view base/src/java/lang/util.d @ 121:dc6fc593e8d7

Update for dmd-2.054 and small fixes in java.lang.Character
author Denis Shelomovskij <>
date Tue, 12 Jul 2011 11:59:58 +0300
parents 536e43f63c81
line wrap: on
line source

module java.lang.util;

public import java.lang.wrappers;
public import java.lang.String;
public import java.lang.interfaces;

    static import tango.text.convert.Format;
    static import tango.core.Exception;
    static import tango.util.log.Log;
    static import tango.util.log.Config;
    static import tango.stdc.stdlib;

    alias tango.stdc.stdlib.exit exit;
} else { // Phobos
    static import core.exception;
    static import std.c.stdlib;
    static import std.stdio;
    static import std.ascii;
    static import std.array;
    static import std.format;
    static import std.typetuple;
    static import std.traits;
    static import std.exception;
    alias std.c.stdlib.exit exit;

interface IDwtLogger {
    void trace( String file, ulong line, String fmt, ... );
    void info( String file, ulong line, String fmt, ... );
    void warn( String file, ulong line, String fmt, ... );
    void error( String file, ulong line, String fmt, ... );
    void fatal( String file, ulong line, String fmt, ... );

    class DwtLogger : IDwtLogger {
        tango.util.log.Log.Logger logger;
        private this( char[] name ){
            logger = tango.util.log.Log.Log.lookup( name );
        private char[] format( String file, ulong line, String fmt, TypeInfo[] types, void* argptr ){
            auto msg = Format.convert( types, argptr, fmt );
            auto text = Format( "{} {}: {}", file, line, msg );
            return text;
        void trace( String file, ulong line, String fmt, ... ){
            if( logger.trace ){
                logger.trace( format( file, line, fmt, _arguments, _argptr ));
        void info( String file, ulong line, String fmt, ... ){
            if( ){
       format( file, line, fmt, _arguments, _argptr ));
        void warn( String file, ulong line, String fmt, ... ){
            if( logger.warn ){
                logger.warn( format( file, line, fmt, _arguments, _argptr ));
        void error( String file, ulong line, String fmt, ... ){
            if( logger.error ){
                logger.error( format( file, line, fmt, _arguments, _argptr ));
        void fatal( String file, ulong line, String fmt, ... ){
            if( logger.fatal ){
                logger.fatal( format( file, line, fmt, _arguments, _argptr ));
} else { // Phobos
	static import core.vararg;
    class DwtLogger : IDwtLogger {
        private this( String name ) {
        void trace( String file, ulong line, String fmt, ... ){
			fmt = fmtFromTangoFmt(fmt);
            std.stdio.writefln( "TRC %s %s: %s", file, line, doVarArgFormat(typeid(fmt) ~ _arguments, &fmt) );
        void info( String file, ulong line, String fmt, ... ){	
			fmt = fmtFromTangoFmt(fmt);		
            std.stdio.writefln( "INF %s %s: %s", file, line, doVarArgFormat(typeid(fmt) ~ _arguments, &fmt) );
        void warn( String file, ulong line, String fmt, ... ){	
			fmt = fmtFromTangoFmt(fmt);		
            std.stdio.writefln( "WRN %s %s: %s", file, line, doVarArgFormat(typeid(fmt) ~ _arguments, &fmt) );
        void error( String file, ulong line, String fmt, ... ){
			fmt = fmtFromTangoFmt(fmt);		
            std.stdio.writefln( "ERR %s %s: %s", file, line, doVarArgFormat(typeid(fmt) ~ _arguments, &fmt) );
        void fatal( String file, ulong line, String fmt, ... ){
			fmt = fmtFromTangoFmt(fmt);	
            std.stdio.writefln( "FAT %s %s: %s", file, line, doVarArgFormat(typeid(fmt) ~ _arguments, &fmt) );

private DwtLogger dwtLoggerInstance;

