view tools/binding/llvm/llvm.d @ 1404:11b122f92136

Now that templates instantiations are no longer emitted for all modules that even blink at them they seem to break due to being linkonce (if compiled with any optimization level > 0), so let's give them weak linkage instead. The difference is that unreferenced linkonce symbols can be deleted, while weak symbols need to be preserved.
author Frits van Bommel <fvbommel>
date Thu, 21 May 2009 15:23:28 +0200
parents 4ff9ab0d472c
line wrap: on
line source

// Written in the D programming language by Tomas Lindquist Olsen 2008
// Binding of llvm.c.Core values for D.
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
module llvm.llvm;

import llvm.c.Core;
import llvm.c.Ext;
import llvm.c.BitWriter;
import llvm.c.BitReader;
import llvm.c.Analysis;
import llvm.c.Target;

public import llvm.type;
public import llvm.builder;

import llvm.util;

class LLVMException : Exception
    this(char[] msg) {

version(Tango) {
    import tango.stdc.stdlib;
else {
    import std.c.stdlib;
alias LLVMLinkage Linkage;
alias LLVMIntPredicate IntPredicate;
alias LLVMRealPredicate RealPredicate;
alias LLVMCallConv CallConv;
alias LLVMVisibility Visibility;
alias LLVMValueKind ValueKind;

class Module
    /// global registry for 1:1 mapping of ModuleRef's -> Module's
    private static Module[LLVMModuleRef] registry;
    private LLVMModuleRef mod;
    const char[] name;
    // Make all methods final to enable linking with just needed libs.
    // To make use of this if compiling with GDC: use -ffunction-sections when
    // compiling and --gc-sections when linking.
    // (Final avoids references in the vtable)
    this(char[] nam)
        name = nam;
        mod = LLVMModuleCreateWithName(to_stringz(nam));
        registry[mod] = this;
    private this(LLVMModuleRef m)
        name = null;
        mod = m;
        registry[m] = this;
    static package Module GetExisting(LLVMModuleRef m)
        if (auto p = m in registry)
            return *p;
        return new Module(m);
    /// Create a module from bitcode. Returns the Module on success, null on failure.
    static Module GetFromBitcode(char[] bitcodepath, ref char[] errmsg)
        LLVMModuleRef mref;
        LLVMMemoryBufferRef bref;
        char* msg;
        if (LLVMCreateMemoryBufferWithContentsOfFile(to_stringz(bitcodepath), &bref, &msg))
            errmsg = from_stringz(msg).dup;
            if (errmsg.length == 0)
                errmsg = "Error reading bitcode file";
            throw new LLVMException(errmsg);
        if (LLVMParseBitcode(bref, &mref, &msg))
            errmsg = from_stringz(msg).dup;
            if (errmsg.length == 0)
                errmsg = "Error parsing bitcode";
            throw new LLVMException(errmsg);
        return new Module(mref);
    /// important to call this when done
    void dispose()
        if (mod)
            mod = null;
    char[] dataLayout()
        assert(mod !is null);
        return from_stringz(LLVMGetDataLayout(mod));
    void dataLayout(char[] dl)
        assert(mod !is null);
        LLVMSetDataLayout(mod, to_stringz(dl));
    char[] target()
        assert(mod !is null);
        return from_stringz(LLVMGetTarget(mod));
    void target(char[] dl)
        assert(mod !is null);
        LLVMSetTarget(mod, to_stringz(dl));
    bool addTypeName(char[] nam, Type t)
        assert(mod !is null);
        return LLVMAddTypeName(mod, to_stringz(nam), t.ll) != 0;
    Type getTypeByName(char[] name) {
        return getTypeOf(LLVMGetTypeByName(mod, to_stringz(name)));
    void deleteTypeName(char[] nam)
        assert(mod !is null);
        LLVMDeleteTypeName(mod, to_stringz(nam));
    GlobalVariable addGlobal(Type t, char[] nam)
        assert(mod !is null);
        auto c = LLVMAddGlobal(mod, t.ll, to_stringz(nam));
        assert(c !is null);
        return new GlobalVariable(c, getTypeOf(c));
    /// Convenience method, type is taken to be that of the initializer
    GlobalVariable addGlobal(Constant initializer, char[] name)
        auto global = addGlobal(initializer.type, name);
        global.initializer = initializer;
        return global;
    GlobalValue getNamedGlobal(char[] nam)
        assert(mod !is null);
        auto c = LLVMGetNamedGlobal(mod, to_stringz(nam));
        if (c is null) return null;
        return cast(GlobalValue)getValueOf(c);
    Function addFunction(Type t, char[] nam)
        assert(mod !is null);
        auto c = LLVMAddFunction(mod, to_stringz(nam), t.ll);
        assert(c !is null);
        return new Function(c, getTypeOf(c));
    Function getNamedFunction(char[] nam)
        assert(mod !is null);
        auto c = LLVMGetNamedFunction(mod, to_stringz(nam));
        if (c is null) return null;
        return cast(Function)getValueOf(c);
    Function getOrInsertFunction(Type t, char[] nam)
        assert(mod !is null);
        auto c = LLVMGetOrInsertFunction(mod, to_stringz(nam), t.ll);
        auto val = getValueOf(c);
        auto fn = cast(Function) val;
        // Can happen if 'nam' names a function of a different type:
        assert(fn !is null, "Not a function of type " ~ t.toString() ~ ": " ~ val.toString());
        return fn;
    /// Performs the same optimizations as `opt -std-compile-opts ...' would on the module.
    /// If inline is true, function inlining will be performed.
    void optimize(bool inline)
        LLVMOptimizeModule(mod, inline);
    /// Writes the module to an open file descriptor. Returns true on success.
    bool writeBitcodeToFileHandle(int handle)
        return (LLVMWriteBitcodeToFileHandle(mod, handle) == 0);
    /// Writes the module to the specified path. Returns 0 on success.
    bool writeBitcodeToFile(char[] path)
        return (LLVMWriteBitcodeToFile(mod, to_stringz(path)) == 0);
    /// Throws an exception if the module doesn't pass the LLVM verifier.
    void verify()
        char* msg;
        if (LLVMVerifyModule(mod, LLVMVerifierFailureAction.ReturnStatus, &msg))
            auto errmsg = from_stringz(msg).dup;
            if (errmsg.length == 0)
                errmsg = "Module verification failed";
            throw new LLVMException(errmsg);

