view tango/tango/core/sync/Barrier.d @ 132:1700239cab2e trunk

[svn r136] MAJOR UNSTABLE UPDATE!!! Initial commit after moving to Tango instead of Phobos. Lots of bugfixes... This build is not suitable for most things.
author lindquist
date Fri, 11 Jan 2008 17:57:40 +0100
line wrap: on
line source

 * The barrier module provides a primitive for synchronizing the progress of
 * a group of threads.
 * Copyright: Copyright (C) 2005-2006 Sean Kelly.  All rights reserved.
 * License:   BSD style: $(LICENSE)
 * Authors:   Sean Kelly
module tango.core.sync.Barrier;

public import tango.core.Exception : SyncException;
private import tango.core.sync.Condition;
private import tango.core.sync.Mutex;

version( Win32 )
    private import tango.sys.win32.UserGdi;
else version( Posix )
    private import tango.stdc.errno;
    private import tango.stdc.posix.pthread;

// Barrier
// void wait();

 * This class represents a barrier across which threads may only travel in
 * groups of a specific size.
class Barrier
    // Initialization

     * Initializes a barrier object which releases threads in groups of limit
     * in size.
     * Params:
     *  limit = The number of waiting threads to release in unison.
     * Throws:
     *  SyncException on error.
    this( uint limit )
        assert( limit > 0 );
        m_lock  = new Mutex;
        m_cond  = new Condition( m_lock );
        m_group = 0;
        m_limit = limit;
        m_count = limit;

    // General Actions

     * Wait for the pre-determined number of threads and then proceed.
     * Throws:
     *  SyncException on error.
    void wait()
        synchronized( m_lock )
            uint group = m_group;

            if( --m_count == 0 )
                m_count = m_limit;
            while( group == m_group )

    Mutex       m_lock;
    Condition   m_cond;
    uint        m_group;
    uint        m_limit;
    uint        m_count;

// Unit Tests

debug( UnitTest )
    private import tango.core.Thread;

        int  numThreads = 10;
        auto barrier    = new Barrier( numThreads );
        auto synInfo    = new Object;
        int  numReady   = 0;
        int  numPassed  = 0;

        void threadFn()
            synchronized( synInfo )
            synchronized( synInfo )

        auto group = new ThreadGroup;

        for( int i = 0; i < numThreads; ++i )
            group.create( &threadFn );
        assert( numReady == numThreads && numPassed == numThreads );