diff lphobos/std/math.d @ 108:288fe1029e1f trunk

[svn r112] Fixed 'case 1,2,3:' style case statements. Fixed a bunch of bugs with return/break/continue in loops. Fixed support for the DMDFE hidden implicit return value variable. This can be needed for some foreach statements where the loop body is converted to a nested delegate, but also possibly returns from the function. Added std.math to phobos. Added AA runtime support code, done ground work for implementing AAs. Several other bugfixes.
author lindquist
date Tue, 20 Nov 2007 05:29:20 +0100
children 373489eeaf90
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/lphobos/std/math.d	Tue Nov 20 05:29:20 2007 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,1954 @@
+// Written in the D programming language
+ * Macros:
+ *	WIKI = Phobos/StdMath
+ *
+ *	TABLE_SV = <table border=1 cellpadding=4 cellspacing=0>
+ *		<caption>Special Values</caption>
+ *		$0</table>
+ *	SVH = $(TR $(TH $1) $(TH $2))
+ *	SV  = $(TR $(TD $1) $(TD $2))
+ *
+ *	NAN = $(RED NAN)
+ *	SUP = <span style="vertical-align:super;font-size:smaller">$0</span>
+ *	GAMMA =  &#915;
+ *	INTEGRAL = &#8747;
+ *	INTEGRATE = $(BIG &#8747;<sub>$(SMALL $1)</sub><sup>$2</sup>)
+ *	POWER = $1<sup>$2</sup>
+ *	BIGSUM = $(BIG &Sigma; <sup>$2</sup><sub>$(SMALL $1)</sub>)
+ *	CHOOSE = $(BIG &#40;) <sup>$(SMALL $1)</sup><sub>$(SMALL $2)</sub> $(BIG &#41;)
+ *	PLUSMN = &plusmn;
+ *	INFIN = &infin;
+ *	PI = &pi;
+ *	LT = &lt;
+ *	GT = &gt;
+ */
+ * Author:
+ *	Walter Bright
+ * Copyright:
+ *	Copyright (c) 2001-2005 by Digital Mars,
+ *	All Rights Reserved,
+ *	www.digitalmars.com
+ *  Copyright (c) 2007 by Tomas Lindquist Olsen
+ * License:
+ *  This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
+ *  warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages
+ *  arising from the use of this software.
+ *
+ *  Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
+ *  including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it
+ *  freely, subject to the following restrictions:
+ *
+ *  <ul>
+ *  <li> The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not
+ *       claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software
+ *       in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be
+ *       appreciated but is not required.
+ *  </li>
+ *  <li> Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not
+ *       be misrepresented as being the original software.
+ *  </li>
+ *  <li> This notice may not be removed or altered from any source
+ *       distribution.
+ *  </li>
+ *  </ul>
+ */
+module std.math;
+//debug=math;		// uncomment to turn on debugging printf's
+private import std.c.stdio;
+private import std.c.math;
+class NotImplemented : Error
+    this(string msg)
+    {
+	super(msg ~ "not implemented");
+    }
+const real E =		2.7182818284590452354L;  /** e */
+const real LOG2T =	0x1.a934f0979a3715fcp+1; /** log<sub>2</sub>10 */ // 3.32193 fldl2t
+const real LOG2E =	0x1.71547652b82fe178p+0; /** log<sub>2</sub>e */ // 1.4427 fldl2e
+const real LOG2 =	0x1.34413509f79fef32p-2; /** log<sub>10</sub>2 */ // 0.30103 fldlg2
+const real LOG10E =	0.43429448190325182765;  /** log<sub>10</sub>e */
+const real LN2 =	0x1.62e42fefa39ef358p-1; /** ln 2 */	// 0.693147 fldln2
+const real LN10 =	2.30258509299404568402;  /** ln 10 */
+const real PI =		0x1.921fb54442d1846ap+1; /** $(PI) */ // 3.14159 fldpi
+const real PI_2 =	1.57079632679489661923;  /** $(PI) / 2 */
+const real PI_4 =	0.78539816339744830962;  /** $(PI) / 4 */
+const real M_1_PI =	0.31830988618379067154;  /** 1 / $(PI) */
+const real M_2_PI =	0.63661977236758134308;  /** 2 / $(PI) */
+const real M_2_SQRTPI =	1.12837916709551257390;  /** 2 / &radic;$(PI) */
+const real SQRT2 =	1.41421356237309504880;  /** &radic;2 */
+const real SQRT1_2 =	0.70710678118654752440;  /** &radic;&frac12; */
+	Octal versions:
+	PI/64800	0.00001 45530 36176 77347 02143 15351 61441 26767
+	PI/180		0.01073 72152 11224 72344 25603 54276 63351 22056
+	PI/8		0.31103 75524 21026 43021 51423 06305 05600 67016
+	SQRT(1/PI)	0.44067 27240 41233 33210 65616 51051 77327 77303
+	2/PI		0.50574 60333 44710 40522 47741 16537 21752 32335
+	PI/4		0.62207 73250 42055 06043 23046 14612 13401 56034
+	SQRT(2/PI)	0.63041 05147 52066 24106 41762 63612 00272 56161
+	PI		3.11037 55242 10264 30215 14230 63050 56006 70163
+	LOG2		0.23210 11520 47674 77674 61076 11263 26013 37111
+ */
+ * Calculates the absolute value
+ *
+ * For complex numbers, abs(z) = sqrt( $(POWER z.re, 2) + $(POWER z.im, 2) )
+ * = hypot(z.re, z.im).
+ */
+real abs(real x)
+    return fabs(x);
+/** ditto */
+long abs(long x)
+    return x>=0 ? x : -x;
+/** ditto */
+int abs(int x)
+    return x>=0 ? x : -x;
+/** ditto */
+real abs(creal z)
+    return hypot(z.re, z.im);
+/** ditto */
+real abs(ireal y)
+    return fabs(y.im);
+    assert(isPosZero(abs(-0.0L)));
+    assert(isnan(abs(real.nan)));
+    assert(abs(-real.infinity) == real.infinity);
+    assert(abs(-3.2Li) == 3.2L);
+    assert(abs(71.6Li) == 71.6L);
+    assert(abs(-56) == 56);
+    assert(abs(2321312L)  == 2321312L);
+    assert(abs(-1+1i) == sqrt(2.0));
+ * Complex conjugate
+ *
+ *  conj(x + iy) = x - iy
+ *
+ * Note that z * conj(z) = $(POWER z.re, 2) - $(POWER z.im, 2)
+ * is always a real number
+ */
+creal conj(creal z)
+    return z.re - z.im*1i;
+/** ditto */
+ireal conj(ireal y)
+    return -y;
+    assert(conj(7 + 3i) == 7-3i);
+    ireal z = -3.2Li;
+    assert(conj(z) == -z);
+ * Returns cosine of x. x is in radians.
+ *
+ *	$(TABLE_SV
+ *	$(TR $(TH x)                 $(TH cos(x)) $(TH invalid?))
+ *	$(TR $(TD $(NAN))            $(TD $(NAN)) $(TD yes)	)
+ *	$(TR $(TD $(PLUSMN)$(INFIN)) $(TD $(NAN)) $(TD yes)	)
+ *	)
+ * Bugs:
+ *	Results are undefined if |x| >= $(POWER 2,64).
+ */
+pragma(LLVM_internal, "intrinsic", "llvm.cos.f32")
+float cos(float x);
+pragma(LLVM_internal, "intrinsic", "llvm.cos.f64") {
+double cos(double x); // ditto
+real cos(real x); /// ditto
+ * Returns sine of x. x is in radians.
+ *
+ *	$(TABLE_SV
+ *	$(TR $(TH x)               $(TH sin(x))      $(TH invalid?))
+ *	$(TR $(TD $(NAN))          $(TD $(NAN))      $(TD yes))
+ *	$(TR $(TD $(PLUSMN)0.0)    $(TD $(PLUSMN)0.0) $(TD no))
+ *	$(TR $(TD $(PLUSMN)$(INFIN)) $(TD $(NAN))      $(TD yes))
+ *	)
+ * Bugs:
+ *	Results are undefined if |x| >= $(POWER 2,64).
+ */
+pragma(LLVM_internal, "intrinsic", "llvm.sin.f32")
+float sin(float x);
+pragma(LLVM_internal, "intrinsic", "llvm.sin.f64") {
+double sin(double x); // ditto
+real sin(real x); /// ditto
+ * Returns tangent of x. x is in radians.
