view java/src/java/lang/util.d @ 2:712ffca654f3

Moved java classes to their correct location
author Frank Benoit <>
date Wed, 04 Mar 2009 21:41:18 +0100
parents 6dd524f61e62
children 4c0057e71936
line wrap: on
line source

module java.lang.util;

void implMissing( String file, uint line ){
    Stderr.formatln( "implementation missing in file {} line {}", file, line );
    Stderr.formatln( "exiting ..." );

alias char[] String;
public import Math = tango.math.Math;

public import tango.core.Exception : IllegalArgumentException, IOException;

static import tango.stdc.stringz;
static import tango.text.Util;
static import tango.text.Text;
static import tango.text.Ascii;
import tango.text.Unicode;
import tango.text.convert.Utf;
import tango.core.Exception;
import tango.stdc.stdlib : exit;

import tango.util.log.Trace;
import tango.util.log.Log;
import tango.text.UnicodeData;
Logger getDwtLogger(){
    return Log.lookup( "org.eclipse.swt" );

alias tango.text.Text.Text!(char) StringBuffer;

alias ArrayBoundsException ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException;

abstract class ArrayWrapper{
abstract class ValueWrapper{

class ArrayWrapperT(T) : ArrayWrapper {
    public T[] array;
    public this( T[] data ){
        array = data;
    public override int opEquals( Object o ){
        if( auto other = cast(ArrayWrapperT!(T))o){
            return array == other.array;
        return false;
    public override hash_t toHash(){
        return (typeid(T[])).getHash(&array);
    static if( is( T == char )){
        public override char[] toString(){
            return array;

class ValueWrapperT(T) : ValueWrapper {
    public T value;
    public this( T data ){
        value = data;
    static if( is(T==class) || is(T==interface)){
        public int opEquals( Object other ){
            if( auto o = cast(ValueWrapperT!(T))other ){
                return value == o.value;
            if( auto o = cast(T)other ){
                if( value is o ){
                    return true;
                if( value is null || o is null ){
                    return false;
                return value == o;
            return false;
        public int opEquals( Object other ){
            if( auto o = cast(ValueWrapperT!(T))other ){
                return value == o.value;
            return false;
        public int opEquals( T other ){
            return value == other;
    public override hash_t toHash(){
        return (typeid(T)).getHash(&value);

alias ArrayWrapperT!(byte)    ArrayWrapperByte;
alias ArrayWrapperT!(int)     ArrayWrapperInt;
alias ArrayWrapperT!(Object)  ArrayWrapperObject;
alias ArrayWrapperT!(char)    ArrayWrapperString;
alias ArrayWrapperT!(String)  ArrayWrapperString2;

Object[] StringArrayToObjectArray( String[] strs ){
    Object[] res = new Object[strs.length];
    foreach( idx, str; strs ){
        res[idx] = new ArrayWrapperString(str);
    return res;
int codepointIndexToIndex( String str, int cpIndex ){
    int cps = cpIndex;
    int res = 0;
    while( cps > 0 ){
        if( str[res] < 0x80 ){
        else if( str[res] < 0xE0 ){
        else if( str[res] & 0xF0 ){
    return res;

int indexToCodepointIndex( String str, int index ){
    if( index < 0 ) return index;
    int i = 0;
    int res = 0;
    while( i < index ){
        if( i >= str.length ){
        if( str[i] < 0x80 ){
        else if( str[i] < 0xE0 ){
        else if( str[i] & 0xF0 ){
    return res;

 + Get that String, that contains the next codepoint of a String.
String firstCodePointStr( String str, out int consumed ){
    dchar[1] buf;
    uint ate;
    dchar[] res = str.toString32( buf, &ate );
    consumed = ate;
    return str[ 0 .. ate ];

 + Get first codepoint of a String. If an offset is needed, simply use a slice:
 + ---
 + dchar res = str[ offset .. $ ].firstCodePoint();
 + ---
dchar firstCodePoint( String str ){
    int dummy;
    return firstCodePoint( str, dummy );
dchar firstCodePoint( String str, out int consumed ){
    dchar[1] buf;
    uint ate;
    dchar[] res = str.toString32( buf, &ate );
    consumed = ate;
    if( ate is 0 || res.length is 0 ){
        Trace.formatln( "dwthelper.utils {}: str.length={} str={:X2}", __LINE__, str.length, cast(ubyte[])str );
    assert( ate > 0 );
    assert( res.length is 1 );
    return res[0];
dchar firstCodePoint( wchar[] str, out int consumed ){
    dchar[1] buf;
    uint ate;
    dchar[] res = str.toString32( buf, &ate );
    consumed = ate;
    if( ate is 0 || res.length is 0 ){
        Trace.formatln( "dwthelper.utils {}: str.length={} str={:X2}", __LINE__, str.length, cast(ubyte[])str );
    assert( ate > 0 );
    assert( res.length is 1 );
    return res[0];

