view dynamin/core/console.d @ 78:651082a9b364

Add Event.setUp() and use in place of mainHandler and dispatcher.
author Jordan Miner <>
date Sat, 06 Feb 2010 15:12:52 -0600
parents aa4efef0f0b1
children 73060bc3f004
line wrap: on
line source

// Written in the D programming language

 * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
 * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
 * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
 * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
 * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
 * License.
 * The Original Code is the Dynamin library.
 * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Jordan Miner.
 * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2006-2009
 * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
 * Contributor(s):
 *   Jordan Miner <>

module dynamin.core.console;

import dynamin.core.string;
import dynamin.core_backend;

enum ConsoleColor {
// Black, Silver, Maroon, DarkBlue, Green,      Purple, DarkYellow, Teal,
// Gray,  White,  Red,    Blue,     LightGreen, Pink,   Yellow,     Cyan
	Black,      ///
	Silver,     ///
	Maroon,     ///
	DarkBlue,   ///
	Green,      ///
	Purple,     ///
	DarkYellow, ///
	Teal,       ///
	Gray,       ///
	White,      ///
	Red,        ///
    Blue,       ///
	LightGreen, ///
	Pink,       ///
	Yellow,     ///
	Cyan        ///

 * This class allows programs to read from and write to the console.
 * Programs can also take advantage of some more advanced console features,
 * such as reading input without echoing it to the screen, clearing the screen,
 * setting text foreground and background color, and setting text style.
 * However, the more advanced features will not be available if the program
 * is not actually writing to a console window, such as if its output has be
 * redirected to a file or if another program is receiving its output.
 * The only functions that will work corectly when output or input have been
 * redirected are the following:
 * $(UL
	 $(LI Write())
	 $(LI WriteLine())
	 $(LI ReadLine())
 * )
 * On Windows, when writing to a console window, all functionality is
 * available except Bold, Italic, Underline, Strikethrough. Windows does
 * not support these.
 * On other systems, colors and styles are supported by writing
 * out control codes.
class Console {
	mixin ConsoleBackend;
//required features:
//- Easily reading a line at once...input is returned when user presses ENTER
//- Easily reading a key press from the user...input is returned as soon as it is available
//- Allow for typing a password and replacing the characters entered with *
//   considering this would actually be fairly hard, I may not implement it...
//   Instead could do as linux and not show anything...
//wished features:
//- Getting the screen size
//- Turning off echoing the key press that the user types when returning
//  input without ENTER
//- Writing a string, such as "23%", and then changing it to like "24%".
//  Console.WriteBuffer(40) writes 40 spaces and returns a ConsoleBuffer object
	 * Sets whether or not writing to the standard output will be
	 * buffered. By default, this is false, meaning that no buffering will
	 * ever be done. Setting this to true will buffer output when the standard
	 * output is going to a file or stream, such as a text editor, but will
	 * not buffer output to a console window.
	 * TODO: not implemented on Windows
	void buffered(bool b) {
	 * Writes the specified text string to the console.
	void write(string s, ...) {
		Stdout.layout.convert(&Stdout.emit, _arguments, _argptr, s);
	 * Writes the specified text string to the console, followed by a newline.
	void writeLine() { Stdout.newline; }
	/// ditto
	void writeLine(string s, ...) {
		Stdout.layout.convert(&Stdout.emit, _arguments, _argptr, s);
	 * Reads a line of text from the console. The returned returned string
	 * will end in a newline, unless it was read from the last line in a text
	 * file.
	string readLineRaw() { return Cin.copyln(true); }
	 * Reads a line of text from the console. The returned string does not
	 * contain a newline.
	string readLine() { return Cin.copyln(false); }
	/// ditto
	string readLine(string prompt, ...) {
		Stdout.layout.convert(&Stdout.emit, _arguments, _argptr, prompt);
		return readLine();
	 * reads a character, echoing it to the screen
	 * TODO: not implemented
	string read() { return backend_read(); }
	/// ditto
	string read(string prompt) {
		return backend_read();
	 * reads a line without showing that line
	 * TODO: not implemented
	string readLineHidden() { return backend_readLineHidden(); }
	/// ditto
	string readLineHidden(string prompt) {
		return backend_readLineHidden();
	 * reads a character without showing it
	 * TODO: not implemented
	string readHidden() { return backend_readHidden(); }
	/// ditto
	string readHidden(string prompt) {
		return backend_readHidden();
	 * Clears the text that has been written to the console.
	void clear() {
	 * Sets the foreground color of text written to the console.
	void foreColor(ConsoleColor color) {
		backend_foreColor = color;
	 * Sets the background color of text written to the console.
	void backColor(ConsoleColor color) {
		backend_backColor = color;
	 * Resets the foreground and background colors of text written to the
	 * console to the defaults.
	void resetColors() {
	 * Sets whether text written to the console is bold.
	 * Has no effect on Windows.
	void bold(bool b) {
		backend_bold = b;
	 * Sets whether text written to the console is italic.
	 * Has no effect on Windows.
	void italic(bool b) {
		backend_italic = b;
	 * Sets whether text written to the console is underlined.
	 * Has no effect on Windows.
	void underline(bool b) {
		backend_underline = b;
	 * Sets whether text written to the console is strikethrough.
	 * Has no effect on Windows.
	void strikethrough(bool b) {
		backend_strikethrough = b;
/*  "\x1b[9;31mThis is red and strikethrough\x1b[0m"

alias Console.readLine readLine;
alias Console.writeLine writeLine;

/* unittest {
	Console.foreColor = ConsoleColor.Black;
	Console.foreColor = ConsoleColor.Gray;
	Console.foreColor = ConsoleColor.Silver;
	Console.foreColor = ConsoleColor.Red;
	Console.foreColor = ConsoleColor.Blue;
	Console.foreColor = ConsoleColor.LightGreen;
	Console.foreColor = ConsoleColor.Green;
	Console.foreColor = ConsoleColor.Teal;
	Console.foreColor = ConsoleColor.Yellow;
	Console.foreColor = ConsoleColor.Purple;
	Console.foreColor = ConsoleColor.Pink;
	Console.foreColor = ConsoleColor.DarkYellow;
	Console.foreColor = ConsoleColor.Maroon;
	Console.foreColor = ConsoleColor.DarkBlue;
	Console.foreColor = ConsoleColor.Cyan;
	Console.foreColor = ConsoleColor.White;
} */