diff gen/toir.c @ 1:c53b6e3fe49a trunk

[svn r5] Initial commit. Most things are very rough.
author lindquist
date Sat, 01 Sep 2007 21:43:27 +0200
children e116aa1488e6
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/gen/toir.c	Sat Sep 01 21:43:27 2007 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,2910 @@
+// Backend stubs
+/* DMDFE backend stubs
+ * This file contains the implementations of the backend routines.
+ * For dmdfe these do nothing but print a message saying the module
+ * has been parsed. Substitute your own behaviors for these routimes.
+ */
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include <sstream>
+#include <fstream>
+#include <iostream>
+#include "llvm/Type.h"
+#include "llvm/DerivedTypes.h"
+#include "llvm/Constants.h"
+#include "llvm/Instructions.h"
+#include "llvm/IntrinsicInst.h"
+#include "llvm/CallingConv.h"
+#include "total.h"
+#include "init.h"
+#include "symbol.h"
+#include "mtype.h"
+#include "hdrgen.h"
+#include "irstate.h"
+#include "elem.h"
+#include "port.h"
+#include "logger.h"
+#include "tollvm.h"
+#include "runtime.h"
+elem* DeclarationExp::toElem(IRState* p)
+    Logger::print("DeclarationExp::toElem: %s | T=%s\n", toChars(), type->toChars());
+    elem* e = new elem;
+    // variable declaration
+    if (VarDeclaration* vd = declaration->isVarDeclaration())
+    {
+        Logger::println("VarDeclaration");
+        // handle const
+        // TODO probably not correct
+        bool isconst = (vd->storage_class & STCconst) != 0;
+        // allocate storage on the stack
+        Logger::println("vdtype = %s", vd->type->toChars());
+        const llvm::Type* lltype = LLVM_DtoType(vd->type);
+        llvm::AllocaInst* allocainst = new llvm::AllocaInst(lltype, vd->toChars(), p->topallocapoint());
+        //allocainst->setAlignment(vd->type->alignsize()); // TODO
+        vd->llvmValue = allocainst;
+        // e->val = really needed??
+        LLVM_DtoInitializer(vd->type, vd->init);
+    }
+    // struct declaration
+    else if (StructDeclaration* s = declaration->isStructDeclaration())
+    {
+        Logger::println("StructDeclaration");
+        s->toObjFile();
+    }
+    // unsupported declaration
+    else
+    {
+        error("Only Var/Struct-Declaration is supported for DeclarationExp");
+        fatal();
+    }
+    return e;
+elem* VarExp::toElem(IRState* p)
+    Logger::print("VarExp::toElem: %s | %s\n", toChars(), type->toChars());
+    elem* e = new elem;
+    assert(var);
+    if (VarDeclaration* vd = var->isVarDeclaration())
+    {
+        Logger::println("VarDeclaration");
+        if (TypeInfoDeclaration* tid = vd->isTypeInfoDeclaration())
+        {
+            Logger::println("TypeInfoDeclaration");
+        }
+        // this must be a dollar expression or some other magic value
+        if (!vd->llvmValue)
+        {
+            // dollar
+            if (!p->arrays.empty())
+            {
+                llvm::Value* zero = llvm::ConstantInt::get(llvm::Type::Int32Ty, 0, false);
+                llvm::Value* tmp = new llvm::GetElementPtrInst(p->arrays.back(),zero,zero,"tmp",p->scopebb());
+                e->val = new llvm::LoadInst(tmp,"tmp",p->scopebb());
+                e->type = elem::VAL;
+            }
+            // magic
+            else
+            {
+                if (TypeInfoDeclaration* tid = vd->isTypeInfoDeclaration())
+                {
+                    tid->toObjFile();
+                    e->mem = tid->llvmValue;
+                    e->type = elem::VAR;
+                }
+                else
+                assert(0 && "only magic supported is typeinfo");
+            }
+            return e;
+        }
+        // function parameter
+        if (vd->storage_class & STCparameter) {
+            Logger::println("function param");
+            if (vd->storage_class & (STCref | STCout)) {
+                e->mem = vd->llvmValue;
+                e->type = elem::VAR;
+            }
+            else {
+                if (vd->type->ty == Tstruct || vd->type->ty == Tdelegate || vd->type->ty == Tarray) {
+                    e->mem = vd->llvmValue;
+                    e->type = elem::VAR;
+                }
+                else {
+                    e->val = vd->llvmValue;
+                    e->type = elem::VAL;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        else {
+            e->mem = vd->llvmValue;
+            //e->mem->setName(toChars());
+            e->vardecl = vd;
+            e->type = elem::VAR;
+        }
+    }
+    else if (FuncDeclaration* fdecl = var->isFuncDeclaration())
+    {
+        Logger::println("FuncDeclaration");
+        if (fdecl->llvmValue == 0) {
+            fdecl->toObjFile();
+        }
+        e->val = fdecl->llvmValue;
+        e->type = elem::FUNC;
+        e->funcdecl = fdecl;
+    }
+    else if (SymbolDeclaration* sdecl = var->isSymbolDeclaration())
+    {
+        // this seems to be the static initialiser for structs
+        Logger::print("Sym: type=%s\n", sdecl->type->toChars());
+        assert(sdecl->type->ty == Tstruct);
+        //assert(sdecl->llvmInitZ);
+        //e->val = sdecl->llvmInitZ;
+        TypeStruct* ts = (TypeStruct*)sdecl->type;
+        e->mem = ts->llvmInit;
+        assert(e->mem);
+        e->type = elem::VAR;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        assert(0 && "Unimplemented VarExp type");
+    }
+    assert(e->mem || e->val);
+    return e;
+elem* IntegerExp::toElem(IRState* p)
+    Logger::print("IntegerExp::toElem: %s | %s\n", toChars(), type->toChars());
+    elem* e = new elem;
+    const llvm::Type* t = LLVM_DtoType(type);
+    if (llvm::isa<llvm::PointerType>(t)) {
+        llvm::Constant* i = llvm::ConstantInt::get(LLVM_DtoSize_t(),(uint64_t)value,false);
+        e->val = llvm::ConstantExpr::getIntToPtr(i, t);
+    }
+    else if (llvm::isa<llvm::IntegerType>(t)) {
+        e->val = llvm::ConstantInt::get(t,(uint64_t)value,!type->isunsigned());
+    }
+    else {
+        assert(0);
+    }
+    e->type = elem::CONST;
+    return e;
+elem* RealExp::toElem(IRState* p)
+    Logger::print("RealExp::toElem: %s | %s\n", toChars(), type->toChars());
+    elem* e = new elem;
+    e->val = llvm::ConstantFP::get(LLVM_DtoType(type),value);
+    e->type = elem::CONST;
+    return e;
+elem* NullExp::toElem(IRState* p)
+    Logger::print("NullExp::toElem(type=%s): %s\n", type->toChars(),toChars());
+    elem* e = new elem;
+    const llvm::Type* t = LLVM_DtoType(type);
+    if (llvm::isa<llvm::StructType>(t))
+        t = llvm::PointerType::get(t);
+    Logger::cout() << *t << '\n';
+    e->val = llvm::Constant::getNullValue(t);
+    assert(e->val);
+    Logger::cout() << *e->val << '\n';
+    e->type = elem::NUL;
+    return e;
+elem* StringExp::toElem(IRState* p)
+    Logger::print("StringExp::toElem: %s\n", toChars());
+    assert(type->next->ty == Tchar && "Only char is supported");
+    assert(sz == 1);
+    const llvm::Type* ct = LLVM_DtoType(type->next);
+    //printf("ct = %s\n", type->next->toChars());
+    const llvm::ArrayType* at = llvm::ArrayType::get(ct,len+1);
+    uint8_t* str = (uint8_t*)string;
+    std::string cont((char*)str, len);
+    llvm::Constant* _init = llvm::ConstantArray::get(cont,true);
+    llvm::GlobalValue::LinkageTypes _linkage = llvm::GlobalValue::InternalLinkage;//WeakLinkage;
+    llvm::GlobalVariable* gvar = new llvm::GlobalVariable(at,true,_linkage,_init,"stringliteral",gIR->module);
+    llvm::Value* zero = llvm::ConstantInt::get(llvm::Type::Int32Ty, 0, false);
+    llvm::Value* arrptr = new llvm::GetElementPtrInst(gvar,zero,zero,"tmp",p->scopebb());
+    elem* e = new elem;
+    if (type->ty == Tarray) {
+        llvm::Value* arr = p->toplval();
+        LLVM_DtoSetArray(arr, llvm::ConstantInt::get(LLVM_DtoSize_t(),len,false), arrptr);
+    }
+    else if (type->ty == Tpointer) {
+        e->mem = arrptr;
+    }
+    else {
+        assert(0);
+    }
+    e->inplace = true;
+    e->type = elem::VAL;
+    return e;
+elem* AssignExp::toElem(IRState* p)
+    Logger::print("AssignExp::toElem: %s | %s = %s\n", toChars(), e1->type->toChars(), e2->type->toChars());
+    assert(e1 && e2);
+    p->inLvalue = true;
+        elem* l = e1->toElem(p);
+    p->inLvalue = false;
+    p->lvals.push_back(l->mem);
+        elem* r = e2->toElem(p);
+    p->lvals.pop_back();
+    assert(l->mem);
+    //e->val = l->store(r->getValue());
+    TY e1ty = e1->type->ty;
+    TY e2ty = e2->type->ty;
+    elem* e = new elem;
+    // struct
+    if (e1ty == Tstruct) {
+        // struct + struct
+        if (e2ty == Tstruct) {
+            // struct literals do the assignment themselvs (in place)
+            if (!r->inplace) {
+                TypeStruct* ts = (TypeStruct*)e2->type;
+                assert(r->mem);
+                LLVM_DtoStructCopy(ts,l->mem,r->mem);
+            }
+            else {
+                e->inplace = true;
+            }
+        }
+        // struct + const int
+        else if (e2->type->isintegral()){
+            IntegerExp* iexp = (IntegerExp*)e2;
+            assert(iexp->value == 0 && "Only integral struct initializer allowed is zero");
+            TypeStruct* st = (TypeStruct*)e1->type;
+            LLVM_DtoStructZeroInit(st, l->mem);
+        }
+        // :x
+        else
+        assert(0 && "struct = unknown");
+    }
+    else if (e1ty == Tsarray) {
+        assert(0 && "static array = not supported");
+    }
+    else if (e1ty == Tarray) {
+        if (e2->type->isscalar() || e2->type->ty == Tclass){
+            LLVM_DtoArrayInit(l->mem, r->getValue());
+        }
+        else if (e2ty == Tarray) {
+            //new llvm::StoreInst(r->val,l->val,p->scopebb());
+            if (r->type == elem::NUL) {
+                llvm::Constant* c = llvm::cast<llvm::Constant>(r->val);
+                assert(c->isNullValue());
+                LLVM_DtoNullArray(l->mem);
+            }
