view tango/lib/common/tango/core/Exception.d @ 132:1700239cab2e trunk

[svn r136] MAJOR UNSTABLE UPDATE!!! Initial commit after moving to Tango instead of Phobos. Lots of bugfixes... This build is not suitable for most things.
author lindquist
date Fri, 11 Jan 2008 17:57:40 +0100
children 44a95ac7368a
line wrap: on
line source

 * The exception module defines all system-level exceptions and provides a
 * mechanism to alter system-level error handling.
 * Copyright: Copyright (C) 2005-2006 Sean Kelly, Kris Bell.  All rights reserved.
 * License:   BSD style: $(LICENSE)
 * Authors:   Sean Kelly, Kris Bell
module tango.core.Exception;

    alias void  function( char[] file, size_t line, char[] msg = null ) assertHandlerType;
    alias TracedExceptionInfo function( void* ptr = null ) traceHandlerType;

    assertHandlerType   assertHandler   = null;
    traceHandlerType    traceHandler    = null;

interface TracedExceptionInfo
    int opApply( int delegate( inout char[] ) );

- Exception
  - OutOfMemoryException

  - TracedException
    - SwitchException
    - AssertException
    - ArrayBoundsException
    - FinalizeException

    - PlatformException
      - ProcessException
      - ThreadException
        - FiberException
      - SyncException
      - IOException
        - SocketException
          - SocketAcceptException
        - AddressException
        - HostException
        - VfsException
        - ClusterException

    - NoSuchElementException
      - CorruptedIteratorException

    - IllegalArgumentException
      - IllegalElementException

    - TextException
      - RegexException
      - LocaleException
      - UnicodeException

    - PayloadException

 * Thrown on an out of memory error.
class OutOfMemoryException : Exception
    this( char[] file, size_t line )
        super( "Memory allocation failed", file, line );

    char[] toString()
        return msg ? super.toString() : "Memory allocation failed";

 * Stores a stack trace when thrown.
class TracedException : Exception
    this( char[] msg )
        super( msg );
        m_info = traceContext();

    this( char[] msg, Exception e )
        super( msg, e );
        m_info = traceContext();

    this( char[] msg, char[] file, size_t line )
        super( msg, file, line );
        m_info = traceContext();

    char[] toString()
        if( m_info is null )
            return super.toString();
        char[] buf = super.toString();
        buf ~= "\n----------------";
        foreach( line; m_info )
            buf ~= "\n" ~ line;
        return buf;

    int opApply( int delegate( inout char[] buf ) dg )
        if( m_info is null )
            return 0;
        return m_info.opApply( dg );

    TracedExceptionInfo m_info;

 * Base class for operating system or library exceptions.
class PlatformException : TracedException
    this( char[] msg )
        super( msg );

 * Thrown on an assert error.
class AssertException : TracedException
    this( char[] file, size_t line )
        super( "Assertion failure", file, line );

    this( char[] msg, char[] file, size_t line )
        super( msg, file, line );

 * Thrown on an array bounds error.
class ArrayBoundsException : TracedException
    this( char[] file, size_t line )
        super( "Array index out of bounds", file, line );

 * Thrown on finalize error.
class FinalizeException : TracedException
    ClassInfo   info;

    this( ClassInfo c, Exception e = null )
        super( "Finalization error", e );
        info = c;

    char[] toString()
        //return "An exception was thrown while finalizing an instance of class " ~;

 * Thrown on a switch error.
class SwitchException : TracedException
    this( char[] file, size_t line )
        super( "No appropriate switch clause found", file, line );

 * Represents a text processing error.
class TextException : TracedException
    this( char[] msg )
        super( msg );

 * Thrown on a unicode conversion error.
class UnicodeException : TextException
    size_t idx;

    this( char[] msg, size_t idx )
        super( msg );
        this.idx = idx;

 * Base class for thread exceptions.
class ThreadException : PlatformException
    this( char[] msg )
        super( msg );

 * Base class for fiber exceptions.
class FiberException : ThreadException
    this( char[] msg )
        super( msg );

 * Base class for synchronization exceptions.
class SyncException : PlatformException
    this( char[] msg )
        super( msg );

 * The basic exception thrown by the package. One should try to ensure
 * that all Tango exceptions related to IO are derived from this one.
class IOException : PlatformException
    this( char[] msg )
        super( msg );

 * The basic exception thrown by the package. 
private class VfsException : IOException
    this( char[] msg )
        super( msg );

 * The basic exception thrown by the package. 
private class ClusterException : IOException
    this( char[] msg )
        super( msg );

 * Base class for socket exceptions.
class SocketException : IOException
    this( char[] msg )
        super( msg );

 * Base class for exception thrown by an InternetHost.
class HostException : IOException
    this( char[] msg )
        super( msg );

 * Base class for exceptiond thrown by an Address.
class AddressException : IOException
    this( char[] msg )
        super( msg );

