diff dmd2/inline.c @ 1455:89e38fbfef1f

Automated merge with http://hg.dsource.org/projects/ldc
author Robert Clipsham <robert@octarineparrot.com>
date Mon, 01 Jun 2009 19:02:20 +0100
parents 638d16625da2
children f62347c22d81
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/dmd2/inline.c	Mon Jun 01 01:28:18 2009 +0200
+++ b/dmd2/inline.c	Mon Jun 01 19:02:20 2009 +0100
@@ -1,1469 +1,1475 @@
-// Copyright (c) 1999-2008 by Digital Mars
-// All Rights Reserved
-// written by Walter Bright
-// http://www.digitalmars.com
-// License for redistribution is by either the Artistic License
-// in artistic.txt, or the GNU General Public License in gnu.txt.
-// See the included readme.txt for details.
-// Routines to perform function inlining
-#define LOG 0
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <assert.h>
-#include "id.h"
-#include "init.h"
-#include "declaration.h"
-#include "aggregate.h"
-#include "expression.h"
-#include "statement.h"
-#include "mtype.h"
-/* ========== Compute cost of inlining =============== */
-/* Walk trees to determine if inlining can be done, and if so,
- * if it is too complex to be worth inlining or not.
- */
-struct InlineCostState
-    int nested;
-    int hasthis;
-    int hdrscan;    // !=0 if inline scan for 'header' content
-    FuncDeclaration *fd;
-const int COST_MAX = 250;
-int Statement::inlineCost(InlineCostState *ics)
-    return COST_MAX;		// default is we can't inline it
-int ExpStatement::inlineCost(InlineCostState *ics)
-    return exp ? exp->inlineCost(ics) : 0;
-int CompoundStatement::inlineCost(InlineCostState *ics)
-{   int cost = 0;
-    for (size_t i = 0; i < statements->dim; i++)
-    {	Statement *s = (Statement *) statements->data[i];
-	if (s)
-	{
-	    cost += s->inlineCost(ics);
-	    if (cost >= COST_MAX)
-		break;
-	}
-    }
-    return cost;
-int UnrolledLoopStatement::inlineCost(InlineCostState *ics)
-{   int cost = 0;
-    for (size_t i = 0; i < statements->dim; i++)
-    {	Statement *s = (Statement *) statements->data[i];
-	if (s)
-	{
-	    cost += s->inlineCost(ics);
-	    if (cost >= COST_MAX)
-		break;
-	}
-    }
-    return cost;
-int IfStatement::inlineCost(InlineCostState *ics)
-    int cost;
-    /* Can't declare variables inside ?: expressions, so
-     * we cannot inline if a variable is declared.
-     */
-    if (arg)
-	return COST_MAX;
-    cost = condition->inlineCost(ics);
-    /* Specifically allow:
-     *	if (condition)
-     *	    return exp1;
-     *	else
-     *	    return exp2;
-     * Otherwise, we can't handle return statements nested in if's.
-     */
-    if (elsebody && ifbody &&
-	ifbody->isReturnStatement() &&
-	elsebody->isReturnStatement())
-    {
-	cost += ifbody->inlineCost(ics);
-	cost += elsebody->inlineCost(ics);
-	//printf("cost = %d\n", cost);
-    }
-    else
-    {
-	ics->nested += 1;
-	if (ifbody)
-	    cost += ifbody->inlineCost(ics);
-	if (elsebody)
-	    cost += elsebody->inlineCost(ics);
-	ics->nested -= 1;
-    }
-    return cost;
-int ReturnStatement::inlineCost(InlineCostState *ics)
-    // Can't handle return statements nested in if's
-    if (ics->nested)
-	return COST_MAX;
-    return exp ? exp->inlineCost(ics) : 0;
-/* -------------------------- */
-int arrayInlineCost(InlineCostState *ics, Array *arguments)
-{   int cost = 0;
-    if (arguments)
-    {
-	for (int i = 0; i < arguments->dim; i++)
-	{   Expression *e = (Expression *)arguments->data[i];
-	    if (e)
-		cost += e->inlineCost(ics);
-	}
-    }
-    return cost;
-int Expression::inlineCost(InlineCostState *ics)
-    return 1;
-int VarExp::inlineCost(InlineCostState *ics)
-    //printf("VarExp::inlineCost() %s\n", toChars());
-    return 1;
-int ThisExp::inlineCost(InlineCostState *ics)
-    FuncDeclaration *fd = ics->fd;
-    if (!ics->hdrscan)
-	if (fd->isNested() || !ics->hasthis)
-	    return COST_MAX;
-    return 1;
-int SuperExp::inlineCost(InlineCostState *ics)
-    FuncDeclaration *fd = ics->fd;
-    if (!ics->hdrscan)
-	if (fd->isNested() || !ics->hasthis)
-	    return COST_MAX;
-    return 1;
-int TupleExp::inlineCost(InlineCostState *ics)
-    return 1 + arrayInlineCost(ics, exps);
-int ArrayLiteralExp::inlineCost(InlineCostState *ics)
-    return 1 + arrayInlineCost(ics, elements);
-int AssocArrayLiteralExp::inlineCost(InlineCostState *ics)
-    return 1 + arrayInlineCost(ics, keys) + arrayInlineCost(ics, values);
-int StructLiteralExp::inlineCost(InlineCostState *ics)
-    return 1 + arrayInlineCost(ics, elements);
-int FuncExp::inlineCost(InlineCostState *ics)
-    // Right now, this makes the function be output to the .obj file twice.
-    return COST_MAX;
-int DelegateExp::inlineCost(InlineCostState *ics)
-    return COST_MAX;
-int DeclarationExp::inlineCost(InlineCostState *ics)
-{   int cost = 0;
-    VarDeclaration *vd;
-    //printf("DeclarationExp::inlineCost()\n");
-    vd = declaration->isVarDeclaration();
-    if (vd)
-    {
-	TupleDeclaration *td = vd->toAlias()->isTupleDeclaration();
-	if (td)
-	{
-#if 1
-	    return COST_MAX;	// finish DeclarationExp::doInline
-	    for (size_t i = 0; i < td->objects->dim; i++)
-	    {   Object *o = (Object *)td->objects->data[i];
-		if (o->dyncast() != DYNCAST_EXPRESSION)
-		    return COST_MAX;
-		Expression *eo = (Expression *)o;
-		if (eo->op != TOKdsymbol)
-		    return COST_MAX;
-	    }
-	    return td->objects->dim;
-	}
-	if (!ics->hdrscan && vd->isDataseg())
-	    return COST_MAX;
-	cost += 1;
-	// Scan initializer (vd->init)
-	if (vd->init)
-	{
-	    ExpInitializer *ie = vd->init->isExpInitializer();
-	    if (ie)
-	    {
-		cost += ie->exp->inlineCost(ics);
-	    }
-	}
-    }
-    // These can contain functions, which when copied, get output twice.
-    if (declaration->isStructDeclaration() ||
-	declaration->isClassDeclaration() ||
-	declaration->isFuncDeclaration() ||
-	declaration->isTypedefDeclaration() ||
-	declaration->isTemplateMixin())
-	return COST_MAX;
-    //printf("DeclarationExp::inlineCost('%s')\n", toChars());
-    return cost;
-int UnaExp::inlineCost(InlineCostState *ics)
-    return 1 + e1->inlineCost(ics);
-int AssertExp::inlineCost(InlineCostState *ics)
-    return 1 + e1->inlineCost(ics) + (msg ? msg->inlineCost(ics) : 0);
-int BinExp::inlineCost(InlineCostState *ics)
-    return 1 + e1->inlineCost(ics) + e2->inlineCost(ics);
-int CallExp::inlineCost(InlineCostState *ics)
-    return 1 + e1->inlineCost(ics) + arrayInlineCost(ics, arguments);
-int SliceExp::inlineCost(InlineCostState *ics)
-{   int cost;
-    cost = 1 + e1->inlineCost(ics);
-    if (lwr)
-	cost += lwr->inlineCost(ics);
-    if (upr)
-	cost += upr->inlineCost(ics);
-    return cost;
-int ArrayExp::inlineCost(InlineCostState *ics)
-    return 1 + e1->inlineCost(ics) + arrayInlineCost(ics, arguments);
-int CondExp::inlineCost(InlineCostState *ics)
-    return 1 +
-	 e1->inlineCost(ics) +
-	 e2->inlineCost(ics) +
-	 econd->inlineCost(ics);
-/* ======================== Perform the inlining ============================== */
-/* Inlining is done by:
- * o	Converting to an Expression
- * o	Copying the trees of the function to be inlined
- * o	Renaming the variables
- */
-struct InlineDoState
-    VarDeclaration *vthis;
-    Array from;		// old Dsymbols
-    Array to;		// parallel array of new Dsymbols
-    Dsymbol *parent;	// new parent
-Expression *Statement::doInline(InlineDoState *ids)
-    assert(0);
-    return NULL;		// default is we can't inline it
-Expression *ExpStatement::doInline(InlineDoState *ids)
-#if LOG
-    if (exp) printf("ExpStatement::doInline() '%s'\n", exp->toChars());
-    return exp ? exp->doInline(ids) : NULL;
-Expression *CompoundStatement::doInline(InlineDoState *ids)
-    Expression *e = NULL;
-    //printf("CompoundStatement::doInline() %d\n", statements->dim);
-    for (size_t i = 0; i < statements->dim; i++)
-    {	Statement *s = (Statement *) statements->data[i];
-	if (s)
-	{
-	    Expression *e2 = s->doInline(ids);
-	    e = Expression::combine(e, e2);
-	    if (s->isReturnStatement())
-		break;
-	    /* Check for:
-	     *	if (condition)
-	     *	    return exp1;
-	     *	else
-	     *	    return exp2;
-	     */
-	    IfStatement *ifs = s->isIfStatement();
-	    if (ifs && ifs->elsebody && ifs->ifbody &&
-		ifs->ifbody->isReturnStatement() &&
-		ifs->elsebody->isReturnStatement()
-	       )
-		break;
-	}
-    }
-    return e;
-Expression *UnrolledLoopStatement::doInline(InlineDoState *ids)
-    Expression *e = NULL;
-    //printf("UnrolledLoopStatement::doInline() %d\n", statements->dim);
-    for (size_t i = 0; i < statements->dim; i++)
-    {	Statement *s = (Statement *) statements->data[i];
-	if (s)
-	{
-	    Expression *e2 = s->doInline(ids);
-	    e = Expression::combine(e, e2);
-	    if (s->isReturnStatement())
-		break;
-	}
-    }
-    return e;
-Expression *IfStatement::doInline(InlineDoState *ids)
-    Expression *econd;
-    Expression *e1;
-    Expression *e2;
-    Expression *e;
-    assert(!arg);
-    econd = condition->doInline(ids);
-    assert(econd);
-    if (ifbody)
-	e1 = ifbody->doInline(ids);
-    else
-	e1 = NULL;
-    if (elsebody)
-	e2 = elsebody->doInline(ids);
-    else
-	e2 = NULL;
-    if (e1 && e2)
-    {
-	e = new CondExp(econd->loc, econd, e1, e2);
-	e->type = e1->type;
-    }
-    else if (e1)
-    {
-	e = new AndAndExp(econd->loc, econd, e1);
-	e->type = Type::tvoid;
-    }
-    else if (e2)
-    {
-	e = new OrOrExp(econd->loc, econd, e2);
-	e->type = Type::tvoid;
-    }
-    else
-    {
-	e = econd;
-    }
-    return e;
-Expression *ReturnStatement::doInline(InlineDoState *ids)
-    //printf("ReturnStatement::doInline() '%s'\n", exp ? exp->toChars() : "");
-    return exp ? exp->doInline(ids) : 0;
-/* --------------------------------------------------------------- */
- * Perform doInline() on an array of Expressions.
