view tango/tango/core/Traits.d @ 132:1700239cab2e trunk

[svn r136] MAJOR UNSTABLE UPDATE!!! Initial commit after moving to Tango instead of Phobos. Lots of bugfixes... This build is not suitable for most things.
author lindquist
date Fri, 11 Jan 2008 17:57:40 +0100
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line source

 * The traits module defines tools useful for obtaining detailed type
 * information at compile-time.
 * Copyright: Copyright (C) 2005-2006 Sean Kelly.  All rights reserved.
 * License:   BSD style: $(LICENSE)
 * Authors:   Sean Kelly
module tango.core.Traits;

template isCharType( T )
    const bool isCharType = is( T == char )  ||
                            is( T == wchar ) ||
                            is( T == dchar );

template isSignedIntegerType( T )
    const bool isSignedIntegerType = is( T == byte )  ||
                                     is( T == short ) ||
                                     is( T == int )   ||
                                     is( T == long )/+||
                                     is( T == cent  )+/;

template isUnsignedIntegerType( T )
    const bool isUnsignedIntegerType = is( T == ubyte )  ||
                                       is( T == ushort ) ||
                                       is( T == uint )   ||
                                       is( T == ulong )/+||
                                       is( T == ucent  )+/;

template isIntegerType( T )
    const bool isIntegerType = isSignedIntegerType!(T) ||

template isRealType( T )
    const bool isRealType = is( T == float )  ||
                            is( T == double ) ||
                            is( T == real );

template isComplexType( T )
    const bool isComplexType = is( T == cfloat )  ||
                               is( T == cdouble ) ||
                               is( T == creal );

template isImaginaryType( T )
    const bool isImaginaryType = is( T == ifloat )  ||
                                 is( T == idouble ) ||
                                 is( T == ireal );

template isFloatingPointType( T )
    const bool isFloatingPointType = isRealType!(T)    ||
                                     isComplexType!(T) ||

template isPointerType( T )
    const bool isPointerType = is( typeof(*T) );

template isReferenceType( T )

    const bool isReferenceType = isPointerType!(T)  ||
                               is( T == class )     ||
                               is( T == interface ) ||
                               is( T == delegate );

template isDynamicArrayType( T )
    const bool isDynamicArrayType = is( typeof(T.init[0])[] == T );

template isStaticArrayType( T )
    const bool isStaticArrayType = is( typeof(T.init)[(T).sizeof / typeof(T.init).sizeof] == T );

private template isAssocArrayType( T )
    const bool isAssocArrayType = is( typeof(T.init.values[0])[typeof(T.init.keys[0])] == T );

template isCallableType( T )
    const bool isCallableType = is( T == function )             ||
                                is( typeof(*T) == function )    ||
                                is( T == delegate )             ||
                                is( typeof(T.opCall) == function );

template ReturnTypeOf( Fn )
    static if( is( Fn Ret == return ) )
        alias Ret ReturnTypeOf;
        static assert( false, "Argument has no return type." );

template ReturnTypeOf( alias fn )
    alias ReturnTypeOf!(typeof(fn)) ReturnTypeOf;

template ParameterTupleOf( Fn )
    static if( is( Fn Params == function ) )
        alias Params ParameterTupleOf;
    else static if( is( Fn Params == delegate ) )
        alias ParameterTupleOf!(Params) ParameterTupleOf;
    else static if( is( Fn Params == Params* ) )
        alias ParameterTupleOf!(Params) ParameterTupleOf;
        static assert( false, "Argument has no parameters." );

template ParameterTupleOf( alias fn )
    alias ParameterTupleOf!(typeof(fn)) ParameterTupleOf;

template BaseTypeTupleOf( T )
    static if( is( T Base == super ) )
        alias Base BaseTypeTupleOf;
        static assert( false, "Argument is not a class or interface." );