diff gen/toir.c @ 14:0e86428ee567 trunk

[svn r18] * Initial support for switch statements - No string switches yet. * Moved Statement::toIR definitions into gen/statements.c - toir.c is still too big. * Removed some BB bloat with ScopeStatements.
author lindquist
date Wed, 03 Oct 2007 02:15:12 +0200
parents d3ee9efe20e2
children 37a4fdab33fc
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/gen/toir.c	Tue Oct 02 21:28:57 2007 +0200
+++ b/gen/toir.c	Wed Oct 03 02:15:12 2007 +0200
@@ -2399,483 +2399,7 @@
-/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-void CompoundStatement::toIR(IRState* p)
-    static int csi = 0;
-    Logger::println("CompoundStatement::toIR(%d):\n<<<\n%s>>>", csi++, toChars());
-    /*
-    const char* labelname;
-    bool insterm = false;
-    if (!p->scopes()) {
-        labelname = "bb";
-        insterm = true;
-    }
-    else
-        labelname = "entry";
-    //if (!llvm::isa<llvm::TerminatorInst>(p->topfunc()->back().back()))
-    //    insterm = true;
-    llvm::BasicBlock* bb = new llvm::BasicBlock(labelname, p->topfunc());
-    if (insterm) {
-        new llvm::BranchInst(bb,p->topbb());
-    }
-    p->bbs.push(bb);
-    */
-    size_t n = statements->dim;
-    for (size_t i=0; i<n; i++)
-    {
-        Statement* s = (Statement*)statements->data[i];
-        if (s)
-        s->toIR(p);
-        else
-        Logger::println("NULL statement found in CompoundStatement !! :S");
-    }
-    //p->bbs.pop();
-void ReturnStatement::toIR(IRState* p)
-    static int rsi = 0;
-    Logger::println("ReturnStatement::toIR(%d): %s", rsi++, toChars());
-    if (exp)
-    {
-        TY expty = exp->type->ty;
-        if (p->topfunc()->getReturnType() == llvm::Type::VoidTy) {
-            assert(expty == Tstruct || expty == Tdelegate || expty == Tarray);
-            TypeFunction* f = p->topfunctype();
-            assert(f->llvmRetInPtr && f->llvmRetArg);
-            p->lvals.push_back(f->llvmRetArg);
-            elem* e = exp->toElem(p);
-            p->lvals.pop_back();
-            // structliterals do this themselves
-            // also they dont produce any value
-            if (expty == Tstruct) {
-                if (!e->inplace) {
-                    TypeStruct* ts = (TypeStruct*)exp->type;
-                    assert(e->mem);
-                    LLVM_DtoStructCopy(ts,f->llvmRetArg,e->mem);
-                }
-            }
-            else if (expty == Tdelegate) {
-                // do nothing, handled by the DelegateExp
-                LLVM_DtoDelegateCopy(f->llvmRetArg,e->mem);
-            }
-            else if (expty == Tarray) {
-                if (e->type == elem::SLICE) {
-                    LLVM_DtoSetArray(f->llvmRetArg,e->arg,e->mem);
-                }
-                // else the return value is a variable and should already have been assigned by now
-            }
-            else
-            assert(0);
-            new llvm::ReturnInst(p->scopebb());
-            delete e;
-        }
-        else {
-            elem* e = exp->toElem(p);
-            llvm::Value* v = e->getValue();
-            Logger::cout() << *v << '\n';
-            new llvm::ReturnInst(v, p->scopebb());
-            delete e;
-        }
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        if (p->topfunc()->getReturnType() == llvm::Type::VoidTy)
-            new llvm::ReturnInst(p->scopebb());
-        else
-            new llvm::UnreachableInst(p->scopebb());
-    }
-    p->scope().returned = true;
-void ExpStatement::toIR(IRState* p)
-    static int esi = 0;
-    Logger::println("ExpStatement::toIR(%d): %s", esi++, toChars());
-    if (exp != 0) {
-        elem* e = exp->toElem(p);
-        delete e;
-    }
-    /*elem* e = exp->toElem(p);
-    p->buf.printf("%s", e->toChars());
-    delete e;
-    p->buf.writenl();*/
-void IfStatement::toIR(IRState* p)
-    static int wsi = 0;
-    Logger::println("IfStatement::toIR(%d): %s", wsi++, toChars());
-    elem* cond_e = condition->toElem(p);
-    llvm::Value* cond_val = cond_e->getValue();
-    delete cond_e;
-    llvm::BasicBlock* oldend = gIR->scopeend();
-    llvm::BasicBlock* ifbb = new llvm::BasicBlock("if", gIR->topfunc(), oldend);
