view dynamin/painting/graphics.d @ 96:301e077da540

Add the beginnings of a Windows Uniscribe text backend.
author Jordan Miner <>
date Wed, 02 May 2012 03:19:00 -0500
parents dcaa95190f4b
children 73060bc3f004
line wrap: on
line source

// Written in the D programming language

 * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
 * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
 * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
 * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
 * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
 * License.
 * The Original Code is the Dynamin library.
 * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Jordan Miner.
 * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2006-2009
 * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
 * Contributor(s):
 *   Jordan Miner <>


import dynamin.c.cairo;
import dynamin.core.string;
import dynamin.core.math;
import dynamin.core.file;
import dynamin.painting.coordinates;
import dynamin.painting.color;

class Font {
	string _family;
	int _style = 0;
	int _size;
	this(string family_ = "", int size = 10, bool b = false, bool i = false, bool u = false) { = family_;
		this.size = size;
		bold = b;
		italic = i;
		underline = u;
	 * Gets or sets the family name of this font. Common font family names on
	 * Windows are "Arial", "Times New Roman", and "Tahoma".
	string family() { return _family; }
	/// ditto
	void family(string str) { _family = str; }
	int style() { return _style; }
	/// ditto
	void style(int s) { _style = s; }
	/// Gets or sets whether this font is bold.
	bool bold() { return cast(bool)(_style & 1); }
	/// ditto
	void bold(bool b) { b ? (_style |= 1) : (_style &= ~1); }
	/// Gets or sets whether this font is italic.
	bool italic() { return cast(bool)(_style & 2); }
	/// ditto
	void italic(bool b) { b ? (_style |= 2) : (_style &= ~2); }
	/// Gets or sets whether this font is underline.
	bool underline() { return cast(bool)(_style & 4); }
	/// ditto
	void underline(bool b) { b ? (_style |= 4) : (_style &= ~4); }
	/// Gets or sets whether this font is strikethrough.
	bool strikethrough() { return cast(bool)(_style & 8); }
	/// ditto
	void strikethrough(bool b) { b ? (_style |= 8) : (_style &= ~8); }
	 * Gets or sets the size of this font in user space units, not in points.
	 * This size is the ascent plus the descent, not including the leading.
	int size() { return _size; }
	/// ditto
	void size(int s) { _size = s; }

struct FontExtents {
	real ascent;
	real descent;
	real leading() { return height - ascent - descent; }
	real height;
	real maxAdvance;

//import lodepng = dynamin.lodepng.decode;
/// An RGBA 32-bit-per-pixel image.
class Image {
	Color* _data;
	uint _width, _height;
	Color* data() { return _data; }
	uint width() { return _width; }
	uint height() { return _height; }
	protected this() {
	Color* opIndex(int x, int y) {
		return _data + x+y*_width;
	static Image load(string file) {
		static if(false) {
		auto img = new Image;
		lodepng.PngInfo info;
		img._data = cast(Color*)lodepng.decode32(readFileBytes(file), info);
		img._width = info.image.width;
		img._height = info.image.height;

		ubyte r;
		for(uint i = 0; i < img.width * img.height; ++i) {
			// lodepng returns data as ABGR instead of the ARGB that cairo,
			// Windows, and I think X use.
			r =[i].R;[i].R =[i].B;[i].B = r;
			// cairo, Windows, and I think X use pre-multiplied alpha[i].R =[i].R *[i].A / 255;[i].G =[i].G *[i].A / 255;[i].B =[i].B *[i].A / 255;

