diff dynamin/c/xlib.d @ 0:aa4efef0f0b1

Initial commit of code.
author Jordan Miner <jminer7@gmail.com>
date Mon, 15 Jun 2009 22:10:48 -0500
children e6e201c3a439
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/dynamin/c/xlib.d	Mon Jun 15 22:10:48 2009 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,1522 @@
+module dynamin.c.xlib;
+ * A binding to at least the part of the X Window System that Dynamin uses. This
+ * binding is incomplete as it is made only for Dynamin's use.
+ */
+import dynamin.c.x_types;
+version(build) { pragma(link, X11); }
+alias ubyte* XPointer;
+alias uint XID;
+// export these with an X prefix so they won't as easily conflict
+alias uint XMask;
+alias uint XAtom;
+alias uint XVisualID;
+alias uint XTime;
+alias XID XWindow;
+alias XID XDrawable;
+alias XID XPixmap;
+alias XID XCursor;
+alias XID XColormap;
+alias XID XKeySym;
+alias ubyte XKeyCode;
+alias int XBool;
+alias int XStatus;
+alias void XScreen;
+alias void XDisplay;
+const None            = 0;
+const ParentRelative  = 1;
+const CopyFromParent  = 0;
+const PointerWindow   = 0;
+const InputFocus      = 1;
+const PointerRoot     = 1;
+const AnyPropertyType = 0;
+const AnyKey          = 0;
+const AnyButton       = 0;
+const AllTemporary    = 0;
+const CurrentTime     = 0;
+const NoSymbol        = 0;
+//{{{ display functions
+Display* XOpenDisplay(char* display_name);
+int XNextEvent(Display* display, XEvent* event_return);
+int XEventsQueued(Display* display, int mode);
+int XPending(Display* display);
+int XPutBackEvent(Display* display, XEvent* event);
+Status XSendEvent(
+	Display* display,
+	Window w,
+	Bool propagate,
+	int event_mask,
+	XEvent* event_send);
+int XCloseDisplay(Display* display);
+char* XDisplayString(Display* display);
+int XFlush(Display* display);
+int XSync(Display* display, Bool discard);
+int XDisplayWidth(Display* display, int screen_number);
+int XDisplayHeight(Display* display, int screen_number);
+int XProtocolRevision(Display* display);
+int XProtocolVersion(Display* display);
+Colormap XDefaultColormap(Display* display, int screen_number);
+Status XAllocColor(Display* display, Colormap colormap, XColor* screen_in_out);
+//{{{ window functions
+Window XCreateSimpleWindow(
+	Display* display,
+	Window parent,
+	int x,
+	int y,
+	uint width,
+	uint height,
+	uint border_width,
+	uint border,
+	uint background);
+Window XCreateWindow(
+	Display* display,
+	Window parent,
+	int x,
+	int y,
+	uint width,
+	uint height,
+	uint border_width,
+	int depth,
+	uint c_class,
+	Visual* visual,
+	uint valuemask,
+	XSetWindowAttributes* attributes);
+int XDestroyWindow(Display* display, Window w);
+int XClearArea(
+	Display* display,
+	Window w,
+	int x,
+	int y,
+	uint width,
+	uint height,
+	Bool exposures);
+Window XRootWindow(Display* display, int screen_number);
+Window XDefaultRootWindow(Display* display);
+Status XQueryTree(
+	Display* display,
+	Window w,
+	Window* root_return,
+	Window* parent_return,
+	Window** children_return,
+	uint* nchildren_return);
+Bool XTranslateCoordinates(
+	Display* display,
+	Window src_w,
+	Window dest_w,
+	int src_x,
+	int src_y,
+	int* dest_x_return,
+	int* dest_y_return,
+	Window* child_return);
+Window XRootWindowOfScreen(Screen* screen);
+Status XIconifyWindow(Display* display, Window w, int screen_number);
+Status XWithdrawWindow(Display* display, Window w, int screen_number);
+int XChangeProperty(
+	Display* display,
+	Window w,
+	Atom property,
+	Atom type,
+	int format,
+	int mode,
+	void* data,
+	int nelements);
+Bool XCheckIfEvent(
+	Display* display,
+	XEvent* event_return,
+	Bool function(Display* display,
+		XEvent* event,
+		XPointer arg) predicate,
+	XPointer arg);
+int XGetWindowProperty(
+	Display* display,
+	Window w,
+	Atom property,
+	int long_offset,
+	int long_length,
+	Bool should_delete,
+	Atom req_type,
+	Atom* actual_type_return,
