diff tango/tango/core/Thread.di @ 132:1700239cab2e trunk

[svn r136] MAJOR UNSTABLE UPDATE!!! Initial commit after moving to Tango instead of Phobos. Lots of bugfixes... This build is not suitable for most things.
author lindquist
date Fri, 11 Jan 2008 17:57:40 +0100
children f5ca6bbbf1d7
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/tango/tango/core/Thread.di	Fri Jan 11 17:57:40 2008 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,746 @@
+// D import file generated from 'core/Thread.d'
+module tango.core.Thread;
+version = StackGrowsDown;
+    import tango.core.Exception;
+    extern (C) 
+    void* rt_stackBottom();
+    extern (C) 
+    void* rt_stackTop();
+    void* getStackBottom()
+return rt_stackBottom();
+    void* getStackTop();
+version (Win32)
+    private
+    import tango.stdc.stdint;
+    import tango.sys.win32.UserGdi;
+    const
+    extern (Windows) 
+    alias uint(* btex_fptr)(void*);
+    extern (C) 
+    uintptr_t _beginthreadex(void*, uint, btex_fptr, void*, uint, uint*);
+    extern (Windows) 
+    uint thread_entryPoint(void* arg);
+    HANDLE GetCurrentThreadHandle()
+const uint DUPLICATE_SAME_ACCESS = 2;
+HANDLE curr = GetCurrentThread();
+HANDLE proc = GetCurrentProcess();
+HANDLE hndl;
+return hndl;
+    version (Posix)
+    private
+    import tango.stdc.posix.semaphore;
+    import tango.stdc.posix.pthread;
+    import tango.stdc.posix.signal;
+    import tango.stdc.posix.time;
+    import tango.stdc.errno;
+    extern (C) 
+    int getErrno();
+    version (GNU)
+    import gcc.builtins;
+    extern (C) 
+    void* thread_entryPoint(void* arg);
+    sem_t suspendCount;
+    extern (C) 
+    void thread_suspendHandler(int sig);
+    extern (C) 
+    void thread_resumeHandler(int sig)
+assert(sig == SIGUSR2);
+    static assert(false,"Unknown threading implementation.");
+class Thread
+    this(void(* fn)(), size_t sz = 0)
+m_fn = fn;
+m_sz = sz;
+m_call = Call.FN;
+m_curr = &m_main;
+    this(void delegate() dg, size_t sz = 0)
+m_dg = dg;
+m_sz = sz;
+m_call = Call.DG;
+m_curr = &m_main;
+        final
+    void start();
+    final
+    void join(bool rethrow = true);
+    final
+    char[] name();
+    final
+    void name(char[] val);
+    final
+    bool isDaemon();
+    final
+    void isDaemon(bool val);
+    final
+    bool isRunning();
+    static const
+    int PRIORITY_MIN;
+    static const
+    int PRIORITY_MAX;
+    final
+    int priority();
+    final
+    void priority(int val);
+    static
+    void sleep(double period);
+    static
+    void yield();
+    static
+    Thread getThis();
+    static
+    Thread[] getAll();
+    static
+    int opApply(int delegate(ref Thread) dg);
+    static const
+    uint LOCAL_MAX = 64;
+    static
+    uint createLocal();
+    static
+    void deleteLocal(uint key);
+    static
+    void* getLocal(uint key)
+return getThis().m_local[key];
+    static
+    void* setLocal(uint key, void* val)
+return getThis().m_local[key] = val;
+    static this();
+    private
+    this()
+m_call = Call.NO;
+m_curr = &m_main;
+    final
+    void run();
+    private
+    enum Call 
+    version (Win32)
+    alias uint TLSKey;
+    alias uint ThreadAddr;
+    version (Posix)
+    alias pthread_key_t TLSKey;
+    alias pthread_t ThreadAddr;
+    static
+    bool[LOCAL_MAX] sm_local;
+    static
+    TLSKey sm_this;
+    void*[LOCAL_MAX] m_local;
+    version (Win32)
+    HANDLE m_hndl;
+    ThreadAddr m_addr;
+    Call m_call;
+    char[] m_name;
+    union
+void(* m_fn)();
+void delegate() m_dg;
+    size_t m_sz;
+    version (Posix)
+    bool m_isRunning;
+    bool m_isDaemon;
+    Object m_unhandled;
+    private
+    static
+    void setThis(Thread t);
+    private
+    final
+    void pushContext(Context* c)
+c.within = m_curr;
+m_curr = c;
+    final
+    void popContext()
+assert(m_curr && m_curr.within);
+Context* c = m_curr;
+m_curr = c.within;
+c.within = null;
+    final
+    Context* topContext()
+return m_curr;
+    static
+    struct Context
