diff tango/tango/text/convert/Integer.d @ 132:1700239cab2e trunk

[svn r136] MAJOR UNSTABLE UPDATE!!! Initial commit after moving to Tango instead of Phobos. Lots of bugfixes... This build is not suitable for most things.
author lindquist
date Fri, 11 Jan 2008 17:57:40 +0100
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/tango/tango/text/convert/Integer.d	Fri Jan 11 17:57:40 2008 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,598 @@
+        copyright:      Copyright (c) 2004 Kris Bell. All rights reserved
+        license:        BSD style: $(LICENSE)
+        version:        Initial release: Nov 2005
+        author:         Kris
+        A set of functions for converting between string and integer 
+        values. 
+        Applying the D "import alias" mechanism to this module is highly
+        recommended, in order to limit namespace pollution:
+        ---
+        import Integer = tango.text.convert.Integer;
+        auto i = Integer.parse ("32767");
+        ---
+module tango.text.convert.Integer;
+private import tango.core.Exception;
+        Style identifiers 
+enum Style
+        Signed = 'd',                   /// signed decimal
+        Binary = 'b',                   /// binary output
+        Octal = 'o',                    /// octal output
+        Hex = 'x',                      /// lowercase hexadecimal
+        HexUpper = 'X',                 /// uppercase hexadecimal
+        Unsigned = 'u',                 /// unsigned integer
+        Style flags 
+enum Flags
+        None    = 0x00,                    /// no flags
+        Prefix  = 0x01,                    /// prefix value with type
+        Zero    = 0x02,                    /// prefix value with zeroes
+        Plus    = 0x04,                    /// prefix decimal with '+'
+        Space   = 0x08,                    /// prefix decimal with space
+        Throw   = 0x10,                    /// throw on output truncation
+        Parse an integer value from the provided 'digits' string. 
+        The string is inspected for a sign and an optional radix 
+        prefix. A radix may be provided as an argument instead, 
+        whereupon it must match the prefix (where present). When
+        radix is set to zero, conversion will default to decimal.
+        Throws an exception where the input text is not parsable
+        in its entirety.
+int toInt(T, U=uint) (T[] digits, U radix=0)
+{return toInt!(T)(digits, radix);}
+int toInt(T) (T[] digits, uint radix=0)
+        auto x = toLong (digits, radix);
+        if (x > int.max)
+            throw new IllegalArgumentException ("Integer.toInt :: integer overflow");
+        return cast(int) x;
+        Parse an integer value from the provided 'digits' string.       
+        The string is inspected for a sign and an optional radix 
+        prefix. A radix may be provided as an argument instead, 
+        whereupon it must match the prefix (where present). When
+        radix is set to zero, conversion will default to decimal.
+        Throws an exception where the input text is not parsable
+        in its entirety.
+long toLong(T, U=uint) (T[] digits, U radix=0)
+{return toLong!(T)(digits, radix);}
+long toLong(T) (T[] digits, uint radix=0)
+        uint len;
+        auto x = parse (digits, radix, &len);
+        if (len < digits.length)
+            throw new IllegalArgumentException ("Integer.toLong :: invalid literal");
+        return x;
+        Template wrapper to make life simpler. Returns a text version
+        of the provided value.
+        See format() for details
+char[] toString (long i, Style t=Style.Signed, Flags f=Flags.None)
+        char[66] tmp = void;
+        return format (tmp, i, t, f).dup;
+        Template wrapper to make life simpler. Returns a text version
+        of the provided value.
+        See format() for details
+wchar[] toString16 (long i, Style t=Style.Signed, Flags f=Flags.None)
+        wchar[66] tmp = void;
+        return format (tmp, i, t, f).dup;
+        Template wrapper to make life simpler. Returns a text version
+        of the provided value.
