view tango/lib/compiler/llvmdc/deh2.d @ 240:0db62b770a49 trunk

[svn r257] Fixed: array .sort and .reverse runtime code was incorrect. Fixed: most runtime calls did not get correct param attrs.
author lindquist
date Mon, 09 Jun 2008 00:01:10 +0200
parents 5cb946f323d2
line wrap: on
line source

 *  Copyright (C) 1999-2005 by Digital Mars,
 *  Written by Walter Bright
 *  This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
 *  warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages
 *  arising from the use of this software.
 *  Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
 *  including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it
 *  freely, in both source and binary form, subject to the following
 *  restrictions:
 *  o  The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not
 *     claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software
 *     in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be
 *     appreciated but is not required.
 *  o  Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not
 *     be misrepresented as being the original software.
 *  o  This notice may not be removed or altered from any source
 *     distribution.

// Exception handling support for linux


extern (C)
    extern void* _deh_beg;
    extern void* _deh_end;

    int _d_isbaseof(ClassInfo oc, ClassInfo c);

// One of these is generated for each function with try-catch or try-finally
// all of these structs are located between _deh_beg and _deh_end
struct FuncTable
    void *fptr;                 // pointer to start of function
    DHandlerTable *handlertable; // eh data for this function
    uint fsize;         // size of function in bytes

// lists all try-catch and try-finally blocks for a given function
// searched for by eh_finddata()
struct DHandlerTable
    void *fptr;                 // pointer to start of function, used but seems redundant
    uint espoffset;             // offset of ESP from EBP
    uint retoffset;             // offset from start of function to return code, unused!
    uint nhandlers;             // dimension of handler_info[]
    DHandlerInfo handler_info[1];

// information for a single try-finally or try-catch block
struct DHandlerInfo
    uint offset;                // offset from function address to start of guarded section
    uint endoffset;             // offset of end of guarded section
    int enclosing_index;        // enclosing table index, for nested trys
    uint cioffset;              // offset to DCatchInfo data from start of DHandlerTable 
                                // (!=0 if try-catch)
    void *finally_code;         // pointer to finally code to execute
                                // (!=0 if try-finally)

// Create one of these for each try-catch
struct DCatchInfo
    uint ncatches;                      // number of catch blocks
    DCatchBlock catch_block[1];         // data for each catch block

// one for each catch in try-catch
struct DCatchBlock
    ClassInfo type;             // catch type
    uint bpoffset;              // EBP offset of catch var
    void *code;                 // catch handler code

alias int (*fp_t)();   // function pointer in ambient memory model

void terminate()
        hlt ;

 * Given address that is inside a function,
 * figure out which function it is in.
 * Return DHandlerTable if there is one, NULL if not.

DHandlerTable *__eh_finddata(void *address)
    FuncTable *ft;

//    debug printf("__eh_finddata(address = x%x)\n", address);
//    debug printf("_deh_beg = x%x, _deh_end = x%x\n", &_deh_beg, &_deh_end);
    for (ft = cast(FuncTable *)&_deh_beg;
         ft < cast(FuncTable *)&_deh_end;
//      debug printf("\tfptr = x%x, fsize = x%03x, handlertable = x%x\n",
//              ft.fptr, ft.fsize, ft.handlertable);

        if (ft.fptr <= address &&
            address < cast(void *)(cast(char *)ft.fptr + ft.fsize))
//          debug printf("\tfound handler table\n");
            return ft.handlertable;
//    debug printf("\tnot found\n");
    return null;

 * Given EBP, find return address to caller, and caller's EBP.
 * Input:
 *   regbp       Value of EBP for current function
 *   *pretaddr   Return address
 * Output:
 *   *pretaddr   return address to caller
 * Returns:
 *   caller's EBP

uint __eh_find_caller(uint regbp, uint *pretaddr)
    uint bp = *cast(uint *)regbp;

    if (bp)         // if not end of call chain
        // Perform sanity checks on new EBP.
        // If it is screwed up, terminate() hopefully before we do more damage.
        if (bp <= regbp)
            // stack should grow to smaller values

