view base/src/java/math/BigInteger.d @ 112:9f4c18c268b2

Update to compile and execute with dmd 2.052.
author kntroh
date Wed, 16 Mar 2011 21:53:53 +0900
parents 5d5bd660917f
line wrap: on
line source

module java.math.BigInteger;

import java.lang.all;
import java.util.Random;
    import tango.math.BigInt;
} else { // Phobos
    import std.bigint;

class BigInteger : Number {

    static const BigInteger ZERO;
    static const BigInteger ONE;
    private BigInt bi;

    static this(){
        ZERO = new BigInteger("0");
        ONE  = new BigInteger("1");

    this(byte[] val){
        implMissing(__FILE__, __LINE__ );
    this(int signum, byte[] magnitude){
        implMissing(__FILE__, __LINE__ );
    this(int bitLength, int certainty, Random rnd){
        implMissing(__FILE__, __LINE__ );
    this(int numBits, Random rnd){
        implMissing(__FILE__, __LINE__ );
    this(String val){
        bi = BigInt( val );
    this(String val, int radix){
        getDwtLogger.error( __FILE__, __LINE__, "this({}, {})", val, radix );
        if( radix is 10 ){
            bi = BigInt( val );
        else if( radix is 16 ){
            bi = BigInt( "0x" ~ val );
        else {
            implMissing(__FILE__, __LINE__ );
    private this( BigInt v ){
        bi = v;
    private this( BigInteger v ){
        bi =;
    private this( long v ){
        getDwtLogger.error( __FILE__, __LINE__, "this({})", v );
        bi = BigInt(v);
    BigInteger abs(){
        implMissing(__FILE__, __LINE__ );
        return null;
    BigInteger add(BigInteger val){
        implMissing(__FILE__, __LINE__ );
        return null;
    BigInteger and(BigInteger val){
        implMissing(__FILE__, __LINE__ );
        return null;
    BigInteger andNot(BigInteger val){
        implMissing(__FILE__, __LINE__ );
        return null;
    int bitCount(){
        implMissing(__FILE__, __LINE__ );
        return 0;
    int bitLength(){
        getDwtLogger.error( __FILE__, __LINE__, "bitLength()" );
        //implMissing(__FILE__, __LINE__ );
        return 0;
    BigInteger clearBit(int n){
        implMissing(__FILE__, __LINE__ );
        return null;
    int compareTo(BigInteger val){
        implMissing(__FILE__, __LINE__ );
        return 0;
    int compareTo(Object o){
        implMissing(__FILE__, __LINE__ );
        return 0;
    BigInteger divide(BigInteger val){
        implMissing(__FILE__, __LINE__ );
        return null;
    BigInteger[] divideAndRemainder(BigInteger val){
        implMissing(__FILE__, __LINE__ );
        return null;
    double doubleValue(){
        implMissing(__FILE__, __LINE__ );
        return 0;
    bool equals(Object x){
        implMissing(__FILE__, __LINE__ );
        return 0;
    BigInteger flipBit(int n){
        implMissing(__FILE__, __LINE__ );
        return null;
    float floatValue(){
        implMissing(__FILE__, __LINE__ );
        return 0;
    BigInteger gcd(BigInteger val){
        implMissing(__FILE__, __LINE__ );
        return null;
    int getLowestSetBit(){
        implMissing(__FILE__, __LINE__ );
        return 0;
    int hashCode(){
        implMissing(__FILE__, __LINE__ );
        return 0;
    int intValue(){
        implMissing(__FILE__, __LINE__ );
        return 0;
    bool isProbablePrime(int certainty){
        implMissing(__FILE__, __LINE__ );
        return 0;
    long longValue(){
            getDwtLogger.error( __FILE__, __LINE__, "{}", bi.toHex );
            long res = 0;
            auto txt = bi.toHex;
            bool sign = false;
            if( txt[0] is '-' ){
                sign = true;
                txt = txt[1 .. $];
            int nibbles = 0;
            foreach( uint idx, char c; txt ){
                if( c is '_' ) continue;
                void addNibble( int v ){
                    res <<= 4;
                    res |= v;
                if( c >= '0' && c <= '9' ) {
                    addNibble( c - '0' );
                else if( c >= 'a' && c <= 'f' ) {
                    addNibble( c - 'a' + 10 );
                else if( c >= 'A' && c <= 'F' ) {
                    addNibble( c - 'A' + 10 );
                    getDwtLogger.error( __FILE__, __LINE__, "unknown char {} @{}", c, idx );
            if( nibbles > 16 ){
                getDwtLogger.error( __FILE__, __LINE__, "too much nibbles {}", nibbles );
            return res;
        } else { // Phobos
            return bi.toLong();
    BigInteger max(BigInteger val){
        implMissing(__FILE__, __LINE__ );
        return null;
    BigInteger min(BigInteger val){
        implMissing(__FILE__, __LINE__ );
        return null;
    BigInteger mod(BigInteger m){
        implMissing(__FILE__, __LINE__ );
        return null;
    BigInteger modInverse(BigInteger m){
        implMissing(__FILE__, __LINE__ );
        return null;
    BigInteger modPow(BigInteger exponent, BigInteger m){
        implMissing(__FILE__, __LINE__ );
        return null;
    BigInteger multiply(BigInteger val){
        auto res = new BigInteger(this); *=;
        return res;
    BigInteger negate(){
        implMissing(__FILE__, __LINE__ );
        return null;
    BigInteger not(){
        implMissing(__FILE__, __LINE__ );
        return null;
    BigInteger or(BigInteger val){
        implMissing(__FILE__, __LINE__ );
        return null;
    BigInteger pow(int exponent){
        if( exponent < 0 ){
            throw new ArithmeticException("Negative exponent");
            if( bi.isZero() ){
                return exponent is 0 ? ONE : this;
        } else { // Phobos
            if( bi == 0 ){
                return exponent is 0 ? cast(BigInteger)ONE : this;
        auto a = bi;
            a *= bi;
        return new BigInteger(a);
    static BigInteger probablePrime(int bitLength, Random rnd){
        implMissing(__FILE__, __LINE__ );
        return null;
    BigInteger remainder(BigInteger val){
        implMissing(__FILE__, __LINE__ );
        return null;
    BigInteger setBit(int n){
        implMissing(__FILE__, __LINE__ );
        return null;
    BigInteger shiftLeft(int n){
        implMissing(__FILE__, __LINE__ );
        return null;
    BigInteger shiftRight(int n){
        implMissing(__FILE__, __LINE__ );
        return null;
    int signum(){
        version(Tango) {
            if( bi.isZero() ) return 0;
            if( bi.isNegative() ) return -1;
        } else { // Phobos
            if( bi == 0 ) return 0;
            if( bi < 0 ) return -1;
        return 1;
    BigInteger subtract(BigInteger val){
        implMissing(__FILE__, __LINE__ );
        return null;
    bool testBit(int n){
        implMissing(__FILE__, __LINE__ );
        return 0;
    byte[] toByteArray(){
        implMissing(__FILE__, __LINE__ );
        return null;
    String toString(){
        implMissing(__FILE__, __LINE__ );
        return null;
    String toString(int radix){
        implMissing(__FILE__, __LINE__ );
        return null;
    static BigInteger valueOf(long val){
        auto res = new BigInteger(val);
        return res;
    BigInteger xor(BigInteger val){
        implMissing(__FILE__, __LINE__ );
        return null;