+            else if (r->type == elem::SLICE) {
+                if (l->type == elem::SLICE)
+                LLVM_DtoArrayCopy(l,r);
+                else
+                LLVM_DtoSetArray(l->mem,r->arg,r->mem);
+            }
+            else {
+                // new expressions write directly to the array reference
+                // so do string literals
+                if (!r->inplace) {
+                    assert(r->mem);
+                    LLVM_DtoArrayAssign(l->mem, r->mem);
+                }
+                else {
+                    e->inplace = true;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        else
+        assert(0);
+    }
+    else if (e1ty == Tpointer) {
+        if (e2ty == Tpointer) {
+            llvm::Value* v = r->field ? r->mem : r->getValue();
+            Logger::cout() << "*=*: " << *v << ", " << *l->mem << '\n';
+            new llvm::StoreInst(v, l->mem, p->scopebb());
+        }
+        else
+        assert(0);
+    }
+    else if (e1ty == Tclass) {
+        if (e2ty == Tclass) {
+            llvm::Value* tmp = r->getValue();
+            Logger::cout() << "tmp: " << *tmp << ", " << *l->mem << '\n';
+            new llvm::StoreInst(tmp, l->mem, p->scopebb());
+        }
+        else
+        assert(0);
+    }
+    else if (e1ty == Tdelegate) {
+        Logger::println("Assigning to delegate");
+        if (e2ty == Tdelegate) {
+            if (r->type == elem::NUL) {
+                llvm::Constant* c = llvm::cast<llvm::Constant>(r->val);
+                if (c->isNullValue()) {
+                    LLVM_DtoNullDelegate(l->mem);
+                }
+                else
+                assert(0);
+            }
+            else if (r->inplace) {
+                // do nothing
+                e->inplace = true;
+            }
+            else
+            assert(0);
+        }
+        else
+        assert(0);
+    }
+    // !struct && !array && !pointer && !class
+    else {
+        Logger::cout() << *l->mem << '\n';
+        new llvm::StoreInst(r->getValue(),l->mem,p->scopebb());
+    }
+    delete r;
+    delete l;
+    return e;
+elem* AddExp::toElem(IRState* p)
+    Logger::print("AddExp::toElem: %s\n", toChars());
+    elem* e = new elem;
+    elem* l = e1->toElem(p);
+    elem* r = e2->toElem(p);
+    if (e1->type != e2->type) {
+        if (e1->type->ty == Tpointer && e1->type->next->ty == Tstruct) {
+            assert(l->field);
+            llvm::Value* zero = llvm::ConstantInt::get(llvm::Type::Int32Ty, 0, false);
+            assert(r->type == elem::CONST);
+            llvm::ConstantInt* cofs = llvm::cast<llvm::ConstantInt>(r->val);
+            TypeStruct* ts = (TypeStruct*)e1->type->next;
+            llvm::Value* offset = llvm::ConstantInt::get(llvm::Type::Int32Ty, ts->sym->offsetToIndex(cofs->getZExtValue()), false);
+            e->mem = new llvm::GetElementPtrInst(l->getValue(), zero, offset, "tmp", p->scopebb());
+            e->type = elem::VAR;
+            e->field = true;
+        }
+        else if (e1->type->ty == Tpointer) {
+            e->val = new llvm::GetElementPtrInst(l->getValue(), r->getValue(), "tmp", p->scopebb());
+            e->type = elem::VAR;
+        }
+        else {
+            assert(0);
+        }
+    }
+    else {
+        e->val = llvm::BinaryOperator::createAdd(l->getValue(), r->getValue(), "tmp", p->scopebb());
+        e->type = elem::VAL;
+    }
+    delete l;
+    delete r;
+    return e;
+elem* AddAssignExp::toElem(IRState* p)
+    Logger::print("AddAssignExp::toElem: %s\n", toChars());
+    elem* l = e1->toElem(p);
+    elem* r = e2->toElem(p);
+    elem* e = new elem;
+    llvm::Value* val = 0;
+    if (e1->type->ty == Tpointer) {
+        val = e->mem = new llvm::GetElementPtrInst(l->getValue(),r->getValue(),"tmp",p->scopebb());
+    }
+    else {
+        val = e->val = llvm::BinaryOperator::createAdd(l->getValue(),r->getValue(),"tmp",p->scopebb());
+    }
+    /*llvm::Value* storeVal = l->storeVal ? l->storeVal : l->val;
+    if (llvm::isa<llvm::PointerType>(storeVal->getType()) && storeVal->getType()->getContainedType(0) != tmp->getType())
+    {
+        tmp = LLVM_DtoPointedType(storeVal, tmp);
+    }*/
+    new llvm::StoreInst(val,l->mem,p->scopebb());
+    e->type = elem::VAR;
+    delete l;
+    delete r;
+    return e;
+elem* MinExp::toElem(IRState* p)
+    Logger::print("MinExp::toElem: %s | %s\n", toChars(), type->toChars());
+    elem* e = new elem;
+    elem* l = e1->toElem(p);
+    elem* r = e2->toElem(p);
+    llvm::Value* left = l->getValue();
+    if (llvm::isa<llvm::PointerType>(left->getType()))
+        left = new llvm::PtrToIntInst(left,LLVM_DtoSize_t(),"tmp",p->scopebb());
+    llvm::Value* right = r->getValue();
+    if (llvm::isa<llvm::PointerType>(right->getType()))
+        right = new llvm::PtrToIntInst(right,LLVM_DtoSize_t(),"tmp",p->scopebb());
+    e->val = llvm::BinaryOperator::createSub(left,right,"tmp",p->scopebb());
+    e->type = elem::VAL;
+    const llvm::Type* totype = LLVM_DtoType(type);
+    if (e->val->getType() != totype) {
+        assert(0);
+        assert(llvm::isa<llvm::PointerType>(e->val->getType()));
+        assert(llvm::isa<llvm::IntegerType>(totype));
+        e->val = new llvm::IntToPtrInst(e->val,totype,"tmp",p->scopebb());
+    }
+    delete l;
+    delete r;
+    return e;
+elem* MinAssignExp::toElem(IRState* p)
+    Logger::print("MinAssignExp::toElem: %s\n", toChars());
+    elem* l = e1->toElem(p);
+    elem* r = e2->toElem(p);
+    llvm::Value* tmp = 0;
+    if (e1->type->ty == Tpointer) {
+        tmp = r->getValue();
+        llvm::Value* zero = llvm::ConstantInt::get(tmp->getType(),0,false);
+        tmp = llvm::BinaryOperator::createSub(zero,tmp,"tmp",p->scopebb());
+        tmp = new llvm::GetElementPtrInst(l->getValue(),tmp,"tmp",p->scopebb());
+    }
+    else {
+        tmp = llvm::BinaryOperator::createSub(l->getValue(),r->getValue(),"tmp",p->scopebb());
+    }
+    /*llvm::Value* storeVal = l->storeVal ? l->storeVal : l->val;
+    if (storeVal->getType()->getContainedType(0) != tmp->getType())
+    {
+        tmp = LLVM_DtoPointedType(storeVal, tmp);
+    }*/
+    new llvm::StoreInst(tmp, l->mem, p->scopebb());
+    delete l;
+    delete r;
+    elem* e = new elem;
+    e->val = tmp;
+    e->type = elem::VAR;
+    return e;
+elem* MulExp::toElem(IRState* p)
+    Logger::print("MulExp::toElem: %s\n", toChars());
+    elem* e = new elem;
+    elem* l = e1->toElem(p);
+    elem* r = e2->toElem(p);
+    llvm::Value* vl = l->getValue();
+    llvm::Value* vr = r->getValue();
+    Logger::cout() << "mul: " << *vl << ", " << *vr << '\n';
+    e->val = llvm::BinaryOperator::createMul(vl,vr,"tmp",p->scopebb());
+    e->type = elem::VAL;
+    delete l;
+    delete r;
+    return e;
+elem* MulAssignExp::toElem(IRState* p)
+    Logger::print("MulAssignExp::toElem: %s\n", toChars());
+    elem* l = e1->toElem(p);
+    elem* r = e2->toElem(p);
+    llvm::Value* vl = l->getValue();
+    llvm::Value* vr = r->getValue();
+    Logger::cout() << "mulassign: " << *vl << ", " << *vr << '\n';
+    llvm::Value* tmp = llvm::BinaryOperator::createMul(vl,vr,"tmp",p->scopebb());
+    /*llvm::Value* storeVal = l->storeVal ? l->storeVal : l->val;
+    if (storeVal->getType()->getContainedType(0) != tmp->getType())
+    {
+        tmp = LLVM_DtoPointedType(storeVal, tmp);
+    }*/
+    new llvm::StoreInst(tmp,l->mem,p->scopebb());
+    delete l;
+    delete r;
+    elem* e = new elem;
+    e->val = tmp;
+    e->type = elem::VAR;
+    return e;
+elem* DivExp::toElem(IRState* p)
+    Logger::print("DivExp::toElem: %s\n", toChars());
+    elem* e = new elem;
+    elem* l = e1->toElem(p);
+    elem* r = e2->toElem(p);
+    if (type->isunsigned())
+        e->val = llvm::BinaryOperator::createUDiv(l->getValue(),r->getValue(),"tmp",p->scopebb());
+    else if (type->isintegral())
+        e->val = llvm::BinaryOperator::createSDiv(l->getValue(),r->getValue(),"tmp",p->scopebb());
+    else if (type->isfloating())
+        e->val = llvm::BinaryOperator::createFDiv(l->getValue(),r->getValue(),"tmp",p->scopebb());
+    else
+        assert(0);
+    e->type = elem::VAL;
+    delete l;
+    delete r;
+    return e;
+elem* DivAssignExp::toElem(IRState* p)
+    Logger::print("DivAssignExp::toElem: %s\n", toChars());
+    elem* l = e1->toElem(p);
+    elem* r = e2->toElem(p);
+    llvm::Value* tmp;
+    if (type->isunsigned())
+        tmp = llvm::BinaryOperator::createUDiv(l->getValue(),r->getValue(),"tmp",p->scopebb());
+    else if (type->isintegral())
+        tmp = llvm::BinaryOperator::createSDiv(l->getValue(),r->getValue(),"tmp",p->scopebb());
+    else if (type->isfloating())
+        tmp = llvm::BinaryOperator::createFDiv(l->getValue(),r->getValue(),"tmp",p->scopebb());
+    else
+        assert(0);
+    /*llvm::Value* storeVal = l->storeVal ? l->storeVal : l->val;
+    if (storeVal->getType()->getContainedType(0) != tmp->getType())
+    {
+        tmp = LLVM_DtoPointedType(storeVal, tmp);
+    }*/
+    new llvm::StoreInst(tmp,l->mem,p->scopebb());
+    delete l;
+    delete r;
+    elem* e = new elem;
+    e->val = tmp;
+    e->type = elem::VAR;
+    return e;
+elem* ModExp::toElem(IRState* p)
+    Logger::print("ModExp::toElem: %s\n", toChars());
+    elem* e = new elem;
+    elem* l = e1->toElem(p);
+    elem* r = e2->toElem(p);
+    if (type->isunsigned())
+        e->val = llvm::BinaryOperator::createURem(l->getValue(),r->getValue(),"tmp",p->scopebb());
+    else if (type->isintegral())
+        e->val = llvm::BinaryOperator::createSRem(l->getValue(),r->getValue(),"tmp",p->scopebb());
+    else if (type->isfloating())
+        e->val = llvm::BinaryOperator::createFRem(l->getValue(),r->getValue(),"tmp",p->scopebb());
+    else
+        assert(0);
+    e->type = elem::VAL;
+    delete l;
+    delete r;
+    return e;
+elem* ModAssignExp::toElem(IRState* p)
+    Logger::print("ModAssignExp::toElem: %s\n", toChars());