- */
-Expressions *arrayExpressiondoInline(Expressions *a, InlineDoState *ids)
-{   Expressions *newa = NULL;
-    if (a)
-    {
-	newa = new Expressions();
-	newa->setDim(a->dim);
-	for (int i = 0; i < a->dim; i++)
-	{   Expression *e = (Expression *)a->data[i];
-	    if (e)
-	    {
-		e = e->doInline(ids);
-		newa->data[i] = (void *)e;
-	    }
-	}
-    }
-    return newa;
-Expression *Expression::doInline(InlineDoState *ids)
-    //printf("Expression::doInline(%s): %s\n", Token::toChars(op), toChars());
-    return copy();
-Expression *SymOffExp::doInline(InlineDoState *ids)
-    int i;
-    //printf("SymOffExp::doInline(%s)\n", toChars());
-    for (i = 0; i < ids->from.dim; i++)
-    {
-	if (var == (Declaration *)ids->from.data[i])
-	{
-	    SymOffExp *se = (SymOffExp *)copy();
-	    se->var = (Declaration *)ids->to.data[i];
-	    return se;
-	}
-    }
-    return this;
-Expression *VarExp::doInline(InlineDoState *ids)
-    int i;
-    //printf("VarExp::doInline(%s)\n", toChars());
-    for (i = 0; i < ids->from.dim; i++)
-    {
-	if (var == (Declaration *)ids->from.data[i])
-	{
-	    VarExp *ve = (VarExp *)copy();
-	    ve->var = (Declaration *)ids->to.data[i];
-	    return ve;
-	}
-    }
-    return this;
-Expression *ThisExp::doInline(InlineDoState *ids)
-    //if (!ids->vthis)
-	//error("no 'this' when inlining %s", ids->parent->toChars());
-    if (!ids->vthis)
-    {
-	return this;
-    }
-    VarExp *ve = new VarExp(loc, ids->vthis);
-    ve->type = type;
-    return ve;
-Expression *SuperExp::doInline(InlineDoState *ids)
-    assert(ids->vthis);
-    VarExp *ve = new VarExp(loc, ids->vthis);
-    ve->type = type;
-    return ve;
-Expression *DeclarationExp::doInline(InlineDoState *ids)
-{   DeclarationExp *de = (DeclarationExp *)copy();
-    VarDeclaration *vd;
-    //printf("DeclarationExp::doInline(%s)\n", toChars());
-    vd = declaration->isVarDeclaration();
-    if (vd)
-    {
-#if 0
-	// Need to figure this out before inlining can work for tuples
-	TupleDeclaration *td = vd->toAlias()->isTupleDeclaration();
-	if (td)
-	{
-	    for (size_t i = 0; i < td->objects->dim; i++)
-	    {   DsymbolExp *se = (DsymbolExp *)td->objects->data[i];
-		assert(se->op == TOKdsymbol);
-		se->s;
-	    }
-	    return st->objects->dim;
-	}
-	if (vd->isStatic())
-	    ;
-	else
-	{
-	    VarDeclaration *vto;
-	    vto = new VarDeclaration(vd->loc, vd->type, vd->ident, vd->init);
-	    *vto = *vd;
-	    vto->parent = ids->parent;
-	    vto->csym = NULL;
-	    vto->isym = NULL;
-	    ids->from.push(vd);
-	    ids->to.push(vto);
-	    if (vd->init)
-	    {
-		if (vd->init->isVoidInitializer())
-		{
-		    vto->init = new VoidInitializer(vd->init->loc);
-		}
-		else
-		{
-		    Expression *e = vd->init->toExpression();
-		    assert(e);
-		    vto->init = new ExpInitializer(e->loc, e->doInline(ids));
-		}
-	    }
-	    de->declaration = (Dsymbol *) (void *)vto;
-	}
-    }
-    /* This needs work, like DeclarationExp::toElem(), if we are
-     * to handle TemplateMixin's. For now, we just don't inline them.
-     */
-    return de;
-Expression *NewExp::doInline(InlineDoState *ids)
-    //printf("NewExp::doInline(): %s\n", toChars());
-    NewExp *ne = (NewExp *)copy();
-    if (thisexp)
-	ne->thisexp = thisexp->doInline(ids);
-    ne->newargs = arrayExpressiondoInline(ne->newargs, ids);
-    ne->arguments = arrayExpressiondoInline(ne->arguments, ids);
-    return ne;
-Expression *UnaExp::doInline(InlineDoState *ids)
-    UnaExp *ue = (UnaExp *)copy();
-    ue->e1 = e1->doInline(ids);
-    return ue;
-Expression *AssertExp::doInline(InlineDoState *ids)
-    AssertExp *ae = (AssertExp *)copy();
-    ae->e1 = e1->doInline(ids);
-    if (msg)
-	ae->msg = msg->doInline(ids);
-    return ae;
-Expression *BinExp::doInline(InlineDoState *ids)
-    BinExp *be = (BinExp *)copy();
-    be->e1 = e1->doInline(ids);
-    be->e2 = e2->doInline(ids);
-    return be;
-Expression *CallExp::doInline(InlineDoState *ids)
-    CallExp *ce;
-    ce = (CallExp *)copy();
-    ce->e1 = e1->doInline(ids);
-    ce->arguments = arrayExpressiondoInline(arguments, ids);
-    return ce;
-Expression *IndexExp::doInline(InlineDoState *ids)
-    IndexExp *are = (IndexExp *)copy();
-    are->e1 = e1->doInline(ids);
-    if (lengthVar)
-    {	//printf("lengthVar\n");
-	VarDeclaration *vd = lengthVar;
-	ExpInitializer *ie;
-	ExpInitializer *ieto;
-	VarDeclaration *vto;
-	vto = new VarDeclaration(vd->loc, vd->type, vd->ident, vd->init);
-	*vto = *vd;
-	vto->parent = ids->parent;
-	vto->csym = NULL;
-	vto->isym = NULL;
-	ids->from.push(vd);
-	ids->to.push(vto);
-	if (vd->init)
-	{
-	    ie = vd->init->isExpInitializer();
-	    assert(ie);
-	    ieto = new ExpInitializer(ie->loc, ie->exp->doInline(ids));
-	    vto->init = ieto;
-	}
-	are->lengthVar = (VarDeclaration *) (void *)vto;
-    }
-    are->e2 = e2->doInline(ids);
-    return are;
-Expression *SliceExp::doInline(InlineDoState *ids)
-    SliceExp *are = (SliceExp *)copy();
-    are->e1 = e1->doInline(ids);
-    if (lengthVar)
-    {	//printf("lengthVar\n");
-	VarDeclaration *vd = lengthVar;
-	ExpInitializer *ie;
-	ExpInitializer *ieto;
-	VarDeclaration *vto;
-	vto = new VarDeclaration(vd->loc, vd->type, vd->ident, vd->init);
-	*vto = *vd;
-	vto->parent = ids->parent;
-	vto->csym = NULL;
-	vto->isym = NULL;
-	ids->from.push(vd);
-	ids->to.push(vto);
-	if (vd->init)
-	{
-	    ie = vd->init->isExpInitializer();
-	    assert(ie);
-	    ieto = new ExpInitializer(ie->loc, ie->exp->doInline(ids));
-	    vto->init = ieto;
-	}
-	are->lengthVar = (VarDeclaration *) (void *)vto;
-    }
-    if (lwr)
-	are->lwr = lwr->doInline(ids);
-    if (upr)
-	are->upr = upr->doInline(ids);
-    return are;
-Expression *TupleExp::doInline(InlineDoState *ids)
-    TupleExp *ce;
-    ce = (TupleExp *)copy();
-    ce->exps = arrayExpressiondoInline(exps, ids);
-    return ce;
-Expression *ArrayLiteralExp::doInline(InlineDoState *ids)
-    ArrayLiteralExp *ce;
-    ce = (ArrayLiteralExp *)copy();
-    ce->elements = arrayExpressiondoInline(elements, ids);
-    return ce;
-Expression *AssocArrayLiteralExp::doInline(InlineDoState *ids)
-    AssocArrayLiteralExp *ce;
-    ce = (AssocArrayLiteralExp *)copy();
-    ce->keys = arrayExpressiondoInline(keys, ids);
-    ce->values = arrayExpressiondoInline(values, ids);
-    return ce;
-Expression *StructLiteralExp::doInline(InlineDoState *ids)
-    StructLiteralExp *ce;
-    ce = (StructLiteralExp *)copy();
-    ce->elements = arrayExpressiondoInline(elements, ids);
-    return ce;
-Expression *ArrayExp::doInline(InlineDoState *ids)
-    ArrayExp *ce;
-    ce = (ArrayExp *)copy();
-    ce->e1 = e1->doInline(ids);
-    ce->arguments = arrayExpressiondoInline(arguments, ids);
-    return ce;
-Expression *CondExp::doInline(InlineDoState *ids)
-    CondExp *ce = (CondExp *)copy();
-    ce->econd = econd->doInline(ids);
-    ce->e1 = e1->doInline(ids);
-    ce->e2 = e2->doInline(ids);
-    return ce;
-/* ========== Walk the parse trees, and inline expand functions ============= */
-/* Walk the trees, looking for functions to inline.
