view dmd/attrib.h @ 1495:0c8d6d345001

The llvm element type of void arrays should be i8 and not void. This caused DtoArrayCopyToSlice to fail when trying to get the size of llvm-void for something like void[3] s = "abc"; inside a function.
author Christian Kamm <kamm incasoftware de>
date Fri, 12 Jun 2009 20:39:01 +0200
parents 79758fd2f48a
children def7a1d494fd
line wrap: on
line source

// Compiler implementation of the D programming language
// Copyright (c) 1999-2007 by Digital Mars
// All Rights Reserved
// written by Walter Bright
// License for redistribution is by either the Artistic License
// in artistic.txt, or the GNU General Public License in gnu.txt.
// See the included readme.txt for details.

#ifndef DMD_ATTRIB_H
#define DMD_ATTRIB_H

#ifdef __DMC__
#pragma once
#endif /* __DMC__ */

#include "dsymbol.h"

struct Expression;
struct Statement;
struct LabelDsymbol;
struct Initializer;
struct Module;
struct Condition;
#ifdef _DH
struct HdrGenState;


struct AttribDeclaration : Dsymbol
    Array *decl;	// array of Dsymbol's

    AttribDeclaration(Array *decl);
    virtual Array *include(Scope *sc, ScopeDsymbol *s);
    int addMember(Scope *sc, ScopeDsymbol *s, int memnum);
    void semantic(Scope *sc);
    void semantic2(Scope *sc);
    void semantic3(Scope *sc);
    void inlineScan();
    void addComment(unsigned char *comment);
    void emitComment(Scope *sc);
    const char *kind();
    int oneMember(Dsymbol **ps);
    int hasPointers();
    void checkCtorConstInit();
    void addLocalClass(ClassDeclarations *);
    void toCBuffer(OutBuffer *buf, HdrGenState *hgs);
    AttribDeclaration *isAttribDeclaration() { return this; }

#if IN_DMD
    virtual void toObjFile(int multiobj);			// compile to .obj file
    int cvMember(unsigned char *p);

    virtual void codegen(Ir*);

struct StorageClassDeclaration: AttribDeclaration
    unsigned stc;

    StorageClassDeclaration(unsigned stc, Array *decl);
    Dsymbol *syntaxCopy(Dsymbol *s);
    void semantic(Scope *sc);
    void toCBuffer(OutBuffer *buf, HdrGenState *hgs);

    static void stcToCBuffer(OutBuffer *buf, int stc);

struct LinkDeclaration : AttribDeclaration
    enum LINK linkage;

    LinkDeclaration(enum LINK p, Array *decl);
    Dsymbol *syntaxCopy(Dsymbol *s);
    void semantic(Scope *sc);
    void semantic3(Scope *sc);
    void toCBuffer(OutBuffer *buf, HdrGenState *hgs);
    char *toChars();

struct ProtDeclaration : AttribDeclaration
    enum PROT protection;

    ProtDeclaration(enum PROT p, Array *decl);
    Dsymbol *syntaxCopy(Dsymbol *s);
    void semantic(Scope *sc);
    void toCBuffer(OutBuffer *buf, HdrGenState *hgs);

struct AlignDeclaration : AttribDeclaration
    unsigned salign;

    AlignDeclaration(Loc loc, unsigned sa, Array *decl);
    Dsymbol *syntaxCopy(Dsymbol *s);
    void semantic(Scope *sc);
    void toCBuffer(OutBuffer *buf, HdrGenState *hgs);

struct AnonDeclaration : AttribDeclaration
    int isunion;
    Scope *scope;		// !=NULL means context to use
    int sem;			// 1 if successful semantic()

    AnonDeclaration(Loc loc, int isunion, Array *decl);
    Dsymbol *syntaxCopy(Dsymbol *s);
    void semantic(Scope *sc);
    void toCBuffer(OutBuffer *buf, HdrGenState *hgs);
    const char *kind();

struct PragmaDeclaration : AttribDeclaration
    Expressions *args;		// array of Expression's

    PragmaDeclaration(Loc loc, Identifier *ident, Expressions *args, Array *decl);
    Dsymbol *syntaxCopy(Dsymbol *s);
    void semantic(Scope *sc);
    int oneMember(Dsymbol **ps);
    void toCBuffer(OutBuffer *buf, HdrGenState *hgs);
    const char *kind();

#if IN_DMD
    void toObjFile(int multiobj);			// compile to .obj file

    void codegen(Ir*);

struct ConditionalDeclaration : AttribDeclaration
    Condition *condition;
    Array *elsedecl;	// array of Dsymbol's for else block

    ConditionalDeclaration(Condition *condition, Array *decl, Array *elsedecl);
    Dsymbol *syntaxCopy(Dsymbol *s);
    int oneMember(Dsymbol **ps);
    void emitComment(Scope *sc);
    Array *include(Scope *sc, ScopeDsymbol *s);
    void addComment(unsigned char *comment);
    void toCBuffer(OutBuffer *buf, HdrGenState *hgs);

struct StaticIfDeclaration : ConditionalDeclaration
    ScopeDsymbol *sd;
    int addisdone;

    StaticIfDeclaration(Condition *condition, Array *decl, Array *elsedecl);
    Dsymbol *syntaxCopy(Dsymbol *s);
    int addMember(Scope *sc, ScopeDsymbol *s, int memnum);
    void semantic(Scope *sc);
    const char *kind();

// Mixin declarations

struct CompileDeclaration : AttribDeclaration
    Expression *exp;

    ScopeDsymbol *sd;
    int compiled;

    CompileDeclaration(Loc loc, Expression *exp);
    Dsymbol *syntaxCopy(Dsymbol *s);
    int addMember(Scope *sc, ScopeDsymbol *sd, int memnum);
    void compileIt(Scope *sc);
    void semantic(Scope *sc);
    void toCBuffer(OutBuffer *buf, HdrGenState *hgs);

#endif /* DMD_ATTRIB_H */