view tango/lib/common/tango/core/Thread.d @ 132:1700239cab2e trunk

[svn r136] MAJOR UNSTABLE UPDATE!!! Initial commit after moving to Tango instead of Phobos. Lots of bugfixes... This build is not suitable for most things.
author lindquist
date Fri, 11 Jan 2008 17:57:40 +0100
children a168a2c3ea48
line wrap: on
line source

 * The thread module provides support for thread creation and management.
 * Copyright: Copyright (C) 2005-2006 Sean Kelly.  All rights reserved.
 * License:   BSD style: $(LICENSE)
 * Authors:   Sean Kelly
module tango.core.Thread;

// this should be true for most architectures
version = StackGrowsDown;

//    import tango.core.TimeSpan;
    import tango.core.Exception;

    // exposed by compiler runtime
    extern (C) void* rt_stackBottom();
    extern (C) void* rt_stackTop();

    void* getStackBottom()
        return rt_stackBottom();

    void* getStackTop()
        version( D_InlineAsm_X86 )
                mov EAX, ESP;
            return rt_stackTop();

// Thread Entry Point and Signal Handlers

version( Win32 )
        import tango.stdc.stdint : uintptr_t; // for _beginthreadex decl below
        import tango.sys.win32.UserGdi;


        // avoid multiple imports via
        extern (Windows) alias uint function(void*) btex_fptr;
        extern (C) uintptr_t _beginthreadex(void*, uint, btex_fptr, void*, uint, uint*);

        // entry point for Windows threads
        extern (Windows) uint thread_entryPoint( void* arg )
            Thread  obj = cast(Thread) arg;
            assert( obj );
            scope( exit ) Thread.remove( obj );

            assert( obj.m_curr is &obj.m_main );
            obj.m_main.bstack = getStackBottom();
            obj.m_main.tstack = obj.m_main.bstack;
            Thread.add( &obj.m_main );
            Thread.setThis( obj );

            // NOTE: No GC allocations may occur until the stack pointers have
            //       been set and Thread.getThis returns a valid reference to
            //       this thread object (this latter condition is not strictly
            //       necessary on Win32 but it should be followed for the sake
            //       of consistency).

            // TODO: Consider putting an auto exception object here (using
            //       alloca) forOutOfMemoryError plus something to track
            //       whether an exception is in-flight?

            catch( Object o )
                obj.m_unhandled = o;
            return 0;

        // copy of the same-named function in phobos.std.thread--it uses the
        // Windows naming convention to be consistent with GetCurrentThreadId
        HANDLE GetCurrentThreadHandle()
            const uint DUPLICATE_SAME_ACCESS = 0x00000002;

            HANDLE curr = GetCurrentThread(),
                   proc = GetCurrentProcess(),

            DuplicateHandle( proc, curr, proc, &hndl, 0, TRUE, DUPLICATE_SAME_ACCESS );
            return hndl;
else version( Posix )
        import tango.stdc.posix.semaphore;
        import tango.stdc.posix.pthread;
        import tango.stdc.posix.signal;
        import tango.stdc.posix.time;
        import tango.stdc.errno;

        extern (C) int getErrno();

        version( GNU )
            import gcc.builtins;

        // entry point for POSIX threads
        extern (C) void* thread_entryPoint( void* arg )
            Thread  obj = cast(Thread) arg;
            assert( obj );
            scope( exit )
                // NOTE: isRunning should be set to false after the thread is
                //       removed or a double-removal could occur between this
                //       function and thread_suspendAll.
                Thread.remove( obj );
                obj.m_isRunning = false;

            static extern (C) void thread_cleanupHandler( void* arg )
                Thread  obj = cast(Thread) arg;
                assert( obj );

                // NOTE: If the thread terminated abnormally, just set it as
                //       not running and let thread_suspendAll remove it from
                //       the thread list.  This is safer and is consistent
                //       with the Windows thread code.
                obj.m_isRunning = false;

            // NOTE: Using void to skip the initialization here relies on
            //       knowledge of how pthread_cleanup is implemented.  It may
            //       not be appropriate for all platforms.  However, it does
            //       avoid the need to link the pthread module.  If any
            //       implementation actually requires default initialization
            //       then pthread_cleanup should be restructured to maintain
            //       the current lack of a link dependency.
            pthread_cleanup cleanup = void;
            cleanup.push( &thread_cleanupHandler, cast(void*) obj );

            // NOTE: For some reason this does not always work for threads.
            //obj.m_main.bstack = getStackBottom();
            version( D_InlineAsm_X86 )
                static void* getBasePtr()
                        mov EAX, EBP;

                obj.m_main.bstack = getBasePtr();
            else version( StackGrowsDown )
                obj.m_main.bstack = &obj + 1;
                obj.m_main.bstack = &obj;
            obj.m_main.tstack = obj.m_main.bstack;
            assert( obj.m_curr == &obj.m_main );
            Thread.add( &obj.m_main );
            Thread.setThis( obj );

            // NOTE: No GC allocations may occur until the stack pointers have
            //       been set and Thread.getThis returns a valid reference to
            //       this thread object (this latter condition is not strictly
            //       necessary on Win32 but it should be followed for the sake
            //       of consistency).

            // TODO: Consider putting an auto exception object here (using
            //       alloca) forOutOfMemoryError plus something to track
            //       whether an exception is in-flight?

            catch( Object o )
                obj.m_unhandled = o;
            return null;

        // used to track the number of suspended threads
        sem_t   suspendCount;

        extern (C) void thread_suspendHandler( int sig )
            assert( sig == SIGUSR1 );
            version( D_InlineAsm_X86 )
            else version( GNU )
            else version( LLVMDC )
                // TODO below as well
                static assert( false, "Architecture not supported." );

            // NOTE: Since registers are being pushed and popped from the stack,
            //       any other stack data used by this function should be gone
            //       before the stack cleanup code is called below.
                Thread  obj = Thread.getThis();

                // NOTE: The thread reference returned by getThis is set within
                //       the thread startup code, so it is possible that this
                //       handler may be called before the reference is set.  In
                //       this case it is safe to simply suspend and not worry
                //       about the stack pointers as the thread will not have
                //       any references to GC-managed data.
                if( obj && !obj.m_lock )
                    obj.m_curr.tstack = getStackTop();

                sigset_t    sigres = void;
                int         status;

                status = sigfillset( &sigres );
                assert( status == 0 );

                status = sigdelset( &sigres, SIGUSR2 );
                assert( status == 0 );

                status = sem_post( &suspendCount );
                assert( status == 0 );

                sigsuspend( &sigres );

                if( obj && !obj.m_lock )
                    obj.m_curr.tstack = obj.m_curr.bstack;

            version( D_InlineAsm_X86 )
            else version( GNU )
                // registers will be popped automatically
            else version( LLVMDC )
                // TODO
                static assert( false, "Architecture not supported." );

        extern (C) void thread_resumeHandler( int sig )
            assert( sig == SIGUSR2 );

    // NOTE: This is the only place threading versions are checked.  If a new
    //       version is added, the module code will need to be searched for
    //       places where version-specific code may be required.  This can be
    //       easily accomlished by searching for 'Windows' or 'Posix'.
    static assert( false, "Unknown threading implementation." );

// Thread

 * This class encapsulates all threading functionality for the D
 * programming language.  As thread manipulation is a required facility
 * for garbage collection, all user threads should derive from this
 * class, and instances of this class should never be explicitly deleted.
 * A new thread may be created using either derivation or composition, as
 * in the following example.
 * Example:
 * -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * class DerivedThread : Thread
 * {
 *     this()
 *     {
 *         super( &run );
 *     }
 * private :
 *     void run()
 *     {
 *         printf( "Derived thread running.\n" );
 *     }
 * }
 * void threadFunc()
 * {
 *     printf( "Composed thread running.\n" );
 * }
 * // create instances of each type
 * Thread derived = new DerivedThread();
 * Thread composed = new Thread( &threadFunc );
 * // start both threads
 * derived.start();
 * composed.start();
 * -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
class Thread
    // Initialization

     * Initializes a thread object which is associated with a static
     * D function.
     * Params:
     *  fn = The thread function.
     *  sz = The stack size for this thread.
     * In:
     *  fn must not be null.
    this( void function() fn, size_t sz = 0 )
        assert( fn );
        m_fn   = fn;
        m_sz   = sz;
        m_call = Call.FN;
        m_curr = &m_main;

