view runtime/internal/memory.d @ 1404:11b122f92136

Now that templates instantiations are no longer emitted for all modules that even blink at them they seem to break due to being linkonce (if compiled with any optimization level > 0), so let's give them weak linkage instead. The difference is that unreferenced linkonce symbols can be deleted, while weak symbols need to be preserved.
author Frits van Bommel <fvbommel>
date Thu, 21 May 2009 15:23:28 +0200
parents 4a5eea0334e5
line wrap: on
line source

 * This module exposes functionality for inspecting and manipulating memory.
 * Copyright: Copyright (C) 2005-2006 Digital Mars,
 *            All rights reserved.
 * License:
 *  This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
 *  warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages
 *  arising from the use of this software.
 *  Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
 *  including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it
 *  freely, in both source and binary form, subject to the following
 *  restrictions:
 *  o  The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not
 *     claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software
 *     in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be
 *     appreciated but is not required.
 *  o  Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not
 *     be misrepresented as being the original software.
 *  o  This notice may not be removed or altered from any source
 *     distribution.
 * Authors:   Walter Bright, Sean Kelly
module memory;

version = GC_Use_Dynamic_Ranges;

    version = GC_Use_Data_Dyld;
    version = GC_Use_Dynamic_Ranges;
else version(Posix)
    version = GC_Use_Data_Proc_Maps;
else version(solaris)
    version = GC_Use_Data_Proc_Maps;

    version(Posix) {} else {
        static assert(false, "Proc Maps only supported on Posix systems");
    private import tango.stdc.posix.unistd;
    private import tango.stdc.posix.fcntl;
    private import tango.stdc.string;

    version = GC_Use_Dynamic_Ranges;

    version( linux )
        //version = SimpleLibcStackEnd;

        version( SimpleLibcStackEnd )
            extern (C) extern void* __libc_stack_end;
            import tango.stdc.posix.dlfcn;
    pragma(intrinsic, "llvm.frameaddress")
            void* llvm_frameaddress(uint level=0);


version( solaris ) {	
    version(X86_64) {
        extern (C) void* _userlimit;

extern (C) void* rt_stackBottom()
    version( Win32 )
        void* bottom;
            mov EAX, FS:4;
            mov bottom, EAX;
        return bottom;
    else version( linux )
        version( SimpleLibcStackEnd )
            return __libc_stack_end;
            // See discussion:
                static void** libc_stack_end;

                if( libc_stack_end == libc_stack_end.init )
                    void* handle = dlopen( null, RTLD_NOW );
                    libc_stack_end = cast(void**) dlsym( handle, "__libc_stack_end" );
                    dlclose( handle );
                return *libc_stack_end;
    else version( darwin )
        // darwin has a fixed stack bottom
            return cast(void*) 0x7fff5fc00000;
            return cast(void*) 0xc0000000;
    else version( solaris )
        version(X86_64) {
            return _userlimit;
        else {
            // <sys/vmparam.h>
            return cast(void*) 0x8048000;
        static assert( false, "Operating system not supported." );

extern (C) void* rt_stackTop()
    version( D_InlineAsm_X86 )
            mov EAX, ESP;
        return llvm_frameaddress();

    version( Win32 )
        extern (C)
            extern int _data_start__;
            extern int _bss_end__;

        alias _data_start__ Data_Start;
        alias _bss_end__    Data_End;
    else version( linux )
        extern (C)
            extern int _data;
            extern int __data_start;
            extern int _end;
            extern int _data_start__;
            extern int _data_end__;
            extern int _bss_start__;
            extern int _bss_end__;
            extern int __fini_array_end;

        alias __data_start  Data_Start;
        alias _end          Data_End;
    else version( solaris )
            extern int _environ;
            extern int _end;

        alias _environ      Data_Start;
        alias _end          Data_End;

    version( GC_Use_Dynamic_Ranges )
        private import tango.stdc.stdlib;

        struct DataSeg
            void* beg;
            void* end;

        DataSeg* allSegs = null;
        size_t   numSegs = 0;

        extern (C) void _d_gc_add_range( void* beg, void* end )
            void* ptr = realloc( allSegs, (numSegs + 1) * DataSeg.sizeof );

            if( ptr ) // if realloc fails, we have problems
                allSegs = cast(DataSeg*) ptr;
                allSegs[numSegs].beg = beg;
                allSegs[numSegs].end = end;

        extern (C) void _d_gc_remove_range( void* beg )
            for( size_t pos = 0; pos < numSegs; ++pos )
                if( beg == allSegs[pos].beg )
                    while( ++pos < numSegs )
                        allSegs[pos-1] = allSegs[pos];

    alias void delegate( void*, void* ) scanFn;

    void* dataStart,  dataEnd;

extern (C) void rt_scanStaticData( scanFn scan )
    scan( dataStart, dataEnd );

    version( GC_Use_Dynamic_Ranges )
        for( size_t pos = 0; pos < numSegs; ++pos )
            scan( allSegs[pos].beg, allSegs[pos].end );

void initStaticDataPtrs()
    const int S = (void*).sizeof;