-    llvm::BasicBlock* endbb = new llvm::BasicBlock("endif", gIR->topfunc(), oldend);
-    llvm::BasicBlock* elsebb = 0;
-    if (elsebody) {
-        elsebb = new llvm::BasicBlock("else", gIR->topfunc(), endbb);
-    }
-    else {
-        elsebb = endbb;
-    }
-    if (cond_val->getType() != llvm::Type::Int1Ty) {
-        Logger::cout() << "if conditional: " << *cond_val << '\n';
-        cond_val = LLVM_DtoBoolean(cond_val);
-    }
-    llvm::Value* ifgoback = new llvm::BranchInst(ifbb, elsebb, cond_val, gIR->scopebegin());
-    // replace current scope
-    gIR->scope() = IRScope(ifbb,elsebb);
-    bool endifUsed = false;
-    // do scoped statements
-    ifbody->toIR(p);
-    if (!gIR->scopereturned()) {
-        new llvm::BranchInst(endbb,gIR->scopebegin());
-        endifUsed = true;
-    }
-    if (elsebody) {
-        //assert(0);
-        gIR->scope() = IRScope(elsebb,endbb);
-        elsebody->toIR(p);
-        if (!gIR->scopereturned()) {
-            new llvm::BranchInst(endbb,gIR->scopebegin());
-            endifUsed = true;
-        }
-    }
-    // rewrite the scope
-    gIR->scope() = IRScope(endbb,oldend);
-void ScopeStatement::toIR(IRState* p)
-    static int wsi = 0;
-    Logger::println("ScopeStatement::toIR(%d): %s", wsi++, toChars());
-    llvm::BasicBlock* oldend = gIR->scopeend();
-    IRScope irs;
-    // remove useless branches by clearing and reusing the current basicblock
-    llvm::BasicBlock* bb = gIR->scopebegin();
-    if (bb->empty()) {
-        irs.begin = bb;
-    }
-    else {
-        irs.begin = new llvm::BasicBlock("scope", gIR->topfunc(), oldend);
-        new llvm::BranchInst(irs.begin, gIR->scopebegin());
-    }
-    irs.end = new llvm::BasicBlock("endscope", gIR->topfunc(), oldend);
-    gIR->scope() = irs;
-    statement->toIR(p);
-    if (!gIR->scopereturned()) {
-        new llvm::BranchInst(irs.end, gIR->scopebegin());
-    }
-    // rewrite the scope
-    gIR->scope() = IRScope(irs.end,oldend);
-void WhileStatement::toIR(IRState* p)
-    static int wsi = 0;
-    Logger::println("WhileStatement::toIR(%d): %s", wsi++, toChars());
-    // create while blocks
-    llvm::BasicBlock* oldend = gIR->scopeend();
-    llvm::BasicBlock* whilebb = new llvm::BasicBlock("whilecond", gIR->topfunc(), oldend);
-    llvm::BasicBlock* endbb = new llvm::BasicBlock("endwhile", gIR->topfunc(), oldend);
-    // move into the while block
-    new llvm::BranchInst(whilebb, gIR->scopebegin());
-    // replace current scope
-    gIR->scope() = IRScope(whilebb,endbb);
-    // create the condition
-    elem* cond_e = condition->toElem(p);
-    llvm::Value* cond_val = LLVM_DtoBoolean(cond_e->getValue());
-    delete cond_e;
-    // while body block
-    llvm::BasicBlock* whilebodybb = new llvm::BasicBlock("whilebody", gIR->topfunc(), endbb);
-    // conditional branch
-    llvm::Value* ifbreak = new llvm::BranchInst(whilebodybb, endbb, cond_val, whilebb);
-    // rewrite scope
-    gIR->scope() = IRScope(whilebodybb,endbb);
-    // do while body code
-    body->toIR(p);
-    // loop
-    new llvm::BranchInst(whilebb, gIR->scopebegin());
-    // rewrite the scope
-    gIR->scope() = IRScope(endbb,oldend);
-void DoStatement::toIR(IRState* p)
-    static int wsi = 0;
-    Logger::println("DoStatement::toIR(%d): %s", wsi++, toChars());
-    // create while blocks
-    llvm::BasicBlock* oldend = gIR->scopeend();
-    llvm::BasicBlock* dowhilebb = new llvm::BasicBlock("dowhile", gIR->topfunc(), oldend);
-    llvm::BasicBlock* endbb = new llvm::BasicBlock("enddowhile", gIR->topfunc(), oldend);
-    // move into the while block
-    new llvm::BranchInst(dowhilebb, gIR->scopebegin());
-    // replace current scope
-    gIR->scope() = IRScope(dowhilebb,endbb);
-    // do do-while body code
-    body->toIR(p);
-    // create the condition
-    elem* cond_e = condition->toElem(p);
-    llvm::Value* cond_val = LLVM_DtoBoolean(cond_e->getValue());
-    delete cond_e;
-    // conditional branch
-    llvm::Value* ifbreak = new llvm::BranchInst(dowhilebb, endbb, cond_val, gIR->scopebegin());
-    // rewrite the scope
-    gIR->scope() = IRScope(endbb,oldend);
-void ForStatement::toIR(IRState* p)
-    static int wsi = 0;