     * Initializes a thread object which is associated with a dynamic
     * D function.
     * Params:
     *  dg = The thread function.
     *  sz = The stack size for this thread.
     * In:
     *  dg must not be null.
    this( void delegate() dg, size_t sz = 0 )
        assert( dg );
        m_dg   = dg;
        m_sz   = sz;
        m_call = Call.DG;
        m_curr = &m_main;

     * Cleans up any remaining resources used by this object.
        if( m_addr == m_addr.init )

        version( Win32 )
            m_addr = m_addr.init;
            CloseHandle( m_hndl );
            m_hndl = m_hndl.init;
        else version( Posix )
            pthread_detach( m_addr );
            m_addr = m_addr.init;

    // General Actions

     * Starts the thread and invokes the function or delegate passed upon
     * construction.
     * In:
     *  This routine may only be called once per thread instance.
     * Throws:
     *  ThreadException if the thread fails to start.
    final void start()
        assert( !next && !prev );
        version( Win32 ) {} else
        version( Posix )
            pthread_attr_t  attr;

            if( pthread_attr_init( &attr ) )
                throw new ThreadException( "Error initializing thread attributes" );
            if( m_sz && pthread_attr_setstacksize( &attr, m_sz ) )
                throw new ThreadException( "Error initializing thread stack size" );

        // NOTE: This operation needs to be synchronized to avoid a race
        //       condition with the GC.  Without this lock, the thread
        //       could start and allocate memory before being added to
        //       the global thread list, preventing it from being scanned
        //       and causing memory to be collected that is still in use.
        synchronized( slock )
            version( Win32 )
                m_hndl = cast(HANDLE) _beginthreadex( null, m_sz, &thread_entryPoint, cast(void*) this, 0, &m_addr );
                if( cast(size_t) m_hndl == 0 )
                    throw new ThreadException( "Error creating thread" );
            else version( Posix )
                m_isRunning = true;
                scope( failure ) m_isRunning = false;

                if( pthread_create( &m_addr, &attr, &thread_entryPoint, cast(void*) this ) != 0 )
                    throw new ThreadException( "Error creating thread" );
            multiThreadedFlag = true;
            add( this );

     * Waits for this thread to complete.  If the thread terminated as the
     * result of an unhandled exception, this exception will be rethrown.
     * Params:
     *  rethrow = Rethrow any unhandled exception which may have caused this
     *            thread to terminate.
     * Throws:
     *  ThreadException if the operation fails.
     *  Any exception not handled by the joined thread.
    final void join( bool rethrow = true )
        version( Win32 )
            if( WaitForSingleObject( m_hndl, INFINITE ) != WAIT_OBJECT_0 )
                throw new ThreadException( "Unable to join thread" );
            // NOTE: m_addr must be cleared before m_hndl is closed to avoid
            //       a race condition with isRunning.  The operation is labeled
            //       volatile to prevent compiler reordering.
            volatile m_addr = m_addr.init;
            CloseHandle( m_hndl );
            m_hndl = m_hndl.init;
        else version( Posix )
            if( pthread_join( m_addr, null ) != 0 )
                throw new ThreadException( "Unable to join thread" );
            // NOTE: pthread_join acts as a substitute for pthread_detach,
            //       which is normally called by the dtor.  Setting m_addr
            //       to zero ensures that pthread_detach will not be called
            //       on object destruction.
            volatile m_addr = m_addr.init;
        if( rethrow && m_unhandled )
            throw m_unhandled;

    // General Properties

     * Gets the user-readable label for this thread.
     * Returns:
     *  The name of this thread.
    final char[] name()
        synchronized( this )
            return m_name;

     * Sets the user-readable label for this thread.
     * Params:
     *  val = The new name of this thread.
    final void name( char[] val )
        synchronized( this )
            m_name = val.dup;

     * Gets the daemon status for this thread.
     * Returns:
     *  true if this is a daemon thread.
    final bool isDaemon()
        synchronized( this )
            return m_isDaemon;

     * Sets the daemon status for this thread.
     * Params:
     *  val = The new daemon status for this thread.
    final void isDaemon( bool val )
        synchronized( this )
            m_isDaemon = val;

     * Tests whether this thread is running.
     * Returns:
     *  true if the thread is running, false if not.
    final bool isRunning()
        if( m_addr == m_addr.init )
            return false;

        version( Win32 )
            uint ecode = 0;
            GetExitCodeThread( m_hndl, &ecode );
            return ecode == STILL_ACTIVE;
        else version( Posix )
            // NOTE: It should be safe to access this value without
            //       memory barriers because word-tearing and such
            //       really isn't an issue for boolean values.
            return m_isRunning;

    // Thread Priority Actions

     * The minimum scheduling priority that may be set for a thread.  On
     * systems where multiple scheduling policies are defined, this value
     * represents the minimum valid priority for the scheduling policy of
     * the process.
    static const int PRIORITY_MIN;

     * The maximum scheduling priority that may be set for a thread.  On
     * systems where multiple scheduling policies are defined, this value
     * represents the minimum valid priority for the scheduling policy of
     * the process.
    static const int PRIORITY_MAX;

     * Gets the scheduling priority for the associated thread.
     * Returns:
     *  The scheduling priority of this thread.
    final int priority()
        version( Win32 )
            return GetThreadPriority( m_hndl );
        else version( Posix )
            int         policy;
            sched_param param;

            if( pthread_getschedparam( m_addr, &policy, &param ) )
                throw new ThreadException( "Unable to get thread priority" );
            return param.sched_priority;

     * Sets the scheduling priority for the associated thread.
     * Params:
     *  val = The new scheduling priority of this thread.
    final void priority( int val )
        version( Win32 )
            if( !SetThreadPriority( m_hndl, val ) )
                throw new ThreadException( "Unable to set thread priority" );
        else version( Posix )
            // NOTE: pthread_setschedprio is not implemented on linux, so use
            //       the more complicated get/set sequence below.
            //if( pthread_setschedprio( m_addr, val ) )
            //    throw new ThreadException( "Unable to set thread priority" );

            int         policy;
            sched_param param;

            if( pthread_getschedparam( m_addr, &policy, &param ) )
                throw new ThreadException( "Unable to set thread priority" );
            param.sched_priority = val;
            if( pthread_setschedparam( m_addr, policy, &param ) )
                throw new ThreadException( "Unable to set thread priority" );

    // Actions on Calling Thread

     * Suspends the calling thread for at least the supplied time, up to a
     * maximum of (uint.max - 1) milliseconds.
     * Params:
     *  period = The minimum duration the calling thread should be suspended,
     *           in seconds.  Sub-second durations are specified as fractional
     *           values.
     * In:
     *  period must be less than (uint.max - 1) milliseconds.
     * Example:
     * -------------------------------------------------------------------------
     * Thread.sleep( 0.05 ); // sleep for 50 milliseconds
     * Thread.sleep( 5 );    // sleep for 5 seconds
     * -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    static void sleep( double period )
        // NOTE: The fractional value added to period is to correct fp error.
        assert( period * 1000 + 0.1 < uint.max - 1 );
        version( Win32 )
            Sleep( cast(uint)( period * 1000 + 0.1 ) );
        else version( Posix )
            timespec tin  = void;
            timespec tout = void;

            period += 0.000_000_000_1;

            if( tin.tv_sec.max < period )
                tin.tv_sec  = tin.tv_sec.max;
                tin.tv_nsec = 0;
                tin.tv_sec  = cast(typeof(tin.tv_sec))  period;
                tin.tv_nsec = cast(typeof(tin.tv_nsec)) ((period % 1.0) * 1_000_000_000);

            while( true )
                if( !nanosleep( &tin, &tout ) )
                if( getErrno() != EINTR )
                    throw new ThreadException( "Unable to sleep for specified duration" );
                tin = tout;

