view tango/tango/io/compress/c/bzlib.d @ 132:1700239cab2e trunk

[svn r136] MAJOR UNSTABLE UPDATE!!! Initial commit after moving to Tango instead of Phobos. Lots of bugfixes... This build is not suitable for most things.
author lindquist
date Fri, 11 Jan 2008 17:57:40 +0100
line wrap: on
line source

/* Converted to D from bzlib.h by htod */


/*--- Public header file for the library.                   ---*/
/*---                                               bzlib.h ---*/

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------
   This file is part of bzip2/libbzip2, a program and library for
   lossless, block-sorting data compression.

   bzip2/libbzip2 version 1.0.4 of 20 December 2006
   Copyright (C) 1996-2006 Julian Seward <>

   Please read the WARNING, DISCLAIMER and PATENTS sections in the 
   README file.

   This program is released under the terms of the license contained
   in the file LICENSE.
   ------------------------------------------------------------------ */


const BZ_RUN = 0;
const BZ_FLUSH = 1;
const BZ_FINISH = 2;

const BZ_OK = 0;
const BZ_RUN_OK = 1;
const BZ_FLUSH_OK = 2;
const BZ_FINISH_OK = 3;
const BZ_STREAM_END = 4;
const BZ_PARAM_ERROR = -2;
const BZ_MEM_ERROR = -3;
const BZ_DATA_ERROR = -4;
const BZ_IO_ERROR = -6;
const BZ_OUTBUFF_FULL = -8;
const BZ_CONFIG_ERROR = -9;

struct bz_stream
    ubyte *next_in;
    uint avail_in;
    uint total_in_lo32;
    uint total_in_hi32;
    ubyte *next_out;
    uint avail_out;
    uint total_out_lo32;
    uint total_out_hi32;
    void *state;
    void * function(void *, int , int )bzalloc;
    void  function(void *, void *)bzfree;
    void *opaque;

import tango.stdc.stdio : FILE;

/*-- Core (low-level) library functions --*/

//C     BZ_EXTERN int BZ_API(BZ2_bzCompressInit) ( 
//C           bz_stream* strm, 
//C           int        blockSize100k, 
//C           int        verbosity, 
//C           int        workFactor 
//C        );
extern (Windows):
int  BZ2_bzCompressInit(bz_stream *strm, int blockSize100k, int verbosity, int workFactor);

//C     BZ_EXTERN int BZ_API(BZ2_bzCompress) ( 
//C           bz_stream* strm, 
//C           int action 
//C        );
int  BZ2_bzCompress(bz_stream *strm, int action);

//C     BZ_EXTERN int BZ_API(BZ2_bzCompressEnd) ( 
//C           bz_stream* strm 
//C        );
int  BZ2_bzCompressEnd(bz_stream *strm);

//C     BZ_EXTERN int BZ_API(BZ2_bzDecompressInit) ( 
//C           bz_stream *strm, 
//C           int       verbosity, 
//C           int       small
//C        );
int  BZ2_bzDecompressInit(bz_stream *strm, int verbosity, int small);

//C     BZ_EXTERN int BZ_API(BZ2_bzDecompress) ( 
//C           bz_stream* strm 
//C        );
int  BZ2_bzDecompress(bz_stream *strm);

//C     BZ_EXTERN int BZ_API(BZ2_bzDecompressEnd) ( 
//C           bz_stream *strm 
//C        );
int  BZ2_bzDecompressEnd(bz_stream *strm);

/*-- High(er) level library functions --*/


const BZ_MAX_UNUSED = 5000;
alias void BZFILE;

//C     BZ_EXTERN BZFILE* BZ_API(BZ2_bzReadOpen) ( 
//C           int*  bzerror,   
//C           FILE* f, 
//C           int   verbosity, 
//C           int   small,
//C           void* unused,    
//C           int   nUnused 
//C        );
extern (Windows):
BZFILE * BZ2_bzReadOpen(int *bzerror, FILE *f, int verbosity, int small, void *unused, int nUnused);

//C     BZ_EXTERN void BZ_API(BZ2_bzReadClose) ( 
//C           int*    bzerror, 
//C           BZFILE* b 
//C        );
void  BZ2_bzReadClose(int *bzerror, BZFILE *b);

//C     BZ_EXTERN void BZ_API(BZ2_bzReadGetUnused) ( 
//C           int*    bzerror, 
//C           BZFILE* b, 
//C           void**  unused,  
//C           int*    nUnused 
//C        );
void  BZ2_bzReadGetUnused(int *bzerror, BZFILE *b, void **unused, int *nUnused);

//C     BZ_EXTERN int BZ_API(BZ2_bzRead) ( 
//C           int*    bzerror, 
//C           BZFILE* b, 
//C           void*   buf, 
//C           int     len 
//C        );
int  BZ2_bzRead(int *bzerror, BZFILE *b, void *buf, int len);

