view tango/tango/io/FileScan.d @ 132:1700239cab2e trunk

[svn r136] MAJOR UNSTABLE UPDATE!!! Initial commit after moving to Tango instead of Phobos. Lots of bugfixes... This build is not suitable for most things.
author lindquist
date Fri, 11 Jan 2008 17:57:40 +0100
line wrap: on
line source


        copyright:      Copyright (c) 2004 Kris Bell. All rights reserved

        license:        BSD style: $(LICENSE)

        version:        Jun 2004: Initial release
        version:        Dec 2006: Pacific release

        author:         Kris



public  import;

private import tango.core.Exception;


        Recursively scan files and directories, adding filtered files to
        an output structure as we go. This can be used to produce a list
        of subdirectories and the files contained therein. The following
        example lists all files with suffix ".d" located via the current
        directory, along with the folders containing them:
        auto scan = new FileScan;

        scan (".", ".d");

        Stdout.formatln ("{} Folders", scan.folders.length);
        foreach (folder; scan.folders)
                 Stdout.formatln ("{}", folder);

        Stdout.formatln ("\n{} Files", scan.files.length);
        foreach (file; scan.files)
                 Stdout.formatln ("{}", file);

        This is unlikely the most efficient method to scan a vast number of
        files, but operates in a convenient manner

class FileScan
        alias sweep     opCall;

        FilePath[]      fileSet;
        char[][]        errorSet;
        FilePath[]      folderSet;

            Alias for Filter delegate. Accepts a FilePath & a bool as 
            arguments and returns a bool.

            The FilePath argument represents a file found by the scan, 
            and the bool whether the FilePath represents a folder.

            The filter should return true, if matched by the filter. Note
            that returning false where the path is a folder will result 
            in all files contained being ignored. To always recurse folders, 
            do something like this:
            return (isDir || match (;


        alias FilePath.Filter Filter;


                Return all the errors found in the last scan


        public char[][] errors ()
                return errorSet;


                Return all the files found in the last scan


        public FilePath[] files ()
                return fileSet;

                Return all directories found in the last scan


        public FilePath[] folders ()
                return folderSet;


                Sweep a set of files and directories from the given parent
                path, with no filtering applied
        FileScan sweep (char[] path, bool recurse=true)
                return sweep (path, cast(Filter) null, recurse);


                Sweep a set of files and directories from the given parent
                path, where the files are filtered by the given suffix
        FileScan sweep (char[] path, char[] match, bool recurse=true)
                return sweep (path, (FilePath fp, bool isDir)
                             {return isDir || fp.suffix == match;}, recurse);


                Sweep a set of files and directories from the given parent
                path, where the files are filtered by the provided delegate

        FileScan sweep (char[] path, Filter filter, bool recurse=true)
                errorSet = null, fileSet = folderSet = null;
                return scan (new FilePath(path), filter, recurse);


                Internal routine to locate files and sub-directories. We
                skip entries with names composed only of '.' characters. 


        private FileScan scan (FilePath folder, Filter filter, bool recurse) 
                try {
                    auto paths = folder.toList (filter);
                    auto count = fileSet.length;
                    foreach (path; paths)
                             if (! path.isFolder)
                                   fileSet ~= path;
                                if (recurse)
                                    scan (path, filter, recurse);
                    // add packages only if there's something in them
                    if (fileSet.length > count)
                        folderSet ~= folder;

                    } catch (IOException e)
                             errorSet ~= e.toString;
                return this;



debug (FileScan)

        void main()
                auto scan = new FileScan;

                scan (".");

                Stdout.formatln ("{} Folders", scan.folders.length);
                foreach (folder; scan.folders)
                         Stdout (folder).newline;

                Stdout.formatln ("\n{} Files", scan.files.length);
                foreach (file; scan.files)
                         Stdout (file).newline;

                Stdout.formatln ("\n{} Errors", scan.errors.length);
                foreach (error; scan.errors)
                         Stdout (error).newline;