class ModuleProvider
    private LLVMModuleProviderRef mp;
    private this(LLVMModuleProviderRef mp)
    { = mp;
    /// Takes ownership of module, returns a ModuleProvider for it.
    static ModuleProvider GetForModule(Module m)
        auto mp = LLVMCreateModuleProviderForExistingModule(m.mod);
        return new ModuleProvider(mp);
    /// Destroys the provided module, unless this MP was passed to an ExecutionEngine.
    void dispose()
        mp = null;
    /// Returns a lazily-deserializing ModuleProvider
    static ModuleProvider GetFromBitcode(char[] filename)
        LLVMMemoryBufferRef buf;
        char* msg;
        if (LLVMCreateMemoryBufferWithContentsOfFile(to_stringz(filename), &buf, &msg))
            auto errmsg = from_stringz(msg).dup;
            if (errmsg.length == 0)
                errmsg = "ModuleProvider: Error reading bitcode file";
            throw new LLVMException(errmsg);
        LLVMModuleProviderRef mp;
        // Takes ownership of buffer ...
        if (LLVMGetBitcodeModuleProvider(buf, &mp, &msg))
            // ... unless it fails, in which case we need to clean it up ourselves
            auto errmsg = from_stringz(msg).dup;
            if (errmsg.length == 0)
                errmsg = "Error creating ModuleProvider for bitcode file";
            throw new LLVMException(errmsg);
        return new ModuleProvider(mp);
    package LLVMModuleProviderRef ll()
        return mp;

class Value
    const LLVMValueRef value;
    const Type type;
    this(LLVMValueRef v, Type t=null) {
        value = v;
        if (t is null) t = getTypeOf(v);
        type = t;
    char[] toString() {
        auto cstr = LLVMValueToString(value);
        auto result = from_stringz(cstr).dup;
        return result;
    ValueKind kind()
        return LLVMGetValueKind(value);
    char[] name()
        return from_stringz(LLVMGetValueName(value));
    void name(char[] s)
        LLVMSetValueName(value, to_stringz(s));
    void dump() {
    bool isConstant()
        return LLVMIsConstant(value) != 0;
    int opEquals(Object o)
        auto v = cast(Value)o;
        if (v is null) return 0;
        if (value is v.value)
            return 1;
        return 0;
    /// invalidates object
    void eraseFromParent()
    /// ditto
    void replaceAllUsesWith(Value newval)
        LLVMReplaceAllUsesWith(value, newval.value);