- * Inline any that can be.
- */
-struct InlineScanState
-    FuncDeclaration *fd;	// function being scanned
-Statement *Statement::inlineScan(InlineScanState *iss)
-    return this;
-Statement *ExpStatement::inlineScan(InlineScanState *iss)
-#if LOG
-    printf("ExpStatement::inlineScan(%s)\n", toChars());
-    if (exp)
-	exp = exp->inlineScan(iss);
-    return this;
-Statement *CompoundStatement::inlineScan(InlineScanState *iss)
-    for (size_t i = 0; i < statements->dim; i++)
-    {	Statement *s = (Statement *) statements->data[i];
-	if (s)
-	    statements->data[i] = (void *)s->inlineScan(iss);
-    }
-    return this;
-Statement *UnrolledLoopStatement::inlineScan(InlineScanState *iss)
-    for (size_t i = 0; i < statements->dim; i++)
-    {	Statement *s = (Statement *) statements->data[i];
-	if (s)
-	    statements->data[i] = (void *)s->inlineScan(iss);
-    }
-    return this;
-Statement *ScopeStatement::inlineScan(InlineScanState *iss)
-    if (statement)
-	statement = statement->inlineScan(iss);
-    return this;
-Statement *WhileStatement::inlineScan(InlineScanState *iss)
-    condition = condition->inlineScan(iss);
-    body = body ? body->inlineScan(iss) : NULL;
-    return this;
-Statement *DoStatement::inlineScan(InlineScanState *iss)
-    body = body ? body->inlineScan(iss) : NULL;
-    condition = condition->inlineScan(iss);
-    return this;
-Statement *ForStatement::inlineScan(InlineScanState *iss)
-    if (init)
-	init = init->inlineScan(iss);
-    if (condition)
-	condition = condition->inlineScan(iss);
-    if (increment)
-	increment = increment->inlineScan(iss);
-    body = body->inlineScan(iss);
-    return this;
-Statement *ForeachStatement::inlineScan(InlineScanState *iss)
-    aggr = aggr->inlineScan(iss);
-    if (body)
-	body = body->inlineScan(iss);
-    return this;
-#if DMDV2
-Statement *ForeachRangeStatement::inlineScan(InlineScanState *iss)
-    lwr = lwr->inlineScan(iss);
-    upr = upr->inlineScan(iss);
-    if (body)
-	body = body->inlineScan(iss);
-    return this;
-Statement *IfStatement::inlineScan(InlineScanState *iss)
-    condition = condition->inlineScan(iss);
-    if (ifbody)
-	ifbody = ifbody->inlineScan(iss);
-    if (elsebody)
-	elsebody = elsebody->inlineScan(iss);
-    return this;
-Statement *SwitchStatement::inlineScan(InlineScanState *iss)
-    //printf("SwitchStatement::inlineScan()\n");
-    condition = condition->inlineScan(iss);
-    body = body ? body->inlineScan(iss) : NULL;
-    if (sdefault)
-	sdefault = (DefaultStatement *)sdefault->inlineScan(iss);
-    if (cases)
-    {
-	for (int i = 0; i < cases->dim; i++)
-	{   Statement *s;
-	    s = (Statement *) cases->data[i];
-	    cases->data[i] = (void *)s->inlineScan(iss);
-	}
-    }
-    return this;
-Statement *CaseStatement::inlineScan(InlineScanState *iss)
-    //printf("CaseStatement::inlineScan()\n");
-    exp = exp->inlineScan(iss);
-    if (statement)
-	statement = statement->inlineScan(iss);
-    return this;
-Statement *DefaultStatement::inlineScan(InlineScanState *iss)
-    if (statement)
-	statement = statement->inlineScan(iss);
-    return this;
-Statement *ReturnStatement::inlineScan(InlineScanState *iss)
-    //printf("ReturnStatement::inlineScan()\n");
-    if (exp)
-    {
-	exp = exp->inlineScan(iss);
-    }
-    return this;
-Statement *SynchronizedStatement::inlineScan(InlineScanState *iss)
-    if (exp)
-	exp = exp->inlineScan(iss);
-    if (body)
-	body = body->inlineScan(iss);
-    return this;
-Statement *WithStatement::inlineScan(InlineScanState *iss)
-    if (exp)
-	exp = exp->inlineScan(iss);
-    if (body)
-	body = body->inlineScan(iss);
-    return this;
-Statement *TryCatchStatement::inlineScan(InlineScanState *iss)
-    if (body)
-	body = body->inlineScan(iss);
-    if (catches)
-    {
-	for (int i = 0; i < catches->dim; i++)
-	{   Catch *c = (Catch *)catches->data[i];
-	    if (c->handler)
-		c->handler = c->handler->inlineScan(iss);
-	}
-    }
-    return this;
-Statement *TryFinallyStatement::inlineScan(InlineScanState *iss)
-    if (body)
-	body = body->inlineScan(iss);
-    if (finalbody)
-	finalbody = finalbody->inlineScan(iss);
-    return this;
-Statement *ThrowStatement::inlineScan(InlineScanState *iss)
-    if (exp)
-	exp = exp->inlineScan(iss);
-    return this;
-Statement *VolatileStatement::inlineScan(InlineScanState *iss)
-    if (statement)
-	statement = statement->inlineScan(iss);
-    return this;
-Statement *LabelStatement::inlineScan(InlineScanState *iss)
-    if (statement)
-	statement = statement->inlineScan(iss);
-    return this;
-/* -------------------------- */
-void arrayInlineScan(InlineScanState *iss, Array *arguments)
-    if (arguments)
-    {
-	for (int i = 0; i < arguments->dim; i++)
-	{   Expression *e = (Expression *)arguments->data[i];
-	    if (e)
-	    {
-		e = e->inlineScan(iss);
-		arguments->data[i] = (void *)e;
-	    }
-	}
-    }
-Expression *Expression::inlineScan(InlineScanState *iss)
-    return this;
-void scanVar(Dsymbol *s, InlineScanState *iss)
-    VarDeclaration *vd = s->isVarDeclaration();
-    if (vd)
-    {
-	TupleDeclaration *td = vd->toAlias()->isTupleDeclaration();
-	if (td)
-	{
-	    for (size_t i = 0; i < td->objects->dim; i++)
-	    {   DsymbolExp *se = (DsymbolExp *)td->objects->data[i];
-		assert(se->op == TOKdsymbol);
-		scanVar(se->s, iss);
-	    }
-	}
-	else
-	{
-	    // Scan initializer (vd->init)
-	    if (vd->init)
-	    {
-		ExpInitializer *ie = vd->init->isExpInitializer();
-		if (ie)
-		{
-		    ie->exp = ie->exp->inlineScan(iss);
-		}
-	    }
-	}
-    }
-Expression *DeclarationExp::inlineScan(InlineScanState *iss)
-    //printf("DeclarationExp::inlineScan()\n");
-    scanVar(declaration, iss);
-    return this;
-Expression *UnaExp::inlineScan(InlineScanState *iss)
-    e1 = e1->inlineScan(iss);
-    return this;
-Expression *AssertExp::inlineScan(InlineScanState *iss)
-    e1 = e1->inlineScan(iss);
-    if (msg)
-	msg = msg->inlineScan(iss);
-    return this;
-Expression *BinExp::inlineScan(InlineScanState *iss)
-    e1 = e1->inlineScan(iss);
-    e2 = e2->inlineScan(iss);
-    return this;
-Expression *CallExp::inlineScan(InlineScanState *iss)
-{   Expression *e = this;
-    //printf("CallExp::inlineScan()\n");
-    e1 = e1->inlineScan(iss);
-    arrayInlineScan(iss, arguments);
-    if (e1->op == TOKvar)
-    {
-	VarExp *ve = (VarExp *)e1;
-	FuncDeclaration *fd = ve->var->isFuncDeclaration();
-	if (fd && fd != iss->fd && fd->canInline(0))
-	{
-	    e = fd->doInline(iss, NULL, arguments);
-	}
-    }
-    else if (e1->op == TOKdotvar)
-    {
-	DotVarExp *dve = (DotVarExp *)e1;
-	FuncDeclaration *fd = dve->var->isFuncDeclaration();
-	if (fd && fd != iss->fd && fd->canInline(1))
-	{
-	    if (dve->e1->op == TOKcall &&
-		dve->e1->type->toBasetype()->ty == Tstruct)
-	    {
-		/* To create ethis, we'll need to take the address
-		 * of dve->e1, but this won't work if dve->e1 is
-		 * a function call.
