diff gen/toobj.cpp @ 86:fd32135dca3e trunk

[svn r90] Major updates to the gen directory. Redesigned the 'elem' struct. Much more... !!! Lots of bugfixes. Added support for special foreach on strings. Added std.array, std.utf, std.ctype and std.uni to phobos. Changed all the .c files in the gen dir to .cpp (it *is* C++ after all)
author lindquist
date Sat, 03 Nov 2007 14:44:58 +0100
parents gen/toobj.c@f869c636a113
children 058d3925950e
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/gen/toobj.cpp	Sat Nov 03 14:44:58 2007 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,1002 @@
+// Copyright (c) 1999-2004 by Digital Mars
+// All Rights Reserved
+// written by Walter Bright
+// www.digitalmars.com
+// License for redistribution is by either the Artistic License
+// in artistic.txt, or the GNU General Public License in gnu.txt.
+// See the included readme.txt for details.
+#include <cstddef>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <fstream>
+#include "gen/llvm.h"
+#include "llvm/Analysis/Verifier.h"
+#include "llvm/Bitcode/ReaderWriter.h"
+#include "llvm/Target/TargetMachine.h"
+#include "llvm/Target/TargetMachineRegistry.h"
+#include "mars.h"
+#include "module.h"
+#include "mtype.h"
+#include "declaration.h"
+#include "statement.h"
+#include "enum.h"
+#include "aggregate.h"
+#include "init.h"
+#include "attrib.h"
+#include "id.h"
+#include "import.h"
+#include "template.h"
+#include "scope.h"
+#include "gen/irstate.h"
+#include "gen/elem.h"
+#include "gen/logger.h"
+#include "gen/tollvm.h"
+#include "gen/arrays.h"
+#include "gen/todebug.h"
+#include "gen/runtime.h"
+    Logger::cout() << "Generating module: " << (md ? md->toChars() : toChars()) << '\n';
+    // start by deleting the old object file
+    deleteObjFile();
+    // create a new ir state
+    IRState ir;
+    gIR = &ir;
+    ir.dmodule = this;
+    // name the module
+    std::string mname(toChars());
+    if (md != 0)
+        mname = md->toChars();
+    ir.module = new llvm::Module(mname);
+    // set target stuff
+    std::string target_triple(global.params.tt_arch);
+    target_triple.append(global.params.tt_os);
+    ir.module->setTargetTriple(target_triple);
+    ir.module->setDataLayout(global.params.data_layout);
+    // heavily inspired by tools/llc/llc.cpp:200-230
+    const llvm::TargetMachineRegistry::Entry* targetEntry;
+    std::string targetError;
+    targetEntry = llvm::TargetMachineRegistry::getClosestStaticTargetForModule(*ir.module, targetError);
+    assert(targetEntry && "Failed to find a static target for module");
+    std::auto_ptr<llvm::TargetMachine> targetPtr(targetEntry->CtorFn(*ir.module, "")); // TODO: replace "" with features
+    assert(targetPtr.get() && "Could not allocate target machine!");
+    llvm::TargetMachine &targetMachine = *targetPtr.get();
+    gTargetData = targetMachine.getTargetData();
+    // debug info
+    if (global.params.symdebug) {
+        RegisterDwarfSymbols(ir.module);
+        ir.dwarfCompileUnit = DtoDwarfCompileUnit(this);
+    }
+    // process module members
+    for (int k=0; k < members->dim; k++) {
+        Dsymbol* dsym = (Dsymbol*)(members->data[k]);
+        assert(dsym);
+        dsym->toObjFile();
+    }
+    gTargetData = 0;
+    // emit the llvm main function if necessary
+    if (ir.emitMain) {
+        DtoMain();
+    }
+    // verify the llvm
+    if (!global.params.novalidate) {
+        std::string verifyErr;
+        Logger::println("Verifying module...");
+        if (llvm::verifyModule(*ir.module,llvm::ReturnStatusAction,&verifyErr))
+        {
+            error("%s", verifyErr.c_str());
+            fatal();
+        }
+        else {
+            Logger::println("Verification passed!");
+        }
+    }
+    // run passes
+    // TODO
+    // write bytecode
+    {
+        Logger::println("Writing LLVM bitcode\n");
+        std::ofstream bos(bcfile->name->toChars(), std::ios::binary);
+        llvm::WriteBitcodeToFile(ir.module, bos);
+    }
+    // disassemble ?