+ *
+ *	$(TABLE_SV
+ *	$(TR $(TH x)               $(TH tan(x))       $(TH invalid?))
+ *	$(TR $(TD $(NAN))          $(TD $(NAN))       $(TD yes))
+ *	$(TR $(TD $(PLUSMN)0.0)    $(TD $(PLUSMN)0.0) $(TD no))
+ *	$(TR $(TD $(PLUSMN)$(INFIN)) $(TD $(NAN))     $(TD yes))
+ *	)
+ */
+real tan(real x)
+    asm
+    {
+	fld	x[EBP]			; // load theta
+	fxam				; // test for oddball values
+	fstsw	AX			;
+	sahf				;
+	jc	trigerr			; // x is NAN, infinity, or empty
+					  // 387's can handle denormals
+SC18:	fptan				;
+	fstp	ST(0)			; // dump X, which is always 1
+	fstsw	AX			;
+	sahf				;
+	jnp	Lret			; // C2 = 1 (x is out of range)
+	// Do argument reduction to bring x into range
+	fldpi				;
+	fxch				;
+SC17:	fprem1				;
+	fstsw	AX			;
+	sahf				;
+	jp	SC17			;
+	fstp	ST(1)			; // remove pi from stack
+	jmp	SC18			;
+	jnp	Lret			; // if theta is NAN, return theta
+	fstp	ST(0)			; // dump theta
+    }
+    return real.nan;
+    ;
+real tan(real x) { return std.c.math.atan(x); }
+    static real vals[][2] =	// angle,tan
+    [
+	    [   0,   0],
+	    [   .5,  .5463024898],
+	    [   1,   1.557407725],
+	    [   1.5, 14.10141995],
+	    [   2,  -2.185039863],
+	    [   2.5,-.7470222972],
+	    [   3,  -.1425465431],
+	    [   3.5, .3745856402],
+	    [   4,   1.157821282],
+	    [   4.5, 4.637332055],
+	    [   5,  -3.380515006],
+	    [   5.5,-.9955840522],
+	    [   6,  -.2910061914],
+	    [   6.5, .2202772003],
+	    [   10,  .6483608275],
+	    // special angles
+	    [   PI_4,	1],
+	    //[	PI_2,	real.infinity],
+	    [   3*PI_4,	-1],
+	    [   PI,	0],
+	    [   5*PI_4,	1],
+	    //[	3*PI_2,	-real.infinity],
+	    [   7*PI_4,	-1],
+	    [   2*PI,	0],
+	    // overflow
+	    [   real.infinity,	real.nan],
+	    [   real.nan,	real.nan],
+	    //[   1e+100,	real.nan],
+    ];
+    int i;
+    for (i = 0; i < vals.length; i++)
+    {
+	real x = vals[i][0];
+	real r = vals[i][1];
+	real t = tan(x);
+	//printf("tan(%Lg) = %Lg, should be %Lg\n", x, t, r);
+	assert(mfeq(r, t, .0000001));
+	x = -x;
+	r = -r;
+	t = tan(x);
+	//printf("tan(%Lg) = %Lg, should be %Lg\n", x, t, r);
+	assert(mfeq(r, t, .0000001));
+    }
+ * Calculates the arc cosine of x,
+ * returning a value ranging from -$(PI)/2 to $(PI)/2.
+ *
+ *	$(TABLE_SV
+ *      $(TR $(TH x)         $(TH acos(x)) $(TH invalid?))
+ *      $(TR $(TD $(GT)1.0)  $(TD $(NAN))  $(TD yes))
+ *      $(TR $(TD $(LT)-1.0) $(TD $(NAN))  $(TD yes))
+ *      $(TR $(TD $(NAN))    $(TD $(NAN))  $(TD yes))
+ *      )
+ */
+real acos(real x)		{ return std.c.math.acos(x); }
+ * Calculates the arc sine of x,
+ * returning a value ranging from -$(PI)/2 to $(PI)/2.
+ *
+ *	$(TABLE_SV
+ *	$(TR $(TH x)            $(TH asin(x))      $(TH invalid?))
+ *	$(TR $(TD $(PLUSMN)0.0) $(TD $(PLUSMN)0.0) $(TD no))
+ *	$(TR $(TD $(GT)1.0)     $(TD $(NAN))       $(TD yes))
+ *	$(TR $(TD $(LT)-1.0)    $(TD $(NAN))       $(TD yes))
+ *       )
+ */
+real asin(real x)		{ return std.c.math.asin(x); }
+ * Calculates the arc tangent of x,
+ * returning a value ranging from -$(PI)/2 to $(PI)/2.
+ *
+ *	$(TABLE_SV
+ *	$(TR $(TH x)                 $(TH atan(x))      $(TH invalid?))
+ *	$(TR $(TD $(PLUSMN)0.0)      $(TD $(PLUSMN)0.0) $(TD no))
+ *	$(TR $(TD $(PLUSMN)$(INFIN)) $(TD $(NAN))       $(TD yes))
+ *       )
+ */
+real atan(real x)		{ return std.c.math.atan(x); }
+ * Calculates the arc tangent of y / x,
+ * returning a value ranging from -$(PI)/2 to $(PI)/2.
+ *
+ *      $(TABLE_SV
+ *      $(TR $(TH y)                 $(TH x)            $(TH atan(y, x)))
+ *      $(TR $(TD $(NAN))            $(TD anything)     $(TD $(NAN)) )
+ *      $(TR $(TD anything)          $(TD $(NAN))       $(TD $(NAN)) )
+ *      $(TR $(TD $(PLUSMN)0.0)      $(TD $(GT)0.0)     $(TD $(PLUSMN)0.0) )
+ *      $(TR $(TD $(PLUSMN)0.0)      $(TD $(PLUSMN)0.0) $(TD $(PLUSMN)0.0) )
+ *      $(TR $(TD $(PLUSMN)0.0)      $(TD $(LT)0.0)     $(TD $(PLUSMN)$(PI)))
+ *      $(TR $(TD $(PLUSMN)0.0)      $(TD -0.0)         $(TD $(PLUSMN)$(PI)))
+ *      $(TR $(TD $(GT)0.0)          $(TD $(PLUSMN)0.0) $(TD $(PI)/2) )
+ *      $(TR $(TD $(LT)0.0)          $(TD $(PLUSMN)0.0) $(TD $(PI)/2))
+ *      $(TR $(TD $(GT)0.0)          $(TD $(INFIN))     $(TD $(PLUSMN)0.0) )
+ *      $(TR $(TD $(PLUSMN)$(INFIN)) $(TD anything)     $(TD $(PLUSMN)$(PI)/2))
+ *      $(TR $(TD $(GT)0.0)          $(TD -$(INFIN))    $(TD $(PLUSMN)$(PI)) )
+ *      $(TR $(TD $(PLUSMN)$(INFIN)) $(TD $(INFIN))     $(TD $(PLUSMN)$(PI)/4))
+ *      $(TR $(TD $(PLUSMN)$(INFIN)) $(TD -$(INFIN))    $(TD $(PLUSMN)3$(PI)/4))
+ *      )
+ */
+real atan2(real y, real x)      { return std.c.math.atan2(y,x); }
+ * Calculates the hyperbolic cosine of x.
+ *
+ *	$(TABLE_SV
+ *	$(TR $(TH x)                 $(TH cosh(x))      $(TH invalid?))
+ *	$(TR $(TD $(PLUSMN)$(INFIN)) $(TD $(PLUSMN)0.0) $(TD no) )
+ *      )
+ */
+real cosh(real x)		{ return std.c.math.cosh(x); }
+ * Calculates the hyperbolic sine of x.
+ *
+ *	$(TABLE_SV
+ *	$(TR $(TH x)                 $(TH sinh(x))           $(TH invalid?))
+ *	$(TR $(TD $(PLUSMN)0.0)      $(TD $(PLUSMN)0.0)      $(TD no))
+ *	$(TR $(TD $(PLUSMN)$(INFIN)) $(TD $(PLUSMN)$(INFIN)) $(TD no))
+ *      )
+ */
+real sinh(real x)		{ return std.c.math.sinh(x); }
+ * Calculates the hyperbolic tangent of x.
+ *
+ *	$(TABLE_SV
+ *	$(TR $(TH x)                 $(TH tanh(x))      $(TH invalid?))
