comparison dynamin/gui/scroll_bar.d @ 0:aa4efef0f0b1

Initial commit of code.
author Jordan Miner <>
date Mon, 15 Jun 2009 22:10:48 -0500
children b621b528823d
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:aa4efef0f0b1
1 // Written in the D programming language
2 //
4 /*
5 * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
6 * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
7 * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
8 *
9 *
10 * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
11 * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
12 * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
13 * License.
14 *
15 * The Original Code is the Dynamin library.
16 *
17 * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Jordan Miner.
18 * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2007-2009
19 * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
20 *
21 * Contributor(s):
22 * Jordan Miner <>
23 *
24 */
26 module dynamin.gui.scroll_bar;
28 import dynamin.all_core;
29 import dynamin.all_gui;
30 import dynamin.all_painting;
31 import;
33 enum ArrowDirection {
34 Left, Right, Up, Down
35 }
36 class ArrowButton : Button {
37 ArrowDirection _direction;
38 ArrowDirection direction() { return _direction; }
39 void direction(ArrowDirection dir) { _direction = dir; }
40 override void whenPainting(PaintingEventArgs e) {
41 Theme.current.ArrowButton_paint(this,;
42 }
43 }
44 class ScrollBarTrack : Button {
45 override void whenPainting(PaintingEventArgs e) {
46 Theme.current.ScrollBarTrack_paint(this,;
47 }
48 }
49 class ScrollBarThumb : Button {
50 override void whenMouseDown(MouseEventArgs e) {
51 }
52 override void whenMouseDragged(MouseEventArgs e) {
53 }
54 override void whenPainting(PaintingEventArgs e) {
55 Theme.current.ScrollBarThumb_paint(this,;
56 }
57 }
58 //debug=ScrollBar;
60 ///
61 abstract class ScrollBar : Container {
62 protected:
63 ScrollBarTrack _track1, _track2;
64 ScrollBarThumb _thumb;
65 ArrowButton _button1, _button2;
66 int _value = 0, _maxValue = 100;
67 real _visibleValue = 0.5;
68 real _thumbDragLoc = -1;
69 // stores the location of the thumb as a percentage of the track
70 real _thumbPos;
71 this() {
72 valueChanged = new Event!()(&whenValueChanged);
74 _track1 = new ScrollBarTrack;
75 _track2 = new ScrollBarTrack;
76 _thumb = new ScrollBarThumb;
77 _button1 = new ArrowButton;
78 _button2 = new ArrowButton;
79 _track1.mouseDown += &whenTrack1MouseDown;
80 _track2.mouseDown += &whenTrack2MouseDown;
81 _thumb.mouseDown += &whenThumbMouseDown;
82 _thumb.mouseUp += &whenThumbMouseUp;
83 _thumb.mouseDragged += &whenThumbMouseDragged;
84 _button1.mouseDown += &whenButton1MouseDown;
85 _button2.mouseDown += &whenButton2MouseDown;
86 add(_track1);
87 add(_track2);
88 add(_thumb);
89 add(_button1);
90 add(_button2);
91 size = _size;
92 }
93 void whenThumbMouseDown(MouseEventArgs e);
94 void whenThumbMouseDragged(MouseEventArgs e);
95 void whenThumbMouseUp(MouseEventArgs e) {
96 // This gives the behavior of the thumb jumping when MaxValue
97 // is smaller than the track to exactly represent where
98 // Value is, as jEdit and some of Windows' controls do.
99 _thumbPos = 0;
100 updateControls();
101 }
102 void whenTrack1MouseDown(MouseEventArgs e) {
103 value = value - 100;
104 }
105 void whenTrack2MouseDown(MouseEventArgs e) {
106 value = value + 100;
107 }
108 void whenButton1MouseDown(MouseEventArgs e) {
109 value = value - 10;
110 }
111 void whenButton2MouseDown(MouseEventArgs e) {
112 value = value + 10;
113 }
114 void putControl(Control c, real location, real size);
115 real breadth();
116 real length();
117 override void whenResized(EventArgs e) {
118 updateControls();
119 }
120 void layoutControls(Control[] controls, real[] sizes) {
121 assert(controls.length == sizes.length);
122 real loc = 0;
123 for(int i = 0; i < controls.length; ++i) {
124 putControl(controls[i], loc, sizes[i]);
125 loc += sizes[i];
126 }
127 }
128 // updates controls based on what value, visible value, and max value are
129 void updateControls() {
130 if(breadth*2 > length) {
131 return;
132 // no track or thumb
133 }
134 // if thumbPos does not represent the current value
135 if(cast(int)(_thumbPos * _maxValue) != _value)
136 _thumbPos = _value / cast(real)_maxValue;
137 auto totalSz = length;
138 auto buttonSz = breadth;
139 auto totalTrackSz = totalSz - buttonSz*2;
140 auto thumbSz = round(totalTrackSz*_visibleValue);
141 auto thumbLoc = buttonSz+(totalTrackSz-thumbSz)*_thumbPos;
142 if(thumbSz < 8)
143 thumbSz = 8;
144 auto track1Sz = thumbLoc-buttonSz;
145 auto track2Sz = totalTrackSz-track1Sz-thumbSz;
146 if(track1Sz < 0) track1Sz = 0;
147 if(track2Sz < 0) track2Sz = 0;
148 debug(ScrollBar) {
149 Stdout.format("value={}", value).newline;
150 Stdout.format("visibleValue={}", visibleValue).newline;
151 Stdout.format("maxValue={}", maxValue).newline;
152 Stdout.format("totalSz={}", totalSz).newline;
153 Stdout.format("buttonSz={}", buttonSz).newline;
154 Stdout.format("totalTrackSz={}", totalTrackSz).newline;
155 Stdout.format("thumbSz={}", thumbSz).newline;
156 Stdout.format("track1Sz={}", track1Sz).newline;
157 Stdout.format("track2Sz={}", track2Sz).newline;
158 Stdout("********").newline;
159 assert(2*buttonSz+track1Sz+thumbSz+track2Sz <= totalSz + 0.01);
160 }
161 layoutControls([cast(Control)
162 _button1, _track1, _thumb, _track2, _button2],
163 [buttonSz, track1Sz, thumbSz, track2Sz, buttonSz]);
164 }
165 public:
166 /// This event occurs after Value has been changed.