     * Suspends the calling thread for at least the supplied time, up to a
     * maximum of (uint.max - 1) milliseconds.
     * Params:
     *  period = The minimum duration the calling thread should be suspended.
     * In:
     *  period must be less than (uint.max - 1) milliseconds.
     * Example:
     * -------------------------------------------------------------------------
     * Thread.sleep( TimeSpan.milliseconds( 50 ) ); // sleep for 50 milliseconds
     * Thread.sleep( TimeSpan.seconds( 5 ) );       // sleep for 5 seconds
     * -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    static void sleep( TimeSpan period )
        assert( period.milliseconds < uint.max - 1 );
        version( Win32 )
            Sleep( cast(uint)( period.milliseconds ) );
        else version( Posix )
            timespec tin  = void;
            timespec tout = void;

            if( tin.tv_sec.max < period.seconds )
                tin.tv_sec  = tin.tv_sec.max;
                tin.tv_nsec = 0;
                tin.tv_sec  = cast(typeof(tin.tv_sec))  period.seconds;
                tin.tv_nsec = cast(typeof(tin.tv_nsec)) period.nanoseconds % 1_000_000_000;

            while( true )
                if( !nanosleep( &tin, &tout ) )
                if( getErrno() != EINTR )
                    throw new ThreadException( "Unable to sleep for specified duration" );
                tin = tout;

     * Suspends the calling thread for at least the supplied time, up to a
     * maximum of (uint.max - 1) milliseconds.
     * Params:
     *  period = The minimum duration the calling thread should be suspended,
     *           in seconds.  Sub-second durations are specified as fractional
     *           values.  Please note that because period is a floating-point
     *           number, some accuracy may be lost for certain intervals.  For
     *           this reason, the TimeSpan overload is preferred in instances
     *           where an exact interval is required.
     * In:
     *  period must be less than (uint.max - 1) milliseconds.
     * Example:
     * -------------------------------------------------------------------------
     * Thread.sleep( 0.05 ); // sleep for 50 milliseconds
     * Thread.sleep( 5 );    // sleep for 5 seconds
     * -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    static void sleep( double period )
      sleep( TimeSpan.interval( period ) );

     * Forces a context switch to occur away from the calling thread.
    static void yield()
        version( Win32 )
            // NOTE: Sleep(1) is necessary because Sleep(0) does not give
            //       lower priority threads any timeslice, so looping on
            //       Sleep(0) could be resource-intensive in some cases.
            Sleep( 1 );
        else version( Posix )

    // Thread Accessors

     * Provides a reference to the calling thread.
     * Returns:
     *  The thread object representing the calling thread.  The result of
     *  deleting this object is undefined.
    static Thread getThis()
        // NOTE: This function may not be called until thread_init has
        //       completed.  See thread_suspendAll for more information
        //       on why this might occur.
        version( Win32 )
            return cast(Thread) TlsGetValue( sm_this );
        else version( Posix )
            return cast(Thread) pthread_getspecific( sm_this );

     * Provides a list of all threads currently being tracked by the system.
     * Returns:
     *  An array containing references to all threads currently being
     *  tracked by the system.  The result of deleting any contained
     *  objects is undefined.
    static Thread[] getAll()
        synchronized( slock )
            size_t   pos = 0;
            Thread[] buf = new Thread[sm_tlen];

            foreach( Thread t; Thread )
                buf[pos++] = t;
            return buf;

     * Operates on all threads currently being tracked by the system.  The
     * result of deleting any Thread object is undefined.
     * Params:
     * dg = The supplied code as a delegate.
     * Returns:
     *  Zero if all elemented are visited, nonzero if not.
    static int opApply( int delegate( inout Thread ) dg )
        synchronized( slock )
            int ret = 0;

            for( Thread t = sm_tbeg; t; t = )
                ret = dg( t );
                if( ret )
            return ret;

    // Local Storage Actions

     * Indicates the number of local storage pointers available at program
     * startup.  It is recommended that this number be at least 64.
    static const uint LOCAL_MAX = 64;

     * Reserves a local storage pointer for use and initializes this
     * location to null for all running threads.
     * Returns:
     *  A key representing the array offset of this memory location.
    static uint createLocal()
        synchronized( slock )
            foreach( uint key, inout bool set; sm_local )
                if( !set )
                    //foreach( Thread t; sm_tbeg ) Bug in GDC 0.24 SVN (r139)
                    for( Thread t = sm_tbeg; t; t = )
                        t.m_local[key] = null;
                    set = true;
                    return key;
            throw new ThreadException( "No more local storage slots available" );

     * Marks the supplied key as available and sets the associated location
     * to null for all running threads.  It is assumed that any key passed
     * to this function is valid.  The result of calling this function for
     * a key which is still in use is undefined.
     * Params:
     *  key = The key to delete.
    static void deleteLocal( uint key )
        synchronized( slock )
            sm_local[key] = false;
            // foreach( Thread t; sm_tbeg ) Bug in GDC 0.24 SVN (r139)
            for( Thread t = sm_tbeg; t; t = )
                t.m_local[key] = null;

     * Gets the data associated with the supplied key value.  It is assumed
     * that any key passed to this function is valid.
     * Params:
     *  key = The location which holds the desired data.
     * Returns:
     *  The data associated with the supplied key.
    static void* getLocal( uint key )
        return getThis().m_local[key];

     * Stores the supplied value in the specified location.  It is assumed
     * that any key passed to this function is valid.
     * Params:
     *  key = The location to store the supplied data.
     *  val = The data to store.
     * Returns:
     *  A copy of the data which has just been stored.
    static void* setLocal( uint key, void* val )
        return getThis().m_local[key] = val;

    // Static Initalizer

     * This initializer is used to set thread constants.  All functional
     * initialization occurs within thread_init().
    static this()
        version( Win32 )
            PRIORITY_MIN = -15;
            PRIORITY_MAX =  15;
        else version( Posix )
            int         policy;
            sched_param param;
            pthread_t   self = pthread_self();

            int status = pthread_getschedparam( self, &policy, &param );
            assert( status == 0 );

            PRIORITY_MIN = sched_get_priority_min( policy );
            assert( PRIORITY_MIN != -1 );

            PRIORITY_MAX = sched_get_priority_max( policy );
            assert( PRIORITY_MAX != -1 );

    // Initializes a thread object which has no associated executable function.
    // This is used for the main thread initialized in thread_init().
        m_call = Call.NO;
        m_curr = &m_main;

    // Thread entry point.  Invokes the function or delegate passed on
    // construction (if any).
    final void run()
        switch( m_call )
        case Call.FN:
        case Call.DG:

    // The type of routine passed on thread construction.
    enum Call

    // Standard types
    version( Win32 )
        alias uint TLSKey;
        alias uint ThreadAddr;
    else version( Posix )
        alias pthread_key_t TLSKey;
        alias pthread_t     ThreadAddr;

    // Local storage
    static bool[LOCAL_MAX]  sm_local;
    static TLSKey           sm_this;

    void*[LOCAL_MAX]        m_local;

    // Standard thread data
    version( Win32 )
        HANDLE          m_hndl;
    ThreadAddr          m_addr;
    Call                m_call;
    char[]              m_name;
        void function() m_fn;
        void delegate() m_dg;
    size_t              m_sz;
    version( Posix )
        bool            m_isRunning;
    bool                m_isDaemon;
    Object              m_unhandled;

    // Storage of Active Thread

    // Sets a thread-local reference to the current thread object.
    static void setThis( Thread t )
        version( Win32 )
            TlsSetValue( sm_this, cast(void*) t );
        else version( Posix )
            pthread_setspecific( sm_this, cast(void*) t );

    // Thread Context and GC Scanning Support

    final void pushContext( Context* c )
        assert( !c.within );
        c.within = m_curr;
        m_curr = c;

    final void popContext()
        assert( m_curr && m_curr.within );
        Context* c = m_curr;
        m_curr = c.within;
        c.within = null;

    final Context* topContext()
        assert( m_curr );
        return m_curr;

    static struct Context
        void*           bstack,
        Context*        within;
        Context*        next,

    Context             m_main;
    Context*            m_curr;
    bool                m_lock;

    version( Win32 )
        uint[8]         m_reg; // edi,esi,ebp,esp,ebx,edx,ecx,eax

    // GC Scanning Support

    // NOTE: The GC scanning process works like so:
    //          1. Suspend all threads.
    //          2. Scan the stacks of all suspended threads for roots.
    //          3. Resume all threads.
    //       Step 1 and 3 require a list of all threads in the system, while
    //       step 2 requires a list of all thread stacks (each represented by
    //       a Context struct).  Traditionally, there was one stack per thread
    //       and the Context structs were not necessary.  However, Fibers have
    //       changed things so that each thread has its own 'main' stack plus
    //       an arbitrary number of nested stacks (normally referenced via
    //       m_curr).  Also, there may be 'free-floating' stacks in the system,
    //       which are Fibers that are not currently executing on any specific
    //       thread but are still being processed and still contain valid
    //       roots.
    //       To support all of this, the Context struct has been created to
    //       represent a stack range, and a global list of Context structs has
    //       been added to enable scanning of these stack ranges.  The lifetime
    //       (and presence in the Context list) of a thread's 'main' stack will
    //       be equivalent to the thread's lifetime.  So the Ccontext will be
    //       added to the list on thread entry, and removed from the list on
    //       thread exit (which is essentially the same as the presence of a
    //       Thread object in its own global list).  The lifetime of a Fiber's
    //       context, however, will be tied to the lifetime of the Fiber object
    //       itself, and Fibers are expected to add/remove their Context struct
    //       on construction/deletion.

