view tango/example/networking/socketserver.d @ 132:1700239cab2e trunk

[svn r136] MAJOR UNSTABLE UPDATE!!! Initial commit after moving to Tango instead of Phobos. Lots of bugfixes... This build is not suitable for most things.
author lindquist
date Fri, 11 Jan 2008 17:57:40 +0100
line wrap: on
line source


        Shows how to create a basic socket server, and how to talk to
        it from a socket client. Note that both the server and client
        are entirely simplistic, and therefore this is for illustration
        purposes only. See HttpServer for something more robust.


private import  tango.core.Thread;

private import;

private import,


        Create a socket server, and have it respond to a request


void main()
        const int port = 8080;
        // thread body for socket-listener
        void run()
                auto server = new ServerSocket (new InternetAddress(port));
                // wait for requests
                auto request = server.accept;

                // write a response 
                request.output.write ("server replies 'hello'");

        // start server in a separate thread, and wait for it to start
        (new Thread (&run)).start;
        Thread.sleep (0.250);

        // make a connection request to the server
        auto request = new SocketConduit;
        request.connect (new InternetAddress("localhost", port));

        // wait for and display response (there is an optional timeout)
        char[64] response;
        auto len = (response);
        Cout (response[0..len]).newline;
