diff druntime/import/core/thread.di @ 760:6f33b427bfd1

Seems like hg ignores .di files, so I missed a bunch of stuff. complete druntime should be there now :)
author Tomas Lindquist Olsen <tomas.l.olsen@gmail.com>
date Wed, 12 Nov 2008 00:19:18 +0100
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/druntime/import/core/thread.di	Wed Nov 12 00:19:18 2008 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,792 @@
+// D import file generated from 'core/thread.d'
+module core.thread;
+version = StackGrowsDown;
+class ThreadException : Exception
+    this(string msg)
+class FiberException : Exception
+    this(string msg)
+    extern (C) 
+    void* rt_stackBottom();
+    extern (C) 
+    void* rt_stackTop();
+    void* getStackBottom()
+return rt_stackBottom();
+    void* getStackTop();
+version (Windows)
+    private
+    import stdc.stdint;
+    import sys.windows.windows;
+    const
+    extern (Windows) 
+    alias uint function(void*) btex_fptr;
+    extern (C) 
+    uintptr_t _beginthreadex(void*, uint, btex_fptr, void*, uint, uint*);
+    extern (Windows) 
+    uint thread_entryPoint(void* arg);
+    HANDLE GetCurrentThreadHandle()
+const uint DUPLICATE_SAME_ACCESS = 2;
+HANDLE curr = GetCurrentThread();
+HANDLE proc = GetCurrentProcess();
+HANDLE hndl;
+return hndl;
+    version (Posix)
+    private
+    import stdc.posix.semaphore;
+    import stdc.posix.pthread;
+    import stdc.posix.signal;
+    import stdc.posix.time;
+    import stdc.errno;
+    extern (C) 
+    int getErrno();
+    version (GNU)
+    import gcc.builtins;
+    extern (C) 
+    void* thread_entryPoint(void* arg);
+    sem_t suspendCount;
+    extern (C) 
+    void thread_suspendHandler(int sig);
+    extern (C) 
+    void thread_resumeHandler(int sig)
+assert(sig == SIGUSR2);
+    static assert(false,"Unknown threading implementation.");
+class Thread
+    this(void function() fn, size_t sz = 0)
+m_fn = fn;
+m_sz = sz;
+m_call = Call.FN;
+m_curr = &m_main;
+    this(void delegate() dg, size_t sz = 0)
+m_dg = dg;
+m_sz = sz;
+m_call = Call.DG;
+m_curr = &m_main;
+        final
+    void start();
+    final
+    Object join(bool rethrow = true);
+    final
+    char[] name();
+    final
+    void name(char[] val);
+    final
+    bool isDaemon();
+    final
+    void isDaemon(bool val);
+    final
+    bool isRunning();
+    static const
+    int PRIORITY_MIN;
+    static const
+    int PRIORITY_MAX;
+    final
+    int priority();
+    final
+    void priority(int val);
+    static
+    void sleep(long period);
+    static
+    void yield();
+    static
+    Thread getThis();
+    static
+    Thread[] getAll();
+    static
+    int opApply(int delegate(ref Thread) dg);
+    static const
+    uint LOCAL_MAX = 64;
+    static
+    uint createLocal();
+    static
+    void deleteLocal(uint key);
+    static
+    void* getLocal(uint key)
+return getThis().m_local[key];
+    static
+    void* setLocal(uint key, void* val)
+return getThis().m_local[key] = val;
+    static this();
+    private
+    this()
+m_call = Call.NO;
+m_curr = &m_main;
+    final
+    void run();
+    private
+    enum Call 
+    version (Win32)
+    alias uint TLSKey;
+    alias uint ThreadAddr;
+    version (Posix)
+    alias pthread_key_t TLSKey;
+    alias pthread_t ThreadAddr;
+    static
+    bool[LOCAL_MAX] sm_local;
+    static
+    TLSKey sm_this;
+    void*[LOCAL_MAX] m_local;
+    version (Win32)
+    HANDLE m_hndl;
+    ThreadAddr m_addr;
+    Call m_call;
+    char[] m_name;
+    union
+void function() m_fn;
+void delegate() m_dg;
+    size_t m_sz;
+    version (Posix)
+    bool m_isRunning;
+    bool m_isDaemon;
+    Object m_unhandled;
+    private
+    static
+    void setThis(Thread t);
+    private
+    final
+    void pushContext(Context* c)
+c.within = m_curr;
+m_curr = c;
+    final
+    void popContext()
+assert(m_curr && m_curr.within);
+Context* c = m_curr;
+m_curr = c.within;
+c.within = null;
+    final
+    Context* topContext()
+return m_curr;
+    static
+    struct Context
+    void* bstack;
+    void* tstack;
+    Context* within;
+    Context* next;
+    Context* prev;
+    Context m_main;
+    Context* m_curr;
