diff tango/tango/io/archive/Zip.d @ 132:1700239cab2e trunk

[svn r136] MAJOR UNSTABLE UPDATE!!! Initial commit after moving to Tango instead of Phobos. Lots of bugfixes... This build is not suitable for most things.
author lindquist
date Fri, 11 Jan 2008 17:57:40 +0100
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/tango/tango/io/archive/Zip.d	Fri Jan 11 17:57:40 2008 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,2882 @@
+ *
+ * copyright:   Copyright © 2007 Daniel Keep.  All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * license:     BSD style: $(LICENSE)
+ *
+ * version:     Initial release: December 2007
+ *
+ * author:      Daniel Keep
+ *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+module tango.io.archive.Zip;
+* Disable UTF encoding until I've worked out what version of Zip that's
+  related to... (actually; it's entirely possible that's it's merely a
+  *proposal* at the moment.) (*Done*)
+* Make ZipEntry safe: make them aware that their creating reader has been
+  destroyed.
+import tango.core.ByteSwap : ByteSwap;
+import tango.io.Buffer : Buffer;
+import tango.io.FileConduit : FileConduit;
+import tango.io.FilePath : FilePath, PathView;
+import tango.io.MappedBuffer : MappedBuffer;
+import tango.io.compress.ZlibStream : ZlibInput, ZlibOutput;
+import tango.io.digest.Crc32 : Crc32;
+import tango.io.model.IConduit : IConduit, InputStream, OutputStream;
+import tango.io.stream.DigestStream : DigestInput;
+import tango.time.Time : Time, TimeSpan;
+import tango.time.WallClock : WallClock;
+import tango.time.chrono.Gregorian : Gregorian;
+import Integer = tango.text.convert.Integer;
+debug(Zip) import tango.io.Stdout : Stderr;
+// Implementation crap
+// Why is this here, you ask?  Because of bloody DMD forward reference bugs.
+// For pete's sake, Walter, FIX THEM, please!
+// To skip to the actual user-visible stuff, search for "Shared stuff".
+// LocalFileHeader
+    align(1)
+    struct LocalFileHeaderData
+    {
+        ushort      extract_version = ushort.max;
+        ushort      general_flags = 0;
+        ushort      compression_method = 0;
+        ushort      modification_file_time = 0;
+        ushort      modification_file_date = 0;
+        uint        crc_32 = 0; // offsetof = 10
+        uint        compressed_size = 0;
+        uint        uncompressed_size = 0;
+        ushort      file_name_length = 0;
+        ushort      extra_field_length = 0;
+        debug(Zip) void dump()
+        {
+            Stderr
+            ("LocalFileHeader.Data {")("\n")
+            ("  extract_version = ")(extract_version)("\n")
+            ("  general_flags = ")(general_flags)("\n")
+            ("  compression_method = ")(compression_method)("\n")
+            ("  modification_file_time = ")(modification_file_time)("\n")
+            ("  modification_file_date = ")(modification_file_date)("\n")
+            ("  crc_32 = ")(crc_32)("\n")
+            ("  compressed_size = ")(compressed_size)("\n")
+            ("  uncompressed_size = ")(uncompressed_size)("\n")
+            ("  file_name_length = ")(file_name_length)("\n")
+            ("  extra_field_length = ")(extra_field_length)("\n")
+            ("}").newline;
+        }
+    }
+struct LocalFileHeader
+    const uint signature = 0x04034b50;
+    alias LocalFileHeaderData Data;
+    Data data;
+    static assert( Data.sizeof == 26 );
+    char[] file_name;
+    ubyte[] extra_field;
+    void[] data_arr()
+    {
+        return (&data)[0..1];
+    }
+    void put(OutputStream output)
+    {
+        // Make sure var-length fields will fit.
+        if( file_name.length > ushort.max )
+            ZipException.fntoolong;
+        if( extra_field.length > ushort.max )
+            ZipException.eftoolong;
+        // Encode filename
+        auto file_name = utf8_to_cp437(this.file_name);
+        scope(exit) if( file_name !is cast(ubyte[])this.file_name )
+            delete file_name;
+        if( file_name is null )
+            ZipException.fnencode;
+        // Update lengths in data
+        Data data = this.data;
+        data.file_name_length = file_name.length;
+        data.extra_field_length = extra_field.length;
+        // Do it
+        version( BigEndian ) swapAll(data);
+        writeExact(output, (&data)[0..1]);
+        writeExact(output, file_name);
+        writeExact(output, extra_field);
+    }
+    void fill(InputStream src)
+    {
+        readExact(src, data_arr);
+        version( BigEndian ) swapAll(data);
+        //debug(Zip) data.dump;
+        auto tmp = new ubyte[data.file_name_length];
+        readExact(src, tmp);
+        file_name = cp437_to_utf8(tmp);
+        if( cast(char*) tmp.ptr !is file_name.ptr ) delete tmp;
+        extra_field = new ubyte[data.extra_field_length];
+        readExact(src, extra_field);
+    }
+    /*
+     * This method will check to make sure that the local and central headers
+     * are the same; if they're not, then that indicates that the archive is
+     * corrupt.
+     */
+    bool agrees_with(FileHeader h)
+    {
+        if( data.extract_version != h.data.extract_version
+                || data.general_flags != h.data.general_flags
+                || data.compression_method != h.data.compression_method
+                || data.modification_file_time != h.data.modification_file_time
+                || data.modification_file_date != h.data.modification_file_date
+                || data.crc_32 != h.data.crc_32
+                || data.compressed_size != h.data.compressed_size
+                || data.uncompressed_size != h.data.uncompressed_size
+                || file_name != h.file_name
+                || extra_field != h.extra_field )
+            return false;
+        // We need a separate check for the sizes and crc32, since these will
+        // be zero if a trailing descriptor was used.
+        if( !h.usingDataDescriptor && (
+                   data.crc_32 != h.data.crc_32
+                || data.compressed_size != h.data.compressed_size
+                || data.uncompressed_size != h.data.uncompressed_size ) )
+            return false;
+        return true;
+    }
+// FileHeader
+    align(1)
+    struct FileHeaderData
+    {
+        ubyte       zip_version;
+        ubyte       file_attribute_type;
+        ushort      extract_version;
+        ushort      general_flags;
+        ushort      compression_method;
+        ushort      modification_file_time;
+        ushort      modification_file_date;
+        uint        crc_32;
+        uint        compressed_size;
+        uint        uncompressed_size;
+        ushort      file_name_length;
+        ushort      extra_field_length;
+        ushort      file_comment_length;
+        ushort      disk_number_start;
+        ushort      internal_file_attributes = 0;
+        uint        external_file_attributes = 0;
+        int         relative_offset_of_local_header;
+        debug(Zip) void dump()
+        {
+            Stderr
+            ("FileHeader.Data {\n")
+            ("  zip_version = ")(zip_version)("\n")
+            ("  file_attribute_type = ")(file_attribute_type)("\n")
+            ("  extract_version = ")(extract_version)("\n")
+            ("  general_flags = ")(general_flags)("\n")
+            ("  compression_method = ")(compression_method)("\n")
+            ("  modification_file_time = ")(modification_file_time)("\n")
+            ("  modification_file_date = ")(modification_file_date)("\n")
+            ("  crc_32 = ")(crc_32)("\n")
+            ("  compressed_size = ")(compressed_size)("\n")
+            ("  uncompressed_size = ")(uncompressed_size)("\n")
+            ("  file_name_length = ")(file_name_length)("\n")
+            ("  extra_field_length = ")(extra_field_length)("\n")
+            ("  file_comment_length = ")(file_comment_length)("\n")
+            ("  disk_number_start = ")(disk_number_start)("\n")
+            ("  internal_file_attributes = ")(internal_file_attributes)("\n")
+            ("  external_file_attributes = ")(external_file_attributes)("\n")
+            ("  relative_offset_of_local_header = ")(relative_offset_of_local_header)
+                ("\n")
+            ("}").newline;
+        }
+        void fromLocal(LocalFileHeader.Data data)
+        {
+            extract_version = data.extract_version;
+            general_flags = data.general_flags;
+            compression_method = data.compression_method;
+            modification_file_time = data.modification_file_time;
+            modification_file_date = data.modification_file_date;
+            crc_32 = data.crc_32;
+            compressed_size = data.compressed_size;
+            uncompressed_size = data.uncompressed_size;
+            file_name_length = data.file_name_length;
+            extra_field_length = data.extra_field_length;
+        }
+    }
+struct FileHeader
+    const uint signature = 0x02014b50;
+    alias FileHeaderData Data;
+    Data* data;
+    static assert( Data.sizeof == 42 );
+    char[] file_name;
+    ubyte[] extra_field;
+    char[] file_comment;
+    bool usingDataDescriptor()
+    {
+        return !!(data.general_flags & 1<<3);
+    }
+    uint compressionOptions()
+    {
+        return (data.general_flags >> 1) & 0b11;
+    }
+    bool usingUtf8()
+    {
+        //return !!(data.general_flags & 1<<11);
+        return false;
+    }
+    void[] data_arr()
+    {
+        return (cast(void*)data)[0 .. Data.sizeof];
+    }
+    void put(OutputStream output)
+    {
+        // Make sure the var-length fields will fit.
+        if( file_name.length > ushort.max )
+            ZipException.fntoolong;
+        if( extra_field.length > ushort.max )
+            ZipException.eftoolong;
+        if( file_comment.length > ushort.max )
+            ZipException.cotoolong;
+        // encode the filename and comment
+        auto file_name = utf8_to_cp437(this.file_name);
+        scope(exit) if( file_name !is cast(ubyte[])this.file_name )
+            delete file_name;
+        auto file_comment = utf8_to_cp437(this.file_comment);
+        scope(exit) if( file_comment !is cast(ubyte[])this.file_comment )
+            delete file_comment;
+        if( file_name is null )
+            ZipException.fnencode;
+        if( file_comment is null && this.file_comment !is null )
+            ZipException.coencode;
+        // Update the lengths
+        Data data = *(this.data);
+        data.file_name_length = file_name.length;
+        data.extra_field_length = extra_field.length;
+       data.file_comment_length = file_comment.length;
+        // Ok; let's do this! 
