view gen/tollvm.h @ 1052:12ea38902e83

Add '-singleobj' command line switch that will tell LDC to link LLVM modules internally and only emit a single object file. The switch allows the optimizer and inliner to run on all modules at once and opens the door for template instantiation improvements that should lower compile time and executable size.
author Christian Kamm <kamm incasoftware de>
date Sat, 07 Mar 2009 19:38:00 +0100
parents 2667e3a145be
children 3d4581761b4c
line wrap: on
line source


#include "gen/llvm.h"
#include "lexer.h"
#include "mtype.h"
#include "attrib.h"
#include "declaration.h"

#include "gen/structs.h"

// D->LLVM type handling stuff
const LLType* DtoType(Type* t);

// same as DtoType except it converts 'void' to 'i8'
const LLType* DtoTypeNotVoid(Type* t);

// returns true is the type must be passed by pointer
bool DtoIsPassedByRef(Type* type);

// should argument be zero or sign extended
unsigned DtoShouldExtend(Type* type);

// tuple helper
// takes a arguments list and makes a struct type out of them
//const LLType* DtoStructTypeFromArguments(Arguments* arguments);

// delegate helpers
const LLStructType* DtoDelegateType(Type* t);
LLValue* DtoDelegateEquals(TOK op, LLValue* lhs, LLValue* rhs);

// return linkage type for symbol using the current ir state for context
LLGlobalValue::LinkageTypes DtoLinkage(Dsymbol* sym);
LLGlobalValue::LinkageTypes DtoInternalLinkage(Dsymbol* sym);
LLGlobalValue::LinkageTypes DtoExternalLinkage(Dsymbol* sym);

// TODO: this one should be removed!!!
LLValue* DtoPointedType(LLValue* ptr, LLValue* val);

// some types
const LLType* DtoSize_t();
const LLStructType* DtoInterfaceInfoType();
const LLStructType* DtoMutexType();
const LLStructType* DtoModuleReferenceType();

// getelementptr helpers
LLValue* DtoGEP1(LLValue* ptr, LLValue* i0, const char* var=NULL, llvm::BasicBlock* bb=NULL);
LLValue* DtoGEP(LLValue* ptr, LLValue* i0, LLValue* i1, const char* var=NULL, llvm::BasicBlock* bb=NULL);

LLValue* DtoGEPi1(LLValue* ptr, unsigned i0, const char* var=NULL, llvm::BasicBlock* bb=NULL);
LLValue* DtoGEPi(LLValue* ptr, unsigned i0, unsigned i1, const char* var=NULL, llvm::BasicBlock* bb=NULL);

// to constant helpers
LLConstantInt* DtoConstSize_t(size_t);
LLConstantInt* DtoConstUint(unsigned i);
LLConstantInt* DtoConstInt(int i);
LLConstantInt* DtoConstUbyte(unsigned char i);
llvm::ConstantFP* DtoConstFP(Type* t, long double value);

LLConstant* DtoConstString(const char*);
LLConstant* DtoConstStringPtr(const char* str, const char* section = 0);
LLConstant* DtoConstBool(bool);

// llvm wrappers
LLValue* DtoLoad(LLValue* src, const char* name=0);
void DtoStore(LLValue* src, LLValue* dst);
LLValue* DtoBitCast(LLValue* v, const LLType* t, const char* name=0);
LLConstant* DtoBitCast(LLConstant* v, const LLType* t);

// llvm::dyn_cast wrappers
const LLPointerType* isaPointer(LLValue* v);
const LLPointerType* isaPointer(const LLType* t);
const LLArrayType* isaArray(LLValue* v);
const LLArrayType* isaArray(const LLType* t);
const LLStructType* isaStruct(LLValue* v);
const LLStructType* isaStruct(const LLType* t);
const LLFunctionType* isaFunction(LLValue* v);
const LLFunctionType* isaFunction(const LLType* t);
LLConstant* isaConstant(LLValue* v);
LLConstantInt* isaConstantInt(LLValue* v);
llvm::Argument* isaArgument(LLValue* v);
LLGlobalVariable* isaGlobalVar(LLValue* v);

// llvm::T::get(...) wrappers
const LLPointerType* getPtrToType(const LLType* t);
const LLPointerType* getVoidPtrType();
llvm::ConstantPointerNull* getNullPtr(const LLType* t);
LLConstant* getNullValue(const LLType* t);

// type sizes
size_t getTypeBitSize(const LLType* t);
size_t getTypeStoreSize(const LLType* t);
size_t getTypePaddedSize(const LLType* t);

// type alignments
unsigned char getABITypeAlign(const LLType* t);
unsigned char getPrefTypeAlign(const LLType* t);

// get biggest type, for unions ...
const LLType* getBiggestType(const LLType** begin, size_t n);

// pair type helpers
LLValue* DtoAggrPair(const LLType* type, LLValue* V1, LLValue* V2, const char* name = 0);
LLValue* DtoAggrPair(LLValue* V1, LLValue* V2, const char* name = 0);
LLValue* DtoAggrPaint(LLValue* aggr, const LLType* as);
LLValue* DtoAggrPairSwap(LLValue* aggr);

 * Generates a call to llvm.memset.i32 (or i64 depending on architecture).
 * @param dst Destination memory.
 * @param nbytes Number of bytes to overwrite.
void DtoMemSetZero(LLValue* dst, LLValue* nbytes);

 * Generates a call to llvm.memcpy.i32 (or i64 depending on architecture).
 * @param dst Destination memory.
 * @param src Source memory.
 * @param nbytes Number of bytes to copy.
void DtoMemCpy(LLValue* dst, LLValue* src, LLValue* nbytes);

 * Generates a call to C memcmp.
LLValue* DtoMemCmp(LLValue* lhs, LLValue* rhs, LLValue* nbytes);

 * The same as DtoMemSetZero but figures out the size itself by "dereferencing" the v pointer once.
 * @param v Destination memory.
void DtoAggrZeroInit(LLValue* v);

 * The same as DtoMemCpy but figures out the size itself by "dereferencing" dst the pointer once.
 * @param dst Destination memory.
 * @param src Source memory.
void DtoAggrCopy(LLValue* dst, LLValue* src);

 * Generates a call to llvm.memory.barrier
 * @param ll load-load
 * @param ls load-store
 * @param sl store-load
 * @param ss store-store
 * @param device special device flag
void DtoMemoryBarrier(bool ll, bool ls, bool sl, bool ss, bool device=false);

#include "enums.h"

#endif // LDC_GEN_TOLLVM_H