+	int* actual_format_return,
+	uint* nitems_return,
+	uint* bytes_after_return,
+	void** prop_return);
+int XDeleteProperty(Display* display, Window w, Atom property);
+int XMapWindow(Display* display, Window w);
+int XUnmapWindow(Display* display, Window w);
+int XMoveWindow(Display* display, Window w, int x, int y);
+int XResizeWindow(Display* display, Window w, uint width, uint height);
+int XMoveResizeWindow(Display* display, Window w,
+	int x, int y, uint width, uint height);
+int XSelectInput(Display* display, Window w, int event_mask);
+int XReparentWindow(Display* display, Window w, Window parent, int x, int y);
+int XRestackWindows(Display* display, Window* windows, int nwindows);
+int XChangeWindowAttributes(
+	Display* display,
+	Window w,
+	uint valuemask,
+	XSetWindowAttributes* attributes);
+Status XGetWindowAttributes(
+	Display* display,
+	Window w,
+	XWindowAttributes* window_attributes_return);
+//{{{ screen functions
+int XDefaultScreen(Display* display);
+Screen* XDefaultScreenOfDisplay(Display* display);
+int XScreenCount(Display* display);
+Screen* XScreenOfDisplay(Display* display, int screen_number);
+Display* XDisplayOfScreen(Screen* screen);
+int XScreenNumberOfScreen(Screen* screen);
+int XWidthOfScreen(Screen* screen);
+int XHeightOfScreen(Screen* screen);
+int XDefaultDepthOfScreen(Screen* screen);
+//{{{ pixmap functions
+Pixmap XCreatePixmap(Display* display, Drawable d, uint width, uint height, uint depth);
+Pixmap XCreatePixmapFromBitmapData(
+	Display* display,
+	Drawable d,
+	ubyte* data,
+	uint width,
+	uint height,
+	uint fg,
+	uint bg,
+	uint depth);
+int XFreePixmap(Display* display, Pixmap pixmap);
+//{{{ cursor functions
+Cursor XCreatePixmapCursor(
+	Display* display,
+	Pixmap source,
+	Pixmap mask,
+	XColor* foreground_color,
+	XColor* background_color,
+	uint x,
+	uint y);
+int XDefineCursor(Display* display, Window w, Cursor cursor);
+int XUndefineCursor(Display* display, Window w);
+int XFreeCursor(Display* display, Cursor cursor);
+//{{{ keyboard functions
+KeyCode XKeysymToKeycode(Display* display, KeySym keysym);
+KeySym XKeycodeToKeysym(
+	Display* display,
+	// if NeedWidePrototypes
+	uint keycode,
+	// else
+	//KeyCode keycode,
+	int index);
+char* XKeysymToString(KeySym keysym);
+KeySym XStringToKeysym(char* string);
+char** XListExtensions(Display* display, int* nextensions_return);
+int XFreeExtensionList(char** list);
+XExtCodes* XInitExtension(Display* display, char* name);
+uint XBlackPixel(Display* display, int screen_number);
+uint XWhitePixel(Display* display, int screen_number);
+int XDefaultDepth(Display* display, int screen_number);
+int XFree(void* data);
+int XNoOp(Display* display);
+Visual* XDefaultVisual(Display* display, int screen_number);
+Visual* XDefaultVisualOfScreen(Screen* screen);
+Window XGetSelectionOwner(Display* display, Atom selection);
+int XSetSelectionOwner(Display* display, Atom selection, Window owner, Time time);
+void XSetWMName(Display* display, Window w, XTextProperty* text_prop);
+Status XSetWMProtocols(Display* display, Window w, Atom* protocols, int count);
+int XConvertSelection(
+	Display* display,
+	Atom selection,
+	Atom target,
+	Atom property,
+	Window requestor,
+	Time time);
+//{{{ atoms
+Atom XInternAtom(Display* display, char* atom_name, Bool only_if_exists);
+Status XInternAtoms(
+	Display* dpy,
+	char** names,
+	int count,
+	Bool onlyIfExists,
+	Atom* atoms_return);
+enum : Atom {
+	XA_PRIMARY             = 1,
+	XA_SECONDARY           = 2,
+	XA_ARC                 = 3,
+	XA_ATOM                = 4,
+	XA_BITMAP              = 5,
+	XA_CARDINAL            = 6,
+	XA_COLORMAP            = 7,
+	XA_CURSOR              = 8,
+	XA_CUT_BUFFER0         = 9,
+	XA_CUT_BUFFER1         = 10,
+	XA_CUT_BUFFER2         = 11,
+	XA_CUT_BUFFER3         = 12,
+	XA_CUT_BUFFER4         = 13,
+	XA_CUT_BUFFER5         = 14,
+	XA_CUT_BUFFER6         = 15,
