diff tango/tango/io/vfs/FileFolder.d @ 132:1700239cab2e trunk

[svn r136] MAJOR UNSTABLE UPDATE!!! Initial commit after moving to Tango instead of Phobos. Lots of bugfixes... This build is not suitable for most things.
author lindquist
date Fri, 11 Jan 2008 17:57:40 +0100
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/tango/tango/io/vfs/FileFolder.d	Fri Jan 11 17:57:40 2008 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,808 @@
+        copyright:      Copyright (c) 2007 Kris Bell. All rights reserved
+        license:        BSD style: $(LICENSE)
+        version:        Oct 2007: Initial version
+        author:         Kris
+module tango.io.vfs.FileFolder;
+private import tango.io.FilePath,
+               tango.io.FileConduit;
+private import tango.util.PathUtil;
+private import tango.core.Exception;
+private import tango.io.vfs.model.Vfs;
+private import tango.io.model.IConduit;
+        Represents a physical folder in a file system. Use one of these
+        to address specific paths (sub-trees) within the file system.
+class FileFolder : VfsFolder
+        private FilePath        path;
+        private VfsStats        stats;
+        /***********************************************************************
+                Create a file folder with the given name and path. The
+                name itself should not include '.' or '/' characters, 
+                though the path can point at whatever it pleases. 
+                Option 'create' will create the folder when set true, 
+                and open an existing folder otherwise
+        ***********************************************************************/
+        this (char[] path, bool create=false)
+        {
+                this.path = open (FilePath(path), create);
+        }
+        /***********************************************************************
+                create a FileFolder as a Group member
+        ***********************************************************************/
+        private this (FilePath path)
+        {
+                this.path = path;
+        }
+        /***********************************************************************
+                explicitly create() or open() a named folder
+        ***********************************************************************/
+        private this (FileFolder parent, char[] name, bool create=false)
+        {
+                assert (parent);
+                this.path = open (parent.path.dup.append(name), create);
+        }
+        /***********************************************************************
+                Return a short name
+        ***********************************************************************/
+        final char[] name ()
+        {
+                return path.name;
+        }
+        /***********************************************************************
+                Return a long name
+        ***********************************************************************/
+        final char[] toString ()
+        {
+                return path.toString;
+        }
+        /***********************************************************************
+                A folder is being added or removed from the hierarchy. Use 
+                this to test for validity (or whatever) and throw exceptions 
+                as necessary
+                Here we test for folder overlap, and bail-out when found.
+        ***********************************************************************/
+        final void verify (VfsFolder folder, bool mounting)
+        {       
+                if (mounting && cast(FileFolder) folder)
+                   {
+                   auto src = FilePath.padded(this.toString);
+                   auto dst = FilePath.padded(folder.toString);
+                   auto len = src.length;
+                   if (len > dst.length)
+                       len = dst.length;
+                   if (src[0..len] == dst[0..len])
+                       error ("folders '"~dst~"' and '"~src~"' overlap");
+                   }
+        }
+        /***********************************************************************
+                Return a contained file representation 
+        ***********************************************************************/
+        final VfsFile file (char[] name)
+        {
+                return (new FileHost).set (path.toString, name);
+        }
+        /***********************************************************************
+                Return a contained folder representation 
+        ***********************************************************************/
+        final VfsFolderEntry folder (char[] path)
+        {
+                return new FolderHost (this, path);
+        }
+        /***********************************************************************
+                Remove the folder subtree
+        ***********************************************************************/
+        final VfsFolder clear ()
+        {
+                path.remove;
+                return this;
+        }
+        /***********************************************************************
+                Is folder writable?