+ *	$(TR $(TD $(PLUSMN)0.0)	     $(TD $(PLUSMN)0.0) $(TD no) )
+ *	$(TR $(TD $(PLUSMN)$(INFIN)) $(TD $(PLUSMN)1.0) $(TD no))
+ *      )
+ */
+real tanh(real x)		{ return std.c.math.tanh(x); }
+//real acosh(real x)		{ return std.c.math.acoshl(x); }
+//real asinh(real x)		{ return std.c.math.asinhl(x); }
+//real atanh(real x)		{ return std.c.math.atanhl(x); }
+ * Calculates the inverse hyperbolic cosine of x.
+ *
+ *  Mathematically, acosh(x) = log(x + sqrt( x*x - 1))
+ *
+ *  $(DOMAIN 1..$(INFIN))
+ *  $(RANGE  1..log(real.max), $(INFIN)) )
+ *	$(TABLE_SV
+ *    $(SVH  x,     acosh(x) )
+ *    $(SV  $(NAN), $(NAN) )
+ *    $(SV  <1,     $(NAN) )
+ *    $(SV  1,      0       )
+ *    $(SV  +$(INFIN),+$(INFIN))
+ *  )
+ */   
+real acosh(real x)
+    if (x > 1/real.epsilon)
+	return LN2 + log(x);
+    else
+	return log(x + sqrt(x*x - 1));
+    assert(isnan(acosh(0.9)));
+    assert(isnan(acosh(real.nan)));
+    assert(acosh(1)==0.0);
+    assert(acosh(real.infinity) == real.infinity);
+ * Calculates the inverse hyperbolic sine of x.
+ *
+ *  Mathematically,
+ *  ---------------
+ *  asinh(x) =  log( x + sqrt( x*x + 1 )) // if x >= +0
+ *  asinh(x) = -log(-x + sqrt( x*x + 1 )) // if x <= -0
+ *  -------------
+ *
+ *	$(TABLE_SV
+ *    $(SVH x,                asinh(x)       )
+ *    $(SV  $(NAN),           $(NAN)         )
+ *    $(SV  $(PLUSMN)0,       $(PLUSMN)0      )
+ *    $(SV  $(PLUSMN)$(INFIN),$(PLUSMN)$(INFIN))
+ *  )
+ */
+real asinh(real x)
+    if (fabs(x) > 1 / real.epsilon)   // beyond this point, x*x + 1 == x*x
+	return copysign(LN2 + log(fabs(x)), x);
+    else
+    {
+	// sqrt(x*x + 1) ==  1 + x * x / ( 1 + sqrt(x*x + 1) )
+	return copysign(log1p(fabs(x) + x*x / (1 + sqrt(x*x + 1)) ), x);
+    }
+    assert(isPosZero(asinh(0.0)));
+    assert(isNegZero(asinh(-0.0)));
+    assert(asinh(real.infinity) == real.infinity);
+    assert(asinh(-real.infinity) == -real.infinity);
+    assert(isnan(asinh(real.nan)));
+ * Calculates the inverse hyperbolic tangent of x,
+ * returning a value from ranging from -1 to 1.
+ *  
+ * Mathematically, atanh(x) = log( (1+x)/(1-x) ) / 2
+ *  
+ *
+ *  $(DOMAIN -$(INFIN)..$(INFIN))
+ *  $(RANGE  -1..1) )
+ *	$(TABLE_SV
+ *    $(SVH  x,     acosh(x) )
+ *    $(SV  $(NAN), $(NAN) )
+ *    $(SV  $(PLUSMN)0, $(PLUSMN)0)
+ *    $(SV  -$(INFIN), -0)
+ *  )
+ */   
+real atanh(real x)
+    // log( (1+x)/(1-x) ) == log ( 1 + (2*x)/(1-x) )
+    return  0.5 * log1p( 2 * x / (1 - x) );
+    assert(isPosZero(atanh(0.0)));
+    assert(isNegZero(atanh(-0.0)));
+    assert(isnan(atanh(real.nan)));
+    assert(isnan(atanh(-real.infinity))); 
+ * Returns x rounded to a long value using the current rounding mode.
+ * If the integer value of x is
+ * greater than long.max, the result is
+ * indeterminate.
+ */
+long rndtol(real x);	/* intrinsic */
+ * Returns x rounded to a long value using the FE_TONEAREST rounding mode.
+ * If the integer value of x is
+ * greater than long.max, the result is
+ * indeterminate.
+ */
+extern (C) real rndtonl(real x);
+ * Compute square root of x.
+ *
+ *	$(TABLE_SV
+ *	$(TR $(TH x)         $(TH sqrt(x))   $(TH invalid?))
+ *	$(TR $(TD -0.0)      $(TD -0.0)      $(TD no))
+ *	$(TR $(TD $(LT)0.0)  $(TD $(NAN))    $(TD yes))
+ *	$(TR $(TD +$(INFIN)) $(TD +$(INFIN)) $(TD no))
+ *	)
+ */
+pragma(LLVM_internal, "intrinsic", "llvm.sqrt.f32")
+float sqrt(float x);	/* intrinsic */
+pragma(LLVM_internal, "intrinsic", "llvm.sqrt.f64") {
+double sqrt(double x);	/* intrinsic */	/// ditto
+real sqrt(real x);	/* intrinsic */ /// ditto
+creal sqrt(creal z)
+    creal c;
+    real x,y,w,r;
+    if (z == 0)
+    {
+	c = 0 + 0i;
+    }
+    else
+    {	real z_re = z.re;
+	real z_im = z.im;
+	x = fabs(z_re);
+	y = fabs(z_im);
+	if (x >= y)
+	{
+	    r = y / x;
+	    w = sqrt(x) * sqrt(0.5 * (1 + sqrt(1 + r * r)));
+	}
+	else
+	{
+	    r = x / y;
+	    w = sqrt(y) * sqrt(0.5 * (r + sqrt(1 + r * r)));
+	}
+	if (z_re >= 0)
+	{
+	    c = w + (z_im / (w + w)) * 1.0i;
+	}
+	else
+	{
+	    if (z_im < 0)
+		w = -w;
+	    c = z_im / (w + w) + w * 1.0i;
+	}
+    }
+    return c;
+ * Calculates e$(SUP x).
+ *
+ *	$(TABLE_SV
+ *	$(TR $(TH x)         $(TH exp(x)))
+ *	$(TR $(TD +$(INFIN)) $(TD +$(INFIN)) )
+ *	$(TR $(TD -$(INFIN)) $(TD +0.0) )
+ *	)
+ */
+real exp(real x)		{ return std.c.math.exp(x); }
+ * Calculates 2$(SUP x).
+ *
+ *	$(TABLE_SV
+ *	$(TR $(TH x)         $(TH exp2(x)))
+ *	$(TR $(TD +$(INFIN)) $(TD +$(INFIN)))
+ *	$(TR $(TD -$(INFIN)) $(TD +0.0))
+ *	)
+ */
+real exp2(real x)		{ return std.c.math.exp2(x); }
+ * Calculates the value of the natural logarithm base (e)
+ * raised to the power of x, minus 1.
+ *
+ * For very small x, expm1(x) is more accurate 
+ * than exp(x)-1. 
+ *
+ *	$(TABLE_SV
+ *	$(TR $(TH x)            $(TH e$(SUP x)-1))
+ *	$(TR $(TD $(PLUSMN)0.0) $(TD $(PLUSMN)0.0))
+ *	$(TR $(TD +$(INFIN))    $(TD +$(INFIN)))
+ *	$(TR $(TD -$(INFIN))    $(TD -1.0))
+ *	)
+ */
+real expm1(real x)		{ return std.c.math.expm1(x); }
+ * Separate floating point value into significand and exponent.
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ *	Calculate and return <i>x</i> and exp such that
+ *	value =<i>x</i>*2$(SUP exp) and
+ *	.5 $(LT)= |<i>x</i>| $(LT) 1.0<br>
+ *	<i>x</i> has same sign as value.
