diff gen/statements.cpp @ 86:fd32135dca3e trunk

[svn r90] Major updates to the gen directory. Redesigned the 'elem' struct. Much more... !!! Lots of bugfixes. Added support for special foreach on strings. Added std.array, std.utf, std.ctype and std.uni to phobos. Changed all the .c files in the gen dir to .cpp (it *is* C++ after all)
author lindquist
date Sat, 03 Nov 2007 14:44:58 +0100
parents gen/statements.c@d8dd47ef3973
children 61615fa85940
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/gen/statements.cpp	Sat Nov 03 14:44:58 2007 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,862 @@
+// Statements: D -> LLVM glue
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include <sstream>
+#include <fstream>
+#include <iostream>
+#include "gen/llvm.h"
+#include "llvm/Transforms/Utils/Cloning.h"
+#include "total.h"
+#include "init.h"
+#include "symbol.h"
+#include "mtype.h"
+#include "hdrgen.h"
+#include "port.h"
+#include "gen/irstate.h"
+#include "gen/elem.h"
+#include "gen/logger.h"
+#include "gen/tollvm.h"
+#include "gen/runtime.h"
+#include "gen/arrays.h"
+#include "gen/todebug.h"
+#include "gen/dvalue.h"
+void CompoundStatement::toIR(IRState* p)
+    static int csi = 0;
+    Logger::println("CompoundStatement::toIR(%d):\n<<<\n%s>>>", csi++, toChars());
+    for (int i=0; i<statements->dim; i++)
+    {
+        Statement* s = (Statement*)statements->data[i];
+        if (s)
+            s->toIR(p);
+        else {
+            Logger::println("*** ATTENTION: null statement found in CompoundStatement");
+            //assert(0);
+        }
+    }
+void ReturnStatement::toIR(IRState* p)
+    static int rsi = 0;
+    Logger::println("ReturnStatement::toIR(%d): %s", rsi++, toChars());
+    if (exp)
+    {
+        Logger::println("return type is: %s", exp->type->toChars());
+        Type* exptype = DtoDType(exp->type);
+        TY expty = exptype->ty;
+        if (p->topfunc()->getReturnType() == llvm::Type::VoidTy) {
+            assert(DtoIsPassedByRef(exptype));
+            TypeFunction* f = p->topfunctype();
+            assert(f->llvmRetInPtr && f->llvmRetArg);
+            if (global.params.symdebug) DtoDwarfStopPoint(loc.linnum);
+            DValue* rvar = new DVarValue(f->next, f->llvmRetArg, true);
+            p->exps.push_back(IRExp(NULL,exp,rvar));
+            DValue* e = exp->toElem(p);
+            p->exps.pop_back();
+            if (!e->inPlace())
+                DtoAssign(rvar, e);
+            IRFunction::FinallyVec& fin = p->func().finallys;
+            if (fin.empty()) {
+                if (global.params.symdebug) DtoDwarfFuncEnd(p->func().decl);
+                new llvm::ReturnInst(p->scopebb());
+            }
+            else {
+                new llvm::BranchInst(fin.back().retbb, p->scopebb());
+            }
+        }
+        else {
+            if (global.params.symdebug) DtoDwarfStopPoint(loc.linnum);
+            DValue* e = exp->toElem(p);
+            llvm::Value* v = e->getRVal();
+            delete e;
+            Logger::cout() << "return value is '" <<*v << "'\n";
+            IRFunction::FinallyVec& fin = p->func().finallys;
+            if (fin.empty()) {
+                if (global.params.symdebug) DtoDwarfFuncEnd(p->func().decl);
+                new llvm::ReturnInst(v, p->scopebb());
+            }
+            else {
+                if (!p->func().finallyretval)
+                    p->func().finallyretval = new llvm::AllocaInst(v->getType(),"tmpreturn",p->topallocapoint());
+                llvm::Value* rettmp = p->func().finallyretval;
+                new llvm::StoreInst(v,rettmp,p->scopebb());
+                new llvm::BranchInst(fin.back().retbb, p->scopebb());
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        if (p->topfunc()->getReturnType() == llvm::Type::VoidTy) {
+            IRFunction::FinallyVec& fin = p->func().finallys;
+            if (fin.empty()) {
+                if (global.params.symdebug) DtoDwarfFuncEnd(p->func().decl);
+                new llvm::ReturnInst(p->scopebb());
+            }
+            else {
+                new llvm::BranchInst(fin.back().retbb, p->scopebb());
+            }
+        }
+        else {
+            assert(0); // why should this ever happen?
