author Anders Bergh <>
Fri, 21 Dec 2007 22:32:34 +0000
changeset 12 faa5eb587542
parent 5 f29a43ca4760
permissions -rw-r--r--
new versions

		<title>Happy Mars</title>
		<link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css">

		<h1>Happy Mars</h1>

		<h3>2007-12-17: Happy Mars is back!</h3>
		<p>Happy Mars is back again. This time it's not only limited to D-related packages, but includes most of my packages from the AUR such as <span class="pkg">luajit</span>, <span class="pkg">premake</span> and many more.
		<p>x86_64 users should be happy to know that I'm focusing a lot more on x86_64 this time, and I promise to provide a nice and library-seperated version of <span class="pkg">gdc</span> and <span class="pkg">gdc-svn</span>! I'll probably do a <span class="pkg">bin32-dmd</span> package as well, if you need <span class="pkg">dmd</span> for some reason.</p>
		<p>I've adopted most of the D packages hosted at the AUR these days too, so if you don't want to use this repository for various reasons, you can always use the AUR (with or without a tool such as <span class="pkg">yaourt</span>). Have fun!</p>

		<h2>Setting up your Arch Linux system to use Happy Mars</h2>
		<p>Add the following to your <span class="path">/etc/pacman.conf</span>:</p>
		<pre class="file">[happymars]
Server =</pre>
		<p>Add the following to your <span class="path">/etc/pacman.conf</span>:</p>
		<pre class="file">[happymars]
Server =</pre>

		<h2>Mercurial repository</h2>
		<p>All PKGBUILD's are hosted in my private Mercurial repository. To download the whole repository:</p>
		<pre class="term">$ hg clone <a href=""></a></pre>
		<p>You can also browse the web interface, just click the link above.</p>

		<p>If you want to contribute directly, just contact me (see below).</p>
		<p>If you have a D-related package in the AUR and you want me to host binary packages I'll be happy to do so!</p>

		<p>You can find me at in #happymars.</p>