+    elem* l = e1->toElem(p);
+    elem* r = e2->toElem(p);
+    llvm::Value* tmp;
+    if (type->isunsigned())
+        tmp = llvm::BinaryOperator::createURem(l->getValue(),r->getValue(),"tmp",p->scopebb());
+    else if (type->isintegral())
+        tmp = llvm::BinaryOperator::createSRem(l->getValue(),r->getValue(),"tmp",p->scopebb());
+    else if (type->isfloating())
+        tmp = llvm::BinaryOperator::createFRem(l->getValue(),r->getValue(),"tmp",p->scopebb());
+    else
+        assert(0);
+    /*llvm::Value* storeVal = l->storeVal ? l->storeVal : l->val;
+    if (storeVal->getType()->getContainedType(0) != tmp->getType())
+    {
+        tmp = LLVM_DtoPointedType(storeVal, tmp);
+    }*/
+    new llvm::StoreInst(tmp,l->mem,p->scopebb());
+    delete l;
+    delete r;
+    elem* e = new elem;
+    e->val = tmp;
+    e->type = elem::VAR;
+    return e;
+elem* CallExp::toElem(IRState* p)
+    Logger::print("CallExp::toElem: %s\n", toChars());
+    elem* e = new elem;
+    elem* fn = e1->toElem(p);
+    LINK dlink = LINKdefault;
+    bool delegateCall = false;
+    llvm::Value* zero = llvm::ConstantInt::get(llvm::Type::Int32Ty,0,false);
+    llvm::Value* one = llvm::ConstantInt::get(llvm::Type::Int32Ty,1,false);
+    // hidden struct return parameter handling
+    bool retinptr = false;
+    TypeFunction* tf = 0;
+    // regular functions
+    if (e1->type->ty == Tfunction) {
+        tf = (TypeFunction*)e1->type;
+        if (tf->llvmRetInPtr) {
+            retinptr = true;
+        }
+        dlink = tf->linkage;
+    }
+    // delegates
+    else if (e1->type->ty == Tdelegate) {
+        Logger::println("delegateTy = %s\n", e1->type->toChars());
+        assert(e1->type->next->ty == Tfunction);
+        tf = (TypeFunction*)e1->type->next;
+        if (tf->llvmRetInPtr) {
+            retinptr = true;
+        }
+        dlink = tf->linkage;
+        delegateCall = true;
+    }
+    // invalid
+    else {
+        assert(tf);
+    }
+    size_t n = arguments->dim;
+    if (fn->arg || delegateCall) n++;
+    if (retinptr) n++;
+    llvm::Value* funcval = fn->getValue();
+    std::vector<llvm::Value*> llargs(n, 0);
+    const llvm::FunctionType* llfnty = 0;
+    // normal function call
+    if (llvm::isa<llvm::FunctionType>(funcval->getType())) {
+        llfnty = llvm::cast<llvm::FunctionType>(funcval->getType());
+    }
+    // pointer to something
+    else if (llvm::isa<llvm::PointerType>(funcval->getType())) {
+        // pointer to function pointer - I think this not really supposed to happen, but does :/
+        // seems like sometimes we get a func* other times a func**
+        if (llvm::isa<llvm::PointerType>(funcval->getType()->getContainedType(0))) {
+            funcval = new llvm::LoadInst(funcval,"tmp",p->scopebb());
+        }
+        // function pointer
+        if (llvm::isa<llvm::FunctionType>(funcval->getType()->getContainedType(0))) {
+            //Logger::cout() << "function pointer type:\n" << *funcval << '\n';
+            llfnty = llvm::cast<llvm::FunctionType>(funcval->getType()->getContainedType(0));
+        }
+        // struct pointer - delegate
+        else if (llvm::isa<llvm::StructType>(funcval->getType()->getContainedType(0))) {
+            funcval = new llvm::GetElementPtrInst(funcval,zero,one,"tmp",p->scopebb());
+            funcval = new llvm::LoadInst(funcval,"tmp",p->scopebb());
+            const llvm::Type* ty = funcval->getType()->getContainedType(0);
+            llfnty = llvm::cast<llvm::FunctionType>(ty);
+        }
+        // unknown
+        else {
+            Logger::cout() << "what kind of pointer are we calling? : " << *funcval->getType() << '\n';
+        }
+    }
+    else {
+        Logger::cout() << "what are we calling? : " << *funcval << '\n';
+    }
+    assert(llfnty);
+    Logger::cout() << "Function LLVM type: " << *llfnty << '\n';
+    // argument handling
+    llvm::FunctionType::param_iterator argiter = llfnty->param_begin();
+    int j = 0;
+    // hidden struct return parameter
+    if (retinptr) {
+        if (!p->lvals.empty()) {
+            assert(llvm::isa<llvm::StructType>(p->toplval()->getType()->getContainedType(0)));
+            llargs[j] = p->toplval();
+            TY Dty = tf->next->ty;
+            if (Dty == Tstruct || Dty == Tdelegate || Dty == Tarray) {
+                e->inplace = true;
+            }
+            else
+            assert(0);
+        }
+        else {
+            llargs[j] = new llvm::AllocaInst(argiter->get()->getContainedType(0),"rettmp",p->topallocapoint());
+        }
+        ++j;
+        ++argiter;
+        e->type = elem::VAR;
+    }
+    else {
+        e->type = elem::VAL;
+    }
+    // this parameter
+    if (fn->arg) {
+        Logger::println("This Call");
+        if (fn->arg->getType() != argiter->get()) {
+            //Logger::cout() << *fn->thisparam << '|' << *argiter->get() << '\n';
+            llargs[j] = new llvm::BitCastInst(fn->arg, argiter->get(), "tmp", p->scopebb());
+        }
+        else {
+            llargs[j] = fn->arg;
+        }
+        ++j;
+        ++argiter;
+    }
+    // delegate context parameter
+    else if (delegateCall) {
+        Logger::println("Delegate Call");
+        llvm::Value* contextptr = new llvm::GetElementPtrInst(fn->mem,zero,zero,"tmp",p->scopebb());
+        llargs[j] = new llvm::LoadInst(contextptr,"tmp",p->scopebb());
+        ++j;
+        ++argiter;
+    }
+    // regular parameters
+    for (int i=0; i<arguments->dim; i++,j++)
+    {
+        Expression* argexp = (Expression*)arguments->data[i];
+        elem* arg = argexp->toElem(p);
+        Argument* fnarg = Argument::getNth(tf->parameters, i);
+        TY argty = argexp->type->ty;
+        if (argty == Tstruct || argty == Tdelegate || argty == Tarray) {
+            if (!fnarg || !fnarg->llvmCopy) {
+                llargs[j] = arg->getValue();
+                assert(llargs[j] != 0);
+            }
+            else {
+                llvm::Value* allocaInst = 0;
+                llvm::BasicBlock* entryblock = &p->topfunc()->front();
+                const llvm::PointerType* pty = llvm::cast<llvm::PointerType>(arg->mem->getType());
+                allocaInst = new llvm::AllocaInst(pty->getElementType(), "tmpparam", p->topallocapoint());
+                if (argty == Tstruct) {
+                    TypeStruct* ts = (TypeStruct*)argexp->type;
+                    LLVM_DtoStructCopy(ts,allocaInst,arg->mem);
+                }
+                else if (argty == Tdelegate) {
+                    LLVM_DtoDelegateCopy(allocaInst,arg->mem);
+                }
+                else if (argty == Tarray) {
+                    LLVM_DtoArrayAssign(allocaInst,arg->mem);
+                }
+                else
+                assert(0);
+                llargs[j] = allocaInst;
+                assert(llargs[j] != 0);
+            }
+        }
+        else if (!fnarg || fnarg->llvmCopy) {
+            llargs[j] = arg->getValue();
+            assert(llargs[j] != 0);
+        }
+        else {
+            llargs[j] = arg->mem;
+            assert(llargs[j] != 0);
+        }
+        delete arg;
+    }
+    // void returns cannot not be named
+    const char* varname = "";
+    if (llfnty->getReturnType() != llvm::Type::VoidTy)
+        varname = "tmp";
+    Logger::println("%d params passed", n);
+    for (int i=0; i<n; ++i)
+    {
+        Logger::cout() << *llargs[i] << '\n';
+    }
+    Logger::cout() << "Calling: " << *funcval->getType() << '\n';
+    // call the function
+    llvm::CallInst* call = new llvm::CallInst(funcval, llargs.begin(), llargs.end(), varname, p->scopebb());
+    e->val = call;
+    // set calling convention
+    if ((fn->funcdecl && (fn->funcdecl->llvmInternal != LLVMintrinsic)) || delegateCall)
+        call->setCallingConv(LLVM_DtoCallingConv(dlink));
+    delete fn;
+    return e;
+elem* CastExp::toElem(IRState* p)
+    Logger::print("CastExp::toElem: %s\n", toChars());
+    elem* e = new elem;
+    elem* u = e1->toElem(p);
+    const llvm::Type* totype = LLVM_DtoType(to);
+    Type* from = e1->type;
+    int lsz = from->size();
+    int rsz = to->size();
+    // this makes sure the strange lvalue casts don't screw things up
+    e->mem = u->mem;
+    if (from->isintegral()) {
+        if (to->isintegral()) {
+            if (lsz < rsz) {
+                Logger::cout() << *totype << '\n';
+                if (from->isunsigned() || from->ty == Tbool) {
+                    e->val = new llvm::ZExtInst(u->getValue(), totype, "tmp", p->scopebb());
+                } else {
+                    e->val = new llvm::SExtInst(u->getValue(), totype, "tmp", p->scopebb());
+                }
+            }
+            else if (lsz > rsz) {
+                e->val = new llvm::TruncInst(u->getValue(), totype, "tmp", p->scopebb());
+            }
+            else {
+                e->val = new llvm::BitCastInst(u->getValue(), totype, "tmp", p->scopebb());
+            }
+        }
+        else if (to->isfloating()) {
+            if (from->isunsigned()) {
+                e->val = new llvm::UIToFPInst(u->getValue(), totype, "tmp", p->scopebb());
+            }
+            else {
+                e->val = new llvm::SIToFPInst(u->getValue(), totype, "tmp", p->scopebb());
+            }
+        }
+        else {
+            assert(0);
+        }
+        //e->storeVal = u->storeVal ? u->storeVal : u->val;
+        e->type = elem::VAL;
+    }
+    else if (from->isfloating()) {
+        if (to->isfloating()) {
+            if ((from->ty == Tfloat80 || from->ty == Tfloat64) && (to->ty == Tfloat80 || to->ty == Tfloat64)) {
+                e->val = u->getValue();
+            }
+            else if (lsz < rsz) {
+                e->val = new llvm::FPExtInst(u->getValue(), totype, "tmp", p->scopebb());
+            }
+            else if (lsz > rsz) {
+                e->val = new llvm::FPTruncInst(u->getValue(), totype, "tmp", p->scopebb());