167 Event!() valueChanged;
168 /// Override this method in a subclass to handle the ValueChanged event.
169 protected void whenValueChanged(EventArgs e) { }
171 override Size bestSize() {
172 if(cast(VScrollBar)this)
173 return Size(Theme.current.ScrollBar_size(), 100);
174 else
175 return Size(100, Theme.current.ScrollBar_size());
176 }
177 ///
178 real thumbLocation();
179 /// ditto
180 void thumbLocation(real loc) {
181 // TODO: return if no thumb (too small for one)
182 if(loc < trackStart)
183 loc = trackStart;
184 if(loc > trackEnd - thumbSize)
185 loc = trackEnd - thumbSize;
186 if(floatsEqual(loc, thumbLocation, 0.1))
187 return;
189 _thumbPos = (loc - trackStart) / (trackSize - thumbSize);
190 value = cast(int)(_thumbPos * _maxValue);
191 updateControls();
192 }
193 ///
194 real thumbSize();
195 ///
196 real trackStart();
197 ///
198 real trackEnd();
199 ///
200 real trackSize() { return trackEnd-trackStart; }
201 ///
202 int value() { return _value; }
203 /// ditto
204 void value(int val) {
205 if(val < 0)
206 val = 0;
207 else if(val > _maxValue)
208 val = _maxValue;
209 if(val == _value)
210 return;
211 _value = val;
212 updateControls();
213 valueChanged(new EventArgs);
214 }
215 ///
216 int maxValue() { return _maxValue; }
217 /// ditto
218 void maxValue(int val) {
219 if(val < 1)
220 val = 1;
221 if(val == _maxValue)
222 return;
223 _maxValue = val;
224 if(_value > _maxValue)
225 _value = _maxValue;
226 if(_visibleValue > _maxValue)
227 _visibleValue = _maxValue;
228 updateControls();
229 }
230 /**
231 * A floating-point number between 0 and 1 that specifies how large the
232 * thumb should be compared to the track. A value of 0 makes the thumb its
233 * minimum size, and a value of 1 makes the thumb take up all of the track.
234 * The default is 0.5.
235 */
236 real visibleValue() { return _visibleValue; }
237 /// ditto
238 void visibleValue(real val) {
239 if(val < 0)
240 val = 0;
241 else if(val > 1)
242 val = 1;
243 if(val == _visibleValue)
244 return;
245 _visibleValue = val;
246 updateControls();
247 }
248 }
249 ///
250 class HScrollBar : ScrollBar {
251 this() {
252 _button1.direction = ArrowDirection.Left;
253 _button2.direction = ArrowDirection.Right;
254 }
255 protected:
256 void whenThumbMouseDown(MouseEventArgs e) {
257 _thumbDragLoc = e.location.x;
258 }
259 void whenThumbMouseDragged(MouseEventArgs e) {
260 _thumb.state = ButtonState.Pressed;
261 thumbLocation = e.location.x + _thumb.location.x - _thumbDragLoc;
262 }
263 void putControl(Control c, real location, real size) {
264 c.location = [location, 0.0];
265 c.size = [size, height];
266 }
267 real breadth() { return height; }
268 real length() { return width; }
269 alias ScrollBar.thumbLocation thumbLocation;
270 real thumbLocation() { return _thumb.x; }
271 real thumbSize() { return _thumb.width; }
272 real trackStart() { return _track1.x; }
273 real trackEnd() { return _track2.x+_track2.width; }
274 }
275 ///
276 class VScrollBar : ScrollBar {
277 this() {
278 _button1.direction = ArrowDirection.Up;
279 _button2.direction = ArrowDirection.Down;
280 }
281 protected:
282 void whenThumbMouseDown(MouseEventArgs e) {
283 _thumbDragLoc = e.location.y;
284 }
285 void whenThumbMouseDragged(MouseEventArgs e) {
286 _thumb.state = ButtonState.Pressed;
287 thumbLocation = e.location.y + _thumb.location.y - _thumbDragLoc;
288 }
289 void putControl(Control c, real location, real size) {
290 c.location = [0.0, location];
291 c.size = [width, size];
292 }
293 real breadth() { return width; }
294 real length() { return height; }
295 alias ScrollBar.thumbLocation thumbLocation;
296 real thumbLocation() { return _thumb.y; }
297 real thumbSize() { return _thumb.height; }
298 real trackStart() { return _track1.y; }
299 real trackEnd() { return _track2.y+_track2.height; }
300 }