+	XA_CUT_BUFFER7         = 16,
+	XA_DRAWABLE            = 17,
+	XA_FONT                = 18,
+	XA_INTEGER             = 19,
+	XA_PIXMAP              = 20,
+	XA_POINT               = 21,
+	XA_RECTANGLE           = 22,
+	XA_RGB_COLOR_MAP       = 24,
+	XA_RGB_BEST_MAP        = 25,
+	XA_RGB_BLUE_MAP        = 26,
+	XA_RGB_DEFAULT_MAP     = 27,
+	XA_RGB_GRAY_MAP        = 28,
+	XA_RGB_GREEN_MAP       = 29,
+	XA_RGB_RED_MAP         = 30,
+	XA_STRING              = 31,
+	XA_VISUALID            = 32,
+	XA_WINDOW              = 33,
+	XA_WM_COMMAND          = 34,
+	XA_WM_HINTS            = 35,
+	XA_WM_ICON_NAME        = 37,
+	XA_WM_ICON_SIZE        = 38,
+	XA_WM_NAME             = 39,
+	XA_WM_NORMAL_HINTS     = 40,
+	XA_WM_SIZE_HINTS       = 41,
+	XA_WM_ZOOM_HINTS       = 42,
+	XA_MIN_SPACE           = 43,
+	XA_NORM_SPACE          = 44,
+	XA_MAX_SPACE           = 45,
+	XA_END_SPACE           = 46,
+	XA_SUPERSCRIPT_X       = 47,
+	XA_SUPERSCRIPT_Y       = 48,
+	XA_SUBSCRIPT_X         = 49,
+	XA_SUBSCRIPT_Y         = 50,
+	XA_ITALIC_ANGLE        = 55,
+	XA_X_HEIGHT            = 56,
+	XA_QUAD_WIDTH          = 57,
+	XA_WEIGHT              = 58,
+	XA_POINT_SIZE          = 59,
+	XA_RESOLUTION          = 60,
+	XA_COPYRIGHT           = 61,
+	XA_NOTICE              = 62,
+	XA_FONT_NAME           = 63,
+	XA_FAMILY_NAME         = 64,
+	XA_FULL_NAME           = 65,
+	XA_CAP_HEIGHT          = 66,
+	XA_WM_CLASS            = 67,
+Status XStringListToTextProperty(char** list, int count, XTextProperty* text_prop_return);
+XSizeHints* XAllocSizeHints();
+void XSetWMNormalHints(Display* display, Window w, XSizeHints* hints);
+Status XGetWMNormalHints(
+	Display* display,
+	Window w,
+	XSizeHints* hints_return,
+	long* supplied_return);
+XWMHints* XAllocWMHints();
+int XSetWMHints(Display* display, Window w, XWMHints* wm_hints);
+XWMHints *XGetWMHints(Display* display, Window w);
+//{{{ enums
+enum {
+	InputHint        = 1 << 0,
+	StateHint        = 1 << 1,
+	IconPixmapHint   = 1 << 2,
+	IconWindowHint   = 1 << 3,
+	IconPositionHint = 1 << 4,
+	IconMaskHint     = 1 << 5,
+	WindowGroupHint  = 1 << 6,
+	AllHints         = InputHint | StateHint | IconPixmapHint | IconWindowHint |
+	                   IconPositionHint | IconMaskHint | WindowGroupHint,
+	XUrgencyHint     = 1 << 8
+enum {
+	WithdrawnState = 0,
+	NormalState = 1,
+	IconicState = 3
+enum {
+	QueuedAlready      = 0,
+	QueuedAfterReading = 1,
+	QueuedAfterFlush   = 2
+enum {
+	USPosition	= 1 << 0,
+	USSize		= 1 << 1,
+	PPosition	= 1 << 2,
+	PSize		= 1 << 3,
+	PMinSize	= 1 << 4,
+	PMaxSize	= 1 << 5,
+	PResizeInc	= 1 << 6,
+	PAspect		= 1 << 7,
+	PBaseSize	= 1 << 8,
+	PWinGravity	= 1 << 9
+enum {
+	ShiftMask   = 1 << 0,
+	LockMask    = 1 << 1,
+	ControlMask = 1 << 2,
+	Mod1Mask    = 1 << 3,
+	Mod2Mask    = 1 << 4,
+	Mod3Mask    = 1 << 5,
+	Mod4Mask    = 1 << 6,
+	Mod5Mask    = 1 << 7
+enum {
+	ShiftMapIndex   = 0,
+	LockMapIndex    = 1,
+	ControlMapIndex = 2,
+	Mod1MapIndex    = 3,
+	Mod2MapIndex    = 4,
+	Mod3MapIndex    = 5,
+	Mod4MapIndex    = 6,
+	Mod5MapIndex    = 7
+enum {
+	Button1Mask = 1 << 8,
+	Button2Mask = 1 << 9,
+	Button3Mask = 1 << 10,
+	Button4Mask = 1 << 11,
+	Button5Mask = 1 << 12
+enum {
+	AnyModifier = 1 << 15
+enum {
+	Button1 = 1,
+	Button2 = 2,
+	Button3 = 3,
+	Button4 = 4,
+	Button5 = 5
+enum {
+	NotifyNormal       = 0,
+	NotifyGrab         = 1,
+	NotifyUngrab       = 2,
+	NotifyWhileGrabbed = 3
+enum {
+	NotifyHint = 1
+enum {
+	NotifyAncestor         = 0,
+	NotifyVirtual          = 1,
+	NotifyInferior         = 2,
+	NotifyNonlinear        = 3,
+	NotifyNonlinearVirtual = 4,
+	NotifyPointer          = 5,
+	NotifyPointerRoot      = 6,
+	NotifyDetailNone       = 7
+enum {
+	VisibilityUnobscured        = 0,
+	VisibilityPartiallyObscured = 1,
+	VisibilityFullyObscured     = 2
+enum {
+	PlaceOnTop    = 0,
+	PlaceOnBottom = 1
+enum {
+	FamilyInternet  = 0,