+        See format() for details
+dchar[] toString32 (long i, Style t=Style.Signed, Flags f=Flags.None)
+        dchar[66] tmp = void;
+        return format (tmp, i, t, f).dup;
+        Style numeric values into the provided output buffer. The
+        following types are supported:
+        Unsigned        - unsigned decimal
+        Signed          - signed decimal
+        Octal           - octal
+        Hex             - lowercase hexadecimal
+        HexUpper        - uppercase hexadecimal
+        Binary          - binary
+        Modifiers supported include:
+        Prefix          - prefix the conversion with a type identifier
+        Plus            - prefix positive decimals with a '+'
+        Space           - prefix positive decimals with one space
+        Zero            - left-pad the number with zeros
+        Throw           - throw an exception when output would be truncated
+        The provided 'dst' buffer should be sufficiently large
+        enough to house the output. A 64-element array is often
+        the maximum required (for a padded binary 64-bit string)
+T[] format(T, U=long) (T[] dst, U i, Style fmt=Style.Signed, Flags flags=Flags.None)
+{return format!(T)(dst, i, fmt, flags);}
+T[] format(T) (T[] dst, long i, Style fmt=Style.Signed, Flags flags=Flags.None)
+        T[]     prefix;
+        auto    len = dst.length;
+        static T[] error (T[] msg)
+        {
+                if (1 & Flags.Throw)
+                    throw new IllegalArgumentException ("Integer.format :: invalid arguments");
+                 return msg;
+        }
+        // must have some buffer space to operate within! 
+        if (len)
+           {
+           uint radix;
+           T[]  numbers = "0123456789abcdef";
+           // pre-conversion setup
+           switch (cast(byte) fmt)
+                  {
+                  case 'd':
+                  case 'D':
+                       if (i < 0)
+                          {
+                          prefix = "-";
+                          i = -i;
+                          }
+                       else
+                          if (flags & Flags.Space)
+                              prefix = " ";
+                          else
+                             if (flags & Flags.Plus)
+                                 prefix = "+";
+                       // fall through!
+                  case 'u':
+                  case 'U':
+                       radix = 10;
+                       break;
+                  case 'b':
+                  case 'B':
+                       radix = 2;
+                       if (flags & Flags.Prefix)
+                           prefix = "0b";
+                       break;
+                  case 'o':
+                  case 'O':
+                       radix = 8;
+                       if (flags & Flags.Prefix)
+                           prefix = "0o";
+                       break;
+                  case 'x':
+                       radix = 16;
+                       if (flags & Flags.Prefix)
+                           prefix = "0x";
+                       break;
+                  case 'X':
+                       radix = 16;
+                       numbers = "0123456789ABCDEF";
+                       if (flags & Flags.Prefix)
+                           prefix = "0X";
+                       break;
+                  default:
+                        return error (cast(T[])"{unknown format '"~cast(T)fmt~"'}");
+                  }
+           // convert number to text
+           T* p = dst.ptr + len;
+           if (uint.max >= cast(ulong) i)
+              {
+              uint v = cast (uint) i;
+              do {
+                 *--p = numbers[v % radix];
+                 } while ((v /= radix) && --len);
+              }
+           else
+              {
+              ulong v = cast (ulong) i;
+              do {
+                 *--p = numbers[cast(uint) (v % radix)];
+                 } while ((v /= radix) && --len);
+              }
+           }
+        // are we about to overflow?
+        if (len > prefix.length)
+           {
+           len -= prefix.length + 1;
+           // prefix number with zeros? 
+           if (flags & Flags.Zero)
+              {
+              dst [prefix.length .. len + prefix.length] = '0';
+              len = 0;
+              }
+           // write optional prefix string ...
+           dst [len .. len + prefix.length] = prefix[];
+           }
+        else
+           return error ("{output width too small}");
+        // return slice of provided output buffer
+        return dst [len .. $];                               
+        Parse an integer value from the provided 'digits' string. 
+        The string is inspected for a sign and an optional radix 
+        prefix. A radix may be provided as an argument instead, 
+        whereupon it must match the prefix (where present). When
+        radix is set to zero, conversion will default to decimal.
+        A non-null 'ate' will return the number of characters used
+        to construct the returned value.
+long parse(T, U=uint) (T[] digits, U radix=0, uint* ate=null)
+{return parse!(T)(digits, radix, ate);}
+long parse(T) (T[] digits, uint radix=0, uint* ate=null)
+        bool sign;
+        auto eaten = trim (digits, sign, radix);
+        auto value = convert (digits[eaten..$], radix, ate);
+        if (ate)
+            *ate += eaten;
+        return cast(long) (sign ? -value : value);
+        Convert the provided 'digits' into an integer value,
+        without checking for a sign or radix. The radix defaults
+        to decimal (10).
