diff dmd2/mtype.h @ 1455:89e38fbfef1f

Automated merge with http://hg.dsource.org/projects/ldc
author Robert Clipsham <robert@octarineparrot.com>
date Mon, 01 Jun 2009 19:02:20 +0100
parents 638d16625da2
children 54b3c1394d62
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/dmd2/mtype.h	Mon Jun 01 01:28:18 2009 +0200
+++ b/dmd2/mtype.h	Mon Jun 01 19:02:20 2009 +0100
@@ -1,809 +1,896 @@
-// Compiler implementation of the D programming language
-// Copyright (c) 1999-2007 by Digital Mars
-// All Rights Reserved
-// written by Walter Bright
-// http://www.digitalmars.com
-// License for redistribution is by either the Artistic License
-// in artistic.txt, or the GNU General Public License in gnu.txt.
-// See the included readme.txt for details.
-#ifndef DMD_MTYPE_H
-#define DMD_MTYPE_H
-#ifdef __DMC__
-#pragma once
-#endif /* __DMC__ */
-#include "root.h"
-#include "stringtable.h"
-#include "arraytypes.h"
-#include "expression.h"
-// llvm
-#include "../ir/irtype.h"
-namespace llvm { class Type; }
-struct IrFuncTy;
-struct Scope;
-struct Identifier;
-struct Expression;
-struct StructDeclaration;
-struct ClassDeclaration;
-struct VarDeclaration;
-struct EnumDeclaration;
-struct TypedefDeclaration;
-struct TypeInfoDeclaration;
-struct Dsymbol;
-struct TemplateInstance;
-struct CppMangleState;
-enum LINK;
-struct TypeBasic;
-struct HdrGenState;
-struct Argument;
-// Back end
-#if IN_GCC
-union tree_node; typedef union tree_node TYPE;
-typedef TYPE type;
-typedef struct TYPE type;
-struct Symbol;
-enum ENUMTY
-    Tarray,		// dynamic array
-    Tsarray,		// static array
-    Taarray,		// associative array
-    Tpointer,
-    Treference,
-    Tfunction,
-    Tident,
-    Tclass,
-    Tstruct,
-    Tenum,
-    Ttypedef,
-    Tdelegate,
-    Tnone,
-    Tvoid,
-    Tint8,
-    Tuns8,
-    Tint16,
-    Tuns16,
-    Tint32,
-    Tuns32,
-    Tint64,
-    Tuns64,
-    Tfloat32,
-    Tfloat64,
-    Tfloat80,
-    Timaginary32,
-    Timaginary64,
-    Timaginary80,
-    Tcomplex32,
-    Tcomplex64,
-    Tcomplex80,
-    Tbit,
-    Tbool,
-    Tchar,
-    Twchar,
-    Tdchar,
-    Terror,
-    Tinstance,
-    Ttypeof,
-    Ttuple,
-    Tslice,
-    Treturn,
-    TMAX
-typedef unsigned char TY;	// ENUMTY
-#define Tascii Tchar
-extern int Tsize_t;
-extern int Tptrdiff_t;
-struct Type : Object
-    TY ty;
-    unsigned char mod;	// modifiers MODxxxx
-	#define MODconst     1	// type is const
-	#define MODinvariant 2	// type is invariant
-	#define MODshared    4	// type is shared
-    char *deco;
-    Type *cto;		// MODconst ? mutable version of this type : const version
-    Type *ito;		// MODinvariant ? mutable version of this type : invariant version
-    Type *pto;		// merged pointer to this type
-    Type *rto;		// reference to this type
-    Type *arrayof;	// array of this type
-    TypeInfoDeclaration *vtinfo;	// TypeInfo object for this Type
-    type *ctype;	// for back end
-    #define tvoid	basic[Tvoid]
-    #define tint8	basic[Tint8]
-    #define tuns8	basic[Tuns8]
-    #define tint16	basic[Tint16]
-    #define tuns16	basic[Tuns16]
-    #define tint32	basic[Tint32]
-    #define tuns32	basic[Tuns32]
-    #define tint64	basic[Tint64]
-    #define tuns64	basic[Tuns64]
-    #define tfloat32	basic[Tfloat32]
-    #define tfloat64	basic[Tfloat64]
-    #define tfloat80	basic[Tfloat80]
-    #define timaginary32 basic[Timaginary32]
-    #define timaginary64 basic[Timaginary64]
-    #define timaginary80 basic[Timaginary80]
-    #define tcomplex32	basic[Tcomplex32]
-    #define tcomplex64	basic[Tcomplex64]
-    #define tcomplex80	basic[Tcomplex80]
-    #define tbit	basic[Tbit]
-    #define tbool	basic[Tbool]
-    #define tchar	basic[Tchar]
-    #define twchar	basic[Twchar]
-    #define tdchar	basic[Tdchar]
-    // Some special types
-    #define tshiftcnt	tint32		// right side of shift expression
-//    #define tboolean	tint32		// result of boolean expression
-    #define tboolean	tbool		// result of boolean expression
-    #define tindex	tint32		// array/ptr index
-    static Type *tvoidptr;		// void*
-    #define terror	basic[Terror]	// for error recovery
-    #define tsize_t	basic[Tsize_t]		// matches size_t alias
-    #define tptrdiff_t	basic[Tptrdiff_t]	// matches ptrdiff_t alias
-    #define thash_t	tsize_t			// matches hash_t alias
-    static ClassDeclaration *typeinfo;
-    static ClassDeclaration *typeinfoclass;
-    static ClassDeclaration *typeinfointerface;
-    static ClassDeclaration *typeinfostruct;
-    static ClassDeclaration *typeinfotypedef;
-    static ClassDeclaration *typeinfopointer;
-    static ClassDeclaration *typeinfoarray;
-    static ClassDeclaration *typeinfostaticarray;
-    static ClassDeclaration *typeinfoassociativearray;
-    static ClassDeclaration *typeinfoenum;
-    static ClassDeclaration *typeinfofunction;
-    static ClassDeclaration *typeinfodelegate;
-    static ClassDeclaration *typeinfotypelist;
-    static ClassDeclaration *typeinfoconst;
-    static ClassDeclaration *typeinfoinvariant;
-    static Type *basic[TMAX];
-    static unsigned char mangleChar[TMAX];
-    static unsigned char sizeTy[TMAX];
-    static StringTable stringtable;
-    // These tables are for implicit conversion of binary ops;
-    // the indices are the type of operand one, followed by operand two.