    /// only for call's
    void callConv(uint CC)
        LLVMSetInstructionCallConv(value, CC);
    /// ditto
    uint callConv()
        return LLVMGetInstructionCallConv(value);

    /// only for phi's
    void addIncoming(Value[] inValues, BasicBlock[] inBlocks)
        auto n = inValues.length;
        assert(n == inBlocks.length);
        auto v = new LLVMValueRef[n];
        auto b = new LLVMBasicBlockRef[n];
        for (size_t i=0; i<n; i++) {
            v[i] = inValues[i].value;
            b[i] = inBlocks[i].bb;
        LLVMAddIncoming(value, v.ptr, b.ptr, n);
    /// ditto
    uint numIncoming()
        return LLVMCountIncoming(value);
    /// ditto
    Value getIncomingValue(uint index)
        return getValueOf(LLVMGetIncomingValue(value, index));
    /// ditto
    BasicBlock getIncomingBlock(uint index)
        // TODO bb's should be unique as well
        return new BasicBlock(LLVMGetIncomingBlock(value, index));

    /// only for switch's
    void addCase(Value onval, BasicBlock b)
        LLVMAddCase(value, onval.value,;

Value getValueOf(LLVMValueRef v)
    auto kind = LLVMGetValueKind(v);
    case ValueKind.Argument:
    case ValueKind.InlineAsm:
    case ValueKind.Instruction:
        return new Value(v);

    case ValueKind.Function:
        return new Function(v, getTypeOf(v));

    case ValueKind.GlobalVariable:
        return new GlobalVariable(v, getTypeOf(v));

    case ValueKind.GlobalAlias:
    case ValueKind.UndefValue:
    case ValueKind.ConstantExpr:
    case ValueKind.ConstantAggregateZero:
    case ValueKind.ConstantPointerNull:
        return new Constant(v, getTypeOf(v));

    case ValueKind.ConstantInt:
        return new ConstantInt(v, getTypeOf(v));

    case ValueKind.ConstantFP:
        return new ConstantReal(v, getTypeOf(v));

    case ValueKind.ConstantArray:
        return new ConstantArray(v, getTypeOf(v));

    case ValueKind.ConstantStruct:
        return new ConstantStruct(v, getTypeOf(v));

    case ValueKind.ConstantVector:
        return new ConstantVector(v, getTypeOf(v));

    case ValueKind.BasicBlock:

    template GenericConstUnaOp(char[] N)
        const GenericConstUnaOp =
        "Constant Get"~N~"(Constant v) {
            auto c = LLVMConst"~N~"(v.value);
            return cast(Constant)getValueOf(c);

    template GenericConstBinOp(char[] N)
        const GenericConstBinOp =
        "Constant Get"~N~"(Constant l, Constant r) {
            auto c = LLVMConst"~N~"(l.value, r.value);
            return cast(Constant)getValueOf(c);

    template GenericConstTriOp(char[] N)
        const GenericConstTriOp =
        "Constant Get"~N~"(Constant s, Constant t, Constant u) {
            auto c = LLVMConst"~N~"(s.value, t.value, u.value);
            return cast(Constant)getValueOf(c);

    template GenericConstCast(char[] N)
        const GenericConstCast =
        "Constant Get"~N~"(Constant v, Type t) {
            auto c = LLVMConst"~N~"(v.value, t.ll);
            return cast(Constant)getValueOf(c);

    template GenericConstCmp(char[] PRED, char[] N)
        const GenericConstCmp =
        "Constant Get"~N~"("~PRED~"Predicate p, Constant l, Constant r) {
            auto c = LLVMConst"~N~"(p, l.value, r.value);
            return cast(Constant)getValueOf(c);

    template StringDistribute(alias T, U...)
        static if (!U.length)
            const char[] StringDistribute="";
            const char[] StringDistribute = T!(U[0]) ~ StringDistribute!(T, U[1..$]);

class Constant : Value
    protected this(LLVMValueRef v, Type t)

    static Constant GetNull(Type t)
        return cast(Constant)getValueOf(LLVMConstNull(t.ll));
    /// only for int/vector
    static Constant GetAllOnes(Type t)
        return cast(Constant)getValueOf(LLVMConstAllOnes(t.ll));
    static Constant GetUndef(Type t)
        return cast(Constant)getValueOf(LLVMGetUndef(t.ll));
    static ConstantInt GetTrue()
        return ConstantInt.GetU(Type.Int1, 1);
    static ConstantInt GetFalse()
        return ConstantInt.GetU(Type.Int1, 0);

    bool isNull()
        return LLVMIsNull(value) != 0;
    bool isUndef()
        return LLVMIsUndef(value) != 0;