+        version( BigEndian ) swapAll(data);
+        writeExact(output, (&data)[0..1]);
+        writeExact(output, file_name);
+        writeExact(output, extra_field);
+        writeExact(output, file_comment);
+    }
+    long map(void[] src)
+    {
+        //debug(Zip) Stderr.formatln("FileHeader.map([0..{}])",src.length);
+        auto old_ptr = src.ptr;
+        data = cast(Data*) src.ptr;
+        src = src[Data.sizeof..$];
+        version( BigEndian ) swapAll(*data);
+        //debug(Zip) data.dump;
+        char[] function(ubyte[]) conv_fn;
+        if( usingUtf8 )
+            conv_fn = &cp437_to_utf8;
+        else
+            conv_fn = &utf8_to_utf8;
+        file_name = conv_fn(
+                cast(ubyte[]) src[0..data.file_name_length]);
+        src = src[data.file_name_length..$];
+        extra_field = cast(ubyte[]) src[0..data.extra_field_length];
+        src = src[data.extra_field_length..$];
+        file_comment = conv_fn(
+                cast(ubyte[]) src[0..data.file_comment_length]);
+        src = src[data.file_comment_length..$];
+        // Return how many bytes we've eaten
+        //debug(Zip) Stderr.formatln(" . used {} bytes", cast(long)(src.ptr - old_ptr));
+        return cast(long)(src.ptr - old_ptr);
+    }
+// EndOfCDRecord
+    align(1)
+    struct EndOfCDRecordData
+    {
+        ushort      disk_number = 0;
+        ushort      disk_with_start_of_central_directory = 0;
+        ushort      central_directory_entries_on_this_disk;
+        ushort      central_directory_entries_total;
+        uint        size_of_central_directory;
+        uint        offset_of_start_of_cd_from_starting_disk;
+        ushort      file_comment_length;
+        debug(Zip) void dump()
+        {
+            Stderr
+                .formatln("EndOfCDRecord.Data {}","{")
+                .formatln("  disk_number = {}", disk_number)
+                .formatln("  disk_with_start_of_central_directory = {}",
+                        disk_with_start_of_central_directory)
+                .formatln("  central_directory_entries_on_this_disk = {}",
+                        central_directory_entries_on_this_disk)
+                .formatln("  central_directory_entries_total = {}",
+                        central_directory_entries_total)
+                .formatln("  size_of_central_directory = {}",
+                        size_of_central_directory)
+                .formatln("  offset_of_start_of_cd_from_starting_disk = {}",
+                        offset_of_start_of_cd_from_starting_disk)
+                .formatln("  file_comment_length = {}", file_comment_length)
+                .formatln("}");
+        }
+    }
+struct EndOfCDRecord
+    const uint  signature = 0x06054b50;
+    alias EndOfCDRecordData Data;
+    Data data;
+    static assert( data.sizeof == 18 );
+    char[] file_comment;
+    void[] data_arr()
+    {
+        return (cast(void*)&data)[0 .. data.sizeof];
+    }
+    void put(OutputStream output)
+    {
+        // Set up the comment; check length, encode
+        if( file_comment.length > ushort.max )
+            ZipException.cotoolong;
+        auto file_comment = utf8_to_cp437(this.file_comment);
+        scope(exit) if( file_comment !is cast(ubyte[])this.file_comment )
+                delete file_comment;
+        // Set up data block
+        Data data = this.data;
+        data.file_comment_length = file_comment.length;
+        version( BigEndian ) swapAll(data);
+        writeExact(output, (&data)[0..1]);
+    }
+    void fill(void[] src)
+    {
+        //Stderr.formatln("EndOfCDRecord.fill([0..{}])",src.length);
+        auto _data = data_arr;
+        _data[] = src[0.._data.length];
+        src = src[_data.length..$];
+        version( BigEndian ) swapAll(data);
+        //data.dump;
+        file_comment = cast(char[]) src[0..data.file_comment_length].dup;
+    }
+// End of implementation crap
+// Shared stuff
+    /**
+     * This enumeration denotes the kind of compression used on a file.
+     */
+    enum Method
+    {
+        /// No compression should be used.
+        Store,
+        /// Deflate compression.
+        Deflate,
+        /**
+         * This is a special value used for unsupported or unrecognised
+         * compression methods.  This value is only used internally.
+         */
+        Unsupported
+    }
+    const ushort ZIP_VERSION = 20;
+    const ushort MAX_EXTRACT_VERSION = 20;
+    /*                                     compression flags
+                                  uses trailing descriptor |
+                               utf-8 encoding            | |
+                                            ^            ^ /\               */
+    const ushort SUPPORTED_FLAGS = 0b00_0_0_0_0000_0_0_0_1_11_0;
+    Method toMethod(ushort method)
+    {
+        switch( method )
+        {
+            case 0:     return Method.Store;
+            case 8:     return Method.Deflate;
+            default:    return Method.Unsupported;
+        }
+    }
+    ushort fromMethod(Method method)
+    {
+        switch( method )
+        {
+            case Method.Store:      return 0;
+            case Method.Deflate:    return 8;
+            default:
+                assert(false, "unsupported compression method");
+        }
+    }
+    /* NOTE: This doesn't actually appear to work.  Using the default magic
+     * number with Tango's Crc32 digest works, however.
+     */
+    //const CRC_MAGIC = 0xdebb20e3u;
+// ZipReader
+interface ZipReader
+    bool streamed();
+    void close();
+    bool more();
+    ZipEntry get();
+    ZipEntry get(ZipEntry);
+    int opApply(int delegate(ref ZipEntry));
+// ZipWriter
+interface ZipWriter
+    void finish();
+    void putFile(ZipEntryInfo info, char[] path);
+    void putFile(ZipEntryInfo info, PathView path);
+    void putStream(ZipEntryInfo info, InputStream source);
+    void putEntry(ZipEntryInfo info, ZipEntry entry);
+    void putData(ZipEntryInfo info, void[] data);
+    Method method();
+    Method method(Method);
+// ZipBlockReader
+ * The ZipBlockReader class is used to parse a Zip archive.  It exposes the
+ * contents of the archive via an iteration interface.  For instance, to loop
+ * over all files in an archive, one can use either
+ *
+ * -----
+ *  foreach( entry ; reader )
+ *      ...
+ * -----
+ *
+ * Or
+ *
+ * -----
+ *  while( reader.more )
+ *  {
+ *      auto entry = reader.get;
+ *      ...
+ *  }
+ * -----
+ * 
+ * See the ZipEntry class for more information on the contents of entries.
+ *
+ * Note that this class can only be used with input sources which can be
+ * freely seeked.  Also note that you may open a ZipEntry instance produced by
+ * this reader at any time until the ZipReader that created it is closed.
+ */
+class ZipBlockReader : ZipReader
+    /**
+     * Creates a ZipBlockReader using the specified file on the local
+     * filesystem.
+     */
+    this(char[] path)
+    {
+        this(FilePath(path));
+    }
+    /// ditto
+    this(PathView path)
+    {
+        file_source = new FileConduit(path);
+        this(file_source);
+    }
+version( none )
+    /**
+     * Creates a ZipBlockReader using the provided FileConduit instance.  Where
+     * possible, the conduit will be wrapped in a memory-mapped buffer for
+     * optimum performance.  If you do not want the FileConduit memory-mapped,
+     * either cast it to an InputStream first, or pass source.input to the
+     * constructor.
+     */
+    this(FileConduit source)
+    {
+        // BUG: MappedBuffer doesn't implement IConduit.Seek
+        //mm_source = new MappedBuffer(source);
+        //this(mm_source);
+        this(source.input);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Creates a ZipBlockReader using the provided InputStream.  Please note
+     * that this InputStream must also implement the IConduit.Seek interface.
+     */
+    this(InputStream source)
+    in
+    {
+        assert( cast(IConduit.Seek) source, "source stream must be seekable" );
+    }
+    body
+    {
+        this.source = source;
+        this.seeker = cast(IConduit.Seek) source;
+    }
+    bool streamed() { return false; }
+    /**
+     * Closes the reader, and releases all resources.  After this operation,
+     * all ZipEntry instances created by this ZipReader are invalid and should
+     * not be used.
+     */
+    void close()
+    {
+        state = State.Done;
+        source = null;
+        seeker = null;
+        delete headers;
+        delete cd_data;
+        if( file_source !is null )  delete file_source;
+        if( mm_source !is null )    delete mm_source;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Returns true if and only if there are additional files in the archive
+     * which have not been read via the get method.  This returns true before
+     * the first call to get (assuming the opened archive is non-empty), and
+     * false after the last file has been accessed.
+     */
+    bool more()
+    {
+        switch( state )
+        {
+            case State.Init:
+                read_cd;
+                assert( state == State.Open );
+                return more;
+            case State.Open:
+                return (current_index < headers.length);
+            case State.Done:
+                return false;
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Retrieves the next file from the archive.  Note that although this does
+     * perform IO operations, it will not read the contents of the file.
+     *
+     * The optional reuse argument can be used to instruct the reader to reuse
+     * an existing ZipEntry instance.  If passed a null reference, it will
+     * create a new ZipEntry instance.
+     */
+    ZipEntry get()
+    {
+        if( !more )
+            ZipExhaustedException();
+        return new ZipEntry(headers[current_index++], &open_file);
+    }
+    /// ditto
+    ZipEntry get(ZipEntry reuse)
+    {
+        if( !more )
+            ZipExhaustedException();
+        if( reuse is null )
+            return new ZipEntry(headers[current_index++], &open_file);
+        else
+            return reuse.reset(headers[current_index++], &open_file);
+    }
+    /**
+     * This is used to iterate over the contents of an archive using a foreach
+     * loop.  Please note that the iteration will reuse the ZipEntry instance
+     * passed to your loop.  If you wish to keep the instance and re-use it
+     * later, you $(B must) use the dup member to create a copy.
