diff base/src/java/nonstandard/RuntimeTraits.d @ 84:fcf926c91ca4

Added base classes
author Frank Benoit <benoit@tionex.de>
date Sat, 18 Apr 2009 09:25:29 +0200
children 9f4c18c268b2
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/base/src/java/nonstandard/RuntimeTraits.d	Sat Apr 18 09:25:29 2009 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,609 @@
+ * Provides runtime traits, which provide much of the functionality of tango.core.Traits and
+ * is-expressions, as well as some functionality that is only available at runtime, using 
+ * runtime type information. 
+ * 
+ * Authors: Chris Wright (dhasenan) <dhasenan@gmail.com>
+ * License: tango license, apache 2.0
+ * Copyright (c) 2009, CHRISTOPHER WRIGHT
+ */
+module java.nonstandard.RuntimeTraits;
+import java.lang.all;
+// Only DWT
+public bool isJavaPrimitive( TypeInfo type ){
+    return isBool(type) || isInteger(type) || isCharacter(type) || isFloat(type);
+public TypeInfo_Class getTypeInfo( ClassInfo ci ){
+    return null;
+public TypeInfo_Class getSuperclass( ClassInfo ci ){
+    return getSuperclass(getTypeInfo(ci));
+public TypeInfo_Class getSuperclass( TypeInfo ti ){
+    return null;
+public TypeInfo_Interface[] getInterfaces( ClassInfo ci ){
+    return getInterfaces(getTypeInfo(ci));
+public TypeInfo_Interface[] getInterfaces( TypeInfo ti ){
+    return null;
+public String getName( ClassInfo ci ){
+    return ci.name;
+public String getName( TypeInfo ti ){
+    if( isClass(ti) ){
+        return getName( asClass(ti));
+    }
+    return null;
+// End DWT. Start Tango...
+/// If the given type represents a typedef, return the actual type.
+TypeInfo realType (TypeInfo type)
+    // TypeInfo_Typedef.next() doesn't return the actual type.
+    // I think it returns TypeInfo_Typedef.base.next().
+    // So, a slightly different method.
+    auto def = cast(TypeInfo_Typedef) type;
+    if (def !is null)
+    {
+        return def.base;
+    }
+    return type;
+/// If the given type represents a class, return its ClassInfo; else return null;
+ClassInfo asClass (TypeInfo type)
+    if (isInterface (type))
+    {
+        auto klass = cast(TypeInfo_Interface) type;
+        return klass.info;
+    }
+    if (isClass (type))
+    {
+        auto klass = cast(TypeInfo_Class) type;
+        return klass.info;
+    }
+    return null;
+/** Returns true iff one type is an ancestor of the other, or if the types are the same.
+ * If either is null, returns false. */
+bool isDerived (ClassInfo derived, ClassInfo base)
+    if (derived is null || base is null)
+        return false;
+    do
+        if (derived is base)
+            return true;
+    while ((derived = derived.base) !is null)
+    return false;
+/** Returns true iff implementor implements the interface described
+ * by iface. This is an expensive operation (linear in the number of
+ * interfaces and base classes).
+ */
+bool implements (ClassInfo implementor, ClassInfo iface)
+    foreach (info; applyInterfaces (implementor))
+    {
+        if (iface is info)
+            return true;
+    }
+    return false;
+/** Returns true iff an instance of class test is implicitly castable to target. 
+ * This is an expensive operation (isDerived + implements). */
+bool isImplicitly (ClassInfo test, ClassInfo target)
+    // Keep isDerived first.
+    // isDerived will be much faster than implements.
+    return (isDerived (test, target) || implements (test, target));
+/** Returns true iff an instance of type test is implicitly castable to target. 
+ * If the types describe classes or interfaces, this is an expensive operation. */
+bool isImplicitly (TypeInfo test, TypeInfo target)
+    // A lot of special cases. This is ugly.
+    if (test is target)
+        return true;
+    if (isStaticArray (test) && isDynamicArray (target) && valueType (test) is valueType (target))
+    {
+        // you can implicitly cast static to dynamic (currently) if they 
+        // have the same value type. Other casts should be forbidden.