+ *
+ *	$(TABLE_SV
+ *	$(TR $(TH value)           $(TH returns)         $(TH exp))
+ *	$(TR $(TD $(PLUSMN)0.0)    $(TD $(PLUSMN)0.0)    $(TD 0))
+ *	$(TR $(TD +$(INFIN))       $(TD +$(INFIN))       $(TD int.max))
+ *	$(TR $(TD -$(INFIN))       $(TD -$(INFIN))       $(TD int.min))
+ *	$(TR $(TD $(PLUSMN)$(NAN)) $(TD $(PLUSMN)$(NAN)) $(TD int.min))
+ *	)
+ */
+real frexp(real value, out int exp)
+    ushort* vu = cast(ushort*)&value;
+    long* vl = cast(long*)&value;
+    uint ex;
+    // If exponent is non-zero
+    ex = vu[4] & 0x7FFF;
+    if (ex)
+    {
+	if (ex == 0x7FFF)
+	{   // infinity or NaN
+	    if (*vl &  0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF)	// if NaN
+	    {	*vl |= 0xC000000000000000;	// convert $(NAN)S to $(NAN)Q
+		exp = int.min;
+	    }
+	    else if (vu[4] & 0x8000)
+	    {	// negative infinity
+		exp = int.min;
+	    }
+	    else
+	    {	// positive infinity
+		exp = int.max;
+	    }
+	}
+	else
+	{
+	    exp = ex - 0x3FFE;
+	    vu[4] = cast(ushort)((0x8000 & vu[4]) | 0x3FFE);
+	}
+    }
+    else if (!*vl)
+    {
+	// value is +-0.0
+	exp = 0;
+    }
+    else
+    {	// denormal
+	int i = -0x3FFD;
+	do
+	{
+	    i--;
+	    *vl <<= 1;
+	} while (*vl > 0);
+	exp = i;
+        vu[4] = cast(ushort)((0x8000 & vu[4]) | 0x3FFE);
+    }
+    return value;
+    static real vals[][3] =	// x,frexp,exp
+    [
+	[0.0,	0.0,	0],
+	[-0.0,	-0.0,	0],
+	[1.0,	.5,	1],
+	[-1.0,	-.5,	1],
+	[2.0,	.5,	2],
+	[155.67e20,	0x1.A5F1C2EB3FE4Fp-1,	74],	// normal
+	[1.0e-320,	0.98829225,		-1063],
+	[real.min,	.5,		-16381],
+	[real.min/2.0L,	.5,		-16382],	// denormal
+	[real.infinity,real.infinity,int.max],
+	[-real.infinity,-real.infinity,int.min],
+	[real.nan,real.nan,int.min],
+	[-real.nan,-real.nan,int.min],
+	// Don't really support signalling nan's in D
+	//[real.nans,real.nan,int.min],
+	//[-real.nans,-real.nan,int.min],
+    ];
+    int i;
+    for (i = 0; i < vals.length; i++)
+    {
+	real x = vals[i][0];
+	real e = vals[i][1];
+	int exp = cast(int)vals[i][2];
+	int eptr;
+	real v = frexp(x, eptr);
+	//printf("frexp(%Lg) = %.8Lg, should be %.8Lg, eptr = %d, should be %d\n", x, v, e, eptr, exp);
+	assert(mfeq(e, v, .0000001));
+	assert(exp == eptr);
+    }
+ * Extracts the exponent of x as a signed integral value.
+ *
+ * If x is not a special value, the result is the same as
+ * <tt>cast(int)logb(x)</tt>.
+ *
+ *	$(TABLE_SV
+ *	$(TR $(TH x)                $(TH ilogb(x))     $(TH Range error?))
+ *	$(TR $(TD 0)                 $(TD FP_ILOGB0)   $(TD yes))
+ *	$(TR $(TD $(PLUSMN)$(INFIN)) $(TD int.max)     $(TD no))
+ *	$(TR $(TD $(NAN))            $(TD FP_ILOGBNAN) $(TD no))
+ *	)
+ */
+int ilogb(real x)		{ return std.c.math.ilogb(x); }
+alias std.c.math.FP_ILOGB0   FP_ILOGB0;
+alias std.c.math.FP_ILOGBNAN FP_ILOGBNAN;
+ * Compute n * 2$(SUP exp)
+ * References: frexp
+ */
+real ldexp(real n, int exp)	{ return std.c.math.ldexp(n, exp); }
+ * Calculate the natural logarithm of x.
+ *
+ *	$(TABLE_SV
+ *	$(TR $(TH x)            $(TH log(x))    $(TH divide by 0?) $(TH invalid?))
+ *	$(TR $(TD $(PLUSMN)0.0) $(TD -$(INFIN)) $(TD yes)          $(TD no))
+ *	$(TR $(TD $(LT)0.0)     $(TD $(NAN))    $(TD no)           $(TD yes))
+ *	$(TR $(TD +$(INFIN))    $(TD +$(INFIN)) $(TD no)           $(TD no))
+ *	)
+ */
+real log(real x)		{ return std.c.math.log(x); }
+ * Calculate the base-10 logarithm of x.
+ *
+ *	$(TABLE_SV
+ *	$(TR $(TH x)            $(TH log10(x))  $(TH divide by 0?) $(TH invalid?))
+ *	$(TR $(TD $(PLUSMN)0.0) $(TD -$(INFIN)) $(TD yes)          $(TD no))
+ *	$(TR $(TD $(LT)0.0)     $(TD $(NAN))    $(TD no)           $(TD yes))
+ *	$(TR $(TD +$(INFIN))    $(TD +$(INFIN)) $(TD no)           $(TD no))
+ *	)
+ */
+real log10(real x)		{ return std.c.math.log10(x); }
+ *	Calculates the natural logarithm of 1 + x.
+ *
+ *	For very small x, log1p(x) will be more accurate than 
+ *	log(1 + x). 
+ *
+ *	$(TABLE_SV
+ *	$(TR $(TH x)            $(TH log1p(x))     $(TH divide by 0?) $(TH invalid?))
+ *	$(TR $(TD $(PLUSMN)0.0) $(TD $(PLUSMN)0.0) $(TD no)           $(TD no))
+ *	$(TR $(TD -1.0)         $(TD -$(INFIN))    $(TD yes)          $(TD no))
+ *	$(TR $(TD $(LT)-1.0)    $(TD $(NAN))       $(TD no)           $(TD yes))
+ *	$(TR $(TD +$(INFIN))    $(TD -$(INFIN))    $(TD no)           $(TD no))
+ *	)
+ */
+real log1p(real x)		{ return std.c.math.log1p(x); }
+ * Calculates the base-2 logarithm of x:
+ * log<sub>2</sub>x
+ *
+ *	$(TABLE_SV
+ *	$(TR $(TH x) 	        $(TH log2(x))   $(TH divide by 0?) $(TH invalid?))
+ *	$(TR $(TD $(PLUSMN)0.0) $(TD -$(INFIN)) $(TD yes)          $(TD no) )
+ *	$(TR $(TD $(LT)0.0)     $(TD $(NAN))    $(TD no)           $(TD yes) )
+ *	$(TR $(TD +$(INFIN))    $(TD +$(INFIN)) $(TD no)           $(TD no) )
+ *	)
+ */
+real log2(real x)		{ return std.c.math.log2(x); }
+ * Extracts the exponent of x as a signed integral value.
+ *
+ * If x is subnormal, it is treated as if it were normalized.
+ * For a positive, finite x: 
+ *
+ * -----
+ * 1 <= $(I x) * FLT_RADIX$(SUP -logb(x)) < FLT_RADIX 
+ * -----
+ *
+ *	$(TABLE_SV
+ *	$(TR $(TH x)                 $(TH logb(x))   $(TH divide by 0?) )
+ *	$(TR $(TD $(PLUSMN)$(INFIN)) $(TD +$(INFIN)) $(TD no))
+ *	$(TR $(TD $(PLUSMN)0.0)      $(TD -$(INFIN)) $(TD yes) )
+ *	)
+ */
+real logb(real x)		{ return std.c.math.logb(x); }
+ * Calculates the remainder from the calculation x/y.
+ * Returns:
+ * The value of x - i * y, where i is the number of times that y can 
+ * be completely subtracted from x. The result has the same sign as x. 
+ *
+ *	$(TABLE_SV
+ *	$(TR $(TH x)                   $(TH y)                 $(TH modf(x, y))   $(TH invalid?))
+ *	$(TR $(TD $(PLUSMN)0.0)        $(TD no)t 0.0           $(TD $(PLUSMN)0.0) $(TD no))
+ *	$(TR $(TD $(PLUSMN)$(INFIN))   $(TD anything)          $(TD $(NAN))       $(TD yes))
+ *	$(TR $(TD anything)            $(TD $(PLUSMN)0.0)      $(TD $(NAN))       $(TD yes))
+ *	$(TR $(TD !=$(PLUSMN)$(INFIN)) $(TD $(PLUSMN)$(INFIN)) $(TD x)            $(TD no))
+ *	)
+ */
+real modf(real x, inout real y)
+double Y = y;
+auto tmp = std.c.math.modf(x,&Y);
+y = Y;
+return tmp;
+ * Efficiently calculates x * 2$(SUP n).
