diff dynamin/core/settings.d @ 0:aa4efef0f0b1

Initial commit of code.
author Jordan Miner <jminer7@gmail.com>
date Mon, 15 Jun 2009 22:10:48 -0500
children f8f5d6244795
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/dynamin/core/settings.d	Mon Jun 15 22:10:48 2009 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,261 @@
+// Written in the D programming language
+// www.digitalmars.com/d/
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
+ * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+ * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
+ *
+ * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
+ * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
+ * License.
+ *
+ * The Original Code is the Dynamin library.
+ *
+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Jordan Miner.
+ * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2007-2009
+ * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Contributor(s):
+ *   Jordan Miner <jminer7@gmail.com>
+ *
+ */
+module dynamin.core.settings;
+import dynamin.core.string;
+import tango.io.device.Conduit;
+import tango.io.device.File;
+import tango.io.device.Array;
+import tango.io.stream.Text;
+import tango.io.Stdout;
+import tango.util.Convert;
+import tango.core.Exception;
+// TODO:
+struct Pixel32 {
+version(BigEndian) {
+	ubyte A;
+	ubyte R;
+	ubyte G;
+	ubyte B;
+} else {
+	ubyte B;
+	ubyte G;
+	ubyte R;
+	ubyte A;
+class Color2 {
+	Pixel32 ToPixel32() {
+		Pixel32 px;
+		return px;
+	}
+	string ToSetting() {
+		auto px = ToPixel32();
+		return format("{}, {}, {}", px.R, px.G, px.B);
+	}
+	static Color2 FromSetting(string str) {
+		// allow "#AB00F2", "171, 0, 242"
+		return null;
+	}
+string test = r"
+; Here is a comment
+# Here is another comment
+CaretColor=255, 0, 0
+unittest {
+	auto settings = new Settings;
+	settings.loadFromString(test);
+	assert(settings.get("UndoLevels") == "500");
+	assert(settings.get("TabSize", "RubyMode") == "4");
+	assert(getSetting!(int)(settings, "UndoLevels") == 500);
+	assert(getSetting!(bool)(settings, "LineNumsVisible") == true);
+	Stdout(settings.saveToString()).newline;
+ * This class will read from and write to what is basically a Windows INI file.
+ * Here is what a file would look like:
+ * Example:
+ * -----
+ * ; Here is a comment
+ * [Main]
+ * UndoLevels=500
+ * # Here is another comment
+ * CaretColor=255, 0, 0
+ * LineNumsVisible=true
+ *
+ * [RubyMode]
+ * TabSize=4
+ * -----
+ */
+class Settings {
+	string[string][string] sections;
+	string[] comment;
+	void loadFromStream(InputStream stream) {
+		auto input = new TextInput(stream);
+		string section = MainSectionName;
+		bool inStartComment = true;
+		int lineNum = 0;
+		foreach(string line; input) {
+			lineNum++;
+			// check for a line with just whitespace
+			if(line.trim().length == 0)
+				continue;
+			// check for a comment
+			if(line.trimLeft().startsWith(";") ||
+					line.trimLeft().startsWith("#")) {
+				if(inStartComment) {
+					comment.length = comment.length + 1;
+					comment[$-1] = line.trimLeft()[1..$].dup;
+				}
+				continue;
+			}
+			inStartComment = false;
+			// check for a section header
+			if(line.startsWith("[")) {
+				if(!line.endsWith("]") || line.length < 3)
+					throw new Exception("Invalid section on line " ~ to!(string)(lineNum));
+				section = line[1..$-1].dup;
+				continue;
+			}
+			// parse key=value line (quickly)
+			int eqIndex;
+			for(eqIndex = 0; eqIndex < line.length; ++eqIndex)
+				if(line[eqIndex] == '=')
+					break;
+			if(eqIndex == line.length)
+				throw new Exception("Invalid format on line " ~ to!(string)(lineNum));
+			string value = line[eqIndex+1..$].unescape();
+			sections[section][line[0..eqIndex].dup] = value;
+		}
+	}
+	void saveToStream(OutputStream stream) {
+		auto output = new TextOutput(stream);
+		foreach(line; comment)
+			output(';')(line).newline;
+		foreach(string sectionName, string[string] sectionData; sections) {
+			output('[')(sectionName)(']').newline;// TODO: newline before each section
+			foreach(key, value; sectionData)
+				output(key)('=')(value).newline; // TODO: escape?
+		}
+	}
+	const string MainSectionName = "Main";
+	/**
+	 * Parses the specified file.
+	 */
+	void load(string file) {
+		scope f = new File(file);
+		loadFromStream(f);
+	}
+	void loadFromString(string str) {
+		scope a = new Array(str);
+		loadFromStream(a);
+	}
+	string saveToString() {
+		scope a = new Array(256, 80);
+		saveToStream(a);
+		return cast(string)a.slice(a.readable);
+	}
+	/**
+	 *
+	 * Examples:
+	 * -----
+	 * settings.get("UndoLevels");
+	 * settings.get("TabSize", "RubyMode");
+	 * -----
+	 */
+	string get(string name, string section = MainSectionName) {
+		auto sect = section in sections;
+		if(sect) {
+			auto val = name in *sect;
+			if(val)
+				return *val;
+		}
+		return "";
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Examples:
+	 * -----
+	 * settings.set("UndoLevels", "500")
+	 * settings.set("TabSize", "4", "RubyMode");
+	 * -----
+	 */
+	void set(string name, string value, string section = MainSectionName) {
+		if(section.contains('[') || section.contains(']'))
+			throw new IllegalArgumentException(
+				"Section name cannot contain a bracket");
+		if(name.contains('='))
+			throw new IllegalArgumentException(
+				"name cannot contain an equal sign");
+		sections[section][name] = value;
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Gets or sets the comment that appears at the beginning of the settings
+	 * file. This is set when a file is read in.
+	 */
+	string[] commentLines() {
+		return comment;
+	}
+	/// ditto
+	void commentLines(string[] lines) {
+		comment = lines;
+	}
+ * Examples:
+ * -----
+ * getSetting!(int)(settings, "UndoLevels");
+ * getSetting!(int)(settings, "TabSize", "RubyMode");
+ * -----
+ */
+T getSetting(T)(Settings settings,
+		string name, string section = Settings.MainSectionName) {
+	string str = settings.get(name, section);
+	static if(is(T == bool))
+		return str == "true" || str == "yes" || str == "on";
+	else static if(is(T : long))
+		return cast(T)to!(T)(str);
+	else
+		return T.FromSetting(str);
+ * Examples:
+ * -----
+ * setSetting!(int)(settings, "UndoLevels", 500);
+ * setSetting!(int)(settings, "TabSize", 4, "RubyMode");
+ * -----
+ */
+void setSetting(T)(Settings settings,
+		string name, T value, string section = Settings.MainSectionName) {
+	string str;
+	static if(is(T == bool))
+		str = value ? "true" : "false";
+	else static if(is(T : long))
+		str = to!(string)(value);
+	else
+		str = T.ToSetting();
+	settings.Set(name, str, section);