+        ***********************************************************************/
+        final bool writable ()
+        {
+                return path.isWritable;
+        }
+        /***********************************************************************
+                Returns content information about this folder
+        ***********************************************************************/
+        final VfsFolders self ()
+        {
+                return new FolderGroup (this, false);
+        }
+        /***********************************************************************
+                Returns a subtree of folders matching the given name
+        ***********************************************************************/
+        final VfsFolders tree ()
+        {
+                return new FolderGroup (this, true);
+        }
+        /***********************************************************************
+                Iterate over the set of immediate child folders. This is 
+                useful for reflecting the hierarchy
+        ***********************************************************************/
+        final int opApply (int delegate(inout VfsFolder) dg)
+        {
+                int result;
+                foreach (folder; folders(true))  
+                        {
+                        VfsFolder x = folder;  
+                        if ((result = dg(x)) != 0)
+                             break;
+                        }
+                return result;
+        }
+        /***********************************************************************
+                Close and/or synchronize changes made to this folder. Each
+                driver should take advantage of this as appropriate, perhaps
+                combining multiple files together, or possibly copying to a 
+                remote location
+        ***********************************************************************/
+        VfsFolder close (bool commit = true)
+        {
+                return this;
+        }
+        /***********************************************************************
+                Sweep owned folders 
+        ***********************************************************************/
+        private final FileFolder[] folders (bool collect)
+        {
+                FileFolder[] folders;
+                stats = stats.init;
+                foreach (info; path)
+                         if (info.folder)
+                            {
+                            if (collect)
+                                folders ~= new FileFolder (FilePath.from (info));
+                            ++stats.folders;
+                            }
+                         else
+                            {
+                            stats.bytes += info.bytes; 
+                            ++stats.files;
+                            }
+                return folders;         
+        }
+        /***********************************************************************
+                Sweep owned files
+        ***********************************************************************/
+        private final FilePath[] files (ref VfsStats stats, VfsFilter filter = null)
+        {
+                FilePath[] files;
+                foreach (info; path)
+                         if (info.folder is false)
+                             if (filter is null || filter(cast(VfsInfo) &info))
+                                {
+                                files ~= FilePath.from (info);
+                                stats.bytes += info.bytes; 
+                                ++stats.files;
+                                }
+                return files;         
+        }
+        /***********************************************************************
+                Throw an exception
+        ***********************************************************************/
+        private final char[] error (char[] msg)
+        {
+                throw new VfsException (msg);
+        }
+        /***********************************************************************
+                Create or open the given path, and detect path errors
+        ***********************************************************************/
+        private final FilePath open (FilePath path, bool create)
+        {
+                if (path.exists)
+                   {
+                   if (path.isFolder is false)
+                       error ("FileFolder.open :: path exists but not as a folder: "~path.toString);
+                   }
+                else
+                   if (create)
+                       path.create;
+                   else
+                      error ("FileFolder.open :: path does not exist: "~path.toString);
+                return path;
+        }
+        Represents a group of files (need this declared here to avoid
+        a bunch of bizarre compiler warnings)
+class FileGroup : VfsFiles
+        private FilePath[]      group;
+        private VfsStats        stats;
+        /***********************************************************************
+        ***********************************************************************/
+        this (FolderGroup host, VfsFilter filter)
+        {
+                foreach (folder; host.members)
+                         group ~= folder.files (stats, filter);
+        }
+        /***********************************************************************
+                Iterate over the set of contained VfsFile instances
+        ***********************************************************************/
+        final int opApply (int delegate(inout VfsFile) dg)
+        {
+                int  result;
+                auto host = new FileHost;
+                foreach (file; group)    
+                        {    
+                        host.path = file;
+                        VfsFile x = host;
+                        if ((result = dg(x)) != 0)
+                             break;
+                        } 
+                return result;
+        }
+        /***********************************************************************
+                Return the total number of entries 
+        ***********************************************************************/
+        final uint files ()
+        {
+                return group.length;
+        }
+        /***********************************************************************
+                Return the total size of all files 
+        ***********************************************************************/
+        final ulong bytes ()
+        {
+                return stats.bytes;
+        }
+        A set of folders representing a selection. This is where file 
+        selection is made, and pattern-matched folder subsets can be
+        extracted. You need one of these to expose statistics (such as
+        file or folder count) of a selected folder group 
+private class FolderGroup : VfsFolders
+        private FileFolder[] members;           // folders in group
+        /***********************************************************************
+                Create a subset group