-    static unsigned char impcnvResult[TMAX][TMAX];
-    static unsigned char impcnvType1[TMAX][TMAX];
-    static unsigned char impcnvType2[TMAX][TMAX];
-    // If !=0, give warning on implicit conversion
-    static unsigned char impcnvWarn[TMAX][TMAX];
-    Type(TY ty);
-    virtual Type *syntaxCopy();
-    int equals(Object *o);
-    int dyncast() { return DYNCAST_TYPE; } // kludge for template.isType()
-    int covariant(Type *t);
-    char *toChars();
-    static char needThisPrefix();
-    static void init();
-    d_uns64 size();
-    virtual d_uns64 size(Loc loc);
-    virtual unsigned alignsize();
-    virtual Type *semantic(Loc loc, Scope *sc);
-    virtual void toDecoBuffer(OutBuffer *buf, int flag = 0);
-    Type *merge();
-    virtual void toCBuffer(OutBuffer *buf, Identifier *ident, HdrGenState *hgs);
-    virtual void toCBuffer2(OutBuffer *buf, HdrGenState *hgs, int mod);
-    void toCBuffer3(OutBuffer *buf, HdrGenState *hgs, int mod);
-    virtual void toCppMangle(OutBuffer *buf, CppMangleState *cms);
-    virtual int isintegral();
-    virtual int isfloating();	// real, imaginary, or complex
-    virtual int isreal();
-    virtual int isimaginary();
-    virtual int iscomplex();
-    virtual int isscalar();
-    virtual int isunsigned();
-    virtual int isauto();
-    virtual int isString();
-    virtual int isAssignable();
-    virtual int checkBoolean();	// if can be converted to boolean value
-    virtual void checkDeprecated(Loc loc, Scope *sc);
-    int isConst()	{ return mod & MODconst; }
-    int isInvariant()	{ return mod & MODinvariant; }
-    int isMutable()	{ return !(mod & (MODconst | MODinvariant)); }
-    int isShared()	{ return mod & MODshared; }
-    Type *constOf();
-    Type *invariantOf();
-    Type *mutableOf();
-    Type *pointerTo();
-    Type *referenceTo();
-    Type *arrayOf();
-    virtual Type *makeConst();
-    virtual Type *makeInvariant();
-    virtual Dsymbol *toDsymbol(Scope *sc);
-    virtual Type *toBasetype();
-    virtual Type *toHeadMutable();
-    virtual int isBaseOf(Type *t, int *poffset);
-    virtual MATCH constConv(Type *to);
-    virtual MATCH implicitConvTo(Type *to);
-    virtual ClassDeclaration *isClassHandle();
-    virtual Expression *getProperty(Loc loc, Identifier *ident);
-    virtual Expression *dotExp(Scope *sc, Expression *e, Identifier *ident);
-    virtual unsigned memalign(unsigned salign);
-    virtual Expression *defaultInit(Loc loc = 0);
-    virtual int isZeroInit();		// if initializer is 0
-    virtual dt_t **toDt(dt_t **pdt);
-    Identifier *getTypeInfoIdent(int internal);
-    virtual MATCH deduceType(Scope *sc, Type *tparam, TemplateParameters *parameters, Objects *dedtypes);
-    virtual void resolve(Loc loc, Scope *sc, Expression **pe, Type **pt, Dsymbol **ps);
-    Expression *getInternalTypeInfo(Scope *sc);
-    Expression *getTypeInfo(Scope *sc);
-    virtual TypeInfoDeclaration *getTypeInfoDeclaration();
-    virtual int builtinTypeInfo();
-    virtual Type *reliesOnTident();
-    virtual Expression *toExpression();
-    virtual int hasPointers();
-    virtual Type *nextOf();
-    static void error(Loc loc, const char *format, ...);
-    // For backend
-    virtual unsigned totym();
-    virtual type *toCtype();
-    virtual type *toCParamtype();
-    virtual Symbol *toSymbol();
-    // For eliminating dynamic_cast
-    virtual TypeBasic *isTypeBasic();
-    // LDC
-    IrType ir;
-struct TypeNext : Type
-    Type *next;
-    TypeNext(TY ty, Type *next);
-    void toDecoBuffer(OutBuffer *buf, int flag);
-    void checkDeprecated(Loc loc, Scope *sc);
-    Type *reliesOnTident();
-    Type *nextOf();
-    Type *makeConst();
-    Type *makeInvariant();
-    MATCH constConv(Type *to);
-struct TypeBasic : Type
-    const char *dstring;
-    unsigned flags;
-    TypeBasic(TY ty);
-    Type *syntaxCopy();
-    d_uns64 size(Loc loc);
-    unsigned alignsize();
-    Expression *getProperty(Loc loc, Identifier *ident);
-    Expression *dotExp(Scope *sc, Expression *e, Identifier *ident);
-    char *toChars();
-    void toCBuffer2(OutBuffer *buf, HdrGenState *hgs, int mod);
-    void toCppMangle(OutBuffer *buf, CppMangleState *cms);
-    int isintegral();
-    int isbit();
-    int isfloating();
-    int isreal();
-    int isimaginary();
-    int iscomplex();
-    int isscalar();
-    int isunsigned();
-    MATCH implicitConvTo(Type *to);
-    Expression *defaultInit(Loc loc);
-    int isZeroInit();
-    int builtinTypeInfo();
-    // For eliminating dynamic_cast
-    TypeBasic *isTypeBasic();
-struct TypeArray : TypeNext
-    TypeArray(TY ty, Type *next);
-    Expression *dotExp(Scope *sc, Expression *e, Identifier *ident);
-// Static array, one with a fixed dimension
-struct TypeSArray : TypeArray
-    Expression *dim;
-    TypeSArray(Type *t, Expression *dim);
-    Type *syntaxCopy();
-    d_uns64 size(Loc loc);
-    unsigned alignsize();
-    Type *semantic(Loc loc, Scope *sc);
-    void resolve(Loc loc, Scope *sc, Expression **pe, Type **pt, Dsymbol **ps);
-    void toDecoBuffer(OutBuffer *buf, int flag);
-    void toCBuffer2(OutBuffer *buf, HdrGenState *hgs, int mod);
-    Expression *dotExp(Scope *sc, Expression *e, Identifier *ident);
-    int isString();
-    int isZeroInit();
-    unsigned memalign(unsigned salign);
-    MATCH constConv(Type *to);
-    MATCH implicitConvTo(Type *to);
-    Expression *defaultInit(Loc loc);
-    dt_t **toDt(dt_t **pdt);
-    dt_t **toDtElem(dt_t **pdt, Expression *e);
-    MATCH deduceType(Scope *sc, Type *tparam, TemplateParameters *parameters, Objects *dedtypes);
-    TypeInfoDeclaration *getTypeInfoDeclaration();
-    Expression *toExpression();
-    int hasPointers();
-    void toCppMangle(OutBuffer *buf, CppMangleState *cms);
-    type *toCtype();
-    type *toCParamtype();
-// Dynamic array, no dimension
-struct TypeDArray : TypeArray
-    TypeDArray(Type *t);
-    Type *syntaxCopy();
-    d_uns64 size(Loc loc);
-    unsigned alignsize();
-    Type *semantic(Loc loc, Scope *sc);
-    void toDecoBuffer(OutBuffer *buf, int flag);
-    void toCBuffer2(OutBuffer *buf, HdrGenState *hgs, int mod);
-    Expression *dotExp(Scope *sc, Expression *e, Identifier *ident);
-    int isString();
-    int isZeroInit();
-    int checkBoolean();
-    MATCH implicitConvTo(Type *to);
-    Expression *defaultInit(Loc loc);
-    int builtinTypeInfo();
-    TypeInfoDeclaration *getTypeInfoDeclaration();