+    if (global.params.disassemble) {
+        Logger::println("Writing LLVM asm to: %s\n", llfile->name->toChars());
+        std::ofstream aos(llfile->name->toChars());
+        ir.module->print(aos);
+    }
+    delete ir.module;
+    gIR = NULL;
+/* ================================================================== */
+// Put out instance of ModuleInfo for this Module
+void Module::genmoduleinfo()
+/* ================================================================== */
+void Dsymbol::toObjFile()
+    Logger::println("Ignoring Dsymbol::toObjFile for %s", toChars());
+/* ================================================================== */
+void Declaration::toObjFile()
+    Logger::println("Ignoring Declaration::toObjFile for %s", toChars());
+/* ================================================================== */
+void InterfaceDeclaration::toObjFile()
+    Logger::println("Ignoring InterfaceDeclaration::toObjFile for %s", toChars());
+/* ================================================================== */
+void StructDeclaration::toObjFile()
+    TypeStruct* ts = (TypeStruct*)DtoDType(type);
+    if (llvmType != 0)
+        return;
+    static int sdi = 0;
+    Logger::print("StructDeclaration::toObjFile(%d): %s\n", sdi++, toChars());
+    gIR->structs.push_back(IRStruct(ts));
+    for (int k=0; k < members->dim; k++) {
+        Dsymbol* dsym = (Dsymbol*)(members->data[k]);
+        dsym->toObjFile();
+    }
+    Logger::println("doing struct fields");
+    llvm::StructType* structtype = 0;
+    std::vector<llvm::Constant*> fieldinits;
+    if (gIR->topstruct().offsets.empty())
+    {
+        std::vector<const llvm::Type*> fieldtypes;
+        Logger::println("has no fields");
+        fieldtypes.push_back(llvm::Type::Int8Ty);
+        fieldinits.push_back(llvm::ConstantInt::get(llvm::Type::Int8Ty, 0, false));
+        structtype = llvm::StructType::get(fieldtypes);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        Logger::println("has fields");
+        std::vector<const llvm::Type*> fieldtypes;
+        unsigned prevsize = (unsigned)-1;
+        unsigned lastoffset = (unsigned)-1;
+        const llvm::Type* fieldtype = NULL;
+        llvm::Constant* fieldinit = NULL;
+        size_t fieldpad = 0;
+        int idx = 0;
+        for (IRStruct::OffsetMap::iterator i=gIR->topstruct().offsets.begin(); i!=gIR->topstruct().offsets.end(); ++i) {
+            // first iteration
+            if (lastoffset == (unsigned)-1) {
+                lastoffset = i->first;
+                assert(lastoffset == 0);
+                fieldtype = DtoType(i->second.var->type);
+                fieldinit = i->second.init;
+                prevsize = gTargetData->getTypeSize(fieldtype);
+                i->second.var->llvmFieldIndex = idx;
+            }
+            // colliding offset?
+            else if (lastoffset == i->first) {
+                const llvm::Type* t = DtoType(i->second.var->type);
+                size_t s = gTargetData->getTypeSize(t);
+                if (s > prevsize) {
+                    fieldpad += s - prevsize;
+                    prevsize = s;
+                }
+                llvmHasUnions = true;
+                i->second.var->llvmFieldIndex = idx;
+            }
+            // intersecting offset?
+            else if (i->first < (lastoffset + prevsize)) {
+                const llvm::Type* t = DtoType(i->second.var->type);
+                size_t s = gTargetData->getTypeSize(t);
+                assert((i->first + s) <= (lastoffset + prevsize)); // this holds because all types are aligned to their size
+                llvmHasUnions = true;
+                i->second.var->llvmFieldIndex = idx;
+                i->second.var->llvmFieldIndexOffset = (i->first - lastoffset) / s;
+            }
+            // fresh offset
+            else {
+                // commit the field
+                fieldtypes.push_back(fieldtype);
+                fieldinits.push_back(fieldinit);
+                if (fieldpad) {
+                    // match up with below
+                    std::vector<llvm::Constant*> vals(fieldpad, llvm::ConstantInt::get(llvm::Type::Int8Ty, 0, false));
+                    llvm::Constant* c = llvm::ConstantArray::get(llvm::ArrayType::get(llvm::Type::Int8Ty, fieldpad), vals);
+                    fieldtypes.push_back(c->getType());
+                    fieldinits.push_back(c);
+                    idx++;
+                }
+                idx++;
+                // start new
+                lastoffset = i->first;
+                fieldtype = DtoType(i->second.var->type);