+        return true;
+    }
+    auto klass1 = asClass (test);
+    auto klass2 = asClass (target);
+    if (isClass (test) && isClass (target))
+    {
+        return isDerived (klass1, klass2);
+    }
+    if (isInterface (test) && isInterface (target))
+    {
+        return isDerived (klass1, klass2);
+    }
+    if (klass1 && klass2)
+    {
+        return isImplicitly (klass1, klass2);
+    }
+    if (klass1 || klass2)
+    {
+        // no casts from class to non-class
+        return false;
+    }
+    if ((isSignedInteger (test) && isSignedInteger (target)) || (isUnsignedInteger (test) && isUnsignedInteger (target)) || (isFloat (
+            test) && isFloat (target)) || (isCharacter (test) && isCharacter (target)))
+    {
+        return test.tsize () <= target.tsize ();
+    }
+    if (isSignedInteger (test) && isUnsignedInteger (target))
+    {
+        // potential loss of data
+        return false;
+    }
+    if (isUnsignedInteger (test) && isSignedInteger (target))
+    {
+        // if the sizes are the same, you could be losing data
+        // the upper half of the range wraps around to negatives
+        // if the target type is larger, you can safely hold it
+        return test.tsize () < target.tsize ();
+    }
+    // delegates and functions: no can do
+    // pointers: no
+    // structs: no
+    return false;
+ClassInfo[] baseClasses (ClassInfo type)
+    if (type is null)
+        return null;
+    ClassInfo[] types;
+    while ((type = type.base) !is null)
+        types ~= type;
+    return types;
+/** Returns a list of all interfaces that this type implements, directly
+ * or indirectly. This includes base interfaces of types the class implements,
+ * and interfaces that base classes implement, and base interfaces of interfaces
+ * that base classes implement. This is an expensive operation. */
+ClassInfo[] baseInterfaces (ClassInfo type)
+    if (type is null)
+        return null;
+    ClassInfo[] types = directInterfaces (type);
+    while ((type = type.base) !is null)
+    {
+        types ~= interfaceGraph (type);
+    }
+    return types;
+/** Returns all the interfaces that this type directly implements, including
+ * inherited interfaces. This is an expensive operation.
+ * 
+ * Examples:
+ * ---
+ * interface I1 {}
+ * interface I2 : I1 {}
+ * class A : I2 {}
+ * 
+ * auto interfaces = interfaceGraph (A.classinfo);
+ * // interfaces = [I1.classinfo, I2.classinfo]
+ * --- 
+ * 
+ * ---
+ * interface I1 {}
+ * interface I2 {}
+ * class A : I1 {}
+ * class B : A, I2 {}
+ * 
+ * auto interfaces = interfaceGraph (B.classinfo);
+ * // interfaces = [I2.classinfo]
+ * ---
+ */
+ClassInfo[] interfaceGraph (ClassInfo type)
+    ClassInfo[] info;
+    foreach (iface; type.interfaces)
+    {
+        info ~= iface.classinfo;
+        info ~= interfaceGraph (iface.classinfo);
+    }
+    return info;
+/** Iterate through all interfaces that type implements, directly or indirectly, including base interfaces. */
+struct applyInterfaces
+    ///
+    static applyInterfaces opCall (ClassInfo type)
+    {
+        applyInterfaces apply;
+        apply.type = type;
+        return apply;
+    }
+    ///
+    int opApply (int delegate (ref ClassInfo) dg)
+    {
+        int result = 0;
+        for (; type; type = type.base)
+        {
+            foreach (iface; type.interfaces)
+            {
+                result = dg (iface.classinfo);
+                if (result)
+                    return result;
+                result = applyInterfaces (iface.classinfo).opApply (dg);
+                if (result)
+                    return result;
+            }
+        }
+        return result;
+    }
+    ClassInfo type;
+ClassInfo[] baseTypes (ClassInfo type)
+    if (type is null)
+        return null;
+    return baseClasses (type) ~ baseInterfaces (type);
+ModuleInfo moduleOf (ClassInfo type)
+    foreach (modula; ModuleInfo)
+        foreach (klass; modula.localClasses)
+            if (klass is type)
+                return modula;
+    return null;
+/// Returns a list of interfaces that this class directly implements.
+ClassInfo[] directInterfaces (ClassInfo type)
+    ClassInfo[] types;
+    foreach (iface; type.interfaces)
+        types ~= iface.classinfo;
+    return types;
+/** Returns a list of all types that are derived from the given type. This does not 
+ * count interfaces; that is, if type is an interface, you will only get derived 
+ * interfaces back. It is an expensive operations. */
+ClassInfo[] derivedTypes (ClassInfo type)
+    ClassInfo[] types;
+    foreach (modula; ModuleInfo)
+        foreach (klass; modula.localClasses)
+            if (isDerived (klass, type) && (klass !is type))
+                types ~= klass;
+    return types;
+bool isDynamicArray (TypeInfo type)
+    // This implementation is evil.