+ *
+ * scalbn handles underflow and overflow in 
+ * the same fashion as the basic arithmetic operators. 
+ *
+ *	$(TABLE_SV
+ *	$(TR $(TH x)                 $(TH scalb(x)))
+ *	$(TR $(TD $(PLUSMN)$(INFIN)) $(TD $(PLUSMN)$(INFIN)) )
+ *	$(TR $(TD $(PLUSMN)0.0)      $(TD $(PLUSMN)0.0) )
+ *	)
+ */
+real scalbn(real x, int n)
+    version (linux)
+	return std.c.math.scalbn(x, n);
+    else
+	throw new NotImplemented("scalbn");
+ * Calculates the cube root x.
+ *
+ *	$(TABLE_SV
+ *	$(TR $(TH $(I x))	     $(TH cbrt(x))           $(TH invalid?))
+ *	$(TR $(TD $(PLUSMN)0.0)	     $(TD $(PLUSMN)0.0)      $(TD no) )
+ *	$(TR $(TD $(NAN))	     $(TD $(NAN))            $(TD yes) )
+ *	$(TR $(TD $(PLUSMN)$(INFIN)) $(TD $(PLUSMN)$(INFIN)) $(TD no) )
+ *	)
+ */
+real cbrt(real x)		{ return std.c.math.cbrt(x); }
+ * Returns |x|
+ *
+ *	$(TABLE_SV
+ *	$(TR $(TH x)                 $(TH fabs(x)))
+ *	$(TR $(TD $(PLUSMN)0.0)      $(TD +0.0) )
+ *	$(TR $(TD $(PLUSMN)$(INFIN)) $(TD +$(INFIN)) )
+ *	)
+ */
+real fabs(real x)	{ return std.c.math.fabs(x); }
+ * Calculates the length of the 
+ * hypotenuse of a right-angled triangle with sides of length x and y. 
+ * The hypotenuse is the value of the square root of 
+ * the sums of the squares of x and y:
+ *
+ *	sqrt(x&sup2; + y&sup2;)
+ *
+ * Note that hypot(x, y), hypot(y, x) and
+ * hypot(x, -y) are equivalent.
+ *
+ *	$(TABLE_SV
+ *	$(TR $(TH x)                 $(TH y)            $(TH hypot(x, y)) $(TH invalid?))
+ *	$(TR $(TD x)                 $(TD $(PLUSMN)0.0) $(TD |x|)         $(TD no))
+ *	$(TR $(TD $(PLUSMN)$(INFIN)) $(TD y)            $(TD +$(INFIN))   $(TD no))
+ *	$(TR $(TD $(PLUSMN)$(INFIN)) $(TD $(NAN))       $(TD +$(INFIN))   $(TD no))
+ *	)
+ */
+real hypot(real x, real y)
+    /*
+     * This is based on code from:
+     * Cephes Math Library Release 2.1:  January, 1989
+     * Copyright 1984, 1987, 1989 by Stephen L. Moshier
+     * Direct inquiries to 30 Frost Street, Cambridge, MA 02140
+     */
+    const int PRECL = 32;
+    const int MAXEXPL = real.max_exp; //16384;
+    const int MINEXPL = real.min_exp; //-16384;
+    real xx, yy, b, re, im;
+    int ex, ey, e;
+    // Note, hypot(INFINITY, NAN) = INFINITY.
+    if (isinf(x) || isinf(y))
+	return real.infinity;
+    if (isnan(x))
+	return x;
+    if (isnan(y))
+	return y;
+    re = fabs(x);
+    im = fabs(y);
+    if (re == 0.0)
+	return im;
+    if (im == 0.0)
+	return re;
+    // Get the exponents of the numbers
+    xx = frexp(re, ex);
+    yy = frexp(im, ey);
+    // Check if one number is tiny compared to the other
+    e = ex - ey;
+    if (e > PRECL)
+	return re;
+    if (e < -PRECL)
+	return im;
+    // Find approximate exponent e of the geometric mean.
+    e = (ex + ey) >> 1;
+    // Rescale so mean is about 1
+    xx = ldexp(re, -e);
+    yy = ldexp(im, -e);
+    // Hypotenuse of the right triangle
+    b = sqrt(xx * xx  +  yy * yy);
+    // Compute the exponent of the answer.
+    yy = frexp(b, ey);
+    ey = e + ey;
+    // Check it for overflow and underflow.
+    if (ey > MAXEXPL + 2)
+    {
+	//return __matherr(_OVERFLOW, INFINITY, x, y, "hypotl");
+	return real.infinity;
+    }
+    if (ey < MINEXPL - 2)
+	return 0.0;
+    // Undo the scaling
+    b = ldexp(b, e);
+    return b;
+    static real vals[][3] =	// x,y,hypot
+    [
+	[	0,	0,	0],
+	[	0,	-0,	0],
+	[	3,	4,	5],
+	[	-300,	-400,	500],
+	[	real.min, real.min, 4.75473e-4932L],
+	[	real.max/2, real.max/2, 0x1.6a09e667f3bcc908p+16383L /*8.41267e+4931L*/],
+	[	real.infinity, real.nan, real.infinity],
+	[	real.nan, real.nan, real.nan],
+    ];
+    int i;
+    for (i = 0; i < vals.length; i++)
+    {
+	real x = vals[i][0];
+	real y = vals[i][1];
+	real z = vals[i][2];
+	real h = hypot(x, y);
+	//printf("hypot(%Lg, %Lg) = %Lg, should be %Lg\n", x, y, h, z);
+	//if (!mfeq(z, h, .0000001))
+	    //printf("%La\n", h);
+	assert(mfeq(z, h, .0000001));
+    }
+ * Returns the error function of x.
+ *
+ * <img src="erf.gif" alt="error function">
+ */
+real erf(real x)		{ return std.c.math.erf(x); }
+ * Returns the complementary error function of x, which is 1 - erf(x).
+ *
+ * <img src="erfc.gif" alt="complementary error function">
+ */
+real erfc(real x)		{ return std.c.math.erfc(x); }
+ * Natural logarithm of gamma function.
+ *
+ * Returns the base e (2.718...) logarithm of the absolute
+ * value of the gamma function of the argument.
+ *
+ * For reals, lgamma is equivalent to log(fabs(gamma(x))).
+ *
+ *	$(TABLE_SV
+ *	$(TR $(TH x)                 $(TH lgamma(x)) $(TH invalid?))
+ *	$(TR $(TD $(NAN))            $(TD $(NAN))    $(TD yes))
+ *	$(TR $(TD integer <= 0)      $(TD +$(INFIN)) $(TD yes))
+ *	$(TR $(TD $(PLUSMN)$(INFIN)) $(TD +$(INFIN)) $(TD no))
+ *	)
+ */
+/* Documentation prepared by Don Clugston */
+real lgamma(real x)
+    return std.c.math.lgamma(x);
+    // Use etc.gamma.lgamma for those C systems that are missing it
+ *  The Gamma function, $(GAMMA)(x)
+ *
+ *  $(GAMMA)(x) is a generalisation of the factorial function
+ *  to real and complex numbers.
+ *  Like x!, $(GAMMA)(x+1) = x*$(GAMMA)(x).
+ *
+ *  Mathematically, if z.re > 0 then
+ *   $(GAMMA)(z) =<big>$(INTEGRAL)<sub><small>0</small></sub><sup>$(INFIN)</sup></big>t<sup>z-1</sup>e<sup>-t</sup>dt
+ *
+ *	$(TABLE_SV
+ *	$(TR $(TH x)              $(TH $(GAMMA)(x))       $(TH invalid?))
+ *	$(TR $(TD $(NAN))         $(TD $(NAN))            $(TD yes))
+ *	$(TR $(TD $(PLUSMN)0.0)   $(TD $(PLUSMN)$(INFIN)) $(TD yes))
+ *	$(TR $(TD integer $(GT)0) $(TD (x-1)!)            $(TD no))
+ *	$(TR $(TD integer $(LT)0) $(TD $(NAN))            $(TD yes))
+ *	$(TR $(TD +$(INFIN))      $(TD +$(INFIN))         $(TD no))
+ *	$(TR $(TD -$(INFIN))      $(TD $(NAN))            $(TD yes))
+ *	)
+ *
+ *  References:
+ *	$(LINK http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gamma_function),
+ *	$(LINK http://www.netlib.org/cephes/ldoubdoc.html#gamma)
+ */
+/* Documentation prepared by Don Clugston */
+real tgamma(real x)
+    return std.c.math.tgamma(x);
+    // Use etc.gamma.tgamma for those C systems that are missing it
+ * Returns the value of x rounded upward to the next integer
+ * (toward positive infinity).