+	FamilyDECnet    = 1,
+	FamilyChaos     = 2,
+	FamilyInternet6 = 6
+enum {
+	FamilyServerInterpreted = 5
+enum {
+	PropertyNewValue = 0,
+	PropertyDelete   = 1
+enum {
+	ColormapUninstalled = 0,
+	ColormapInstalled   = 1
+enum {
+	GrabModeSync  = 0,
+	GrabModeAsync = 1
+enum {
+	GrabSuccess     = 0,
+	AlreadyGrabbed  = 1,
+	GrabInvalidTime = 2,
+	GrabNotViewable = 3,
+	GrabFrozen      = 4
+enum {
+	AsyncPointer   = 0,
+	SyncPointer    = 1,
+	ReplayPointer  = 2,
+	AsyncKeyboard  = 3,
+	SyncKeyboard   = 4,
+	ReplayKeyboard = 5,
+	AsyncBoth      = 6,
+	SyncBoth       = 7
+enum {
+	RevertToNone        = None,
+	RevertToPointerRoot = PointerRoot,
+	RevertToParent      = 2
+enum {
+	InputOutput = 1,
+	InputOnly   = 2
+enum {
+	CWBackPixmap       = 1 << 0,
+	CWBackPixel        = 1 << 1,
+	CWBorderPixmap     = 1 << 2,
+	CWBorderPixel      = 1 << 3,
+	CWBitGravity       = 1 << 4,
+	CWWinGravity       = 1 << 5,
+	CWBackingStore     = 1 << 6,
+	CWBackingPlanes    = 1 << 7,
+	CWBackingPixel     = 1 << 8,
+	CWOverrideRedirect = 1 << 9,
+	CWSaveUnder        = 1 << 10,
+	CWEventMask        = 1 << 11,
+	CWDontPropagate    = 1 << 12,
+	CWColormap         = 1 << 13,
+	CWCursor           = 1 << 14,
+enum {
+	CWX           = 1 << 0,
+	CWY           = 1 << 1,
+	CWWidth       = 1 << 2,
+	CWHeight      = 1 << 3,
+	CWBorderWidth = 1 << 4,
+	CWSibling     = 1 << 5,
+	CWStackMode   = 1 << 6
+enum {
+	ForgetGravity    = 0,
+	NorthWestGravity = 1,
+	NorthGravity     = 2,
+	NorthEastGravity = 3,
+	WestGravity      = 4,
+	CenterGravity    = 5,
+	EastGravity      = 6,
+	SouthWestGravity = 7,
+	SouthGravity     = 8,
+	SouthEastGravity = 9,
+	StaticGravity    = 10
+enum {
+	UnmapGravity = 0
+enum {
+	NotUseful  = 0,
+	WhenMapped = 1,
+	Always     = 2
+enum {
+	IsUnmapped   = 0,
+	IsUnviewable = 1,
+	IsViewable   = 2
+enum {
+	SetModeInsert = 0,
+	SetModeDelete = 1
+enum {
+	DestroyAll      = 0,
+	RetainPermanent = 1,
+	RetainTemporary = 2
+enum {
+	Above    = 0,
+	Below    = 1,
+	TopIf    = 2,
+	BottomIf = 3,
+	Opposite = 4
+enum {
+	RaiseLowest  = 0,
+	LowerHighest = 1
+enum {
+	PropModeReplace = 0,
+	PropModePrepend = 1,
+	PropModeAppend  = 2
+struct XSizeHints {
+	int flags;
+	int x, y;
+	int width, height;
+	int min_width, min_height;
+	int max_width, max_height;
+	int width_inc, height_inc;
+	struct _aspect {
+		int x;
+		int y;
+	}
+	_aspect min_aspect, max_aspect;
+	int base_width, base_height;
+	int win_gravity;
+struct XWMHints {
+	int flags;
+	Bool input;
+	int initial_state;
+	Pixmap icon_pixmap;
+	Window icon_window;
+	int icon_x, icon_y;
+	Pixmap icon_mask;
+	XID window_group;
+struct XTextProperty {
+	char* value;
+	Atom encoding;
+	int format;
+	uint nitems;
+struct XColor {
+	uint pixel;
+	ushort red, green, blue;
+	ubyte flags;
+	ubyte pad;
+struct Visual {
+	XExtData* ext_data;
+	VisualID visualid;
+	int c_class;
+	uint red_mask, green_mask, blue_mask;
+	int bits_per_rgb;
+	int map_entries;
+struct XExtCodes {
+	int extension;
+	int major_opcode;
+	int first_event;
+	int first_error;
+struct XExtData {
+	int number;
+	XExtData* next;
+	int function(XExtData* extension) free_private;
+	XPointer private_data;
+struct XSetWindowAttributes {
+	Pixmap background_pixmap;
+	uint background_pixel;
+	Pixmap border_pixmap;
+	uint border_pixel;
+	int bit_gravity;
+	int win_gravity;
+	int backing_store;
+	uint backing_planes;
+	uint backing_pixel;
+	Bool save_under;
+	int event_mask;
+	int do_not_propagate_mask;
+	Bool override_redirect;
+	Colormap colormap;
+	Cursor cursor;
+struct XWindowAttributes {
+	int x, y;
+	int width, height;
+	int border_width;
+	int depth;
+	Visual* visual;
+	Window root;
+	int c_class;
+	int bit_gravity;
+	int win_gravity;
+	int backing_store;
+	uint backing_planes;
+	uint backing_pixel;
+	Bool save_under;
+	Colormap colormap;
+	Bool map_installed;
+	int map_state;
+	int all_event_masks;
+	int your_event_mask;