		return img;
		} else { return null; }

enum GraphicsOperator {
	Clear,  ///

	Source, ///
	Over,   ///
	In,     ///
	Out,    ///
	Atop,   ///

	Dest,     ///
	DestOver, ///
	DestIn,   ///
	DestOut,  ///
	DestAtop, ///

	Xor,     ///
	Add,     ///
	Saturate ///

enum GraphicsFillRule {
	EvenOdd  ///
 * Example:
 * -----
 * graphics.source = Color.Gold;
 * graphics.rectangle(40, 10, 100, 120);
 * graphics.fill();
 * graphics.source = Color.Black;
 * graphics.lineWidth = 20;
 * // GraphicsLineCap.Butt is default
 * graphics.moveTo(40, 30);
 * graphics.lineTo(140, 30);
 * graphics.stroke();
 * graphics.lineCap = GraphicsLineCap.Round;
 * graphics.moveTo(40, 70);
 * graphics.lineTo(140, 70);
 * graphics.stroke();
 * graphics.lineCap = GraphicsLineCap.Square;
 * graphics.moveTo(40, 110);
 * graphics.lineTo(140, 110);
 * graphics.stroke();
 * -----
 * $(IMAGE ../web/example_line_cap.png)
enum GraphicsLineCap {
	 * Uses no ending. The line ends exactly at the end point.
	 * Uses a rounded ending with the center of the circle at the end point.
	 * Therefore, the cap extends past the end point for half the line width.
	 * Uses a square ending with the center of the square at the end point.
	 * Therefore, the cap extends past the end point for half the line width.

// cairo_copy_clip_rectangles  --> Rectangle[] ClipRectangles()
// cairo_get_dash  --> Dashes()
// cairo_get_color_stop_rgba  --> ColorStops()
 * A Graphics object uses its source to draw on its target. Its target is set
 * when it is created, but its source can be changed whenever desired. For
 * example, for a painting event, the target of a Graphics is the control
 * being painted. In other cases it could be an image. Its source is usually a
 * color, but could be a gradient, an image, or some other pattern.
 * If the documentation here is not sufficient, cairo might have
 * better documentation at $(LINK
class Graphics {
	cairo_t* cr;
	this(cairo_t* cr) { = cr;
	~this() {
	 * Returns: a pointer to the cairo context (cairo_t*) that backs this object
	cairo_t* handle() { return cr; }
	void checkStatus() {
		cairo_status_t status = cairo_status(cr);
		if(status == CAIRO_STATUS_SUCCESS)