+     */
+    int opApply(int delegate(ref ZipEntry) dg)
+    {
+        int result = 0;
+        ZipEntry entry;
+        while( more )
+        {
+            entry = get(entry);
+            result = dg(entry);
+            if( result )
+                break;
+        }
+        if( entry !is null )
+            delete entry;
+        return result;
+    }
+    InputStream source;
+    IConduit.Seek seeker;
+    enum State { Init, Open, Done }
+    State state;
+    size_t current_index = 0;
+    FileHeader[] headers;
+    // These should be killed when the reader is closed.
+    ubyte[] cd_data;
+    FileConduit file_source = null;
+    MappedBuffer mm_source = null;
+    /*
+     * This function will read the contents of the central directory.  Split
+     * or spanned archives aren't supported.
+     */
+    void read_cd()
+    in
+    {
+        assert( state == State.Init );
+        assert( headers is null );
+        assert( cd_data is null );
+    }
+    out
+    {
+        assert( state == State.Open );
+        assert( headers !is null );
+        assert( cd_data !is null );
+        assert( current_index == 0 );
+    }
+    body
+    {
+        //Stderr.formatln("ZipReader.read_cd()");
+        // First, we need to locate the end of cd record, so that we know
+        // where the cd itself is, and how big it is.
+        auto eocdr = read_eocd_record;
+        // Now, make sure the archive is all in one file.
+        if( eocdr.data.disk_number !=
+                    eocdr.data.disk_with_start_of_central_directory
+                || eocdr.data.central_directory_entries_on_this_disk !=
+                    eocdr.data.central_directory_entries_total )
+            ZipNotSupportedException.spanned;
+        // Ok, read the whole damn thing in one go.
+        cd_data = new ubyte[eocdr.data.size_of_central_directory];
+        long cd_offset = eocdr.data.offset_of_start_of_cd_from_starting_disk;
+        seeker.seek(cd_offset, IConduit.Seek.Anchor.Begin);
+        readExact(source, cd_data);
+        // Cake.  Now, we need to break it up into records.
+        headers = new FileHeader[
+            eocdr.data.central_directory_entries_total];
+        long cdr_offset = cd_offset;
+        // Ok, map the CD data into file headers.
+        foreach( i,ref header ; headers )
+        {
+            //Stderr.formatln(" . reading header {}...", i);
+            // Check signature
+            {
+                uint sig = (cast(uint[])(cd_data[0..4]))[0];
+                version( BigEndian ) swap(sig);
+                if( sig != FileHeader.signature )
+                    ZipException.badsig("file header");
+            }
+            auto used = header.map(cd_data[4..$]);
+            cd_data = cd_data[4+used..$];
+            // Update offset for next record
+            cdr_offset += 4 /* for sig. */ + used;
+        }
+        // Done!
+        state = State.Open;
+    }
+    /*
+     * This will locate the end of CD record in the open stream.
+     *
+     * This code sucks, but that's because Zip sucks.
+     *
+     * Basically, the EOCD record is stuffed somewhere at the end of the file.
+     * In a brilliant move, the record is *variably sized*, which means we
+     * have to do a linear backwards search to find it.
+     *
+     * The header itself (including the signature) is at minimum 22 bytes
+     * long, plus anywhere between 0 and 2^16-1 bytes of comment.  That means
+     * we need to read the last 2^16-1 + 22 bytes from the file, and look for
+     * the signature [0x50,0x4b,0x05,0x06] in [0 .. $-18].
+     *
+     * If we find the EOCD record, we'll return its contents.  If we couldn't
+     * find it, we'll throw an exception.
+     */
+    EndOfCDRecord read_eocd_record()
+    in
+    {
+        assert( state == State.Init );
+    }
+    body
+    {
+        //Stderr.formatln("read_eocd_record()");
+        // Signature + record + max. comment length
+        const max_chunk_len = 4 + EndOfCDRecord.Data.sizeof + ushort.max;
+        auto file_len = seeker.seek(0, IConduit.Seek.Anchor.End);
+        // We're going to need min(max_chunk_len, file_len) bytes.
+        long chunk_len = max_chunk_len;
+        if( file_len < max_chunk_len )
+            chunk_len = file_len;
+        //Stderr.formatln(" . chunk_len = {}", chunk_len);
+        // Seek back and read in the chunk.  Don't forget to clean up after
+        // ourselves.
+        seeker.seek(-chunk_len, IConduit.Seek.Anchor.End);
+        auto chunk_offset = seeker.seek(0, IConduit.Seek.Anchor.Current);
+        //Stderr.formatln(" . chunk_offset = {}", chunk_offset);
+        auto chunk = new ubyte[chunk_len];
+        scope(exit) delete chunk;
+        readExact(source, chunk);
+        // Now look for our magic number.  Don't forget that on big-endian
+        // machines, we need to byteswap the value we're looking for.
+        version( BigEndian )
+            uint eocd_magic = swap(EndOfCDRecord.signature);
+        else
+            uint eocd_magic = EndOfCDRecord.signature;
+        size_t eocd_loc = -1;
+        for( size_t i=chunk_len-18; i>=0; --i )
+        {
+            if( *(cast(uint*)(chunk.ptr+i)) == eocd_magic )
+            {
+                // Found the bugger!  Make sure we skip the signature (forgot
+                // to do that originally; talk about weird errors :P)
+                eocd_loc = i+4;
+                break;
+            }
+        }
+        // If we didn't find it, then we'll assume that this is not a valid
+        // archive.
+        if( eocd_loc == -1 )
+            ZipException.missingdir;
+        // Ok, so we found it; now what?  Now we need to read the record
+        // itself in.  eocd_loc is the offset within the chunk where the eocd
+        // record was found, so slice it out.
+        EndOfCDRecord eocdr;
+        eocdr.fill(chunk[eocd_loc..$]);
+        // Excellent.  We're done here.
+        return eocdr;
+    }
+    /*
+     * Opens the specified file for reading.  If the raw argument passed is
+     * true, then the file is *not* decompressed.
+     */
+    InputStream open_file(FileHeader header, bool raw)
+    {
+        // Check to make sure that we actually *can* open this file.
+        if( header.data.extract_version > MAX_EXTRACT_VERSION )
+            ZipNotSupportedException.zipver(header.data.extract_version);
+        if( header.data.general_flags & UNSUPPORTED_FLAGS )
+            ZipNotSupportedException.flags;
+        if( toMethod(header.data.compression_method) == Method.Unsupported )
+            ZipNotSupportedException.method(header.data.compression_method);
+        // Open a raw stream
+        InputStream stream = open_file_raw(header);
+        // If that's all they wanted, pass it back.
+        if( raw )
+            return stream;
+        // Next up, wrap in an appropriate decompression stream
+        switch( toMethod(header.data.compression_method) )
+        {
+            case Method.Store:
+                // Do nothing: \o/
+                break;
+            case Method.Deflate:
+                // Wrap in a zlib stream.  -15 means to use a 32KB window, and
+                // not to look for the normal zlib header and trailer.
+                stream = new ZlibInput(stream, -15);
+                break;
+            default:
+                assert(false);
+        }
+        // We done, yo!
+        return stream;
+    }
+    /*
+     * Opens a file's raw input stream.  Basically, this returns a slice of
+     * the archive's input stream.
+     */
+    InputStream open_file_raw(FileHeader header)
+    {
+        // Seek to and parse the local file header
+        seeker.seek(header.data.relative_offset_of_local_header,
+                IConduit.Seek.Anchor.Begin);
+        {
+            uint sig;
+            readExact(source, (&sig)[0..1]);
+            version( BigEndian ) swap(sig);
+            if( sig != LocalFileHeader.signature )
+                ZipException.badsig("local file header");
+        }
+        LocalFileHeader lheader; lheader.fill(source);
+        if( !lheader.agrees_with(header) )
+            ZipException.incons(header.file_name);
+        // Ok; get a slice stream for the file
+        return new SliceSeekInputStream(
+             source, seeker.seek(0, IConduit.Seek.Anchor.Current),
+             header.data.compressed_size);
+    }
+// ZipBlockWriter
+ * The ZipBlockWriter class is used to create a Zip archive.  It uses a
+ * writing iterator interface.
+ *
+ * Note that this class can only be used with output streams which can be
+ * freely seeked.
+ */
+class ZipBlockWriter : ZipWriter
+    /**
+     * Creates a ZipBlockWriter using the specified file on the local
+     * filesystem.
+     */
+    this(char[] path)
+    {
+        this(FilePath(path));
+    }
+    /// ditto
+    this(PathView path)
+    {
+        file_output = new FileConduit(path, FileConduit.WriteCreate);
+        this(file_output);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Creates a ZipBlockWriter using the provided OutputStream.  Please note
+     * that this OutputStream must also implement the IConduit.Seek interface.
+     */
+    this(OutputStream output)
+    in
+    {
+        assert( output !is null );
+        assert( (cast(IConduit.Seek) output) !is null );
+    }
+    body
+    {
+        this.output = output;
+        this.seeker = cast(IConduit.Seek) output;
+        // Default to Deflate compression
+        method = Method.Deflate;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Finalises the archive, writes out the central directory, and closes the
+     * output stream.
+     */
+    void finish()
+    {
+        put_cd;
+        output.close();
+        output = null;
+        seeker = null;
+        if( file_output !is null ) delete file_output;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Adds a file from the local filesystem to the archive.
+     */
+    void putFile(ZipEntryInfo info, char[] path)
+    {
+        putFile(info, FilePath(path));
+    }
+    /// ditto
+    void putFile(ZipEntryInfo info, PathView path)
+    {
+        scope file = new FileConduit(path);
+        scope(exit) file.close();
+        putStream(info, file);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Adds a file using the contents of the given InputStream to the archive.
+     */
+    void putStream(ZipEntryInfo info, InputStream source)
+    {
+        put_compressed(info, source);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Transfers a file from another archive into this archive.  Note that
+     * this method will not perform any compression: whatever compression was
+     * applied to the file originally will be preserved.