+            new llvm::UnreachableInst(p->scopebb());
+        }
+    }
+void ExpStatement::toIR(IRState* p)
+    static int esi = 0;
+    Logger::println("ExpStatement::toIR(%d): %s", esi++, toChars());
+    if (global.params.symdebug)
+        DtoDwarfStopPoint(loc.linnum);
+    if (exp != 0) {
+        elem* e = exp->toElem(p);
+        delete e;
+    }
+    /*elem* e = exp->toElem(p);
+    p->buf.printf("%s", e->toChars());
+    delete e;
+    p->buf.writenl();*/
+void IfStatement::toIR(IRState* p)
+    static int wsi = 0;
+    Logger::println("IfStatement::toIR(%d): %s", wsi++, toChars());
+    DValue* cond_e = condition->toElem(p);
+    llvm::Value* cond_val = cond_e->getRVal();
+    delete cond_e;
+    llvm::BasicBlock* oldend = gIR->scopeend();
+    llvm::BasicBlock* ifbb = new llvm::BasicBlock("if", gIR->topfunc(), oldend);
+    llvm::BasicBlock* endbb = new llvm::BasicBlock("endif", gIR->topfunc(), oldend);
+    llvm::BasicBlock* elsebb = elsebody ? new llvm::BasicBlock("else", gIR->topfunc(), endbb) : endbb;
+    if (cond_val->getType() != llvm::Type::Int1Ty) {
+        Logger::cout() << "if conditional: " << *cond_val << '\n';
+        cond_val = DtoBoolean(cond_val);
+    }
+    llvm::Value* ifgoback = new llvm::BranchInst(ifbb, elsebb, cond_val, gIR->scopebegin());
+    // replace current scope
+    gIR->scope() = IRScope(ifbb,elsebb);
+    // do scoped statements
+    ifbody->toIR(p);
+    if (!gIR->scopereturned()) {
+        new llvm::BranchInst(endbb,gIR->scopebegin());
+    }
+    if (elsebody) {
+        //assert(0);
+        gIR->scope() = IRScope(elsebb,endbb);
+        elsebody->toIR(p);
+        if (!gIR->scopereturned()) {
+            new llvm::BranchInst(endbb,gIR->scopebegin());
+        }
+    }
+    // rewrite the scope
+    gIR->scope() = IRScope(endbb,oldend);
+void ScopeStatement::toIR(IRState* p)
+    Logger::println("ScopeStatement::toIR(): %s", toChars());
+    llvm::BasicBlock* oldend = p->scopeend();
+    llvm::BasicBlock* beginbb = 0;
+    // remove useless branches by clearing and reusing the current basicblock
+    llvm::BasicBlock* bb = p->scopebegin();
+    if (bb->empty()) {
+        beginbb = bb;
+    }
+    else {
+        assert(!p->scopereturned());
+        beginbb = new llvm::BasicBlock("scope", p->topfunc(), oldend);
+        new llvm::BranchInst(beginbb, p->scopebegin());
+    }
+    llvm::BasicBlock* endbb = new llvm::BasicBlock("endscope", p->topfunc(), oldend);
+    gIR->scope() = IRScope(beginbb, endbb);
+    statement->toIR(p);
+    p->scope() = IRScope(p->scopebb(),oldend);
+    endbb->eraseFromParent();
+void WhileStatement::toIR(IRState* p)
+    static int wsi = 0;
+    Logger::println("WhileStatement::toIR(%d): %s", wsi++, toChars());
+    // create while blocks
+    llvm::BasicBlock* oldend = gIR->scopeend();
+    llvm::BasicBlock* whilebb = new llvm::BasicBlock("whilecond", gIR->topfunc(), oldend);
+    llvm::BasicBlock* whilebodybb = new llvm::BasicBlock("whilebody", gIR->topfunc(), oldend);
+    llvm::BasicBlock* endbb = new llvm::BasicBlock("endwhile", gIR->topfunc(), oldend);
+    // move into the while block
+    p->ir->CreateBr(whilebb);
+    //new llvm::BranchInst(whilebb, gIR->scopebegin());
+    // replace current scope
+    gIR->scope() = IRScope(whilebb,endbb);
+    // create the condition