+            }
+            else {
+                assert(0);
+            }
+        }
+        else if (to->isintegral()) {
+            if (to->isunsigned()) {
+                e->val = new llvm::FPToUIInst(u->getValue(), totype, "tmp", p->scopebb());
+            }
+            else {
+                e->val = new llvm::FPToSIInst(u->getValue(), totype, "tmp", p->scopebb());
+            }
+        }
+        else {
+            assert(0);
+        }
+        e->type = elem::VAL;
+    }
+    else if (from->ty == Tclass) {
+        //assert(to->ty == Tclass);
+        e->val = new llvm::BitCastInst(u->getValue(), totype, "tmp", p->scopebb());
+        e->type = elem::VAL;
+    }
+    else if (from->ty == Tarray || from->ty == Tsarray) {
+        Logger::cout() << "from array or sarray" << '\n';
+        if (to->ty == Tpointer) {
+            Logger::cout() << "to pointer" << '\n';
+            assert(from->next == to->next);
+            llvm::Value* zero = llvm::ConstantInt::get(llvm::Type::Int32Ty, 0, false);
+            llvm::Value* one = llvm::ConstantInt::get(llvm::Type::Int32Ty, 1, false);
+            llvm::Value* ptr = new llvm::GetElementPtrInst(u->getValue(),zero,one,"tmp",p->scopebb());
+            e->val = new llvm::LoadInst(ptr, "tmp", p->scopebb());
+            e->type = elem::VAL;
+        }
+        else if (to->ty == Tarray) {
+            Logger::cout() << "to array" << '\n';
+            assert(from->next->size() == to->next->size());
+            const llvm::Type* ptrty = LLVM_DtoType(to->next);
+            if (ptrty == llvm::Type::VoidTy)
+                ptrty = llvm::Type::Int8Ty;
+            ptrty = llvm::PointerType::get(ptrty);
+            if (u->type == elem::SLICE) {
+                e->mem = new llvm::BitCastInst(u->mem, ptrty, "tmp", p->scopebb());
+                e->arg = u->arg;
+            }
+            else {
+                llvm::Value* uval = u->getValue();
+                llvm::Value* zero = llvm::ConstantInt::get(llvm::Type::Int32Ty, 0, false);
+                llvm::Value* one = llvm::ConstantInt::get(llvm::Type::Int32Ty, 1, false);
+                e->arg = new llvm::GetElementPtrInst(uval,zero,zero,"tmp",p->scopebb());
+                e->arg = new llvm::LoadInst(e->arg, "tmp", p->scopebb());
+                e->mem = new llvm::GetElementPtrInst(uval,zero,one,"tmp",p->scopebb());
+                e->mem = new llvm::LoadInst(e->mem, "tmp", p->scopebb());
+                e->mem = new llvm::BitCastInst(e->mem, ptrty, "tmp", p->scopebb());
+            }
+            e->type = elem::SLICE;
+        }
+        else if (to->ty == Tsarray) {
+            Logger::cout() << "to sarray" << '\n';
+            assert(0);
+        }
+        else {
+            assert(0);
+        }
+    }
+    else if (from->ty == Tpointer) {
+        if (to->ty == Tpointer || to->ty == Tclass) {
+            llvm::Value* src = u->getValue();
+            //Logger::cout() << *src << '|' << *totype << '\n';
+            e->val = new llvm::BitCastInst(src, totype, "tmp", p->scopebb());
+        }
+        else if (to->isintegral()) {
+            e->val = new llvm::PtrToIntInst(u->getValue(), totype, "tmp", p->scopebb());
+        }
+        else
+        assert(0);
+        e->type = elem::VAL;
+    }
+    else {
+        assert(0);
+    }
+    delete u;
+    return e;
+elem* SymOffExp::toElem(IRState* p)
+    Logger::print("SymOffExp::toElem: %s | %s\n", toChars(), type->toChars());
+    elem* e = 0;
+    if (VarDeclaration* vd = var->isVarDeclaration())
+    {
+        Logger::println("VarDeclaration");
+        if (vd->type->ty == Tstruct && !(type->ty == Tpointer && type->next == vd->type)) {
+            TypeStruct* vdt = (TypeStruct*)vd->type;
+            e = new elem;
+            llvm::Value* idx0 = llvm::ConstantInt::get(llvm::Type::Int32Ty, 0, false);
+            llvm::Value* idx1 = llvm::ConstantInt::get(llvm::Type::Int32Ty, (uint64_t)vdt->sym->offsetToIndex(offset), false);
+            //const llvm::Type* _typ = llvm::GetElementPtrInst::getIndexedType(LLVM_DtoType(type), idx1);
+            llvm::Value* ptr = vd->llvmValue;
+            assert(ptr);
+            e->mem = new llvm::GetElementPtrInst(ptr,idx0,idx1,"tmp",p->scopebb());
+            e->type = elem::VAL;
+            e->field = true;
+        }
+        else if (vd->type->ty == Tsarray) {
+            /*e = new elem;
+            llvm::Value* idx0 = llvm::ConstantInt::get(llvm::Type::Int32Ty, 0, false);
+            e->val = new llvm::GetElementPtrInst(vd->llvmValue,idx0,idx0,"tmp",p->scopebb());*/
+            e = new elem;
+            llvm::Value* idx0 = llvm::ConstantInt::get(llvm::Type::Int32Ty, 0, false);
+            //llvm::Value* idx1 = llvm::ConstantInt::get(llvm::Type::Int32Ty, 1, false);
+            e->mem = new llvm::GetElementPtrInst(vd->llvmValue,idx0,idx0,"tmp",p->scopebb());
+            e->type = elem::VAL;
+        }
+        else if (offset == 0) {
+            vd->toObjFile();
+            e = new elem;
+            e->mem = vd->llvmValue;
+            //e->vardecl = vd;
+            e->type = elem::VAL;
+        }
+        else {
+            assert(0);
+        }
+    }
+    else if (FuncDeclaration* fd = var->isFuncDeclaration())
+    {
+        Logger::println("FuncDeclaration");
+        e = new elem;
+        if (fd->llvmValue == 0)
+            fd->toObjFile();
+        e->val = fd->llvmValue;
+        //e->aspointer = true;
+        e->type = elem::FUNC;
+    }
+    assert(e != 0);
+    assert(e->type != elem::NONE);
+    return e;
+elem* PtrExp::toElem(IRState* p)
+    Logger::print("PtrExp::toElem: %s | %s\n", toChars(), type->toChars());
+    elem* e = new elem;
+    elem* a = e1->toElem(p);
+    if (a->mem)
+        Logger::cout() << "mem: " << *a->mem << '\n';
+    if (a->val)
+        Logger::cout() << "val: " << *a->val << '\n';
+    if (a->field)
+        e->mem = a->mem;
+    else
+        e->mem = a->getValue();
+    e->type = elem::VAR;
+    delete a;
+    return e;
+elem* DotVarExp::toElem(IRState* p)
+    Logger::print("DotVarExp::toElem: %s | %s\n", toChars(), type->toChars());
+    elem* e = new elem;
+    elem* l = e1->toElem(p);
+    Logger::print("e1->type=%s\n", e1->type->toChars());
+    if (VarDeclaration* vd = var->isVarDeclaration()) {
+        size_t vdoffset = (size_t)-1;
+        llvm::Value* src = 0;
+        if (e1->type->ty == Tpointer) {
+            assert(e1->type->next->ty == Tstruct);
+            TypeStruct* ts = (TypeStruct*)e1->type->next;
+            vdoffset = ts->sym->offsetToIndex(vd->offset);
+            Logger::println("Struct member offset:%d index:%d", vd->offset, vdoffset);
+            src = l->val;
+        }
+        else if (e1->type->ty == Tclass) {
+            TypeClass* tc = (TypeClass*)e1->type;
+            Logger::println("Class member offset: %d", vd->offset);
+            vdoffset = tc->sym->offsetToIndex(vd->offset);
+            src = l->getValue();
+        }
+        assert(vdoffset != (size_t)-1);
+        assert(src != 0);
+        llvm::Value* zero = llvm::ConstantInt::get(llvm::Type::Int32Ty, 0, false);
+        llvm::Value* offset = llvm::ConstantInt::get(llvm::Type::Int32Ty, vdoffset, false);
+        llvm::Value* arrptr = new llvm::GetElementPtrInst(src,zero,offset,"tmp",p->scopebb());
+        e->mem = arrptr;
+        Logger::cout() << "mem: " << *e->mem << '\n';
+        e->type = elem::VAR;
+    }
+    else if (FuncDeclaration* fdecl = var->isFuncDeclaration())
+    {
+        if (fdecl->llvmValue == 0)
+        {
+            fdecl->toObjFile();
+        }
+        llvm::Value* funcval = fdecl->llvmValue;
+        e->arg = l->getValue();
+        // virtual call
+        if (fdecl->isVirtual()) {
+            assert(fdecl->vtblIndex > 0);
+            assert(e1->type->ty == Tclass);
+            const llvm::Type* vtbltype = llvm::PointerType::get(llvm::ArrayType::get(llvm::PointerType::get(llvm::Type::Int8Ty),0));
+            llvm::Value* zero = llvm::ConstantInt::get(llvm::Type::Int32Ty, 0, false);
+            llvm::Value* vtblidx = llvm::ConstantInt::get(llvm::Type::Int32Ty, (size_t)fdecl->vtblIndex, false);
+            funcval = new llvm::GetElementPtrInst(e->arg, zero, zero, "tmp", p->scopebb());
+            funcval = new llvm::LoadInst(funcval,"tmp",p->scopebb());
+            funcval = new llvm::BitCastInst(funcval, vtbltype, "tmp", p->scopebb());
+            funcval = new llvm::GetElementPtrInst(funcval, zero, vtblidx, "tmp", p->scopebb());
+            funcval = new llvm::LoadInst(funcval,"tmp",p->scopebb());
+            funcval = new llvm::BitCastInst(funcval, fdecl->llvmValue->getType(), "tmp", p->scopebb());
+        }
+        e->val = funcval;
+        e->type = elem::VAL;
+    }
+    else {
+        printf("unknown: %s\n", var->toChars());
+        assert(0);
+    }
+    delete l;
+    return e;
+elem* ThisExp::toElem(IRState* p)
+    Logger::print("ThisExp::toElem: %s | %s\n", toChars(), type->toChars());
+    elem* e = new elem;
+    if (VarDeclaration* vd = var->isVarDeclaration()) {
+        assert(vd->llvmValue == 0);
+        llvm::Function* fn = p->topfunc();
+        assert(fn);
+        TypeFunction* tf = p->topfunctype();
+        assert(tf);
+        llvm::Value* v = 0;
+        if (tf->llvmRetInPtr)
+        v = ++fn->arg_begin();
+        else
+        v = fn->arg_begin();
+        assert(v);
+        e->val = v;
+        e->type = elem::VAL;
+    }
+    else {
+        assert(0);
+    }
+    return e;
+elem* AddrExp::toElem(IRState* p)
+    Logger::print("AddrExp::toElem: %s | %s\n", toChars(), type->toChars());
+    elem* e = e1->toElem(p);
+    e->field = true;
+    return e;
+elem* StructLiteralExp::toElem(IRState* p)
+    Logger::print("StructLiteralExp::toElem: %s | %s\n", toChars(), type->toChars());
+    elem* e = new elem;
+    // if there is no lval, this must be a static initializer for a global. correct?