-		 */
-		;
-	    }
-	    else
-		e = fd->doInline(iss, dve->e1, arguments);
-	}
-    }
-    return e;
-Expression *SliceExp::inlineScan(InlineScanState *iss)
-    e1 = e1->inlineScan(iss);
-    if (lwr)
-	lwr = lwr->inlineScan(iss);
-    if (upr)
-	upr = upr->inlineScan(iss);
-    return this;
-Expression *TupleExp::inlineScan(InlineScanState *iss)
-{   Expression *e = this;
-    //printf("TupleExp::inlineScan()\n");
-    arrayInlineScan(iss, exps);
-    return e;
-Expression *ArrayLiteralExp::inlineScan(InlineScanState *iss)
-{   Expression *e = this;
-    //printf("ArrayLiteralExp::inlineScan()\n");
-    arrayInlineScan(iss, elements);
-    return e;
-Expression *AssocArrayLiteralExp::inlineScan(InlineScanState *iss)
-{   Expression *e = this;
-    //printf("AssocArrayLiteralExp::inlineScan()\n");
-    arrayInlineScan(iss, keys);
-    arrayInlineScan(iss, values);
-    return e;
-Expression *StructLiteralExp::inlineScan(InlineScanState *iss)
-{   Expression *e = this;
-    //printf("StructLiteralExp::inlineScan()\n");
-    arrayInlineScan(iss, elements);
-    return e;
-Expression *ArrayExp::inlineScan(InlineScanState *iss)
-{   Expression *e = this;
-    //printf("ArrayExp::inlineScan()\n");
-    e1 = e1->inlineScan(iss);
-    arrayInlineScan(iss, arguments);
-    return e;
-Expression *CondExp::inlineScan(InlineScanState *iss)
-    econd = econd->inlineScan(iss);
-    e1 = e1->inlineScan(iss);
-    e2 = e2->inlineScan(iss);
-    return this;
-/* ==========  =============== */
-void FuncDeclaration::inlineScan()
-    InlineScanState iss;
-#if LOG
-    printf("FuncDeclaration::inlineScan('%s')\n", toChars());
-    memset(&iss, 0, sizeof(iss));
-    iss.fd = this;
-    if (fbody)
-    {
-	inlineNest++;
-	fbody = fbody->inlineScan(&iss);
-	inlineNest--;
-    }
-int FuncDeclaration::canInline(int hasthis, int hdrscan)
-    InlineCostState ics;
-    int cost;
-#define CANINLINE_LOG 0
-    printf("FuncDeclaration::canInline(hasthis = %d, '%s')\n", hasthis, toChars());
-    if (needThis() && !hasthis)
-	return 0;
-    if (inlineNest || (!semanticRun && !hdrscan))
-    {
-	printf("\t1: no, inlineNest = %d, semanticRun = %d\n", inlineNest, semanticRun);
-	return 0;
-    }
-    switch (inlineStatus)
-    {
-	case ILSyes:
-	    printf("\t1: yes %s\n", toChars());
-	    return 1;
-	case ILSno:
-	    printf("\t1: no %s\n", toChars());
-	    return 0;
-	case ILSuninitialized:
-	    break;
-	default:
-	    assert(0);
-    }
-    if (type)
-    {	assert(type->ty == Tfunction);
-	TypeFunction *tf = (TypeFunction *)(type);
-	if (tf->varargs == 1)	// no variadic parameter lists
-	    goto Lno;
-	/* Don't inline a function that returns non-void, but has
-	 * no return expression.
-	 */
-	if (tf->next && tf->next->ty != Tvoid &&
-	    !(hasReturnExp & 1) &&
-	    !hdrscan)
-	    goto Lno;
-    }
-    else
-    {	CtorDeclaration *ctor = isCtorDeclaration();
-	if (ctor && ctor->varargs == 1)
-	    goto Lno;
-    }
-    if (
-	!fbody ||
-	!hdrscan &&
-	(
-#if 0
-	isCtorDeclaration() ||	// cannot because need to convert:
-				//	return;
-				// to:
-				//	return this;
-	isSynchronized() ||
-	isImportedSymbol() ||
-#if DMDV2
-	closureVars.dim ||	// no nested references to this frame
-	nestedFrameRef ||	// no nested references to this frame
-	(isVirtual() && !isFinal())
-       ))
-    {
-	goto Lno;
-    }
-    /* If any parameters are Tsarray's (which are passed by reference)
-     * or out parameters (also passed by reference), don't do inlining.
-     */
-    if (parameters)
-    {
-	for (int i = 0; i < parameters->dim; i++)
-	{
-	    VarDeclaration *v = (VarDeclaration *)parameters->data[i];
-	    if (v->isOut() || v->isRef() || v->type->toBasetype()->ty == Tsarray)
-		goto Lno;
-	}
-    }
-    memset(&ics, 0, sizeof(ics));
-    ics.hasthis = hasthis;
-    ics.fd = this;
-    ics.hdrscan = hdrscan;
-    cost = fbody->inlineCost(&ics);
-    printf("cost = %d\n", cost);
-    if (cost >= COST_MAX)
-	goto Lno;
-    if (!hdrscan)    // Don't scan recursively for header content scan
-	inlineScan();
-    if (!hdrscan)    // Don't modify inlineStatus for header content scan
-	inlineStatus = ILSyes;
-    printf("\t2: yes %s\n", toChars());
-    return 1;
-    if (!hdrscan)    // Don't modify inlineStatus for header content scan
-	inlineStatus = ILSno;
-    printf("\t2: no %s\n", toChars());
-    return 0;
-Expression *FuncDeclaration::doInline(InlineScanState *iss, Expression *ethis, Array *arguments)
-    InlineDoState ids;
-    DeclarationExp *de;
-    Expression *e = NULL;
-#if LOG
-    printf("FuncDeclaration::doInline('%s')\n", toChars());
-    memset(&ids, 0, sizeof(ids));
-    ids.parent = iss->fd;
-    // Set up vthis
-    if (ethis)
-    {
-	VarDeclaration *vthis;
-	ExpInitializer *ei;
-	VarExp *ve;
-	if (ethis->type->ty == Tpointer)
-	{   Type *t = ethis->type->nextOf();
-	    ethis = new PtrExp(ethis->loc, ethis);
-	    ethis->type = t;
-	}
-	ei = new ExpInitializer(ethis->loc, ethis);
-	vthis = new VarDeclaration(ethis->loc, ethis->type, Id::This, ei);
-	if (ethis->type->ty != Tclass)
-	    vthis->storage_class = STCref;
-	else
-	    vthis->storage_class = STCin;
-	if (ethis->type->ty != Tclass && ethis->type->ty != Tpointer)
-	{
-	    ethis = ethis->addressOf(NULL);
-	}
-	ei = new ExpInitializer(ethis->loc, ethis);
-	vthis = new VarDeclaration(ethis->loc, ethis->type, Id::This, ei);
-	vthis->storage_class = STCin;
-	vthis->linkage = LINKd;
-	vthis->parent = iss->fd;
-	ve = new VarExp(vthis->loc, vthis);
-	ve->type = vthis->type;
-	ei->exp = new AssignExp(vthis->loc, ve, ethis);
-	ei->exp->type = ve->type;
-	if (ethis->type->ty != Tclass)
-	{   /* This is a reference initialization, not a simple assignment.
-	     */
-	    ei->exp->op = TOKconstruct;
-	}
-	ids.vthis = vthis;
-    }
-    // Set up parameters
-    if (ethis)
-    {
-	e = new DeclarationExp(0, ids.vthis);
-	e->type = Type::tvoid;
-    }
-    if (arguments && arguments->dim)
-    {
-	assert(parameters->dim == arguments->dim);
-	for (int i = 0; i < arguments->dim; i++)
-	{
-	    VarDeclaration *vfrom = (VarDeclaration *)parameters->data[i];
-	    VarDeclaration *vto;
-	    Expression *arg = (Expression *)arguments->data[i];
-	    ExpInitializer *ei;
-	    VarExp *ve;
-	    ei = new ExpInitializer(arg->loc, arg);
-	    vto = new VarDeclaration(vfrom->loc, vfrom->type, vfrom->ident, ei);
-	    vto->storage_class |= vfrom->storage_class & (STCin | STCout | STClazy | STCref);
-	    vto->linkage = vfrom->linkage;
-	    vto->parent = iss->fd;
-	    //printf("vto = '%s', vto->storage_class = x%x\n", vto->toChars(), vto->storage_class);
-	    //printf("vto->parent = '%s'\n", iss->fd->toChars());
-	    ve = new VarExp(vto->loc, vto);
-	    //ve->type = vto->type;
-	    ve->type = arg->type;
-	    ei->exp = new AssignExp(vto->loc, ve, arg);
-	    ei->exp->type = ve->type;
-	    ids.from.push(vfrom);
-	    ids.to.push(vto);
-	    de = new DeclarationExp(0, vto);
-	    de->type = Type::tvoid;
-	    e = Expression::combine(e, de);
-	}
-    }
-    inlineNest++;
-    Expression *eb = fbody->doInline(&ids);
-    inlineNest--;
-    return Expression::combine(e, eb);
+// Copyright (c) 1999-2008 by Digital Mars
+// All Rights Reserved
+// written by Walter Bright
+// http://www.digitalmars.com
+// License for redistribution is by either the Artistic License
+// in artistic.txt, or the GNU General Public License in gnu.txt.