+    DValue* cond_e = condition->toElem(p);
+    llvm::Value* cond_val = DtoBoolean(cond_e->getRVal());
+    delete cond_e;
+    // conditional branch
+    llvm::Value* ifbreak = new llvm::BranchInst(whilebodybb, endbb, cond_val, p->scopebb());
+    // rewrite scope
+    gIR->scope() = IRScope(whilebodybb,endbb);
+    // do while body code
+    body->toIR(p);
+    // loop
+    new llvm::BranchInst(whilebb, gIR->scopebegin());
+    // rewrite the scope
+    gIR->scope() = IRScope(endbb,oldend);
+void DoStatement::toIR(IRState* p)
+    static int wsi = 0;
+    Logger::println("DoStatement::toIR(%d): %s", wsi++, toChars());
+    // create while blocks
+    llvm::BasicBlock* oldend = gIR->scopeend();
+    llvm::BasicBlock* dowhilebb = new llvm::BasicBlock("dowhile", gIR->topfunc(), oldend);
+    llvm::BasicBlock* endbb = new llvm::BasicBlock("enddowhile", gIR->topfunc(), oldend);
+    // move into the while block
+    new llvm::BranchInst(dowhilebb, gIR->scopebegin());
+    // replace current scope
+    gIR->scope() = IRScope(dowhilebb,endbb);
+    // do do-while body code
+    body->toIR(p);
+    // create the condition
+    DValue* cond_e = condition->toElem(p);
+    llvm::Value* cond_val = DtoBoolean(cond_e->getRVal());
+    delete cond_e;
+    // conditional branch
+    llvm::Value* ifbreak = new llvm::BranchInst(dowhilebb, endbb, cond_val, gIR->scopebegin());
+    // rewrite the scope
+    gIR->scope() = IRScope(endbb,oldend);
+void ForStatement::toIR(IRState* p)
+    static int wsi = 0;
+    Logger::println("ForStatement::toIR(%d): %s", wsi++, toChars());
+    // create for blocks
+    llvm::BasicBlock* oldend = gIR->scopeend();
+    llvm::BasicBlock* forbb = new llvm::BasicBlock("forcond", gIR->topfunc(), oldend);
+    llvm::BasicBlock* forbodybb = new llvm::BasicBlock("forbody", gIR->topfunc(), oldend);
+    llvm::BasicBlock* forincbb = new llvm::BasicBlock("forinc", gIR->topfunc(), oldend);
+    llvm::BasicBlock* endbb = new llvm::BasicBlock("endfor", gIR->topfunc(), oldend);
+    // init
+    if (init != 0)
+    init->toIR(p);
+    // move into the for condition block, ie. start the loop
+    new llvm::BranchInst(forbb, gIR->scopebegin());
+    p->loopbbs.push_back(IRScope(forincbb,endbb));
+    // replace current scope
+    gIR->scope() = IRScope(forbb,forbodybb);
+    // create the condition
+    DValue* cond_e = condition->toElem(p);
+    llvm::Value* cond_val = DtoBoolean(cond_e->getRVal());
+    delete cond_e;
+    // conditional branch
+    llvm::Value* ifbreak = new llvm::BranchInst(forbodybb, endbb, cond_val, forbb);
+    // rewrite scope
+    gIR->scope() = IRScope(forbodybb,forincbb);
+    // do for body code
+    body->toIR(p);
+    // move into the for increment block
+    new llvm::BranchInst(forincbb, gIR->scopebegin());
+    gIR->scope() = IRScope(forincbb, endbb);
+    // increment
+    if (increment) {
+        DValue* inc = increment->toElem(p);
+        delete inc;
+    }
+    // loop
+    new llvm::BranchInst(forbb, gIR->scopebegin());
+    p->loopbbs.pop_back();
+    // rewrite the scope
+    gIR->scope() = IRScope(endbb,oldend);
+void BreakStatement::toIR(IRState* p)
+    static int wsi = 0;
+    Logger::println("BreakStatement::toIR(%d): %s", wsi++, toChars());
+    if (ident != 0) {
+        Logger::println("ident = %s", ident->toChars());
+        assert(0);