+                fieldinit = i->second.init;
+                prevsize = gTargetData->getTypeSize(fieldtype);
+                i->second.var->llvmFieldIndex = idx;
+                fieldpad = 0;
+            }
+        }
+        fieldtypes.push_back(fieldtype);
+        fieldinits.push_back(fieldinit);
+        if (fieldpad) {
+            // match up with above
+            std::vector<llvm::Constant*> vals(fieldpad, llvm::ConstantInt::get(llvm::Type::Int8Ty, 0, false));
+            llvm::Constant* c = llvm::ConstantArray::get(llvm::ArrayType::get(llvm::Type::Int8Ty, fieldpad), vals);
+            fieldtypes.push_back(c->getType());
+            fieldinits.push_back(c);
+        }
+        Logger::println("creating struct type");
+        structtype = llvm::StructType::get(fieldtypes);
+    }
+    // refine abstract types for stuff like: struct S{S* next;}
+    if (gIR->topstruct().recty != 0)
+    {
+        llvm::PATypeHolder& pa = gIR->topstruct().recty;
+        llvm::cast<llvm::OpaqueType>(pa.get())->refineAbstractTypeTo(structtype);
+        structtype = llvm::cast<llvm::StructType>(pa.get());
+    }
+    ts->llvmType = structtype;
+    llvmType = structtype;
+    if (parent->isModule()) {
+        gIR->module->addTypeName(mangle(),ts->llvmType);
+    }
+    // generate static data
+    llvm::GlobalValue::LinkageTypes _linkage = llvm::GlobalValue::ExternalLinkage;
+    llvm::Constant* _init = 0;
+    // always generate the constant initalizer
+    if (!zeroInit) {
+        Logger::println("Not zero initialized");
+        //assert(tk == gIR->gIR->topstruct()().size());
+        #ifndef LLVMD_NO_LOGGER
+        Logger::cout() << "struct type: " << *structtype << '\n';
+        for (size_t k=0; k<fieldinits.size(); ++k) {
+            Logger::cout() << "Type:" << '\n';
+            Logger::cout() << *fieldinits[k]->getType() << '\n';
+            Logger::cout() << "Value:" << '\n';
+            Logger::cout() << *fieldinits[k] << '\n';
+        }
+        Logger::cout() << "Initializer printed" << '\n';
+        #endif
+        llvmInitZ = llvm::ConstantStruct::get(structtype,fieldinits);
+    }
+    else {
+        Logger::println("Zero initialized");
+        llvmInitZ = llvm::ConstantAggregateZero::get(structtype);
+    }
+    // only provide the constant initializer for the defining module
+    if (getModule() == gIR->dmodule)
+    {
+        _init = llvmInitZ;
+    }
+    std::string initname("_D");
+    initname.append(mangle());
+    initname.append("6__initZ");
+    llvm::GlobalVariable* initvar = new llvm::GlobalVariable(ts->llvmType, true, _linkage, _init, initname, gIR->module);
+    ts->llvmInit = initvar;
+    // generate member function definitions
+    gIR->topstruct().queueFuncs = false;
+    IRStruct::FuncDeclVector& mfs = gIR->topstruct().funcs;
+    size_t n = mfs.size();
+    for (size_t i=0; i<n; ++i) {
+        mfs[i]->toObjFile();
+    }
+    llvmDModule = gIR->dmodule;
+    gIR->structs.pop_back();
+    // generate typeinfo
+    if (getModule() == gIR->dmodule && llvmInternal != LLVMnotypeinfo)
+        type->getTypeInfo(NULL);
+/* ================================================================== */
+static unsigned LLVM_ClassOffsetToIndex(ClassDeclaration* cd, unsigned os, unsigned& idx)
+    // start at the bottom of the inheritance chain
+    if (cd->baseClass != 0) {
+        unsigned o = LLVM_ClassOffsetToIndex(cd->baseClass, os, idx);
+        if (o != (unsigned)-1)
+            return o;
+    }
+    // check this class
+    unsigned i;
+    for (i=0; i<cd->fields.dim; ++i) {
+        VarDeclaration* vd = (VarDeclaration*)cd->fields.data[i];
+        if (os == vd->offset)
+            return i+idx;
+    }
+    idx += i;
+    return (unsigned)-1;
+void ClassDeclaration::offsetToIndex(Type* t, unsigned os, std::vector<unsigned>& result)
+    unsigned idx = 0;
+    unsigned r = LLVM_ClassOffsetToIndex(this, os, idx);
+    assert(r != (unsigned)-1 && "Offset not found in any aggregate field");
+    result.push_back(r+1); // vtable is 0
+/* ================================================================== */
+static void LLVM_AddBaseClassData(BaseClasses* bcs)
+    // add base class data members first
+    for (int j=0; j<bcs->dim; j++)
+    {
+        BaseClass* bc = (BaseClass*)(bcs->data[j]);
+        assert(bc);
+        Logger::println("Adding base class members of %s", bc->base->toChars());
+        LOG_SCOPE;
+        LLVM_AddBaseClassData(&bc->base->baseclasses);
+        for (int k=0; k < bc->base->members->dim; k++) {
+            Dsymbol* dsym = (Dsymbol*)(bc->base->members->data[k]);
