view tango/tango/core/Signal.d @ 132:1700239cab2e trunk

[svn r136] MAJOR UNSTABLE UPDATE!!! Initial commit after moving to Tango instead of Phobos. Lots of bugfixes... This build is not suitable for most things.
author lindquist
date Fri, 11 Jan 2008 17:57:40 +0100
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line source

 * The signal module provides a basic implementation of the listener pattern
 * using the "Signals and Slots" model from Qt.
 * Copyright: Copyright (C) 2005-2006 Sean Kelly.  All rights reserved.
 * License:   BSD style: $(LICENSE)
 * Authors:   Sean Kelly
module tango.core.Signal;

private import tango.core.Array;

 * A signal is an event which contains a collection of listeners (called
 * slots).  When a signal is called, that call will be propagated to each
 * attached slot in a synchronous manner.  It is legal for a slot to call a
 * signal's attach and detach methods when it is signaled.  When this occurs,
 * attach events will be queued and processed after the signal has propagated
 * to all slots, but detach events are processed immediately.  This ensures
 * that it is safe for slots to be deleted at any time, even within a slot
 * routine.
 * Example:
 * -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * class Button
 * {
 *     Signal!(Button) press;
 * }
 * void wasPressed( Button b )
 * {
 *     printf( "Button was pressed.\n" );
 * }
 * Button b = new Button;
 * &wasPressed );
 * b );
 * -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Please note that this implementation does not use weak pointers to store
 * references to slots.  This design was chosen because weak pointers are
 * inherently unsafe when combined with non-deterministic destruction, with
 * many of the same limitations as destructors in the same situation.  It is
 * still possible to obtain weak-pointer behavior, but this must be done
 * through a proxy object instead.
struct Signal( Args... )
    alias void delegate(Args) SlotDg; ///
    alias void function(Args) SlotFn; ///

    alias opCall call; /// Alias to simplify chained calling.

     * The signal procedure.  When called, each of the attached slots will be
     * called synchronously.
     * args = The signal arguments.
    void opCall( Args args )
            m_blk = true;

            for( size_t i = 0; i < m_dgs.length; ++i )
                if( m_dgs[i] !is null )
                    m_dgs[i]( args );
            m_dgs.length = m_dgs.remove( cast(SlotDg) null );

            for( size_t i = 0; i < m_fns.length; ++i )
                if( m_fns[i] !is null )
                    m_fns[i]( args );
            m_fns.length = m_fns.remove( cast(SlotFn) null );

            m_blk = false;


     * Attaches a delegate to this signal.  A delegate may be either attached
     * or detached, so successive calls to attach for the same delegate will
     * have no effect.
     * dg = The delegate to attach.
    void attach( SlotDg dg )
            if( m_blk )
                m_add ~= Add( dg );
                auto pos = m_dgs.find( dg );
                if( pos == m_dgs.length )
                    m_dgs ~= dg;

     * Attaches a function to this signal.  A function may be either attached
     * or detached, so successive calls to attach for the same function will
     * have no effect.
     * fn = The function to attach.
    void attach( SlotFn fn )
            if( m_blk )
                m_add ~= Add( fn );
                auto pos = m_fns.find( fn );
                if( pos == m_fns.length )
                    m_fns ~= fn;

     * Detaches a delegate from this signal.
     * dg = The delegate to detach.
    void detach( SlotDg dg )
            auto pos = m_dgs.find( dg );
            if( pos < m_dgs.length )
                m_dgs[pos] = null;

     * Detaches a function from this signal.
     * fn = The function to detach.
    void detach( SlotFn fn )
            auto pos = m_fns.find( fn );
            if( pos < m_fns.length )
                m_fns[pos] = null;

    struct Add
        enum Type

        static Add opCall( SlotDg d )
            Add e;
            e.ty = Type.DG;
            e.dg = d;
            return e;

        static Add opCall( SlotFn f )
            Add e;
            e.ty = Type.FN;
            e.fn = f;
            return e;

            SlotDg  dg;
            SlotFn  fn;
        Type        ty;

    void procAdds()
        foreach( a; m_add )
            if( a.ty == Add.Type.DG )
                m_dgs ~= a.dg;
                m_fns ~= a.fn;
        m_add.length = 0;

    SlotDg[]    m_dgs;
    SlotFn[]    m_fns;
    Add[]       m_add;
    bool        m_blk;

debug( UnitTest )
    class Button
        Signal!(Button) press;

    int count = 0;

    void wasPressedA( Button b )

    void wasPressedB( Button b )

    Button b = new Button; &wasPressedA ); b );
    assert( count == 1 );

    count = 0; &wasPressedB ); b );
    assert( count == 2 );

    count = 0; &wasPressedA ); b );
    assert( count == 2 );

    count = 0; &wasPressedB ); b );
    assert( count == 1 );

    count = 0; &wasPressedA ); b );
    assert( count == 0 );