+    // Array typeinfos are named TypeInfo_A?, and defined individually for each
+    // possible type aside from structs. For example, typeinfo for int[] is
+    // TypeInfo_Ai; for uint[], TypeInfo_Ak.
+    // So any TypeInfo with length 11 and starting with TypeInfo_A is an array
+    // type.
+    // Also, TypeInfo_Array is an array type.
+    type = realType (type);
+    return ((type.classinfo.name[9] == 'A') && (type.classinfo.name.length == 11)) || ((cast(TypeInfo_Array) type) !is null);
+bool isStaticArray (TypeInfo type)
+    type = realType (type);
+    return (cast(TypeInfo_StaticArray) type) !is null;
+/** Returns true iff the given type is a dynamic or static array (false for associative
+ * arrays and non-arrays). */
+bool isArray (TypeInfo type)
+    type = realType (type);
+    return isDynamicArray (type) || isStaticArray (type);
+bool isAssociativeArray (TypeInfo type)
+    type = realType (type);
+    return (cast(TypeInfo_AssociativeArray) type) !is null;
+bool isCharacter (TypeInfo type)
+    type = realType (type);
+    return (type is typeid(char) || type is typeid(wchar) || type is typeid(dchar));
+bool isString (TypeInfo type)
+    type = realType (type);
+    return isArray (type) && isCharacter (valueType (type));
+bool isUnsignedInteger (TypeInfo type)
+    type = realType (type);
+    return (type is typeid(uint) || type is typeid(ulong) || type is typeid(ushort) || type is typeid(ubyte));
+bool isSignedInteger (TypeInfo type)
+    type = realType (type);
+    return (type is typeid(int) || type is typeid(long) || type is typeid(short) || type is typeid(byte));
+bool isInteger (TypeInfo type)
+    type = realType (type);
+    return isSignedInteger (type) || isUnsignedInteger (type);
+bool isBool (TypeInfo type)
+    type = realType (type);
+    return (type is typeid(bool));
+bool isFloat (TypeInfo type)
+    type = realType (type);
+    return (type is typeid(float) || type is typeid(double) || type is typeid(real));
+bool isPrimitive (TypeInfo type)
+    type = realType (type);
+    return (isArray (type) || isAssociativeArray (type) || isCharacter (type) || isFloat (type) || isInteger (type));
+/// Returns true iff the given type represents an interface.
+bool isInterface (TypeInfo type)
+    return (cast(TypeInfo_Interface) type) !is null;
+bool isPointer (TypeInfo type)
+    type = realType (type);
+    return (cast(TypeInfo_Pointer) type) !is null;
+/// Returns true iff the type represents a class (false for interfaces).
+bool isClass (TypeInfo type)
+    type = realType (type);
+    return (cast(TypeInfo_Class) type) !is null;
+bool isStruct (TypeInfo type)
+    type = realType (type);
+    return (cast(TypeInfo_Struct) type) !is null;
+bool isFunction (TypeInfo type)
+    type = realType (type);
+    return ((cast(TypeInfo_Function) type) !is null) || ((cast(TypeInfo_Delegate) type) !is null);
+/** Returns true iff the given type is a reference type. */
+bool isReferenceType (TypeInfo type)
+    return isClass (type) || isPointer (type) || isDynamicArray (type);
+/** Returns true iff the given type represents a user-defined type. 
+ * This does not include functions, delegates, aliases, or typedefs. */
+bool isUserDefined (TypeInfo type)
+    return isClass (type) || isStruct (type);
+/** Returns true for all value types, false for all reference types.