IDwtLogger getDwtLogger(){
    if( dwtLoggerInstance is null ){
            if( dwtLoggerInstance is null ){
                dwtLoggerInstance = new DwtLogger( "dwt" );
    return dwtLoggerInstance;

void implMissing( String file, uint line ){
    getDwtLogger().fatal( file, line, "implementation missing in file {} line {}", file, line );
    getDwtLogger().fatal( file, line, "Please create a bug report at" );
    getDwtLogger().fatal( file, line, "exiting ..." );

void implMissingInTango(T = void)( String file, uint line ) {
    version(Tango) {} else static assert(0, "For Tango implMissings only");
    getDwtLogger().fatal( file, line, "implementation missing in Tango version" );
    implMissing( file, line );

void implMissingInPhobos( String file = __FILE__, uint line = __LINE__ )() {
    version(Tango) static assert(0, "For Phobos implMissings only");
    getDwtLogger().fatal( file, line, "implementation missing in Phobos version" );
    implMissing( file, line );

    public alias tango.text.convert.Format.Format Format;
} else { // Phobos
	private string fmtFromTangoFmt(string tangoFmt) {
		auto app = std.array.appender!(string)();
	L:	for(int i = 0; i < tangoFmt.length; ++i) {
			char c = tangoFmt[i];
			if(c == '%')
			else if(c == '{') {
                if(i + 1 < tangoFmt.length && tangoFmt[i + 1] == '{') {
                } else {
                    int j = i;
                    do {
                        if(j == tangoFmt.length) {
                            app.put("{malformed format}");
                            break L;
                    } while(tangoFmt[j] != '}');
                    string f = tangoFmt[i + 1 .. j];
                    i = j;
                    if(f.length) {
                        string fres = "%";
                        try {
                            if(std.ascii.isDigit(f[0])) {
                                int n = std.conv.parse!(int)(f);
                                fres ~=!(string)(n + 1) ~ '$';
                            if(f.length) {
                                std.exception.enforce(f[0] == ':' && f.length > 1);
                                c = f[1];
                                if(f.length == 2 && "bodxXeEfFgG".indexOf(c) != -1)
                                    fres ~= c;
                                    fres = null;
                            } else
                                fres ~= 's';
                        } catch {
                            fres = "{malformed format}";
                    } else
			} else
        alias Format Formatter;

        // basic layout tests
        assert( Formatter( "abc" ) == "abc" );
        assert( Formatter( "{0}", 1 ) == "1" );
        assert( Formatter( "{0}", -1 ) == "-1" );

        assert( Formatter( "{}", 1 ) == "1" );
        assert( Formatter( "{} {}", 1, 2) == "1 2" );
        // assert( Formatter( "{} {0} {}", 1, 3) == "1 1 3" );
        // assert( Formatter( "{} {0} {} {}", 1, 3) == "1 1 3 {invalid index}" );
        // assert( Formatter( "{} {0} {} {:x}", 1, 3) == "1 1 3 {invalid index}" );
        assert( Formatter( "{0} {0} {1}", 1, 3) == "1 1 3" );
        assert( Formatter( "{0} {0} {1} {0}", 1, 3) == "1 1 3 1" );

        assert( Formatter( "{0}", true ) == "true" , Formatter( "{0}", true ));
        assert( Formatter( "{0}", false ) == "false" );

        assert( Formatter( "{0}", cast(byte)-128 ) == "-128" );
        assert( Formatter( "{0}", cast(byte)127 ) == "127" );
        assert( Formatter( "{0}", cast(ubyte)255 ) == "255" );

        assert( Formatter( "{0}", cast(short)-32768  ) == "-32768" );
        assert( Formatter( "{0}", cast(short)32767 ) == "32767" );
        assert( Formatter( "{0}", cast(ushort)65535 ) == "65535" );
        // assert( Formatter( "{0:x4}", cast(ushort)0xafe ) == "0afe" );
        // assert( Formatter( "{0:X4}", cast(ushort)0xafe ) == "0AFE" );

        assert( Formatter( "{0}", -2147483648 ) == "-2147483648" );
        assert( Formatter( "{0}", 2147483647 ) == "2147483647" );
        assert( Formatter( "{0}", 4294967295 ) == "4294967295" );

        // large integers
        assert( Formatter( "{0}", -9223372036854775807L) == "-9223372036854775807" );
        assert( Formatter( "{0}", 0x8000_0000_0000_0000L) == "9223372036854775808" );
        assert( Formatter( "{0}", 9223372036854775807L ) == "9223372036854775807" );
        assert( Formatter( "{0:X}", 0xFFFF_FFFF_FFFF_FFFF) == "FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF" );
        assert( Formatter( "{0:x}", 0xFFFF_FFFF_FFFF_FFFF) == "ffffffffffffffff" );
        assert( Formatter( "{0:x}", 0xFFFF_1234_FFFF_FFFF) == "ffff1234ffffffff" );
        // assert( Formatter( "{0:x19}", 0x1234_FFFF_FFFF) == "00000001234ffffffff" );
        assert( Formatter( "{0}", 18446744073709551615UL ) == "18446744073709551615" );
        assert( Formatter( "{0}", 18446744073709551615UL ) == "18446744073709551615" );