-    int hasPointers();
-    void toCppMangle(OutBuffer *buf, CppMangleState *cms);
-    type *toCtype();
-struct TypeAArray : TypeArray
-    Type *index;		// key type
-    TypeAArray(Type *t, Type *index);
-    Type *syntaxCopy();
-    d_uns64 size(Loc loc);
-    Type *semantic(Loc loc, Scope *sc);
-    void resolve(Loc loc, Scope *sc, Expression **pe, Type **pt, Dsymbol **ps);
-    void toDecoBuffer(OutBuffer *buf, int flag);
-    void toCBuffer2(OutBuffer *buf, HdrGenState *hgs, int mod);
-    Expression *dotExp(Scope *sc, Expression *e, Identifier *ident);
-    Expression *defaultInit(Loc loc);
-    MATCH deduceType(Scope *sc, Type *tparam, TemplateParameters *parameters, Objects *dedtypes);
-    int isZeroInit();
-    int checkBoolean();
-    TypeInfoDeclaration *getTypeInfoDeclaration();
-    int hasPointers();
-    MATCH implicitConvTo(Type *to);
-    MATCH constConv(Type *to);
-    void toCppMangle(OutBuffer *buf, CppMangleState *cms);
-    // Back end
-    Symbol *aaGetSymbol(const char *func, int flags);
-    type *toCtype();
-struct TypePointer : TypeNext
-    TypePointer(Type *t);
-    Type *syntaxCopy();
-    Type *semantic(Loc loc, Scope *sc);
-    d_uns64 size(Loc loc);
-    void toCBuffer2(OutBuffer *buf, HdrGenState *hgs, int mod);
-    MATCH implicitConvTo(Type *to);
-    int isscalar();
-    // LDC: pointers are unsigned
-    int isunsigned() { return TRUE; };
-    Expression *defaultInit(Loc loc);
-    int isZeroInit();
-    TypeInfoDeclaration *getTypeInfoDeclaration();
-    int hasPointers();
-    void toCppMangle(OutBuffer *buf, CppMangleState *cms);
-    type *toCtype();
-struct TypeReference : TypeNext
-    TypeReference(Type *t);
-    Type *syntaxCopy();
-    Type *semantic(Loc loc, Scope *sc);
-    d_uns64 size(Loc loc);
-    void toCBuffer2(OutBuffer *buf, HdrGenState *hgs, int mod);
-    Expression *dotExp(Scope *sc, Expression *e, Identifier *ident);
-    Expression *defaultInit(Loc loc);
-    int isZeroInit();
-    void toCppMangle(OutBuffer *buf, CppMangleState *cms);
-enum RET
-    RETregs	= 1,	// returned in registers
-    RETstack	= 2,	// returned on stack
-struct TypeFunction : TypeNext
-    // .next is the return type
-    Arguments *parameters;	// function parameters
-    int varargs;	// 1: T t, ...) style for variable number of arguments
-			// 2: T t ...) style for variable number of arguments
-    bool isnothrow;	// true: nothrow
-    bool ispure;	// true: pure
-    bool isref;		// true: returns a reference
-    enum LINK linkage;	// calling convention
-    int inuse;
-    TypeFunction(Arguments *parameters, Type *treturn, int varargs, enum LINK linkage);
-    Type *syntaxCopy();
-    Type *semantic(Loc loc, Scope *sc);
-    void toDecoBuffer(OutBuffer *buf, int flag);
-    void toCBuffer(OutBuffer *buf, Identifier *ident, HdrGenState *hgs);
-    void toCBuffer2(OutBuffer *buf, HdrGenState *hgs, int mod);
-    MATCH deduceType(Scope *sc, Type *tparam, TemplateParameters *parameters, Objects *dedtypes);
-    TypeInfoDeclaration *getTypeInfoDeclaration();
-    Type *reliesOnTident();
-    void toCppMangle(OutBuffer *buf, CppMangleState *cms);
-    bool parameterEscapes(Argument *p);
-    int callMatch(Expression *ethis, Expressions *toargs);
-    type *toCtype();
-    enum RET retStyle();
-    unsigned totym();
-    // LDC
-    IrFuncTy* fty;
-struct TypeDelegate : TypeNext
-    // .next is a TypeFunction
-    TypeDelegate(Type *t);
-    Type *syntaxCopy();
-    Type *semantic(Loc loc, Scope *sc);
-    d_uns64 size(Loc loc);
-    unsigned alignsize(); // added in LDC
-    void toCBuffer2(OutBuffer *buf, HdrGenState *hgs, int mod);
-    Expression *defaultInit(Loc loc);
-    int isZeroInit();
-    int checkBoolean();
-    TypeInfoDeclaration *getTypeInfoDeclaration();
-    Expression *dotExp(Scope *sc, Expression *e, Identifier *ident);
-    int hasPointers();
-    void toCppMangle(OutBuffer *buf, CppMangleState *cms);
-    type *toCtype();
-struct TypeQualified : Type
-    Loc loc;
-    Array idents;	// array of Identifier's representing ident.ident.ident etc.
-    TypeQualified(TY ty, Loc loc);
-    void syntaxCopyHelper(TypeQualified *t);
-    void addIdent(Identifier *ident);
-    void toCBuffer2Helper(OutBuffer *buf, HdrGenState *hgs);
-    d_uns64 size(Loc loc);
-    void resolveHelper(Loc loc, Scope *sc, Dsymbol *s, Dsymbol *scopesym,
-	Expression **pe, Type **pt, Dsymbol **ps);
-struct TypeIdentifier : TypeQualified
-    Identifier *ident;
-    TypeIdentifier(Loc loc, Identifier *ident);
-    Type *syntaxCopy();
-    //char *toChars();
-    void toDecoBuffer(OutBuffer *buf, int flag);
-    void toCBuffer2(OutBuffer *buf, HdrGenState *hgs, int mod);
-    void resolve(Loc loc, Scope *sc, Expression **pe, Type **pt, Dsymbol **ps);
-    Dsymbol *toDsymbol(Scope *sc);
-    Type *semantic(Loc loc, Scope *sc);
-    MATCH deduceType(Scope *sc, Type *tparam, TemplateParameters *parameters, Objects *dedtypes);
-    Type *reliesOnTident();
-    Expression *toExpression();
-/* Similar to TypeIdentifier, but with a TemplateInstance as the root
- */
-struct TypeInstance : TypeQualified
-    TemplateInstance *tempinst;
-    TypeInstance(Loc loc, TemplateInstance *tempinst);
-    Type *syntaxCopy();
-    //char *toChars();
-    //void toDecoBuffer(OutBuffer *buf, int flag);
-    void toCBuffer2(OutBuffer *buf, HdrGenState *hgs, int mod);
-    void resolve(Loc loc, Scope *sc, Expression **pe, Type **pt, Dsymbol **ps);
-    Type *semantic(Loc loc, Scope *sc);
-    MATCH deduceType(Scope *sc, Type *tparam, TemplateParameters *parameters, Objects *dedtypes);
-struct TypeTypeof : TypeQualified
-    Expression *exp;
-    TypeTypeof(Loc loc, Expression *exp);
-    Type *syntaxCopy();
-    Dsymbol *toDsymbol(Scope *sc);
-    void toCBuffer2(OutBuffer *buf, HdrGenState *hgs, int mod);
-    Type *semantic(Loc loc, Scope *sc);
-    d_uns64 size(Loc loc);
-struct TypeReturn : TypeQualified
-    TypeReturn(Loc loc);
-    Type *syntaxCopy();
-    Dsymbol *toDsymbol(Scope *sc);
-    Type *semantic(Loc loc, Scope *sc);
-    void toCBuffer2(OutBuffer *buf, HdrGenState *hgs, int mod);
-struct TypeStruct : Type
-    StructDeclaration *sym;
-    TypeStruct(StructDeclaration *sym);
-    d_uns64 size(Loc loc);
-    unsigned alignsize();
-    char *toChars();
-    Type *syntaxCopy();
-    Type *semantic(Loc loc, Scope *sc);
-    Dsymbol *toDsymbol(Scope *sc);
