this ()
                shared = new Random;


                Creates and seeds a new generator with the current time


        this ()


                Seed the generator with current time


        final Random seed ()
                ulong s;

                version (Posix)
                        timeval tv;

                        gettimeofday (&tv, null);
                        s = tv.tv_usec;
                version (Win32)
                         QueryPerformanceCounter (&s);

                return seed (cast(uint) s);


                Seed the generator with a provided value


        final Random seed (uint seed)
                kiss_x = seed | 1;
                kiss_y = seed | 2;
                kiss_z = seed | 4;
                kiss_w = seed | 8;
                kiss_carry = 0;
                return this;


                Returns X such that 0 <= X <= uint.max


        final uint next ()
                kiss_x = kiss_x * 69069 + 1;
                kiss_y ^= kiss_y << 13;
                kiss_y ^= kiss_y >> 17;
                kiss_y ^= kiss_y << 5;
                kiss_k = (kiss_z >> 2) + (kiss_w >> 3) + (kiss_carry >> 2);
                kiss_m = kiss_w + kiss_w + kiss_z + kiss_carry;
                kiss_z = kiss_w;
                kiss_w = kiss_m;
                kiss_carry = kiss_k >> 30;
                return kiss_x + kiss_y + kiss_w;


                Returns X such that 0 <= X < max

                Note that max is exclusive, making it compatible with
                array indexing


        final uint next (uint max)
                return next() % max;


                Returns X such that min <= X < max

                Note that max is exclusive, making it compatible with
                array indexing


        final uint next (uint min, uint max)
                return next(max-min) + min;