    // Can't assume the input addresses are word-aligned
    static void* adjust_up( void* p )
        return p + ((S - (cast(size_t)p & (S-1))) & (S-1)); // cast ok even if 64-bit

    static void * adjust_down( void* p )
        return p - (cast(size_t) p & (S-1));

    version( Win32 )
        dataStart = adjust_up( &Data_Start );
        dataEnd   = adjust_down( &Data_End );
    else version(linux)
        dataStart = adjust_up( &Data_Start );
        dataEnd   = adjust_down( &Data_End );
    else version(solaris)
        dataStart = adjust_up( &Data_Start );
        dataEnd   = adjust_down( &Data_End );
    else version(GC_Use_Data_Dyld)
        static assert( false, "Operating system not supported." );

    version( GC_Use_Data_Proc_Maps )

version( GC_Use_Data_Proc_Maps )
    typedef long offset_t;
    enum : uint { PRMAPSZ = 64, MA_WRITE = 0x02 }
        struct prmap {
            uintptr_t pr_vaddr;         /* virtual address of mapping */
            size_t pr_size;             /* size of mapping in bytes */
            char[PRMAPSZ]  pr_mapname;  /* name in /proc/<pid>/object */
            private offset_t pr_offset; /* offset into mapped object, if any */
            int pr_mflags;              /* protection and attribute flags (see below) */
            int pr_pagesize;            /* pagesize (bytes) for this mapping */
            int pr_shmid;               /* SysV shmid, -1 if not SysV shared memory */

            private int[1] pr_filler;

    debug (ProcMaps) extern (C) int printf(char*, ...);

    void parseDataProcMaps()
        debug (ProcMaps) printf("initStaticDataPtrs()\n");
        prmap pr;

        int   fd = open("/proc/self/map", O_RDONLY);
        scope (exit) close(fd);

        while (prmap.sizeof == read(fd, &pr, prmap.sizeof))
        if (pr.pr_mflags & MA_WRITE)
            void* start = cast(void*) pr.pr_vaddr;
            void* end   = cast(void*)(pr.pr_vaddr + pr.pr_size);
            debug (ProcMaps) printf("  vmem at %p - %p with size %d bytes\n", start, end, pr.pr_size);

            // Exclude stack  and  dataStart..dataEnd
            if ( ( !dataEnd ||
                !( dataStart >= start && dataEnd <= end ) ) &&
                !( &pr >= start && &pr < end ) )
                // we already have static data from this region.  anything else
                // is heap (%% check)
                debug (ProcMaps) printf("  Adding map range %p - %p\n", start, end);
                _d_gc_add_range(start, end);
    const int S = (void*).sizeof;

    // TODO: This could use cleanup!
    void parseDataProcMaps()
        // TODO: Exclude zero-mapped regions

        int   fd = open("/proc/self/maps", O_RDONLY);
        ptrdiff_t   count; // %% need to configure ret for read..
        char  buf[2024];
        char* p;
        char* e;
        char* s;
        void* start;
        void* end;

        p = buf.ptr;
        if (fd != -1)
            while ( (count = read(fd, p, buf.sizeof - (p - buf.ptr))) > 0 )
                e = p + count;
                p = buf.ptr;
                while (true)
                    s = p;
                    while (p < e && *p != '\n')
                    if (p < e)
                        // parse the entry in [s, p)
                        static if( S == 4 )
                            enum Ofs
                                Write_Prot = 19,
                                Start_Addr = 0,
                                End_Addr   = 9,
                                Addr_Len   = 8,
                        else static if( S == 8 )
                            //X86-64 only has 12 bytes address space(in PAE mode) - not 16
                            //We also need the 32 bit offsets for 32 bit apps
                            version(X86_64) {
                                enum Ofs
                                    Write_Prot = 27,
                                    Start_Addr = 0,
                                    End_Addr   = 13,
                                    Addr_Len   = 12,
                                    Write_Prot_32 = 19,
                                    Start_Addr_32 = 0,
                                    End_Addr_32   = 9,
                                    Addr_Len_32   = 8,
                                enum Ofs
                                    Write_Prot = 35,
                                    Start_Addr = 0,
                                    End_Addr   = 9,
                                    Addr_Len   = 17,
                            static assert( false );

                        // %% this is wrong for 64-bit:
                        // long strtoul(const char*,char**,int);
                        // but seems to work on x86-64:
                        // probably because C's long is 64 bit there