-    void toDecoBuffer(OutBuffer *buf, int flag);
-    void toCBuffer2(OutBuffer *buf, HdrGenState *hgs, int mod);
-    Expression *dotExp(Scope *sc, Expression *e, Identifier *ident);
-    unsigned memalign(unsigned salign);
-    Expression *defaultInit(Loc loc);
-    int isZeroInit();
-    int isAssignable();
-    int checkBoolean();
-    dt_t **toDt(dt_t **pdt);
-    MATCH deduceType(Scope *sc, Type *tparam, TemplateParameters *parameters, Objects *dedtypes);
-    TypeInfoDeclaration *getTypeInfoDeclaration();
-    int hasPointers();
-    MATCH implicitConvTo(Type *to);
-    MATCH constConv(Type *to);
-    Type *toHeadMutable();
-    void toCppMangle(OutBuffer *buf, CppMangleState *cms);
-    type *toCtype();
-    // LDC
-    // cache the hasUnalignedFields check
-    // 0 = not checked, 1 = aligned, 2 = unaligned
-    int unaligned;
-struct TypeEnum : Type
-    EnumDeclaration *sym;
-    TypeEnum(EnumDeclaration *sym);
-    d_uns64 size(Loc loc);
-    unsigned alignsize();
-    char *toChars();
-    Type *syntaxCopy();
-    Type *semantic(Loc loc, Scope *sc);
-    Dsymbol *toDsymbol(Scope *sc);
-    void toDecoBuffer(OutBuffer *buf, int flag);
-    void toCBuffer2(OutBuffer *buf, HdrGenState *hgs, int mod);
-    Expression *dotExp(Scope *sc, Expression *e, Identifier *ident);
-    Expression *getProperty(Loc loc, Identifier *ident);
-    int isintegral();
-    int isfloating();
-    int isscalar();
-    int isunsigned();
-    MATCH implicitConvTo(Type *to);
-    MATCH constConv(Type *to);
-    Type *toBasetype();
-    Expression *defaultInit(Loc loc);
-    int isZeroInit();
-    MATCH deduceType(Scope *sc, Type *tparam, TemplateParameters *parameters, Objects *dedtypes);
-    TypeInfoDeclaration *getTypeInfoDeclaration();
-    int hasPointers();
-    void toCppMangle(OutBuffer *buf, CppMangleState *cms);
-    type *toCtype();
-struct TypeTypedef : Type
-    TypedefDeclaration *sym;
-    TypeTypedef(TypedefDeclaration *sym);
-    Type *syntaxCopy();
-    d_uns64 size(Loc loc);
-    unsigned alignsize();
-    char *toChars();
-    Type *semantic(Loc loc, Scope *sc);
-    Dsymbol *toDsymbol(Scope *sc);
-    void toDecoBuffer(OutBuffer *buf, int flag);
-    void toCBuffer2(OutBuffer *buf, HdrGenState *hgs, int mod);
-    Expression *dotExp(Scope *sc, Expression *e, Identifier *ident);
-    Expression *getProperty(Loc loc, Identifier *ident);
-    int isbit();
-    int isintegral();
-    int isfloating();
-    int isreal();
-    int isimaginary();
-    int iscomplex();
-    int isscalar();
-    int isunsigned();
-    int checkBoolean();
-    int isAssignable();
-    Type *toBasetype();
-    MATCH implicitConvTo(Type *to);
-    MATCH constConv(Type *to);
-    Expression *defaultInit(Loc loc);
-    int isZeroInit();
-    dt_t **toDt(dt_t **pdt);
-    MATCH deduceType(Scope *sc, Type *tparam, TemplateParameters *parameters, Objects *dedtypes);
-    TypeInfoDeclaration *getTypeInfoDeclaration();
-    int hasPointers();
-    Type *toHeadMutable();
-    void toCppMangle(OutBuffer *buf, CppMangleState *cms);
-    type *toCtype();
-    type *toCParamtype();
-struct TypeClass : Type
-    ClassDeclaration *sym;
-    TypeClass(ClassDeclaration *sym);
-    d_uns64 size(Loc loc);
-    char *toChars();
-    Type *syntaxCopy();
-    Type *semantic(Loc loc, Scope *sc);
-    Dsymbol *toDsymbol(Scope *sc);
-    void toDecoBuffer(OutBuffer *buf, int flag);
-    void toCBuffer2(OutBuffer *buf, HdrGenState *hgs, int mod);
-    Expression *dotExp(Scope *sc, Expression *e, Identifier *ident);
-    ClassDeclaration *isClassHandle();
-    int isBaseOf(Type *t, int *poffset);
-    MATCH implicitConvTo(Type *to);
-    Expression *defaultInit(Loc loc);
-    int isZeroInit();
-    MATCH deduceType(Scope *sc, Type *tparam, TemplateParameters *parameters, Objects *dedtypes);
-    int isauto();
-    int checkBoolean();
-    TypeInfoDeclaration *getTypeInfoDeclaration();
-    int hasPointers();
-    Type *toHeadMutable();
-    MATCH constConv(Type *to);
-    void toCppMangle(OutBuffer *buf, CppMangleState *cms);
-    type *toCtype();
-    Symbol *toSymbol();
-struct TypeTuple : Type
-    Arguments *arguments;	// types making up the tuple
-    TypeTuple(Arguments *arguments);
-    TypeTuple(Expressions *exps);
-    Type *syntaxCopy();
-    Type *semantic(Loc loc, Scope *sc);
-    int equals(Object *o);
-    Type *reliesOnTident();
-    void toCBuffer2(OutBuffer *buf, HdrGenState *hgs, int mod);
-    void toDecoBuffer(OutBuffer *buf, int flag);
-    Expression *getProperty(Loc loc, Identifier *ident);
-    TypeInfoDeclaration *getTypeInfoDeclaration();
-struct TypeSlice : TypeNext
-    Expression *lwr;
-    Expression *upr;
-    TypeSlice(Type *next, Expression *lwr, Expression *upr);
-    Type *syntaxCopy();
-    Type *semantic(Loc loc, Scope *sc);
-    void resolve(Loc loc, Scope *sc, Expression **pe, Type **pt, Dsymbol **ps);
-    void toCBuffer2(OutBuffer *buf, HdrGenState *hgs, int mod);
-//enum InOut { None, In, Out, InOut, Lazy };
-struct Argument : Object
-    //enum InOut inout;
-    unsigned storageClass;
-    Type *type;
-    Identifier *ident;
-    Expression *defaultArg;
-    Argument(unsigned storageClass, Type *type, Identifier *ident, Expression *defaultArg);
-    Argument *syntaxCopy();
-    Type *isLazyArray();
-    void toDecoBuffer(OutBuffer *buf);
-    static Arguments *arraySyntaxCopy(Arguments *args);
-    static char *argsTypesToChars(Arguments *args, int varargs);
-    static void argsCppMangle(OutBuffer *buf, CppMangleState *cms, Arguments *arguments, int varargs);
-    static void argsToCBuffer(OutBuffer *buf, HdrGenState *hgs, Arguments *arguments, int varargs);
-    static void argsToDecoBuffer(OutBuffer *buf, Arguments *arguments);
-    static int isTPL(Arguments *arguments);
-    static size_t dim(Arguments *arguments);
-    static Argument *getNth(Arguments *arguments, size_t nth, size_t *pn = NULL);
-extern int PTRSIZE;
-extern int REALSIZE;
-extern int REALPAD;
-extern int Tsize_t;
-extern int Tptrdiff_t;
-#endif /* DMD_MTYPE_H */
+// Compiler implementation of the D programming language
+// Copyright (c) 1999-2007 by Digital Mars
+// All Rights Reserved
+// written by Walter Bright
+// http://www.digitalmars.com
+// License for redistribution is by either the Artistic License
+// in artistic.txt, or the GNU General Public License in gnu.txt.
+// See the included readme.txt for details.
