view test/calls1.d @ 291:068cb3c60afb trunk

[svn r312] Changed assert codegen to insert an unreachable terminator after the call to the assert function, which currently calls abort(). Changed array comparison runtime support to pass the array typeinfo instead of the element typeinfo. This allows a cleaner and faster implementation.
author lindquist
date Sat, 21 Jun 2008 21:16:26 +0200
parents d9d5d59873d8
line wrap: on
line source

module calls1;
import tango.core.Vararg;
extern(C) int printf(char*, ...);
void main()
    {int a = byVal1(3);}
    {int a = void; byRef1(a);}
    {char[] c = void; refType(c);}
    {char[] c = void; refTypeByRef(c);}
    {S s = void; structByVal(s);}
    {S s = void; structByRef(s);}
    {S s = void; structByPtr(&s);}
    {printf("c-varargs %d %d %d\n", 1,2,3);}
    {int i=3; float f=24.7; dvararg(i,f);}
    {char[] s = "hello"; dvarargRefTy(s);}
    {char[] ss = "hello world!"; dvarargRefTy(ss);}

int byVal1(int a)
    return a;

void byRef1(ref int a)
    a = 3;

void refType(char[] s)

void refTypeByRef(ref char[] s)

struct S
    float f;
    double d;
    long l;
    byte b;

void structByVal(S s)

void structByRef(ref S s)

void structByPtr(S* s)

void dvararg(...)
    printf("%d %.1f\n", va_arg!(int)(_argptr), va_arg!(float)(_argptr));

void dvarargRefTy(...)
    char[] s = va_arg!(char[])(_argptr);
    printf("%.*s\n", s.length, s.ptr);