+    }
+    else {
+        new llvm::BranchInst(gIR->loopbbs.back().end, gIR->scopebegin());
+    }
+void ContinueStatement::toIR(IRState* p)
+    static int wsi = 0;
+    Logger::println("ContinueStatement::toIR(%d): %s", wsi++, toChars());
+    if (ident != 0) {
+        Logger::println("ident = %s", ident->toChars());
+        assert(0);
+    }
+    else {
+        new llvm::BranchInst(gIR->loopbbs.back().begin, gIR->scopebegin());
+    }
+void OnScopeStatement::toIR(IRState* p)
+    static int wsi = 0;
+    Logger::println("OnScopeStatement::toIR(%d): %s", wsi++, toChars());
+    assert(statement);
+    //statement->toIR(p); // this seems to be redundant
+static void replaceFinallyBBs(std::vector<llvm::BasicBlock*>& a, std::vector<llvm::BasicBlock*>& b)
+void TryFinallyStatement::toIR(IRState* p)
+    Logger::println("TryFinallyStatement::toIR(): %s", toChars());
+    // create basic blocks
+    llvm::BasicBlock* oldend = p->scopeend();
+    llvm::BasicBlock* trybb = new llvm::BasicBlock("try", p->topfunc(), oldend);
+    llvm::BasicBlock* finallybb = new llvm::BasicBlock("finally", p->topfunc(), oldend);
+    llvm::BasicBlock* finallyretbb = new llvm::BasicBlock("finallyreturn", p->topfunc(), oldend);
+    llvm::BasicBlock* endbb = new llvm::BasicBlock("endtryfinally", p->topfunc(), oldend);
+    // pass the previous BB into this
+    assert(!gIR->scopereturned());
+    new llvm::BranchInst(trybb, p->scopebb());
+    // do the try block
+    p->scope() = IRScope(trybb,finallybb);
+    gIR->func().finallys.push_back(IRFinally(finallybb,finallyretbb));
+    IRFinally& fin = p->func().finallys.back();
+    assert(body);
+    body->toIR(p);
+    // terminate try BB
+    if (!p->scopereturned())
+        new llvm::BranchInst(finallybb, p->scopebb());
+    // do finally block
+    p->scope() = IRScope(finallybb,finallyretbb);
+    assert(finalbody);
+    finalbody->toIR(p);
+    // terminate finally
+    if (!gIR->scopereturned()) {
+        new llvm::BranchInst(endbb, p->scopebb());
+    }
+    // do finally block (return path)
+    p->scope() = IRScope(finallyretbb,endbb);
+    assert(finalbody);
+    finalbody->toIR(p); // hope this will work, otherwise it's time it gets fixed
+    // terminate finally (return path)
+    size_t nfin = p->func().finallys.size();
+    if (nfin > 1) {
+        IRFinally& ofin = p->func().finallys[nfin-2];
+        p->ir->CreateBr(ofin.retbb);
+    }
+    // no outer
+    else
+    {
+        if (global.params.symdebug) DtoDwarfFuncEnd(p->func().decl);
+        llvm::Value* retval = p->func().finallyretval;
+        if (retval) {
+            retval = p->ir->CreateLoad(retval,"tmp");
+            p->ir->CreateRet(retval);
+        }
+        else {
+            FuncDeclaration* fd = p->func().decl;
+            if (fd->isMain()) {
+                assert(fd->type->next->ty == Tvoid);
+                p->ir->CreateRet(DtoConstInt(0));
+            }
+            else {
+                p->ir->CreateRetVoid();
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    // rewrite the scope
+    p->func().finallys.pop_back();
+    p->scope() = IRScope(endbb,oldend);
+void TryCatchStatement::toIR(IRState* p)
+    static int wsi = 0;
+    Logger::println("TryCatchStatement::toIR(%d): %s", wsi++, toChars());