+    bool m_lock;
+    version (Win32)
+    uint[8] m_reg;
+    private
+    static
+    Object slock()
+return Thread.classinfo;
+    static
+    Context* sm_cbeg;
+    static
+    size_t sm_clen;
+    static
+    Thread sm_tbeg;
+    static
+    size_t sm_tlen;
+    Thread prev;
+    Thread next;
+    static
+    void add(Context* c);
+    static
+    void remove(Context* c);
+    static
+    void add(Thread t);
+    static
+    void remove(Thread t);
+extern (C) 
+    void thread_init();
+extern (C) 
+    void thread_attachThis();
+extern (C) 
+    void thread_detachThis()
+extern (C) 
+    void thread_joinAll();
+    bool multiThreadedFlag = false;
+extern (C) 
+    bool thread_needLock()
+return multiThreadedFlag;
+    uint suspendDepth = 0;
+extern (C) 
+    void thread_suspendAll();
+extern (C) 
+    void thread_resumeAll();
+    alias void delegate(void*, void*) scanAllThreadsFn;
+extern (C) 
+    void thread_scanAll(scanAllThreadsFn scan, void* curStackTop = null);
+template ThreadLocal(T)
+class ThreadLocal
+    this(T def = T.init)
+m_def = def;
+m_key = Thread.createLocal();
+        T val()
+Wrap* wrap = cast(Wrap*)Thread.getLocal(m_key);
+return wrap ? wrap.val : m_def;
+    T val(T newval)
+Wrap* wrap = cast(Wrap*)Thread.getLocal(m_key);
+if (wrap is null)
+wrap = new Wrap;
+wrap.val = newval;
+return newval;
+    private
+    struct Wrap
+    T val;
+    T m_def;
+    uint m_key;
+class ThreadGroup
+    final
+    Thread create(void function() fn);
+    final
+    Thread create(void delegate() dg);
+    final
+    void add(Thread t);
+    final
+    void remove(Thread t);
+    final
+    int opApply(int delegate(ref Thread) dg);
+    final
+    void joinAll(bool rethrow = true);
+    private
+    Thread[Thread] m_all;
+    version (D_InlineAsm_X86)
+    version (X86_64)
+    version (Win32)
+    version = AsmX86_Win32;
+    version (Posix)
+    version = AsmX86_Posix;
+    version (PPC)
+    version (Posix)
+    version = AsmPPC_Posix;
+    version (LLVM_InlineAsm_X86)
+    version (Win32)
+    version = LLVM_AsmX86_Win32;
+    version (Posix)
+    version = LLVM_AsmX86_Posix;
+    version (LLVM_InlineAsm_X86_64)
+    version (Posix)
+    version = LLVM_AsmX86_64_Posix;
+    version (Posix)
+    import stdc.posix.unistd;
+    import stdc.posix.sys.mman;
+    import stdc.posix.stdlib;
+    version (AsmX86_Win32)
+    version (AsmX86_Posix)
+    version (AsmPPC_Posix)
+    version (LLVM_AsmX86_Win32)
+    version (LLVM_AsmX86_Posix)
+    import stdc.posix.ucontext;
+    const
+    size_t PAGESIZE;
+static this();
+    extern (C) 
+    void fiber_entryPoint();
+    version (AsmPPC_Posix)
+    extern (C) 
+    void fiber_switchContext(void** oldp, void* newp);
+    extern (C) 
+    void fiber_switchContext(void** oldp, void* newp);
+class Fiber
+    this(void function() fn, size_t sz = PAGESIZE)
+m_fn = fn;
+m_call = Call.FN;
+m_state = State.HOLD;
+    this(void delegate() dg, size_t sz = PAGESIZE)
+m_dg = dg;
+m_call = Call.DG;
+m_state = State.HOLD;
+        final
+    Object call(bool rethrow = true);
+    final
+    void reset()
+assert(m_state == State.TERM);
+assert(m_ctxt.tstack == m_ctxt.bstack);
+m_state = State.HOLD;
+m_unhandled = null;
+    enum State 
+    final
+    State state()
+return m_state;
+    static
+    void yield();
+    static
+    void yieldAndThrow(Object obj);
+    static
+    Fiber getThis();
+    static this();
+    private
+    this()
+m_call = Call.NO;
+    final
+    void run();
+    private
+    enum Call 
+    Call m_call;
+    union
+void function() m_fn;
+void delegate() m_dg;
+    bool m_isRunning;
+    Object m_unhandled;
+    State m_state;
+    private
+    final
+    void allocStack(size_t sz);
+    final
+    void freeStack();
+    final
+    void initStack();
+    Thread.Context* m_ctxt;
+    size_t m_size;
+    void* m_pmem;
+    static if(is(ucontext_t))
+    static
+    ucontext_t sm_utxt = void;
+    ucontext_t m_utxt = void;
+    ucontext_t* m_ucur = null;
+    private
+    static
+    void setThis(Fiber f);
+    static
+    Thread.TLSKey sm_this;
+    private
+    final
+    void switchIn();
+    final
+    void switchOut();