+// See the included readme.txt for details.
+// Routines to perform function inlining
+#define LOG 0
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <assert.h>
+#include "id.h"
+#include "init.h"
+#include "declaration.h"
+#include "aggregate.h"
+#include "expression.h"
+#include "statement.h"
+#include "mtype.h"
+/* ========== Compute cost of inlining =============== */
+/* Walk trees to determine if inlining can be done, and if so,
+ * if it is too complex to be worth inlining or not.
+ */
+struct InlineCostState
+    int nested;
+    int hasthis;
+    int hdrscan;    // !=0 if inline scan for 'header' content
+    FuncDeclaration *fd;
+const int COST_MAX = 250;
+int Statement::inlineCost(InlineCostState *ics)
+    return COST_MAX;		// default is we can't inline it
+int ExpStatement::inlineCost(InlineCostState *ics)
+    return exp ? exp->inlineCost(ics) : 0;
+int CompoundStatement::inlineCost(InlineCostState *ics)
+{   int cost = 0;
+    for (size_t i = 0; i < statements->dim; i++)
+    {	Statement *s = (Statement *) statements->data[i];
+	if (s)
+	{
+	    cost += s->inlineCost(ics);
+	    if (cost >= COST_MAX)
+		break;
+	}
+    }
+    return cost;
+int UnrolledLoopStatement::inlineCost(InlineCostState *ics)
+{   int cost = 0;
+    for (size_t i = 0; i < statements->dim; i++)
+    {	Statement *s = (Statement *) statements->data[i];
+	if (s)
+	{
+	    cost += s->inlineCost(ics);
+	    if (cost >= COST_MAX)
+		break;
+	}
+    }
+    return cost;
+int IfStatement::inlineCost(InlineCostState *ics)
+    int cost;
+    /* Can't declare variables inside ?: expressions, so
+     * we cannot inline if a variable is declared.
+     */
+    if (arg)
+	return COST_MAX;
+    cost = condition->inlineCost(ics);
+    /* Specifically allow:
+     *	if (condition)
+     *	    return exp1;
+     *	else
+     *	    return exp2;
+     * Otherwise, we can't handle return statements nested in if's.
+     */
+    if (elsebody && ifbody &&
+	ifbody->isReturnStatement() &&
+	elsebody->isReturnStatement())
+    {
+	cost += ifbody->inlineCost(ics);
+	cost += elsebody->inlineCost(ics);
+	//printf("cost = %d\n", cost);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+	ics->nested += 1;
+	if (ifbody)
+	    cost += ifbody->inlineCost(ics);
+	if (elsebody)
+	    cost += elsebody->inlineCost(ics);
+	ics->nested -= 1;
+    }
+    return cost;
+int ReturnStatement::inlineCost(InlineCostState *ics)
+    // Can't handle return statements nested in if's
+    if (ics->nested)
+	return COST_MAX;
+    return exp ? exp->inlineCost(ics) : 0;
+/* -------------------------- */
+int arrayInlineCost(InlineCostState *ics, Array *arguments)
+{   int cost = 0;
+    if (arguments)
+    {
+	for (int i = 0; i < arguments->dim; i++)
+	{   Expression *e = (Expression *)arguments->data[i];
+	    if (e)
+		cost += e->inlineCost(ics);
+	}
+    }
+    return cost;
+int Expression::inlineCost(InlineCostState *ics)
+    return 1;
+int VarExp::inlineCost(InlineCostState *ics)
+    //printf("VarExp::inlineCost() %s\n", toChars());
+    return 1;
+int ThisExp::inlineCost(InlineCostState *ics)
+    FuncDeclaration *fd = ics->fd;
+    if (!ics->hdrscan)
+	if (fd->isNested() || !ics->hasthis)
+	    return COST_MAX;
+    return 1;
+int SuperExp::inlineCost(InlineCostState *ics)
+    FuncDeclaration *fd = ics->fd;
+    if (!ics->hdrscan)
+	if (fd->isNested() || !ics->hasthis)
+	    return COST_MAX;
+    return 1;
+int TupleExp::inlineCost(InlineCostState *ics)
+    return 1 + arrayInlineCost(ics, exps);
+int ArrayLiteralExp::inlineCost(InlineCostState *ics)
+    return 1 + arrayInlineCost(ics, elements);
+int AssocArrayLiteralExp::inlineCost(InlineCostState *ics)
+    return 1 + arrayInlineCost(ics, keys) + arrayInlineCost(ics, values);
+int StructLiteralExp::inlineCost(InlineCostState *ics)
+    return 1 + arrayInlineCost(ics, elements);
+int FuncExp::inlineCost(InlineCostState *ics)
+    // Right now, this makes the function be output to the .obj file twice.
+    return COST_MAX;
+int DelegateExp::inlineCost(InlineCostState *ics)
+    return COST_MAX;
+int DeclarationExp::inlineCost(InlineCostState *ics)
+{   int cost = 0;
+    VarDeclaration *vd;
+    //printf("DeclarationExp::inlineCost()\n");
+    vd = declaration->isVarDeclaration();
+    if (vd)
+    {
+	TupleDeclaration *td = vd->toAlias()->isTupleDeclaration();
+	if (td)
+	{
+#if 1
+	    return COST_MAX;	// finish DeclarationExp::doInline
+	    for (size_t i = 0; i < td->objects->dim; i++)
+	    {   Object *o = (Object *)td->objects->data[i];
+		if (o->dyncast() != DYNCAST_EXPRESSION)
+		    return COST_MAX;
+		Expression *eo = (Expression *)o;
+		if (eo->op != TOKdsymbol)
+		    return COST_MAX;
+	    }
+	    return td->objects->dim;
+	}
+	if (!ics->hdrscan && vd->isDataseg())
+	    return COST_MAX;
+	cost += 1;
+	// Scan initializer (vd->init)
+	if (vd->init)
+	{
+	    ExpInitializer *ie = vd->init->isExpInitializer();
+	    if (ie)
+	    {
+		cost += ie->exp->inlineCost(ics);
+	    }
+	}
+    }
+    // These can contain functions, which when copied, get output twice.
+    if (declaration->isStructDeclaration() ||
+	declaration->isClassDeclaration() ||
+	declaration->isFuncDeclaration() ||
+	declaration->isTypedefDeclaration() ||
+	declaration->isTemplateMixin())
+	return COST_MAX;
+    //printf("DeclarationExp::inlineCost('%s')\n", toChars());
+    return cost;
+int UnaExp::inlineCost(InlineCostState *ics)
+    return 1 + e1->inlineCost(ics);
+int AssertExp::inlineCost(InlineCostState *ics)
+    return 1 + e1->inlineCost(ics) + (msg ? msg->inlineCost(ics) : 0);
+int BinExp::inlineCost(InlineCostState *ics)
+    return 1 + e1->inlineCost(ics) + e2->inlineCost(ics);
+int CallExp::inlineCost(InlineCostState *ics)
+    return 1 + e1->inlineCost(ics) + arrayInlineCost(ics, arguments);
+int SliceExp::inlineCost(InlineCostState *ics)
+{   int cost;
+    cost = 1 + e1->inlineCost(ics);
+    if (lwr)
+	cost += lwr->inlineCost(ics);
+    if (upr)
+	cost += upr->inlineCost(ics);
+    return cost;
+int ArrayExp::inlineCost(InlineCostState *ics)
+    return 1 + e1->inlineCost(ics) + arrayInlineCost(ics, arguments);
+int CondExp::inlineCost(InlineCostState *ics)
+    return 1 +
+	 e1->inlineCost(ics) +
+	 e2->inlineCost(ics) +
+	 econd->inlineCost(ics);
+/* ======================== Perform the inlining ============================== */
+/* Inlining is done by:
+ * o	Converting to an Expression
+ * o	Copying the trees of the function to be inlined
+ * o	Renaming the variables
+ */
+struct InlineDoState
+    VarDeclaration *vthis;
+    Array from;		// old Dsymbols
+    Array to;		// parallel array of new Dsymbols
+    Dsymbol *parent;	// new parent
+Expression *Statement::doInline(InlineDoState *ids)
+    assert(0);
+    return NULL;		// default is we can't inline it
+Expression *ExpStatement::doInline(InlineDoState *ids)
+#if LOG
+    if (exp) printf("ExpStatement::doInline() '%s'\n", exp->toChars());
+    return exp ? exp->doInline(ids) : NULL;
+Expression *CompoundStatement::doInline(InlineDoState *ids)
+    Expression *e = NULL;
+    //printf("CompoundStatement::doInline() %d\n", statements->dim);
+    for (size_t i = 0; i < statements->dim; i++)
+    {	Statement *s = (Statement *) statements->data[i];
+	if (s)
+	{
+	    Expression *e2 = s->doInline(ids);
+	    e = Expression::combine(e, e2);
+	    if (s->isReturnStatement())
+		break;
+	    /* Check for:
+	     *	if (condition)
+	     *	    return exp1;
+	     *	else
+	     *	    return exp2;
+	     */
+	    IfStatement *ifs = s->isIfStatement();
+	    if (ifs && ifs->elsebody && ifs->ifbody &&
+		ifs->ifbody->isReturnStatement() &&
+		ifs->elsebody->isReturnStatement()
+	       )
+		break;
+	}
+    }
+    return e;
+Expression *UnrolledLoopStatement::doInline(InlineDoState *ids)
+    Expression *e = NULL;
+    //printf("UnrolledLoopStatement::doInline() %d\n", statements->dim);
+    for (size_t i = 0; i < statements->dim; i++)
+    {	Statement *s = (Statement *) statements->data[i];
+	if (s)
+	{
+	    Expression *e2 = s->doInline(ids);
+	    e = Expression::combine(e, e2);
+	    if (s->isReturnStatement())
+		break;
+	}
+    }
+    return e;
+Expression *IfStatement::doInline(InlineDoState *ids)
+    Expression *econd;
+    Expression *e1;
+    Expression *e2;
+    Expression *e;
+    assert(!arg);
+    econd = condition->doInline(ids);
+    assert(econd);
+    if (ifbody)
+	e1 = ifbody->doInline(ids);
+    else
+	e1 = NULL;
+    if (elsebody)
+	e2 = elsebody->doInline(ids);
+    else
+	e2 = NULL;
+    if (e1 && e2)
+    {
+	e = new CondExp(econd->loc, econd, e1, e2);
+	e->type = e1->type;
+    }
+    else if (e1)
+    {
+	e = new AndAndExp(econd->loc, econd, e1);
+	e->type = Type::tvoid;
+    }
+    else if (e2)
+    {
+	e = new OrOrExp(econd->loc, econd, e2);
+	e->type = Type::tvoid;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+	e = econd;
+    }
+    return e;
+Expression *ReturnStatement::doInline(InlineDoState *ids)
+    //printf("ReturnStatement::doInline() '%s'\n", exp ? exp->toChars() : "");
+    return exp ? exp->doInline(ids) : 0;
+/* --------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ * Perform doInline() on an array of Expressions.