        // fragments before and after
        assert( Formatter( "d{0}d", "s" ) == "dsd" );
        assert( Formatter( "d{0}d", "1234567890" ) == "d1234567890d" );

        // brace escaping
        assert( Formatter( "d{0}d", "<string>" ) == "d<string>d");
        assert( Formatter( "d{{0}d", "<string>" ) == "d{0}d");
        assert( Formatter( "d{{{0}d", "<string>" ) == "d{<string>d");
        assert( Formatter( "d{0}}d", "<string>" ) == "d<string>}d");

        // hex conversions, where width indicates leading zeroes
        assert( Formatter( "{0:x}", 0xafe0000 ) == "afe0000" );
        // assert( Formatter( "{0:x7}", 0xafe0000 ) == "afe0000" );
        // assert( Formatter( "{0:x8}", 0xafe0000 ) == "0afe0000" );
        // assert( Formatter( "{0:X8}", 0xafe0000 ) == "0AFE0000" );
        // assert( Formatter( "{0:X9}", 0xafe0000 ) == "00AFE0000" );
        // assert( Formatter( "{0:X13}", 0xafe0000 ) == "000000AFE0000" );
        // assert( Formatter( "{0:x13}", 0xafe0000 ) == "000000afe0000" );

        // decimal width
        // assert( Formatter( "{0:d6}", 123 ) == "000123" );
        // assert( Formatter( "{0,7:d6}", 123 ) == " 000123" );
        // assert( Formatter( "{0,-7:d6}", 123 ) == "000123 " );

        // width & sign combinations
        // assert( Formatter( "{0:d7}", -123 ) == "-0000123" );
        // assert( Formatter( "{0,7:d6}", 123 ) == " 000123" );
        // assert( Formatter( "{0,7:d7}", -123 ) == "-0000123" );
        // assert( Formatter( "{0,8:d7}", -123 ) == "-0000123" );
        // assert( Formatter( "{0,5:d7}", -123 ) == "-0000123" );

        // Negative numbers in various bases
        assert( Formatter( "{:b}", cast(byte) -1 ) == "11111111" );
        assert( Formatter( "{:b}", cast(short) -1 ) == "1111111111111111" );
        assert( Formatter( "{:b}", cast(int) -1 )
                == "11111111111111111111111111111111" );
        assert( Formatter( "{:b}", cast(long) -1 )
                == "1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111" );

        assert( Formatter( "{:o}", cast(byte) -1 ) == "377" );
        assert( Formatter( "{:o}", cast(short) -1 ) == "177777" );
        assert( Formatter( "{:o}", cast(int) -1 ) == "37777777777" );
        assert( Formatter( "{:o}", cast(long) -1 ) == "1777777777777777777777" );

        assert( Formatter( "{:d}", cast(byte) -1 ) == "-1" );
        assert( Formatter( "{:d}", cast(short) -1 ) == "-1" );
        assert( Formatter( "{:d}", cast(int) -1 ) == "-1" );
        assert( Formatter( "{:d}", cast(long) -1 ) == "-1" );

        assert( Formatter( "{:x}", cast(byte) -1 ) == "ff" );
        assert( Formatter( "{:x}", cast(short) -1 ) == "ffff" );
        assert( Formatter( "{:x}", cast(int) -1 ) == "ffffffff" );
        assert( Formatter( "{:x}", cast(long) -1 ) == "ffffffffffffffff" );

        // argument index
        assert( Formatter( "a{0}b{1}c{2}", "x", "y", "z" ) == "axbycz" );
        assert( Formatter( "a{2}b{1}c{0}", "x", "y", "z" ) == "azbycx" );
        assert( Formatter( "a{1}b{1}c{1}", "x", "y", "z" ) == "aybycy" );

        // alignment does not restrict the length
        // assert( Formatter( "{0,5}", "hellohello" ) == "hellohello" );

        // alignment fills with spaces
        // assert( Formatter( "->{0,-10}<-", "hello" ) == "->hello     <-" );
        // assert( Formatter( "->{0,10}<-", "hello" ) == "->     hello<-" );
        // assert( Formatter( "->{0,-10}<-", 12345 ) == "->12345     <-" );
        // assert( Formatter( "->{0,10}<-", 12345 ) == "->     12345<-" );