        *pretaddr = *cast(uint *)(regbp + int.sizeof);
    return bp;

 * Throw a D object.

extern (Windows) void _d_throw(Object *h)
    uint regebp;

        printf("_d_throw(h = %p, &h = %p)\n", h, &h);
        printf("\tvptr = %p\n", *cast(void **)h);

        mov regebp,EBP  ;

    while (1)           // for each function on the stack
        DHandlerTable *handler_table;
        FuncTable *pfunc;
        DHandlerInfo *handler;
        uint calleraddr;
        uint funcoffset;
        int index;
        int dim;
        int ndx;
        int enclosing_ndx;

        regebp = __eh_find_caller(regebp,&calleraddr);
        if (!regebp)
        {   // if end of call chain
            debug printf("end of call chain\n");
        debug printf("found caller, EBP = x%x, calleraddr = x%x\n", regebp, calleraddr);
        // find DHandlerTable associated with function
        handler_table = __eh_finddata(cast(void *)calleraddr);
        if (!handler_table)         // if no static data
            debug printf("no handler table\n");
        funcoffset = cast(uint)handler_table.fptr;

            printf("calleraddr = x%x\n",cast(uint)calleraddr);
            printf("regebp=x%04x, funcoffset=x%04x, spoff=x%x, retoffset=x%x\n",

        dim = handler_table.nhandlers;

            for (int i = 0; i < dim; i++)
                handler = &handler_table.handler_info[i];
                printf("\t[%d]: offset = x%04x, endoffset = x%04x, enclosing_index = %d, cioffset = x%04x, finally_code = %x\n",
                        i, handler.offset, handler.endoffset, handler.enclosing_index, handler.cioffset, handler.finally_code);

        // Find index of DHandlerInfo coresponding to the innermost
        // try block wrapping calleraddr
        index = -1;
        for (int i = 0; i < dim; i++)
            handler = &handler_table.handler_info[i];

            debug printf("i = %d, handler.offset = %04x\n", i, funcoffset + handler.offset);
            if (cast(uint)calleraddr > funcoffset + handler.offset &&
                cast(uint)calleraddr <= funcoffset + handler.endoffset)
                index = i; // don't break if found, want innermost try
        debug printf("index = %d\n", index);

        // walk through handler infos for all try blocks enclosing the call,
        // starting with the innermost one we just found
        for (ndx = index; ndx != -1; ndx = enclosing_ndx)
            handler = &handler_table.handler_info[ndx];
            enclosing_ndx = handler.enclosing_index;
            if (handler.cioffset)
                // this is a catch handler (no finally)
                DCatchInfo *pci;
                int ncatches;
                int i;

                pci = cast(DCatchInfo *)(cast(char *)handler_table + handler.cioffset);
                ncatches = pci.ncatches;
                for (i = 0; i < ncatches; i++)
                    DCatchBlock *pcb;
                    ClassInfo ci = **cast(ClassInfo **)h;

                    pcb = &pci.catch_block[i];

                    if (_d_isbaseof(ci, pcb.type))
                    {   // Matched the catch type, so we've found the handler.

                        // Initialize catch variable
                        *cast(void **)(regebp + (pcb.bpoffset)) = h;

                        // Jump to catch block. Does not return.
                            uint catch_esp;
                            fp_t catch_addr;

                            catch_addr = cast(fp_t)(pcb.code);
                            catch_esp = regebp - handler_table.espoffset - fp_t.sizeof;
                                mov     EAX,catch_esp   ;
                                mov     ECX,catch_addr  ;
                                mov     [EAX],ECX       ;
                                mov     EBP,regebp      ;
                                mov     ESP,EAX         ; // reset stack
                                ret                     ; // jump to catch block
            else if (handler.finally_code)
            {   // Call finally block
                // Note that it is unnecessary to adjust the ESP, as the finally block
                // accesses all items on the stack as relative to EBP.

                void *blockaddr = handler.finally_code;

                    push        EBX             ;
                    mov         EBX,blockaddr   ;
                    push        EBP             ;
                    mov         EBP,regebp      ;
                    call        EBX             ;
                    pop         EBP             ;
                    pop         EBX             ;