+ */
+Expressions *arrayExpressiondoInline(Expressions *a, InlineDoState *ids)
+{   Expressions *newa = NULL;
+    if (a)
+    {
+	newa = new Expressions();
+	newa->setDim(a->dim);
+	for (int i = 0; i < a->dim; i++)
+	{   Expression *e = (Expression *)a->data[i];
+	    if (e)
+	    {
+		e = e->doInline(ids);
+		newa->data[i] = (void *)e;
+	    }
+	}
+    }
+    return newa;
+Expression *Expression::doInline(InlineDoState *ids)
+    //printf("Expression::doInline(%s): %s\n", Token::toChars(op), toChars());
+    return copy();
+Expression *SymOffExp::doInline(InlineDoState *ids)
+    int i;
+    //printf("SymOffExp::doInline(%s)\n", toChars());
+    for (i = 0; i < ids->from.dim; i++)
+    {
+	if (var == (Declaration *)ids->from.data[i])
+	{
+	    SymOffExp *se = (SymOffExp *)copy();
+	    se->var = (Declaration *)ids->to.data[i];
+	    return se;
+	}
+    }
+    return this;
+Expression *VarExp::doInline(InlineDoState *ids)
+    int i;
+    //printf("VarExp::doInline(%s)\n", toChars());
+    for (i = 0; i < ids->from.dim; i++)
+    {
+	if (var == (Declaration *)ids->from.data[i])
+	{
+	    VarExp *ve = (VarExp *)copy();
+	    ve->var = (Declaration *)ids->to.data[i];
+	    return ve;
+	}
+    }
+    return this;
+Expression *ThisExp::doInline(InlineDoState *ids)
+    //if (!ids->vthis)
+	//error("no 'this' when inlining %s", ids->parent->toChars());
+    if (!ids->vthis)
+    {
+	return this;
+    }
+    VarExp *ve = new VarExp(loc, ids->vthis);
+    ve->type = type;
+    return ve;
+Expression *SuperExp::doInline(InlineDoState *ids)
+    assert(ids->vthis);
+    VarExp *ve = new VarExp(loc, ids->vthis);
+    ve->type = type;
+    return ve;
+Expression *DeclarationExp::doInline(InlineDoState *ids)
+{   DeclarationExp *de = (DeclarationExp *)copy();
+    VarDeclaration *vd;
+    //printf("DeclarationExp::doInline(%s)\n", toChars());
+    vd = declaration->isVarDeclaration();
+    if (vd)
+    {
+#if 0
+	// Need to figure this out before inlining can work for tuples
+	TupleDeclaration *td = vd->toAlias()->isTupleDeclaration();
+	if (td)
+	{
+	    for (size_t i = 0; i < td->objects->dim; i++)
+	    {   DsymbolExp *se = (DsymbolExp *)td->objects->data[i];
+		assert(se->op == TOKdsymbol);
+		se->s;
+	    }
+	    return st->objects->dim;
+	}
+	if (vd->isStatic())
+	    ;
+	else
+	{
+	    VarDeclaration *vto;
+	    vto = new VarDeclaration(vd->loc, vd->type, vd->ident, vd->init);
+	    *vto = *vd;
+	    vto->parent = ids->parent;
+#if IN_DMD
+	    vto->csym = NULL;
+	    vto->isym = NULL;
+	    ids->from.push(vd);
+	    ids->to.push(vto);
+	    if (vd->init)
+	    {
+		if (vd->init->isVoidInitializer())
+		{
+		    vto->init = new VoidInitializer(vd->init->loc);
+		}
+		else
+		{
+		    Expression *e = vd->init->toExpression();
+		    assert(e);
+		    vto->init = new ExpInitializer(e->loc, e->doInline(ids));
+		}
+	    }
+	    de->declaration = (Dsymbol *) (void *)vto;
+	}
+    }
+    /* This needs work, like DeclarationExp::toElem(), if we are
+     * to handle TemplateMixin's. For now, we just don't inline them.
+     */
+    return de;
+Expression *NewExp::doInline(InlineDoState *ids)
+    //printf("NewExp::doInline(): %s\n", toChars());
+    NewExp *ne = (NewExp *)copy();
+    if (thisexp)
+	ne->thisexp = thisexp->doInline(ids);
+    ne->newargs = arrayExpressiondoInline(ne->newargs, ids);
+    ne->arguments = arrayExpressiondoInline(ne->arguments, ids);
+    return ne;
+Expression *UnaExp::doInline(InlineDoState *ids)
+    UnaExp *ue = (UnaExp *)copy();
+    ue->e1 = e1->doInline(ids);
+    return ue;
+Expression *AssertExp::doInline(InlineDoState *ids)
+    AssertExp *ae = (AssertExp *)copy();
+    ae->e1 = e1->doInline(ids);
+    if (msg)
+	ae->msg = msg->doInline(ids);
+    return ae;
+Expression *BinExp::doInline(InlineDoState *ids)
+    BinExp *be = (BinExp *)copy();
+    be->e1 = e1->doInline(ids);
+    be->e2 = e2->doInline(ids);
+    return be;
+Expression *CallExp::doInline(InlineDoState *ids)
+    CallExp *ce;
+    ce = (CallExp *)copy();
+    ce->e1 = e1->doInline(ids);
+    ce->arguments = arrayExpressiondoInline(arguments, ids);
+    return ce;
+Expression *IndexExp::doInline(InlineDoState *ids)
+    IndexExp *are = (IndexExp *)copy();
+    are->e1 = e1->doInline(ids);
+    if (lengthVar)
+    {	//printf("lengthVar\n");
+	VarDeclaration *vd = lengthVar;
+	ExpInitializer *ie;
+	ExpInitializer *ieto;
+	VarDeclaration *vto;
+	vto = new VarDeclaration(vd->loc, vd->type, vd->ident, vd->init);
+	*vto = *vd;
+	vto->parent = ids->parent;
+#if IN_DMD
+	vto->csym = NULL;
+	vto->isym = NULL;
+	ids->from.push(vd);
+	ids->to.push(vto);
+	if (vd->init)
+	{
+	    ie = vd->init->isExpInitializer();
+	    assert(ie);
+	    ieto = new ExpInitializer(ie->loc, ie->exp->doInline(ids));
+	    vto->init = ieto;
+	}
+	are->lengthVar = (VarDeclaration *) (void *)vto;
+    }
+    are->e2 = e2->doInline(ids);
+    return are;
+Expression *SliceExp::doInline(InlineDoState *ids)
+    SliceExp *are = (SliceExp *)copy();
+    are->e1 = e1->doInline(ids);
+    if (lengthVar)
+    {	//printf("lengthVar\n");
+	VarDeclaration *vd = lengthVar;
+	ExpInitializer *ie;
+	ExpInitializer *ieto;
+	VarDeclaration *vto;
+	vto = new VarDeclaration(vd->loc, vd->type, vd->ident, vd->init);
+	*vto = *vd;
+	vto->parent = ids->parent;
+#if IN_DMD
+	vto->csym = NULL;
+	vto->isym = NULL;
+	ids->from.push(vd);
+	ids->to.push(vto);
+	if (vd->init)
+	{
+	    ie = vd->init->isExpInitializer();
+	    assert(ie);
+	    ieto = new ExpInitializer(ie->loc, ie->exp->doInline(ids));
+	    vto->init = ieto;
+	}
+	are->lengthVar = (VarDeclaration *) (void *)vto;
+    }
+    if (lwr)
+	are->lwr = lwr->doInline(ids);
+    if (upr)
+	are->upr = upr->doInline(ids);
+    return are;
+Expression *TupleExp::doInline(InlineDoState *ids)
+    TupleExp *ce;
+    ce = (TupleExp *)copy();
+    ce->exps = arrayExpressiondoInline(exps, ids);
+    return ce;
+Expression *ArrayLiteralExp::doInline(InlineDoState *ids)
+    ArrayLiteralExp *ce;
+    ce = (ArrayLiteralExp *)copy();
+    ce->elements = arrayExpressiondoInline(elements, ids);
+    return ce;
+Expression *AssocArrayLiteralExp::doInline(InlineDoState *ids)
+    AssocArrayLiteralExp *ce;
+    ce = (AssocArrayLiteralExp *)copy();
+    ce->keys = arrayExpressiondoInline(keys, ids);
+    ce->values = arrayExpressiondoInline(values, ids);
+    return ce;
+Expression *StructLiteralExp::doInline(InlineDoState *ids)
+    StructLiteralExp *ce;
+    ce = (StructLiteralExp *)copy();
+    ce->elements = arrayExpressiondoInline(elements, ids);
+    return ce;
+Expression *ArrayExp::doInline(InlineDoState *ids)
+    ArrayExp *ce;
+    ce = (ArrayExp *)copy();
+    ce->e1 = e1->doInline(ids);
+    ce->arguments = arrayExpressiondoInline(arguments, ids);
+    return ce;
+Expression *CondExp::doInline(InlineDoState *ids)
+    CondExp *ce = (CondExp *)copy();
+    ce->econd = econd->doInline(ids);
+    ce->e1 = e1->doInline(ids);
+    ce->e2 = e2->doInline(ids);
+    return ce;
+/* ========== Walk the parse trees, and inline expand functions ============= */
+/* Walk the trees, looking for functions to inline.