+#ifndef DMD_MTYPE_H
+#define DMD_MTYPE_H
+#ifdef __DMC__
+#pragma once
+#endif /* __DMC__ */
+#include "root.h"
+#include "stringtable.h"
+#include "arraytypes.h"
+#include "expression.h"
+#if IN_LLVM
+#include "../ir/irfuncty.h"
+namespace llvm { class Type; }
+class Ir;
+class IrType;
+struct Scope;
+struct Identifier;
+struct Expression;
+struct StructDeclaration;
+struct ClassDeclaration;
+struct VarDeclaration;
+struct EnumDeclaration;
+struct TypedefDeclaration;
+struct TypeInfoDeclaration;
+struct Dsymbol;
+struct TemplateInstance;
+struct CppMangleState;
+enum LINK;
+struct TypeBasic;
+struct HdrGenState;
+struct Argument;
+// Back end
+#if IN_GCC
+union tree_node; typedef union tree_node TYPE;
+typedef TYPE type;
+#if IN_DMD
+typedef struct TYPE type;
+struct Symbol;
+enum ENUMTY
+    Tarray,		// dynamic array
+    Tsarray,		// static array
+    Taarray,		// associative array
+    Tpointer,
+    Treference,
+    Tfunction,
+    Tident,
+    Tclass,
+    Tstruct,
+    Tenum,
+    Ttypedef,
+    Tdelegate,
+    Tnone,
+    Tvoid,
+    Tint8,
+    Tuns8,
+    Tint16,
+    Tuns16,
+    Tint32,
+    Tuns32,
+    Tint64,
+    Tuns64,
+    Tfloat32,
+    Tfloat64,
+    Tfloat80,
+    Timaginary32,
+    Timaginary64,
+    Timaginary80,
+    Tcomplex32,
+    Tcomplex64,
+    Tcomplex80,
+    Tbit,
+    Tbool,
+    Tchar,
+    Twchar,
+    Tdchar,
+    Terror,
+    Tinstance,
+    Ttypeof,
+    Ttuple,
+    Tslice,
+    Treturn,
+    TMAX
+typedef unsigned char TY;	// ENUMTY
+#define Tascii Tchar
+extern int Tsize_t;
+extern int Tptrdiff_t;
+struct Type : Object
+    TY ty;
+    unsigned char mod;	// modifiers MODxxxx
+	/* pick this order of numbers so switch statements work better
+	 */
+	#define MODconst     1	// type is const
+	#define MODinvariant 4	// type is invariant
+	#define MODshared    2	// type is shared
+    char *deco;
+    /* Note that there is no "shared immutable", because that is just immutable
+     */
+    Type *cto;		// MODconst ? mutable version of this type : const version
+    Type *ito;		// MODinvariant ? mutable version of this type : invariant version
+    Type *sto;		// MODshared ? mutable version of this type : shared mutable version
+    Type *scto;		// MODshared|MODconst ? mutable version of this type : shared const version
+    Type *pto;		// merged pointer to this type
+    Type *rto;		// reference to this type
+    Type *arrayof;	// array of this type
+    TypeInfoDeclaration *vtinfo;	// TypeInfo object for this Type
+#if IN_DMD
+    type *ctype;	// for back end
+    #define tvoid	basic[Tvoid]
+    #define tint8	basic[Tint8]
+    #define tuns8	basic[Tuns8]
+    #define tint16	basic[Tint16]
+    #define tuns16	basic[Tuns16]
+    #define tint32	basic[Tint32]
+    #define tuns32	basic[Tuns32]
+    #define tint64	basic[Tint64]
+    #define tuns64	basic[Tuns64]
+    #define tfloat32	basic[Tfloat32]
+    #define tfloat64	basic[Tfloat64]
+    #define tfloat80	basic[Tfloat80]
+    #define timaginary32 basic[Timaginary32]
+    #define timaginary64 basic[Timaginary64]
+    #define timaginary80 basic[Timaginary80]
+    #define tcomplex32	basic[Tcomplex32]
+    #define tcomplex64	basic[Tcomplex64]
+    #define tcomplex80	basic[Tcomplex80]
+    #define tbit	basic[Tbit]
+    #define tbool	basic[Tbool]
+    #define tchar	basic[Tchar]
+    #define twchar	basic[Twchar]
+    #define tdchar	basic[Tdchar]
+    // Some special types
+    #define tshiftcnt	tint32		// right side of shift expression
+//    #define tboolean	tint32		// result of boolean expression
+    #define tboolean	tbool		// result of boolean expression
+    #define tindex	tint32		// array/ptr index
+    static Type *tvoidptr;		// void*
+    #define terror	basic[Terror]	// for error recovery
+    #define tsize_t	basic[Tsize_t]		// matches size_t alias
+    #define tptrdiff_t	basic[Tptrdiff_t]	// matches ptrdiff_t alias
+    #define thash_t	tsize_t			// matches hash_t alias
+    static ClassDeclaration *typeinfo;
+    static ClassDeclaration *typeinfoclass;
+    static ClassDeclaration *typeinfointerface;
+    static ClassDeclaration *typeinfostruct;
+    static ClassDeclaration *typeinfotypedef;
+    static ClassDeclaration *typeinfopointer;
+    static ClassDeclaration *typeinfoarray;
+    static ClassDeclaration *typeinfostaticarray;
+    static ClassDeclaration *typeinfoassociativearray;
+    static ClassDeclaration *typeinfoenum;
+    static ClassDeclaration *typeinfofunction;
+    static ClassDeclaration *typeinfodelegate;
+    static ClassDeclaration *typeinfotypelist;
+    static ClassDeclaration *typeinfoconst;
+    static ClassDeclaration *typeinfoinvariant;
+    static ClassDeclaration *typeinfoshared;
+    static Type *basic[TMAX];
+    static unsigned char mangleChar[TMAX];
+    static unsigned char sizeTy[TMAX];
+    static StringTable stringtable;
+#if IN_LLVM
+    static StringTable deco_stringtable;
+    // These tables are for implicit conversion of binary ops;
+    // the indices are the type of operand one, followed by operand two.
+    static unsigned char impcnvResult[TMAX][TMAX];
+    static unsigned char impcnvType1[TMAX][TMAX];
+    static unsigned char impcnvType2[TMAX][TMAX];
+    // If !=0, give warning on implicit conversion
+    static unsigned char impcnvWarn[TMAX][TMAX];
+    Type(TY ty);
+    virtual Type *syntaxCopy();
+    int equals(Object *o);
+    int dyncast() { return DYNCAST_TYPE; } // kludge for template.isType()
+    int covariant(Type *t);
+    char *toChars();
+    static char needThisPrefix();
+#if IN_LLVM
+    static void init(Ir*);
+    static void init();
+    d_uns64 size();
+    virtual d_uns64 size(Loc loc);
+    virtual unsigned alignsize();
+    virtual Type *semantic(Loc loc, Scope *sc);
+    Type *trySemantic(Loc loc, Scope *sc);
+    // append the mangleof or a string uniquely identifying this type to buf
+    virtual void toDecoBuffer(OutBuffer *buf, int flag = 0, bool mangle=false);
+    Type *merge();
+    Type *merge2();
+    virtual void toCBuffer(OutBuffer *buf, Identifier *ident, HdrGenState *hgs);
+    virtual void toCBuffer2(OutBuffer *buf, HdrGenState *hgs, int mod);
+    void toCBuffer3(OutBuffer *buf, HdrGenState *hgs, int mod);
+#if POSIX
+    virtual void toCppMangle(OutBuffer *buf, CppMangleState *cms);
+    virtual int isintegral();
+    virtual int isfloating();	// real, imaginary, or complex
+    virtual int isreal();
