diff druntime/import/object.di @ 1458:e0b2d67cfe7c

Added druntime (this should be removed once it works).
author Robert Clipsham <robert@octarineparrot.com>
date Tue, 02 Jun 2009 17:43:06 +0100
children a5526b7a5ae6
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/druntime/import/object.di	Tue Jun 02 17:43:06 2009 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,268 @@
+ * Contains all implicitly declared types and variables.
+ *
+ * Copyright: Copyright Digital Mars 2000 - 2009.
+ * License:   <a href="http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt>Boost License 1.0</a>.
+ * Authors:   Walter Bright, Sean Kelly
+ *
+ *          Copyright Digital Mars 2000 - 2009.
+ * Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
+ *    (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
+ *          http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
+ */
+module object;
+alias typeof(int.sizeof)                    size_t;
+alias typeof(cast(void*)0 - cast(void*)0)   ptrdiff_t;
+alias size_t hash_t;
+alias bool equals_t;
+alias immutable(char)[]  string;
+alias immutable(wchar)[] wstring;
+alias immutable(dchar)[] dstring;
+class Object
+    string   toString();
+    hash_t   toHash();
+    int      opCmp(Object o);
+    equals_t opEquals(Object o);
+    interface Monitor
+    {
+        void lock();
+        void unlock();
+    }
+    static Object factory(string classname);
+struct Interface
+    ClassInfo   classinfo;
+    void*[]     vtbl;
+    ptrdiff_t   offset;   // offset to Interface 'this' from Object 'this'
+class ClassInfo : Object
+    byte[]      init;   // class static initializer
+    string      name;   // class name
+    void*[]     vtbl;   // virtual function pointer table
+    Interface[] interfaces;
+    ClassInfo   base;
+    void*       destructor;
+    void(*classInvariant)(Object);
+    uint        flags;
+    //  1:      // is IUnknown or is derived from IUnknown
+    //  2:      // has no possible pointers into GC memory
+    //  4:      // has offTi[] member
+    //  8:      // has constructors
+    // 16:      // has xgetMembers member
+    // 32:      // has typeinfo member
+    void*       deallocator;
+    OffsetTypeInfo[] offTi;
+    void*       defaultConstructor;
+    const(MemberInfo[]) function(string) xgetMembers;
+    TypeInfo    typeinfo;
+    static ClassInfo find(in char[] classname);
+    Object create();
+    const(MemberInfo[]) getMembers(in char[] classname);
+struct OffsetTypeInfo
+    size_t   offset;
+    TypeInfo ti;
+class TypeInfo
+    hash_t   getHash(in void* p);
+    equals_t equals(in void* p1, in void* p2);
+    int      compare(in void* p1, in void* p2);
+    size_t   tsize();
+    void     swap(void* p1, void* p2);
+    TypeInfo next();
+    void[]   init();
+    uint     flags();
+    // 1:    // has possible pointers into GC memory
+    OffsetTypeInfo[] offTi();
+    void destroy(void* p);
+    void postblit(void* p);
+class TypeInfo_Typedef : TypeInfo
+    TypeInfo base;
+    string   name;
+    void[]   m_init;
+class TypeInfo_Enum : TypeInfo_Typedef
+class TypeInfo_Pointer : TypeInfo
+    TypeInfo m_next;
+class TypeInfo_Array : TypeInfo
+    TypeInfo value;
+class TypeInfo_StaticArray : TypeInfo
+    TypeInfo value;
+    size_t   len;
+class TypeInfo_AssociativeArray : TypeInfo
+    TypeInfo value;
+    TypeInfo key;
+class TypeInfo_Function : TypeInfo
+    TypeInfo next;
+class TypeInfo_Delegate : TypeInfo
+    TypeInfo next;
+class TypeInfo_Class : TypeInfo
+    ClassInfo info;
+class TypeInfo_Interface : TypeInfo
+    ClassInfo info;
+class TypeInfo_Struct : TypeInfo
+    string name;
+    void[] m_init;
+    uint function(in void*)               xtoHash;
+    equals_t function(in void*, in void*) xopEquals;
+    int function(in void*, in void*)      xopCmp;
+    string function(in void*)             xtoString;
+    uint m_flags;
+    const(MemberInfo[]) function(in char[]) xgetMembers;
+    void function(void*)                    xdtor;
+    void function(void*)                    xpostblit;
+class TypeInfo_Tuple : TypeInfo
+    TypeInfo[]  elements;
+class TypeInfo_Const : TypeInfo
+    TypeInfo next;
+class TypeInfo_Invariant : TypeInfo_Const
+class TypeInfo_Shared : TypeInfo_Const
+abstract class MemberInfo
+    string name();
+class MemberInfo_field : MemberInfo
+    this(string name, TypeInfo ti, size_t offset);
+    override string name();
+    TypeInfo typeInfo();
+    size_t offset();
+class MemberInfo_function : MemberInfo
+    enum
+    {
+        Virtual = 1,
+        Member  = 2,
+        Static  = 4,
+    }
+    this(string name, TypeInfo ti, void* fp, uint flags);
+    override string name();
+    TypeInfo typeInfo();
+    void* fp();
+    uint flags();
+class ModuleInfo
+    string          name;
+    ModuleInfo[]    importedModules;
+    ClassInfo[]     localClasses;
+    uint            flags;
+    void function() ctor;
+    void function() dtor;
+    void function() unitTest;
+    void*           xgetMembers;
+    void function() ictor;
+    void*[4] reserved;
+    static int opApply(int delegate(inout ModuleInfo));
+class Throwable : Object
+    interface TraceInfo
+    {
+        int opApply(int delegate(inout char[]));
+        string toString();
+    }
+    string      msg;
+    string      file;
+    size_t      line;
+    TraceInfo   info;
+    Throwable   next;
+    this(string msg, Throwable next = null);
+    this(string msg, string file, size_t line, Throwable next = null);
+    override string toString();
+class Exception : Throwable
+    this(string msg, Throwable next = null);
+    this(string msg, string file, size_t line, Throwable next = null);
+class Error : Throwable
+    this(string msg, Throwable next = null);
+    this(string msg, string file, size_t line, Throwable next = null);