+    Logger::println("*** ATTENTION: try-catch is not yet fully implemented, only the try block will be emitted.");
+    assert(body);
+    body->toIR(p);
+    /*assert(catches);
+    for(size_t i=0; i<catches->dim; ++i)
+    {
+        Catch* c = (Catch*)catches->data[i];
+        c->handler->toIR(p);
+    }*/
+void ThrowStatement::toIR(IRState* p)
+    static int wsi = 0;
+    Logger::println("ThrowStatement::toIR(%d): %s", wsi++, toChars());
+    Logger::println("*** ATTENTION: throw is not yet implemented, replacing expression with assert(0);");
+    llvm::Value* line = llvm::ConstantInt::get(llvm::Type::Int32Ty, loc.linnum, false);
+    DtoAssert(NULL, line, NULL);
+    /*
+    assert(exp);
+    DValue* e = exp->toElem(p);
+    delete e;
+    */
+void SwitchStatement::toIR(IRState* p)
+    Logger::println("SwitchStatement::toIR(): %s", toChars());
+    llvm::BasicBlock* oldend = gIR->scopeend();
+    // collect the needed cases
+    typedef std::pair<llvm::BasicBlock*, llvm::ConstantInt*> CasePair;
+    std::vector<CasePair> vcases;
+    for (int i=0; i<cases->dim; ++i)
+    {
+        CaseStatement* cs = (CaseStatement*)cases->data[i];
+        // get the case value
+        DValue* e = cs->exp->toElem(p);
+        DConstValue* ce = e->isConst();
+        assert(ce && llvm::isa<llvm::ConstantInt>(ce->c));
+        llvm::ConstantInt* ec = llvm::cast<llvm::ConstantInt>(ce->c);
+        delete e;
+        // create the case bb with a nice label
+        std::string lblname("case"+std::string(cs->exp->toChars()));
+        llvm::BasicBlock* bb = new llvm::BasicBlock(lblname, p->topfunc(), oldend);
+        vcases.push_back(CasePair(bb,ec));
+    }
+    // default
+    llvm::BasicBlock* defbb = 0;
+    if (!hasNoDefault) {
+        defbb = new llvm::BasicBlock("default", p->topfunc(), oldend);
+    }
+    // end (break point)
+    llvm::BasicBlock* endbb = new llvm::BasicBlock("switchend", p->topfunc(), oldend);
+    // condition var
+    DValue* cond = condition->toElem(p);
+    llvm::SwitchInst* si = new llvm::SwitchInst(cond->getRVal(), defbb ? defbb : endbb, cases->dim, p->scopebb());
+    delete cond;
+    // add the cases
+    size_t n = vcases.size();
+    for (size_t i=0; i<n; ++i)
+    {
+        si->addCase(vcases[i].second, vcases[i].first);
+    }
+    // insert case statements
+    for (size_t i=0; i<n; ++i)
+    {
+        llvm::BasicBlock* nextbb = (i == n-1) ? (defbb ? defbb : endbb) : vcases[i+1].first;
+        p->scope() = IRScope(vcases[i].first,nextbb);
+        p->loopbbs.push_back(IRScope(p->scopebb(),endbb));
+        static_cast<CaseStatement*>(cases->data[i])->statement->toIR(p);
+        p->loopbbs.pop_back();
+        llvm::BasicBlock* curbb = p->scopebb();
+        if (curbb->empty() || !curbb->back().isTerminator())
+        {
+            new llvm::BranchInst(nextbb, curbb);
+        }
+    }
+    // default statement
+    if (defbb)
+    {
+        p->scope() = IRScope(defbb,endbb);
+        p->loopbbs.push_back(IRScope(defbb,endbb));
+        Logger::println("doing default statement");
+        sdefault->statement->toIR(p);
+        p->loopbbs.pop_back();
+        llvm::BasicBlock* curbb = p->scopebb();
+        if (curbb->empty() || !curbb->back().isTerminator())
+        {
+            new llvm::BranchInst(endbb, curbb);
+        }
+    }
+    gIR->scope() = IRScope(endbb,oldend);