+    if (p->lvals.empty())
+    {
+        // TODO
+        assert(0);
+    }
+    // otherwise write directly in the lvalue
+    else
+    {
+        llvm::Value* sptr = p->toplval();
+        assert(sptr);
+        llvm::Value* zero = llvm::ConstantInt::get(llvm::Type::Int32Ty, 0, false);
+        unsigned n = elements->dim;
+        for (unsigned i=0; i<n; ++i)
+        {
+            llvm::Value* offset = llvm::ConstantInt::get(llvm::Type::Int32Ty, i, false);
+            llvm::Value* arrptr = new llvm::GetElementPtrInst(sptr,zero,offset,"tmp",p->scopebb());
+            Expression* vx = (Expression*)elements->data[i];
+            if (vx != 0) {
+                elem* ve = vx->toElem(p);
+                //Logger::cout() << *ve->val << " | " << *arrptr << '\n';
+                new llvm::StoreInst(ve->getValue(), arrptr, p->scopebb());
+                delete ve;
+            }
+            else {
+                assert(0);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    e->inplace = true;
+    return e;
+elem* IndexExp::toElem(IRState* p)
+    Logger::print("IndexExp::toElem: %s | %s\n", toChars(), type->toChars());
+    elem* e = new elem;
+    elem* l = e1->toElem(p);
+    p->arrays.push_back(l->mem); // if $ is used it must be an array so this is fine.
+    elem* r = e2->toElem(p);
+    p->arrays.pop_back();
+    llvm::Value* zero = llvm::ConstantInt::get(llvm::Type::Int32Ty, 0, false);
+    llvm::Value* one = llvm::ConstantInt::get(llvm::Type::Int32Ty, 1, false);
+    llvm::Value* arrptr = 0;
+    if (e1->type->ty == Tpointer) {
+        arrptr = new llvm::GetElementPtrInst(l->getValue(),r->getValue(),"tmp",p->scopebb());
+    }
+    else if (e1->type->ty == Tsarray) {
+        arrptr = new llvm::GetElementPtrInst(l->mem, zero, r->getValue(),"tmp",p->scopebb());
+    }
+    else if (e1->type->ty == Tarray) {
+        arrptr = new llvm::GetElementPtrInst(l->mem,zero,one,"tmp",p->scopebb());
+        arrptr = new llvm::LoadInst(arrptr,"tmp",p->scopebb());
+        arrptr = new llvm::GetElementPtrInst(arrptr,r->getValue(),"tmp",p->scopebb());
+    }
+    assert(arrptr);
+    e->mem = arrptr;
+    e->type = elem::VAR;
+    delete l;
+    delete r;
+    return e;
+elem* SliceExp::toElem(IRState* p)
+    Logger::print("SliceExp::toElem: %s | %s\n", toChars(), type->toChars());
+    elem* v = e1->toElem(p);
+    elem* e = new elem;
+    assert(v->mem);
+    e->type = elem::SLICE;
+    llvm::Value* zero = llvm::ConstantInt::get(llvm::Type::Int32Ty, 0, false);
+    llvm::Value* one = llvm::ConstantInt::get(llvm::Type::Int32Ty, 1, false);
+    // partial slice
+    if (lwr)
+    {
+        assert(upr);
+        p->arrays.push_back(v->mem);
+        elem* lo = lwr->toElem(p);
+        bool lwr_is_zero = false;
+        if (lo->type == elem::CONST)
+        {
+            assert(lo->val);
+            assert(llvm::isa<llvm::ConstantInt>(lo->val));
+            if (e1->type->ty == Tpointer) {
+                e->mem = v->getValue();
+            }
+            else if (e1->type->ty == Tarray) {
+                llvm::Value* tmp = new llvm::GetElementPtrInst(v->mem,zero,one,"tmp",p->scopebb());
+                e->mem = new llvm::LoadInst(tmp,"tmp",p->scopebb());
+            }
+            else
+            assert(e->mem);
+            llvm::ConstantInt* c = llvm::cast<llvm::ConstantInt>(lo->val);
+            if (!(lwr_is_zero = c->isZero())) {
+                e->mem = new llvm::GetElementPtrInst(e->mem,lo->val,"tmp",p->scopebb());
+            }
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            llvm::Value* tmp = new llvm::GetElementPtrInst(v->mem,zero,one,"tmp",p->scopebb());
+            tmp = new llvm::LoadInst(tmp,"tmp",p->scopebb());
+            e->mem = new llvm::GetElementPtrInst(tmp,lo->getValue(),"tmp",p->scopebb());
+        }
+        elem* up = upr->toElem(p);
+        p->arrays.pop_back();
+        if (up->type == elem::CONST)
+        {
+            assert(up->val);
+            assert(llvm::isa<llvm::ConstantInt>(up->val));
+            if (lwr_is_zero) {
+                e->arg = up->val;
+            }
+            else {
+                if (lo->type == elem::CONST) {
+                    llvm::Constant* clo = llvm::cast<llvm::Constant>(lo->val);
+                    llvm::Constant* cup = llvm::cast<llvm::Constant>(up->val);
+                    e->arg = llvm::ConstantExpr::getSub(cup, clo);
+                }
+                else {
+                    e->arg = llvm::BinaryOperator::createSub(up->val, lo->getValue(), "tmp", p->scopebb());
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            if (lwr_is_zero) {
+                e->arg = up->getValue();
+            }
+            else {
+                e->arg = llvm::BinaryOperator::createSub(up->getValue(), lo->getValue(), "tmp", p->scopebb());
+            }
+        }
+        delete lo;
+        delete up;
+    }
+    // full slice
+    else
+    {
+        e->mem = v->mem;
+    }
+    delete v;
+    return e;
+elem* CmpExp::toElem(IRState* p)
+    Logger::print("CmpExp::toElem: %s | %s\n", toChars(), type->toChars());
+    elem* e = new elem;
+    elem* l = e1->toElem(p);
+    elem* r = e2->toElem(p);
+    assert(e1->type == e2->type);
+    Type* t = e1->type;
+    if (t->isintegral())
+    {
+        llvm::ICmpInst::Predicate cmpop;
+        switch(op)
+        {
+        case TOKlt:
+            cmpop = t->isunsigned() ? llvm::ICmpInst::ICMP_ULT : llvm::ICmpInst::ICMP_SLT;
+            break;
+        case TOKle:
+            cmpop = t->isunsigned() ? llvm::ICmpInst::ICMP_ULE : llvm::ICmpInst::ICMP_SLE;
+            break;
+        case TOKgt:
+            cmpop = t->isunsigned() ? llvm::ICmpInst::ICMP_UGT : llvm::ICmpInst::ICMP_SGT;
+            break;
+        case TOKge:
+            cmpop = t->isunsigned() ? llvm::ICmpInst::ICMP_UGE : llvm::ICmpInst::ICMP_SGE;
+            break;
+        default:
+            assert(0);
+        }
+        e->val = new llvm::ICmpInst(cmpop, l->getValue(), r->getValue(), "tmp", p->scopebb());
+    }
+    else if (t->isfloating())
+    {
+        llvm::FCmpInst::Predicate cmpop;
+        switch(op)
+        {
+        case TOKlt:
+            cmpop = llvm::FCmpInst::FCMP_OLT;break;
+        case TOKle:
+            cmpop = llvm::FCmpInst::FCMP_OLE;break;
+        case TOKgt:
+            cmpop = llvm::FCmpInst::FCMP_OGT;break;
+        case TOKge:
+            cmpop = llvm::FCmpInst::FCMP_OGE;break;
+        case TOKunord:
+            cmpop = llvm::FCmpInst::FCMP_UNO;break;
+        case TOKule:
+            cmpop = llvm::FCmpInst::FCMP_ULE;break;
+        case TOKul:
+            cmpop = llvm::FCmpInst::FCMP_ULT;break;
+        case TOKuge:
+            cmpop = llvm::FCmpInst::FCMP_UGE;break;
+        case TOKug:
+            cmpop = llvm::FCmpInst::FCMP_UGT;break;
+        case TOKue:
+            cmpop = llvm::FCmpInst::FCMP_UEQ;break;
+        case TOKlg:
+            cmpop = llvm::FCmpInst::FCMP_ONE;break;
+        case TOKleg:
+            cmpop = llvm::FCmpInst::FCMP_ORD;break;
+        default:
+            assert(0);
+        }
+        e->val = new llvm::FCmpInst(cmpop, l->getValue(), r->getValue(), "tmp", p->scopebb());
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        assert(0 && "Unsupported CmpExp type");
+    }
+    delete l;
+    delete r;
+    e->type = elem::VAL;
+    return e;
+elem* EqualExp::toElem(IRState* p)
+    Logger::print("EqualExp::toElem: %s | %s\n", toChars(), type->toChars());
+    elem* e = new elem;
+    elem* l = e1->toElem(p);
+    elem* r = e2->toElem(p);
+    assert(e1->type == e2->type);
+    Type* t = e1->type;
+    if (t->isintegral() || t->ty == Tpointer)
+    {
+        llvm::ICmpInst::Predicate cmpop;
+        switch(op)
+        {
+        case TOKequal:
+            cmpop = llvm::ICmpInst::ICMP_EQ;
+            break;
+        case TOKnotequal:
+            cmpop = llvm::ICmpInst::ICMP_NE;
+            break;
+        default:
+            assert(0);
+        }
+        e->val = new llvm::ICmpInst(cmpop, l->getValue(), r->getValue(), "tmp", p->scopebb());
+    }
+    else if (t->isfloating())
+    {
+        llvm::FCmpInst::Predicate cmpop;
+        switch(op)
+        {
+        case TOKequal:
+            cmpop = llvm::FCmpInst::FCMP_OEQ;
+            break;
+        case TOKnotequal:
+            cmpop = llvm::FCmpInst::FCMP_UNE;
+            break;
+        default:
+            assert(0);
+        }
+        e->val = new llvm::FCmpInst(cmpop, l->getValue(), r->getValue(), "tmp", p->scopebb());
+    }
+    else if (t->ty == Tarray)
+    {
+        // array comparison invokes the typeinfo runtime
+        assert(0);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        assert(0 && "Unsupported EqualExp type");
+    }
+    delete l;
+    delete r;
+    e->type = elem::VAL;
+    return e;
+elem* PostExp::toElem(IRState* p)
+    Logger::print("PostExp::toElem: %s | %s\n", toChars(), type->toChars());
+    elem* l = e1->toElem(p);
+    elem* r = e2->toElem(p);
+    elem* e = new elem;
+    e->mem = l->mem;
+    e->val = l->getValue();
+    e->type = elem::VAL;
+    llvm::Value* val = e->val;
+    llvm::Value* post = 0;
+    if (e1->type->isintegral())
+    {
+        assert(e2->type->isintegral());
+        llvm::Value* one = llvm::ConstantInt::get(val->getType(), 1, !e2->type->isunsigned());
+        if (op == TOKplusplus) {
+            post = llvm::BinaryOperator::createAdd(val,one,"tmp",p->scopebb());
+        }
+        else if (op == TOKminusminus) {
+            post = llvm::BinaryOperator::createSub(val,one,"tmp",p->scopebb());
+        }