 * Thrown when a socket failed to accept an incoming connection.
class SocketAcceptException : SocketException
    this( char[] msg )
        super( msg );

 * Thrown on a process error.
class ProcessException : PlatformException
    this( char[] msg )
        super( msg );

 * Base class for regluar expression exceptions.
class RegexException : TextException
    this( char[] msg )
        super( msg );

 * Base class for locale exceptions.
class LocaleException : TextException
    this( char[] msg )
        super( msg );

 * RegistryException is thrown when the NetworkRegistry encounters a
 * problem during proxy registration, or when it sees an unregistered
 * guid.
class RegistryException : TracedException
    this( char[] msg )
        super( msg );

 * Thrown when an illegal argument is encountered.
class IllegalArgumentException : TracedException
    this( char[] msg )
        super( msg );

 * IllegalElementException is thrown by Collection methods
 * that add (or replace) elements (and/or keys) when their
 * arguments are null or do not pass screeners.
class IllegalElementException : IllegalArgumentException
    this( char[] msg )
        super( msg );

 * Thrown on past-the-end errors by iterators and containers.
class NoSuchElementException : TracedException
    this( char[] msg )
        super( msg );

 * Thrown when a corrupt iterator is detected.
class CorruptedIteratorException : NoSuchElementException
    this( char[] msg )
        super( msg );

// Overrides

 * Overrides the default assert hander with a user-supplied version.
 * Params:
 *  h = The new assert handler.  Set to null to use the default handler.
void setAssertHandler( assertHandlerType h )
    assertHandler = h;

 * Overrides the default trace hander with a user-supplied version.
 * Params:
 *  h = The new trace handler.  Set to null to use the default handler.
void setTraceHandler( traceHandlerType h )
    traceHandler = h;

// Overridable Callbacks

 * A callback for assert errors in D.  The user-supplied assert handler will
 * be called if one has been supplied, otherwise an AssertException will be
 * thrown.
 * Params:
 *  file = The name of the file that signaled this error.
 *  line = The line number on which this error occurred.
extern (C) void onAssertError( char[] file, size_t line )
    if( assertHandler is null )
        throw new AssertException( file, line );
    assertHandler( file, line );

 * A callback for assert errors in D.  The user-supplied assert handler will
 * be called if one has been supplied, otherwise an AssertException will be
 * thrown.
 * Params:
 *  file = The name of the file that signaled this error.
 *  line = The line number on which this error occurred.
 *  msg  = An error message supplied by the user.
extern (C) void onAssertErrorMsg( char[] file, size_t line, char[] msg )
    if( assertHandler is null )
        throw new AssertException( msg, file, line );
    assertHandler( file, line, msg );

 * This function will be called when a TracedException is constructed.  The
 * user-supplied trace handler will be called if one has been supplied,
 * otherwise no trace will be generated.
 * Params:
 *  ptr = A pointer to the location from which to generate the trace, or null
 *        if the trace should be generated from within the trace handler
 *        itself.
 * Returns:
 *  An object describing the current calling context or null if no handler is
 *  supplied.
TracedExceptionInfo traceContext( void* ptr = null )
    if( traceHandler is null )
        return null;
    return traceHandler( ptr );

// Internal Error Callbacks

 * A callback for array bounds errors in D.  An ArrayBoundsException will be
 * thrown.
 * Params:
 *  file = The name of the file that signaled this error.
 *  line = The line number on which this error occurred.
 * Throws:
 *  ArrayBoundsException.
extern (C) void onArrayBoundsError( char[] file, size_t line )
    throw new ArrayBoundsException( file, line );

 * A callback for finalize errors in D.  A FinalizeException will be thrown.
 * Params:
 *  e = The exception thrown during finalization.
 * Throws:
 *  FinalizeException.
extern (C) void onFinalizeError( ClassInfo info, Exception ex )
    throw new FinalizeException( info, ex );

 * A callback for out of memory errors in D.  An OutOfMemoryException will be
 * thrown.
 * Throws:
 *  OutOfMemoryException.
extern (C) void onOutOfMemoryError()
    // NOTE: Since an out of memory condition exists, no allocation must occur
    //       while generating this object.
    throw cast(OutOfMemoryException) cast(void*) OutOfMemoryException.classinfo.init;

 * A callback for switch errors in D.  A SwitchException will be thrown.
 * Params:
 *  file = The name of the file that signaled this error.
 *  line = The line number on which this error occurred.
 * Throws:
 *  SwitchException.
extern (C) void onSwitchError( char[] file, size_t line )
    throw new SwitchException( file, line );

 * A callback for unicode errors in D.  A UnicodeException will be thrown.
 * Params:
 *  msg = Information about the error.
 *  idx = String index where this error was detected.
 * Throws:
 *  UnicodeException.
extern (C) void onUnicodeError( char[] msg, size_t idx )
    throw new UnicodeException( msg, idx );