diff gen/toir.cpp @ 1479:4f7d50c744ed

Rewrite `StructLiteralExp::toElem` to store individual fields instead of generating a constant to fill the entire struct with a single `store`. This is much more efficient at compile time (fixing #320) and vastly reduces the size of the emitted code. Since LLVM no longer needs to keep the data for all fields in "registers" until the store happens, it should also be more efficient at run time in cases where the fields aren't assigned with constants. There's also some code clean-up by removing duplicated logic.
author Frits van Bommel <fvbommel wxs.nl>
date Sat, 06 Jun 2009 20:16:13 +0200
parents dd72f56ad211
children b4fc62f047cd
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/gen/toir.cpp	Sat Jun 06 09:47:32 2009 +0200
+++ b/gen/toir.cpp	Sat Jun 06 20:16:13 2009 +0200
@@ -2409,11 +2409,15 @@
-// building a struct literal is pretty much the same as building a default initializer.
-extern size_t add_zeros(std::vector<llvm::Value*>& values, size_t diff);
 extern LLConstant* get_default_initializer(VarDeclaration* vd, Initializer* init);
+static LLValue* write_zeroes(LLValue* mem, unsigned start, unsigned end) {
+    mem = DtoBitCast(mem, getVoidPtrType());
+    LLValue* gep = DtoGEPi1(mem, start, ".padding");
+    DtoMemSetZero(gep, DtoConstSize_t(end - start));
+    return mem;
 DValue* StructLiteralExp::toElem(IRState* p)
     Logger::print("StructLiteralExp::toElem: %s @ %s\n", toChars(), type->toChars());
@@ -2422,97 +2426,62 @@
     // make sure the struct is fully resolved
-    // final list of values to put in the struct
-    std::vector<LLValue*> initvalues;
-    // offset tracker
-    size_t offset = 0;
-    // align(1) struct S { ... }
-    bool packed = sd->type->alignsize() == 1;
+    // alloca a stack slot
+    LLValue* mem = DtoRawAlloca(DtoType(type), 0, ".structliteral");
     // ready elements data
     assert(elements && "struct literal has null elements");
-    size_t nexprs = elements->dim;;
+    size_t nexprs = elements->dim;
     Expression** exprs = (Expression**)elements->data;
+    LLValue* voidptr = mem;
+    unsigned offset = 0;
     // go through fields
     ArrayIter<VarDeclaration> it(sd->fields);
     for (; !it.done(); it.next())
         VarDeclaration* vd = it.get();
+        // don't re-initialize unions
         if (vd->offset < offset)
             IF_LOG Logger::println("skipping field: %s %s (+%u)", vd->type->toChars(), vd->toChars(), vd->offset);
-        IF_LOG Logger::println("using field: %s %s (+%u)", vd->type->toChars(), vd->toChars(), vd->offset);
-        // get next aligned offset for this field
-        size_t alignedoffset = offset;
-        if (!packed)
-        {
-            alignedoffset = realignOffset(alignedoffset, vd->type);
-        }
-        // insert explicit padding?
-        if (alignedoffset < vd->offset)
-        {
-            add_zeros(initvalues, vd->offset - alignedoffset);
-        }
-        // add initializer
+        // initialize any padding so struct comparisons work
+        if (vd->offset != offset)
+            voidptr = write_zeroes(voidptr, offset, vd->offset);
+        offset = vd->offset + vd->type->size();
+        IF_LOG Logger::println("initializing field: %s %s (+%u)", vd->type->toChars(), vd->toChars(), vd->offset);
+        // get initializer
         Expression* expr = (it.index < nexprs) ? exprs[it.index] : NULL;
         IF_LOG Logger::println("expr: %p", expr);
+        DValue* val;
+        DConstValue cv(vd->type, NULL); // Only used in one branch; value is set beforehand
         if (expr)
             IF_LOG Logger::println("expr %zu = %s", it.index, expr->toChars());
-            LLValue* v = DtoExprValue(vd->type, expr);
-            initvalues.push_back(v);
+            val = expr->toElem(gIR);
             IF_LOG Logger::println("using default initializer");
-            initvalues.push_back(get_default_initializer(vd, NULL));
+            cv.c = get_default_initializer(vd, NULL);
+            val = &cv;
-        // advance offset to right past this field
-        offset = vd->offset + vd->type->size();
-    }
-    // tail padding?
-    if (offset < sd->structsize)
-    {
-        add_zeros(initvalues, sd->structsize - offset);
+        // get a pointer to this field
+        DVarValue field(vd->type, vd, DtoIndexStruct(mem, sd, vd));
+        // store the initializer there
+        DtoAssign(loc, &field, val);
-    // build type
-    std::vector<const LLType*> valuetypes;
-    size_t n = initvalues.size();
-    valuetypes.reserve(n);
-    for (size_t i = 0; i < n; i++)
-    {
-        valuetypes.push_back(initvalues[i]->getType());
-    }
-    const LLType* st = llvm::StructType::get(valuetypes, packed);
-    // alloca a stack slot
-    LLValue* mem = DtoRawAlloca(st, 0, ".structliteral");
-    // fill in values
-    for (size_t i = 0; i < n; i++)
-    {
-        LLValue* addr = DtoGEPi(mem, 0, i);
-        p->ir->CreateStore(initvalues[i], addr);
-    }
-    // cast to default struct type
-    mem = DtoBitCast(mem, DtoType(sd->type->pointerTo()));
+    // initialize trailing padding
+    if (sd->structsize != offset)
+        write_zeroes(voidptr, offset, sd->structsize);
     // return as a var
     return new DVarValue(type, mem);