+    }
+    else if (e1->type->ty == Tpointer)
+    {
+        assert(e2->type->isintegral());
+        llvm::Constant* minusone = llvm::ConstantInt::get(LLVM_DtoSize_t(),(uint64_t)-1,true);
+        llvm::Constant* plusone = llvm::ConstantInt::get(LLVM_DtoSize_t(),(uint64_t)1,false);
+        llvm::Constant* whichone = (op == TOKplusplus) ? plusone : minusone;
+        post = new llvm::GetElementPtrInst(val, whichone, "tmp", p->scopebb());
+    }
+    else if (e1->type->isfloating())
+    {
+        assert(e2->type->isfloating());
+        llvm::Value* one = llvm::ConstantFP::get(val->getType(), 1.0f);
+        if (op == TOKplusplus) {
+            post = llvm::BinaryOperator::createAdd(val,one,"tmp",p->scopebb());
+        }
+        else if (op == TOKminusminus) {
+            post = llvm::BinaryOperator::createSub(val,one,"tmp",p->scopebb());
+        }
+    }
+    else
+    assert(post);
+    //llvm::Value* tostore = l->storeVal ? l->storeVal : l->val;
+    new llvm::StoreInst(post,l->mem,p->scopebb());
+    delete l;
+    delete r;
+    return e;
+elem* NewExp::toElem(IRState* p)
+    Logger::print("NewExp::toElem: %s | %s\n", toChars(), type->toChars());
+    assert(!thisexp);
+    assert(!newargs);
+    assert(newtype);
+    //assert(!arguments);
+    //assert(!member);
+    assert(!allocator);
+    elem* e = new elem;
+    const llvm::Type* t = LLVM_DtoType(newtype);
+    if (onstack) {
+        assert(newtype->ty == Tclass);
+        e->mem = new llvm::AllocaInst(t->getContainedType(0),"tmp",p->topallocapoint());
+    }
+    else {
+        if (newtype->ty == Tclass) {
+            e->mem = new llvm::MallocInst(t->getContainedType(0),"tmp",p->scopebb());
+        }
+        else if (newtype->ty == Tarray) {
+            t = LLVM_DtoType(newtype->next);
+            assert(arguments);
+            if (arguments->dim == 1) {
+                elem* sz = ((Expression*)arguments->data[0])->toElem(p);
+                llvm::Value* dimval = sz->getValue();
+                llvm::Value* usedimval = dimval;
+                if (dimval->getType() != llvm::Type::Int32Ty)
+                    usedimval = new llvm::TruncInst(dimval, llvm::Type::Int32Ty,"tmp",p->scopebb());
+                e->mem = new llvm::MallocInst(t,usedimval,"tmp",p->scopebb());
+                LLVM_DtoSetArray(p->toplval(), dimval, e->mem);
+                delete sz;
+            }
+            else {
+                assert(0);
+            }
+        }
+        else {
+            e->mem = new llvm::MallocInst(t,"tmp",p->scopebb());
+        }
+    }
+    if (newtype->ty == Tclass) {
+        // first apply the static initializer
+        assert(e->mem);
+        LLVM_DtoInitClass((TypeClass*)newtype, e->mem);
+        // then call constructor
+        if (arguments) {
+            std::vector<llvm::Value*> ctorargs;
+            ctorargs.push_back(e->mem);
+            for (size_t i=0; i<arguments->dim; ++i)
+            {
+                Expression* ex = (Expression*)arguments->data[i];
+                Logger::println("arg=%s", ex->toChars());
+                elem* exe = ex->toElem(p);
+                assert(exe->getValue());
+                ctorargs.push_back(exe->getValue());
+                delete exe;
+            }
+            assert(member);
+            assert(member->llvmValue);
+            new llvm::CallInst(member->llvmValue, ctorargs.begin(), ctorargs.end(), "", p->scopebb());
+        }
+    }
+    else if (newtype->ty == Tstruct) {
+        TypeStruct* ts = (TypeStruct*)newtype;
+        if (ts->isZeroInit()) {
+            LLVM_DtoStructZeroInit(ts,e->mem);
+        }
+        else {
+            LLVM_DtoStructCopy(ts,e->mem,ts->llvmInit);
+        }
+    }
+    e->inplace = true;
+    e->type = elem::VAR;
+    return e;
+elem* DeleteExp::toElem(IRState* p)
+    Logger::print("DeleteExp::toElem: %s | %s\n", toChars(), type->toChars());
+    //assert(e1->type->ty != Tclass);
+    elem* v = e1->toElem(p);
+    llvm::Value* val = v->getValue();
+    llvm::Value* ldval = 0;
+    const llvm::Type* t = val->getType();
+    llvm::Constant* z = llvm::Constant::getNullValue(t);
+    if (e1->type->ty == Tpointer) {
+        ldval = v->getValue();
+        new llvm::FreeInst(ldval, p->scopebb());
+        Logger::cout() << *z << '\n';
+        Logger::cout() << *val << '\n';
+        new llvm::StoreInst(z, v->mem, p->scopebb());
+    }
+    else if (e1->type->ty == Tclass) {
+        TypeClass* tc = (TypeClass*)e1->type;
+        LLVM_DtoCallClassDtors(tc, val);
+        if (v->vardecl && !v->vardecl->onstack) {
+            new llvm::FreeInst(val, p->scopebb());
+        }
+        new llvm::StoreInst(z, v->mem, p->scopebb());
+    }
+    else if (e1->type->ty == Tarray) {
+        // must be on the heap (correct?)
+        ldval = v->getValue();
+        llvm::Value* zero = llvm::ConstantInt::get(llvm::Type::Int32Ty, 0, false);
+        llvm::Value* one = llvm::ConstantInt::get(llvm::Type::Int32Ty, 1, false);
+        llvm::Value* ptr = new llvm::GetElementPtrInst(ldval,zero,one,"tmp",p->scopebb());
+        ptr = new llvm::LoadInst(ptr,"tmp",p->scopebb());
+        new llvm::FreeInst(ptr, p->scopebb());
+        LLVM_DtoNullArray(val);
+    }
+    else {
+        assert(0);
+    }
+    delete v;
+    // this expression produces no useful data
+    return 0;
+elem* ArrayLengthExp::toElem(IRState* p)
+    Logger::print("ArrayLengthExp::toElem: %s | %s\n", toChars(), type->toChars());
+    elem* e = new elem;
+    elem* u = e1->toElem(p);
+    llvm::Value* zero = llvm::ConstantInt::get(llvm::Type::Int32Ty, 0, false);
+    llvm::Value* ptr = new llvm::GetElementPtrInst(u->mem,zero,zero,"tmp",p->scopebb());
+    e->val = new llvm::LoadInst(ptr, "tmp", p->scopebb());
+    e->type = elem::VAL;
+    delete u;
+    return e;
+elem* AssertExp::toElem(IRState* p)
+    Logger::print("AssertExp::toElem: %s | %s\n", toChars(), type->toChars());
+    elem* e = new elem;
+    elem* u = e1->toElem(p);
+    elem* m = msg ? msg->toElem(p) : 0;
+    std::vector<llvm::Value*> llargs;
+    llargs.resize(3);
+    llargs[0] = LLVM_DtoBoolean(u->getValue());
+    llargs[1] = llvm::ConstantInt::get(llvm::Type::Int32Ty, loc.linnum, false);
+    llargs[2] = m ? m->val : llvm::ConstantPointerNull::get(llvm::PointerType::get(llvm::Type::Int8Ty));
+    delete m;
+    delete u;
+    //Logger::cout() << *llargs[0] << '|' << *llargs[1] << '\n';
+    llvm::Function* fn = LLVM_D_GetRuntimeFunction(p->module, "_d_assert");
+    assert(fn);
+    llvm::CallInst* call = new llvm::CallInst(fn, llargs.begin(), llargs.end(), "", p->scopebb());
+    call->setCallingConv(llvm::CallingConv::C);
+    return e;
+elem* NotExp::toElem(IRState* p)
+    Logger::print("NotExp::toElem: %s | %s\n", toChars(), type->toChars());
+    elem* e = new elem;
+    elem* u = e1->toElem(p);
+    llvm::Value* b = LLVM_DtoBoolean(u->getValue());
+    llvm::Value* zero = llvm::ConstantInt::get(llvm::Type::Int1Ty, 0, true);
+    e->val = new llvm::ICmpInst(llvm::ICmpInst::ICMP_EQ,b,zero,"tmp",p->scopebb());
+    e->type = elem::VAL;
+    delete u;
+    return e;
+elem* AndAndExp::toElem(IRState* p)
+    Logger::print("AndAndExp::toElem: %s | %s\n", toChars(), type->toChars());
+    // allocate a temporary for the final result. failed to come up with a better way :/
+    llvm::Value* resval = 0;
+    llvm::BasicBlock* entryblock = &p->topfunc()->front();
+    resval = new llvm::AllocaInst(llvm::Type::Int1Ty,"andandtmp",p->topallocapoint());
+    elem* e = new elem;
+    elem* u = e1->toElem(p);
+    llvm::BasicBlock* oldend = p->scopeend();
+    llvm::BasicBlock* andand = new llvm::BasicBlock("andand", gIR->topfunc(), oldend);
+    llvm::BasicBlock* andandend = new llvm::BasicBlock("andandend", gIR->topfunc(), oldend);
+    llvm::Value* ubool = LLVM_DtoBoolean(u->getValue());
+    new llvm::StoreInst(ubool,resval,p->scopebb());
+    new llvm::BranchInst(andand,andandend,ubool,p->scopebb());
+    p->scope() = IRScope(andand, andandend);
+    elem* v = e2->toElem(p);
+    llvm::Value* vbool = LLVM_DtoBoolean(v->getValue());
+    llvm::Value* uandvbool = llvm::BinaryOperator::create(llvm::BinaryOperator::And, ubool, vbool,"tmp",p->scopebb());
+    new llvm::StoreInst(uandvbool,resval,p->scopebb());
+    new llvm::BranchInst(andandend,p->scopebb());
+    delete u;
+    delete v;
+    p->scope() = IRScope(andandend, oldend);
+    e->val = new llvm::LoadInst(resval,"tmp",p->scopebb());
+    e->type = elem::VAL;
+    return e;
+elem* OrOrExp::toElem(IRState* p)
+    Logger::print("OrOrExp::toElem: %s | %s\n", toChars(), type->toChars());
+    // allocate a temporary for the final result. failed to come up with a better way :/
+    llvm::Value* resval = 0;
+    llvm::BasicBlock* entryblock = &p->topfunc()->front();
+    resval = new llvm::AllocaInst(llvm::Type::Int1Ty,"orortmp",p->topallocapoint());
+    elem* e = new elem;
+    elem* u = e1->toElem(p);
+    llvm::BasicBlock* oldend = p->scopeend();
+    llvm::BasicBlock* oror = new llvm::BasicBlock("oror", gIR->topfunc(), oldend);
+    llvm::BasicBlock* ororend = new llvm::BasicBlock("ororend", gIR->topfunc(), oldend);
+    llvm::Value* ubool = LLVM_DtoBoolean(u->getValue());
+    new llvm::StoreInst(ubool,resval,p->scopebb());
+    new llvm::BranchInst(ororend,oror,ubool,p->scopebb());
+    p->scope() = IRScope(oror, ororend);
+    elem* v = e2->toElem(p);
+    llvm::Value* vbool = LLVM_DtoBoolean(v->getValue());
+    new llvm::StoreInst(vbool,resval,p->scopebb());
+    new llvm::BranchInst(ororend,p->scopebb());
+    delete u;
+    delete v;
+    p->scope() = IRScope(ororend, oldend);