+ * Inline any that can be.
+ */
+struct InlineScanState
+    FuncDeclaration *fd;	// function being scanned
+Statement *Statement::inlineScan(InlineScanState *iss)
+    return this;
+Statement *ExpStatement::inlineScan(InlineScanState *iss)
+#if LOG
+    printf("ExpStatement::inlineScan(%s)\n", toChars());
+    if (exp)
+	exp = exp->inlineScan(iss);
+    return this;
+Statement *CompoundStatement::inlineScan(InlineScanState *iss)
+    for (size_t i = 0; i < statements->dim; i++)
+    {	Statement *s = (Statement *) statements->data[i];
+	if (s)
+	    statements->data[i] = (void *)s->inlineScan(iss);
+    }
+    return this;
+Statement *UnrolledLoopStatement::inlineScan(InlineScanState *iss)
+    for (size_t i = 0; i < statements->dim; i++)
+    {	Statement *s = (Statement *) statements->data[i];
+	if (s)
+	    statements->data[i] = (void *)s->inlineScan(iss);
+    }
+    return this;
+Statement *ScopeStatement::inlineScan(InlineScanState *iss)
+    if (statement)
+	statement = statement->inlineScan(iss);
+    return this;
+Statement *WhileStatement::inlineScan(InlineScanState *iss)
+    condition = condition->inlineScan(iss);
+    body = body ? body->inlineScan(iss) : NULL;
+    return this;
+Statement *DoStatement::inlineScan(InlineScanState *iss)
+    body = body ? body->inlineScan(iss) : NULL;
+    condition = condition->inlineScan(iss);
+    return this;
+Statement *ForStatement::inlineScan(InlineScanState *iss)
+    if (init)
+	init = init->inlineScan(iss);
+    if (condition)
+	condition = condition->inlineScan(iss);
+    if (increment)
+	increment = increment->inlineScan(iss);
+    body = body->inlineScan(iss);
+    return this;
+Statement *ForeachStatement::inlineScan(InlineScanState *iss)
+    aggr = aggr->inlineScan(iss);
+    if (body)
+	body = body->inlineScan(iss);
+    return this;
+#if DMDV2
+Statement *ForeachRangeStatement::inlineScan(InlineScanState *iss)
+    lwr = lwr->inlineScan(iss);
+    upr = upr->inlineScan(iss);
+    if (body)
+	body = body->inlineScan(iss);
+    return this;
+Statement *IfStatement::inlineScan(InlineScanState *iss)
+    condition = condition->inlineScan(iss);
+    if (ifbody)
+	ifbody = ifbody->inlineScan(iss);
+    if (elsebody)
+	elsebody = elsebody->inlineScan(iss);
+    return this;
+Statement *SwitchStatement::inlineScan(InlineScanState *iss)
+    //printf("SwitchStatement::inlineScan()\n");
+    condition = condition->inlineScan(iss);
+    body = body ? body->inlineScan(iss) : NULL;
+    if (sdefault)
+	sdefault = (DefaultStatement *)sdefault->inlineScan(iss);
+    if (cases)
+    {
+	for (int i = 0; i < cases->dim; i++)
+	{   Statement *s;
+	    s = (Statement *) cases->data[i];
+	    cases->data[i] = (void *)s->inlineScan(iss);
+	}
+    }
+    return this;
+Statement *CaseStatement::inlineScan(InlineScanState *iss)
+    //printf("CaseStatement::inlineScan()\n");
+    exp = exp->inlineScan(iss);
+    if (statement)
+	statement = statement->inlineScan(iss);
+    return this;
+Statement *DefaultStatement::inlineScan(InlineScanState *iss)
+    if (statement)
+	statement = statement->inlineScan(iss);
+    return this;
+Statement *ReturnStatement::inlineScan(InlineScanState *iss)
+    //printf("ReturnStatement::inlineScan()\n");
+    if (exp)
+    {
+	exp = exp->inlineScan(iss);
+    }
+    return this;
+Statement *SynchronizedStatement::inlineScan(InlineScanState *iss)
+    if (exp)
+	exp = exp->inlineScan(iss);
+    if (body)
+	body = body->inlineScan(iss);
+    return this;
+Statement *WithStatement::inlineScan(InlineScanState *iss)
+    if (exp)
+	exp = exp->inlineScan(iss);
+    if (body)
+	body = body->inlineScan(iss);
+    return this;
+Statement *TryCatchStatement::inlineScan(InlineScanState *iss)
+    if (body)
+	body = body->inlineScan(iss);
+    if (catches)
+    {
+	for (int i = 0; i < catches->dim; i++)
+	{   Catch *c = (Catch *)catches->data[i];
+	    if (c->handler)
+		c->handler = c->handler->inlineScan(iss);
+	}
+    }
+    return this;
+Statement *TryFinallyStatement::inlineScan(InlineScanState *iss)
+    if (body)
+	body = body->inlineScan(iss);
+    if (finalbody)
+	finalbody = finalbody->inlineScan(iss);
+    return this;
+Statement *ThrowStatement::inlineScan(InlineScanState *iss)
+    if (exp)
+	exp = exp->inlineScan(iss);
+    return this;
+Statement *VolatileStatement::inlineScan(InlineScanState *iss)
+    if (statement)
+	statement = statement->inlineScan(iss);
+    return this;
+Statement *LabelStatement::inlineScan(InlineScanState *iss)
+    if (statement)
+	statement = statement->inlineScan(iss);
+    return this;
+/* -------------------------- */
+void arrayInlineScan(InlineScanState *iss, Array *arguments)
+    if (arguments)
+    {
+	for (int i = 0; i < arguments->dim; i++)
+	{   Expression *e = (Expression *)arguments->data[i];
+	    if (e)
+	    {
+		e = e->inlineScan(iss);
+		arguments->data[i] = (void *)e;
+	    }
+	}
+    }
+Expression *Expression::inlineScan(InlineScanState *iss)
+    return this;
+void scanVar(Dsymbol *s, InlineScanState *iss)
+    VarDeclaration *vd = s->isVarDeclaration();
+    if (vd)
+    {
+	TupleDeclaration *td = vd->toAlias()->isTupleDeclaration();
+	if (td)
+	{
+	    for (size_t i = 0; i < td->objects->dim; i++)
+	    {   DsymbolExp *se = (DsymbolExp *)td->objects->data[i];
+		assert(se->op == TOKdsymbol);
+		scanVar(se->s, iss);
+	    }
+	}
+	else
+	{
+	    // Scan initializer (vd->init)
+	    if (vd->init)
+	    {
+		ExpInitializer *ie = vd->init->isExpInitializer();
+		if (ie)
+		{
+		    ie->exp = ie->exp->inlineScan(iss);
+		}
+	    }
+	}
+    }
+Expression *DeclarationExp::inlineScan(InlineScanState *iss)
+    //printf("DeclarationExp::inlineScan()\n");
+    scanVar(declaration, iss);
+    return this;
+Expression *UnaExp::inlineScan(InlineScanState *iss)
+    e1 = e1->inlineScan(iss);
+    return this;
+Expression *AssertExp::inlineScan(InlineScanState *iss)
+    e1 = e1->inlineScan(iss);
+    if (msg)
+	msg = msg->inlineScan(iss);
+    return this;
+Expression *BinExp::inlineScan(InlineScanState *iss)
+    e1 = e1->inlineScan(iss);
+    e2 = e2->inlineScan(iss);
+    return this;
+Expression *CallExp::inlineScan(InlineScanState *iss)
+{   Expression *e = this;
+    //printf("CallExp::inlineScan()\n");
+    e1 = e1->inlineScan(iss);
+    arrayInlineScan(iss, arguments);
+    if (e1->op == TOKvar)
+    {
+	VarExp *ve = (VarExp *)e1;
+	FuncDeclaration *fd = ve->var->isFuncDeclaration();
+	if (fd && fd != iss->fd && fd->canInline(0))
+	{
+	    e = fd->doInline(iss, NULL, arguments);
+	}
+    }
+    else if (e1->op == TOKdotvar)
+    {
+	DotVarExp *dve = (DotVarExp *)e1;
+	FuncDeclaration *fd = dve->var->isFuncDeclaration();
+	if (fd && fd != iss->fd && fd->canInline(1))
+	{
+	    if (dve->e1->op == TOKcall &&
+		dve->e1->type->toBasetype()->ty == Tstruct)
+	    {
+		/* To create ethis, we'll need to take the address
+		 * of dve->e1, but this won't work if dve->e1 is
+		 * a function call.