String dcharToString( dchar key ){
    dchar[1] buf;
    buf[0] = key;
    return tango.text.convert.Utf.toString( buf );

int codepointCount( String str ){
    scope dchar[] buf = new dchar[]( str.length );
    uint ate;
    dchar[] res = tango.text.convert.Utf.toString32( str, buf, &ate );
    assert( ate is str.length );
    return res.length;

//alias tango.text.convert.Utf.toString16 toString16;
//alias tango.text.convert.Utf.toString toString;

int toAbsoluteCodePointStartOffset( String str, int index ){
    //Trace.formatln( "str={}, str.length={}, index={}", str, str.length, index );
    //Trace.memory( str );
    if( str.length is index ){
        return index;
    if( ( str[index] & 0x80 ) is 0x00 ) {
        return index;
        int steps = 0;
        while(( str[index] & 0xC0 ) is 0x80 ){
            if( steps > 3 || index < 0 ){
        if((( str[index] & 0xE0 ) is 0xC0) && ( steps <= 1 )){
            // ok
        else if((( str[index] & 0xF0 ) is 0xE0) && ( steps <= 2 )){
            // ok
        else if((( str[index] & 0xF8 ) is 0xF0) && ( steps <= 3 )){
            // ok
            tango.text.convert.Utf.onUnicodeError( "invalid utf8 input to toAbsoluteCodePointStartOffset" );
        return index;
int getRelativeCodePointOffset( String str, int startIndex, int searchRelCp ){
    return getAbsoluteCodePointOffset( str, startIndex, searchRelCp ) - startIndex;
int getAbsoluteCodePointOffset( String str, int startIndex, int searchRelCp ){

    //Trace.formatln( "str={}, str.length={}, startIndex={}, searchRelCp={}", str, str.length, startIndex, searchRelCp );
    //Trace.memory( str );

    int ignore;
    int i = startIndex;
    if( searchRelCp > 0 ){
        while( searchRelCp !is 0 ){

            if( ( i < str.length )
            && (( str[i] & 0x80 ) is 0x00 ))
            else if( ( i+1 < str.length )
                && (( str[i+1] & 0xC0 ) is 0x80 )
                && (( str[i  ] & 0xE0 ) is 0xC0 ))
            else if( ( i+2 < str.length )
                && (( str[i+2] & 0xC0 ) is 0x80 )
                && (( str[i+1] & 0xC0 ) is 0x80 )
                && (( str[i  ] & 0xF0 ) is 0xE0 ))
            else if(( i+3 < str.length )
                && (( str[i+3] & 0xC0 ) is 0x80 )
                && (( str[i+2] & 0xC0 ) is 0x80 )
                && (( str[i+1] & 0xC0 ) is 0x80 )
                && (( str[i  ] & 0xF8 ) is 0xF0 ))
                Trace.formatln( "getAbsoluteCodePointOffset invalid utf8 characters:  {:X2}", cast(ubyte[]) str );
                tango.text.convert.Utf.onUnicodeError( "invalid utf8 input", i );
    else if( searchRelCp < 0 ){
        while( searchRelCp !is 0 ){
                if( i < 0 ){
                    return startIndex-1;
            } while(( str[i] & 0xC0 ) is 0x80 );
    return i;
int getAbsoluteCodePointOffset( wchar[] str, int startIndex, int searchRelCp ){
    int ignore;
    int i = startIndex;
    if( searchRelCp > 0 ){
        while( searchRelCp !is 0 ){

