diff tango/tango/net/http/HttpConst.d @ 132:1700239cab2e trunk

[svn r136] MAJOR UNSTABLE UPDATE!!! Initial commit after moving to Tango instead of Phobos. Lots of bugfixes... This build is not suitable for most things.
author lindquist
date Fri, 11 Jan 2008 17:57:40 +0100
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/tango/tango/net/http/HttpConst.d	Fri Jan 11 17:57:40 2008 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,218 @@
+        copyright:      Copyright (c) 2004 Kris Bell. All rights reserved
+        license:        BSD style: $(LICENSE)
+        version:        Initial release: April 2004      
+        author:         Kris
+module tango.net.http.HttpConst;
+        Constants
+struct HttpConst
+        const char[] Eol = "\r\n";
+        Headers are distinct types in their own right. This is because they
+        are somewhat optimized via a trailing ':' character.
+struct HttpHeaderName
+        final char[] value;  
+        Define the traditional set of HTTP header names
+struct HttpHeader
+        // size of both the request & response buffer (per thread)
+        const int IOBufferSize                 = 16 * 1024;
+        // maximum length for POST parameters (to avoid DOS ...)
+        const int MaxPostParamSize             = 4 * 1024;
+        const HttpHeaderName Version           = {"HTTP/1.0"};
+        const HttpHeaderName TextHtml          = {"text/html"};
+        const HttpHeaderName Accept            = {"Accept:"};
+        const HttpHeaderName AcceptCharset     = {"Accept-Charset:"};
+        const HttpHeaderName AcceptEncoding    = {"Accept-Encoding:"};
+        const HttpHeaderName AcceptLanguage    = {"Accept-Language:"};
+        const HttpHeaderName AcceptRanges      = {"Accept-Ranges:"};
+        const HttpHeaderName Age               = {"Age:"};
+        const HttpHeaderName Allow             = {"Allow:"};
+        const HttpHeaderName Authorization     = {"Authorization:"};
+        const HttpHeaderName CacheControl      = {"Cache-Control:"};
+        const HttpHeaderName Connection        = {"Connection:"};
+        const HttpHeaderName ContentEncoding   = {"Content-Encoding:"};
+        const HttpHeaderName ContentLanguage   = {"Content-Language:"};
+        const HttpHeaderName ContentLength     = {"Content-Length:"};
+        const HttpHeaderName ContentLocation   = {"Content-Location:"};
+        const HttpHeaderName ContentRange      = {"Content-Range:"};
+        const HttpHeaderName ContentType       = {"Content-Type:"};
+        const HttpHeaderName Cookie            = {"Cookie:"};
+        const HttpHeaderName Date              = {"Date:"};
+        const HttpHeaderName ETag              = {"ETag:"};
+        const HttpHeaderName Expect            = {"Expect:"};
+        const HttpHeaderName Expires           = {"Expires:"};
+        const HttpHeaderName From              = {"From:"};
+        const HttpHeaderName Host              = {"Host:"};
+        const HttpHeaderName Identity          = {"Identity:"};
+        const HttpHeaderName IfMatch           = {"If-Match:"};
+        const HttpHeaderName IfModifiedSince   = {"If-Modified-Since:"};
+        const HttpHeaderName IfNoneMatch       = {"If-None-Match:"};
+        const HttpHeaderName IfRange           = {"If-Range:"};
+        const HttpHeaderName IfUnmodifiedSince = {"If-Unmodified-Since:"};
+        const HttpHeaderName LastModified      = {"Last-Modified:"};
+        const HttpHeaderName Location          = {"Location:"};
+        const HttpHeaderName MaxForwards       = {"Max-Forwards:"};
+        const HttpHeaderName MimeVersion       = {"MIME-Version:"};
+        const HttpHeaderName Pragma            = {"Pragma:"};
+        const HttpHeaderName ProxyAuthenticate = {"Proxy-Authenticate:"};
+        const HttpHeaderName ProxyConnection   = {"Proxy-Connection:"};
+        const HttpHeaderName Range             = {"Range:"};
+        const HttpHeaderName Referrer          = {"Referer:"};
+        const HttpHeaderName RetryAfter        = {"Retry-After:"};
+        const HttpHeaderName Server            = {"Server:"};
+        const HttpHeaderName ServletEngine     = {"Servlet-Engine:"};
+        const HttpHeaderName SetCookie         = {"Set-Cookie:"};
+        const HttpHeaderName SetCookie2        = {"Set-Cookie2:"};
+        const HttpHeaderName TE                = {"TE:"};
+        const HttpHeaderName Trailer           = {"Trailer:"};
+        const HttpHeaderName TransferEncoding  = {"Transfer-Encoding:"};
+        const HttpHeaderName Upgrade           = {"Upgrade:"};
+        const HttpHeaderName UserAgent         = {"User-Agent:"};
+        const HttpHeaderName Vary              = {"Vary:"};
+        const HttpHeaderName Warning           = {"Warning:"};
+        const HttpHeaderName WwwAuthenticate   = {"WWW-Authenticate:"};
+        Declare the traditional set of HTTP response codes
+enum HttpResponseCode
+        Continue                     = 100,
+        SwitchingProtocols           = 101,
+        OK                           = 200,
+        Created                      = 201,
+        Accepted                     = 202,
+        NonAuthoritativeInformation  = 203,
+        NoContent                    = 204,
+        ResetContent                 = 205,
+        PartialContent               = 206,
+        MultipleChoices              = 300,
+        MovedPermanently             = 301,
+        MovedTemporarily             = 302,
+        SeeOther                     = 303,
+        NotModified                  = 304,
+        UseProxy                     = 305,
+        TemporaryRedirect            = 307,
+        BadRequest                   = 400,
+        Unauthorized                 = 401,
+        PaymentRequired              = 402,
+        Forbidden                    = 403,
+        NotFound                     = 404,
+        MethodNotAllowed             = 405,
+        NotAcceptable                = 406,
+        ProxyAuthenticationRequired  = 407,
+        RequestTimeout               = 408,
+        Conflict                     = 409,
+        Gone                         = 410,
+        LengthRequired               = 411,
+        PreconditionFailed           = 412,
+        RequestEntityTooLarge        = 413,
+        RequestURITooLarge           = 414,
+        UnsupportedMediaType         = 415,
+        RequestedRangeNotSatisfiable = 416,
+        ExpectationFailed            = 417,
+        InternalServerError          = 500,
+        NotImplemented               = 501,
+        BadGateway                   = 502,
+        ServiceUnavailable           = 503,
+        GatewayTimeout               = 504,
+        VersionNotSupported          = 505,
+        Status is a compound type, with a name and a code.