+	int do_not_propagate_mask;
+	Bool override_redirect;
+	Screen* screen;
+//{{{ events
+struct XKeyEvent {
+	int type;
+	uint serial;
+	Bool send_event;
+	Display* display;
+	Window window;
+	Window root;
+	Window subwindow;
+	Time time;
+	int x, y;
+	int x_root, y_root;
+	uint state;
+	uint keycode;
+	Bool same_screen;
+alias XKeyEvent XKeyPressedEvent;
+alias XKeyEvent XKeyReleasedEvent;
+struct XButtonEvent {
+	int type;
+	uint serial;
+	Bool send_event;
+	Display* display;
+	Window window;
+	Window root;
+	Window subwindow;
+	Time time;
+	int x, y;
+	int x_root, y_root;
+	uint state;
+	uint button;
+	Bool same_screen;
+alias XButtonEvent XButtonPressedEvent;
+alias XButtonEvent XButtonReleasedEvent;
+struct XMotionEvent {
+	int type;
+	uint serial;
+	Bool send_event;
+	Display* display;
+	Window window;
+	Window root;
+	Window subwindow;
+	Time time;
+	int x, y;
+	int x_root, y_root;
+	uint state;
+	char is_hint;
+	Bool same_screen;
+alias XMotionEvent XPointerMovedEvent;
+struct XCrossingEvent {
+	int type;
+	uint serial;
+	Bool send_event;
+	Display* display;
+	Window window;
+	Window root;
+	Window subwindow;
+	Time time;
+	int x, y;
+	int x_root, y_root;
+	int mode;
+	int detail;
+	Bool same_screen;
+	Bool focus;
+	uint state;
+alias XCrossingEvent XEnterWindowEvent;
+alias XCrossingEvent XLeaveWindowEvent;
+struct XFocusChangeEvent {
+	int type;
+	uint serial;
+	Bool send_event;
+	Display* display;
+	Window window;
+	int mode;
+	int detail;
+alias XFocusChangeEvent XFocusInEvent;
+alias XFocusChangeEvent XFocusOutEvent;
+struct XKeymapEvent {
+	int type;
+	uint serial;
+	Bool send_event;
+	Display* display;
+	Window window;
+	char key_vector[32];
+struct XExposeEvent {
+	int type;
+	uint serial;
+	Bool send_event;
+	Display* display;
+	Window window;
+	int x, y;
+	int width, height;
+	int count;
+struct XGraphicsExposeEvent {
+	int type;
+	uint serial;
+	Bool send_event;
+	Display* display;
+	Drawable drawable;
+	int x, y;
+	int width, height;
+	int count;
+	int major_code;
+	int minor_code;
+struct XNoExposeEvent {
+	int type;
+	uint serial;
+	Bool send_event;
+	Display* display;
+	Drawable drawable;
+	int major_code;
+	int minor_code;
+struct XVisibilityEvent {
+	int type;
+	uint serial;
+	Bool send_event;
+	Display* display;
+	Window window;
+	int state;
+struct XCreateWindowEvent {
+	int type;
+	uint serial;
+	Bool send_event;
+	Display* display;
+	Window parent;
+	Window window;
+	int x, y;
+	int width, height;
+	int border_width;
+	Bool override_redirect;
+struct XDestroyWindowEvent {
+	int type;
+	uint serial;
+	Bool send_event;
+	Display* display;
+	Window event;
+	Window window;
+struct XUnmapEvent {
+	int type;
+	uint serial;
+	Bool send_event;
+	Display* display;
+	Window event;
+	Window window;
+	Bool from_configure;
+struct XMapEvent {
+	int type;
+	uint serial;
+	Bool send_event;
+	Display* display;
+	Window event;
+	Window window;
+	Bool override_redirect;
+struct XMapRequestEvent {
+	int type;
+	uint serial;
+	Bool send_event;
+	Display* display;
+	Window parent;
+	Window window;
+struct XReparentEvent {
+	int type;
+	uint serial;
+	Bool send_event;
+	Display* display;
+	Window event;
+	Window window;
+	Window parent;
+	int x, y;
+	Bool override_redirect;
+struct XConfigureEvent {
+	int type;
+	uint serial;
+	Bool send_event;
+	Display* display;
+	Window event;
+	Window window;
+	int x, y;
+	int width, height;
+	int border_width;
+	Window above;
+	Bool override_redirect;
+struct XGravityEvent {
+	int type;
+	uint serial;
+	Bool send_event;
+	Display* display;
+	Window event;
+	Window window;
+	int x, y;
+struct XResizeRequestEvent {
+	int type;
+	uint serial;
+	Bool send_event;
+	Display* display;
+	Window window;
+	int width, height;
+struct XConfigureRequestEvent {
+	int type;
+	uint serial;
+	Bool send_event;
+	Display* display;
+	Window parent;
+	Window window;
+	int x, y;
+	int width, height;