+ */
+real ceil(real x)		{ return std.c.math.ceil(x); }
+ * Returns the value of x rounded downward to the next integer
+ * (toward negative infinity).
+ */
+real floor(real x)		{ return std.c.math.floor(x); }
+ * Rounds x to the nearest integer value, using the current rounding 
+ * mode.
+ *
+ * Unlike the rint functions, nearbyint does not raise the 
+ * FE_INEXACT exception. 
+ */
+real nearbyint(real x) { return std.c.math.nearbyint(x); }
+ * Rounds x to the nearest integer value, using the current rounding
+ * mode.
+ * If the return value is not equal to x, the FE_INEXACT
+ * exception is raised.
+ * <b>nearbyint</b> performs
+ * the same operation, but does not set the FE_INEXACT exception.
+ */
+real rint(real x)	{ return std.c.math.rint(x); }
+ * Rounds x to the nearest integer value, using the current rounding
+ * mode.
+ */
+long lrint(real x)
+    version (linux)
+	return std.c.math.llrint(x);
+    else
+	throw new NotImplemented("lrint");
+ * Return the value of x rounded to the nearest integer.
+ * If the fractional part of x is exactly 0.5, the return value is rounded to
+ * the even integer. 
+ */
+real round(real x) { return std.c.math.round(x); }
+ * Return the value of x rounded to the nearest integer.
+ *
+ * If the fractional part of x is exactly 0.5, the return value is rounded
+ * away from zero.
+ */
+long lround(real x)
+    version (linux)
+	return std.c.math.llround(x);
+    else
+	throw new NotImplemented("lround");
+ * Returns the integer portion of x, dropping the fractional portion. 
+ *
+ * This is also known as "chop" rounding. 
+ */
+real trunc(real x) { return std.c.math.trunc(x); }
+ * Calculate the remainder x REM y, following IEC 60559.
+ *
+ * REM is the value of x - y * n, where n is the integer nearest the exact 
+ * value of x / y.
+ * If |n - x / y| == 0.5, n is even.
+ * If the result is zero, it has the same sign as x.
+ * Otherwise, the sign of the result is the sign of x / y.
+ * Precision mode has no effect on the remainder functions.
+ *
+ * remquo returns n in the parameter n.
+ *
+ *	$(TABLE_SV
+ *	$(TR $(TH x)                    $(TH y)                 $(TH remainder(x, y)) $(TH n)   $(TH invalid?))
+ *	$(TR $(TD $(PLUSMN)0.0)         $(TD no)t 0.0           $(TD $(PLUSMN)0.0)    $(TD 0.0) $(TD no))
+ *	$(TR $(TD $(PLUSMN)$(INFIN))    $(TD anything)          $(TD $(NAN))          $(TD ?)   $(TD yes))
+ *	$(TR $(TD anything)             $(TD $(PLUSMN)0.0)      $(TD $(NAN))          $(TD ?)   $(TD yes))
+ *	$(TR $(TD != $(PLUSMN)$(INFIN)) $(TD $(PLUSMN)$(INFIN)) $(TD x)               $(TD ?)   $(TD no))
+ *	)
+ */
+real remainder(real x, real y) { return std.c.math.remainder(x, y); }
+real remquo(real x, real y, out int n)	/// ditto
+    version (linux)
+	return std.c.math.remquo(x, y, &n);
+    else
+	throw new NotImplemented("remquo");
+ * Returns !=0 if e is a NaN.
+ */
+int isnan(real e)
+    ushort* pe = cast(ushort *)&e;
+    ulong*  ps = cast(ulong *)&e;
+    return (pe[4] & 0x7FFF) == 0x7FFF &&
+	    *ps & 0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF;
+    assert(isnan(float.nan));
+    assert(isnan(-double.nan));
+    assert(isnan(real.nan));
+    assert(!isnan(53.6));
+    assert(!isnan(float.infinity));
+ * Returns !=0 if e is finite.
+ */
+int isfinite(real e)
+    ushort* pe = cast(ushort *)&e;
+    return (pe[4] & 0x7FFF) != 0x7FFF;
+    assert(isfinite(1.23));
+    assert(!isfinite(double.infinity));
+    assert(!isfinite(float.nan));
+ * Returns !=0 if x is normalized.
+ */
+/* Need one for each format because subnormal floats might
+ * be converted to normal reals.
+ */
+int isnormal(float x)
+    uint *p = cast(uint *)&x;
+    uint e;
+    e = *p & 0x7F800000;
+    //printf("e = x%x, *p = x%x\n", e, *p);
+    return e && e != 0x7F800000;
+/// ditto
+int isnormal(double d)
+    uint *p = cast(uint *)&d;
+    uint e;
+    e = p[1] & 0x7FF00000;
+    return e && e != 0x7FF00000;
+/// ditto
+int isnormal(real e)
+    ushort* pe = cast(ushort *)&e;
+    long*   ps = cast(long *)&e;
+    return (pe[4] & 0x7FFF) != 0x7FFF && *ps < 0;
+    float f = 3;
+    double d = 500;
+    real e = 10e+48;
+    assert(isnormal(f));
+    assert(isnormal(d));
+    assert(isnormal(e));
+ * Is number subnormal? (Also called "denormal".)
+ * Subnormals have a 0 exponent and a 0 most significant mantissa bit.
+ */
+/* Need one for each format because subnormal floats might
+ * be converted to normal reals.
+ */
+int issubnormal(float f)
+    uint *p = cast(uint *)&f;
+    //printf("*p = x%x\n", *p);
+    return (*p & 0x7F800000) == 0 && *p & 0x007FFFFF;
+    float f = 3.0;
+    for (f = 1.0; !issubnormal(f); f /= 2)
+	assert(f != 0);
+/// ditto
+int issubnormal(double d)
+    uint *p = cast(uint *)&d;
+    return (p[1] & 0x7FF00000) == 0 && (p[0] || p[1] & 0x000FFFFF);
+    double f;
+    for (f = 1; !issubnormal(f); f /= 2)
+	assert(f != 0);
+/// ditto
+int issubnormal(real e)
+    ushort* pe = cast(ushort *)&e;
+    long*   ps = cast(long *)&e;
+    return (pe[4] & 0x7FFF) == 0 && *ps > 0;
+    real f;
+    for (f = 1; !issubnormal(f); f /= 2)
+	assert(f != 0);
+ * Return !=0 if e is $(PLUSMN)$(INFIN).
+ */
+int isinf(real e)
+    ushort* pe = cast(ushort *)&e;
+    ulong*  ps = cast(ulong *)&e;
+    return (pe[4] & 0x7FFF) == 0x7FFF &&
+	    *ps == 0x8000000000000000;
+    assert(isinf(float.infinity));
+    assert(!isinf(float.nan));
+    assert(isinf(double.infinity));
+    assert(isinf(-real.infinity));
+    assert(isinf(-1.0 / 0.0));
+ * Return 1 if sign bit of e is set, 0 if not.
+ */
+int signbit(real e)
+    ubyte* pe = cast(ubyte *)&e;
+//printf("e = %Lg\n", e);
+    return (pe[9] & 0x80) != 0;
+    debug (math) printf("math.signbit.unittest\n");
+    assert(!signbit(float.nan));
+    assert(signbit(-float.nan));
+    assert(!signbit(168.1234));
+    assert(signbit(-168.1234));
+    assert(!signbit(0.0));
+    assert(signbit(-0.0));
+ * Return a value composed of to with from's sign bit.
+ */
+real copysign(real to, real from)
+    ubyte* pto   = cast(ubyte *)&to;
+    ubyte* pfrom = cast(ubyte *)&from;
+    pto[9] &= 0x7F;
+    pto[9] |= pfrom[9] & 0x80;
+    return to;
+    real e;
+    e = copysign(21, 23.8);
+    assert(e == 21);
+    e = copysign(-21, 23.8);
+    assert(e == 21);
+    e = copysign(21, -23.8);
+    assert(e == -21);
+    e = copysign(-21, -23.8);
+    assert(e == -21);
+    e = copysign(real.nan, -23.8);
+    assert(isnan(e) && signbit(e));
+ * Creates a quiet NAN with the information from tagp[] embedded in it.
+ */
+real nan(char[] tagp) { return std.c.math.nan((tagp~\0).ptr); }
+ * Calculates the next representable value after x in the direction of y. 