    // All use of the global lists should synchronize on this lock.
    static Object slock()
        return Thread.classinfo;

    static Context*     sm_cbeg;
    static size_t       sm_clen;

    static Thread       sm_tbeg;
    static size_t       sm_tlen;

    // Used for ordering threads in the global thread list.
    Thread              prev;
    Thread              next;

    // Global Context List Operations

    // Add a context to the global context list.
    static void add( Context* c )
        assert( c );
        assert( ! && !c.prev );
        synchronized( slock )
            if( sm_cbeg )
       = sm_cbeg;
                sm_cbeg.prev = c;
            sm_cbeg = c;

    // Remove a context from the global context list.
    static void remove( Context* c )
        assert( c );
        assert( || c.prev );
        synchronized( slock )
            if( c.prev )
            if( )
       = c.prev;
            if( sm_cbeg == c )
                sm_cbeg =;
        // NOTE: Don't null out or c.prev because opApply currently
        //       follows after removing a node.  This could be easily
        //       addressed by simply returning the next node from this function,
        //       however, a context should never be re-added to the list anyway
        //       and having next and prev be non-null is a good way to
        //       ensure that.

    // Global Thread List Operations

    // Add a thread to the global thread list.
    static void add( Thread t )
        assert( t );
        assert( ! && !t.prev );
        assert( t.isRunning );
        synchronized( slock )
            if( sm_tbeg )
       = sm_tbeg;
                sm_tbeg.prev = t;
            sm_tbeg = t;

    // Remove a thread from the global thread list.
    static void remove( Thread t )
        assert( t );
        assert( || t.prev );
        version( Win32 )
            // NOTE: This doesn't work for Posix as m_isRunning must be set to
            //       false after the thread is removed during normal execution.
            assert( !t.isRunning );
        synchronized( slock )
            // NOTE: When a thread is removed from the global thread list its
            //       main context is invalid and should be removed as well.
            //       It is possible that t.m_curr could reference more
            //       than just the main context if the thread exited abnormally
            //       (if it was terminated), but we must assume that the user
            //       retains a reference to them and that they may be re-used
            //       elsewhere.  Therefore, it is the responsibility of any
            //       object that creates contexts to clean them up properly
            //       when it is done with them.
            remove( &t.m_main );

            if( t.prev )
            if( )
       = t.prev;
            if( sm_tbeg == t )
                sm_tbeg =;
        // NOTE: Don't null out or t.prev because opApply currently
        //       follows after removing a node.  This could be easily
        //       addressed by simply returning the next node from this function,
        //       however, a thread should never be re-added to the list anyway
        //       and having next and prev be non-null is a good way to
        //       ensure that.

// GC Support Routines

 * Initializes the thread module.  This function must be called by the
 * garbage collector on startup and before any other thread routines
 * are called.
extern (C) void thread_init()
    // NOTE: If thread_init itself performs any allocations then the thread
    //       routines reserved for garbage collector use may be called while
    //       thread_init is being processed.  However, since no memory should
    //       exist to be scanned at this point, it is sufficient for these
    //       functions to detect the condition and return immediately.

    version( Win32 )
        Thread.sm_this = TlsAlloc();
        assert( Thread.sm_this != TLS_OUT_OF_INDEXES );
    else version( Posix )
        int         status;
        sigaction_t sigusr1 = void;
        sigaction_t sigusr2 = void;

        // This is a quick way to zero-initialize the structs without using
        // memset or creating a link dependency on their static initializer.
        (cast(byte*) &sigusr1)[0 .. sigaction_t.sizeof] = 0;
        (cast(byte*) &sigusr2)[0 .. sigaction_t.sizeof] = 0;

        // NOTE: SA_RESTART indicates that system calls should restart if they
        //       are interrupted by a signal, but this is not available on all
        //       Posix systems, even those that support multithreading.
        static if( is( typeof( SA_RESTART ) ) )
            sigusr1.sa_flags = SA_RESTART;
            sigusr1.sa_flags   = 0;
        sigusr1.sa_handler = &thread_suspendHandler;
        // NOTE: We want to ignore all signals while in this handler, so fill
        //       sa_mask to indicate this.
        status = sigfillset( &sigusr1.sa_mask );
        assert( status == 0 );

        // NOTE: Since SIGUSR2 should only be issued for threads within the
        //       suspend handler, we don't want this signal to trigger a
        //       restart.
        sigusr2.sa_flags   = 0;
        sigusr2.sa_handler = &thread_resumeHandler;
        // NOTE: We want to ignore all signals while in this handler, so fill
        //       sa_mask to indicate this.
        status = sigfillset( &sigusr2.sa_mask );
        assert( status == 0 );

        status = sigaction( SIGUSR1, &sigusr1, null );
        assert( status == 0 );

        status = sigaction( SIGUSR2, &sigusr2, null );
        assert( status == 0 );

        status = sem_init( &suspendCount, 0, 0 );
        assert( status == 0 );

        status = pthread_key_create( &Thread.sm_this, null );
        assert( status == 0 );


 * Registers the calling thread for use with Tango.  If this routine is called
 * for a thread which is already registered, the result is undefined.
extern (C) void thread_attachThis()
    version( Win32 )
        Thread          thisThread  = new Thread();
        Thread.Context* thisContext = &thisThread.m_main;
        assert( thisContext == thisThread.m_curr );

        thisThread.m_addr  = GetCurrentThreadId();
        thisThread.m_hndl  = GetCurrentThreadHandle();
        thisContext.bstack = getStackBottom();
        thisContext.tstack = thisContext.bstack;

        thisThread.m_isDaemon = true;

        Thread.setThis( thisThread );
    else version( Posix )
        Thread          thisThread  = new Thread();
        Thread.Context* thisContext = thisThread.m_curr;
        assert( thisContext == &thisThread.m_main );

        thisThread.m_addr  = pthread_self();
        thisContext.bstack = getStackBottom();
        thisContext.tstack = thisContext.bstack;

        thisThread.m_isRunning = true;
        thisThread.m_isDaemon  = true;

        Thread.setThis( thisThread );

    Thread.add( thisThread );
    Thread.add( thisContext );

 * Deregisters the calling thread from use with Tango.  If this routine is
 * called for a thread which is already registered, the result is undefined.
extern (C) void thread_detachThis()
    Thread.remove( Thread.getThis() );

 * Joins all non-daemon threads that are currently running.  This is done by
 * performing successive scans through the thread list until a scan consists
 * of only daemon threads.
extern (C) void thread_joinAll()

    while( true )
        Thread nonDaemon = null;

        foreach( t; Thread )
            if( !t.isDaemon )
                nonDaemon = t;
        if( nonDaemon is null )

 * Performs intermediate shutdown of the thread module.
static ~this()
    // NOTE: The functionality related to garbage collection must be minimally
    //       operable after this dtor completes.  Therefore, only minimal
    //       cleanup may occur.

    for( Thread t = Thread.sm_tbeg; t; t = )
        if( !t.isRunning )
            Thread.remove( t );

// Used for needLock below
private bool multiThreadedFlag = false;

 * This function is used to determine whether the the process is
 * multi-threaded.  Optimizations may only be performed on this
 * value if the programmer can guarantee that no path from the
 * enclosed code will start a thread.
 * Returns:
 *  True if Thread.start() has been called in this process.
extern (C) bool thread_needLock()
    return multiThreadedFlag;