+	int border_width;
+	Window above;
+	int detail;
+	uint value_mask;
+struct XCirculateEvent {
+	int type;
+	uint serial;
+	Bool send_event;
+	Display* display;
+	Window event;
+	Window window;
+	int place;
+struct XCirculateRequestEvent {
+	int type;
+	uint serial;
+	Bool send_event;
+	Display* display;
+	Window parent;
+	Window window;
+	int place;
+struct XPropertyEvent {
+	int type;
+	uint serial;
+	Bool send_event;
+	Display* display;
+	Window window;
+	Atom atom;
+	Time time;
+	int state;
+struct XSelectionClearEvent {
+	int type;
+	uint serial;
+	Bool send_event;
+	Display* display;
+	Window window;
+	Atom selection;
+	Time time;
+struct XSelectionRequestEvent {
+	int type;
+	uint serial;
+	Bool send_event;
+	Display* display;
+	Window owner;
+	Window requestor;
+	Atom selection;
+	Atom target;
+	Atom property;
+	Time time;
+struct XSelectionEvent {
+	int type;
+	uint serial;
+	Bool send_event;
+	Display* display;
+	Window requestor;
+	Atom selection;
+	Atom target;
+	Atom property;
+	Time time;
+struct XColormapEvent {
+	int type;
+	uint serial;
+	Bool send_event;
+	Display* display;
+	Window window;
+	Colormap colormap;
+	Bool is_new;
+	int state;
+struct XClientMessageEvent {
+	int type;
+	uint serial;
+	Bool send_event;
+	Display* display;
+	Window window;
+	Atom message_type;
+	int format;
+	union _data {
+		char[20] b;
+		short[10] s;
+		int[5] l;
+	}
+	_data data;
+struct XMappingEvent {
+	int type;
+	uint serial;
+	Bool send_event;
+	Display* display;
+	Window window;
+	int request;
+	int first_keycode;
+	int count;
+struct XErrorEvent {
+	int type;
+	Display* display;
+	XID resourceid;
+	uint serial;
+	ubyte error_code;
+	ubyte request_code;
+	ubyte minor_code;
+struct XAnyEvent {
+	int type;
+	uint serial;
+	Bool send_event;
+	Display* display;
+	Window window;
+union XEvent {
+		int type;
+	XAnyEvent xany;
+	XKeyEvent xkey;
+	XButtonEvent xbutton;
+	XMotionEvent xmotion;
+	XCrossingEvent xcrossing;
+	XFocusChangeEvent xfocus;
+	XExposeEvent xexpose;
+	XGraphicsExposeEvent xgraphicsexpose;
+	XNoExposeEvent xnoexpose;
+	XVisibilityEvent xvisibility;
+	XCreateWindowEvent xcreatewindow;
+	XDestroyWindowEvent xdestroywindow;
+	XUnmapEvent xunmap;
+	XMapEvent xmap;
+	XMapRequestEvent xmaprequest;
+	XReparentEvent xreparent;
+	XConfigureEvent xconfigure;
+	XGravityEvent xgravity;
+	XResizeRequestEvent xresizerequest;
+	XConfigureRequestEvent xconfigurerequest;
+	XCirculateEvent xcirculate;
+	XCirculateRequestEvent xcirculaterequest;
+	XPropertyEvent xproperty;
+	XSelectionClearEvent xselectionclear;
+	XSelectionRequestEvent xselectionrequest;
+	XSelectionEvent xselection;
+	XColormapEvent xcolormap;
+	XClientMessageEvent xclient;
+	XMappingEvent xmapping;
+	XErrorEvent xerror;
+	XKeymapEvent xkeymap;
+	int pad[24];
+//{{{ event types
+enum {
+	KeyPress         = 2,
+	KeyRelease       = 3,
+	ButtonPress      = 4,
+	ButtonRelease    = 5,
+	MotionNotify     = 6,
+	EnterNotify      = 7,
+	LeaveNotify      = 8,
+	FocusIn          = 9,
+	FocusOut         = 10,
+	KeymapNotify     = 11,
+	Expose           = 12,
+	GraphicsExpose   = 13,
+	NoExpose         = 14,
+	VisibilityNotify = 15,
+	CreateNotify     = 16,
+	DestroyNotify    = 17,
+	UnmapNotify      = 18,
+	MapNotify        = 19,
+	MapRequest       = 20,
+	ReparentNotify   = 21,
+	ConfigureNotify  = 22,
+	ConfigureRequest = 23,
+	GravityNotify    = 24,
+	ResizeRequest    = 25,
+	CirculateNotify  = 26,
+	CirculateRequest = 27,
+	PropertyNotify   = 28,
+	SelectionClear   = 29,
+	SelectionRequest = 30,
+	SelectionNotify  = 31,
+	ColormapNotify   = 32,
+	ClientMessage    = 33,
+	MappingNotify    = 34,
+	LASTEvent        = 35 // must be bigger than any event #
+//{{{ event masks
+enum {
+	NoEventMask              = 0,
+	KeyPressMask             = 1 << 0,
+	KeyReleaseMask           = 1 << 1,
+	ButtonPressMask          = 1 << 2,
+	ButtonReleaseMask        = 1 << 3,