+     */
+    void putEntry(ZipEntryInfo info, ZipEntry entry)
+    {
+        put_raw(info, entry);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Adds a file using the contents of the given array to the archive.
+     */
+    void putData(ZipEntryInfo info, void[] data)
+    {
+        //scope mc = new MemoryConduit(data);
+        scope mc = new Buffer(data);
+        scope(exit) mc.close;
+        put_compressed(info, mc);
+    }
+    /**
+     * This property allows you to control what compression method should be
+     * used for files being added to the archive.
+     */
+    Method method() { return _method; }
+    Method method(Method v) { return _method = v; } /// ditto
+    OutputStream output;
+    IConduit.Seek seeker;
+    FileConduit file_output;
+    Method _method;
+    struct Entry
+    {
+        FileHeaderData data;
+        long header_position;
+        char[] filename;
+        char[] comment;
+        ubyte[] extra;
+    }
+    Entry[] entries;
+    void put_cd()
+    {
+        // check that there aren't too many CD entries
+        if( entries.length > ushort.max )
+            ZipException.toomanyentries;
+        auto cd_pos = seeker.seek(0, IConduit.Seek.Anchor.Current);
+        if( cd_pos > uint.max )
+            ZipException.toolong;
+        foreach( entry ; entries )
+        {
+            FileHeader header;
+            header.data = &entry.data;
+            header.file_name = entry.filename;
+            header.extra_field = entry.extra;
+            header.file_comment = entry.comment;
+            write(output, FileHeader.signature);
+            header.put(output);
+        }
+        auto cd_len = seeker.seek(0, IConduit.Seek.Anchor.Current) - cd_pos;
+        if( cd_len > uint.max )
+            ZipException.cdtoolong;
+        {
+            EndOfCDRecord eocdr;
+            eocdr.data.central_directory_entries_on_this_disk =
+                entries.length;
+            eocdr.data.central_directory_entries_total = entries.length;
+            eocdr.data.size_of_central_directory = cd_len;
+            eocdr.data.offset_of_start_of_cd_from_starting_disk = cd_pos;
+            write(output, EndOfCDRecord.signature);
+            eocdr.put(output);
+        }
+    }
+    void put_raw(ZipEntryInfo info, ZipEntry entry)
+    {
+        // Write out local file header
+        LocalFileHeader.Data lhdata;
+        auto chdata = entry.header.data;
+        lhdata.extract_version = chdata.extract_version;
+        lhdata.general_flags = chdata.general_flags;
+        lhdata.compression_method = chdata.compression_method;
+        lhdata.crc_32 = chdata.crc_32;
+        lhdata.compressed_size = chdata.compressed_size;
+        lhdata.uncompressed_size = chdata.uncompressed_size;
+        timeToDos(info.modified, lhdata.modification_file_time,
+                                 lhdata.modification_file_date);
+        put_local_header(lhdata, info.name);
+        // Store comment
+        entries[$-1].comment = info.comment;
+        // Output file contents
+        {
+            auto input = entry.open_raw;
+            scope(exit) input.close;
+            output.copy(input).flush();
+        }
+    }
+    void put_compressed(ZipEntryInfo info, InputStream source)
+    {
+        debug(Zip) Stderr.formatln("ZipBlockWriter.put_compressed()");
+        // Write out partial local file header
+        auto header_pos = seeker.seek(0, IConduit.Seek.Anchor.Current);
+        debug(Zip) Stderr.formatln(" . header for {} at {}", info.name, header_pos);
+        put_local_header(info, _method);
+        // Store comment
+        entries[$-1].comment = info.comment;
+        uint crc;
+        uint compressed_size;
+        uint uncompressed_size;
+        // Output file contents
+        {
+            // Input/output chains
+            InputStream in_chain = source;
+            OutputStream out_chain = new WrapSeekOutputStream(output);
+            // Count number of bytes coming in from the source file
+            scope in_counter = new CounterInput(in_chain);
+            in_chain = in_counter;
+            scope(success) uncompressed_size = in_counter.count;
+            // Count the number of bytes going out to the archive
+            scope out_counter = new CounterOutput(out_chain);
+            out_chain = out_counter;
+            scope(success) compressed_size = out_counter.count;
+            // Add crc
+            scope crc_d = new Crc32(/*CRC_MAGIC*/);
+            scope crc_s = new DigestInput(in_chain, crc_d);
+            in_chain = crc_s;
+            scope(success)
+            {
+                debug(Zip) Stderr.formatln(" . Success: storing CRC.");
+                crc = crc_d.crc32Digest;
+            }
+            // Add compression
+            ZlibOutput compress;
+            scope(exit) if( compress !is null ) delete compress;
+            switch( _method )
+            {
+                case Method.Store:
+                    break;
+                case Method.Deflate:
+                    compress = new ZlibOutput(out_chain,
+                            ZlibOutput.Level.init, -15);
+                    out_chain = compress;
+                    break;
+            }
+            // All done.
+            scope(exit) in_chain.close();
+            scope(success) in_chain.clear();
+            scope(exit) out_chain.close();
+            out_chain.copy(in_chain).flush;
+            debug(Zip) if( compress !is null )
+            {
+                Stderr.formatln(" . compressed to {} bytes", compress.written);
+            }
+            debug(Zip) Stderr.formatln(" . wrote {} bytes", out_counter.count);
+            debug(Zip) Stderr.formatln(" . contents written");
+        }
+        debug(Zip) Stderr.formatln(" . CRC for \"{}\": 0x{:x8}", info.name, crc);
+        // Rewind, and patch the header
+        auto final_pos = seeker.seek(0, IConduit.Seek.Anchor.Current);
+        seeker.seek(header_pos);
+        patch_local_header(crc, compressed_size, uncompressed_size);
+        // Seek back to the end of the file, and we're done!
+        seeker.seek(final_pos);
+    }
+    /*
+     * Patches the local file header starting at the current output location
+     * with updated crc and size information.  Also updates the current last
+     * Entry.
+     */
+    void patch_local_header(uint crc_32, uint compressed_size,
+            uint uncompressed_size)
+    {
+        /* BUG: For some reason, this code won't compile.  No idea why... if
+         * you instantiate LFHD, it says that there is no "offsetof" property.
+         */
+        /+
+        alias LocalFileHeaderData LFHD;
+        static assert( LFHD.compressed_size.offsetof
+                == LFHD.crc_32.offsetof + 4 );
+        static assert( LFHD.uncompressed_size.offsetof
+                == LFHD.compressed_size.offsetof + 4 );
+        +/
+        // Don't forget we have to seek past the signature, too
+        // BUG: .offsetof is broken here
+        /+seeker.seek(LFHD.crc_32.offsetof+4, IConduit.Seek.Anchor.Current);+/
+        seeker.seek(10+4, IConduit.Seek.Anchor.Current);
+        write(output, crc_32);
+        write(output, compressed_size);
+        write(output, uncompressed_size);
+        with( entries[$-1] )
+        {
+            data.crc_32 = crc_32;
+            data.compressed_size = compressed_size;
+            data.uncompressed_size = uncompressed_size;
+        }
+    }
+    /*
+     * Generates and outputs a local file header from the given info block and
+     * compression method.  Note that the crc_32, compressed_size and
+     * uncompressed_size header fields will be set to zero, and must be
+     * patched.
+     */
+    void put_local_header(ZipEntryInfo info, Method method)
+    {
+        LocalFileHeader.Data data;
+        data.compression_method = fromMethod(method);
+        timeToDos(info.modified, data.modification_file_time,
+                                 data.modification_file_date);
+        put_local_header(data, info.name);
+    }
+    /*
+     * Writes the given local file header data and filename out to the output
+     * stream.  It also appends a new Entry with the data and filename.
+     */
+    void put_local_header(LocalFileHeaderData data,
+            char[] file_name)
+    {
+        // Compute Zip version
+        if( data.extract_version == data.extract_version.max )
+        {
+            ushort zipver = 10;
+            void minver(ushort v) { zipver = v>zipver ? v : zipver; }
+            {
+                // Compression method
+                switch( data.compression_method )
+                {
+                    case 0: minver(10); break;
+                    case 8: minver(20); break;
+                }
+                // File is a folder
+                if( file_name.length > 0 && file_name[$-1] == '/'
+                        || file_name[$-1] == '\\' )
+                    // Is a directory, not a real file
+                    minver(20);
+            }
+            data.extract_version = zipver;
+        }
+        /+// Encode filename
+        auto file_name_437 = utf8_to_cp437(file_name);
+        if( file_name_437 is null )
+            ZipException.fnencode;+/
+        /+// Set up file name length
+        if( file_name_437.length > ushort.max )
+            ZipException.fntoolong;
+        data.file_name_length = file_name_437.length;+/
+        LocalFileHeader header;
+        header.data = data;
+        header.file_name = file_name;
+        // Write out the header and the filename
+        auto header_pos = seeker.seek(0, IConduit.Seek.Anchor.Current);
+        write(output, LocalFileHeader.signature);
+        header.put(output);
+        // Save the header
+        Entry entry;
+        entry.data.fromLocal(header.data);
+        entry.filename = file_name;
+        entry.header_position = header_pos;
+        entry.data.relative_offset_of_local_header = header_pos;
+        entries ~= entry;
+    }
+// ZipEntry
+ * This class is used to represent a single entry in an archive.
+ * Specifically, it combines meta-data about the file (see the info field)
+ * along with the two basic operations on an entry: open and verify.
+ */
+class ZipEntry
+    /**
+     * Header information on the file.  See the ZipEntryInfo structure for
+     * more information.
+     */
+    ZipEntryInfo info;
+    /**
+     * Size (in bytes) of the file's uncompressed contents.
+     */
+    uint size()
+    {
+        return header.data.uncompressed_size;;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Opens a stream for reading from the file.  The contents of this stream
+     * represent the decompressed contents of the file stored in the archive.
+     *
+     * You should not assume that the returned stream is seekable.