+ *
+ * If y $(GT) x, the result will be the next largest floating-point value;
+ * if y $(LT) x, the result will be the next smallest value.
+ * If x == y, the result is y.
+ * The FE_INEXACT and FE_OVERFLOW exceptions will be raised if x is finite and
+ * the function result is infinite. The FE_INEXACT and FE_UNDERFLOW 
+ * exceptions will be raised if the function value is subnormal, and x is 
+ * not equal to y. 
+ */
+real nextafter(real x, real y)
+    version (linux)
+	return std.c.math.nextafterl(x, y);
+    else
+	throw new NotImplemented("nextafter");
+//real nexttoward(real x, real y) { return std.c.math.nexttowardl(x, y); }
+ * Returns the positive difference between x and y.
+ * Returns:
+ *	$(TABLE_SV
+ *	$(TR $(TH x, y)       $(TH fdim(x, y)))
+ *	$(TR $(TD x $(GT) y)  $(TD x - y))
+ *	$(TR $(TD x $(LT)= y) $(TD +0.0))
+ *	)
+ */
+real fdim(real x, real y) { return (x > y) ? x - y : +0.0; }
+ * Returns the larger of x and y.
+ */
+real fmax(real x, real y) { return x > y ? x : y; }
+ * Returns the smaller of x and y.
+ */
+real fmin(real x, real y) { return x < y ? x : y; }
+ * Returns (x * y) + z, rounding only once according to the
+ * current rounding mode.
+ */
+real fma(real x, real y, real z) { return (x * y) + z; }
+ * Fast integral powers.
+ */
+pragma(LLVM_internal, "intrinsic", "llvm.powi.f32")
+float pow(float x, uint n);
+/// ditto
+float pow(float x, int n);
+pragma(LLVM_internal, "intrinsic", "llvm.powi.f64")
+/// ditto
+double pow(double x, uint n);
+/// ditto
+double pow(double x, int n);
+/// ditto
+real pow(real x, uint n);
+/// ditto
+real pow(real x, int n);
+real pow(real x, uint n);
+    real p;
+    switch (n)
+    {
+	case 0:
+	    p = 1.0;
+	    break;
+	case 1:
+	    p = x;
+	    break;
+	case 2:
+	    p = x * x;
+	    break;
+	default:
+	    p = 1.0;
+	    while (1)
+	    {
+		if (n & 1)
+		    p *= x;
+		n >>= 1;
+		if (!n)
+		    break;
+		x *= x;
+	    }
+	    break;
+    }
+    return p;
+/// ditto
+real pow(real x, int n);
+    if (n < 0)
+	return pow(x, cast(real)n);
+    else
+	return pow(x, cast(uint)n);
+ * Calculates x$(SUP y).
+ *
+ * $(TABLE_SV
+ * $(TR
+ * $(TH x) $(TH y) $(TH pow(x, y)) $(TH div 0) $(TH invalid?))
+ * $(TR
+ * $(TD anything) 	$(TD $(PLUSMN)0.0) 	$(TD 1.0) 	$(TD no) 	$(TD no) )
+ * $(TR
+ * $(TD |x| $(GT) 1) 	$(TD +$(INFIN)) 	$(TD +$(INFIN)) 	$(TD no) 	$(TD no) )
+ * $(TR
+ * $(TD |x| $(LT) 1) 	$(TD +$(INFIN)) 	$(TD +0.0) 	$(TD no) 	$(TD no) )
+ * $(TR
+ * $(TD |x| $(GT) 1) 	$(TD -$(INFIN)) 	$(TD +0.0) 	$(TD no) 	$(TD no) )
+ * $(TR
+ * $(TD |x| $(LT) 1) 	$(TD -$(INFIN)) 	$(TD +$(INFIN)) 	$(TD no) 	$(TD no) )
+ * $(TR
+ * $(TD +$(INFIN)) 	$(TD $(GT) 0.0) 	$(TD +$(INFIN)) 	$(TD no) 	$(TD no) )
+ * $(TR
+ * $(TD +$(INFIN)) 	$(TD $(LT) 0.0) 	$(TD +0.0) 	$(TD no) 	$(TD no) )
+ * $(TR
+ * $(TD -$(INFIN)) 	$(TD odd integer $(GT) 0.0)	$(TD -$(INFIN)) 	$(TD no) 	$(TD no) )
+ * $(TR
+ * $(TD -$(INFIN))  	$(TD $(GT) 0.0, not odd integer) $(TD +$(INFIN)) 	$(TD no) 	$(TD no))
+ * $(TR
+ * $(TD -$(INFIN)) 	$(TD odd integer $(LT) 0.0)  	$(TD -0.0) 	$(TD no) 	$(TD no) )
+ * $(TR
+ * $(TD -$(INFIN)) 	$(TD $(LT) 0.0, not odd integer) $(TD +0.0) 	$(TD no) 	$(TD no) )
+ * $(TR
+ * $(TD $(PLUSMN)1.0) 	$(TD $(PLUSMN)$(INFIN)) 	$(TD $(NAN)) 	$(TD no) 	$(TD yes) )
+ * $(TR
+ * $(TD $(LT) 0.0) 	$(TD finite, nonintegral) 	$(TD $(NAN)) 	$(TD no) 	$(TD yes))
+ * $(TR
+ * $(TD $(PLUSMN)0.0) 	$(TD odd integer $(LT) 0.0)	$(TD $(PLUSMN)$(INFIN)) $(TD yes) 	$(TD no) )
+ * $(TR
+ * $(TD $(PLUSMN)0.0) 	$(TD $(LT) 0.0, not odd integer) $(TD +$(INFIN)) 	$(TD yes) 	$(TD no))
+ * $(TR
+ * $(TD $(PLUSMN)0.0) 	$(TD odd integer $(GT) 0.0)	$(TD $(PLUSMN)0.0) $(TD no) 	$(TD no) )
+ * $(TR
+ * $(TD $(PLUSMN)0.0) 	$(TD $(GT) 0.0, not odd integer) $(TD +0.0) 	$(TD no) 	$(TD no) )
+ * )
+ */
+pragma(LLVM_internal, "intrinsic", "llvm.pow.f32")
+float pow(float x, float y);
+pragma(LLVM_internal, "intrinsic", "llvm.pow.f64")
+/// ditto
+double pow(double x, double y);
+/// ditto
+real pow(real x, real y);
+real pow(real x, real y);
+    version (linux) // C pow() often does not handle special values correctly
+    {
+	if (isnan(y))
+	    return y;
+	if (y == 0)
+	    return 1;		// even if x is $(NAN)
+	if (isnan(x) && y != 0)
+	    return x;
+	if (isinf(y))
+	{
+	    if (fabs(x) > 1)
+	    {
+		if (signbit(y))
+		    return +0.0;
+		else
+		    return real.infinity;
+	    }
+	    else if (fabs(x) == 1)
+	    {
+		return real.nan;
+	    }
+	    else // < 1
+	    {
+		if (signbit(y))
+		    return real.infinity;
+		else
+		    return +0.0;
+	    }
+	}
+	if (isinf(x))
+	{
+	    if (signbit(x))
+	    {   long i;
+		i = cast(long)y;
+		if (y > 0)
+		{
+		    if (i == y && i & 1)
+			return -real.infinity;
+		    else
+			return real.infinity;
+		}
+		else if (y < 0)
+		{
+		    if (i == y && i & 1)
+			return -0.0;
+		    else
+			return +0.0;
+		}
+	    }
+	    else
+	    {
+		if (y > 0)
+		    return real.infinity;
+		else if (y < 0)
+		    return +0.0;
+	    }
+	}
+	if (x == 0.0)
+	{
+	    if (signbit(x))
+	    {   long i;
+		i = cast(long)y;
+		if (y > 0)
+		{
+		    if (i == y && i & 1)
+			return -0.0;
+		    else
+			return +0.0;
+		}
+		else if (y < 0)
+		{
+		    if (i == y && i & 1)
+			return -real.infinity;
+		    else
+			return real.infinity;
+		}
+	    }
+	    else
+	    {
+		if (y > 0)
+		    return +0.0;
+		else if (y < 0)
+		    return real.infinity;
+	    }
+	}
+    }
+    return std.c.math.powl(x, y);
+    real x = 46;
+    assert(pow(x,0) == 1.0);
+    assert(pow(x,1) == x);
+    assert(pow(x,2) == x * x);
+    assert(pow(x,3) == x * x * x);
+    assert(pow(x,8) == (x * x) * (x * x) * (x * x) * (x * x));
+ * Simple function to compare two floating point values
+ * to a specified precision.