-    Logger::println("ForStatement::toIR(%d): %s", wsi++, toChars());
-    // create for blocks
-    llvm::BasicBlock* oldend = gIR->scopeend();
-    llvm::BasicBlock* forbb = new llvm::BasicBlock("forcond", gIR->topfunc(), oldend);
-    llvm::BasicBlock* forbodybb = new llvm::BasicBlock("forbody", gIR->topfunc(), oldend);
-    llvm::BasicBlock* forincbb = new llvm::BasicBlock("forinc", gIR->topfunc(), oldend);
-    llvm::BasicBlock* endbb = new llvm::BasicBlock("endfor", gIR->topfunc(), oldend);
-    // init
-    if (init != 0)
-    init->toIR(p);
-    // move into the for condition block, ie. start the loop
-    new llvm::BranchInst(forbb, gIR->scopebegin());
-    IRScope loop;
-    loop.begin = forincbb;
-    loop.end = endbb;
-    p->loopbbs.push_back(loop);
-    // replace current scope
-    gIR->scope() = IRScope(forbb,forbodybb);
-    // create the condition
-    elem* cond_e = condition->toElem(p);
-    llvm::Value* cond_val = LLVM_DtoBoolean(cond_e->getValue());
-    delete cond_e;
-    // conditional branch
-    llvm::Value* ifbreak = new llvm::BranchInst(forbodybb, endbb, cond_val, forbb);
-    // rewrite scope
-    gIR->scope() = IRScope(forbodybb,forincbb);
-    // do for body code
-    body->toIR(p);
-    // move into the for increment block
-    new llvm::BranchInst(forincbb, gIR->scopebegin());
-    gIR->scope() = IRScope(forincbb, endbb);
-    // increment
-    if (increment) {
-        elem* inc = increment->toElem(p);
-        delete inc;
-    }
-    // loop
-    new llvm::BranchInst(forbb, gIR->scopebegin());
-    p->loopbbs.pop_back();
-    // rewrite the scope
-    gIR->scope() = IRScope(endbb,oldend);
-void BreakStatement::toIR(IRState* p)
-    static int wsi = 0;
-    Logger::println("BreakStatement::toIR(%d): %s", wsi++, toChars());
-    if (ident != 0) {
-        Logger::println("ident = %s", ident->toChars());
-        assert(0);
-    }
-    else {
-        new llvm::BranchInst(gIR->loopbbs.back().end, gIR->scopebegin());
-    }
-void ContinueStatement::toIR(IRState* p)
-    static int wsi = 0;
-    Logger::println("ContinueStatement::toIR(%d): %s", wsi++, toChars());
-    if (ident != 0) {
-        Logger::println("ident = %s", ident->toChars());
-        assert(0);
-    }
-    else {
-        new llvm::BranchInst(gIR->loopbbs.back().begin, gIR->scopebegin());
-    }
-void OnScopeStatement::toIR(IRState* p)
-    static int wsi = 0;
-    Logger::println("OnScopeStatement::toIR(%d): %s", wsi++, toChars());
-    assert(statement);
-    //statement->toIR(p); // this seems to be redundant
-void TryFinallyStatement::toIR(IRState* p)
-    static int wsi = 0;
-    Logger::println("TryFinallyStatement::toIR(%d): %s", wsi++, toChars());
-    llvm::BasicBlock* oldend = gIR->scopeend();
-    llvm::BasicBlock* trybb = new llvm::BasicBlock("try", gIR->topfunc(), oldend);
-    llvm::BasicBlock* finallybb = new llvm::BasicBlock("finally", gIR->topfunc(), oldend);
-    llvm::BasicBlock* endbb = new llvm::BasicBlock("endtryfinally", gIR->topfunc(), oldend);
-    // pass the previous BB into this
-    new llvm::BranchInst(trybb, gIR->scopebegin());
-    gIR->scope() = IRScope(trybb,finallybb);
-    assert(body);
-    body->toIR(p);
-    new llvm::BranchInst(finallybb, gIR->scopebegin());
-    // rewrite the scope
-    gIR->scope() = IRScope(finallybb,endbb);
-    assert(finalbody);
-    finalbody->toIR(p);
-    new llvm::BranchInst(endbb, gIR->scopebegin());
-    // rewrite the scope
-    gIR->scope() = IRScope(endbb,oldend);
-void TryCatchStatement::toIR(IRState* p)
-    static int wsi = 0;
-    Logger::println("TryCatchStatement::toIR(%d): %s", wsi++, toChars());
-    assert(0 && "try-catch is not properly");
-    assert(body);
-    body->toIR(p);
-    assert(catches);
-    for(size_t i=0; i<catches->dim; ++i)
-    {
-        Catch* c = (Catch*)catches->data[i];
-        c->handler->toIR(p);
-    }
-void ThrowStatement::toIR(IRState* p)
-    static int wsi = 0;
-    Logger::println("ThrowStatement::toIR(%d): %s", wsi++, toChars());
-    assert(0 && "throw is not implemented");
-    assert(exp);
-    elem* e = exp->toElem(p);
-    delete e;
-#define STUBST(x) void x::toIR(IRState * p) {error("Statement type "#x" not implemented: %s", toChars());fatal();}