+     *
+     * Note that the returned stream may be safely closed without affecting
+     * the underlying archive stream.
+     *
+     * If the file has not yet been verified, then the stream will be checked
+     * as you read from it.  When the stream is either exhausted or closed,
+     * then the integrity of the file's data will be checked.  This means that
+     * if the file is corrupt, an exception will be thrown only after you have
+     * finished reading from the stream.  If you wish to make sure the data is
+     * valid before you read from the file, call the verify method.
+     */
+    InputStream open()
+    {
+        // If we haven't verified yet, wrap the stream in the appropriate
+        // decorators.
+        if( !verified )
+            return new ZipEntryVerifier(this, open_dg(header, false));
+        else
+            return open_dg(header, false);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Verifies the contents of this file by computing the CRC32 checksum,
+     * and comparing it against the stored one.  Throws an exception if the
+     * checksums do not match.
+     *
+     * Not valid on streamed Zip archives.
+     */
+    void verify()
+    {
+        // If we haven't verified the contents yet, just read everything in
+        // to trigger it.
+        scope s = open;
+        auto buffer = new ubyte[s.conduit.bufferSize];
+        while( s.read(buffer) != s.Eof )
+            {/*Do nothing*/}
+        s.close;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Creates a new, independent copy of this instance.
+     */
+    ZipEntry dup()
+    {
+        return new ZipEntry(header, open_dg);
+    }
+    /*
+     * Callback used to open the file.
+     */
+    alias InputStream delegate(FileHeader, bool raw) open_dg_t;
+    open_dg_t open_dg;
+    /*
+     * Raw ZIP header.
+     */
+    FileHeader header;
+    /*
+     * The flag used to keep track of whether the file's contents have been
+     * verified.
+     */
+    bool verified = false;
+    /*
+     * Opens a stream that does not perform any decompression or
+     * transformation of the file contents.  This is used internally by
+     * ZipWriter to perform fast zip to zip transfers without having to
+     * decompress and then recompress the contents.
+     *
+     * Note that because zip stores CRCs for the *uncompressed* data, this
+     * method currently does not do any verification.
+     */
+    InputStream open_raw()
+    {
+        return open_dg(header, true);
+    }
+    /*
+     * Creates a new ZipEntry from the FileHeader.
+     */
+    this(FileHeader header, open_dg_t open_dg)
+    {
+        this.reset(header, open_dg);
+    }
+    /*
+     * Resets the current instance with new values.
+     */
+    ZipEntry reset(FileHeader header, open_dg_t open_dg)
+    {
+        this.header = header;
+        this.open_dg = open_dg;
+        with( info )
+        {
+            name = header.file_name.dup;
+            dosToTime(header.data.modification_file_time,
+                      header.data.modification_file_date,
+                      modified);
+            comment = header.file_comment.dup;
+        }
+        this.verified = false;
+        return this;
+    }
+ * This structure contains various pieces of meta-data on a file.  The
+ * contents of this structure may be safely mutated.
+ *
+ * This structure is also used to specify meta-data about a file when adding
+ * it to an archive.
+ */
+struct ZipEntryInfo
+    /// Full path and file name of this file.
+    char[] name;
+    /// Modification timestamp.  If this is left uninitialised when passed to
+    /// a ZipWriter, it will be reset to the current system time.
+    Time modified = Time.min;
+    /// Comment on the file.
+    char[] comment;
+// Exceptions
+import tango.core.Exception : TracedException;
+ * This is the base class from which all exceptions generated by this module
+ * derive from.
+ */
+class ZipException : TracedException
+    this(char[] msg) { super(msg); }
+    alias typeof(this) thisT;
+    static void opCall(char[] msg) { throw new ZipException(msg); }
+    static void badsig()
+    {
+        thisT("corrupt signature or unexpected section found");
+    }
+    static void badsig(char[] type)
+    {
+        thisT("corrupt "~type~" signature or unexpected section found");
+    }
+    static void incons(char[] name)
+    {
+        thisT("inconsistent headers for file \""~name~"\"; "
+                "archive is likely corrupted");
+    }
+    static void missingdir()
+    {
+        thisT("could not locate central archive directory; "
+                "file is corrupt or possibly not a Zip archive");
+    }
+    static void toomanyentries()
+    {
+        thisT("too many archive entries");
+    }
+    static void toolong()
+    {
+        thisT("archive is too long; limited to 4GB total");
+    }
+    static void cdtoolong()
+    {
+        thisT("central directory is too long; limited to 4GB total");
+    }
+    static void fntoolong()
+    {
+        thisT("file name too long; limited to 65,535 characters");
+    }
+    static void eftoolong()
+    {
+        thisT("extra field too long; limited to 65,535 characters");
+    }
+    static void cotoolong()
+    {
+        thisT("extra field too long; limited to 65,535 characters");
+    }
+    static void fnencode()
+    {
+        thisT("could not encode filename into codepage 437");
+    }
+    static void coencode()
+    {
+        thisT("could not encode comment into codepage 437");
+    }
+    static void tooold()
+    {
+        thisT("cannot represent dates before January 1, 1980");
+    }
+ * This exception is thrown if a ZipReader detects that a file's contents do
+ * not match the stored checksum.
+ */
+class ZipChecksumException : ZipException
+    this(char[] name)
+    {
+        super("checksum failed on zip entry \""~name~"\"");
+    }
+    static void opCall(char[] name) { throw new ZipChecksumException(name); }
+ * This exception is thrown if you call get reader method when there are no
+ * more files in the archive.
+ */
+class ZipExhaustedException : ZipException
+    this() { super("no more entries in archive"); }
+    static void opCall() { throw new ZipExhaustedException; }
+ * This exception is thrown if you attempt to read an archive that uses
+ * features not supported by the reader.
+ */
+class ZipNotSupportedException : ZipException
+    this(char[] msg) { super(msg); }
+    alias ZipNotSupportedException thisT;
+    static void opCall(char[] msg)
+    {
+        throw new thisT(msg ~ " not supported");
+    }
+    static void spanned()
+    {
+        thisT("split and multi-disk archives");
+    }
+    static void zipver(ushort ver)
+    {
+        throw new thisT("zip format version "
+                ~Integer.toString(ver / 10)
+                ~"."
+                ~Integer.toString(ver % 10)
+                ~" not supported; maximum of version "
+                ~Integer.toString(MAX_EXTRACT_VERSION / 10)
+                ~"."
+                ~Integer.toString(MAX_EXTRACT_VERSION % 10)
+                ~" supported.");
+    }
+    static void flags()
+    {
+        throw new thisT("unknown or unsupported file flags enabled");
+    }
+    static void method(ushort m)
+    {
+        // Cheat here and work out what the method *actually* is
+        char[] ms;
+        switch( m )
+        {
+            case 0:     
+            case 8:     assert(false); // supported
+            case 1:     ms = "Shrink"; break;
+            case 2:     ms = "Reduce (factor 1)"; break;
+            case 3:     ms = "Reduce (factor 2)"; break;
+            case 4:     ms = "Reduce (factor 3)"; break;
+            case 5:     ms = "Reduce (factor 4)"; break;
+            case 6:     ms = "Implode"; break;
+            case 9:     ms = "Deflate64"; break;
+            case 10:    ms = "TERSE (old)"; break;
+            case 12:    ms = "Bzip2"; break;
+            case 14:    ms = "LZMA"; break;
+            case 18:    ms = "TERSE (new)"; break;
+            case 19:    ms = "LZ77"; break;
+            case 97:    ms = "WavPack"; break;
+            case 98:    ms = "PPMd"; break;
+            default:    ms = "unknown";
+        }
+        thisT(ms ~ " compression method");
+    }
+// Convenience methods
+void createArchive(char[] archive, Method method, char[][] files...)
+    scope zw = new ZipBlockWriter(archive);
+    zw.method = method;
+    foreach( file ; files )
+        zw.putFile(ZipEntryInfo(file), file);
+    zw.finish;
+void createArchive(PathView archive, Method method, PathView[] files...)
+    scope zw = new ZipBlockWriter(archive);
+    zw.method = method;
+    foreach( file ; files )
+        zw.putFile(ZipEntryInfo(file.toString), file);
+    zw.finish;
+void extractArchive(char[] archive, char[] folder)
+    extractArchive(FilePath(archive), FilePath(folder));
+void extractArchive(PathView archive, PathView dest)
+    scope folder = FilePath(dest.toString);
+    scope zr = new ZipBlockReader(archive);
+    foreach( entry ; zr )
+    {
+        // Skip directories
+        if( entry.info.name[$-1] == '/' ) continue;
+        auto path = folder.dup.append(entry.info.name);
+        scope fout = new FileConduit(path, FileConduit.WriteCreate);
+        fout.output.copy(entry.open);
+    }
+// Private implementation stuff
+// Verification stuff
+ * This class wraps an input stream, and computes the CRC as it passes
+ * through.  On the event of either a close or EOF, it checks the CRC against
+ * the one in the provided ZipEntry.  If they don't match, it throws an
+ * exception.
+ */
+class ZipEntryVerifier : InputStream
+    this(ZipEntry entry, InputStream source)
+    in
+    {
+        assert( entry !is null );
+        assert( source !is null );
+    }
+    body
+    {
+        this.entry = entry;
+        this.digest = new Crc32;
+        this.source = new DigestInput(source, digest);
+    }
+    IConduit conduit()
+    {
+        return source.conduit;
+    }
+    void close()
+    {
+        check;
+        this.source.close;
+        this.entry = null;
+        this.digest = null;
+        this.source = null;
+    }
+    uint read(void[] dst)
+    {
+        auto bytes = source.read(dst);
+        if( bytes == IConduit.Eof )
+            check;
+        return bytes;
+    }
+    InputStream clear()
+    {
+        this.source.clear;
+        return this;
+    }
+    Crc32 digest;
+    InputStream source;
+    ZipEntry entry;
+    void check()
+    {
+        if( digest is null ) return;
+        auto crc = digest.crc32Digest;
+        delete digest;
+        if( crc != entry.header.data.crc_32 )
+            ZipChecksumException(entry.info.name);
+        else
+            entry.verified = true;
+    }
+// IO functions
+ * Really, seriously, read some bytes without having to go through a sodding
+ * buffer.