+        Returns the value and updates 'ate' with the number of
+        characters consumed.
+ulong convert(T, U=uint) (T[] digits, U radix=10, uint* ate=null)
+{return convert!(T)(digits, radix, ate);}
+ulong convert(T) (T[] digits, uint radix=10, uint* ate=null)
+        uint  eaten;
+        ulong value;
+        foreach (c; digits)
+                {
+                if (c >= '0' && c <= '9')
+                   {}
+                else
+                   if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'f')
+                       c -= 39;
+                   else
+                      if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'F')
+                          c -= 7;
+                      else
+                         break;
+                if ((c -= '0') < radix)
+                   {
+                   value = value * radix + c;
+                   ++eaten;
+                   }
+                else
+                   break;
+                }
+        if (ate)
+            *ate = eaten;
+        return value;
+        Strip leading whitespace, extract an optional +/- sign,
+        and an optional radix prefix. If the radix value matches
+        an optional prefix, or the radix is zero, the prefix will
+        be consumed and assigned. Where the radix is non zero and
+        does not match an explicit prefix, the latter will remain 
+        unconsumed. Otherwise, radix will default to 10.
+        Returns the number of characters consumed.
+uint trim(T, U=uint) (T[] digits, inout bool sign, inout U radix)
+{return trim!(T)(digits, sign, radix);}
+uint trim(T) (T[] digits, inout bool sign, inout uint radix)
+        T       c;
+        T*      p = digits.ptr;
+        int     len = digits.length;
+        if (len)
+           {
+           // strip off whitespace and sign characters
+           for (c = *p; len; c = *++p, --len)
+                if (c is ' ' || c is '\t')
+                   {}
+                else
+                   if (c is '-')
+                       sign = true;
+                   else
+                      if (c is '+')
+                          sign = false;
+                   else
+                      break;
+           // strip off a radix specifier also?
+           auto r = radix;
+           if (c is '0' && len > 1)
+               switch (*++p)
+                      {
+                      case 'x':
+                      case 'X':
+                           r = 16, ++p;
+                           break;
+                      case 'b':
+                      case 'B':
+                           r = 2, ++p;
+                           break;
+                      case 'o':
+                      case 'O':
+                           r = 8, ++p;
+                           break;
+                      default: 
+                           break;
+                      } 
+           // default the radix to 10
+           if (r is 0)
+               radix = 10;
+           else
+              // explicit radix must match (optional) prefix
+              if (radix != r)
+                  if (radix)
+                      --p;
+                  else
+                     radix = r;
+           }
+        // return number of characters eaten
+        return (p - digits.ptr);
+        quick & dirty text-to-unsigned int converter. Use only when you
+        know what the content is, or use parse() or convert() instead.
+        Return the parsed uint
+uint atoi(T) (T[] s)
+        uint value;
+        foreach (c; s)
+                 if (c >= '0' && c <= '9')
+                     value = value * 10 + (c - '0');
+                 else
+                    break;
+        return value;
+        quick & dirty unsigned to text converter, where the provided output
+        must be large enough to house the result (10 digits in the largest
+        case). For mainstream use, consider utilizing format() instead.