        // chop at maximum specified length; insert ellipses when chopped
        // assert( Formatter( "->{.5}<-", "hello" ) == "->hello<-" );
        // assert( Formatter( "->{.4}<-", "hello" ) == "->hell...<-" );
        // assert( Formatter( "->{.-3}<-", "hello" ) == "->...llo<-" );

        // width specifier indicates number of decimal places
        assert( Formatter( "{0:f}", 1.23f ) == "1.230000" );
        // assert( Formatter( "{0:f4}", 1.23456789L ) == "1.2346" );
        // assert( Formatter( "{0:e4}", 0.0001) == "1.0000e-04");

        assert( Formatter( "{0:f}", 1.23f*1i ) == "1.230000i");
        // assert( Formatter( "{0:f4}", 1.23456789L*1i ) == "1.2346*1i" );
        // assert( Formatter( "{0:e4}", 0.0001*1i) == "1.0000e-04*1i");

        assert( Formatter( "{0:f}", 1.23f+1i ) == "1.230000+1.000000i" );
        // assert( Formatter( "{0:f4}", 1.23456789L+1i ) == "1.2346+1.0000*1i" );
        // assert( Formatter( "{0:e4}", 0.0001+1i) == "1.0000e-04+1.0000e+00*1i");
        assert( Formatter( "{0:f}", 1.23f-1i ) == "1.230000+-1.000000i" );
        // assert( Formatter( "{0:f4}", 1.23456789L-1i ) == "1.2346-1.0000*1i" );
        // assert( Formatter( "{0:e4}", 0.0001-1i) == "1.0000e-04-1.0000e+00*1i");

        // 'f.' & 'e.' format truncates zeroes from floating decimals
        // assert( Formatter( "{:f4.}", 1.230 ) == "1.23" );
        // assert( Formatter( "{:f6.}", 1.230 ) == "1.23" );
        // assert( Formatter( "{:f1.}", 1.230 ) == "1.2" );
        // assert( Formatter( "{:f.}", 1.233 ) == "1.23" );
        // assert( Formatter( "{:f.}", 1.237 ) == "1.24" );
        // assert( Formatter( "{:f.}", 1.000 ) == "1" );
        // assert( Formatter( "{:f2.}", 200.001 ) == "200");

        // array output
        int[] a = [ 51, 52, 53, 54, 55 ];
        assert( Formatter( "{}", a ) == "[51, 52, 53, 54, 55]" );
        assert( Formatter( "{:x}", a ) == "[33, 34, 35, 36, 37]" );
        // assert( Formatter( "{,-4}", a ) == "[51  , 52  , 53  , 54  , 55  ]" );
        // assert( Formatter( "{,4}", a ) == "[  51,   52,   53,   54,   55]" );
        int[][] b = [ [ 51, 52 ], [ 53, 54, 55 ] ];
        assert( Formatter( "{}", b ) == "[[51, 52], [53, 54, 55]]" );

        char[1024] static_buffer;
        static_buffer[0..10] = "1234567890";

        assert (Formatter( "{}", static_buffer[0..10]) == "1234567890");

            ushort[3] c = [ cast(ushort)51, 52, 53 ];
            assert( Formatter( "{}", c ) == "[51, 52, 53]" );

        /*// integer AA
        ushort[long] d;
        d[234] = 2;
        d[345] = 3;

        assert( Formatter( "{}", d ) == "{234 => 2, 345 => 3}" ||
                Formatter( "{}", d ) == "{345 => 3, 234 => 2}");

        // bool/string AA
        bool[char[]] e;
        e[ "key".dup ] = true;
        e[ "value".dup ] = false;
        assert( Formatter( "{}", e ) == "{key => true, value => false}" ||
                Formatter( "{}", e ) == "{value => false, key => true}");

        // string/double AA
        char[][ double ] f;
        f[ 1.0 ] = "one".dup;
        f[ 3.14 ] = "PI".dup;
        assert( Formatter( "{}", f ) == "{1.00 => one, 3.14 => PI}" ||
                Formatter( "{}", f ) == "{3.14 => PI, 1.00 => one}");*/
	private String doVarArgFormat(TypeInfo[] _arguments, core.vararg.va_list _argptr) {
		char[] res;
        void putc(dchar c) {
            std.utf.encode(res, c);
        std.format.doFormat(&putc, _arguments, _argptr);
		return std.exception.assumeUnique(res);
    class Format{
        template UnTypedef(T) {
            static if (is(T U == typedef))
                alias std.traits.Unqual!(U) UnTypedef;
                alias std.traits.Unqual!(T) UnTypedef;
        static String opCall(A...)( String _fmt, A _args ){
            //Formatting a typedef is deprecated
            std.typetuple.staticMap!(UnTypedef, A) args;
            foreach(i, _a; _args)
                static if (is(T U == typedef))
                    args[i] = cast(U) _a;
                    args[i] = _a;
			auto writer = std.array.appender!(String)();
            std.format.formattedWrite(writer, fmtFromTangoFmt(_fmt), args);
            auto res =;
            return std.exception.assumeUnique(res);