            if( ( i < str.length )
                && ( str[i] & 0xD800 ) !is 0xD800 )
            else if( ( i+1 < str.length )
                && (( str[i+1] & 0xDC00 ) is 0xDC00 )
                && (( str[i  ] & 0xDC00 ) is 0xD800 ))
                Trace.formatln( "invalid utf16 characters:  {:X2}", cast(ubyte[]) str );
                tango.text.convert.Utf.onUnicodeError( "invalid utf16 input", i );
    else if( searchRelCp < 0 ){
        while( searchRelCp !is 0 ){
                if( i < 0 ){
                    return startIndex-1;
                    //Trace.formatln( "dwthelper.utils getRelativeCodePointOffset {}: str={}, startIndex={}, searchRelCp={}", __LINE__, str, startIndex, searchRelCp );
                    //tango.text.convert.Utf.onUnicodeError( "invalid utf16 input", i );
            } while(( str[i] & 0xDC00 ) is 0xDC00 );
    return i;
dchar getRelativeCodePoint( String str, int startIndex, int searchRelCp ){
    int dummy;
    return getRelativeCodePoint( str, startIndex, dummy );
dchar getRelativeCodePoint( String str, int startIndex, int searchRelCp, out int relIndex ){
    relIndex = getRelativeCodePointOffset( str, startIndex, searchRelCp );
    int ignore;
    return firstCodePoint( str[ startIndex+relIndex .. $ ], ignore );

int utf8AdjustOffset( String str, int offset ){
    if( str.length <= offset || offset <= 0 ){
        return offset;
    while(( str[offset] & 0xC0 ) is 0x80 ){
    return offset;
int utf8OffsetIncr( String str, int offset ){
    int res = offset +1;
    if( str.length <= res || res <= 0 ){
        return res;
    int tries = 4;
    while(( str[res] & 0xC0 ) is 0x80 ){
        assert( tries-- > 0 );
    return res;
int utf8OffsetDecr( String str, int offset ){
    int res = offset-1;
    if( str.length <= res || res <= 0 ){
        return res;
    int tries = 4;
    while(( str[res] & 0xC0 ) is 0x80 ){
        assert( tries-- > 0 );
    Trace.formatln( "utf8OffsetDecr {}->{}", offset, res );
    Trace.memory( str );
    return res;

String new_String( String cont, int offset, int len ){
    return cont[ offset .. offset+len ].dup;

String new_String( String cont ){
    return cont.dup;

String String_valueOf( bool v ){
    return v ? "true" : "false";

String String_valueOf( int v ){
    return tango.text.convert.Integer.toString(v);

String String_valueOf( long v ){
    return tango.text.convert.Integer.toString(v);

String String_valueOf( float v ){
    return tango.text.convert.Float.toString(v);

String String_valueOf( double v ){
    return tango.text.convert.Float.toString(v);

String String_valueOf( dchar v ){
    return dcharToString(v);

String String_valueOf( char[] v ){
    return v.dup;

String String_valueOf( char[] v, int offset, int len ){
    return v[ offset .. offset+len ].dup;

String String_valueOf( Object v ){
    return v is null ? "null" : v.toString();

bool CharacterIsDefined( dchar ch ){
    return (ch in tango.text.UnicodeData.unicodeData) !is null;

dchar CharacterFirstToLower( String str ){
    int consumed;
    return CharacterFirstToLower( str, consumed );

dchar CharacterFirstToLower( String str, out int consumed ){
    dchar[1] buf;
    buf[0] = firstCodePoint( str, consumed );
    dchar[] r = tango.text.Unicode.toLower( buf );
    return r[0];

int length( String str ){
    return str.length;

dchar CharacterToLower( dchar c ){
    dchar[] r = tango.text.Unicode.toLower( [c] );
    return r[0];
dchar CharacterToUpper( dchar c ){
    dchar[] r = tango.text.Unicode.toUpper( [c] );
    return r[0];
bool CharacterIsWhitespace( dchar c ){
    return tango.text.Unicode.isWhitespace( c );
bool CharacterIsDigit( dchar c ){
    return tango.text.Unicode.isDigit( c );
bool CharacterIsLetter( dchar c ){
    return tango.text.Unicode.isLetter( c );

/// Extension to String
public String toUpperCase( String str ){
    return tango.text.Unicode.toUpper( str );

/// Extension to String
public String replaceFirst( String str, String regex, String replacement ){
    return str;

/// Extension to String
public int indexOf( String str, char searched ){
    int res = tango.text.Util.locate( str, searched );
    if( res is str.length ) res = -1;
    return res;

/// Extension to String
public int indexOf( String str, char searched, int startpos ){
    int res = tango.text.Util.locate( str, searched, startpos );
    if( res is str.length ) res = -1;
    return res;

/// Extension to String
public int indexOf(String str, String ch){
    return indexOf( str, ch, 0 );

/// Extension to String
public int indexOf(String str, String ch, int start){
    int res = tango.text.Util.locatePattern( str, ch, start );
    if( res is str.length ) res = -1;
    return res;

