diff ir/irlandingpad.cpp @ 319:e9c93739bc4c trunk

[svn r340] Rework exception handling to work with nested tryfinally and trycatch.
author ChristianK
date Sat, 05 Jul 2008 10:22:56 +0200
children d772927ca496
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/ir/irlandingpad.cpp	Sat Jul 05 10:22:56 2008 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
+#include "gen/llvm.h"
+#include "gen/tollvm.h"
+#include "gen/irstate.h"
+#include "gen/runtime.h"
+#include "gen/logger.h"
+#include "gen/classes.h"
+#include "gen/llvmhelpers.h"
+#include "ir/irlandingpad.h"
+IRLandingPadInfo::IRLandingPadInfo(Catch* catchstmt, llvm::BasicBlock* end)
+: finallyBody(NULL)
+    target = llvm::BasicBlock::Create("catch", gIR->topfunc(), end);
+    gIR->scope() = IRScope(target,end);
+    // assign storage to catch var
+    if(catchstmt->var) {
+        assert(!catchstmt->var->ir.irLocal);
+        catchstmt->var->ir.irLocal = new IrLocal(catchstmt->var);
+        LLValue* catch_var = gIR->func()->landingPad.getExceptionStorage();
+        catchstmt->var->ir.irLocal->value = gIR->ir->CreateBitCast(catch_var, getPtrToType(DtoType(catchstmt->var->type)));
+    }
+    // emit handler
+    assert(catchstmt->handler);
+    catchstmt->handler->toIR(gIR);
+    if (!gIR->scopereturned())
+        gIR->ir->CreateBr(end);
+    assert(catchstmt->type);
+    catchType = catchstmt->type->isClassHandle();
+    DtoForceDeclareDsymbol(catchType);
+    assert(catchType);
+IRLandingPadInfo::IRLandingPadInfo(Statement* finallystmt)
+: target(NULL), finallyBody(finallystmt), catchType(NULL)
+void IRLandingPad::addCatch(Catch* catchstmt, llvm::BasicBlock* end)
+    unpushed_infos.push_front(IRLandingPadInfo(catchstmt, end));
+void IRLandingPad::addFinally(Statement* finallystmt)
+    unpushed_infos.push_front(IRLandingPadInfo(finallystmt));
+void IRLandingPad::push(llvm::BasicBlock* inBB)
+    // store infos such that matches are right to left
+    nInfos.push(infos.size());
+    infos.insert(infos.end(), unpushed_infos.begin(), unpushed_infos.end());
+    unpushed_infos.clear();
+    constructLandingPad(inBB);
+    // store as invoke target
+    padBBs.push(inBB);
+void IRLandingPad::pop()
+    padBBs.pop();
+    size_t n = nInfos.top();
+    infos.resize(n);
+    nInfos.pop();
+llvm::BasicBlock* IRLandingPad::get()
+    if(padBBs.size() == 0)
+        return NULL;
+    else
+        return padBBs.top();
+void IRLandingPad::constructLandingPad(llvm::BasicBlock* inBB)
+    // save and rewrite scope
+    IRScope savedscope = gIR->scope();
+    gIR->scope() = IRScope(inBB,savedscope.end);
+    // eh_ptr = llvm.eh.exception();
+    llvm::Function* eh_exception_fn = GET_INTRINSIC_DECL(eh_exception);
+    LLValue* eh_ptr = gIR->ir->CreateCall(eh_exception_fn);
+    // build selector arguments
+    LLSmallVector<LLValue*, 6> selectorargs;
+    selectorargs.push_back(eh_ptr);
+    llvm::Function* personality_fn = LLVM_D_GetRuntimeFunction(gIR->module, "_d_eh_personality");
+    LLValue* personality_fn_arg = gIR->ir->CreateBitCast(personality_fn, getPtrToType(LLType::Int8Ty));
+    selectorargs.push_back(personality_fn_arg);
+    bool hasFinally = false;
+    // associate increasing ints with each unique classdecl encountered
+    std::map<ClassDeclaration*, int> catchToInt;
+    std::deque<IRLandingPadInfo>::reverse_iterator it = infos.rbegin(), end = infos.rend();
+    for(size_t i = infos.size() - 1; it != end; ++it, --i)
+    {
+        if(it->finallyBody)
+            hasFinally = true;
+        else
+        {
+            if(catchToInt.find(it->catchType) == catchToInt.end())
+            {
+                int newval = catchToInt.size();
+                catchToInt[it->catchType] = newval;
+            }
+            assert(it->catchType);
+            assert(it->catchType->ir.irStruct);
+            selectorargs.push_back(it->catchType->ir.irStruct->classInfo);
+        }
+    }
+    // if there's a finally, the eh table has to have a 0 action
+    if(hasFinally)
+        selectorargs.push_back(llvm::ConstantInt::get(LLType::Int32Ty, 0));
+    // if there is a catch, store exception object
+    if(catchToInt.size()) 
+    {
+        const LLType* objectTy = DtoType(ClassDeclaration::object->type);
+        assert(catch_var);
+        gIR->ir->CreateStore(gIR->ir->CreateBitCast(eh_ptr, objectTy), catch_var);
+    }
+    // eh_sel = llvm.eh.selector(eh_ptr, cast(byte*)&_d_eh_personality, <selectorargs>);
+    llvm::Function* eh_selector_fn;
+    if (global.params.is64bit)
+        eh_selector_fn = GET_INTRINSIC_DECL(eh_selector_i64);
+    else
+        eh_selector_fn = GET_INTRINSIC_DECL(eh_selector_i32);
+    LLValue* eh_sel = gIR->ir->CreateCall(eh_selector_fn, selectorargs.begin(), selectorargs.end());
+    // emit finallys and switches that branch to catches until there are no more catches
+    // then simply branch to the finally chain
+    llvm::SwitchInst* switchinst = NULL;
+    for(it = infos.rbegin(); it != end; ++it)
+    {
+        // if it's a finally, emit its code
+        if(it->finallyBody)
+        {
+            if(switchinst)
+                switchinst = NULL;
+            it->finallyBody->toIR(gIR);
+        }
+        // otherwise it's a catch and we'll add a switch case
+        else
+        {
+            if(!switchinst)
+            {
+                switchinst = gIR->ir->CreateSwitch(eh_sel, llvm::BasicBlock::Create("switchdefault", gIR->topfunc(), gIR->scopeend()), infos.size());
+                gIR->scope() = IRScope(switchinst->getDefaultDest(), gIR->scopeend());
+            }
+            // catches matched first get the largest switchval, so do size - unique int
+            llvm::ConstantInt* switchval = llvm::ConstantInt::get(LLType::Int32Ty, catchToInt.size() - catchToInt[it->catchType]);
+            // and make sure we don't add the same switchval twice, may happen with nested trys
+            if(!switchinst->findCaseValue(switchval))
+                switchinst->addCase(switchval, it->target);
+        }
+    }
+    // no catch matched and all finallys executed - resume unwind
+    llvm::Function* unwind_resume_fn = LLVM_D_GetRuntimeFunction(gIR->module, "_d_eh_resume_unwind");
+    gIR->ir->CreateCall(unwind_resume_fn, eh_ptr);
+    gIR->ir->CreateUnreachable();
+    gIR->scope() = savedscope;
+LLValue* IRLandingPad::getExceptionStorage()
+    if(!catch_var)
+    {
+        Logger::println("Making new catch var");
+        const LLType* objectTy = DtoType(ClassDeclaration::object->type);
+        catch_var = new llvm::AllocaInst(objectTy,"catchvar",gIR->topallocapoint());
+    }
+    return catch_var;