+    virtual int isimaginary();
+    virtual int iscomplex();
+    virtual int isscalar();
+    virtual int isunsigned();
+    virtual int isauto();
+    virtual int isString();
+    virtual int isAssignable();
+    virtual int checkBoolean();	// if can be converted to boolean value
+    virtual void checkDeprecated(Loc loc, Scope *sc);
+    int isConst()	{ return mod & MODconst; }
+    int isInvariant()	{ return mod & MODinvariant; }
+    int isMutable()	{ return !(mod & (MODconst | MODinvariant)); }
+    int isShared()	{ return mod & MODshared; }
+    int isSharedConst()	{ return mod == (MODshared | MODconst); }
+    Type *constOf();
+    Type *invariantOf();
+    Type *mutableOf();
+    Type *sharedOf();
+    Type *sharedConstOf();
+    void fixTo(Type *t);
+    void check();
+    Type *castMod(unsigned mod);
+    Type *addMod(unsigned mod);
+    Type *addStorageClass(unsigned stc);
+    Type *pointerTo();
+    Type *referenceTo();
+    Type *arrayOf();
+    virtual Type *makeConst();
+    virtual Type *makeInvariant();
+    virtual Type *makeShared();
+    virtual Type *makeSharedConst();
+    virtual Dsymbol *toDsymbol(Scope *sc);
+    virtual Type *toBasetype();
+    virtual Type *toHeadMutable();
+    virtual int isBaseOf(Type *t, int *poffset);
+    virtual MATCH constConv(Type *to);
+    virtual MATCH implicitConvTo(Type *to);
+    virtual ClassDeclaration *isClassHandle();
+    virtual Expression *getProperty(Loc loc, Identifier *ident);
+    virtual Expression *dotExp(Scope *sc, Expression *e, Identifier *ident);
+    virtual unsigned memalign(unsigned salign);
+    virtual Expression *defaultInit(Loc loc = 0);
+    virtual int isZeroInit(Loc loc = 0);		// if initializer is 0
+#if IN_DMD
+    virtual dt_t **toDt(dt_t **pdt);
+    Identifier *getTypeInfoIdent(int internal);
+    virtual MATCH deduceType(Scope *sc, Type *tparam, TemplateParameters *parameters, Objects *dedtypes);
+    virtual void resolve(Loc loc, Scope *sc, Expression **pe, Type **pt, Dsymbol **ps);
+    Expression *getInternalTypeInfo(Scope *sc);
+    Expression *getTypeInfo(Scope *sc);
+    virtual TypeInfoDeclaration *getTypeInfoDeclaration();
+    virtual int builtinTypeInfo();
+    virtual Type *reliesOnTident();
+    virtual Expression *toExpression();
+    virtual int hasPointers();
+    //Type *next;
+    virtual Type *nextOf();
+    static void error(Loc loc, const char *format, ...) IS_PRINTF(2);
+    static void warning(Loc loc, const char *format, ...) IS_PRINTF(2);
+#if IN_DMD
+    // For backend
+    virtual unsigned totym();
+    virtual type *toCtype();
+    virtual type *toCParamtype();
+    virtual Symbol *toSymbol();
+    // For eliminating dynamic_cast
+    virtual TypeBasic *isTypeBasic();
+#if IN_LLVM
+    static Ir* sir;
+    IrType* irtype;
+struct TypeNext : Type
+    Type *next;
+    TypeNext(TY ty, Type *next);
+    void toDecoBuffer(OutBuffer *buf, int flag, bool mangle);
+    void checkDeprecated(Loc loc, Scope *sc);
+    Type *reliesOnTident();
+    Type *nextOf();
+    Type *makeConst();
+    Type *makeInvariant();
+    Type *makeShared();
+    Type *makeSharedConst();
+    MATCH constConv(Type *to);
+    void transitive();
+struct TypeBasic : Type
+    const char *dstring;
+    unsigned flags;
+    TypeBasic(TY ty);
+    Type *syntaxCopy();
+    d_uns64 size(Loc loc);
+    unsigned alignsize();
+    Expression *getProperty(Loc loc, Identifier *ident);
+    Expression *dotExp(Scope *sc, Expression *e, Identifier *ident);
+    char *toChars();
+    void toCBuffer2(OutBuffer *buf, HdrGenState *hgs, int mod);
+#if POSIX
+    void toCppMangle(OutBuffer *buf, CppMangleState *cms);
+    int isintegral();
+    int isbit();
+    int isfloating();
+    int isreal();
+    int isimaginary();
+    int iscomplex();
+    int isscalar();
+    int isunsigned();
+    MATCH implicitConvTo(Type *to);
+    Expression *defaultInit(Loc loc);
+    int isZeroInit(Loc loc);
+    int builtinTypeInfo();
+    // For eliminating dynamic_cast
+    TypeBasic *isTypeBasic();
+struct TypeArray : TypeNext
+    TypeArray(TY ty, Type *next);
+    Expression *dotExp(Scope *sc, Expression *e, Identifier *ident);
+// Static array, one with a fixed dimension
+struct TypeSArray : TypeArray
+    Expression *dim;
+    TypeSArray(Type *t, Expression *dim);
+    Type *syntaxCopy();
+    d_uns64 size(Loc loc);
+    unsigned alignsize();
+    Type *semantic(Loc loc, Scope *sc);
+    void resolve(Loc loc, Scope *sc, Expression **pe, Type **pt, Dsymbol **ps);
+    void toDecoBuffer(OutBuffer *buf, int flag, bool mangle);
+    void toCBuffer2(OutBuffer *buf, HdrGenState *hgs, int mod);
+    Expression *dotExp(Scope *sc, Expression *e, Identifier *ident);
+    int isString();
+    int isZeroInit(Loc loc);
+    unsigned memalign(unsigned salign);
+    MATCH constConv(Type *to);
+    MATCH implicitConvTo(Type *to);
+    Expression *defaultInit(Loc loc);
+#if IN_DMD
+    dt_t **toDt(dt_t **pdt);
+    dt_t **toDtElem(dt_t **pdt, Expression *e);
+    MATCH deduceType(Scope *sc, Type *tparam, TemplateParameters *parameters, Objects *dedtypes);
+    TypeInfoDeclaration *getTypeInfoDeclaration();
+    Expression *toExpression();
+    int hasPointers();
+#if POSIX
+    void toCppMangle(OutBuffer *buf, CppMangleState *cms);
+#if IN_DMD
+    type *toCtype();
+    type *toCParamtype();
+// Dynamic array, no dimension
+struct TypeDArray : TypeArray
+    TypeDArray(Type *t);
+    Type *syntaxCopy();
+    d_uns64 size(Loc loc);
+    unsigned alignsize();
+    Type *semantic(Loc loc, Scope *sc);
+    void toDecoBuffer(OutBuffer *buf, int flag, bool mangle);
+    void toCBuffer2(OutBuffer *buf, HdrGenState *hgs, int mod);
+    Expression *dotExp(Scope *sc, Expression *e, Identifier *ident);
+    int isString();
+    int isZeroInit(Loc loc);
+    int checkBoolean();
+    MATCH implicitConvTo(Type *to);
+    Expression *defaultInit(Loc loc);
+    int builtinTypeInfo();
+    MATCH deduceType(Scope *sc, Type *tparam, TemplateParameters *parameters, Objects *dedtypes);
+    TypeInfoDeclaration *getTypeInfoDeclaration();
+    int hasPointers();
+#if POSIX
+    void toCppMangle(OutBuffer *buf, CppMangleState *cms);
+#if IN_DMD
+    type *toCtype();
+struct TypeAArray : TypeArray
+    Type *index;		// key type
+    TypeAArray(Type *t, Type *index);
+    Type *syntaxCopy();
+    d_uns64 size(Loc loc);
+    Type *semantic(Loc loc, Scope *sc);