+	EnterWindowMask          = 1 << 4,
+	LeaveWindowMask          = 1 << 5,
+	PointerMotionMask        = 1 << 6,
+	PointerMotionHintMask    = 1 << 7,
+	Button1MotionMask        = 1 << 8,
+	Button2MotionMask        = 1 << 9,
+	Button3MotionMask        = 1 << 10,
+	Button4MotionMask        = 1 << 11,
+	Button5MotionMask        = 1 << 12,
+	ButtonMotionMask         = 1 << 13,
+	KeymapStateMask          = 1 << 14,
+	ExposureMask             = 1 << 15,
+	VisibilityChangeMask     = 1 << 16,
+	StructureNotifyMask      = 1 << 17,
+	ResizeRedirectMask       = 1 << 18,
+	SubstructureNotifyMask   = 1 << 19,
+	SubstructureRedirectMask = 1 << 20,
+	FocusChangeMask          = 1 << 21,
+	PropertyChangeMask       = 1 << 22,
+	ColormapChangeMask       = 1 << 23,
+	OwnerGrabButtonMask      = 1 << 24
+//{{{ keys
+enum {
+	XK_BackSpace     = 0xFF08,
+	XK_Tab           = 0xFF09,
+	XK_Linefeed      = 0xFF0A,
+	XK_Clear         = 0xFF0B,
+	XK_Return        = 0xFF0D,
+	XK_Pause         = 0xFF13,
+	XK_Scroll_Lock   = 0xFF14,
+	XK_Sys_Req       = 0xFF15,
+	XK_Escape        = 0xFF1B,
+	XK_Delete        = 0xFFFF,
+	XK_Home          = 0xFF50,
+	XK_Left          = 0xFF51,
+	XK_Up            = 0xFF52,
+	XK_Right         = 0xFF53,
+	XK_Down          = 0xFF54,
+	XK_Prior         = 0xFF55,
+	XK_Page_Up       = 0xFF55,
+	XK_Next          = 0xFF56,
+	XK_Page_Down     = 0xFF56,
+	XK_End           = 0xFF57,
+	XK_Begin         = 0xFF58,
+	XK_Select        = 0xFF60,
+	XK_Print         = 0xFF61,
+	XK_Execute       = 0xFF62,
+	XK_Insert        = 0xFF63,
+	XK_Undo          = 0xFF65,
+	XK_Redo          = 0xFF66,
+	XK_Menu          = 0xFF67,
+	XK_Find          = 0xFF68,
+	XK_Cancel        = 0xFF69,
+	XK_Help          = 0xFF6A,
+	XK_Break         = 0xFF6B,
+	XK_Mode_switch   = 0xFF7E,
+	XK_script_switch = 0xFF7E,
+	XK_Num_Lock      = 0xFF7F,
+	XK_KP_Space      = 0xFF80,
+	XK_KP_Tab        = 0xFF89,
+	XK_KP_Enter      = 0xFF8D,
+	XK_KP_F1         = 0xFF91,
+	XK_KP_F2         = 0xFF92,
+	XK_KP_F3         = 0xFF93,
+	XK_KP_F4         = 0xFF94,
+	XK_KP_Home       = 0xFF95,
+	XK_KP_Left       = 0xFF96,
+	XK_KP_Up         = 0xFF97,
+	XK_KP_Right      = 0xFF98,
+	XK_KP_Down       = 0xFF99,
+	XK_KP_Prior      = 0xFF9A,
+	XK_KP_Page_Up    = 0xFF9A,
+	XK_KP_Next       = 0xFF9B,
+	XK_KP_Page_Down  = 0xFF9B,
+	XK_KP_End        = 0xFF9C,
+	XK_KP_Begin      = 0xFF9D,
+	XK_KP_Insert     = 0xFF9E,
+	XK_KP_Delete     = 0xFF9F,
+	XK_KP_Equal      = 0xFFBD,
+	XK_KP_Multiply   = 0xFFAA,
+	XK_KP_Add        = 0xFFAB,
+	XK_KP_Separator  = 0xFFAC,
+	XK_KP_Subtract   = 0xFFAD,
+	XK_KP_Decimal    = 0xFFAE,
+	XK_KP_Divide     = 0xFFAF,
+	XK_KP_0          = 0xFFB0,
+	XK_KP_1          = 0xFFB1,
+	XK_KP_2          = 0xFFB2,
+	XK_KP_3          = 0xFFB3,
+	XK_KP_4          = 0xFFB4,
+	XK_KP_5          = 0xFFB5,
+	XK_KP_6          = 0xFFB6,
+	XK_KP_7          = 0xFFB7,
+	XK_KP_8          = 0xFFB8,
+	XK_KP_9          = 0xFFB9,
+	XK_F1            = 0xFFBE,
+	XK_F2            = 0xFFBF,
+	XK_F3            = 0xFFC0,
+	XK_F4            = 0xFFC1,
+	XK_F5            = 0xFFC2,
+	XK_F6            = 0xFFC3,
+	XK_F7            = 0xFFC4,
+	XK_F8            = 0xFFC5,
+	XK_F9            = 0xFFC6,
+	XK_F10           = 0xFFC7,
+	XK_F11           = 0xFFC8,
+	XK_L1            = 0xFFC8,
+	XK_F12           = 0xFFC9,
+	XK_L2            = 0xFFC9,
+	XK_F13           = 0xFFCA,
+	XK_L3            = 0xFFCA,
+	XK_F14           = 0xFFCB,
+	XK_L4            = 0xFFCB,
+	XK_F15           = 0xFFCC,
+	XK_L5            = 0xFFCC,
+	XK_F16           = 0xFFCD,
+	XK_L6            = 0xFFCD,
+	XK_F17           = 0xFFCE,
+	XK_L7            = 0xFFCE,
+	XK_F18           = 0xFFCF,
+	XK_L8            = 0xFFCF,
+	XK_F19           = 0xFFD0,
+	XK_L9            = 0xFFD0,
+	XK_F20           = 0xFFD1,
+	XK_L10           = 0xFFD1,
+	XK_F21           = 0xFFD2,
+	XK_R1            = 0xFFD2,
+	XK_F22           = 0xFFD3,
+	XK_R2            = 0xFFD3,