        Constant GetGEP(Constant ptr, Constant[] idxs...)
            static if (size_t.max > uint.max) {
                assert(idxs.length <= uint.max, "Ridiculous number of indexes to GEP");
            auto ar = new LLVMValueRef[idxs.length];
            foreach(i,v; idxs) ar[i] = v.value;
            auto c = LLVMConstGEP(ptr.value, ar.ptr, ar.length);
            return cast(Constant)getValueOf(c);
        Constant GetExtractValue(Constant agg, uint[] idxs...) {
            static if (size_t.max > uint.max) {
                assert(idxs.length <= uint.max, "Ridiculous number of indexes to ExtractValue");
            auto c = LLVMConstExtractValue(agg.value, idxs.ptr, idxs.length);
            return cast(Constant)getValueOf(c);
        Constant GetInsertValue(Constant agg, Constant elt, uint[] idxs...) {
            static if (size_t.max > uint.max) {
                assert(idxs.length <= uint.max, "Ridiculous number of indexes to InsertValue");
            auto c = LLVMConstInsertValue(agg.value, elt.value, idxs.ptr, idxs.length);
            return cast(Constant)getValueOf(c);
        Constant GetSizeOf(Type t)
            return cast(Constant)getValueOf(LLVMSizeOf(t.ll));

abstract class ScalarConstant : Constant
    protected this(LLVMValueRef v, Type t)
        super(v, t);

class ConstantInt : ScalarConstant
    private this(LLVMValueRef v, Type t)
        super(v, t);
    static ConstantInt Get(Type t, ulong N, bool signExt)
        auto c = LLVMConstInt(t.ll, N, signExt);
        return new ConstantInt(c, t);
    static ConstantInt GetS(Type t, long N)
        return Get(t, cast(ulong)N, true);
    static ConstantInt GetU(Type t, ulong N)
        return Get(t, N, false);

class ConstantReal : ScalarConstant
    private this(LLVMValueRef v, Type t)
        super(v, t);
    static ConstantReal Get(Type t, real N)
        auto c = LLVMConstReal(t.ll, N);
        return new ConstantReal(c, t);

abstract class CompositeConstant : Constant
    protected this(LLVMValueRef v, Type t)
        super(v, t);

class ConstantArray : CompositeConstant
    private this(LLVMValueRef v, Type t)
        super(v, t);
    static ConstantArray Get(Type eltty, Constant[] vals)
        auto p = new LLVMValueRef[vals.length];
        foreach(i,v; vals) p[i] = v.value;
        auto c = LLVMConstArray(eltty.ll, p.ptr, p.length);
        return new ConstantArray(c, getTypeOf(c));
    static ConstantArray GetString(char[] str, bool nullterm)
        auto len = str.length + nullterm;
        auto c = LLVMConstString(str.ptr, str.length, !nullterm);
        return new ConstantArray(c, getTypeOf(c));

class ConstantStruct : CompositeConstant
    private this(LLVMValueRef v, Type t)
        super(v, t);
    static ConstantStruct Get(Constant[] vals, bool packed=false)
        auto p = new LLVMValueRef[vals.length];
        foreach(i,v; vals) p[i] = v.value;
        auto c = LLVMConstStruct(p.ptr, p.length, packed);
        return new ConstantStruct(c, getTypeOf(c));

class ConstantVector : CompositeConstant
    private this(LLVMValueRef v, Type t)
        super(v, t);
    static ConstantVector Get(ScalarConstant[] vals)
        auto p = new LLVMValueRef[vals.length];
        foreach(i,v; vals) p[i] = v.value;
        auto c = LLVMConstVector(p.ptr, p.length);
        return new ConstantVector(c, getTypeOf(c));

abstract class GlobalValue : Constant
    private this(LLVMValueRef v, Type t) {
        super(v, t);
    bool isDeclaration()
        return LLVMIsDeclaration(value) != 0;
    Linkage linkage()
        return LLVMGetLinkage(value);
    void linkage(Linkage l)
        LLVMSetLinkage(value, l);
    char[] section()
        return from_stringz(LLVMGetSection(value));
    void section(char[] s)
        LLVMSetSection(value, to_stringz(s));
    Visibility visibility()
        return LLVMGetVisibility(value);
    void visibility(Visibility v)
        LLVMSetVisibility(value, v);
    uint alignment()
        return LLVMGetAlignment(value);
    void alignment(uint bytes)
        LLVMSetAlignment(value, bytes);