+    void resolve(Loc loc, Scope *sc, Expression **pe, Type **pt, Dsymbol **ps);
+    void toDecoBuffer(OutBuffer *buf, int flag, bool mangle);
+    void toCBuffer2(OutBuffer *buf, HdrGenState *hgs, int mod);
+    Expression *dotExp(Scope *sc, Expression *e, Identifier *ident);
+    Expression *defaultInit(Loc loc);
+    MATCH deduceType(Scope *sc, Type *tparam, TemplateParameters *parameters, Objects *dedtypes);
+    int isZeroInit(Loc loc);
+    int checkBoolean();
+    TypeInfoDeclaration *getTypeInfoDeclaration();
+    int hasPointers();
+    MATCH implicitConvTo(Type *to);
+    MATCH constConv(Type *to);
+#if POSIX
+    void toCppMangle(OutBuffer *buf, CppMangleState *cms);
+#if IN_DMD
+    // Back end
+    Symbol *aaGetSymbol(const char *func, int flags);
+    type *toCtype();
+struct TypePointer : TypeNext
+    TypePointer(Type *t);
+    Type *syntaxCopy();
+    Type *semantic(Loc loc, Scope *sc);
+    d_uns64 size(Loc loc);
+    void toCBuffer2(OutBuffer *buf, HdrGenState *hgs, int mod);
+    MATCH implicitConvTo(Type *to);
+    int isscalar();
+    // LDC: pointers are unsigned
+    int isunsigned() { return TRUE; };
+    Expression *defaultInit(Loc loc);
+    int isZeroInit(Loc loc);
+    TypeInfoDeclaration *getTypeInfoDeclaration();
+    int hasPointers();
+#if POSIX
+    void toCppMangle(OutBuffer *buf, CppMangleState *cms);
+#if IN_DMD
+    type *toCtype();
+struct TypeReference : TypeNext
+    TypeReference(Type *t);
+    Type *syntaxCopy();
+    Type *semantic(Loc loc, Scope *sc);
+    d_uns64 size(Loc loc);
+    void toCBuffer2(OutBuffer *buf, HdrGenState *hgs, int mod);
+    Expression *dotExp(Scope *sc, Expression *e, Identifier *ident);
+    Expression *defaultInit(Loc loc);
+    int isZeroInit(Loc loc);
+#if POSIX
+    void toCppMangle(OutBuffer *buf, CppMangleState *cms);
+enum RET
+    RETregs	= 1,	// returned in registers
+    RETstack	= 2,	// returned on stack
+struct TypeFunction : TypeNext
+    // .next is the return type
+    Arguments *parameters;	// function parameters
+    int varargs;	// 1: T t, ...) style for variable number of arguments
+			// 2: T t ...) style for variable number of arguments
+    bool isnothrow;	// true: nothrow
+    bool ispure;	// true: pure
+    bool isref;		// true: returns a reference
+    enum LINK linkage;	// calling convention
+    int inuse;
+    TypeFunction(Arguments *parameters, Type *treturn, int varargs, enum LINK linkage);
+    Type *syntaxCopy();
+    Type *semantic(Loc loc, Scope *sc);
+    void toDecoBuffer(OutBuffer *buf, int flag, bool mangle);
+    void toCBuffer(OutBuffer *buf, Identifier *ident, HdrGenState *hgs);
+    void toCBuffer2(OutBuffer *buf, HdrGenState *hgs, int mod);
+    MATCH deduceType(Scope *sc, Type *tparam, TemplateParameters *parameters, Objects *dedtypes);
+    TypeInfoDeclaration *getTypeInfoDeclaration();
+    Type *reliesOnTident();
+#if POSIX
+    void toCppMangle(OutBuffer *buf, CppMangleState *cms);
+    bool parameterEscapes(Argument *p);
+    int callMatch(Expression *ethis, Expressions *toargs);
+#if IN_DMD
+    type *toCtype();
+    enum RET retStyle();
+#if IN_DMD
+    unsigned totym();
+#elif IN_LLVM
+    // LDC
+    IrFuncTy fty;
+    FuncDeclaration* funcdecl;
+struct TypeDelegate : TypeNext
+    // .next is a TypeFunction
+    TypeDelegate(Type *t);
+    Type *syntaxCopy();
+    Type *semantic(Loc loc, Scope *sc);
+    d_uns64 size(Loc loc);
+    unsigned alignsize(); // added in LDC
+    void toCBuffer2(OutBuffer *buf, HdrGenState *hgs, int mod);
+    Expression *defaultInit(Loc loc);
+    int isZeroInit(Loc loc);
+    int checkBoolean();
+    TypeInfoDeclaration *getTypeInfoDeclaration();
+    Expression *dotExp(Scope *sc, Expression *e, Identifier *ident);
+    int hasPointers();
+#if POSIX
+    void toCppMangle(OutBuffer *buf, CppMangleState *cms);
+#if IN_DMD
+    type *toCtype();
+struct TypeQualified : Type
+    Loc loc;
+    Array idents;	// array of Identifier's representing ident.ident.ident etc.
+    TypeQualified(TY ty, Loc loc);
+    void syntaxCopyHelper(TypeQualified *t);
+    void addIdent(Identifier *ident);
+    void toCBuffer2Helper(OutBuffer *buf, HdrGenState *hgs);
+    d_uns64 size(Loc loc);
+    void resolveHelper(Loc loc, Scope *sc, Dsymbol *s, Dsymbol *scopesym,
+	Expression **pe, Type **pt, Dsymbol **ps);
+struct TypeIdentifier : TypeQualified
+    Identifier *ident;
+    TypeIdentifier(Loc loc, Identifier *ident);
+    Type *syntaxCopy();
+    //char *toChars();
+    void toDecoBuffer(OutBuffer *buf, int flag, bool mangle);
+    void toCBuffer2(OutBuffer *buf, HdrGenState *hgs, int mod);
+    void resolve(Loc loc, Scope *sc, Expression **pe, Type **pt, Dsymbol **ps);
+    Dsymbol *toDsymbol(Scope *sc);
+    Type *semantic(Loc loc, Scope *sc);
+    MATCH deduceType(Scope *sc, Type *tparam, TemplateParameters *parameters, Objects *dedtypes);
+    Type *reliesOnTident();
+    Expression *toExpression();
+/* Similar to TypeIdentifier, but with a TemplateInstance as the root
+ */
+struct TypeInstance : TypeQualified
+    TemplateInstance *tempinst;
+    TypeInstance(Loc loc, TemplateInstance *tempinst);
+    Type *syntaxCopy();
+    //char *toChars();
+    //void toDecoBuffer(OutBuffer *buf, int flag, bool mangle);
+    void toCBuffer2(OutBuffer *buf, HdrGenState *hgs, int mod);
+    void resolve(Loc loc, Scope *sc, Expression **pe, Type **pt, Dsymbol **ps);
+    Type *semantic(Loc loc, Scope *sc);
+    Dsymbol *toDsymbol(Scope *sc);
+    MATCH deduceType(Scope *sc, Type *tparam, TemplateParameters *parameters, Objects *dedtypes);
+struct TypeTypeof : TypeQualified
+    Expression *exp;
+    TypeTypeof(Loc loc, Expression *exp);
+    Type *syntaxCopy();
+    Dsymbol *toDsymbol(Scope *sc);
+    void toCBuffer2(OutBuffer *buf, HdrGenState *hgs, int mod);
+    Type *semantic(Loc loc, Scope *sc);
+    d_uns64 size(Loc loc);
+struct TypeReturn : TypeQualified
+    TypeReturn(Loc loc);
+    Type *syntaxCopy();
+    Dsymbol *toDsymbol(Scope *sc);
+    Type *semantic(Loc loc, Scope *sc);
+    void toCBuffer2(OutBuffer *buf, HdrGenState *hgs, int mod);
+struct TypeStruct : Type
+    StructDeclaration *sym;
+    TypeStruct(StructDeclaration *sym);
+    d_uns64 size(Loc loc);
+    unsigned alignsize();
+    char *toChars();
+    Type *syntaxCopy();
+    Type *semantic(Loc loc, Scope *sc);
+    Dsymbol *toDsymbol(Scope *sc);