// Used for suspendAll/resumeAll below
private uint suspendDepth = 0;

 * Suspend all threads but the calling thread for "stop the world" garbage
 * collection runs.  This function may be called multiple times, and must
 * be followed by a matching number of calls to thread_resumeAll before
 * processing is resumed.
 * Throws:
 *  ThreadException if the suspend operation fails for a running thread.
extern (C) void thread_suspendAll()
     * Suspend the specified thread and load stack and register information for
     * use by thread_scanAll.  If the supplied thread is the calling thread,
     * stack and register information will be loaded but the thread will not
     * be suspended.  If the suspend operation fails and the thread is not
     * running then it will be removed from the global thread list, otherwise
     * an exception will be thrown.
     * Params:
     *  t = The thread to suspend.
     * Throws:
     *  ThreadException if the suspend operation fails for a running thread.
    void suspend( Thread t )
        version( Win32 )
            if( t.m_addr != GetCurrentThreadId() && SuspendThread( t.m_hndl ) == 0xFFFFFFFF )
                if( !t.isRunning )
                    Thread.remove( t );
                throw new ThreadException( "Unable to suspend thread" );

            CONTEXT context = void;
            context.ContextFlags = CONTEXT_INTEGER | CONTEXT_CONTROL;

            if( !GetThreadContext( t.m_hndl, &context ) )
                throw new ThreadException( "Unable to load thread context" );
            if( !t.m_lock )
                t.m_curr.tstack = cast(void*) context.Esp;
            // edi,esi,ebp,esp,ebx,edx,ecx,eax
            t.m_reg[0] = context.Edi;
            t.m_reg[1] = context.Esi;
            t.m_reg[2] = context.Ebp;
            t.m_reg[3] = context.Esp;
            t.m_reg[4] = context.Ebx;
            t.m_reg[5] = context.Edx;
            t.m_reg[6] = context.Ecx;
            t.m_reg[7] = context.Eax;
        else version( Posix )
            if( t.m_addr != pthread_self() )
                if( pthread_kill( t.m_addr, SIGUSR1 ) != 0 )
                    if( !t.isRunning )
                        Thread.remove( t );
                    throw new ThreadException( "Unable to suspend thread" );
                // NOTE: It's really not ideal to wait for each thread to signal
                //       individually -- rather, it would be better to suspend
                //       them all and wait once at the end.  However, semaphores
                //       don't really work this way, and the obvious alternative
                //       (looping on an atomic suspend count) requires either
                //       the atomic module (which only works on x86) or other
                //       specialized functionality.  It would also be possible
                //       to simply loop on sem_wait at the end, but I'm not
                //       convinced that this would be much faster than the
                //       current approach.
                sem_wait( &suspendCount );
            else if( !t.m_lock )
                t.m_curr.tstack = getStackTop();

    // NOTE: We've got an odd chicken & egg problem here, because while the GC
    //       is required to call thread_init before calling any other thread
    //       routines, thread_init may allocate memory which could in turn
    //       trigger a collection.  Thus, thread_suspendAll, thread_scanAll,
    //       and thread_resumeAll must be callable before thread_init completes,
    //       with the assumption that no other GC memory has yet been allocated
    //       by the system, and thus there is no risk of losing data if the
    //       global thread list is empty.  The check of Thread.sm_tbeg
    //       below is done to ensure thread_init has completed, and therefore
    //       that calling Thread.getThis will not result in an error.  For the
    //       short time when Thread.sm_tbeg is null, there is no reason
    //       not to simply call the multithreaded code below, with the
    //       expectation that the foreach loop will never be entered.
    if( !multiThreadedFlag && Thread.sm_tbeg )
        if( ++suspendDepth == 1 )
            suspend( Thread.getThis() );
    synchronized( Thread.slock )
        if( ++suspendDepth > 1 )

        // NOTE: I'd really prefer not to check isRunning within this loop but
        //       not doing so could be problematic if threads are termianted
        //       abnormally and a new thread is created with the same thread
        //       address before the next GC run.  This situation might cause
        //       the same thread to be suspended twice, which would likely
        //       cause the second suspend to fail, the garbage collection to
        //       abort, and Bad Things to occur.
        for( Thread t = Thread.sm_tbeg; t; t = )
            if( t.isRunning )
                suspend( t );
                Thread.remove( t );

        version( Posix )
            // wait on semaphore -- see note in suspend for
            // why this is currently not implemented

 * Resume all threads but the calling thread for "stop the world" garbage
 * collection runs.  This function must be called once for each preceding
 * call to thread_suspendAll before the threads are actually resumed.
 * In:
 *  This routine must be preceded by a call to thread_suspendAll.
 * Throws:
 *  ThreadException if the resume operation fails for a running thread.
extern (C) void thread_resumeAll()
    assert( suspendDepth > 0 );
     * Resume the specified thread and unload stack and register information.
     * If the supplied thread is the calling thread, stack and register
     * information will be unloaded but the thread will not be resumed.  If
     * the resume operation fails and the thread is not running then it will
     * be removed from the global thread list, otherwise an exception will be
     * thrown.
     * Params:
     *  t = The thread to resume.
     * Throws:
     *  ThreadException if the resume fails for a running thread.
    void resume( Thread t )
        version( Win32 )
            if( t.m_addr != GetCurrentThreadId() && ResumeThread( t.m_hndl ) == 0xFFFFFFFF )
                if( !t.isRunning )
                    Thread.remove( t );
                throw new ThreadException( "Unable to resume thread" );

            if( !t.m_lock )
                t.m_curr.tstack = t.m_curr.bstack;
            t.m_reg[0 .. $] = 0;
        else version( Posix )
            if( t.m_addr != pthread_self() )
                if( pthread_kill( t.m_addr, SIGUSR2 ) != 0 )
                    if( !t.isRunning )
                        Thread.remove( t );
                    throw new ThreadException( "Unable to resume thread" );
            else if( !t.m_lock )
                t.m_curr.tstack = t.m_curr.bstack;

    // NOTE: See thread_suspendAll for the logic behind this.
    if( !multiThreadedFlag && Thread.sm_tbeg )
        if( --suspendDepth == 0 )
            resume( Thread.getThis() );
    synchronized( Thread.slock )
        if( --suspendDepth > 0 )

        for( Thread t = Thread.sm_tbeg; t; t = )
            resume( t );

private alias void delegate( void*, void* ) scanAllThreadsFn;

 * The main entry point for garbage collection.  The supplied delegate
 * will be passed ranges representing both stack and register values.
 * Params:
 *  scan        = The scanner function.  It should scan from p1 through p2 - 1.
 *  curStackTop = An optional pointer to the top of the calling thread's stack.
 * In:
 *  This routine must be preceded by a call to thread_suspendAll.
extern (C) void thread_scanAll( scanAllThreadsFn scan, void* curStackTop = null )
    assert( suspendDepth > 0 );
    Thread  thisThread  = null;
    void*   oldStackTop = null;

    if( curStackTop && Thread.sm_tbeg )
        thisThread  = Thread.getThis();
        if( !thisThread.m_lock )
            oldStackTop = thisThread.m_curr.tstack;
            thisThread.m_curr.tstack = curStackTop;

    scope( exit )
        if( curStackTop && Thread.sm_tbeg )
            if( !thisThread.m_lock )
                thisThread.m_curr.tstack = oldStackTop;

    // NOTE: Synchronizing on Thread.slock is not needed because this
    //       function may only be called after all other threads have
    //       been suspended from within the same lock.
    for( Thread.Context* c = Thread.sm_cbeg; c; c = )
        version( StackGrowsDown )
            // NOTE: We can't index past the bottom of the stack
            //       so don't do the "+1" for StackGrowsDown.
            if( c.tstack && c.tstack < c.bstack )
                scan( c.tstack, c.bstack );
            if( c.bstack && c.bstack < c.tstack )
                scan( c.bstack, c.tstack + 1 );
    version( Win32 )
        for( Thread t = Thread.sm_tbeg; t; t = )
            scan( &t.m_reg[0], &t.m_reg[0] + t.m_reg.length );

// Thread Local

 * This class encapsulates the operations required to initialize, access, and
 * destroy thread local data.
class ThreadLocal( T )
    // Initialization