+            if (dsym->isVarDeclaration())
+            {
+                dsym->toObjFile();
+            }
+        }
+    }
+void ClassDeclaration::toObjFile()
+    TypeClass* ts = (TypeClass*)DtoDType(type);
+    if (ts->llvmType != 0 || llvmInProgress)
+        return;
+    llvmInProgress = true;
+    static int fdi = 0;
+    Logger::print("ClassDeclaration::toObjFile(%d): %s\n", fdi++, toChars());
+    gIR->structs.push_back(IRStruct(ts));
+    gIR->classes.push_back(this);
+    // add vtable
+    llvm::PATypeHolder pa = llvm::OpaqueType::get();
+    const llvm::Type* vtabty = llvm::PointerType::get(pa);
+    std::vector<const llvm::Type*> fieldtypes;
+    fieldtypes.push_back(vtabty);
+    std::vector<llvm::Constant*> fieldinits;
+    fieldinits.push_back(0);
+    // base classes first
+    LLVM_AddBaseClassData(&baseclasses);
+    // then add own members
+    for (int k=0; k < members->dim; k++) {
+        Dsymbol* dsym = (Dsymbol*)(members->data[k]);
+        dsym->toObjFile();
+    }
+    // fill out fieldtypes/inits
+    for (IRStruct::OffsetMap::iterator i=gIR->topstruct().offsets.begin(); i!=gIR->topstruct().offsets.end(); ++i) {
+        fieldtypes.push_back(DtoType(i->second.var->type));
+        fieldinits.push_back(i->second.init);
+    }
+    llvm::StructType* structtype = llvm::StructType::get(fieldtypes);
+    // refine abstract types for stuff like: class C {C next;}
+    if (gIR->topstruct().recty != 0)
+    {
+        llvm::PATypeHolder& pa = gIR->topstruct().recty;
+        llvm::cast<llvm::OpaqueType>(pa.get())->refineAbstractTypeTo(structtype);
+        structtype = llvm::cast<llvm::StructType>(pa.get());
+    }
+    ts->llvmType = structtype;
+    llvmType = structtype;
+    bool needs_definition = false;
+    if (parent->isModule()) {
+        gIR->module->addTypeName(mangle(),ts->llvmType);
+        needs_definition = (getModule() == gIR->dmodule);
+    }
+    else {
+        assert(0 && "class parent is not a module");
+    }
+    // generate vtable
+    llvm::GlobalVariable* svtblVar = 0;
+    std::vector<llvm::Constant*> sinits;
+    std::vector<const llvm::Type*> sinits_ty;
+    sinits.reserve(vtbl.dim);
+    sinits_ty.reserve(vtbl.dim);
+    for (int k=0; k < vtbl.dim; k++)
+    {
+        Dsymbol* dsym = (Dsymbol*)vtbl.data[k];
+        assert(dsym);
+        //Logger::cout() << "vtblsym: " << dsym->toChars() << '\n';
+        if (FuncDeclaration* fd = dsym->isFuncDeclaration()) {
+            fd->toObjFile();
+            assert(fd->llvmValue);
+            llvm::Constant* c = llvm::cast<llvm::Constant>(fd->llvmValue);
+            sinits.push_back(c);
+            sinits_ty.push_back(c->getType());
+        }
+        else if (ClassDeclaration* cd = dsym->isClassDeclaration()) {
+            const llvm::Type* cty = llvm::PointerType::get(llvm::Type::Int8Ty);
+            llvm::Constant* c = llvm::Constant::getNullValue(cty);
+            sinits.push_back(c);
+            sinits_ty.push_back(cty);
+        }
+        else
+        assert(0);
+    }
+    const llvm::StructType* svtbl_ty = 0;
+    if (!sinits.empty())
+    {
+        llvm::GlobalValue::LinkageTypes _linkage = llvm::GlobalValue::ExternalLinkage;
+        std::string varname("_D");
+        varname.append(mangle());
+        varname.append("6__vtblZ");
+        std::string styname(mangle());
+        styname.append("__vtblTy");
+        svtbl_ty = llvm::StructType::get(sinits_ty);
+        gIR->module->addTypeName(styname, svtbl_ty);
+        svtblVar = new llvm::GlobalVariable(svtbl_ty, true, _linkage, 0, varname, gIR->module);
+        llvmConstVtbl = llvm::cast<llvm::ConstantStruct>(llvm::ConstantStruct::get(svtbl_ty, sinits));
+        if (needs_definition)
+            svtblVar->setInitializer(llvmConstVtbl);
+        llvmVtbl = svtblVar;
+    }
+    ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    // refine for final vtable type
+    llvm::cast<llvm::OpaqueType>(pa.get())->refineAbstractTypeTo(svtbl_ty);
+    svtbl_ty = llvm::cast<llvm::StructType>(pa.get());
+    structtype = llvm::cast<llvm::StructType>(gIR->topstruct().recty.get());
+    ts->llvmType = structtype;
+    llvmType = structtype;
+    // generate initializer
+    llvm::GlobalValue::LinkageTypes _linkage = llvm::GlobalValue::ExternalLinkage;
+    llvm::Constant* _init = 0;
+    // first field is always the vtable
+    assert(svtblVar != 0);
+    fieldinits[0] = svtblVar;
+    llvmInitZ = _init = llvm::ConstantStruct::get(structtype,fieldinits);
+    assert(_init);
+    std::string initname("_D");
+    initname.append(mangle());
+    initname.append("6__initZ");