+        ***********************************************************************/
+        private this () {}
+        /***********************************************************************
+                Create a folder group including the provided folder and
+                (optionally) all child folders
+        ***********************************************************************/
+        private this (FileFolder root, bool recurse)
+        {
+                members = root ~ scan (root, recurse);   
+        }
+        /***********************************************************************
+                Iterate over the set of contained VfsFolder instances
+        ***********************************************************************/
+        final int opApply (int delegate(inout VfsFolder) dg)
+        {
+                int  result;
+                foreach (folder; members)  
+                        {
+                        VfsFolder x = folder;  
+                        if ((result = dg(x)) != 0)
+                             break;
+                        }
+                return result;
+        }
+        /***********************************************************************
+                Return the number of files in this group
+        ***********************************************************************/
+        final uint files ()
+        {
+                uint files;
+                foreach (folder; members)
+                         files += folder.stats.files;
+                return files;
+        }
+        /***********************************************************************
+                Return the total size of all files in this group
+        ***********************************************************************/
+        final ulong bytes ()
+        {
+                ulong bytes;
+                foreach (folder; members)
+                         bytes += folder.stats.bytes;
+                return bytes;
+        }
+        /***********************************************************************
+                Return the number of folders in this group
+        ***********************************************************************/
+        final uint folders ()
+        {
+                return members.length;
+        }
+        /***********************************************************************
+                Return the total number of entries in this group
+        ***********************************************************************/
+        final uint entries ()
+        {
+                return files + folders;
+        }
+        /***********************************************************************
+                Return a subset of folders matching the given pattern
+        ***********************************************************************/
+        final VfsFolders subset (char[] pattern)
+        {  
+                auto set = new FolderGroup;
+                foreach (folder; members)    
+                         if (patternMatch (folder.path.name, pattern))
+                             set.members ~= folder; 
+                return set;
+        }
+        /***********************************************************************
+                Return a set of files matching the given pattern
+        ***********************************************************************/
+        final FileGroup catalog (char[] pattern)
+        {
+                bool foo (VfsInfo info)
+                {
+                        return patternMatch (info.name, pattern);
+                }
+                return catalog (&foo);
+        }
+        /***********************************************************************
+                Returns a set of files conforming to the given filter
+        ***********************************************************************/
+        final FileGroup catalog (VfsFilter filter = null)
+        {       
+                return new FileGroup (this, filter);
+        }
+        /***********************************************************************
+                Internal routine to traverse the folder tree
+        ***********************************************************************/
+        private final FileFolder[] scan (FileFolder root, bool recurse) 
+        {
+                auto folders = root.folders (recurse);
+                if (recurse)
+                    foreach (child; folders)
+                             folders ~= scan (child, recurse);
+                return folders;
+        }
+        A host for folders, currently used to harbor create() and open() 
+        methods only
+private class FolderHost : VfsFolderEntry
+        private char[]          path;
+        private FileFolder      parent;
+        /***********************************************************************
+        ***********************************************************************/
+        private this (FileFolder parent, char[] path)
+        {
+                this.path = path;
+                this.parent = parent;
+        }
+        /***********************************************************************
+        ***********************************************************************/
+        final VfsFolder create ()
+        {
+                return new FileFolder (parent, path, true);
+        }
+        /***********************************************************************
+        ***********************************************************************/
+        final VfsFolder open ()
+        {
+                return new FileFolder (parent, path, false);
+        }
+        /***********************************************************************
+                Test to see if a folder exists
+        ***********************************************************************/
+        bool exists ()
+        {
+                try {
+                    open();
+                    return true;
+                    } catch (IOException x) {}
+                return false;
+        }
+        Represents things you can do with a file 
+private class FileHost : VfsFile
+        private FilePath path;
+        /***********************************************************************
+        ***********************************************************************/
+        private this (char[] path = null)
+        {
+                this.path = FilePath (path);
+        }
+        /***********************************************************************
+                Return a short name
+        ***********************************************************************/
+        final char[] name()
+        {
+                return path.file;
+        }
+        /***********************************************************************
+                Return a long name
+        ***********************************************************************/
+        final char[] toString ()
+        {
+                return path.toString;
+        }
+        /***********************************************************************
+                Does this file exist?