     * Initializes thread local storage for the indicated value which will be
     * initialized to def for all threads.
     * Params:
     *  def = The default value to return if no value has been explicitly set.
    this( T def = T.init )
        m_def = def;
        m_key = Thread.createLocal();

        Thread.deleteLocal( m_key );

    // Accessors

     * Gets the value last set by the calling thread, or def if no such value
     * has been set.
     * Returns:
     *  The stored value or def if no value is stored.
    T val()
        Wrap* wrap = cast(Wrap*) Thread.getLocal( m_key );

        return wrap ? wrap.val : m_def;

     * Copies newval to a location specific to the calling thread, and returns
     * newval.
     * Params:
     *  newval = The value to set.
     * Returns:
     *  The value passed to this function.
    T val( T newval )
        Wrap* wrap = cast(Wrap*) Thread.getLocal( m_key );

        if( wrap is null )
            wrap = new Wrap;
            Thread.setLocal( m_key, wrap );
        wrap.val = newval;
        return newval;

    // A wrapper for the stored data.  This is needed for determining whether
    // set has ever been called for this thread (and therefore whether the
    // default value should be returned) and also to flatten the differences
    // between data that is smaller and larger than (void*).sizeof.  The
    // obvious tradeoff here is an extra per-thread allocation for each
    // ThreadLocal value as compared to calling the Thread routines directly.
    struct Wrap
        T   val;

    T       m_def;
    uint    m_key;

// Thread Group

 * This class is intended to simplify certain common programming techniques.
class ThreadGroup
     * Creates and starts a new Thread object that executes fn and adds it to
     * the list of tracked threads.
     * Params:
     *  fn = The thread function.
     * Returns:
     *  A reference to the newly created thread.
    final Thread create( void function() fn )
        Thread t = new Thread( fn );

            m_all[t] = t;
        return t;

     * Creates and starts a new Thread object that executes dg and adds it to
     * the list of tracked threads.
     * Params:
     *  dg = The thread function.
     * Returns:
     *  A reference to the newly created thread.
    final Thread create( void delegate() dg )
        Thread t = new Thread( dg );

            m_all[t] = t;
        return t;

     * Add t to the list of tracked threads if it is not already being tracked.
     * Params:
     *  t = The thread to add.
     * In:
     *  t must not be null.
    final void add( Thread t )
        assert( t );
            m_all[t] = t;

     * Removes t from the list of tracked threads.  No operation will be
     * performed if t is not currently being tracked by this object.
     * Params:
     *  t = The thread to remove.
     * In:
     *  t must not be null.
    final void remove( Thread t )
        assert( t );
            m_all.remove( t );

     * Operates on all threads currently tracked by this object.
    final int opApply( int delegate( inout Thread ) dg )
            int ret = 0;

            // NOTE: This loop relies on the knowledge that m_all uses the
            //       Thread object for both the key and the mapped value.
            foreach( Thread t; m_all.keys )
                ret = dg( t );
                if( ret )
            return ret;

     * Iteratively joins all tracked threads.  This function will block add,
     * remove, and opApply until it completes.
     * Params:
     *  rethrow = Rethrow any unhandled exception which may have caused the
     *            current thread to terminate.
     * Throws:
     *  Any exception not handled by the joined threads.
    final void joinAll( bool rethrow = true )
            // NOTE: This loop relies on the knowledge that m_all uses the
            //       Thread object for both the key and the mapped value.
            foreach( Thread t; m_all.keys )
                t.join( rethrow );

    Thread[Thread]  m_all;

// Fiber Platform Detection and Memory Allocation

    version( D_InlineAsm_X86 )
        version( X86_64 )

            version( Win32 )
                version = AsmX86_Win32;
            else version( Posix )
                version = AsmX86_Posix;
    else version( PPC )
        version( Posix )
            version = AsmPPC_Posix;

    version( Posix )
        import tango.stdc.posix.unistd;   // for sysconf
        import tango.stdc.posix.sys.mman; // for mmap
        import tango.stdc.posix.stdlib;   // for malloc, valloc, free

        version( AsmX86_Win32 ) {} else
        version( AsmX86_Posix ) {} else
        version( AsmPPC_Posix ) {} else
            // NOTE: The ucontext implementation requires architecture specific
            //       data definitions to operate so testing for it must be done
            //       by checking for the existence of ucontext_t rather than by
            //       a version identifier.  Please note that this is considered
            //       an obsolescent feature according to the POSIX spec, so a
            //       custom solution is still preferred.
            import tango.stdc.posix.ucontext;

    const size_t PAGESIZE;

static this()
    static if( is( typeof( GetSystemInfo ) ) )
        SYSTEM_INFO info;
        GetSystemInfo( &info );

        PAGESIZE = info.dwPageSize;
        assert( PAGESIZE < int.max );
    else static if( is( typeof( sysconf ) ) &&
                    is( typeof( _SC_PAGESIZE ) ) )
        PAGESIZE = cast(typeof(PAGESIZE))sysconf( _SC_PAGESIZE );
        assert( PAGESIZE < int.max );
        version( PPC )
            PAGESIZE = 8192;
            PAGESIZE = 4096;

// Fiber Entry Point and Context Switch

    extern (C) void fiber_entryPoint()
        Fiber   obj = Fiber.getThis();
        assert( obj );

        assert( Thread.getThis().m_curr is obj.m_ctxt );
        volatile Thread.getThis().m_lock = false;
        obj.m_ctxt.tstack = obj.m_ctxt.bstack;
        obj.m_state = Fiber.State.EXEC;

        catch( Object o )
            obj.m_unhandled = o;

        static if( is( typeof( ucontext_t ) ) )
          obj.m_ucur = &obj.m_utxt;

        obj.m_state = Fiber.State.TERM;

  // NOTE: If AsmPPC_Posix is defined then the context switch routine will
  //       be defined externally until GDC supports inline PPC ASM.
  version( AsmPPC_Posix )
    extern (C) void fiber_switchContext( void** oldp, void* newp );
    extern (C) void fiber_switchContext( void** oldp, void* newp )
        // NOTE: The data pushed and popped in this routine must match the
        //       default stack created by Fiber.initStack or the initial
        //       switch into a new context will fail.

        version( AsmX86_Win32 )

                // save current stack state
                push EBP;
                mov  EBP, ESP;
                push EAX;
                push dword ptr FS:[0];
                push dword ptr FS:[4];
                push dword ptr FS:[8];
                push EBX;
                push ESI;
                push EDI;

                // store oldp again with more accurate address
                mov EAX, dword ptr 8[EBP];
                mov [EAX], ESP;
                // load newp to begin context switch
                mov ESP, dword ptr 12[EBP];

                // load saved state from new stack
                pop EDI;
                pop ESI;
                pop EBX;
                pop dword ptr FS:[8];
                pop dword ptr FS:[4];
                pop dword ptr FS:[0];
                pop EAX;
                pop EBP;

                // 'return' to complete switch
        else version( AsmX86_Posix )

                // save current stack state
                push EBP;
                mov  EBP, ESP;
                push EAX;
                push EBX;
                push ESI;
                push EDI;

                // store oldp again with more accurate address
                mov EAX, dword ptr 8[EBP];
                mov [EAX], ESP;
                // load newp to begin context switch
                mov ESP, dword ptr 12[EBP];

                // load saved state from new stack
                pop EDI;
                pop ESI;
                pop EBX;
                pop EAX;
                pop EBP;

                // 'return' to complete switch
        else static if( is( typeof( ucontext_t ) ) )
            Fiber   cfib = Fiber.getThis();
            void*   ucur = cfib.m_ucur;

            *oldp = &ucur;
            swapcontext( **(cast(ucontext_t***) oldp),
                          *(cast(ucontext_t**)  newp) );