//C     BZ_EXTERN BZFILE* BZ_API(BZ2_bzWriteOpen) ( 
//C           int*  bzerror,      
//C           FILE* f, 
//C           int   blockSize100k, 
//C           int   verbosity, 
//C           int   workFactor 
//C        );
BZFILE * BZ2_bzWriteOpen(int *bzerror, FILE *f, int blockSize100k, int verbosity, int workFactor);

//C     BZ_EXTERN void BZ_API(BZ2_bzWrite) ( 
//C           int*    bzerror, 
//C           BZFILE* b, 
//C           void*   buf, 
//C           int     len 
//C        );
void  BZ2_bzWrite(int *bzerror, BZFILE *b, void *buf, int len);

//C     BZ_EXTERN void BZ_API(BZ2_bzWriteClose) ( 
//C           int*          bzerror, 
//C           BZFILE*       b, 
//C           int           abandon, 
//C           unsigned int* nbytes_in, 
//C           unsigned int* nbytes_out 
//C        );
void  BZ2_bzWriteClose(int *bzerror, BZFILE *b, int abandon, uint *nbytes_in, uint *nbytes_out);

//C     BZ_EXTERN void BZ_API(BZ2_bzWriteClose64) ( 
//C           int*          bzerror, 
//C           BZFILE*       b, 
//C           int           abandon, 
//C           unsigned int* nbytes_in_lo32, 
//C           unsigned int* nbytes_in_hi32, 
//C           unsigned int* nbytes_out_lo32, 
//C           unsigned int* nbytes_out_hi32
//C        );
void  BZ2_bzWriteClose64(int *bzerror, BZFILE *b, int abandon, uint *nbytes_in_lo32, uint *nbytes_in_hi32, uint *nbytes_out_lo32, uint *nbytes_out_hi32);


/*-- Utility functions --*/

//C     BZ_EXTERN int BZ_API(BZ2_bzBuffToBuffCompress) ( 
//C           char*         dest, 
//C           unsigned int* destLen,
//C           char*         source, 
//C           unsigned int  sourceLen,
//C           int           blockSize100k, 
//C           int           verbosity, 
//C           int           workFactor 
//C        );
int  BZ2_bzBuffToBuffCompress(char *dest, uint *destLen, char *source, uint sourceLen, int blockSize100k, int verbosity, int workFactor);

//C     BZ_EXTERN int BZ_API(BZ2_bzBuffToBuffDecompress) ( 
//C           char*         dest, 
//C           unsigned int* destLen,
//C           char*         source, 
//C           unsigned int  sourceLen,
//C           int           small, 
//C           int           verbosity 
//C        );
int  BZ2_bzBuffToBuffDecompress(char *dest, uint *destLen, char *source, uint sourceLen, int small, int verbosity);

   Code contributed by Yoshioka Tsuneo (
   to support better zlib compatibility.
   This code is not _officially_ part of libbzip2 (yet);
   I haven't tested it, documented it, or considered the
   threading-safeness of it.
   If this code breaks, please contact both Yoshioka and me.

//C     BZ_EXTERN const char * BZ_API(BZ2_bzlibVersion) (
//C           void
//C        );
char * BZ2_bzlibVersion();


//C     BZ_EXTERN BZFILE * BZ_API(BZ2_bzopen) (
//C           const char *path,
//C           const char *mode
//C        );
BZFILE * BZ2_bzopen(char *path, char *mode);

//C     BZ_EXTERN BZFILE * BZ_API(BZ2_bzdopen) (
//C           int        fd,
//C           const char *mode
//C        );
BZFILE * BZ2_bzdopen(int fd, char *mode);
//C     BZ_EXTERN int BZ_API(BZ2_bzread) (
//C           BZFILE* b, 
//C           void* buf, 
//C           int len 
//C        );
int  BZ2_bzread(BZFILE *b, void *buf, int len);

//C     BZ_EXTERN int BZ_API(BZ2_bzwrite) (
//C           BZFILE* b, 
//C           void*   buf, 
//C           int     len 
//C        );
int  BZ2_bzwrite(BZFILE *b, void *buf, int len);

//C     BZ_EXTERN int BZ_API(BZ2_bzflush) (
//C           BZFILE* b
//C        );
int  BZ2_bzflush(BZFILE *b);

//C     BZ_EXTERN void BZ_API(BZ2_bzclose) (
//C           BZFILE* b
//C        );
void  BZ2_bzclose(BZFILE *b);

//C     BZ_EXTERN const char * BZ_API(BZ2_bzerror) (
//C           BZFILE *b, 
//C           int    *errnum
//C        );
char * BZ2_bzerror(BZFILE *b, int *errnum);


/*--- end                                           bzlib.h ---*/