+    e->val = new llvm::LoadInst(resval,"tmp",p->scopebb());
+    e->type = elem::VAL;
+    return e;
+#define BinBitExp(X,Y) \
+elem* X##Exp::toElem(IRState* p) \
+{ \
+    Logger::print("%sExp::toElem: %s | %s\n", #X, toChars(), type->toChars()); \
+    LOG_SCOPE; \
+    elem* e = new elem; \
+    elem* u = e1->toElem(p); \
+    elem* v = e2->toElem(p); \
+    e->val = llvm::BinaryOperator::create(llvm::Instruction::Y, u->getValue(), v->getValue(), "tmp", p->scopebb()); \
+    e->type = elem::VAL; \
+    delete u; \
+    delete v; \
+    return e; \
+} \
+elem* X##AssignExp::toElem(IRState* p) \
+{ \
+    Logger::print("%sAssignExp::toElem: %s | %s\n", #X, toChars(), type->toChars()); \
+    LOG_SCOPE; \
+    elem* u = e1->toElem(p); \
+    elem* v = e2->toElem(p); \
+    llvm::Value* tmp = llvm::BinaryOperator::create(llvm::Instruction::Y, u->getValue(), v->getValue(), "tmp", p->scopebb()); \
+    Logger::cout() << *tmp << '|' << *u->mem << '\n'; \
+    new llvm::StoreInst(LLVM_DtoPointedType(u->mem, tmp), u->mem, p->scopebb()); \
+    delete u; \
+    delete v; \
+    elem* e = new elem; \
+    e->mem = u->mem; \
+    e->type = elem::VAR; \
+    return e; \
+elem* HaltExp::toElem(IRState* p)
+    Logger::print("HaltExp::toElem: %s | %s\n", toChars(), type->toChars());
+    std::vector<llvm::Value*> llargs;
+    llargs.resize(3);
+    llargs[0] = llvm::ConstantInt::get(llvm::Type::Int1Ty, 0, false);
+    llargs[1] = llvm::ConstantInt::get(llvm::Type::Int32Ty, loc.linnum, false);
+    llargs[2] = llvm::ConstantPointerNull::get(llvm::PointerType::get(llvm::Type::Int8Ty));
+    //Logger::cout() << *llargs[0] << '|' << *llargs[1] << '\n';
+    llvm::Function* fn = LLVM_D_GetRuntimeFunction(p->module, "_d_assert");
+    assert(fn);
+    llvm::CallInst* call = new llvm::CallInst(fn, llargs.begin(), llargs.end(), "", p->scopebb());
+    call->setCallingConv(llvm::CallingConv::C);
+    //new llvm::UnreachableInst(p->scopebb());
+    return 0;
+elem* DelegateExp::toElem(IRState* p)
+    Logger::print("DelegateExp::toElem: %s | %s\n", toChars(), type->toChars());
+    elem* e = new elem;
+    elem* u = e1->toElem(p);
+    llvm::Value* zero = llvm::ConstantInt::get(llvm::Type::Int32Ty, 0, false);
+    llvm::Value* one = llvm::ConstantInt::get(llvm::Type::Int32Ty, 1, false);
+    const llvm::Type* int8ptrty = llvm::PointerType::get(llvm::Type::Int8Ty);
+    llvm::Value* lval = p->toplval();
+    llvm::Value* context = new llvm::GetElementPtrInst(lval,zero,zero,"tmp",p->scopebb());
+    llvm::Value* castcontext = new llvm::BitCastInst(u->getValue(),int8ptrty,"tmp",p->scopebb());
+    new llvm::StoreInst(castcontext, context, p->scopebb());
+    llvm::Value* fptr = new llvm::GetElementPtrInst(lval,zero,one,"tmp",p->scopebb());
+    assert(func->llvmValue);
+    llvm::Value* castfptr = new llvm::BitCastInst(func->llvmValue,fptr->getType()->getContainedType(0),"tmp",p->scopebb());
+    new llvm::StoreInst(castfptr, fptr, p->scopebb());
+    e->inplace = true;
+    delete u;
+    return e;
+elem* IdentityExp::toElem(IRState* p)
+    Logger::print("IdentityExp::toElem: %s | %s\n", toChars(), type->toChars());
+    elem* u = e1->toElem(p);
+    elem* v = e2->toElem(p);
+    elem* e = new elem;
+    llvm::Value* l = u->getValue();
+    llvm::Value* r = 0;
+    if (v->type == elem::NUL)
+    r = llvm::ConstantPointerNull::get(llvm::cast<llvm::PointerType>(l->getType()));
+    else
+    r = v->getValue();
+    llvm::ICmpInst::Predicate pred = (op == TOKidentity) ? llvm::ICmpInst::ICMP_EQ : llvm::ICmpInst::ICMP_NE;
+    e->val = new llvm::ICmpInst(pred, l, r, "tmp", p->scopebb());
+    e->type = elem::VAL;
+    delete u;
+    delete v;
+    return e;
+elem* CommaExp::toElem(IRState* p)
+    Logger::print("CommaExp::toElem: %s | %s\n", toChars(), type->toChars());
+    elem* u = e1->toElem(p);
+    elem* v = e2->toElem(p);
+    delete u;
+    return v;
+elem* CondExp::toElem(IRState* p)
+    Logger::print("CondExp::toElem: %s | %s\n", toChars(), type->toChars());
+    const llvm::Type* resty = LLVM_DtoType(type);
+    // allocate a temporary for the final result. failed to come up with a better way :/
+    llvm::BasicBlock* entryblock = &p->topfunc()->front();
+    llvm::Value* resval = new llvm::AllocaInst(resty,"condtmp",p->topallocapoint());
+    llvm::BasicBlock* oldend = p->scopeend();
+    llvm::BasicBlock* condtrue = new llvm::BasicBlock("condtrue", gIR->topfunc(), oldend);
+    llvm::BasicBlock* condfalse = new llvm::BasicBlock("condfalse", gIR->topfunc(), oldend);
+    llvm::BasicBlock* condend = new llvm::BasicBlock("condend", gIR->topfunc(), oldend);
+    elem* c = econd->toElem(p);
+    llvm::Value* cond_val = LLVM_DtoBoolean(c->getValue());
+    delete c;
+    new llvm::BranchInst(condtrue,condfalse,cond_val,p->scopebb());
+    p->scope() = IRScope(condtrue, condfalse);
+    elem* u = e1->toElem(p);
+    Logger::cout() << *u->val << '|' << *resval << '\n'; \
+    new llvm::StoreInst(u->getValue(),resval,p->scopebb());
+    new llvm::BranchInst(condend,p->scopebb());
+    delete u;
+    p->scope() = IRScope(condfalse, condend);
+    elem* v = e2->toElem(p);
+    new llvm::StoreInst(v->getValue(),resval,p->scopebb());
+    new llvm::BranchInst(condend,p->scopebb());
+    delete v;
+    p->scope() = IRScope(condend, oldend);
+    elem* e = new elem;
+    e->val = new llvm::LoadInst(resval,"tmp",p->scopebb());
+    e->type = elem::VAL;
+    return e;
+elem* ComExp::toElem(IRState* p)
+    Logger::print("ComExp::toElem: %s | %s\n", toChars(), type->toChars());
+    elem* e = new elem;
+    elem* u = e1->toElem(p);
+    llvm::Value* value = u->getValue();
+    llvm::Value* minusone = llvm::ConstantInt::get(value->getType(), -1, true);
+    e->val = llvm::BinaryOperator::create(llvm::Instruction::Xor, value, minusone, "tmp", p->scopebb());
+    delete u;
+    e->type = elem::VAL;
+    return e;
+#define STUB(x) elem *x::toElem(IRState * p) {error("Exp type "#x" not implemented: %s", toChars()); fatal(); return 0; }
+unsigned Type::totym() { return 0; }
+type *
+Type::toCtype() {
+    return 0;
+type * Type::toCParamtype()
+    return 0;
+Symbol * Type::toSymbol()
+    return 0;
+type *
+    return 0;
+type *
+    return 0;
+type *
+    return 0;
+type *
+    return 0;
+Symbol * TypeClass::toSymbol()
+    return 0;
+unsigned TypeFunction::totym()
+    return 0;
+type *
+    return 0;
+type *
+    return 0;
+type *TypeSArray::toCParamtype() { return 0; }
+type *
+    return 0;
+type *
+    return 0;
+type *
+    return 0;
+type *
+    return 0;
+type *
+    return 0;
+/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+void CompoundStatement::toIR(IRState* p)
+    static int csi = 0;
+    Logger::println("CompoundStatement::toIR(%d):\n<<<\n%s>>>", csi++, toChars());
+    /*
+    const char* labelname;
+    bool insterm = false;
+    if (!p->scopes()) {
+        labelname = "bb";
+        insterm = true;
+    }
+    else
+        labelname = "entry";
+    //if (!llvm::isa<llvm::TerminatorInst>(p->topfunc()->back().back()))
+    //    insterm = true;
+    llvm::BasicBlock* bb = new llvm::BasicBlock(labelname, p->topfunc());
+    if (insterm) {
+        new llvm::BranchInst(bb,p->topbb());
+    }
+    p->bbs.push(bb);
+    */
+    size_t n = statements->dim;
+    for (size_t i=0; i<n; i++)
+    {
+        Statement* s = (Statement*)statements->data[i];
+        if (s)
+        s->toIR(p);
+        else
+        Logger::println("NULL statement found in CompoundStatement !! :S");
+    }
+    //p->bbs.pop();
+void ReturnStatement::toIR(IRState* p)
+    static int rsi = 0;
+    Logger::println("ReturnStatement::toIR(%d): %s", rsi++, toChars());
+    if (exp)
+    {
+        TY expty = exp->type->ty;
+        if (p->topfunc()->getReturnType() == llvm::Type::VoidTy) {
+            assert(expty == Tstruct || expty == Tdelegate || expty == Tarray);
+            TypeFunction* f = p->topfunctype();
+            assert(f->llvmRetInPtr && f->llvmRetArg);
+            p->lvals.push_back(f->llvmRetArg);
+            elem* e = exp->toElem(p);
+            p->lvals.pop_back();
+            // structliterals do this themselves
+            // also they dont produce any value
+            if (expty == Tstruct) {
+                if (!e->inplace) {
+                    TypeStruct* ts = (TypeStruct*)exp->type;
+                    assert(e->mem);
+                    LLVM_DtoStructCopy(ts,f->llvmRetArg,e->mem);
+                }
+            }
+            else if (expty == Tdelegate) {
+                // do nothing, handled by the DelegateExp
+                LLVM_DtoDelegateCopy(f->llvmRetArg,e->mem);
+            }
+            else if (expty == Tarray) {
+                if (e->type == elem::SLICE) {
+                    LLVM_DtoSetArray(f->llvmRetArg,e->arg,e->mem);
+                }
+                // else the return value is a variable and should already have been assigned by now
+            }
+            else
+            assert(0);
+            new llvm::ReturnInst(p->scopebb());
+            delete e;
+        }
+        else {
+            elem* e = exp->toElem(p);
+            llvm::Value* v = e->getValue();
+            Logger::cout() << *v << '\n';
+            new llvm::ReturnInst(v, p->scopebb());
+            delete e;
+        }
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        if (p->topfunc()->getReturnType() == llvm::Type::VoidTy)
+            new llvm::ReturnInst(p->scopebb());
+        else
+            new llvm::UnreachableInst(p->scopebb());
+    }
+    p->scope().returned = true;
+void ExpStatement::toIR(IRState* p)
+    static int esi = 0;
