view premake.lua @ 132:1700239cab2e trunk

[svn r136] MAJOR UNSTABLE UPDATE!!! Initial commit after moving to Tango instead of Phobos. Lots of bugfixes... This build is not suitable for most things.
author lindquist
date Fri, 11 Jan 2008 17:57:40 +0100
parents 5825d48b27d1
children 0e28624814e8
line wrap: on
line source = llvmdc

package = newpackage() = "idgen"
package.kind = "exe"
package.language = "c++"
package.files = { "dmd/idgen.c" }
package.buildoptions = { "-x c++" }
package.postbuildcommands = { "./idgen", "mv -f id.c id.h dmd" }

package = newpackage() = "impcnvgen"
package.kind = "exe"
package.language = "c++"
package.files = { "dmd/impcnvgen.c" }
package.buildoptions = { "-x c++" }
package.postbuildcommands = { "./impcnvgen", "mv -f impcnvtab.c dmd" }

package = newpackage()
package.bindir = "bin" = "llvmdc"
package.kind = "exe"
package.language = "c++"
package.files = { matchfiles("dmd/*.c"), matchfiles("gen/*.cpp") }
package.excludes = { "dmd/idgen.c", "dmd/impcnvgen.c" }
package.buildoptions = { "-x c++", "`llvm-config --cxxflags`" }
package.linkoptions = {
    -- long but it's faster than just 'all'
    "`llvm-config --libs core asmparser bitreader bitwriter support target transformutils scalaropts ipo instrumentation x86 powerpc`",
    "`llvm-config --ldflags`"
package.defines = { "IN_LLVM", "_DH" }
package.config.Release.defines = { "LLVMD_NO_LOGGER" }
package.config.Debug.buildoptions = { "-g -O0" }
--package.targetprefix = "llvm"
package.includepaths = { ".", "dmd" }
--package.postbuildcommands = { "cd runtime; ./; cd .." }
package.links = { "gc" }