view gen/rttibuilder.h @ 1404:11b122f92136

Now that templates instantiations are no longer emitted for all modules that even blink at them they seem to break due to being linkonce (if compiled with any optimization level > 0), so let's give them weak linkage instead. The difference is that unreferenced linkonce symbols can be deleted, while weak symbols need to be preserved.
author Frits van Bommel <fvbommel>
date Thu, 21 May 2009 15:23:28 +0200
parents 1609490c123f
line wrap: on
line source


#include "llvm/Constant.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h"

struct ClassDeclaration;
struct TypeClass;
struct Type;

struct IrStruct;

struct RTTIBuilder
    ClassDeclaration* base;
    TypeClass* basetype;
    IrStruct* baseir;

    // 10 is enough for any D1 TypeInfo
    // 14 is enough for any D1 ClassInfo
    llvm::SmallVector<llvm::Constant*, 14> inits;

    RTTIBuilder(ClassDeclaration* base_class);

    void push(llvm::Constant* C);
    void push_null(Type* T);
    void push_null_vp();
    void push_null_void_array();
    void push_uint(unsigned u);
    void push_size(uint64_t s);
    void push_string(const char* str);
    void push_typeinfo(Type* t);
    void push_classinfo(ClassDeclaration* cd);

    /// pushes the function pointer or a null void* if it cannot.
    void push_funcptr(FuncDeclaration* fd, Type* castto = NULL);

    /// pushes the array slice given.
    void push_array(uint64_t dim, llvm::Constant * ptr);

    /// pushes void[] slice, dim is used directly, ptr is cast to void* .
    void push_void_array(uint64_t dim, llvm::Constant* ptr);

    /// pushes void[] slice with data.
    /// CI is the constant initializer the array should point to, the length
    /// and ptr are resolved automatically
    void push_void_array(llvm::Constant* CI, Type* valtype, Dsymbol* mangle_sym);

    /// pushes valtype[] slice with data.
    /// CI is the constant initializer that .ptr should point to
    /// dim is .length member directly
    /// valtype provides the D element type, .ptr is cast to valtype->pointerTo()
    /// mangle_sym provides the mangle prefix for the symbol generated.
    void push_array(llvm::Constant* CI, uint64_t dim, Type* valtype, Dsymbol* mangle_sym);

    /// Creates the initializer constant and assigns it to the global.
    void finalize(IrGlobal* tid);

    /// Creates the initializer constant and assigns it to the global.
    llvm::Constant* get_constant();