		Stdout("Cairo error: ")(cairo_status_to_string(status)).newline;
	void moveTo(real x, real y) {
		cairo_move_to(cr, x, y);
	/// ditto
	void moveTo(Point pt) {
		moveTo(pt.x, pt.y);
	void lineTo(real x, real y) {
		cairo_line_to(cr, x, y);
	/// ditto
	void lineTo(Point pt) {
		lineTo(pt.x, pt.y);
	void curveTo(Point pt1, Point pt2, Point pt3) {
		curveTo(pt1.x, pt1.y, pt2.x, pt2.y, pt3.x, pt3.y);
	/// ditto
	void curveTo(real x1, real y1, real x2, real y2, real x3, real y3) {
		cairo_curve_to(cr, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3);
	void relMoveTo(real x, real y) {
		cairo_rel_move_to(cr, x, y);
	/// ditto
	void relMoveTo(Point pt) {
		relMoveTo(pt.x, pt.y);
	void relLineTo(real x, real y) {
		cairo_rel_line_to(cr, x, y);
	/// ditto
	void relLineTo(Point pt) {
		relLineTo(pt.x, pt.y);
	void relCurveTo(Point pt1, Point pt2, Point pt3) {
		relCurveTo(pt1.x, pt1.y, pt2.x, pt2.y, pt3.x, pt3.y);
	/// ditto
	void relCurveTo(real x1, real y1, real x2, real y2, real x3, real y3) {
		cairo_rel_curve_to(cr, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3);
	 * Adds an arc to the current path. A line is added connecting the
	 * current point to the beginning of the arc.
	 * Example:
	 * -----
	 * graphics.moveTo(5, 5);
	 * graphics.arc(50.5, 80.5, 40, 40, -0.2, PI/2);
	 * graphics.stroke();
	 * -----
	 * $(IMAGE ../web/example_arc.png)
	void arc(Point ptc, real radius, real angle1, real angle2) {
		arc(ptc.x, ptc.y, radius, angle1, angle2);
	/// ditto
	void arc(real xc, real yc, real radius, real angle1, real angle2) {
		cairo_arc(cr, xc, yc, radius, angle1, angle2);
	/// ditto
	void arc(real xc, real yc, real xradius, real yradius, real angle1, real angle2) {
		cairo_translate(cr, xc, yc);
		cairo_scale(cr, xradius, yradius);
		cairo_arc(cr, 0, 0, 1, angle1, angle2);
	 * Adds an ellipse as a closed sub-path--a line will not connect it
	 * to the current point.
	 * Example:
	 * -----
	 * graphics.ellipse(70.5, 50.5, 60, 25);
	 * graphics.stroke();
	 * -----
	 * $(IMAGE ../web/example_ellipse.png)
	void ellipse(real xc, real yc, real radius) {
		cairo_arc(cr, xc, yc, radius, 0, Pi * 2);
	/// ditto
	void ellipse(real xc, real yc, real xradius, real yradius) {
		arc(xc, yc, xradius, yradius, 0, Pi * 2);
	 * Adds a rectangle as a sub-path--a line will not connect it
	 * to the current point.
	 * Example:
	 * -----
	 * graphics.rectangle(5.5, 5.5, 70, 20);
	 * graphics.stroke();
	 * -----
	 * $(IMAGE ../web/example_rectangle.png)
	void rectangle(Rect rect) {
		rectangle(rect.x, rect.y, rect.width, rect.height);
	/// ditto
	void rectangle(real x, real y, real width, real height) {
		cairo_rectangle(cr, x, y, width, height);
	 * Adds a rectangle with rounded corners as a sub-path--a line will
	 * not connect it to the current point.
	void roundedRectangle(Rect rect, real radius) {
		roundedRectangle(rect.x, rect.y, rect.width, rect.height, radius);
	/// ditto
	void roundedRectangle(real x, real y, real width, real height, real radius) {
		alias radius r;
		arc(x+r,       y+r,        r, Pi,     3*Pi/2);
		arc(x+width-r, y+r,        r, 3*Pi/2, 0);
		arc(x+width-r, y+height-r, r, 0,      Pi/2);
		arc(x+r,       y+height-r, r, Pi/2,   Pi);
	void closePath() {
	 * Draws the outline of the current path.
	 * Example:
	 * -----
	 * graphics.moveTo(12.5, 14.5);
	 * graphics.lineTo(123.5, 22.5);
	 * graphics.lineTo(139.5, 108.5);
	 * graphics.lineTo(49.5, 86.5);
	 * graphics.closePath();
	 * graphics.stroke();
	 * -----
	 * $(IMAGE ../web/example_stroke.png)
	void stroke() {
	 * Draws the inside of the current path.
	 * Example:
	 * -----
	 * graphics.MoveTo(12.5, 14.5);
	 * graphics.LineTo(123.5, 22.5);
	 * graphics.LineTo(139.5, 108.5);
	 * graphics.LineTo(49.5, 86.5);
	 * graphics.ClosePath();
	 * graphics.Fill();
	 * -----
	 * $(IMAGE ../web/example_fill.png)
	void fill() {
	 * Paints the current source everywhere within the current clip region.
	 * Examples:
	 * -----
	 * graphics.source = Color(255, 128, 0);
	 * graphics.paint();
	 * -----
	 * $(IMAGE ../web/example_paint.png)
	void paint() {
	 * Gets or sets the line _width used for stroking.
	 * Example:
	 * -----
	 * graphics.ellipse(40.5, 30.5, 30, 20);
	 * graphics.lineWidth = 1;
	 * graphics.stroke();
	 * graphics.ellipse(40.5, 80.5, 30, 20);