+ */
+void readExact(InputStream s, void[] dst)
+    //Stderr.formatln("readExact(s, [0..{}])", dst.length);
+    while( dst.length > 0 )
+    {
+        auto octets = s.read(dst);
+        //Stderr.formatln(" . octets = {}", octets);
+        if( octets == -1 ) // Beware the dangers of MAGICAL THINKING
+            throw new Exception("unexpected end of stream");
+        dst = dst[octets..$];
+    }
+ * Really, seriously, write some bytes.
+ */
+void writeExact(OutputStream s, void[] src)
+    while( src.length > 0 )
+    {
+        auto octets = s.write(src);
+        if( octets == -1 )
+            throw new Exception("unexpected end of stream");
+        src = src[octets..$];
+    }
+void write(T)(OutputStream s, T value)
+    version( BigEndian ) swap(value);
+    writeExact(s, (&value)[0..1]);
+// Endian garbage
+void swapAll(T)(inout T data)
+    static if( is(typeof(T.record_fields)) )
+        const fields = T.record_fields;
+    else
+        const fields = data.tupleof.length;
+    foreach( i,_ ; data.tupleof )
+    {
+        if( i == fields ) break;
+        swap(data.tupleof[i]);
+    }
+void swap(T)(inout T data)
+    static if( T.sizeof == 1 )
+        {}
+    else static if( T.sizeof == 2 )
+        ByteSwap.swap16(&data, 2);
+    else static if( T.sizeof == 4 )
+        ByteSwap.swap32(&data, 4);
+    else static if( T.sizeof == 8 )
+        ByteSwap.swap64(&data, 8);
+    else static if( T.sizeof == 10 )
+        ByteSwap.swap80(&data, 10);
+    else
+        static assert(false, "Can't swap "~T.stringof~"s.");
+// IBM Code Page 437 stuff
+const char[][] cp437_to_utf8_map_low = [
+    "\u0000"[], "\u263a",   "\u263b",   "\u2665",
+    "\u2666",   "\u2663",   "\u2660",   "\u2022",
+    "\u25d8",   "\u25cb",   "\u25d9",   "\u2642",
+    "\u2640",   "\u266a",   "\u266b",   "\u263c",
+    "\u25b6",   "\u25c0",   "\u2195",   "\u203c",
+    "\u00b6",   "\u00a7",   "\u25ac",   "\u21a8",
+    "\u2191",   "\u2193",   "\u2192",   "\u2190",
+    "\u221f",   "\u2194",   "\u25b2",   "\u25bc"
+const char[][] cp437_to_utf8_map_high = [
+    "\u00c7"[], "\u00fc",   "\u00e9",   "\u00e2",
+    "\u00e4",   "\u00e0",   "\u00e5",   "\u00e7",
+    "\u00ea",   "\u00eb",   "\u00e8",   "\u00ef",
+    "\u00ee",   "\u00ec",   "\u00c4",   "\u00c5",
+    "\u00c9",   "\u00e6",   "\u00c6",   "\u00f4",
+    "\u00f6",   "\u00f2",   "\u00fb",   "\u00f9",
+    "\u00ff",   "\u00d6",   "\u00dc",   "\u00f8",
+    "\u00a3",   "\u00a5",   "\u20a7",   "\u0192",
+    "\u00e1",   "\u00ed",   "\u00f3",   "\u00fa",
+    "\u00f1",   "\u00d1",   "\u00aa",   "\u00ba",
+    "\u00bf",   "\u2310",   "\u00ac",   "\u00bd",
+    "\u00bc",   "\u00a1",   "\u00ab",   "\u00bb",
+    "\u2591",   "\u2592",   "\u2593",   "\u2502",
+    "\u2524",   "\u2561",   "\u2562",   "\u2556",
+    "\u2555",   "\u2563",   "\u2551",   "\u2557",
+    "\u255d",   "\u255c",   "\u255b",   "\u2510",
+    "\u2514",   "\u2534",   "\u252c",   "\u251c",
+    "\u2500",   "\u253c",   "\u255e",   "\u255f",
+    "\u255a",   "\u2554",   "\u2569",   "\u2566",
+    "\u2560",   "\u2550",   "\u256c",   "\u2567",
+    "\u2568",   "\u2564",   "\u2565",   "\u2559",
+    "\u2558",   "\u2552",   "\u2553",   "\u256b",
+    "\u256a",   "\u2518",   "\u250c",   "\u2588",
+    "\u2584",   "\u258c",   "\u2590",   "\u2580",
+    "\u03b1",   "\u00df",   "\u0393",   "\u03c0",
+    "\u03a3",   "\u03c3",   "\u00b5",   "\u03c4",
+    "\u03a6",   "\u0398",   "\u03a9",   "\u03b4",
+    "\u221e",   "\u03c6",   "\u03b5",   "\u2229",
+    "\u2261",   "\u00b1",   "\u2265",   "\u2264",
+    "\u2320",   "\u2321",   "\u00f7",   "\u2248",
+    "\u00b0",   "\u2219",   "\u00b7",   "\u221a",
+    "\u207f",   "\u00b2",   "\u25a0",   "\u00a0"
+char[] cp437_to_utf8(ubyte[] s)
+    foreach( i,c ; s )
+    {
+        if( (1 <= c && c <= 31) || c >= 127 )
+        {
+            /* Damn; we got a character not in ASCII.  Since this is the first
+             * non-ASCII character we found, copy everything up to this point
+             * into the output verbatim.  We'll allocate twice as much space
+             * as there are remaining characters to ensure we don't need to do
+             * any further allocations.
+             */
+            auto r = new char[i+2*(s.length-i)];
+            r[0..i] = cast(char[]) s[0..i];
+            size_t k=i; // current length
+            // We insert new characters at r[i+j+k]
+            foreach( d ; s[i..$] )
+            {
+                if( 32 <= d && d <= 126 || d == 0 )
+                {
+                    r[k++] = d;
+                }
+                else if( 1 <= d && d <= 31 )
+                {
+                    char[] repl = cp437_to_utf8_map_low[d];
+                    r[k..k+repl.length] = repl[];
+                    k += repl.length;
+                }
+                else if( d == 127 )
+                {
+                    char[] repl = "\u2302";
+                    r[k..k+repl.length] = repl[];
+                    k += repl.length;
+                }
+                else if( d > 127 )
+                {
+                    char[] repl = cp437_to_utf8_map_high[d-128];
+                    r[k..k+repl.length] = repl[];
+                    k += repl.length;
+                }
+                else
+                    assert(false);
+            }
+            return r[0..k];
+        }
+    }
+    /* If we got here, then all the characters in s are also in ASCII, which
+     * means it's also valid UTF-8; return the string unmodified.
+     */
+    return cast(char[]) s;
+debug( UnitTest )
+    unittest
+    {
+        char[] c(char[] s) { return cp437_to_utf8(cast(ubyte[]) s); }
+        auto s = c("Hi there \x01 old \x0c!");
+        assert( s == "Hi there \u263a old \u2640!", "\""~s~"\"" );
+        s = c("Marker \x7f and divide \xf6.");
+        assert( s == "Marker \u2302 and divide \u00f7.", "\""~s~"\"" );
+    }
+const char[dchar] utf8_to_cp437_map;
+static this()
+    utf8_to_cp437_map = [
+        '\u0000': '\x00', '\u263a': '\x01', '\u263b': '\x02', '\u2665': '\x03',
+        '\u2666': '\x04', '\u2663': '\x05', '\u2660': '\x06', '\u2022': '\x07',
+        '\u25d8': '\x08', '\u25cb': '\x09', '\u25d9': '\x0a', '\u2642': '\x0b',
+        '\u2640': '\x0c', '\u266a': '\x0d', '\u266b': '\x0e', '\u263c': '\x0f',
+        '\u25b6': '\x10', '\u25c0': '\x11', '\u2195': '\x12', '\u203c': '\x13',
+        '\u00b6': '\x14', '\u00a7': '\x15', '\u25ac': '\x16', '\u21a8': '\x17',
+        '\u2191': '\x18', '\u2193': '\x19', '\u2192': '\x1a', '\u2190': '\x1b',
+        '\u221f': '\x1c', '\u2194': '\x1d', '\u25b2': '\x1e', '\u25bc': '\x1f',
+        /*
+         * Printable ASCII range (well, most of it) is handled specially.
