view dynamin/gui/events.d @ 76:76b081749316

Add comment to Control.focus()
author Jordan Miner <>
date Thu, 13 Aug 2009 22:14:04 -0500
parents 8dac206ea523
children 73060bc3f004
line wrap: on
line source

// Written in the D programming language

 * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
 * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
 * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
 * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
 * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
 * License.
 * The Original Code is the Dynamin library.
 * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Jordan Miner.
 * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2006-2009
 * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
 * Contributor(s):
 *   Jordan Miner <>


import dynamin.all_core;
import dynamin.all_painting;
import dynamin.all_gui;
import dynamin.gui.control;
import dynamin.gui.container;

enum MouseButton {
	None,     ///
	Left,     ///
	Right,    ///
	Middle,   ///
	XButton1, ///
	XButton2  ///

class PaintingEventArgs : EventArgs {
	Graphics g;
	//NativeGraphics ng;
	this(Graphics g) {
		this.g = g;
	Graphics graphics() { return g; }

class MouseEventArgs : StopEventArgs {
	Point _location;
	MouseButton _button;
	this(real x, real y, MouseButton b) {
		_location = Point(x, y);
		_button = b;
	Point location() { return _location; }
	void location(Point pt) { _location = pt; }
	real x() { return _location.x; }
	real y() { return _location.y; }
	MouseButton button() { return _button; }
	string toString() {
		return format("MouseEventArgs [x={}, y={}, button={}]",
			x, y, _button);
class MouseTurnedEventArgs : StopEventArgs {
	double _scrollAmount;
	bool _scrollScreen;
	this(double scrollAmount, bool scrollScreen) {
		_scrollAmount = scrollAmount;
		_scrollScreen = scrollScreen;
	 * The amount that a control should scroll in response to this event.
	 * In a text control, this is the number of lines to scroll.
	 * This will be negative if the control should scroll upward and positive
	 * if the control should scroll downward. If the amount to be scrolled
	 * is more than what is visible on screen, only what is on screen
	 * should be scrolled.
	 * All users of this class should check scrollScreen to see whether to
	 * scroll one screen or to scroll the amount by this.
	double scrollAmount() { return _scrollAmount; }
	 * On some systems, such as Windows, there is the option of setting
	 * the mouse wheel to scroll a screen at a time, the same as the page up
	 * and page down keys do. If this option is turned on, scrollScreen will
	 * return true and scrollAmount will return ±3. If the option is turned off,
	 * scrollScreen will return false.
	bool scrollScreen() {
		return _scrollScreen;
	string toString() {
		return format("MouseTurnedEventArgs [scrollAmount={}, scrollScreen={}]",
			_scrollAmount, _scrollScreen);
class KeyEventArgs : StopEventArgs {
	Key _key;
	bool _repeat;
	bool _shiftDown, _controlDown, _altDown;
	this(Key key, bool repeat, bool shift, bool ctrl, bool alt) {
		_key = key;
		_repeat = repeat;
		_shiftDown = shift;
		_controlDown = ctrl;
		_altDown = alt;
	 * Returns: the key that was typed.
	Key key() { return _key; }
	 * Gets whether this key event was generated by the user holding
	 * down the key.
	 * Returns: true if the key was already down before this event, false
	 *          if the key was just pressed
	bool repeat() { return _repeat; }
	// Returns true if the shift key is currently down and false otherwise.
	bool shiftDown() { return _shiftDown; }
	// Returns true if the control key is currently down and false otherwise.
	bool controlDown() { return _controlDown; }
	// Returns true if the alt key is currently down and false otherwise.
	bool altDown() { return _altDown; }
	string toString() {
		return format("KeyEventArgs [key={}, repeat={}]", _key, _repeat);
class KeyTypedEventArgs : StopEventArgs {
	dchar _ch;
	bool _repeat;
	this(dchar c, bool repeat) {
		_ch = c;
		_repeat = repeat;
	 * Gets whether this key event was generated from the user holding
	 * down the key.
	 * Returns: true if the key was already down before this event, false
	 *          if the key was just pressed
	bool repeat() { return _repeat; }
	 * Gets the character that was typed by the user. Many keys on the
	 * keyboard will not generate a KeyTyped event, as they do not represent
	 * characters. Shift, Insert, Home, F7, and Caps Lock are just some of
	 * the keys that do not represent characters.
	dchar character() { return _ch; }

class HierarchyEventArgs : EventArgs {
	int _levels = 0;
	Control _control;
	this(Control c) {
		_control = c;
	 * An immediate child would be a level of 0.
	int levels() { return _levels; }
	/// ditto
	void levels(int l) { _levels = l; }
	Control descendant() { return _control; }
	Container ancestor() { return cast(Container)_control; }