+struct HttpStatus
+        final int     code; 
+        final char[]  name;  
+        Declare the traditional set of HTTP responses
+struct HttpResponses
+        static HttpStatus Continue                     = {HttpResponseCode.Continue, "Continue"};
+        static HttpStatus SwitchingProtocols           = {HttpResponseCode.SwitchingProtocols, "SwitchingProtocols"};
+        static HttpStatus OK                           = {HttpResponseCode.OK, "OK"};
+        static HttpStatus Created                      = {HttpResponseCode.Created, "Created"};
+        static HttpStatus Accepted                     = {HttpResponseCode.Accepted, "Accepted"};
+        static HttpStatus NonAuthoritativeInformation  = {HttpResponseCode.NonAuthoritativeInformation, "NonAuthoritativeInformation"};
+        static HttpStatus NoContent                    = {HttpResponseCode.NoContent, "NoContent"};
+        static HttpStatus ResetContent                 = {HttpResponseCode.ResetContent, "ResetContent"};
+        static HttpStatus PartialContent               = {HttpResponseCode.PartialContent, "PartialContent"};
+        static HttpStatus MultipleChoices              = {HttpResponseCode.MultipleChoices, "MultipleChoices"};
+        static HttpStatus MovedPermanently             = {HttpResponseCode.MovedPermanently, "MovedPermanently"};
+        static HttpStatus MovedTemporarily             = {HttpResponseCode.MovedTemporarily, "MovedTemporarily"};
+        static HttpStatus SeeOther                     = {HttpResponseCode.SeeOther, "SeeOther"};
+        static HttpStatus NotModified                  = {HttpResponseCode.NotModified, "NotModified"};
+        static HttpStatus UseProxy                     = {HttpResponseCode.UseProxy, "UseProxy"};
+        static HttpStatus BadRequest                   = {HttpResponseCode.BadRequest, "BadRequest"};
+        static HttpStatus Unauthorized                 = {HttpResponseCode.Unauthorized, "Unauthorized"};
+        static HttpStatus PaymentRequired              = {HttpResponseCode.PaymentRequired, "PaymentRequired"};
+        static HttpStatus Forbidden                    = {HttpResponseCode.Forbidden, "Forbidden"};
+        static HttpStatus NotFound                     = {HttpResponseCode.NotFound, "NotFound"};
+        static HttpStatus MethodNotAllowed             = {HttpResponseCode.MethodNotAllowed, "MethodNotAllowed"};
+        static HttpStatus NotAcceptable                = {HttpResponseCode.NotAcceptable, "NotAcceptable"};
+        static HttpStatus ProxyAuthenticationRequired  = {HttpResponseCode.ProxyAuthenticationRequired, "ProxyAuthenticationRequired"};
+        static HttpStatus RequestTimeout               = {HttpResponseCode.RequestTimeout, "RequestTimeout"};
+        static HttpStatus Conflict                     = {HttpResponseCode.Conflict, "Conflict"};
+        static HttpStatus Gone                         = {HttpResponseCode.Gone, "Gone"};
+        static HttpStatus LengthRequired               = {HttpResponseCode.LengthRequired, "LengthRequired"};
+        static HttpStatus PreconditionFailed           = {HttpResponseCode.PreconditionFailed, "PreconditionFailed"};
+        static HttpStatus RequestEntityTooLarge        = {HttpResponseCode.RequestEntityTooLarge, "RequestEntityTooLarge"};
+        static HttpStatus RequestURITooLarge           = {HttpResponseCode.RequestURITooLarge, "RequestURITooLarge"};
+        static HttpStatus UnsupportedMediaType         = {HttpResponseCode.UnsupportedMediaType, "UnsupportedMediaType"};
+        static HttpStatus RequestedRangeNotSatisfiable = {HttpResponseCode.RequestedRangeNotSatisfiable, "RequestedRangeNotSatisfiable"};
+        static HttpStatus ExpectationFailed            = {HttpResponseCode.ExpectationFailed, "ExpectationFailed"};
+        static HttpStatus InternalServerError          = {HttpResponseCode.InternalServerError, "InternalServerError"};
+        static HttpStatus NotImplemented               = {HttpResponseCode.NotImplemented, "NotImplemented"};
+        static HttpStatus BadGateway                   = {HttpResponseCode.BadGateway, "BadGateway"};
+        static HttpStatus ServiceUnavailable           = {HttpResponseCode.ServiceUnavailable, "ServiceUnavailable"};
+        static HttpStatus GatewayTimeout               = {HttpResponseCode.GatewayTimeout, "GatewayTimeout"};
+        static HttpStatus VersionNotSupported          = {HttpResponseCode.VersionNotSupported, "VersionNotSupported"};