+         */
+        '\u00c7': '\x80', '\u00fc': '\x81', '\u00e9': '\x82', '\u00e2': '\x83',
+        '\u00e4': '\x84', '\u00e0': '\x85', '\u00e5': '\x86', '\u00e7': '\x87',
+        '\u00ea': '\x88', '\u00eb': '\x89', '\u00e8': '\x8a', '\u00ef': '\x8b',
+        '\u00ee': '\x8c', '\u00ec': '\x8d', '\u00c4': '\x8e', '\u00c5': '\x8f',
+        '\u00c9': '\x90', '\u00e6': '\x91', '\u00c6': '\x92', '\u00f4': '\x93',
+        '\u00f6': '\x94', '\u00f2': '\x95', '\u00fb': '\x96', '\u00f9': '\x97',
+        '\u00ff': '\x98', '\u00d6': '\x99', '\u00dc': '\x9a', '\u00f8': '\x9b',
+        '\u00a3': '\x9c', '\u00a5': '\x9d', '\u20a7': '\x9e', '\u0192': '\x9f',
+        '\u00e1': '\xa0', '\u00ed': '\xa1', '\u00f3': '\xa2', '\u00fa': '\xa3',
+        '\u00f1': '\xa4', '\u00d1': '\xa5', '\u00aa': '\xa6', '\u00ba': '\xa7',
+        '\u00bf': '\xa8', '\u2310': '\xa9', '\u00ac': '\xaa', '\u00bd': '\xab',
+        '\u00bc': '\xac', '\u00a1': '\xad', '\u00ab': '\xae', '\u00bb': '\xaf',
+        '\u2591': '\xb0', '\u2592': '\xb1', '\u2593': '\xb2', '\u2502': '\xb3',
+        '\u2524': '\xb4', '\u2561': '\xb5', '\u2562': '\xb6', '\u2556': '\xb7',
+        '\u2555': '\xb8', '\u2563': '\xb9', '\u2551': '\xba', '\u2557': '\xbb',
+        '\u255d': '\xbc', '\u255c': '\xbd', '\u255b': '\xbe', '\u2510': '\xbf',
+        '\u2514': '\xc0', '\u2534': '\xc1', '\u252c': '\xc2', '\u251c': '\xc3',
+        '\u2500': '\xc4', '\u253c': '\xc5', '\u255e': '\xc6', '\u255f': '\xc7',
+        '\u255a': '\xc8', '\u2554': '\xc9', '\u2569': '\xca', '\u2566': '\xcb',
+        '\u2560': '\xcc', '\u2550': '\xcd', '\u256c': '\xce', '\u2567': '\xcf',
+        '\u2568': '\xd0', '\u2564': '\xd1', '\u2565': '\xd2', '\u2559': '\xd3',
+        '\u2558': '\xd4', '\u2552': '\xd5', '\u2553': '\xd6', '\u256b': '\xd7',
+        '\u256a': '\xd8', '\u2518': '\xd9', '\u250c': '\xda', '\u2588': '\xdb',
+        '\u2584': '\xdc', '\u258c': '\xdd', '\u2590': '\xde', '\u2580': '\xdf',
+        '\u03b1': '\xe0', '\u00df': '\xe1', '\u0393': '\xe2', '\u03c0': '\xe3',
+        '\u03a3': '\xe4', '\u03c3': '\xe5', '\u00b5': '\xe6', '\u03c4': '\xe7',
+        '\u03a6': '\xe8', '\u0398': '\xe9', '\u03a9': '\xea', '\u03b4': '\xeb',
+        '\u221e': '\xec', '\u03c6': '\xed', '\u03b5': '\xee', '\u2229': '\xef',
+        '\u2261': '\xf0', '\u00b1': '\xf1', '\u2265': '\xf2', '\u2264': '\xf3',
+        '\u2320': '\xf4', '\u2321': '\xf5', '\u00f7': '\xf6', '\u2248': '\xf7',
+        '\u00b0': '\xf8', '\u2219': '\xf9', '\u00b7': '\xfa', '\u221a': '\xfb',
+        '\u207f': '\xfc', '\u00b2': '\xfd', '\u25a0': '\xfe', '\u00a0': '\xff'
+    ];
+ubyte[] utf8_to_cp437(char[] s)
+    foreach( i,dchar c ; s )
+    {
+        if( !((32 <= c && c <= 126) || c == 0) )
+        {
+            /* We got a character not in CP 437: we need to create a buffer to
+             * hold the new string.  Since UTF-8 is *always* larger than CP
+             * 437, we need, at most, an array of the same number of elements.
+             */
+            auto r = new ubyte[s.length];
+            r[0..i] = cast(ubyte[]) s[0..i];
+            size_t k=i;
+            foreach( dchar d ; s[i..$] )
+            {
+                if( 32 <= d && d <= 126 || d == 0 )
+                    r[k++] = d;
+                else if( d == '\u2302' )
+                    r[k++] = '\x7f';
+                else if( auto e_ptr = d in utf8_to_cp437_map )
+                    r[k++] = *e_ptr;
+                else
+                {
+                    throw new Exception("cannot encode character \""
+                            ~ Integer.toString(cast(uint)d)
+                            ~ "\" in codepage 437.");
+                }
+            }
+            return r[0..k];
+        }
+    }
+    // If we got here, then the entire string is printable ASCII, which just
+    // happens to *also* be valid CP 437!  Huzzah!
+    return cast(ubyte[]) s;
+debug( UnitTest )
+    unittest
+    {
+        alias cp437_to_utf8 x;
+        alias utf8_to_cp437 y;
+        ubyte[256] s;
+        foreach( i,ref c ; s )
+            c = i;
+        auto a = x(s);
+        auto b = y(a);
+        if(!( b == s ))
+        {
+            // Display list of characters that failed to convert as expected,
+            // and what value we got.
+            auto hex = "0123456789abcdef";
+            auto msg = "".dup;
+            foreach( i,ch ; b )
+            {
+                if( ch != i )
+                {
+                    msg ~= hex[i>>4];
+                    msg ~= hex[i&15];
+                    msg ~= " (";
+                    msg ~= hex[ch>>4];
+                    msg ~= hex[ch&15];
+                    msg ~= "), ";
+                }
+            }
+            msg ~= "failed.";
+            assert( false, msg );
+        }
+    }
+ * This is here to simplify the code elsewhere.
+ */
+char[] utf8_to_utf8(ubyte[] s) { return cast(char[]) s; }
+ubyte[] utf8_to_utf8(char[] s) { return cast(ubyte[]) s; }
+// Date/time stuff
+void dosToTime(ushort dostime, ushort dosdate, out Time time)
+    uint sec, min, hour, day, mon, year;
+    sec = (dostime & 0b00000_000000_11111) * 2;
+    min = (dostime & 0b00000_111111_00000) >> 5;
+    hour= (dostime & 0b11111_000000_00000) >> 11;
+    day = (dosdate & 0b0000000_0000_11111);
+    mon = (dosdate & 0b0000000_1111_00000) >> 5;
+    year=((dosdate & 0b1111111_0000_00000) >> 9) + 1980;
+    // This code sucks.
+    scope cal = new Gregorian;
+    time = Time.epoch
+        + TimeSpan.days(cal.getDaysInYear(year, 0))
+        + TimeSpan.days(cal.getDaysInMonth(year, mon, 0))
+        + TimeSpan.days(day)
+        + TimeSpan.hours(hour)
+        + TimeSpan.minutes(min)
+        + TimeSpan.seconds(sec);
+void timeToDos(Time time, out ushort dostime, out ushort dosdate)
+    // Treat Time.min specially
+    if( time == Time.min )
+        time = WallClock.now;
+    // *muttering angrily*
+    scope cal = new Gregorian;
+    if( cal.getYear(time) < 1980 )
+        ZipException.tooold;
+    auto span = time.span;
+    dostime =
+        (span.seconds / 2)
+      | (span.minutes << 5)
+      | (span.hours   << 11);
+    dosdate =
+        (cal.getDayOfMonth(time))
+      | (cal.getMonth(time) << 5)
+      |((cal.getYear(time) - 1980) << 9);
+// ************************************************************************** //
+// ************************************************************************** //
+// ************************************************************************** //
+// Dependencies
+import tango.io.Conduit : Conduit;
+    copyright:  Copyright © 2007 Daniel Keep.  All rights reserved.
+    license:    BSD style: $(LICENSE)
+    version:    Prerelease
+    author:     Daniel Keep
+//module tangox.io.stream.CounterStream;
+//import tango.io.Conduit : Conduit;
+//import tango.io.model.IConduit : IConduit, InputStream, OutputStream;
+ * The counter stream classes are used to keep track of how many bytes flow
+ * through a stream.
+ *
+ * To use them, simply wrap it around an existing stream.  The number of bytes
+ * that have flowed through the wrapped stream may be accessed using the
+ * count member.
+ */
+class CounterInput : InputStream
+    ///
+    this(InputStream input)
+    in
+    {
+        assert( input !is null );
+    }
+    body
+    {
+        this.input = input;
+    }
+    override IConduit conduit()
+    {
+        return input.conduit;
+    }
+    override void close()
+    {
+        input.close();
+        input = null;
+    }
+    override uint read(void[] dst)
+    {
+        auto read = input.read(dst);
+        if( read != IConduit.Eof )
+            _count += read;
+        return read;
+    }
+    override InputStream clear()
+    {
+        input.clear();
+        return this;
+    }
+    ///
+    long count() { return _count; }
+    InputStream input;
+    long _count;
+/// ditto
+class CounterOutput : OutputStream
+    ///
+    this(OutputStream output)
+    in
+    {
+        assert( output !is null );
+    }
+    body
+    {
+        this.output = output;
+    }
+    override IConduit conduit()
+    {
+        return output.conduit;
+    }
+    override void close()
+    {
+        output.close();
+        output = null;
+    }
+    override uint write(void[] dst)
+    {
+        auto wrote = output.write(dst);
+        if( wrote != IConduit.Eof )
+            _count += wrote;
+        return wrote;
+    }
+    override OutputStream copy(InputStream src)
+    {
+        return Conduit.transfer(src, this);
+    }
+    override OutputStream flush()
+    {
+        output.flush();
+        return this;
+    }
+    ///
+    long count() { return _count; }
+    OutputStream output;
+    long _count;
+    copyright:  Copyright © 2007 Daniel Keep.  All rights reserved.
+    license:    BSD style: $(LICENSE)
+    version:    Prerelease
+    author:     Daniel Keep
+//module tangox.io.stream.SliceStream;
+//import tango.io.Conduit : Conduit;
+//import tango.io.model.IConduit : IConduit, InputStream, OutputStream;
+ * This stream can be used to provide stream-based access to a subset of
+ * another stream.  It is akin to slicing an array.
+ *
+ * This stream fully supports seeking, and as such requires that the
+ * underlying stream also support seeking.
+ */
+class SliceSeekInputStream : InputStream, IConduit.Seek
+    alias IConduit.Seek.Anchor Anchor;
+    /**
+     * Create a new slice stream from the given source, covering the content
+     * starting at position begin, for length bytes.