+		 */
+		;
+	    }
+	    else
+		e = fd->doInline(iss, dve->e1, arguments);
+	}
+    }
+    return e;
+Expression *SliceExp::inlineScan(InlineScanState *iss)
+    e1 = e1->inlineScan(iss);
+    if (lwr)
+	lwr = lwr->inlineScan(iss);
+    if (upr)
+	upr = upr->inlineScan(iss);
+    return this;
+Expression *TupleExp::inlineScan(InlineScanState *iss)
+{   Expression *e = this;
+    //printf("TupleExp::inlineScan()\n");
+    arrayInlineScan(iss, exps);
+    return e;
+Expression *ArrayLiteralExp::inlineScan(InlineScanState *iss)
+{   Expression *e = this;
+    //printf("ArrayLiteralExp::inlineScan()\n");
+    arrayInlineScan(iss, elements);
+    return e;
+Expression *AssocArrayLiteralExp::inlineScan(InlineScanState *iss)
+{   Expression *e = this;
+    //printf("AssocArrayLiteralExp::inlineScan()\n");
+    arrayInlineScan(iss, keys);
+    arrayInlineScan(iss, values);
+    return e;
+Expression *StructLiteralExp::inlineScan(InlineScanState *iss)
+{   Expression *e = this;
+    //printf("StructLiteralExp::inlineScan()\n");
+    arrayInlineScan(iss, elements);
+    return e;
+Expression *ArrayExp::inlineScan(InlineScanState *iss)
+{   Expression *e = this;
+    //printf("ArrayExp::inlineScan()\n");
+    e1 = e1->inlineScan(iss);
+    arrayInlineScan(iss, arguments);
+    return e;
+Expression *CondExp::inlineScan(InlineScanState *iss)
+    econd = econd->inlineScan(iss);
+    e1 = e1->inlineScan(iss);
+    e2 = e2->inlineScan(iss);
+    return this;
+/* ==========  =============== */
+void FuncDeclaration::inlineScan()
+    InlineScanState iss;
+#if LOG
+    printf("FuncDeclaration::inlineScan('%s')\n", toChars());
+    memset(&iss, 0, sizeof(iss));
+    iss.fd = this;
+    if (fbody)
+    {
+	inlineNest++;
+	fbody = fbody->inlineScan(&iss);
+	inlineNest--;
+    }
+int FuncDeclaration::canInline(int hasthis, int hdrscan)
+    InlineCostState ics;
+    int cost;
+#define CANINLINE_LOG 0
+    printf("FuncDeclaration::canInline(hasthis = %d, '%s')\n", hasthis, toChars());
+    if (needThis() && !hasthis)
+	return 0;
+    if (inlineNest || (semanticRun < 3 && !hdrscan))
+    {
+	printf("\t1: no, inlineNest = %d, semanticRun = %d\n", inlineNest, semanticRun);
+	return 0;
+    }
+    switch (inlineStatus)
+    {
+	case ILSyes:
+	    printf("\t1: yes %s\n", toChars());
+	    return 1;
+	case ILSno:
+	    printf("\t1: no %s\n", toChars());
+	    return 0;
+	case ILSuninitialized:
+	    break;
+	default:
+	    assert(0);
+    }
+    if (type)
+    {	assert(type->ty == Tfunction);
+	TypeFunction *tf = (TypeFunction *)(type);
+	if (tf->varargs == 1)	// no variadic parameter lists
+	    goto Lno;
+	/* Don't inline a function that returns non-void, but has
+	 * no return expression.
+	 */
+	if (tf->next && tf->next->ty != Tvoid &&
+	    !(hasReturnExp & 1) &&
+	    !hdrscan)
+	    goto Lno;
+    }
+    else
+    {	CtorDeclaration *ctor = isCtorDeclaration();
+	if (ctor && ctor->varargs == 1)
+	    goto Lno;
+    }
+    if (
+	!fbody ||
+	!hdrscan &&
+	(
+#if 0
+	isCtorDeclaration() ||	// cannot because need to convert:
+				//	return;
+				// to:
+				//	return this;
+	isSynchronized() ||
+	isImportedSymbol() ||
+#if DMDV2
+	closureVars.dim ||	// no nested references to this frame
+	nestedFrameRef ||	// no nested references to this frame
+	(isVirtual() && !isFinal())
+       ))
+    {
+	goto Lno;
+    }
+    /* If any parameters are Tsarray's (which are passed by reference)
+     * or out parameters (also passed by reference), don't do inlining.
+     */
+    if (parameters)
+    {
+	for (int i = 0; i < parameters->dim; i++)
+	{
+	    VarDeclaration *v = (VarDeclaration *)parameters->data[i];
+	    if (v->isOut() || v->isRef() || v->type->toBasetype()->ty == Tsarray)
+		goto Lno;
+	}
+    }
+    memset(&ics, 0, sizeof(ics));
+    ics.hasthis = hasthis;
+    ics.fd = this;
+    ics.hdrscan = hdrscan;
+    cost = fbody->inlineCost(&ics);
+    printf("cost = %d\n", cost);
+    if (cost >= COST_MAX)
+	goto Lno;
+    if (!hdrscan)    // Don't scan recursively for header content scan
+	inlineScan();
+    if (!hdrscan)    // Don't modify inlineStatus for header content scan
+	inlineStatus = ILSyes;
+    printf("\t2: yes %s\n", toChars());
+    return 1;
+    if (!hdrscan)    // Don't modify inlineStatus for header content scan
+	inlineStatus = ILSno;
+    printf("\t2: no %s\n", toChars());
+    return 0;
+Expression *FuncDeclaration::doInline(InlineScanState *iss, Expression *ethis, Array *arguments)
+    InlineDoState ids;
+    DeclarationExp *de;
+    Expression *e = NULL;
+#if LOG
+    printf("FuncDeclaration::doInline('%s')\n", toChars());
+    memset(&ids, 0, sizeof(ids));
+    ids.parent = iss->fd;
+    // Set up vthis
+    if (ethis)
+    {
+	VarDeclaration *vthis;
+	ExpInitializer *ei;
+	VarExp *ve;
+	if (ethis->type->ty == Tpointer)
+	{   Type *t = ethis->type->nextOf();
+	    ethis = new PtrExp(ethis->loc, ethis);
+	    ethis->type = t;
+	}
+	ei = new ExpInitializer(ethis->loc, ethis);
+	vthis = new VarDeclaration(ethis->loc, ethis->type, Id::This, ei);
+	if (ethis->type->ty != Tclass)
+	    vthis->storage_class = STCref;
+	else
+	    vthis->storage_class = STCin;
+	if (ethis->type->ty != Tclass && ethis->type->ty != Tpointer)
+	{
+	    ethis = ethis->addressOf(NULL);
+	}
+	ei = new ExpInitializer(ethis->loc, ethis);
+	vthis = new VarDeclaration(ethis->loc, ethis->type, Id::This, ei);
+	vthis->storage_class = STCin;
+	vthis->linkage = LINKd;
+	vthis->parent = iss->fd;
+	ve = new VarExp(vthis->loc, vthis);
+	ve->type = vthis->type;
+	ei->exp = new AssignExp(vthis->loc, ve, ethis);
+	ei->exp->type = ve->type;
+	if (ethis->type->ty != Tclass)
+	{   /* This is a reference initialization, not a simple assignment.
+	     */
+	    ei->exp->op = TOKconstruct;
+	}
+	ids.vthis = vthis;
+    }
+    // Set up parameters
+    if (ethis)
+    {
+	e = new DeclarationExp(0, ids.vthis);
+	e->type = Type::tvoid;
+    }
+    if (arguments && arguments->dim)
+    {
+	assert(parameters->dim == arguments->dim);
+	for (int i = 0; i < arguments->dim; i++)
+	{
+	    VarDeclaration *vfrom = (VarDeclaration *)parameters->data[i];
+	    VarDeclaration *vto;
+	    Expression *arg = (Expression *)arguments->data[i];
+	    ExpInitializer *ei;
+	    VarExp *ve;
+	    ei = new ExpInitializer(arg->loc, arg);
+	    vto = new VarDeclaration(vfrom->loc, vfrom->type, vfrom->ident, ei);
+	    vto->storage_class |= vfrom->storage_class & (STCin | STCout | STClazy | STCref);
+	    vto->linkage = vfrom->linkage;
+	    vto->parent = iss->fd;
+	    //printf("vto = '%s', vto->storage_class = x%x\n", vto->toChars(), vto->storage_class);
+	    //printf("vto->parent = '%s'\n", iss->fd->toChars());
+	    ve = new VarExp(vto->loc, vto);
+	    //ve->type = vto->type;
+	    ve->type = arg->type;
+	    ei->exp = new AssignExp(vto->loc, ve, arg);
+	    ei->exp->type = ve->type;
+	    ids.from.push(vfrom);
+	    ids.to.push(vto);
+	    de = new DeclarationExp(0, vto);
+	    de->type = Type::tvoid;
+	    e = Expression::combine(e, de);
+	}
+    }
+    inlineNest++;
+    Expression *eb = fbody->doInline(&ids);
+    inlineNest--;
+    return Expression::combine(e, eb);