version( D_Version2 ) {
    //dmd v2.052 bug: mixin("alias const(Type) Name;"); will be unvisible outside it's module => we should write alias Const!(Type) Name;
    template Immutable(T) {
        mixin("alias immutable(T) Immutable;");
    template Const(T) {
        mixin("alias const(T) Const;");
    template Shared(T) {
        mixin("alias shared(T) Shared;");
    alias Immutable TryImmutable;
    alias Const TryConst;
    alias Shared TryShared;

    //e.g. for passing strings to *.text.* modules assepts String,
    //but internal *.mangoicu.* modules work with char[] even if they don't modify it
    std.traits.Unqual!(T)[] Unqual(T)(T[] t) {
        return cast(std.traits.Unqual!(T)[])t;
    Immutable!(T)[] _idup(T)( T[] str ){ return str.idup; }
    template prefixedIfD2(String prefix, String content) {
        const prefixedIfD2 = prefix ~ " " ~ content;
} else { // D1
    template AliasT(T) { alias T AliasT; }
    alias AliasT TryImmutable;
    alias AliasT TryConst;
    alias AliasT TryShared;
    T Unqual(T)(T t) { return t; }
    String16 _idup( String16 str ){
        return str.dup;
    String _idup( String str ){
        return str.dup;
    template prefixedIfD2(String prefix, String content) {
        const prefixedIfD2 = content;

template sharedStaticThis(String content) {
    const sharedStaticThis = prefixedIfD2!("shared", "static this()" ~ content);

template gshared(String content) {
    const gshared = prefixedIfD2!("__gshared:", content);

template constFuncs(String content) {
    const constFuncs = prefixedIfD2!("const:", content);

private struct GCStats {
    size_t poolsize;        // total size of pool
    size_t usedsize;        // bytes allocated
    size_t freeblocks;      // number of blocks marked FREE
    size_t freelistsize;    // total of memory on free lists
    size_t pageblocks;      // number of blocks marked PAGE
private extern(C) GCStats gc_stats();

size_t RuntimeTotalMemory(){
    GCStats s = gc_stats();
    return s.poolsize;

template arraycast(T) {
    T[] arraycast(U) (U[] u) {
        static if (
            (is (T == interface ) && is (U == interface )) ||
            (is (T == class ) && is (U == class ))) {
        else {
            int l = u.length;
            T[] res;
            res.length = l;
            for (int i = 0; i < l; i++) {
                res[i] = cast(T)u[i];

bool ArrayEquals(T)( T[] a, T[] b ){
    if( a.length !is b.length ){
        return false;
    for( int i = 0; i < a.length; i++ ){
        static if( is( T==class) || is(T==interface)){
            if( a[i] !is null && b[i] !is null ){
                if( a[i] != b[i] ){
                    return false;
            else if( a[i] is null && b[i] is null ){
                return false;
            if( a[i] != b[i] ){
                return false;
    return true;

int arrayIndexOf(T)( T[] arr, T v ){
    int res = -1;
    int idx = 0;
    static if (is(T == interface))
        Object[] array = cast(Object[]) arr;
        Object value = cast(Object) v;
        auto array = arr;
        auto value = v;
    foreach( p; array ){
        if( p == value){
            res = idx;
    return res;

T[] arrayIndexRemove(T)(T[] arr, uint n) {
    if (n is 0)
        return arr[1..$];
    if (n > arr.length)
        return arr;
    if (n is arr.length-1)
        return arr[0..n-1];
    // else
    return arr[0..n] ~ arr[n+1..$];

struct ImportData{
    TryImmutable!(void)[] data;
    String name;

    public static ImportData opCall( TryImmutable!(void)[] data, String name ){
        ImportData res; = data; = name;
        return res;

template getImportData(String name) {
    const ImportData getImportData = ImportData( cast(TryImmutable!(void)[]) import(name), name );