/// Extension to String
public int lastIndexOf(String str, char ch){
    return lastIndexOf( str, ch, str.length );

/// Extension to String
public int lastIndexOf(String str, char ch, int formIndex){
    int res = tango.text.Util.locatePrior( str, ch, formIndex );
    if( res is str.length ) res = -1;
    return res;

/// Extension to String
public int lastIndexOf(String str, String ch ){
    return lastIndexOf( str, ch, str.length );

/// Extension to String
public int lastIndexOf(String str, String ch, int start ){
    int res = tango.text.Util.locatePatternPrior( str, ch, start );
    if( res is str.length ) res = -1;
    return res;

/// Extension to String
public String replaceAll( String str, String regex, String replacement ){
    return null;

/// Extension to String
public String replace( String str, char from, char to ){
    return tango.text.Util.replace( str.dup, from, to );

/// Extension to String
public String substring( String str, int start ){
    return str[ start .. $ ].dup;

/// Extension to String
public String substring( String str, int start, int end ){
    return str[ start .. end ].dup;

/// Extension to String
public wchar[] substring( wchar[] str, int start ){
    return str[ start .. $ ].dup;

/// Extension to String
public wchar[] substring( wchar[] str, int start, int end ){
    return str[ start .. end ].dup;

/// Extension to String
public char charAt( String str, int pos ){
    return str[ pos ];

/// Extension to String
public void getChars( String src, int srcBegin, int srcEnd, String dst, int dstBegin){
    dst[ dstBegin .. dstBegin + srcEnd - srcBegin ] = src[ srcBegin .. srcEnd ];

/// Extension to String
public wchar[] toWCharArray( String str ){
    return toString16(str);

/// Extension to String
public char[] toCharArray( String str ){
    return str;

/// Extension to String
public bool endsWith( String src, String pattern ){
    if( src.length < pattern.length ){
        return false;
    return src[ $-pattern.length .. $ ] == pattern;

/// Extension to String
public bool equals( String src, String other ){
    return src == other;

/// Extension to String
public bool equalsIgnoreCase( String src, String other ){
    return tango.text.Unicode.toFold(src) == tango.text.Unicode.toFold(other);

/// Extension to String
public int compareToIgnoreCase( String src, String other ){
    return compareTo( tango.text.Unicode.toFold(src), tango.text.Unicode.toFold(other));

/// Extension to String
public int compareTo( String src, String other ){
    return typeid(String).compare( cast(void*)&src, cast(void*)&other );

/// Extension to String
public bool startsWith( String src, String pattern ){
    if( src.length < pattern.length ){
        return false;
    return src[ 0 .. pattern.length ] == pattern;

/// Extension to String
public String toLowerCase( String src ){
    return tango.text.Unicode.toLower( src );

/// Extension to String
public hash_t toHash( String src ){
    return typeid(String).getHash(&src);

/// Extension to String
public String trim( String str ){
    return tango.text.Util.trim( str ).dup;

/// Extension to String
public String intern( String str ){
    return str;

 + This is like tango.stdc.stringz.toStringz, but in case of an empty input string,
 + this function returns a pointer to a null value instead of a null ptr.
public char* toStringzValidPtr( String src ){
    if( src ){
        return src.toStringz();
        static const String nullPtr = "\0";
        return nullPtr.ptr;

public alias tango.stdc.stringz.toStringz toStringz;
public alias tango.stdc.stringz.toString16z toString16z;
public alias tango.stdc.stringz.fromStringz fromStringz;
public alias tango.stdc.stringz.fromString16z fromString16z;

static String toHex(uint value, bool prefix = true, int radix = 8){
    return tango.text.convert.Integer.toString(
            radix is 10 ? "d" :
            radix is  8 ? "o" :
            radix is 16 ? "x" :
                          "d" );

interface Cloneable{

interface Comparable {
    int compareTo(Object o);
interface Comparator {
    int compare(Object o1, Object o2);

private struct GCStats {
    size_t poolsize;        // total size of pool
    size_t usedsize;        // bytes allocated
    size_t freeblocks;      // number of blocks marked FREE
    size_t freelistsize;    // total of memory on free lists
    size_t pageblocks;      // number of blocks marked PAGE
private extern(C) GCStats gc_stats();

size_t RuntimeTotalMemory(){
    GCStats s = gc_stats();
    return s.poolsize;

/// Extension to the D Exception
String ExceptionGetLocalizedMessage( Exception e ){
    return e.msg;