// Fiber

 * This class provides a cooperative concurrency mechanism integrated with the
 * threading and garbage collection functionality.  Calling a fiber may be
 * considered a blocking operation that returns when the fiber yields (via
 * Fiber.yield()).  Execution occurs within the context of the calling thread
 * so synchronization is not necessary to guarantee memory visibility so long
 * as the same thread calls the fiber each time.  Please note that there is no
 * requirement that a fiber be bound to one specific thread.  Rather, fibers
 * may be freely passed between threads so long as they are not currently
 * executing.  Like threads, a new fiber thread may be created using either
 * derivation or composition, as in the following example.
 * Example:
 * ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 * class DerivedFiber : Fiber
 * {
 *     this()
 *     {
 *         super( &run );
 *     }
 * private :
 *     void run()
 *     {
 *         printf( "Derived fiber running.\n" );
 *     }
 * }
 * void fiberFunc()
 * {
 *     printf( "Composed fiber running.\n" );
 *     Fiber.yield();
 *     printf( "Composed fiber running.\n" );
 * }
 * // create instances of each type
 * Fiber derived = new DerivedFiber();
 * Fiber composed = new Fiber( &fiberFunc );
 * // call both fibers once
 * printf( "Execution returned to calling context.\n" );
 * // since each fiber has run to completion, each should have state TERM
 * assert( derived.state == Fiber.State.TERM );
 * assert( composed.state == Fiber.State.TERM );
 * ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Authors: Based on a design by Mikola Lysenko.
class Fiber
    // Initialization

     * Initializes a fiber object which is associated with a static
     * D function.
     * Params:
     *  fn = The thread function.
     *  sz = The stack size for this fiber.
     * In:
     *  fn must not be null.
    this( void function() fn, size_t sz = PAGESIZE )
        assert( fn );
        m_fn    = fn;
        m_call  = Call.FN;
        m_state = State.HOLD;
        allocStack( sz );

     * Initializes a fiber object which is associated with a dynamic
     * D function.
     * Params:
     *  dg = The thread function.
     *  sz = The stack size for this fiber.
     * In:
     *  dg must not be null.
    this( void delegate() dg, size_t sz = PAGESIZE )
        assert( dg );
        m_dg    = dg;
        m_call  = Call.DG;
        m_state = State.HOLD;
        allocStack( sz );

     * Cleans up any remaining resources used by this object.
        // NOTE: A live reference to this object will exist on its associated
        //       stack from the first time its call() method has been called
        //       until its execution completes with State.TERM.  Thus, the only
        //       times this dtor should be called are either if the fiber has
        //       terminated (and therefore has no active stack) or if the user
        //       explicitly deletes this object.  The latter case is an error
        //       but is not easily tested for, since State.HOLD may imply that
        //       the fiber was just created but has never been run.  There is
        //       not a compelling case to create a State.INIT just to offer a
        //       means of ensuring the user isn't violating this object's
        //       contract, so for now this requirement will be enforced by
        //       documentation only.

    // General Actions

     * Transfers execution to this fiber object.  The calling context will be
     * suspended until the fiber calls Fiber.yield() or until it terminates
     * via an unhandled exception.
     * Params:
     *  rethrow = Rethrow any unhandled exception which may have caused this
     *            fiber to terminate.
     * In:
     *  This fiber must be in state HOLD.
     * Throws:
     *  Any exception not handled by the joined thread.
    final void call( bool rethrow = true )
        assert( m_state == State.HOLD );
        Fiber   cur = getThis();

        static if( is( typeof( ucontext_t ) ) )
          m_ucur = cur ? &cur.m_utxt : &Fiber.sm_utxt;

        setThis( this );
        setThis( cur );

        static if( is( typeof( ucontext_t ) ) )
          m_ucur = null;

        // NOTE: If the fiber has terminated then the stack pointers must be
        //       reset.  This ensures that the stack for this fiber is not
        //       scanned if the fiber has terminated.  This is necessary to
        //       prevent any references lingering on the stack from delaying
        //       the collection of otherwise dead objects.  The most notable
        //       being the current object, which is referenced at the top of
        //       fiber_entryPoint.
        if( m_state == State.TERM )
            m_ctxt.tstack = m_ctxt.bstack;
        if( m_unhandled )
            Object obj  = m_unhandled;
            m_unhandled = null;
            if( rethrow )
                throw obj;

     * Resets this fiber so that it may be re-used.  This routine may only be
     * called for fibers that have terminated, as doing otherwise could result
     * in scope-dependent functionality that is not executed.  Stack-based
     * classes, for example, may not be cleaned up properly if a fiber is reset
     * before it has terminated.
     * In:
     *  This fiber must be in state TERM.
    final void reset()
        assert( m_state == State.TERM );
        assert( m_ctxt.tstack == m_ctxt.bstack );
        m_state = State.HOLD;
        m_unhandled = null;

    // General Properties

     * A fiber may occupy one of three states: HOLD, EXEC, and TERM.  The HOLD
     * state applies to any fiber that is suspended and ready to be called.
     * The EXEC state will be set for any fiber that is currently executing.
     * And the TERM state is set when a fiber terminates.  Once a fiber
     * terminates, it must be reset before it may be called again.
    enum State
        HOLD,   ///
        EXEC,   ///
        TERM    ///

     * Gets the current state of this fiber.
     * Returns:
     *  The state of this fiber as an enumerated value.
    final State state()
        return m_state;

    // Actions on Calling Fiber

     * Forces a context switch to occur away from the calling fiber.
    static void yield()
        Fiber   cur = getThis();
        assert( cur, "Fiber.yield() called with no active fiber" );
        assert( cur.m_state == State.EXEC );

        static if( is( typeof( ucontext_t ) ) )
          cur.m_ucur = &cur.m_utxt;

        cur.m_state = State.HOLD;
        cur.m_state = State.EXEC;

     * Forces a context switch to occur away from the calling fiber and then
     * throws obj in the calling fiber.
     * Params:
     *  obj = The object to throw.
     * In:
     *  obj must not be null.
    static void yieldAndThrow( Object obj )
        assert( obj );
        Fiber   cur = getThis();
        assert( cur, "Fiber.yield() called with no active fiber" );
        assert( cur.m_state == State.EXEC );

        static if( is( typeof( ucontext_t ) ) )
          cur.m_ucur = &cur.m_utxt;

        cur.m_unhandled = obj;
        cur.m_state = State.HOLD;
        cur.m_state = State.EXEC;

    // Fiber Accessors

     * Provides a reference to the calling fiber or null if no fiber is
     * currently active.
     * Returns:
     *  The fiber object representing the calling fiber or null if no fiber
     *  is currently active.  The result of deleting this object is undefined.
    static Fiber getThis()
        version( Win32 )
            return cast(Fiber) TlsGetValue( sm_this );
        else version( Posix )
            return cast(Fiber) pthread_getspecific( sm_this );

    // Static Initialization

    static this()
        version( Win32 )
            sm_this = TlsAlloc();
            assert( sm_this != TLS_OUT_OF_INDEXES );
        else version( Posix )
            int status;

            status = pthread_key_create( &sm_this, null );
            assert( status == 0 );

          static if( is( typeof( ucontext_t ) ) )
            status = getcontext( &sm_utxt );
            assert( status == 0 );

    // Initializes a fiber object which has no associated executable function.
        m_call = Call.NO;

    // Fiber entry point.  Invokes the function or delegate passed on
    // construction (if any).
    final void run()
        switch( m_call )
        case Call.FN:
        case Call.DG:

    // The type of routine passed on fiber construction.
    enum Call

    // Standard fiber data
    Call                m_call;
        void function() m_fn;
        void delegate() m_dg;
    bool                m_isRunning;
    Object              m_unhandled;
    State               m_state;

    // Stack Management

    // Allocate a new stack for this fiber.
    final void allocStack( size_t sz )
        assert( !m_pmem && !m_ctxt );
        // adjust alloc size to a multiple of PAGESIZE
        sz += PAGESIZE - 1;
        sz -= sz % PAGESIZE;

        // NOTE: This instance of Thread.Context is dynamic so Fiber objects
        //       can be collected by the GC so long as no user level references
        //       to the object exist.  If m_ctxt were not dynamic then its
        //       presence in the global context list would be enough to keep
        //       this object alive indefinitely.  An alternative to allocating
        //       room for this struct explicitly would be to mash it into the
        //       base of the stack being allocated below.  However, doing so
        //       requires too much special logic to be worthwhile.
        m_ctxt = new Thread.Context;

        static if( is( typeof( VirtualAlloc ) ) )
            // reserve memory for stack
            m_pmem = VirtualAlloc( null,
                                   sz + PAGESIZE,
                                   PAGE_NOACCESS );
            if( !m_pmem )
                throw new FiberException( "Unable to reserve memory for stack" );

            version( StackGrowsDown )
                void* stack = m_pmem + PAGESIZE;
                void* guard = m_pmem;
                void* pbase = stack + sz;
                void* stack = m_pmem;
                void* guard = m_pmem + sz;
                void* pbase = stack;