+void UnrolledLoopStatement::toIR(IRState* p)
+    Logger::println("UnrolledLoopStatement::toIR(): %s", toChars());
+    llvm::BasicBlock* oldend = gIR->scopeend();
+    llvm::BasicBlock* endbb = new llvm::BasicBlock("unrolledend", p->topfunc(), oldend);
+    p->scope() = IRScope(p->scopebb(),endbb);
+    p->loopbbs.push_back(IRScope(p->scopebb(),endbb));
+    for (int i=0; i<statements->dim; ++i)
+    {
+        Statement* s = (Statement*)statements->data[i];
+        s->toIR(p);
+    }
+    p->loopbbs.pop_back();
+    new llvm::BranchInst(endbb, p->scopebb());
+    p->scope() = IRScope(endbb,oldend);
+void ForeachStatement::toIR(IRState* p)
+    Logger::println("ForeachStatement::toIR(): %s", toChars());
+    //assert(arguments->dim == 1);
+    assert(value != 0);
+    assert(body != 0);
+    assert(aggr != 0);
+    assert(func != 0);
+    //Argument* arg = (Argument*)arguments->data[0];
+    //Logger::println("Argument is %s", arg->toChars());
+    Logger::println("aggr = %s", aggr->toChars());
+    Logger::println("func = %s", func->toChars());
+    DValue* arr = aggr->toElem(p);
+    llvm::Value* val = 0;
+    if (!arr->isSlice()) {
+        val = arr->getRVal();
+        Logger::cout() << "aggr2llvm = " << *val << '\n';
+    }
+    llvm::Value* numiters = 0;
+    const llvm::Type* keytype = key ? DtoType(key->type) : DtoSize_t();
+    llvm::Value* keyvar = new llvm::AllocaInst(keytype, "foreachkey", p->topallocapoint());
+    if (key) key->llvmValue = keyvar;
+    const llvm::Type* valtype = DtoType(value->type);
+    llvm::Value* valvar = !(value->isRef() || value->isOut()) ? new llvm::AllocaInst(valtype, "foreachval", p->topallocapoint()) : NULL;
+    Type* aggrtype = DtoDType(aggr->type);
+    if (aggrtype->ty == Tsarray)
+    {
+        assert(llvm::isa<llvm::PointerType>(val->getType()));
+        assert(llvm::isa<llvm::ArrayType>(val->getType()->getContainedType(0)));
+        size_t n = llvm::cast<llvm::ArrayType>(val->getType()->getContainedType(0))->getNumElements();
+        assert(n > 0);
+        numiters = llvm::ConstantInt::get(keytype,n,false); 
+    }
+    else if (aggrtype->ty == Tarray)
+    {
+        if (DSliceValue* slice = arr->isSlice()) {
+            numiters = slice->len;
+            val = slice->ptr;
+        }
+        else {
+            numiters = p->ir->CreateLoad(DtoGEPi(val,0,0,"tmp",p->scopebb()));
+            val = p->ir->CreateLoad(DtoGEPi(val,0,1,"tmp",p->scopebb()));
+        }
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        assert(0 && "aggregate type is not Tarray or Tsarray");
+    }
+    if (op == TOKforeach) {
+        new llvm::StoreInst(llvm::ConstantInt::get(keytype,0,false), keyvar, p->scopebb());
+    }
+    else if (op == TOKforeach_reverse) {
+        llvm::Value* v = llvm::BinaryOperator::createSub(numiters, llvm::ConstantInt::get(keytype,1,false),"tmp",p->scopebb());
+        new llvm::StoreInst(v, keyvar, p->scopebb());
+    }
+    delete arr;
+    llvm::BasicBlock* oldend = gIR->scopeend();
+    llvm::BasicBlock* nexbb = new llvm::BasicBlock("foreachnext", p->topfunc(), oldend);
+    llvm::BasicBlock* begbb = new llvm::BasicBlock("foreachbegin", p->topfunc(), oldend);
+    llvm::BasicBlock* endbb = new llvm::BasicBlock("foreachend", p->topfunc(), oldend);
+    new llvm::BranchInst(begbb, p->scopebb());