+    //Logger::cout() << *_init << '\n';
+    llvm::GlobalVariable* initvar = new llvm::GlobalVariable(ts->llvmType, true, _linkage, NULL, initname, gIR->module);
+    ts->llvmInit = initvar;
+    if (needs_definition) {
+        initvar->setInitializer(_init);
+        // generate member functions
+        gIR->topstruct().queueFuncs = false;
+        IRStruct::FuncDeclVector& mfs = gIR->topstruct().funcs;
+        size_t n = mfs.size();
+        for (size_t i=0; i<n; ++i) {
+            mfs[i]->toObjFile();
+        }
+    }
+    gIR->classes.pop_back();
+    gIR->structs.pop_back();
+    llvmInProgress = false;
+ * Get offset of base class's vtbl[] initializer from start of csym.
+ * Returns ~0 if not this csym.
+ */
+unsigned ClassDeclaration::baseVtblOffset(BaseClass *bc)
+  return ~0;
+/* ================================================================== */
+void VarDeclaration::toObjFile()
+    Logger::print("VarDeclaration::toObjFile(): %s | %s\n", toChars(), type->toChars());
+    llvm::Module* M = gIR->module;
+    if (aliassym)
+    {
+        toAlias()->toObjFile();
+        return;
+    }
+    // global variable or magic
+    if (isDataseg())
+    {
+        if (llvmTouched) return;
+        else llvmTouched = true;
+        bool _isconst = false;
+        if (isConst() && (init && !init->isExpInitializer()))
+            _isconst = true;
+        llvm::GlobalValue::LinkageTypes _linkage;
+        bool istempl = false;
+        if ((storage_class & STCcomdat) || (parent && DtoIsTemplateInstance(parent))) {
+            _linkage = llvm::GlobalValue::WeakLinkage;
+            istempl = true;
+        }
+        else if (parent && parent->isFuncDeclaration())
+            _linkage = llvm::GlobalValue::InternalLinkage;
+        else
+            _linkage = DtoLinkage(protection, storage_class);
+        Type* t = DtoDType(type);
+        const llvm::Type* _type = DtoType(t);
+        assert(_type);
+        llvm::Constant* _init = 0;
+        bool _signed = !type->isunsigned();
+        Logger::println("Creating global variable");
+        std::string _name(mangle());
+        llvm::GlobalVariable* gvar = new llvm::GlobalVariable(_type,_isconst,_linkage,0,_name,M);
+        llvmValue = gvar;
+        if (!(storage_class & STCextern) && (getModule() == gIR->dmodule || istempl))
+        {
+            if (parent && parent->isFuncDeclaration() && init && init->isExpInitializer()) {
+                _init = DtoConstInitializer(t, NULL);
+                // create a flag to make sure initialization only happens once
+                llvm::GlobalValue::LinkageTypes gflaglink = istempl ? llvm::GlobalValue::WeakLinkage : llvm::GlobalValue::InternalLinkage;
+                std::string gflagname(_name);
+                gflagname.append("__initflag");
+                llvm::GlobalVariable* gflag = new llvm::GlobalVariable(llvm::Type::Int1Ty,false,gflaglink,DtoConstBool(false),gflagname,M);
+                // check flag and do init if not already done
+                llvm::BasicBlock* oldend = gIR->scopeend();
+                llvm::BasicBlock* initbb = new llvm::BasicBlock("ifnotinit",gIR->topfunc(),oldend);
+                llvm::BasicBlock* endinitbb = new llvm::BasicBlock("ifnotinitend",gIR->topfunc(),oldend);
+                llvm::Value* cond = gIR->ir->CreateICmpEQ(gIR->ir->CreateLoad(gflag,"tmp"),DtoConstBool(false));
+                gIR->ir->CreateCondBr(cond, initbb, endinitbb);
+                gIR->scope() = IRScope(initbb,endinitbb);
+                elem* ie = DtoInitializer(init);
+                if (!ie->inPlace()) {
+                    DValue* dst = new DVarValue(t, gvar, true);
+                    DtoAssign(dst, ie);
+                    delete dst;
+                }
+                gIR->ir->CreateStore(DtoConstBool(true), gflag);
+                gIR->ir->CreateBr(endinitbb);
+                gIR->scope() = IRScope(endinitbb,oldend);
+            }
+            else {
+                _init = DtoConstInitializer(t, init);
+            }
+            //Logger::cout() << "initializer: " << *_init << '\n';
+            if (_type != _init->getType()) {
+                Logger::cout() << "got type '" << *_init->getType() << "' expected '" << *_type << "'\n";
+                // zero initalizer
+                if (_init->isNullValue())
+                    _init = llvm::Constant::getNullValue(_type);
+                // pointer to global constant (struct.init)
+                else if (llvm::isa<llvm::GlobalVariable>(_init))
+                {
+                    assert(_init->getType()->getContainedType(0) == _type);