            // allocate reserved stack segment
            stack = VirtualAlloc( stack,
                                  PAGE_READWRITE );
            if( !stack )
                throw new FiberException( "Unable to allocate memory for stack" );

            // allocate reserved guard page
            guard = VirtualAlloc( guard,
                                  PAGE_READWRITE | PAGE_GUARD );
            if( !guard )
                throw new FiberException( "Unable to create guard page for stack" );

            m_ctxt.bstack = pbase;
            m_ctxt.tstack = pbase;
            m_size = sz;
        {   static if( is( typeof( mmap ) ) )
                m_pmem = mmap( null,
                               PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE,
                               MAP_PRIVATE | MAP_ANON,
                               0 );
                if( m_pmem == MAP_FAILED )
                    m_pmem = null;
            else static if( is( typeof( valloc ) ) )
                m_pmem = valloc( sz );
            else static if( is( typeof( malloc ) ) )
                m_pmem = malloc( sz );
                m_pmem = null;

            if( !m_pmem )
                throw new FiberException( "Unable to allocate memory for stack" );

            version( StackGrowsDown )
                m_ctxt.bstack = m_pmem + sz;
                m_ctxt.tstack = m_pmem + sz;
                m_ctxt.bstack = m_pmem;
                m_ctxt.tstack = m_pmem;
            m_size = sz;

        Thread.add( m_ctxt );

    // Free this fiber's stack.
    final void freeStack()
        assert( m_pmem && m_ctxt );
        // NOTE: Since this routine is only ever expected to be called from
        //       the dtor, pointers to freed data are not set to null.

        // NOTE: m_ctxt is guaranteed to be alive because it is held in the
        //       global context list.
        Thread.remove( m_ctxt );

        static if( is( typeof( VirtualAlloc ) ) )
            VirtualFree( m_pmem, 0, MEM_RELEASE );
        else static if( is( typeof( mmap ) ) )
            munmap( m_pmem, m_size );
        else static if( is( typeof( valloc ) ) )
            free( m_pmem );
        else static if( is( typeof( malloc ) ) )
            free( m_pmem );
        delete m_ctxt;

    // Initialize the allocated stack.
    final void initStack()
        assert( m_ctxt.tstack && m_ctxt.tstack == m_ctxt.bstack );
        assert( cast(size_t) m_ctxt.bstack % (void*).sizeof == 0 );
        void* pstack = m_ctxt.tstack;
        scope( exit )  m_ctxt.tstack = pstack;

        void push( size_t val )
            version( StackGrowsDown )
                pstack -= size_t.sizeof;
                *(cast(size_t*) pstack) = val;
                pstack += size_t.sizeof;
                *(cast(size_t*) pstack) = val;

        // NOTE: On OS X the stack must be 16-byte aligned according to the
        // IA-32 call spec.
        version( darwin )
             pstack = cast(void*)(cast(uint)(pstack) - (cast(uint)(pstack) & 0x0F));

        version( AsmX86_Win32 )
            push( cast(size_t) &fiber_entryPoint );                 // EIP
            push( 0xFFFFFFFF );                                     // EBP
            push( 0x00000000 );                                     // EAX
            push( 0xFFFFFFFF );                                     // FS:[0]
            // BUG: Are the frame pointers the same for both versions?
            version( StackGrowsDown )
                push( cast(size_t) m_ctxt.bstack );                 // FS:[4]
                push( cast(size_t) m_ctxt.bstack + m_size );        // FS:[8]
                push( cast(size_t) m_ctxt.bstack );                 // FS:[4]
                push( cast(size_t) m_ctxt.bstack + m_size );        // FS:[8]
            push( 0x00000000 );                                     // EBX
            push( 0x00000000 );                                     // ESI
            push( 0x00000000 );                                     // EDI
        else version( AsmX86_Posix )
            push( cast(size_t) &fiber_entryPoint );                 // EIP
            push( 0x00000000 );                                     // EBP
            push( 0x00000000 );                                     // EAX
            push( 0x00000000 );                                     // EBX
            push( 0x00000000 );                                     // ESI
            push( 0x00000000 );                                     // EDI
        else version( AsmPPC_Posix )
            version( StackGrowsDown )
                pstack -= int.sizeof * 5;
                pstack += int.sizeof * 5;

            push( cast(size_t) &fiber_entryPoint );     // link register
            push( 0x00000000 );                         // control register
            push( 0x00000000 );                         // old stack pointer

            // GPR values
            version( StackGrowsDown )
                pstack -= int.sizeof * 20;
                pstack += int.sizeof * 20;

            assert( cast(uint) pstack & 0x0f == 0 );
        else static if( is( typeof( ucontext_t ) ) )
            getcontext( &m_utxt );
            m_utxt.uc_stack.ss_sp   = m_ctxt.bstack;
            m_utxt.uc_stack.ss_size = m_size;
            makecontext( &m_utxt, &fiber_entryPoint, 0 );
            // NOTE: If ucontext is being used then the top of the stack will
            //       be a pointer to the ucontext_t struct for that fiber.
            push( cast(size_t) &m_utxt );

    Thread.Context* m_ctxt;
    size_t          m_size;
    void*           m_pmem;

    static if( is( typeof( ucontext_t ) ) )
        // NOTE: The static ucontext instance is used to represent the context
        //       of the main application thread.
        static ucontext_t   sm_utxt = void;
        ucontext_t          m_utxt  = void;
        ucontext_t*         m_ucur  = null;

    // Storage of Active Fiber

    // Sets a thread-local reference to the current fiber object.
    static void setThis( Fiber f )
        version( Win32 )
            TlsSetValue( sm_this, cast(void*) f );
        else version( Posix )
            pthread_setspecific( sm_this, cast(void*) f );

    static Thread.TLSKey    sm_this;

    // Context Switching

    // Switches into the stack held by this fiber.
    final void switchIn()
        Thread  tobj = Thread.getThis();
        void**  oldp = &tobj.m_curr.tstack;
        void*   newp = m_ctxt.tstack;

        // NOTE: The order of operations here is very important.  The current
        //       stack top must be stored before m_lock is set, and pushContext
        //       must not be called until after m_lock is set.  This process
        //       is intended to prevent a race condition with the suspend
        //       mechanism used for garbage collection.  If it is not followed,
        //       a badly timed collection could cause the GC to scan from the
        //       bottom of one stack to the top of another, or to miss scanning
        //       a stack that still contains valid data.  The old stack pointer
        //       oldp will be set again before the context switch to guarantee
        //       that it points to exactly the correct stack location so the
        //       successive pop operations will succeed.
        *oldp = getStackTop();
        volatile tobj.m_lock = true;
        tobj.pushContext( m_ctxt );

        fiber_switchContext( oldp, newp );

        // NOTE: As above, these operations must be performed in a strict order
        //       to prevent Bad Things from happening.
        volatile tobj.m_lock = false;
        tobj.m_curr.tstack = tobj.m_curr.bstack;

    // Switches out of the current stack and into the enclosing stack.
    final void switchOut()
        Thread  tobj = Thread.getThis();
        void**  oldp = &m_ctxt.tstack;
        void*   newp = tobj.m_curr.within.tstack;

        // NOTE: The order of operations here is very important.  The current
        //       stack top must be stored before m_lock is set, and pushContext
        //       must not be called until after m_lock is set.  This process
        //       is intended to prevent a race condition with the suspend
        //       mechanism used for garbage collection.  If it is not followed,
        //       a badly timed collection could cause the GC to scan from the
        //       bottom of one stack to the top of another, or to miss scanning
        //       a stack that still contains valid data.  The old stack pointer
        //       oldp will be set again before the context switch to guarantee
        //       that it points to exactly the correct stack location so the
        //       successive pop operations will succeed.
        *oldp = getStackTop();
        volatile tobj.m_lock = true;

        fiber_switchContext( oldp, newp );

        // NOTE: As above, these operations must be performed in a strict order
        //       to prevent Bad Things from happening.
        volatile tobj.m_lock = false;
        tobj.m_curr.tstack = tobj.m_curr.bstack;