	 * graphics.lineWidth = 5;
	 * graphics.stroke();
	 * -----
	 * $(IMAGE ../web/example_line_width.png)
	real lineWidth() {
		return cairo_get_line_width(cr);
	/// ditto
	void lineWidth(real width) {
		cairo_set_line_width(cr, width);
	 * Gets or sets the line cap used for stroking.
	 * The line cap is only examined when the stroke is performed, not before.
	 * Therefore, drawing two lines, each with a different line cap, would
	 * require calling stroke twice.
	GraphicsLineCap lineCap() {
		return cast(GraphicsLineCap)cairo_get_line_cap(cr);
	/// ditto
	void lineCap(GraphicsLineCap cap) {
		cairo_set_line_cap(cr, cap);
	 * Sets the font size to the specified size in user space units, not
	 * in points.
	void fontSize(real size) {
		assert(size != 0);
		cairo_set_font_size(cr, size);
	 * Set the font used to draw text.
	void font(Font f) {
		assert(f.size != 0);
		cairo_set_font_size(cr, f.size);
		cairo_select_font_face(cr, toCharPtr(, f.italic, f.bold);
	// TODO: if text is all ascii, do fast path with no uniscribe
	void drawText(string text, real x, real y) {
		auto extents = getFontExtents;
		cairo_font_extents_t fextents;
		cairo_font_extents(cr, &fextents);
		cairo_move_to(cr, x, y + fextents.ascent);
		cairo_show_text(cr, toCharPtr(text)); // 99% of time spent in show_text
	Size getTextExtents(string text) {
		cairo_text_extents_t textents;
		cairo_text_extents(cr, toCharPtr(text), &textents);
		cairo_font_extents_t fextents;
		cairo_font_extents(cr, &fextents);
		return Size(textents.x_advance, fextents.height);
	FontExtents getFontExtents() {  // TODO: make property?
		cairo_font_extents_t fextents;
		cairo_font_extents(cr, &fextents);
		FontExtents extents;
		extents.ascent = fextents.ascent;
		extents.descent = fextents.descent;
		extents.height = fextents.height;
		extents.maxAdvance = fextents.max_x_advance;
		return extents;
	Rect getClipExtents() {  // TODO: make property?
		double x, y, width, height;
		cairo_clip_extents(cr, &x, &y, &width, &height);
		return Rect(x, y, width, height);
	void save() {
	void restore() {
	void clip() {
	void translate(Point pt) {
		translate(pt.x, pt.y);
	/// ditto
	void translate(real x, real y) {
		cairo_translate(cr, x, y);
	void scale(real x, real y) {
		cairo_scale(cr, x, y);
	void rotate(real angle) {
		cairo_rotate(cr, angle);
	GraphicsOperator operator() {
		return cast(GraphicsOperator)cairo_get_operator(cr);
	void operator(GraphicsOperator op) {
		cairo_set_operator(cr, cast(cairo_operator_t)op);
	 * Sets the dash pattern to be used when lines are drawn.
	void setDash(real[] dashes, real offset) {
		auto cdashes = new double[dashes.length];
		foreach(int i, real r; dashes)
			cdashes[i] = r;
		cairo_set_dash(cr, cdashes.ptr, cdashes.length, offset);
	 * Gets or sets the fill rule the current fill rule.
	 * The default is GraphicsFillRule.Winding.
	GraphicsFillRule fillRule() {
		return cast(GraphicsFillRule)cairo_get_fill_rule(cr);
	/// ditto
	void fillRule(GraphicsFillRule rule) {
		cairo_set_fill_rule(cr, cast(cairo_fill_rule_t)rule);
	 * The temporary surface created will be the same size as the current clip. To speed up using this function, call Clip() to the area you will be drawing in.
	void pushGroup() {
	//popGroup() { // TODO: returning a pattern
	//	cairo_pop_group(cr);
	 * Terminates the redirection begun by a call to PushGroup() or
	 * PushGroupWithContent() and installs the resulting pattern as the
	 * source pattern.
	void popGroupToSource() {
	// TODO: figure out the best way to set the source and get the source
	void source(Color c) {
		cairo_set_source_rgba(cr, c.R/255.0, c.G/255.0, c.B/255.0, c.A/255.0);
	//void source(Pattern s) {}
	//void setSource(Surface s, real x = 0, real y = 0) {}
	// TODO: remove this function and have users do:
	// g.setSource(img, x, y);
	// g.paint();
	// ???
	// paintSource(Image, real, real) ?
	/// Draws the specified image unscaled.
	void drawImage(Image image, real x, real y) {
		auto surface= cairo_image_surface_create_for_data(cast(char*),
			CAIRO_FORMAT_ARGB32, image.width, image.height, image.width*4);
		cairo_set_source_surface(cr, surface, x, y);
	// Draws the specified image scaled to the specified width and height.
	//void drawImage(Image image, real x, real y, real width, real height);