/// Extension to the D Exception
void ExceptionPrintStackTrace( Exception e ){
    ExceptionPrintStackTrace( e, Stderr );

/// Extension to the D Exception
void ExceptionPrintStackTrace( Exception e, FormatOutput!(char) print ){
    Exception exception = e;
    while( exception !is null ){
        print.formatln( "Exception in {}({}): {}", exception.file, exception.line, exception.msg );
        if( !is null ){
            foreach( msg; ){
                print.formatln( "trc {}", msg );
        exception =;

template arraycast(T) {
    T[] arraycast(U) (U[] u) {
        static if (
            (is (T == interface ) && is (U == interface )) ||
            (is (T == class ) && is (U == class ))) {
        else {
            int l = u.length;
            T[] res;
            res.length = l;
            for (int i = 0; i < l; i++) {
                res[i] = cast(T)u[i];

String stringcast( Object o ){
    if( auto str = cast(ArrayWrapperString) o ){
        return str.array;
    return null;
String[] stringcast( Object[] objs ){
    String[] res = new String[](objs.length);
    foreach( idx, obj; objs ){
        res[idx] = stringcast(obj);
    return res;
ArrayWrapperString stringcast( String str ){
    return new ArrayWrapperString( str );
ArrayWrapperString[] stringcast( String[] strs ){
    ArrayWrapperString[] res = new ArrayWrapperString[ strs.length ];
    foreach( idx, str; strs ){
        res[idx] = stringcast(str);
    return res;

String[] stringArrayFromObject( Object obj ){
    if( auto wrapper = cast(ArrayWrapperString2)obj ){
        return wrapper.array;
    if( auto wrapper = cast(ArrayWrapperObject)obj ){
        String[] res = new String[ wrapper.array.length ];
        foreach( idx, o; wrapper.array ){
            if( auto swrapper = cast(ArrayWrapperString) o ){
                res[idx] = swrapper.array;
        return res;
    assert( obj is null ); // if not null, it was the wrong type
    return null;

T[] arrayFromObject(T)( Object obj ){
    if( auto wrapper = cast(ArrayWrapperObject)obj ){
        T[] res = new T[ wrapper.array.length ];
        foreach( idx, o; wrapper.array ){
            res[idx] = cast(T)o;
        return res;
    assert( obj is null ); // if not null, it was the wrong type
    return null;

bool ArrayEquals(T)( T[] a, T[] b ){
    if( a.length !is b.length ){
        return false;
    for( int i = 0; i < a.length; i++ ){
        static if( is( T==class) || is(T==interface)){
            if( a[i] !is null && b[i] !is null ){
                if( a[i] != b[i] ){
                    return false;
            else if( a[i] is null && b[i] is null ){
                return false;
            if( a[i] != b[i] ){
                return false;
    return true;

/+int SeqIndexOf(T)( tango.util.collection.model.Seq.Seq!(T) s, T src ){
    int idx;
    foreach( e; s ){
        if( e == src ){
            return idx;
    return -1;

int arrayIndexOf(T)( T[] arr, T v ){
    int res = -1;
    int idx = 0;
    foreach( p; arr ){
        if( p == v){
            res = idx;
    return res;

// int seqIndexOf( tango.util.collection.model.Seq.Seq!(Object) seq, Object v ){
//     int res = -1;
//     int idx = 0;
//     foreach( p; seq ){
//         if( p == v){
//             res = idx;
//             break;
//         }
//         idx++;
//     }
//     return res;
// }

void PrintStackTrace( int deepth = 100, String prefix = "trc" ){
    auto e = new Exception( null );
    int idx = 0;
    const start = 3;
    foreach( msg; ){
        if( idx >= start && idx < start+deepth ) {
            Trace.formatln( "{}: {}", prefix, msg );

struct ImportData{
    void[] data;
    String name;

    public static ImportData opCall( void[] data, String name ){
        ImportData res; = data; = name;
        return res;

template getImportData(String name ){
    const ImportData getImportData = ImportData( import(name), name );

interface CharSequence {
    char           charAt(int index);
    int             length();
    CharSequence    subSequence(int start, int end);
    String          toString();

 + String in java is implementing the interface CharSequence
class StringCharSequence : CharSequence {
    private String str;
    this( String str ){
        this.str = str;
    char           charAt(int index){
        return str[index];
    int             length(){
        return str.length;
    CharSequence    subSequence(int start, int end){
        return new StringCharSequence( str[ start .. end ]);
    String          toString(){
        return str;