view dmd/dchar.h @ 945:03d7c4aac654

SWITCHED TO LLVM 2.5 ! Applied patch from ticket #129 to compile against latest LLVM. Thanks Frits van Bommel. Fixed implicit return by asm block at the end of a function on x86-32. Other architectures will produce an error at the moment. Adding support for new targets is fairly simple. Fixed return calling convention for complex numbers, ST and ST(1) were switched around. Added some testcases. I've run a dstress test and there are no regressions. However, the runtime does not seem to compile with symbolic debug information. -O3 -release -inline works well and is what I used for the dstress run. Tango does not compile, a small workaround is needed in See ticket #206 .
author Tomas Lindquist Olsen <>
date Sun, 08 Feb 2009 05:26:54 +0100
parents c53b6e3fe49a
line wrap: on
line source

// Copyright (c) 1999-2006 by Digital Mars
// All Rights Reserved
// written by Walter Bright
// License for redistribution is by either the Artistic License
// in artistic.txt, or the GNU General Public License in gnu.txt.
// See the included readme.txt for details.

#ifndef DCHAR_H
#define DCHAR_H

#if __GNUC__ && !_WIN32
#include "gnuc.h"

#if _MSC_VER
    // Disable useless warnings about unreferenced functions
    #pragma warning (disable : 4514)

//#include "root.h"
typedef size_t hash_t;

#undef TEXT

// NOTE: All functions accepting pointer arguments must not be NULL


#include <string.h>
#include <wchar.h>

typedef wchar_t dchar;
#define TEXT(x)		L##x

#define Dchar_mbmax	1

struct Dchar
    static dchar *inc(dchar *p) { return p + 1; }
    static dchar *dec(dchar *pstart, dchar *p) { (void)pstart; return p - 1; }
    static int len(const dchar *p) { return wcslen(p); }
    static dchar get(dchar *p) { return *p; }
    static dchar getprev(dchar *pstart, dchar *p) { (void)pstart; return p[-1]; }
    static dchar *put(dchar *p, dchar c) { *p = c; return p + 1; }
    static int cmp(dchar *s1, dchar *s2)
#if __DMC__
	if (!*s1 && !*s2)	// wcscmp is broken
	    return 0;
	return wcscmp(s1, s2);
#if 0
	return (*s1 == *s2)
	    ? wcscmp(s1, s2)
	    : ((int)*s1 - (int)*s2);
    static int memcmp(const dchar *s1, const dchar *s2, int nchars) { return ::memcmp(s1, s2, nchars * sizeof(dchar)); }
    static int isDigit(dchar c) { return '0' <= c && c <= '9'; }
    static int isAlpha(dchar c) { return iswalpha(c); }
    static int isUpper(dchar c) { return iswupper(c); }
    static int isLower(dchar c) { return iswlower(c); }
    static int isLocaleUpper(dchar c) { return isUpper(c); }
    static int isLocaleLower(dchar c) { return isLower(c); }
    static int toLower(dchar c) { return isUpper(c) ? towlower(c) : c; }
    static int toLower(dchar *p) { return toLower(*p); }
    static int toUpper(dchar c) { return isLower(c) ? towupper(c) : c; }
    static dchar *dup(dchar *p) { return ::_wcsdup(p); }	// BUG: out of memory?
    static dchar *dup(char *p);
    static dchar *chr(dchar *p, unsigned c) { return wcschr(p, (dchar)c); }
    static dchar *rchr(dchar *p, unsigned c) { return wcsrchr(p, (dchar)c); }
    static dchar *memchr(dchar *p, int c, int count);
    static dchar *cpy(dchar *s1, dchar *s2) { return wcscpy(s1, s2); }
    static dchar *str(dchar *s1, dchar *s2) { return wcsstr(s1, s2); }
    static hash_t calcHash(const dchar *str, size_t len);

    // Case insensitive versions
    static int icmp(dchar *s1, dchar *s2) { return wcsicmp(s1, s2); }
    static int memicmp(const dchar *s1, const dchar *s2, int nchars) { return ::wcsnicmp(s1, s2, nchars); }
    static hash_t icalcHash(const dchar *str, size_t len);