+    // next
+    p->scope() = IRScope(nexbb,begbb);
+    llvm::Value* done = 0;
+    llvm::Value* load = new llvm::LoadInst(keyvar, "tmp", p->scopebb());
+    if (op == TOKforeach) {
+        load = llvm::BinaryOperator::createAdd(load,llvm::ConstantInt::get(keytype, 1, false),"tmp",p->scopebb());
+        new llvm::StoreInst(load, keyvar, p->scopebb());
+        done = new llvm::ICmpInst(llvm::ICmpInst::ICMP_ULT, load, numiters, "tmp", p->scopebb());
+    }
+    else if (op == TOKforeach_reverse) {
+        done = new llvm::ICmpInst(llvm::ICmpInst::ICMP_UGT, load, llvm::ConstantInt::get(keytype, 0, false), "tmp", p->scopebb());
+        load = llvm::BinaryOperator::createSub(load,llvm::ConstantInt::get(keytype, 1, false),"tmp",p->scopebb());
+        new llvm::StoreInst(load, keyvar, p->scopebb());
+    }
+    new llvm::BranchInst(begbb, endbb, done, p->scopebb());
+    // begin
+    p->scope() = IRScope(begbb,nexbb);
+    // get value for this iteration
+    llvm::Constant* zero = llvm::ConstantInt::get(keytype,0,false);
+    llvm::Value* loadedKey = p->ir->CreateLoad(keyvar,"tmp");
+    if (aggrtype->ty == Tsarray)
+        value->llvmValue = DtoGEP(val,zero,loadedKey,"tmp");
+    else if (aggrtype->ty == Tarray)
+        value->llvmValue = new llvm::GetElementPtrInst(val,loadedKey,"tmp",p->scopebb());
+    if (!value->isRef() && !value->isOut()) {
+        DValue* dst = new DVarValue(value->type, valvar, true);
+        DValue* src = new DVarValue(value->type, value->llvmValue, true);
+        DtoAssign(dst, src);
+        delete dst;
+        delete src;
+        value->llvmValue = valvar;
+    }
+    // body
+    p->scope() = IRScope(p->scopebb(),endbb);
+    p->loopbbs.push_back(IRScope(nexbb,endbb));
+    body->toIR(p);
+    p->loopbbs.pop_back();
+    if (!p->scopereturned())
+        new llvm::BranchInst(nexbb, p->scopebb());
+    // end
+    p->scope() = IRScope(endbb,oldend);
+void LabelStatement::toIR(IRState* p)
+    Logger::println("LabelStatement::toIR(): %s", toChars());
+    assert(tf == NULL);
+    assert(!isReturnLabel);
+    llvm::BasicBlock* oldend = gIR->scopeend();
+    if (llvmBB)
+        llvmBB->moveBefore(oldend);
+    else
+        llvmBB = new llvm::BasicBlock("label", p->topfunc(), oldend);
+    if (!p->scopereturned())
+        new llvm::BranchInst(llvmBB, p->scopebb());
+    p->scope() = IRScope(llvmBB,oldend);
+    if (statement)
+        statement->toIR(p);
+void GotoStatement::toIR(IRState* p)
+    Logger::println("GotoStatement::toIR(): %s", toChars());
+    assert(tf == NULL);
+    llvm::BasicBlock* oldend = gIR->scopeend();
+    llvm::BasicBlock* bb = new llvm::BasicBlock("aftergoto", p->topfunc(), oldend);
+    if (label->statement->llvmBB == NULL)
+        label->statement->llvmBB = new llvm::BasicBlock("label", p->topfunc());
+    assert(!p->scopereturned());
+    new llvm::BranchInst(label->statement->llvmBB, p->scopebb());
+    p->scope() = IRScope(bb,oldend);
+void WithStatement::toIR(IRState* p)
+    Logger::println("WithStatement::toIR(): %s", toChars());
+    assert(exp);
+    assert(body);
+    DValue* e = exp->toElem(p);
+    wthis->llvmValue = e->getRVal();
+    delete e;
+    body->toIR(p);
+#define STUBST(x) void x::toIR(IRState * p) {error("Statement type "#x" not implemented: %s", toChars());fatal();}