+        ***********************************************************************/
+        final bool exists()
+        {
+                return path.exists;
+        }
+        /***********************************************************************
+                Return the file size
+        ***********************************************************************/
+        final ulong size()
+        {
+                return path.fileSize;
+        }
+        /***********************************************************************
+                Create a new file instance
+        ***********************************************************************/
+        final VfsFile create ()
+        {
+                path.createFile ();
+                return this;
+        }
+        /***********************************************************************
+                Create a new file instance and populate with stream
+        ***********************************************************************/
+        final VfsFile create (InputStream input)
+        {
+                create.output.copy(input).close;
+                return this;
+        }
+        /***********************************************************************
+                Create and copy the given source
+        ***********************************************************************/
+        VfsFile copy (VfsFile source)
+        {
+                auto input = source.input;
+                scope (exit) input.close;
+                return create (input);
+        }
+        /***********************************************************************
+                Create and copy the given source, and remove the source
+        ***********************************************************************/
+        final VfsFile move (VfsFile source)
+        {
+                copy (source);
+                source.remove;
+                return this;
+        }
+        /***********************************************************************
+                Return the input stream. Don't forget to close it
+        ***********************************************************************/
+        final InputStream input ()
+        {
+                return new FileConduit (path.dup);
+        }
+        /***********************************************************************
+                Return the output stream. Don't forget to close it
+        ***********************************************************************/
+        final OutputStream output ()
+        {
+                return new FileConduit (path.dup, FileConduit.WriteExisting);
+        }
+        /***********************************************************************
+                Remove this file
+        ***********************************************************************/
+        final VfsFile remove ()
+        {
+                path.remove;
+                return this;
+        }
+        /***********************************************************************
+                Duplicate this entry
+        ***********************************************************************/
+        final VfsFile dup()
+        {
+                return new FileHost (path.toString);
+        }
+        /***********************************************************************
+        ***********************************************************************/
+        private VfsFile set (char[] folder, char[] name)
+        {
+                path.set(folder).append(name);
+                return this;
+        }
+debug (FileFolder)
+import tango.io.Stdout;
+import tango.io.Buffer;
+void main()
+        auto root = new FileFolder ("d:/d/import/temp", true);
+        root.folder("test").create;
+        root.file("test.txt").create(new Buffer("hello"));
+        Stdout.formatln ("test.txt.length = {}", root.file("test.txt").size);
+        root = new FileFolder ("c:/");
+        auto set = root.self;
+        Stdout.formatln ("self.files = {}", set.files);
+        Stdout.formatln ("self.bytes = {}", set.bytes);
+        Stdout.formatln ("self.folders = {}", set.folders);
+        Stdout.formatln ("self.entries = {}", set.entries);
+        set = root.tree;
+        Stdout.formatln ("tree.files = {}", set.files);
+        Stdout.formatln ("tree.bytes = {}", set.bytes);
+        Stdout.formatln ("tree.folders = {}", set.folders);
+        Stdout.formatln ("tree.entries = {}", set.entries);
+        //foreach (folder; set)
+        //         Stdout.formatln ("tree.folder '{}' has {} files", folder.name, folder.self.files);
+        auto cat = set.catalog ("s*");
+        Stdout.formatln ("cat.files = {}", cat.files);
+        Stdout.formatln ("cat.bytes = {}", cat.bytes);
+        //foreach (file; cat)
+        //         Stdout.formatln ("cat.name '{}' '{}'", file.name, file.toString);