+ * Returns:
+ *	1	match
+ *	0	nomatch
+ */
+private int mfeq(real x, real y, real precision)
+    if (x == y)
+	return 1;
+    if (isnan(x))
+	return isnan(y);
+    if (isnan(y))
+	return 0;
+    return fabs(x - y) <= precision;
+// Returns true if x is +0.0 (This function is used in unit tests)
+bool isPosZero(real x)
+    return (x == 0) && (signbit(x) == 0);
+// Returns true if x is -0.0 (This function is used in unit tests)
+bool isNegZero(real x)
+    return (x == 0) && signbit(x);
+ * To what precision is x equal to y?
+ *
+ * Returns: the number of mantissa bits which are equal in x and y.
+ * eg, 0x1.F8p+60 and 0x1.F1p+60 are equal to 5 bits of precision.
+ *
+ *	$(TABLE_SV
+ *	$(TR $(TH x)      $(TH y)          $(TH feqrel(x, y)))
+ *	$(TR $(TD x)      $(TD x)          $(TD real.mant_dig))
+ *	$(TR $(TD x)      $(TD $(GT)= 2*x) $(TD 0))
+ *	$(TR $(TD x)      $(TD $(LT)= x/2) $(TD 0))
+ *	$(TR $(TD $(NAN)) $(TD any)        $(TD 0))
+ *	$(TR $(TD any)    $(TD $(NAN))     $(TD 0))
+ *	)
+ */
+int feqrel(real x, real y)
+    /* Public Domain. Author: Don Clugston, 18 Aug 2005.
+     */
+    if (x == y)
+	return real.mant_dig; // ensure diff!=0, cope with INF.
+    real diff = fabs(x - y);
+    ushort *pa = cast(ushort *)(&x);
+    ushort *pb = cast(ushort *)(&y);
+    ushort *pd = cast(ushort *)(&diff);
+    // The difference in abs(exponent) between x or y and abs(x-y)
+    // is equal to the number of mantissa bits of x which are
+    // equal to y. If negative, x and y have different exponents.
+    // If positive, x and y are equal to 'bitsdiff' bits.
+    // AND with 0x7FFF to form the absolute value.
+    // To avoid out-by-1 errors, we subtract 1 so it rounds down
+    // if the exponents were different. This means 'bitsdiff' is
+    // always 1 lower than we want, except that if bitsdiff==0,
+    // they could have 0 or 1 bits in common.
+    int bitsdiff = ( ((pa[4]&0x7FFF) + (pb[4]&0x7FFF)-1)>>1) - pd[4];
+    if (pd[4] == 0)
+    {	// Difference is denormal
+	// For denormals, we need to add the number of zeros that
+	// lie at the start of diff's mantissa.
+	// We do this by multiplying by 2^real.mant_dig
+	diff *= 0x1p+63;
+	return bitsdiff + real.mant_dig - pd[4];
+    }
+    if (bitsdiff > 0)
+	return bitsdiff + 1; // add the 1 we subtracted before
+    // Avoid out-by-1 errors when factor is almost 2.
+    return (bitsdiff == 0) ? (pa[4] == pb[4]) : 0;
+   // Exact equality
+   assert(feqrel(real.max,real.max)==real.mant_dig);
+   assert(feqrel(0,0)==real.mant_dig);
+   assert(feqrel(7.1824,7.1824)==real.mant_dig);
+   assert(feqrel(real.infinity,real.infinity)==real.mant_dig);
+   // a few bits away from exact equality
+   real w=1;
+   for (int i=1; i<real.mant_dig-1; ++i) {
+      assert(feqrel(1+w*real.epsilon,1)==real.mant_dig-i);
+      assert(feqrel(1-w*real.epsilon,1)==real.mant_dig-i);
+      assert(feqrel(1,1+(w-1)*real.epsilon)==real.mant_dig-i+1);
+      w*=2;
+   }
+   assert(feqrel(1.5+real.epsilon,1.5)==real.mant_dig-1);
+   assert(feqrel(1.5-real.epsilon,1.5)==real.mant_dig-1);
+   assert(feqrel(1.5-real.epsilon,1.5+real.epsilon)==real.mant_dig-2);
+   // Numbers that are close
+   assert(feqrel(0x1.Bp+84, 0x1.B8p+84)==5);
+   assert(feqrel(0x1.8p+10, 0x1.Cp+10)==2);
+   assert(feqrel(1.5*(1-real.epsilon), 1)==2);
+   assert(feqrel(1.5, 1)==1);
+   assert(feqrel(2*(1-real.epsilon), 1)==1);
+   // Factors of 2
+   assert(feqrel(real.max,real.infinity)==0);
+   assert(feqrel(2*(1-real.epsilon), 1)==1);
+   assert(feqrel(1, 2)==0);
+   assert(feqrel(4, 1)==0);
+   // Extreme inequality
+   assert(feqrel(real.nan,real.nan)==0);
+   assert(feqrel(0,-real.nan)==0);
+   assert(feqrel(real.nan,real.infinity)==0);
+   assert(feqrel(real.infinity,-real.infinity)==0);
+   assert(feqrel(-real.max,real.infinity)==0);
+   assert(feqrel(real.max,-real.max)==0);
+ * Evaluate polynomial A(x) = a<sub>0</sub> + a<sub>1</sub>x + a<sub>2</sub>x&sup2; + a<sub>3</sub>x&sup3; ...
+ *
+ * Uses Horner's rule A(x) = a<sub>0</sub> + x(a<sub>1</sub> + x(a<sub>2</sub> + x(a<sub>3</sub> + ...)))
+ * Params:
+ *	A =	array of coefficients a<sub>0</sub>, a<sub>1</sub>, etc.
+ */ 
+real poly(real x, real[] A)
+    assert(A.length > 0);
+    version (D_InlineAsm_X86)
+    {
+	version (Windows)
+	{
+	    asm	// assembler by W. Bright
+	    {
+		// EDX = (A.length - 1) * real.sizeof
+		mov     ECX,A[EBP]		; // ECX = A.length
+		dec     ECX			;
+		lea     EDX,[ECX][ECX*8]	;
+		add     EDX,ECX			;
+		add     EDX,A+4[EBP]		;
+		fld     real ptr [EDX]		; // ST0 = coeff[ECX]
+		jecxz   return_ST		;
+		fld     x[EBP]			; // ST0 = x
+		fxch    ST(1)			; // ST1 = x, ST0 = r
+		align   4			;
+	L2:     fmul    ST,ST(1)		; // r *= x
+		fld     real ptr -10[EDX]	;
+		sub     EDX,10			; // deg--
+		faddp   ST(1),ST		;
+		dec     ECX			;
+		jne     L2			;
+		fxch    ST(1)			; // ST1 = r, ST0 = x
+		fstp    ST(0)			; // dump x
+		align   4			;
+	return_ST:				;
+		;
+	    }
+	}
+	else
+	{
+	    asm	// assembler by W. Bright
+	    {
+		// EDX = (A.length - 1) * real.sizeof
+		mov     ECX,A[EBP]		; // ECX = A.length
+		dec     ECX			;
+		lea     EDX,[ECX*8]		;
+		lea	EDX,[EDX][ECX*4]	;
+		add     EDX,A+4[EBP]		;
+		fld     real ptr [EDX]		; // ST0 = coeff[ECX]
+		jecxz   return_ST		;
+		fld     x[EBP]			; // ST0 = x
+		fxch    ST(1)			; // ST1 = x, ST0 = r
+		align   4			;
+	L2:     fmul    ST,ST(1)		; // r *= x
+		fld     real ptr -12[EDX]	;
+		sub     EDX,12			; // deg--
+		faddp   ST(1),ST		;
+		dec     ECX			;
+		jne     L2			;
+		fxch    ST(1)			; // ST1 = r, ST0 = x
+		fstp    ST(0)			; // dump x
+		align   4			;
+	return_ST:				;
+		;
+	    }
+	}
+    }
+    else
+    {
+	int i = A.length - 1;
+	real r = A[i];
+	while (--i >= 0)
+	{
+	    r *= x;
+	    r += A[i];
+	}
+	return r;
+    }
+    debug (math) printf("math.poly.unittest\n");
+    real x = 3.1;
+    static real pp[] = [56.1, 32.7, 6];
+    assert( poly(x, pp) == (56.1L + (32.7L + 6L * x) * x) );