+     */
+    this(InputStream source, long begin, long length)
+    in
+    {
+        assert( source !is null );
+        assert( (cast(IConduit.Seek) source) !is null );
+        assert( begin >= 0 );
+        assert( length >= 0 );
+    }
+    body
+    {
+        this.source = source;
+        this.seeker = cast(IConduit.Seek) source;
+        this.begin = begin;
+        this.length = length;
+    }
+    override IConduit conduit()
+    {
+        return source.conduit;
+    }
+    override void close()
+    {
+        source = null;
+        seeker = null;
+    }
+    override uint read(void[] dst)
+    {
+        // If we're at the end of the slice, return eof
+        if( _position >= length )
+            return IConduit.Eof;
+        // Otherwise, make sure we don't try to read past the end of the slice
+        if( _position+dst.length > length )
+            dst.length = length-_position;
+        // Seek source stream to the appropriate location.
+        if( seeker.seek(0, Anchor.Current) != begin+_position )
+            seeker.seek(begin+_position, Anchor.Begin);
+        // Do the read
+        auto read = source.read(dst);
+        if( read == IConduit.Eof )
+            // If we got an Eof, we'll consider that a bug for the moment.
+            // TODO: proper exception
+            throw new Exception("unexpected end-of-stream");
+        _position += read;
+        return read;
+    }
+    override InputStream clear()
+    {
+        source.clear();
+        return this;
+    }
+    override long seek(long offset, Anchor anchor = cast(Anchor)0)
+    {
+        switch( anchor )
+        {
+            case Anchor.Begin:
+                _position = offset;
+                break;
+            case Anchor.Current:
+                _position += offset;
+                if( _position < 0 ) _position = 0;
+                break;
+            case Anchor.End:
+                _position = length+offset;
+                if( _position < 0 ) _position = 0;
+                break;
+        }
+        return _position;
+    }
+    InputStream source;
+    IConduit.Seek seeker;
+    long _position, begin, length;
+    invariant
+    {
+        assert( cast(Object) source is cast(Object) seeker );
+        assert( begin >= 0 );
+        assert( length >= 0 );
+        assert( _position >= 0 );
+    }
+ * This stream can be used to provide stream-based access to a subset of
+ * another stream.  It is akin to slicing an array.
+ */
+class SliceInputStream : InputStream
+    /**
+     * Create a new slice stream from the given source, covering the content
+     * starting at the current seek position for length bytes.
+     */
+    this(InputStream source, long length)
+    in
+    {
+        assert( source !is null );
+        assert( length >= 0 );
+    }
+    body
+    {
+        this.source = source;
+        this._length = length;
+    }
+    override IConduit conduit()
+    {
+        return source.conduit;
+    }
+    override void close()
+    {
+        source = null;
+    }
+    override uint read(void[] dst)
+    {
+        // If we're at the end of the slice, return eof
+        if( _length <= 0 )
+            return IConduit.Eof;
+        // Otherwise, make sure we don't try to read past the end of the slice
+        if( dst.length > _length )
+            dst.length = _length;
+        // Do the read
+        auto read = source.read(dst);
+        if( read == IConduit.Eof )
+            // If we got an Eof, we'll consider that a bug for the moment.
+            // TODO: proper exception
+            throw new Exception("unexpected end-of-stream");
+        _length -= read;
+        return read;
+    }
+    override InputStream clear()
+    {
+        source.clear();
+        return this;
+    }
+    InputStream source;
+    long _length;
+    invariant
+    {
+        if( _length > 0 ) assert( source !is null );
+    }
+ * This stream can be used to provide stream-based access to a subset of
+ * another stream.  It is akin to slicing an array.
+ *
+ * This stream fully supports seeking, and as such requires that the
+ * underlying stream also support seeking.
+ */
+class SliceSeekOutputStream : OutputStream, IConduit.Seek
+    alias IConduit.Seek.Anchor Anchor;
+    /**
+     * Create a new slice stream from the given source, covering the content
+     * starting at position begin, for length bytes.
+     */
+    this(OutputStream source, long begin, long length)
+    in
+    {
+        assert( (cast(IConduit.Seek) source) !is null );
+        assert( begin >= 0 );
+        assert( length >= 0 );
+    }
+    body
+    {
+        this.source = source;
+        this.seeker = cast(IConduit.Seek) source;
+        this.begin = begin;
+        this.length = length;
+    }
+    override IConduit conduit()
+    {
+        return source.conduit;
+    }
+    override void close()
+    {
+        source = null;
+        seeker = null;
+    }
+    uint write(void[] src)
+    {
+        // If we're at the end of the slice, return eof
+        if( _position >= length )
+            return IConduit.Eof;
+        // Otherwise, make sure we don't try to write past the end of the
+        // slice
+        if( _position+src.length > length )
+            src.length = length-_position;
+        // Seek source stream to the appropriate location.
+        if( seeker.seek(0, Anchor.Current) != begin+_position )
+            seeker.seek(begin+_position, Anchor.Begin);
+        // Do the write
+        auto wrote = source.write(src);
+        if( wrote == IConduit.Eof )
+            // If we got an Eof, we'll consider that a bug for the moment.
+            // TODO: proper exception
+            throw new Exception("unexpected end-of-stream");
+        _position += wrote;
+        return wrote;
+    }
+    override OutputStream copy(InputStream src)
+    {
+        return Conduit.transfer(src, this);
+    }
+    override OutputStream flush()
+    {
+        source.flush();
+        return this;
+    }
+    override long seek(long offset, Anchor anchor = cast(Anchor)0)
+    {
+        switch( anchor )
+        {
+            case Anchor.Begin:
+                _position = offset;
+                break;
+            case Anchor.Current:
+                _position += offset;
+                if( _position < 0 ) _position = 0;
+                break;
+            case Anchor.End:
+                _position = length+offset;
+                if( _position < 0 ) _position = 0;
+                break;
+        }
+        return _position;
+    }
+    OutputStream source;
+    IConduit.Seek seeker;
+    long _position, begin, length;
+    invariant
+    {
+        assert( cast(Object) source is cast(Object) seeker );
+        assert( begin >= 0 );
+        assert( length >= 0 );
+        assert( _position >= 0 );
+    }
+    copyright:  Copyright © 2007 Daniel Keep.  All rights reserved.
+    license:    BSD style: $(LICENSE)
+    version:    Prerelease
+    author:     Daniel Keep
+//module tangox.io.stream.WrapStream;
+//import tango.io.Conduit : Conduit;
+//import tango.io.model.IConduit : IConduit, InputStream, OutputStream;
+ * This stream can be used to provide access to another stream.
+ * Its distinguishing feature is that users cannot close the underlying
+ * stream.
+ *
+ * This stream fully supports seeking, and as such requires that the
+ * underlying stream also support seeking.
+ */
+class WrapSeekInputStream : InputStream, IConduit.Seek
+    alias IConduit.Seek.Anchor Anchor;
+    /**
+     * Create a new wrap stream from the given source.
+     */
+    this(InputStream source)
+    in
+    {
+        assert( source !is null );
+        assert( (cast(IConduit.Seek) source) !is null );
+    }
+    body
+    {
+        this.source = source;
+        this.seeker = cast(IConduit.Seek) source;
+        this._position = seeker.seek(0, Anchor.Current);
+    }
+    /// ditto
+    this(InputStream source, long position)
+    in
+    {
+        assert( position >= 0 );
+    }
+    body
+    {
+        this(source);
+        this._position = position;
+    }
+    override IConduit conduit()
+    {
+        return source.conduit;
+    }
+    override void close()
+    {
+        source = null;
+        seeker = null;
+    }
+    override uint read(void[] dst)
+    {
+        if( seeker.seek(0, Anchor.Current) != _position )
+            seeker.seek(_position, Anchor.Begin);
+        auto read = source.read(dst);
+        if( read != IConduit.Eof )
+            _position += read;
+        return read;
+    }
+    override InputStream clear()
+    {
+        source.clear();
+        return this;
+    }
+    override long seek(long offset, Anchor anchor = cast(Anchor)0)
+    {
+        seeker.seek(_position, Anchor.Begin);
+        return (_position = seeker.seek(offset, anchor));
+    }
+    InputStream source;
+    IConduit.Seek seeker;
+    long _position;
+    invariant
+    {
+        assert( cast(Object) source is cast(Object) seeker );
+        assert( _position >= 0 );
+    }
+ * This stream can be used to provide access to another stream.
+ * Its distinguishing feature is that the users cannot close the underlying
+ * stream.
+ *
+ * This stream fully supports seeking, and as such requires that the
+ * underlying stream also support seeking.
+ */
+class WrapSeekOutputStream : OutputStream, IConduit.Seek
+    alias IConduit.Seek.Anchor Anchor;
+    /**
+     * Create a new wrap stream from the given source.
+     */
+    this(OutputStream source)
+    in
+    {
+        assert( (cast(IConduit.Seek) source) !is null );
+    }
+    body
+    {
+        this.source = source;
+        this.seeker = cast(IConduit.Seek) source;
+        this._position = seeker.seek(0, Anchor.Current);
+    }
+    /// ditto
+    this(OutputStream source, long position)
+    in
+    {
+        assert( position >= 0 );
+    }
+    body
+    {
+        this(source);
+        this._position = position;
+    }
+    override IConduit conduit()
+    {
+        return source.conduit;
+    }
+    override void close()
+    {
+        source = null;
+        seeker = null;
+    }
+    uint write(void[] src)
+    {
+        if( seeker.seek(0, Anchor.Current) != _position )
+            seeker.seek(_position, Anchor.Begin);
+        auto wrote = source.write(src);
+        if( wrote != IConduit.Eof )
+            _position += wrote;
+        return wrote;
+    }
+    override OutputStream copy(InputStream src)
+    {
+        return Conduit.transfer(src, this);
+    }
+    override OutputStream flush()
+    {
+        source.flush();
+        return this;
+    }
+    override long seek(long offset, Anchor anchor = cast(Anchor)0)
+    {
+        seeker.seek(_position, Anchor.Begin);
+        return (_position = seeker.seek(offset, anchor));
+    }
+    OutputStream source;
+    IConduit.Seek seeker;
+    long _position;
+    invariant
+    {
+        assert( cast(Object) source is cast(Object) seeker );
+        assert( _position >= 0 );
+    }