+	XK_F23           = 0xFFD4,
+	XK_R3            = 0xFFD4,
+	XK_F24           = 0xFFD5,
+	XK_R4            = 0xFFD5,
+	XK_F25           = 0xFFD6,
+	XK_R5            = 0xFFD6,
+	XK_F26           = 0xFFD7,
+	XK_R6            = 0xFFD7,
+	XK_F27           = 0xFFD8,
+	XK_R7            = 0xFFD8,
+	XK_F28           = 0xFFD9,
+	XK_R8            = 0xFFD9,
+	XK_F29           = 0xFFDA,
+	XK_R9            = 0xFFDA,
+	XK_F30           = 0xFFDB,
+	XK_R10           = 0xFFDB,
+	XK_F31           = 0xFFDC,
+	XK_R11           = 0xFFDC,
+	XK_F32           = 0xFFDD,
+	XK_R12           = 0xFFDD,
+	XK_F33           = 0xFFDE,
+	XK_R13           = 0xFFDE,
+	XK_F34           = 0xFFDF,
+	XK_R14           = 0xFFDF,
+	XK_F35           = 0xFFE0,
+	XK_R15           = 0xFFE0,
+	XK_Shift_L       = 0xFFE1,
+	XK_Shift_R       = 0xFFE2,
+	XK_Control_L     = 0xFFE3,
+	XK_Control_R     = 0xFFE4,
+	XK_Caps_Lock     = 0xFFE5,
+	XK_Shift_Lock    = 0xFFE6,
+	XK_Meta_L        = 0xFFE7,
+	XK_Meta_R        = 0xFFE8,
+	XK_Alt_L         = 0xFFE9,
+	XK_Alt_R         = 0xFFEA,
+	XK_Super_L       = 0xFFEB,
+	XK_Super_R       = 0xFFEC,
+	XK_Hyper_L       = 0xFFED,
+	XK_Hyper_R       = 0xFFEE,
+	XK_space         = 0x020,
+	XK_exclam        = 0x021,
+	XK_quotedbl      = 0x022,
+	XK_numbersign    = 0x023,
+	XK_dollar        = 0x024,
+	XK_percent       = 0x025,
+	XK_ampersand     = 0x026,
+	XK_apostrophe    = 0x027,
+	XK_quoteright    = 0x027,
+	XK_parenleft     = 0x028,
+	XK_parenright    = 0x029,
+	XK_asterisk      = 0x02A,
+	XK_plus          = 0x02B,
+	XK_comma         = 0x02C,
+	XK_minus         = 0x02D,
+	XK_period        = 0x02E,
+	XK_slash         = 0x02F,
+	XK_0             = 0x030,
+	XK_1             = 0x031,
+	XK_2             = 0x032,
+	XK_3             = 0x033,
+	XK_4             = 0x034,
+	XK_5             = 0x035,
+	XK_6             = 0x036,
+	XK_7             = 0x037,
+	XK_8             = 0x038,
+	XK_9             = 0x039,
+	XK_colon         = 0x03A,
+	XK_semicolon     = 0x03B,
+	XK_less          = 0x03C,
+	XK_equal         = 0x03D,
+	XK_greater       = 0x03E,
+	XK_question      = 0x03F,
+	XK_at            = 0x040,
+	XK_A             = 0x041,
+	XK_B             = 0x042,
+	XK_C             = 0x043,
+	XK_D             = 0x044,
+	XK_E             = 0x045,
+	XK_F             = 0x046,
+	XK_G             = 0x047,
+	XK_H             = 0x048,
+	XK_I             = 0x049,
+	XK_J             = 0x04A,
+	XK_K             = 0x04B,
+	XK_L             = 0x04C,
+	XK_M             = 0x04D,
+	XK_N             = 0x04E,
+	XK_O             = 0x04F,
+	XK_P             = 0x050,
+	XK_Q             = 0x051,
+	XK_R             = 0x052,
+	XK_S             = 0x053,
+	XK_T             = 0x054,
+	XK_U             = 0x055,
+	XK_V             = 0x056,
+	XK_W             = 0x057,
+	XK_X             = 0x058,
+	XK_Y             = 0x059,
+	XK_Z             = 0x05A,
+	XK_bracketleft   = 0x05B,
+	XK_backslash     = 0x05C,
+	XK_bracketright  = 0x05D,
+	XK_asciicircum   = 0x05E,
+	XK_underscore    = 0x05F,
+	XK_grave         = 0x060,
+	XK_quoteleft     = 0x060,
+	XK_a             = 0x061,
+	XK_b             = 0x062,
+	XK_c             = 0x063,
+	XK_d             = 0x064,
+	XK_e             = 0x065,
+	XK_f             = 0x066,
+	XK_g             = 0x067,
+	XK_h             = 0x068,
+	XK_i             = 0x069,
+	XK_j             = 0x06A,
+	XK_k             = 0x06B,
+	XK_l             = 0x06C,
+	XK_m             = 0x06D,
+	XK_n             = 0x06E,
+	XK_o             = 0x06F,
+	XK_p             = 0x070,
+	XK_q             = 0x071,
+	XK_r             = 0x072,
+	XK_s             = 0x073,
+	XK_t             = 0x074,
+	XK_u             = 0x075,
+	XK_v             = 0x076,
+	XK_w             = 0x077,
+	XK_x             = 0x078,
+	XK_y             = 0x079,
+	XK_z             = 0x07A,
+	XK_braceleft     = 0x07B,
+	XK_bar           = 0x07C,
+	XK_braceright    = 0x07D,
+	XK_asciitilde    = 0x07E