                        if( s[Ofs.Write_Prot] == 'w' )
                            s[Ofs.Start_Addr + Ofs.Addr_Len] = '\0';
                            s[Ofs.End_Addr + Ofs.Addr_Len] = '\0';
                            start = cast(void*) strtoul(s + Ofs.Start_Addr, null, 16);
                            end   = cast(void*) strtoul(s + Ofs.End_Addr, null, 16);

                            // 1. Exclude anything overlapping [dataStart, dataEnd)
                            // 2. Exclude stack
                            if ( ( !dataEnd ||
                                !( dataStart >= start && dataEnd <= end ) ) &&
                                !( &buf[0] >= start && &buf[0] < end ) )
                                // we already have static data from this region.  anything else
                                // is heap (%% check)
                                debug (ProcMaps) printf("Adding map range %p 0%p\n", start, end);
                                _d_gc_add_range(start, end);
                            //We need to check here for 32 bit apps like ldc produces
                            //and add them to the gc scan range
                            if( s[Ofs.Write_Prot_32] == 'w' )
                                s[Ofs.Start_Addr_32 + Ofs.Addr_Len_32] = '\0';
                                s[Ofs.End_Addr_32 + Ofs.Addr_Len_32] = '\0';
                                start = cast(void*) strtoul(s + Ofs.Start_Addr_32, null, 16);
                                end   = cast(void*) strtoul(s + Ofs.End_Addr_32, null, 16);
                                if ( ( !dataEnd ||
                                    !( dataStart >= start && dataEnd <= end ) ) &&
                                    !( &buf[0] >= start && &buf[0] < end ) )
                                    _d_gc_add_range(start, end);

                        count = p - s;
                        memmove(buf.ptr, s, cast(size_t)count);
                        p = buf.ptr + count;

 * GDC dyld memory module: 
 * Port to the D programming language: Jacob Carlborg
version (GC_Use_Data_Dyld)
        const char* SEG_DATA = "__DATA".ptr;
        const char* SECT_DATA = "__data".ptr;
        const char* SECT_BSS = "__bss".ptr;
        const char* SECT_COMMON = "__common".ptr;

        struct SegmentSection
            const char* segment;
            const char* section;

        struct mach_header
            uint magic;
            int cputype;
            int cpusubtype;
            uint filetype;
            uint ncmds;
            uint sizeofcmds;
            uint flags;
                uint reserved;

        struct section
            char[16] sectname;
            char[16] segname;
                ulong addr;
                ulong size;
                uint addr;
                uint size;
            uint offset;
            uint align_;
            uint reloff;
            uint nreloc;
            uint flags;
            uint reserved1;
            uint reserved2;
                uint reserved3;

        alias extern (C) void function (mach_header* mh, ptrdiff_t vmaddr_slide) DyldFuncPointer;

            extern (C) /*const*/ section* getsectbynamefromheader_64(/*const*/ mach_header* mhp, /*const*/ char* segname, /*const*/ char* sectname);
            extern (C) /*const*/ section* getsectbynamefromheader(/*const*/ mach_header* mhp, /*const*/ char* segname, /*const*/ char* sectname);
        extern (C) void _dyld_register_func_for_add_image(DyldFuncPointer func);
        extern (C) void _dyld_register_func_for_remove_image(DyldFuncPointer func);

        const SegmentSection[3] GC_dyld_sections = [SegmentSection(SEG_DATA, SECT_DATA), SegmentSection(SEG_DATA, SECT_BSS), SegmentSection(SEG_DATA, SECT_COMMON)];    

        extern (C) void on_dyld_add_image (/*const*/ mach_header* hdr, ptrdiff_t slide)
            void* start;
            void* end;
            /*const*/ section* sec;

            foreach (s ; GC_dyld_sections)
                    sec = getsectbynamefromheader_64(hdr, s.segment, s.section);
                    sec = getsectbynamefromheader(hdr, s.segment, s.section);

                if (sec == null || sec.size == 0)

                start = cast(void*) (sec.addr + slide);
                end = cast(void*) (start + sec.size);

                _d_gc_add_range(start, end);

        extern (C) void on_dyld_remove_image (/*const*/ mach_header* hdr, ptrdiff_t slide)
            void* start;
            void* end;
            /*const*/ section* sec;

            foreach (s ; GC_dyld_sections)
                    sec = getsectbynamefromheader_64(hdr, s.segment, s.section);
                    sec = getsectbynamefromheader(hdr, s.segment, s.section);

                if (sec == null || sec.size == 0)

                start = cast(void*) (sec.addr + slide);
                end = cast(void*) (start + sec.size);


        void _d_dyld_start ()
            static bool started;

            if (!started)
                started = true;