+ * For functions and delegates, returns false (is this the way it should be?). */
+bool isValueType (TypeInfo type)
+    return !(isDynamicArray (type) || isAssociativeArray (type) || isPointer (type) || isClass (type) || isFunction (
+            type));
+/** The key type of the given type. For an array, size_t; for an associative
+ * array T[U], U. */
+TypeInfo keyType (TypeInfo type)
+    type = realType (type);
+    auto assocArray = cast(TypeInfo_AssociativeArray) type;
+    if (assocArray)
+        return assocArray.key;
+    if (isArray (type))
+        return typeid(size_t);
+    return null;
+/** The value type of the given type -- given T[] or T[n], T; given T[U],
+ * T; given T*, T; anything else, null. */
+TypeInfo valueType (TypeInfo type)
+    type = realType (type);
+    if (isArray (type))
+        return type.next;
+    auto assocArray = cast(TypeInfo_AssociativeArray) type;
+    if (assocArray)
+        return assocArray.value;
+    auto pointer = cast(TypeInfo_Pointer) type;
+    if (pointer)
+        return pointer.m_next;
+    return null;
+/** If the given type represents a delegate or function, the return type
+ * of that function. Otherwise, null. */
+TypeInfo returnType (TypeInfo type)
+    type = realType (type);
+    auto delegat = cast(TypeInfo_Delegate) type;
+    if (delegat)
+        return delegat.next;
+    auto func = cast(TypeInfo_Function) type;
+    if (func)
+        return func.next;
+    return null;
+debug (UnitTest)
+    interface I1
+    {
+    }
+    interface I2
+    {
+    }
+    interface I3
+    {
+    }
+    interface I4
+    {
+    }
+    class A
+    {
+    }
+    class B : A, I1
+    {
+    }
+    class C : B, I2, I3
+    {
+    }
+    class D : A, I1
+    {
+        int foo (int i)
+        {
+            return i;
+        }
+    }
+    struct S1
+    {
+    }
+    unittest {
+        // Struct-related stuff.
+        auto type = typeid(S1);
+        assert (isStruct (type));
+        assert (isValueType (type));
+        assert (isUserDefined (type));
+        assert (!isClass (type));
+        assert (!isPointer (type));
+        assert (null is returnType (type));
+        assert (!isPrimitive (type));
+        assert (valueType (type) is null);
+    }
+    unittest {
+        auto type = A.classinfo;
+        assert (baseTypes (type) == [Object.classinfo]);
+        assert (baseClasses (type) == [Object.classinfo]);
+        assert (baseInterfaces (type).length == 0);
+        type = C.classinfo;
+        assert (baseClasses (type) == [B.classinfo, A.classinfo, Object.classinfo]);
+        assert (baseInterfaces (type) == [I2.classinfo, I3.classinfo, I1.classinfo]);
+        assert (baseTypes (type) == [B.classinfo, A.classinfo, Object.classinfo, I2.classinfo, I3.classinfo,
+                I1.classinfo]);
+    }
+    unittest {
+        assert (isPointer (typeid(S1*)));
+        assert (isArray (typeid(S1[])));
+        assert (valueType (typeid(S1*)) is typeid(S1));
+        auto d = new D;
+        assert (returnType (typeid(typeof(&d.foo))) is typeid(int));
+        assert (isFloat (typeid(real)));
+        assert (isFloat (typeid(double)));
+        assert (isFloat (typeid(float)));
+        assert (!isFloat (typeid(creal)));
+        assert (!isFloat (typeid(cdouble)));
+        assert (!isInteger (typeid(float)));
+        assert (!isInteger (typeid(creal)));
+        assert (isInteger (typeid(ulong)));
+        assert (isInteger (typeid(ubyte)));
+        assert (isCharacter (typeid(char)));
+        assert (isCharacter (typeid(wchar)));
+        assert (isCharacter (typeid(dchar)));
+        assert (!isCharacter (typeid(ubyte)));
+        assert (isArray (typeid(typeof("hello"))));
+        assert (isCharacter (typeid(typeof("hello"[0]))));
+        assert (valueType (typeid(typeof("hello"))) is typeid(typeof('h')));
+        assert (isString (typeid(typeof("hello"))), typeof("hello").stringof);
+        auto staticString = typeid(typeof("hello"d));
+        auto dynamicString = typeid(typeof("hello"d[0 .. $]));
+        assert (isString (staticString));
+        assert (isStaticArray (staticString));
+        assert (isDynamicArray (dynamicString), dynamicString.toString () ~ dynamicString.classinfo.name);
+        assert (isString (dynamicString));
+        auto type = typeid(int[char[]]);
+        assert (valueType (type) is typeid(int), valueType (type).toString ());
+        assert (keyType (type) is typeid(char[]), keyType (type).toString ());
+        void delegate (int) dg = (int i)
+        {
+        };
+        assert (returnType (typeid(typeof(dg))) is typeid(void));
+        assert (returnType (typeid(int delegate (int))) is typeid(int));
+        assert (!isDynamicArray (typeid(int[4])));
+        assert (isStaticArray (typeid(int[4])));
+    }
+    unittest {
+        typedef int myint;
+        assert (typeid(myint) !is null, "null typeid(myint)");
+        assert (isInteger (typeid(myint)));
+    }