+                    llvm::GlobalVariable* gv = llvm::cast<llvm::GlobalVariable>(_init);
+                    assert(t->ty == Tstruct);
+                    TypeStruct* ts = (TypeStruct*)t;
+                    assert(ts->sym->llvmInitZ);
+                    _init = ts->sym->llvmInitZ;
+                }
+                // array single value init
+                else if (llvm::isa<llvm::ArrayType>(_type))
+                {
+                    _init = DtoConstStaticArray(_type, _init);
+                }
+                else {
+                    Logger::cout() << "Unexpected initializer type: " << *_type << '\n';
+                    //assert(0);
+                }
+            }
+            Logger::cout() << "final init = " << *_init << '\n';
+            gvar->setInitializer(_init);
+        }
+        llvmDModule = gIR->dmodule;
+        //if (storage_class & STCprivate)
+        //    gvar->setVisibility(llvm::GlobalValue::ProtectedVisibility);
+    }
+    // inside aggregate declaration. declare a field.
+    else
+    {
+        Logger::println("Aggregate var declaration: '%s' offset=%d", toChars(), offset);
+        Type* t = DtoDType(type);
+        const llvm::Type* _type = DtoType(t);
+        llvm::Constant*_init = DtoConstInitializer(t, init);
+        assert(_init);
+        Logger::cout() << "field init is: " << *_init << " type should be " << *_type << '\n';
+        if (_type != _init->getType())
+        {
+            if (t->ty == Tsarray)
+            {
+                const llvm::ArrayType* arrty = llvm::cast<llvm::ArrayType>(_type);
+                uint64_t n = arrty->getNumElements();
+                std::vector<llvm::Constant*> vals(n,_init);
+                _init = llvm::ConstantArray::get(arrty, vals);
+            }
+            else if (t->ty == Tarray)
+            {
+                assert(llvm::isa<llvm::StructType>(_type));
+                _init = llvm::ConstantAggregateZero::get(_type);
+            }
+            else if (t->ty == Tstruct)
+            {
+                const llvm::StructType* structty = llvm::cast<llvm::StructType>(_type);
+                TypeStruct* ts = (TypeStruct*)t;
+                assert(ts);
+                assert(ts->sym);
+                assert(ts->sym->llvmInitZ);
+                _init = ts->sym->llvmInitZ;
+            }
+            else if (t->ty == Tclass)
+            {
+                _init = llvm::Constant::getNullValue(_type);
+            }
+            else {
+                Logger::println("failed for type %s", type->toChars());
+                assert(0);
+            }
+        }
+        // add the field in the IRStruct
+        gIR->topstruct().offsets.insert(std::make_pair(offset, IRStruct::Offset(this,_init)));
+    }
+    Logger::println("VarDeclaration::toObjFile is done");
+/* ================================================================== */
+void TypedefDeclaration::toObjFile()
+    static int tdi = 0;
+    Logger::print("TypedefDeclaration::toObjFile(%d): %s\n", tdi++, toChars());
+    // generate typeinfo
+    type->getTypeInfo(NULL);
+/* ================================================================== */
+void EnumDeclaration::toObjFile()
+    Logger::println("Ignoring EnumDeclaration::toObjFile for %s", toChars());
+/* ================================================================== */
+void FuncDeclaration::toObjFile()
+    if (llvmDModule) {
+        assert(llvmValue != 0);
+        return;
+    }
+    if (llvmRunTimeHack) {
+        Logger::println("runtime hack func chars: %s", toChars());
+        if (!llvmValue)
+            llvmValue = LLVM_D_GetRuntimeFunction(gIR->module, toChars());
+        return;
+    }
+    if (isUnitTestDeclaration()) {
+        Logger::println("*** ATTENTION: ignoring unittest declaration: %s", toChars());
+        return;
+    }
+    Type* t = DtoDType(type);
+    TypeFunction* f = (TypeFunction*)t;
+    bool declareOnly = false;
+    if (parent)
+    {
+    if (TemplateInstance* tinst = parent->isTemplateInstance()) {
+        TemplateDeclaration* tempdecl = tinst->tempdecl;
+        if (tempdecl->llvmInternal == LLVMva_start)
+        {
+            Logger::println("magic va_start found");
+            llvmInternal = LLVMva_start;
+            declareOnly = true;
+        }
+        else if (tempdecl->llvmInternal == LLVMva_arg)
+        {
+            Logger::println("magic va_arg found");
+            llvmInternal = LLVMva_arg;
+            return;
+        }
+    }
+    }
+    llvm::Function* func = DtoDeclareFunction(this);
+    if (declareOnly)
+        return;