+    void* bstack;
+    void* tstack;
+    Context* within;
+    Context* next;
+    Context* prev;
+    Context m_main;
+    Context* m_curr;
+    bool m_lock;
+    version (Win32)
+    uint[8] m_reg;
+    private
+    static
+    Object slock()
+return Thread.classinfo;
+    static
+    Context* sm_cbeg;
+    static
+    size_t sm_clen;
+    static
+    Thread sm_tbeg;
+    static
+    size_t sm_tlen;
+    Thread prev;
+    Thread next;
+    static
+    void add(Context* c);
+    static
+    void remove(Context* c);
+    static
+    void add(Thread t);
+    static
+    void remove(Thread t);
+extern (C) 
+    void thread_init();
+extern (C) 
+    void thread_attachThis();
+extern (C) 
+    void thread_detachThis()
+extern (C) 
+    void thread_joinAll();
+    bool multiThreadedFlag = false;
+extern (C) 
+    bool thread_needLock()
+return multiThreadedFlag;
+    uint suspendDepth = 0;
+extern (C) 
+    void thread_suspendAll();
+extern (C) 
+    void thread_resumeAll();
+    alias void delegate(void*, void*) scanAllThreadsFn;
+extern (C) 
+    void thread_scanAll(scanAllThreadsFn scan, void* curStackTop = null);
+template ThreadLocal(T)
+class ThreadLocal
+    this(T def = T.init)
+m_def = def;
+m_key = Thread.createLocal();
+        T val()
+Wrap* wrap = cast(Wrap*)Thread.getLocal(m_key);
+return wrap ? wrap.val : m_def;
+    T val(T newval)
+Wrap* wrap = cast(Wrap*)Thread.getLocal(m_key);
+if (wrap is null)
+wrap = new Wrap;
+wrap.val = newval;
+return newval;
+    private
+    struct Wrap
+    T val;
+    T m_def;
+    uint m_key;
+class ThreadGroup
+    final
+    Thread create(void(* fn)());
+    final
+    Thread create(void delegate() dg);
+    final
+    void add(Thread t);
+    final
+    void remove(Thread t);
+    final
+    int opApply(int delegate(ref Thread) dg);
+    final
+    void joinAll(bool rethrow = true);
+    private
+    Thread[Thread] m_all;
+    version (D_InlineAsm_X86)
+    version (X86_64)
+    version (Win32)
+    version = AsmX86_Win32;
+    version (Posix)
+    version = AsmX86_Posix;
+    version (PPC)
+    version (Posix)
+    version = AsmPPC_Posix;
+    version (Posix)
+    import tango.stdc.posix.unistd;
+    import tango.stdc.posix.sys.mman;
+    import tango.stdc.posix.stdlib;
+    version (AsmX86_Win32)
+    version (AsmX86_Posix)
+    version (AsmPPC_Posix)
+    import tango.stdc.posix.ucontext;
+    const
+    size_t PAGESIZE;
+static this();
+    extern (C) 
+    void fiber_entryPoint();
+    version (AsmPPC_Posix)
+    extern (C) 
+    void fiber_switchContext(void** oldp, void* newp);
+    extern (C) 
+    void fiber_switchContext(void** oldp, void* newp);
+class Fiber
+    this(void(* fn)(), size_t sz = PAGESIZE)
+m_fn = fn;
+m_call = Call.FN;
+m_state = State.HOLD;
+    this(void delegate() dg, size_t sz = PAGESIZE)
+m_dg = dg;
+m_call = Call.DG;
+m_state = State.HOLD;
+        final
+    void call(bool rethrow = true);
+    final
+    void reset()
+assert(m_state == State.TERM);
+assert(m_ctxt.tstack == m_ctxt.bstack);
+m_state = State.HOLD;
+m_unhandled = null;
+    enum State 
+    final
+    State state()
+return m_state;
+    static
+    void yield();
+    static
+    void yieldAndThrow(Object obj);
+    static
+    Fiber getThis();
+    static this();
+    private
+    this()
+m_call = Call.NO;
+    final
+    void run();
+    private
+    enum Call 
+    Call m_call;
+    union
+void(* m_fn)();
+void delegate() m_dg;
+    bool m_isRunning;
+    Object m_unhandled;
+    State m_state;
+    private
+    final
+    void allocStack(size_t sz);
+    final
+    void freeStack();
+    final
+    void initStack();
+    Thread.Context* m_ctxt;
+    size_t m_size;
+    void* m_pmem;
+    static if(is(typeof(ucontext_t)))
+    static
+    ucontext_t sm_utxt = void;
+    ucontext_t m_utxt = void;
+    ucontext_t* m_ucur = null;
+    private
+    static
+    void setThis(Fiber f);
+    static
+    Thread.TLSKey sm_this;
+    private
+    final
+    void switchIn();
+    final
+    void switchOut();