+    Logger::println("ExpStatement::toIR(%d): %s", esi++, toChars());
+    if (exp != 0) {
+        elem* e = exp->toElem(p);
+        delete e;
+    }
+    /*elem* e = exp->toElem(p);
+    p->buf.printf("%s", e->toChars());
+    delete e;
+    p->buf.writenl();*/
+void IfStatement::toIR(IRState* p)
+    static int wsi = 0;
+    Logger::println("IfStatement::toIR(%d): %s", wsi++, toChars());
+    elem* cond_e = condition->toElem(p);
+    llvm::Value* cond_val = cond_e->getValue();
+    delete cond_e;
+    llvm::BasicBlock* oldend = gIR->scopeend();
+    llvm::BasicBlock* ifbb = new llvm::BasicBlock("if", gIR->topfunc(), oldend);
+    llvm::BasicBlock* endbb = new llvm::BasicBlock("endif", gIR->topfunc(), oldend);
+    llvm::BasicBlock* elsebb = 0;
+    if (elsebody) {
+        elsebb = new llvm::BasicBlock("else", gIR->topfunc(), endbb);
+    }
+    else {
+        elsebb = endbb;
+    }
+    if (cond_val->getType() != llvm::Type::Int1Ty) {
+        Logger::cout() << "if conditional: " << *cond_val << '\n';
+        cond_val = LLVM_DtoBoolean(cond_val);
+    }
+    llvm::Value* ifgoback = new llvm::BranchInst(ifbb, elsebb, cond_val, gIR->scopebegin());
+    // replace current scope
+    gIR->scope() = IRScope(ifbb,elsebb);
+    bool endifUsed = false;
+    // do scoped statements
+    ifbody->toIR(p);
+    if (!gIR->scopereturned()) {
+        new llvm::BranchInst(endbb,gIR->scopebegin());
+        endifUsed = true;
+    }
+    if (elsebody) {
+        //assert(0);
+        gIR->scope() = IRScope(elsebb,endbb);
+        elsebody->toIR(p);
+        if (!gIR->scopereturned()) {
+            new llvm::BranchInst(endbb,gIR->scopebegin());
+            endifUsed = true;
+        }
+    }
+    // rewrite the scope
+    gIR->scope() = IRScope(endbb,oldend);
+void ScopeStatement::toIR(IRState* p)
+    static int wsi = 0;
+    Logger::println("ScopeStatement::toIR(%d): %s", wsi++, toChars());
+    llvm::BasicBlock* oldend = gIR->scopeend();
+    IRScope irs;
+    irs.begin = new llvm::BasicBlock("scope", gIR->topfunc(), oldend);
+    irs.end = new llvm::BasicBlock("endscope", gIR->topfunc(), oldend);
+    // pass the previous BB into this
+    new llvm::BranchInst(irs.begin, gIR->scopebegin());
+    gIR->scope() = irs;
+    statement->toIR(p);
+    if (!gIR->scopereturned()) {
+        new llvm::BranchInst(irs.end, gIR->scopebegin());
+    }
+    // rewrite the scope
+    gIR->scope() = IRScope(irs.end,oldend);
+void WhileStatement::toIR(IRState* p)
+    static int wsi = 0;
+    Logger::println("WhileStatement::toIR(%d): %s", wsi++, toChars());
+    // create while blocks
+    llvm::BasicBlock* oldend = gIR->scopeend();
+    llvm::BasicBlock* whilebb = new llvm::BasicBlock("whilecond", gIR->topfunc(), oldend);
+    llvm::BasicBlock* endbb = new llvm::BasicBlock("endwhile", gIR->topfunc(), oldend);
+    // move into the while block
+    new llvm::BranchInst(whilebb, gIR->scopebegin());
+    // replace current scope
+    gIR->scope() = IRScope(whilebb,endbb);
+    // create the condition
+    elem* cond_e = condition->toElem(p);
+    llvm::Value* cond_val = LLVM_DtoBoolean(cond_e->getValue());
+    delete cond_e;
+    // while body block
+    llvm::BasicBlock* whilebodybb = new llvm::BasicBlock("whilebody", gIR->topfunc(), endbb);
+    // conditional branch
+    llvm::Value* ifbreak = new llvm::BranchInst(whilebodybb, endbb, cond_val, whilebb);
+    // rewrite scope
+    gIR->scope() = IRScope(whilebodybb,endbb);
+    // do while body code
+    body->toIR(p);
+    // loop
+    new llvm::BranchInst(whilebb, gIR->scopebegin());
+    // rewrite the scope
+    gIR->scope() = IRScope(endbb,oldend);
+void DoStatement::toIR(IRState* p)
+    static int wsi = 0;
+    Logger::println("DoStatement::toIR(%d): %s", wsi++, toChars());
+    // create while blocks
+    llvm::BasicBlock* oldend = gIR->scopeend();
+    llvm::BasicBlock* dowhilebb = new llvm::BasicBlock("dowhile", gIR->topfunc(), oldend);
+    llvm::BasicBlock* endbb = new llvm::BasicBlock("enddowhile", gIR->topfunc(), oldend);
+    // move into the while block
+    new llvm::BranchInst(dowhilebb, gIR->scopebegin());
+    // replace current scope
+    gIR->scope() = IRScope(dowhilebb,endbb);
+    // do do-while body code
+    body->toIR(p);
+    // create the condition
+    elem* cond_e = condition->toElem(p);
+    llvm::Value* cond_val = LLVM_DtoBoolean(cond_e->getValue());
+    delete cond_e;
+    // conditional branch
+    llvm::Value* ifbreak = new llvm::BranchInst(dowhilebb, endbb, cond_val, gIR->scopebegin());
+    // rewrite the scope
+    gIR->scope() = IRScope(endbb,oldend);
+void ForStatement::toIR(IRState* p)
+    static int wsi = 0;
+    Logger::println("ForStatement::toIR(%d): %s", wsi++, toChars());
+    // create for blocks
+    llvm::BasicBlock* oldend = gIR->scopeend();
+    llvm::BasicBlock* forbb = new llvm::BasicBlock("forcond", gIR->topfunc(), oldend);
+    llvm::BasicBlock* forbodybb = new llvm::BasicBlock("forbody", gIR->topfunc(), oldend);
+    llvm::BasicBlock* forincbb = new llvm::BasicBlock("forinc", gIR->topfunc(), oldend);
+    llvm::BasicBlock* endbb = new llvm::BasicBlock("endfor", gIR->topfunc(), oldend);
+    // init
+    if (init != 0)
+    init->toIR(p);
+    // move into the for condition block, ie. start the loop
+    new llvm::BranchInst(forbb, gIR->scopebegin());
+    IRScope loop;
+    loop.begin = forincbb;
+    loop.end = endbb;
+    p->loopbbs.push_back(loop);
+    // replace current scope
+    gIR->scope() = IRScope(forbb,forbodybb);
+    // create the condition
+    elem* cond_e = condition->toElem(p);
+    llvm::Value* cond_val = LLVM_DtoBoolean(cond_e->getValue());
+    delete cond_e;
+    // conditional branch
+    llvm::Value* ifbreak = new llvm::BranchInst(forbodybb, endbb, cond_val, forbb);
+    // rewrite scope
+    gIR->scope() = IRScope(forbodybb,forincbb);
+    // do for body code
+    body->toIR(p);
+    // move into the for increment block
+    new llvm::BranchInst(forincbb, gIR->scopebegin());
+    gIR->scope() = IRScope(forincbb, endbb);
+    // increment
+    if (increment) {
+        elem* inc = increment->toElem(p);
+        delete inc;
+    }
+    // loop
+    new llvm::BranchInst(forbb, gIR->scopebegin());
+    p->loopbbs.pop_back();
+    // rewrite the scope
+    gIR->scope() = IRScope(endbb,oldend);
+void BreakStatement::toIR(IRState* p)
+    static int wsi = 0;
+    Logger::println("BreakStatement::toIR(%d): %s", wsi++, toChars());
+    if (ident != 0) {
+        Logger::println("ident = %s", ident->toChars());
+        assert(0);
+    }
+    else {
+        new llvm::BranchInst(gIR->loopbbs.back().end, gIR->scopebegin());
+    }
+void ContinueStatement::toIR(IRState* p)
+    static int wsi = 0;
+    Logger::println("ContinueStatement::toIR(%d): %s", wsi++, toChars());
+    if (ident != 0) {
+        Logger::println("ident = %s", ident->toChars());
+        assert(0);
+    }
+    else {
+        new llvm::BranchInst(gIR->loopbbs.back().begin, gIR->scopebegin());
+    }
+void OnScopeStatement::toIR(IRState* p)
+    static int wsi = 0;
+    Logger::println("OnScopeStatement::toIR(%d): %s", wsi++, toChars());
+    assert(statement);
+    //statement->toIR(p); // this seems to be redundant
+void TryFinallyStatement::toIR(IRState* p)
+    static int wsi = 0;
+    Logger::println("TryFinallyStatement::toIR(%d): %s", wsi++, toChars());
+    llvm::BasicBlock* oldend = gIR->scopeend();
+    llvm::BasicBlock* trybb = new llvm::BasicBlock("try", gIR->topfunc(), oldend);
+    llvm::BasicBlock* finallybb = new llvm::BasicBlock("finally", gIR->topfunc(), oldend);
+    llvm::BasicBlock* endbb = new llvm::BasicBlock("endtryfinally", gIR->topfunc(), oldend);
+    // pass the previous BB into this
+    new llvm::BranchInst(trybb, gIR->scopebegin());
+    gIR->scope() = IRScope(trybb,finallybb);
+    assert(body);
+    body->toIR(p);
+    new llvm::BranchInst(finallybb, gIR->scopebegin());
+    // rewrite the scope
+    gIR->scope() = IRScope(finallybb,endbb);
+    assert(finalbody);
+    finalbody->toIR(p);
+    new llvm::BranchInst(endbb, gIR->scopebegin());
+    // rewrite the scope
+    gIR->scope() = IRScope(endbb,oldend);
+void TryCatchStatement::toIR(IRState* p)
+    static int wsi = 0;
+    Logger::println("TryCatchStatement::toIR(%d): %s", wsi++, toChars());
+    assert(0 && "try-catch is not properly");
+    assert(body);
+    body->toIR(p);
+    assert(catches);
+    for(size_t i=0; i<catches->dim; ++i)
+    {
+        Catch* c = (Catch*)catches->data[i];
+        c->handler->toIR(p);
+    }
+void ThrowStatement::toIR(IRState* p)
+    static int wsi = 0;
+    Logger::println("ThrowStatement::toIR(%d): %s", wsi++, toChars());
+    assert(0 && "throw is not implemented");
+    assert(exp);
+    elem* e = exp->toElem(p);
+    delete e;
+#define STUBST(x) void x::toIR(IRState * p) {error("Statement type "#x" not implemented: %s", toChars());fatal();}
+Dsymbol::cvMember(unsigned char*)
+    return 0;
+EnumDeclaration::cvMember(unsigned char*)
+    return 0;
+FuncDeclaration::cvMember(unsigned char*)
+    return 0;
+VarDeclaration::cvMember(unsigned char*)
+    return 0;
+TypedefDeclaration::cvMember(unsigned char*)
+    return 0;
+void obj_includelib(char*){}
+AsmStatement::AsmStatement(Loc loc, Token *tokens) :
+    Statement(loc)
+Statement *AsmStatement::syntaxCopy() {
+    return 0;
+Statement *AsmStatement::semantic(Scope *sc)
+    return Statement::semantic(sc);
+void AsmStatement::toCBuffer(OutBuffer *buf, HdrGenState *hgs)
+    Statement::toCBuffer(buf, hgs);
+int AsmStatement::comeFrom()
+    return FALSE;
+    //LLVM_D_InitRuntime();
+    // lazily loaded
+    LLVM_D_FreeRuntime();