+    if (!gIR->structs.empty() && gIR->topstruct().queueFuncs) {
+        if (!llvmQueued) {
+            Logger::println("queueing %s", toChars());
+            gIR->topstruct().funcs.push_back(this);
+            llvmQueued = true;
+        }
+        return; // we wait with the definition as they might invoke a virtual method and the vtable is not yet complete
+    }
+    // debug info
+    if (global.params.symdebug) {
+        llvmDwarfSubProgram = DtoDwarfSubProgram(this);
+    }
+    assert(f->llvmType);
+    const llvm::FunctionType* functype = llvm::cast<llvm::FunctionType>(llvmValue->getType()->getContainedType(0));
+    // template instances should have weak linkage
+    if (parent && DtoIsTemplateInstance(parent)) {
+        func->setLinkage(llvm::GlobalValue::WeakLinkage);
+    }
+    // only members of the current module maybe be defined
+    if (getModule() == gIR->dmodule || DtoIsTemplateInstance(parent))
+    {
+        llvmDModule = gIR->dmodule;
+        // handle static constructor / destructor
+        if (isStaticCtorDeclaration() || isStaticDtorDeclaration()) {
+            const llvm::ArrayType* sctor_type = llvm::ArrayType::get(llvm::PointerType::get(functype),1);
+            //Logger::cout() << "static ctor type: " << *sctor_type << '\n';
+            llvm::Constant* sctor_func = llvm::cast<llvm::Constant>(llvmValue);
+            //Logger::cout() << "static ctor func: " << *sctor_func << '\n';
+            llvm::Constant* sctor_init = llvm::ConstantArray::get(sctor_type,&sctor_func,1);
+            //Logger::cout() << "static ctor init: " << *sctor_init << '\n';
+            // output the llvm.global_ctors array
+            const char* varname = isStaticCtorDeclaration() ? "_d_module_ctor_array" : "_d_module_dtor_array";
+            llvm::GlobalVariable* sctor_arr = new llvm::GlobalVariable(sctor_type, false, llvm::GlobalValue::AppendingLinkage, sctor_init, varname, gIR->module);
+        }
+        // function definition
+        if (fbody != 0)
+        {
+            gIR->functions.push_back(IRFunction(this));
+            gIR->func().func = func;
+            // first make absolutely sure the type is up to date
+            f->llvmType = llvmValue->getType()->getContainedType(0);
+            //Logger::cout() << "func type: " << *f->llvmType << '\n';
+            // this handling
+            if (f->llvmUsesThis) {
+                Logger::println("uses this");
+                if (f->llvmRetInPtr)
+                    llvmThisVar = ++func->arg_begin();
+                else
+                    llvmThisVar = func->arg_begin();
+                assert(llvmThisVar != 0);
+            }
+            if (isMain())
+                gIR->emitMain = true;
+            llvm::BasicBlock* beginbb = new llvm::BasicBlock("entry",func);
+            llvm::BasicBlock* endbb = new llvm::BasicBlock("endentry",func);
+            //assert(gIR->scopes.empty());
+            gIR->scopes.push_back(IRScope(beginbb, endbb));
+                // create alloca point
+                f->llvmAllocaPoint = new llvm::BitCastInst(llvm::ConstantInt::get(llvm::Type::Int32Ty,0,false),llvm::Type::Int32Ty,"alloca point",gIR->scopebb());
+                gIR->func().allocapoint = f->llvmAllocaPoint;
+                // give arguments storage
+                size_t n = Argument::dim(f->parameters);
+                for (int i=0; i < n; ++i) {
+                    Argument* arg = Argument::getNth(f->parameters, i);
+                    if (arg && arg->vardecl) {
+                        VarDeclaration* vd = arg->vardecl;
+                        if (!vd->llvmNeedsStorage || vd->nestedref || vd->isRef() || vd->isOut() || DtoIsPassedByRef(vd->type))
+                            continue;
+                        llvm::Value* a = vd->llvmValue;
+                        assert(a);
+                        std::string s(a->getName());
+                        Logger::println("giving argument '%s' storage", s.c_str());
+                        s.append("_storage");
+                        llvm::Value* v = new llvm::AllocaInst(a->getType(),s,f->llvmAllocaPoint);
+                        gIR->ir->CreateStore(a,v);
+                        vd->llvmValue = v;
+                    }
+                    else {
+                        Logger::println("*** ATTENTION: some unknown argument: %s", arg ? arg->toChars() : 0);
+                    }
+                }
+                // debug info
+                if (global.params.symdebug) DtoDwarfFuncStart(this);
+                llvm::Value* parentNested = NULL;