class GlobalVariable : GlobalValue
    /// TODO: void DeleteGlobal(ValueRef GlobalVar);

    private this(LLVMValueRef v, Type t) {
        super(v, t);
    bool hasInitializer()
        return isDeclaration() == 0;
    Constant initializer()
        auto c = LLVMGetInitializer(value);
        if (c is null) return null;
        return cast(Constant)getValueOf(c);
    void initializer(Constant c)
        LLVMSetInitializer(value, c.value);
    bool threadLocal()
        return LLVMIsThreadLocal(value) != 0;
    void threadLocal(bool b)
        LLVMSetThreadLocal(value, b);
    bool globalConstant()
        return LLVMIsGlobalConstant(value) != 0;
    void globalConstant(bool b)
        LLVMSetGlobalConstant(value, b);

class Function : GlobalValue
    /// TODO: void GetParams(ValueRef Fn, ValueRef *Params);
    /// TODO: void GetBasicBlocks(ValueRef Fn, BasicBlockRef *BasicBlocks);

    package this(LLVMValueRef v, Type t) {
        super(v, t);
    void eraseFromParent()
    uint numParams()
        return LLVMCountParams(value);
    Value getParam(uint idx)
        auto v = LLVMGetParam(value, idx);
        assert(v !is null);
        return getValueOf(v);
    uint intrinsicID()
        return LLVMGetIntrinsicID(value);
    uint callConv()
        return LLVMGetFunctionCallConv(value);
    void callConv(uint cc)
        LLVMSetFunctionCallConv(value, cc);
    char[] gc()
        return from_stringz(LLVMGetGC(value));
    void gc(char[] name)
        LLVMSetGC(value, to_stringz(name));
    uint numBasicBlocks()
        return LLVMCountBasicBlocks(value);
    static BasicBlock InsertBasicBlock(BasicBlock bb, char[] name)
        auto b = LLVMInsertBasicBlock(, to_stringz(name));
        assert(b !is null);
        return new BasicBlock(b);
    BasicBlock appendBasicBlock(char[] name)
        auto b = LLVMAppendBasicBlock(value, to_stringz(name));
        assert(b !is null);
        return new BasicBlock(b);
    BasicBlock getEntryBasicBlock()
        auto b = LLVMGetEntryBasicBlock(value);
        if (b is null) return null;
        return new BasicBlock(b);
    /// Throws an exception if the function doesn't pass the LLVM verifier.
    void verify()
        if (LLVMVerifyFunction(value, LLVMVerifierFailureAction.ReturnStatus))
            auto exceptionmsg = "Function failed to verify (" ~ name ~ ")";
            throw new LLVMException(exceptionmsg);

class BasicBlock
    LLVMBasicBlockRef bb;
    this(LLVMBasicBlockRef b)
        assert(b !is null);
        bb = b;
    this(Value v)
        bb = LLVMValueAsBasicBlock(v.value);
    override int opEquals(Object o) {
        auto block = cast(BasicBlock) o;
        if (!block)
            return false;
        return bb ==;
    void dispose()
        bb = null;
    Function getParent() {
        assert(bb !is null);
        auto func = LLVMGetBasicBlockParent(bb);
        if (!func) return null;
        return new Function(func, getTypeOf(func));
    Value asValue()
        assert(bb !is null);
        auto v = LLVMBasicBlockAsValue(bb);
        return new Value(v, Type.Label);
    bool terminated()
        assert(bb !is null);
        return (LLVMIsTerminated(bb) != 0);
    bool hasPredecessors()
        assert(bb !is null);
        return (LLVMHasPredecessors(bb) != 0);
    bool empty()
        assert(bb !is null);
        return (LLVMIsBasicBlockEmpty(bb) != 0);

class TargetData
    private LLVMTargetDataRef target;
    private this(LLVMTargetDataRef td)
        target = td;
    static TargetData Get(char[] str)
        return new TargetData(LLVMCreateTargetData(to_stringz(str)));
    static TargetData Get(Module M)
        return new TargetData(LLVMCreateTargetData(to_stringz(M.dataLayout)));
    /// invalidates object
    void dispose()
        target = null;
    size_t getABITypeSize(Type T)
        return LLVMABISizeOfType(target, T.ll);