#elif MCBS

#include <limits.h>
#include <mbstring.h>

typedef char dchar;
#define TEXT(x)		x

#define Dchar_mbmax	MB_LEN_MAX

#elif UTF8

typedef char dchar;
#define TEXT(x)		x

#define Dchar_mbmax	6

struct Dchar
    static char mblen[256];

    static dchar *inc(dchar *p) { return p + mblen[*p & 0xFF]; }
    static dchar *dec(dchar *pstart, dchar *p);
    static int len(const dchar *p) { return strlen(p); }
    static int get(dchar *p);
    static int getprev(dchar *pstart, dchar *p)
	{ return *dec(pstart, p) & 0xFF; }
    static dchar *put(dchar *p, unsigned c);
    static int cmp(dchar *s1, dchar *s2) { return strcmp(s1, s2); }
    static int memcmp(const dchar *s1, const dchar *s2, int nchars) { return ::memcmp(s1, s2, nchars); }
    static int isDigit(dchar c) { return '0' <= c && c <= '9'; }
    static int isAlpha(dchar c) { return c <= 0x7F ? isalpha(c) : 0; }
    static int isUpper(dchar c) { return c <= 0x7F ? isupper(c) : 0; }
    static int isLower(dchar c) { return c <= 0x7F ? islower(c) : 0; }
    static int isLocaleUpper(dchar c) { return isUpper(c); }
    static int isLocaleLower(dchar c) { return isLower(c); }
    static int toLower(dchar c) { return isUpper(c) ? tolower(c) : c; }
    static int toLower(dchar *p) { return toLower(*p); }
    static int toUpper(dchar c) { return isLower(c) ? toupper(c) : c; }
    static dchar *dup(dchar *p) { return ::strdup(p); }	// BUG: out of memory?
    static dchar *chr(dchar *p, int c) { return strchr(p, c); }
    static dchar *rchr(dchar *p, int c) { return strrchr(p, c); }
    static dchar *memchr(dchar *p, int c, int count)
	{ return (dchar *)::memchr(p, c, count); }
    static dchar *cpy(dchar *s1, dchar *s2) { return strcpy(s1, s2); }
    static dchar *str(dchar *s1, dchar *s2) { return strstr(s1, s2); }
    static hash_t calcHash(const dchar *str, size_t len);

    // Case insensitive versions
    static int icmp(dchar *s1, dchar *s2) { return _mbsicmp(s1, s2); }
    static int memicmp(const dchar *s1, const dchar *s2, int nchars) { return ::_mbsnicmp(s1, s2, nchars); }


#include <string.h>

#ifndef GCC_SAFE_DMD
#include <ctype.h>

typedef char dchar;
#define TEXT(x)		x

#define Dchar_mbmax	1

struct Dchar
    static dchar *inc(dchar *p) { return p + 1; }
    static dchar *dec(dchar *pstart, dchar *p) { return p - 1; }
    static int len(const dchar *p) { return strlen(p); }
    static int get(dchar *p) { return *p & 0xFF; }
    static int getprev(dchar *pstart, dchar *p) { return p[-1] & 0xFF; }
    static dchar *put(dchar *p, unsigned c) { *p = c; return p + 1; }
    static int cmp(dchar *s1, dchar *s2) { return strcmp(s1, s2); }
    static int memcmp(const dchar *s1, const dchar *s2, int nchars) { return ::memcmp(s1, s2, nchars); }
    static int isDigit(dchar c) { return '0' <= c && c <= '9'; }
#ifndef GCC_SAFE_DMD
    static int isAlpha(dchar c) { return isalpha(c); }
    static int isUpper(dchar c) { return isupper(c); }
    static int isLower(dchar c) { return islower(c); }
    static int isLocaleUpper(dchar c) { return isupper(c); }
    static int isLocaleLower(dchar c) { return islower(c); }
    static int toLower(dchar c) { return isupper(c) ? tolower(c) : c; }
    static int toLower(dchar *p) { return toLower(*p); }
    static int toUpper(dchar c) { return islower(c) ? toupper(c) : c; }
    static dchar *dup(dchar *p) { return ::strdup(p); }	// BUG: out of memory?
    static dchar *chr(dchar *p, int c) { return strchr(p, c); }
    static dchar *rchr(dchar *p, int c) { return strrchr(p, c); }
    static dchar *memchr(dchar *p, int c, int count)
	{ return (dchar *)::memchr(p, c, count); }
    static dchar *cpy(dchar *s1, dchar *s2) { return strcpy(s1, s2); }
    static dchar *str(dchar *s1, dchar *s2) { return strstr(s1, s2); }
    static hash_t calcHash(const dchar *str, size_t len);

    // Case insensitive versions
#ifdef __GNUC__
    static int icmp(dchar *s1, dchar *s2) { return strcasecmp(s1, s2); }
    static int icmp(dchar *s1, dchar *s2) { return stricmp(s1, s2); }
    static int memicmp(const dchar *s1, const dchar *s2, int nchars) { return ::memicmp(s1, s2, nchars); }
    static hash_t icalcHash(const dchar *str, size_t len);