+                if (FuncDeclaration* fd = toParent()->isFuncDeclaration()) {
+                    parentNested = fd->llvmNested;
+                }
+                // construct nested variables struct
+                if (!llvmNestedVars.empty() || parentNested) {
+                    std::vector<const llvm::Type*> nestTypes;
+                    int j = 0;
+                    if (parentNested) {
+                        nestTypes.push_back(parentNested->getType());
+                        j++;
+                    }
+                    for (std::set<VarDeclaration*>::iterator i=llvmNestedVars.begin(); i!=llvmNestedVars.end(); ++i) {
+                        VarDeclaration* vd = *i;
+                        vd->llvmNestedIndex = j++;
+                        if (vd->isParameter()) {
+                            assert(vd->llvmValue);
+                            nestTypes.push_back(vd->llvmValue->getType());
+                        }
+                        else {
+                            nestTypes.push_back(DtoType(vd->type));
+                        }
+                    }
+                    const llvm::StructType* nestSType = llvm::StructType::get(nestTypes);
+                    Logger::cout() << "nested var struct has type:" << '\n' << *nestSType;
+                    llvmNested = new llvm::AllocaInst(nestSType,"nestedvars",f->llvmAllocaPoint);
+                    if (parentNested) {
+                        assert(llvmThisVar);
+                        llvm::Value* ptr = gIR->ir->CreateBitCast(llvmThisVar, parentNested->getType(), "tmp");
+                        gIR->ir->CreateStore(ptr, DtoGEPi(llvmNested, 0,0, "tmp"));
+                    }
+                    for (std::set<VarDeclaration*>::iterator i=llvmNestedVars.begin(); i!=llvmNestedVars.end(); ++i) {
+                        VarDeclaration* vd = *i;
+                        if (vd->isParameter()) {
+                            gIR->ir->CreateStore(vd->llvmValue, DtoGEPi(llvmNested, 0, vd->llvmNestedIndex, "tmp"));
+                            vd->llvmValue = llvmNested;
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+                // copy _argptr to a memory location
+                if (f->linkage == LINKd && f->varargs == 1)
+                {
+                    llvm::Value* argptrmem = new llvm::AllocaInst(llvmArgPtr->getType(), "_argptrmem", gIR->topallocapoint());
+                    new llvm::StoreInst(llvmArgPtr, argptrmem, gIR->scopebb());
+                    llvmArgPtr = argptrmem;
+                }
+                // output function body
+                fbody->toIR(gIR);
+                // llvm requires all basic blocks to end with a TerminatorInst but DMD does not put a return statement
+                // in automatically, so we do it here.
+                if (!isMain()) {
+                    if (!gIR->scopereturned()) {
+                        // pass the previous block into this block
+                        if (global.params.symdebug) DtoDwarfFuncEnd(this);
+                        if (func->getReturnType() == llvm::Type::VoidTy) {
+                            new llvm::ReturnInst(gIR->scopebb());
+                        }
+                        else {
+                            new llvm::ReturnInst(llvm::UndefValue::get(func->getReturnType()), gIR->scopebb());
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+                // erase alloca point
+                f->llvmAllocaPoint->eraseFromParent();
+                f->llvmAllocaPoint = 0;
+                gIR->func().allocapoint = 0;
+            gIR->scopes.pop_back();
+            // get rid of the endentry block, it's never used
+            assert(!func->getBasicBlockList().empty());
+            func->getBasicBlockList().pop_back();
+            // if the last block is empty now, it must be unreachable or it's a bug somewhere else
+            // would be nice to figure out how to assert that this is correct
+            llvm::BasicBlock* lastbb = &func->getBasicBlockList().back();
+            if (lastbb->empty()) {
+                if (lastbb->getNumUses() == 0)
+                    lastbb->eraseFromParent();
+                else {
+                    new llvm::UnreachableInst(lastbb);
+                    /*if (func->getReturnType() == llvm::Type::VoidTy) {
+                        new llvm::ReturnInst(lastbb);
+                    }
+                    else {
+                        new llvm::ReturnInst(llvm::UndefValue::get(func->getReturnType()), lastbb);
+                    }*/
+                }
+            }
+            gIR->functions.pop_back();
+        }
+    }