+        Returns a populated slice of the provided output
+T[] itoa(T, U=uint) (T[] output, U value)
+{return itoa!(T)(output, value);}
+T[] itoa(T) (T[] output, uint value)
+        T* p = output.ptr + output.length;
+        do {
+           *--p = value % 10 + '0';
+           } while (value /= 10);
+        return output[p-output.ptr .. $];
+debug (UnitTest)
+        unittest
+        {
+        char[64] tmp;
+        assert (toInt("1") is 1);
+        assert (toLong("1") is 1);
+        assert (toInt("1", 10) is 1);
+        assert (toLong("1", 10) is 1);
+        assert (atoi ("12345") is 12345);
+        assert (itoa (tmp, 12345) == "12345");
+        assert(parse( "0"w ) ==  0 );
+        assert(parse( "1"w ) ==  1 );
+        assert(parse( "-1"w ) ==  -1 );
+        assert(parse( "+1"w ) ==  1 );
+        // numerical limits
+        assert(parse( "-2147483648" ) == int.min );
+        assert(parse(  "2147483647" ) == int.max );
+        assert(parse(  "4294967295" ) == uint.max );
+        assert(parse( "-9223372036854775808" ) == long.min );
+        assert(parse( "9223372036854775807" ) == long.max );
+        assert(parse( "18446744073709551615" ) == ulong.max );
+        // hex
+        assert(parse( "a", 16) == 0x0A );
+        assert(parse( "b", 16) == 0x0B );
+        assert(parse( "c", 16) == 0x0C );
+        assert(parse( "d", 16) == 0x0D );
+        assert(parse( "e", 16) == 0x0E );
+        assert(parse( "f", 16) == 0x0F );
+        assert(parse( "A", 16) == 0x0A );
+        assert(parse( "B", 16) == 0x0B );
+        assert(parse( "C", 16) == 0x0C );
+        assert(parse( "D", 16) == 0x0D );
+        assert(parse( "E", 16) == 0x0E );
+        assert(parse( "F", 16) == 0x0F );
+        assert(parse( "FFFF", 16) == ushort.max );
+        assert(parse( "ffffFFFF", 16) == uint.max );
+        assert(parse( "ffffFFFFffffFFFF", 16u ) == ulong.max );
+        // oct
+        assert(parse( "55", 8) == 055 );
+        assert(parse( "100", 8) == 0100 );
+        // bin
+        assert(parse( "10000", 2) == 0x10 );
+        // trim
+        assert(parse( "    \t20") == 20 );
+        assert(parse( "    \t-20") == -20 );
+        assert(parse( "-    \t 20") == -20 );
+        // recognise radix prefix
+        assert(parse( "0xFFFF" ) == ushort.max );
+        assert(parse( "0XffffFFFF" ) == uint.max );
+        assert(parse( "0o55") == 055 );
+        assert(parse( "0O55" ) == 055 );
+        assert(parse( "0b10000") == 0x10 );
+        assert(parse( "0B10000") == 0x10 );
+        // prefix tests
+        char[] str = "0x";
+        assert(parse( str[0..1] ) ==  0 );
+        assert(parse("0x10", 10) == 0);
+        assert(parse("0b10", 10) == 0);
+        assert(parse("0o10", 10) == 0);
+        assert(parse("0b10") == 0b10);
+        assert(parse("0o10") == 010);
+        assert(parse("0b10", 2) == 0b10);
+        assert(parse("0o10", 8) == 010);
+        // format tests
+        assert (format (tmp, 12345L) == "12345");
+        assert (format (tmp, 0) == "0");
+        assert (format (tmp, 0x10101L, Style.Hex) == "10101");
+        assert (format (tmp, 0xfafaL, Style.Hex) == "fafa");
+        assert (format (tmp, 0xfafaL, Style.HexUpper, Flags.Prefix) == "0XFAFA");
+        assert (format (tmp, -1L, Style.HexUpper, Flags.Prefix) == "0XFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF");
+        assert (format (tmp, -101L) == "-101");
+        assert (format (tmp, 101L, Style.Signed, Flags.Plus) == "+101");
+        assert (format (tmp, 101L, Style.Signed, Flags.Space) == " 101");
+        assert (format (tmp[0..8], 0x5L, Style.Binary, Flags.Prefix | Flags.Zero) == "0b000101");
+        assert (format (tmp[0..8], -1, Style.Binary, Flags.Prefix | Flags.Zero) == "{output width too small}");
+        assert (format (tmp[0..2], 0x3, Style.Binary, Flags.Throw) == "11");
+        assert (format (tmp[0..4], 0x3, Style.Binary, Flags.Prefix | Flags.Zero | Flags.Throw) == "0b11");
+        assert (format (tmp[0..5], 0x3, Style.Binary, Flags.Prefix | Flags.Zero | Flags.Throw) == "0b011");
+        assert (format (tmp[0..5], 0x3, Style.Binary, Flags.Zero | Flags.Throw) == "00011");
+        }