+    void toDecoBuffer(OutBuffer *buf, int flag, bool mangle);
+    void toCBuffer2(OutBuffer *buf, HdrGenState *hgs, int mod);
+    Expression *dotExp(Scope *sc, Expression *e, Identifier *ident);
+    unsigned memalign(unsigned salign);
+    Expression *defaultInit(Loc loc);
+    int isZeroInit(Loc loc);
+    int isAssignable();
+    int checkBoolean();
+#if IN_DMD
+    dt_t **toDt(dt_t **pdt);
+    MATCH deduceType(Scope *sc, Type *tparam, TemplateParameters *parameters, Objects *dedtypes);
+    TypeInfoDeclaration *getTypeInfoDeclaration();
+    int hasPointers();
+    MATCH implicitConvTo(Type *to);
+    MATCH constConv(Type *to);
+    Type *toHeadMutable();
+#if POSIX
+    void toCppMangle(OutBuffer *buf, CppMangleState *cms);
+#if IN_DMD
+    type *toCtype();
+#elif IN_LLVM
+    // LDC
+    // cache the hasUnalignedFields check
+    // 0 = not checked, 1 = aligned, 2 = unaligned
+    int unaligned;
+struct TypeEnum : Type
+    EnumDeclaration *sym;
+    TypeEnum(EnumDeclaration *sym);
+    d_uns64 size(Loc loc);
+    unsigned alignsize();
+    char *toChars();
+    Type *syntaxCopy();
+    Type *semantic(Loc loc, Scope *sc);
+    Dsymbol *toDsymbol(Scope *sc);
+    void toDecoBuffer(OutBuffer *buf, int flag, bool mangle);
+    void toCBuffer2(OutBuffer *buf, HdrGenState *hgs, int mod);
+    Expression *dotExp(Scope *sc, Expression *e, Identifier *ident);
+    Expression *getProperty(Loc loc, Identifier *ident);
+    int isintegral();
+    int isfloating();
+    int isscalar();
+    int isunsigned();
+    MATCH implicitConvTo(Type *to);
+    MATCH constConv(Type *to);
+    Type *toBasetype();
+    Expression *defaultInit(Loc loc);
+    int isZeroInit(Loc loc);
+    MATCH deduceType(Scope *sc, Type *tparam, TemplateParameters *parameters, Objects *dedtypes);
+    TypeInfoDeclaration *getTypeInfoDeclaration();
+    int hasPointers();
+#if POSIX
+    void toCppMangle(OutBuffer *buf, CppMangleState *cms);
+#if IN_DMD
+    type *toCtype();
+struct TypeTypedef : Type
+    TypedefDeclaration *sym;
+    TypeTypedef(TypedefDeclaration *sym);
+    Type *syntaxCopy();
+    d_uns64 size(Loc loc);
+    unsigned alignsize();
+    char *toChars();
+    Type *semantic(Loc loc, Scope *sc);
+    Dsymbol *toDsymbol(Scope *sc);
+    void toDecoBuffer(OutBuffer *buf, int flag, bool mangle);
+    void toCBuffer2(OutBuffer *buf, HdrGenState *hgs, int mod);
+    Expression *dotExp(Scope *sc, Expression *e, Identifier *ident);
+    Expression *getProperty(Loc loc, Identifier *ident);
+    int isbit();
+    int isintegral();
+    int isfloating();
+    int isreal();
+    int isimaginary();
+    int iscomplex();
+    int isscalar();
+    int isunsigned();
+    int checkBoolean();
+    int isAssignable();
+    Type *toBasetype();
+    MATCH implicitConvTo(Type *to);
+    MATCH constConv(Type *to);
+    Expression *defaultInit(Loc loc);
+    int isZeroInit(Loc loc);
+#if IN_DMD
+    dt_t **toDt(dt_t **pdt);
+    MATCH deduceType(Scope *sc, Type *tparam, TemplateParameters *parameters, Objects *dedtypes);
+    TypeInfoDeclaration *getTypeInfoDeclaration();
+    int hasPointers();
+    Type *toHeadMutable();
+#if POSIX
+    void toCppMangle(OutBuffer *buf, CppMangleState *cms);
+#if IN_DMD
+    type *toCtype();
+    type *toCParamtype();
+struct TypeClass : Type
+    ClassDeclaration *sym;
+    TypeClass(ClassDeclaration *sym);
+    d_uns64 size(Loc loc);
+    char *toChars();
+    Type *syntaxCopy();
+    Type *semantic(Loc loc, Scope *sc);
+    Dsymbol *toDsymbol(Scope *sc);
+    void toDecoBuffer(OutBuffer *buf, int flag, bool mangle);
+    void toCBuffer2(OutBuffer *buf, HdrGenState *hgs, int mod);
+    Expression *dotExp(Scope *sc, Expression *e, Identifier *ident);
+    ClassDeclaration *isClassHandle();
+    int isBaseOf(Type *t, int *poffset);
+    MATCH implicitConvTo(Type *to);
+    Expression *defaultInit(Loc loc);
+    int isZeroInit(Loc loc);
+    MATCH deduceType(Scope *sc, Type *tparam, TemplateParameters *parameters, Objects *dedtypes);
+    int isauto();
+    int checkBoolean();
+    TypeInfoDeclaration *getTypeInfoDeclaration();
+    int hasPointers();
+    int builtinTypeInfo();
+#if DMDV2
+    Type *toHeadMutable();
+    MATCH constConv(Type *to);
+#if POSIX
+    void toCppMangle(OutBuffer *buf, CppMangleState *cms);
+#if IN_DMD
+    type *toCtype();
+    Symbol *toSymbol();
+struct TypeTuple : Type
+    Arguments *arguments;	// types making up the tuple
+    TypeTuple(Arguments *arguments);
+    TypeTuple(Expressions *exps);
+    Type *syntaxCopy();
+    Type *semantic(Loc loc, Scope *sc);
+    int equals(Object *o);
+    Type *reliesOnTident();
+    void toCBuffer2(OutBuffer *buf, HdrGenState *hgs, int mod);
+    void toDecoBuffer(OutBuffer *buf, int flag, bool mangle);
+    Expression *getProperty(Loc loc, Identifier *ident);
+    TypeInfoDeclaration *getTypeInfoDeclaration();
+struct TypeSlice : TypeNext
+    Expression *lwr;
+    Expression *upr;
+    TypeSlice(Type *next, Expression *lwr, Expression *upr);
+    Type *syntaxCopy();
+    Type *semantic(Loc loc, Scope *sc);
+    void resolve(Loc loc, Scope *sc, Expression **pe, Type **pt, Dsymbol **ps);
+    void toCBuffer2(OutBuffer *buf, HdrGenState *hgs, int mod);
+//enum InOut { None, In, Out, InOut, Lazy };
+struct Argument : Object
+    //enum InOut inout;
+    unsigned storageClass;
+    Type *type;
+    Identifier *ident;
+    Expression *defaultArg;
+    Argument(unsigned storageClass, Type *type, Identifier *ident, Expression *defaultArg);
+    Argument *syntaxCopy();
+    Type *isLazyArray();
+    void toDecoBuffer(OutBuffer *buf, bool mangle);
+    static Arguments *arraySyntaxCopy(Arguments *args);
+    static char *argsTypesToChars(Arguments *args, int varargs);
+    static void argsCppMangle(OutBuffer *buf, CppMangleState *cms, Arguments *arguments, int varargs);
+    static void argsToCBuffer(OutBuffer *buf, HdrGenState *hgs, Arguments *arguments, int varargs);
+    static void argsToDecoBuffer(OutBuffer *buf, Arguments *arguments, bool mangle);
+    static int isTPL(Arguments *arguments);
+    static size_t dim(Arguments *arguments);
+    static Argument *getNth(Arguments *arguments, size_t nth, size_t *pn = NULL);
+extern int PTRSIZE;
+extern int REALSIZE;
+extern int REALPAD;
+extern int Tsize_t;
+extern int Tptrdiff_t;
+int arrayTypeCompatible(Loc loc, Type *t1, Type *t2);
+#endif /* DMD_MTYPE_H */