diff base/src/java/mangoicu/UCollator.d @ 27:1bf55a6eb092

Renamed java tree to base
author Frank Benoit <benoit@tionex.de>
date Sat, 21 Mar 2009 11:33:57 +0100
parents java/src/java/mangoicu/UCollator.d@dbfb303e8fb0
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/base/src/java/mangoicu/UCollator.d	Sat Mar 21 11:33:57 2009 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,732 @@
+        @file UCollator.d
+        Copyright (c) 2004 Kris Bell
+        This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
+        warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for damages
+        of any kind arising from the use of this software.
+        Permission is hereby granted to anyone to use this software for any
+        purpose, including commercial applications, and to alter it and/or
+        redistribute it freely, subject to the following restrictions:
+        1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must
+           not claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this
+           software in a product, an acknowledgment within documentation of
+           said product would be appreciated but is not required.
+        2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must
+           not be misrepresented as being the original software.
+        3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any distribution
+           of the source.
+        4. Derivative works are permitted, but they must carry this notice
+           in full and credit the original source.
+                        ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+        @version        Initial version, November 2004
+        @author         Kris
+        Note that this package and documentation is built around the ICU
+        project (http://oss.software.ibm.com/icu/). Below is the license
+        statement as specified by that software:
+                        ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+        ICU License - ICU 1.8.1 and later
+        Copyright (c) 1995-2003 International Business Machines Corporation and
+        others.
+        All rights reserved.
+        Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
+        copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
+        "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
+        without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
+        distribute, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons
+        to whom the Software is furnished to do so, provided that the above
+        copyright notice(s) and this permission notice appear in all copies of
+        the Software and that both the above copyright notice(s) and this
+        permission notice appear in supporting documentation.
+        Except as contained in this notice, the name of a copyright holder
+        shall not be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use
+        or other dealings in this Software without prior written authorization
+        of the copyright holder.
+        ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+        All trademarks and registered trademarks mentioned herein are the
+        property of their respective owners.
+module java.mangoicu.UCollator;
+private import  java.mangoicu.ICU,
+                java.mangoicu.USet,
+                java.mangoicu.ULocale,
+                java.mangoicu.UString;
+        The API for Collator performs locale-sensitive string comparison.
+        You use this service to build searching and sorting routines for
+        natural language text. Important: The ICU collation service has been
+        reimplemented in order to achieve better performance and UCA compliance.
+        For details, see the collation design document.
+        For more information about the collation service see the users guide.
+        Collation service provides correct sorting orders for most locales
+        supported in ICU. If specific data for a locale is not available,
+        the orders eventually falls back to the UCA sort order.
+        Sort ordering may be customized by providing your own set of rules.
+        For more on this subject see the Collation customization section of
+        the users guide.
+        See <A HREF="http://oss.software.ibm.com/icu/apiref/ucol_8h.html">
+        this page</A> for full details.
+class UCollator : ICU
+        package Handle handle;
+        enum    Attribute
+                {
+                FrenchCollation,
+                AlternateHandling,
+                CaseFirst,
+                CaseLevel,
+                NormalizationMode,
+                DecompositionMode = NormalizationMode,
+                strength,
+                HiraganaQuaternaryMode,
+                NumericCollation,
+                AttributeCount
+                }
+        enum    AttributeValue
+                {
+                Default = -1,
+                Primary = 0,
+                Secondary = 1,
+                Tertiary = 2,
+                DefaultStrength = Tertiary,
+                CeStrengthLimit,
+                Quaternary = 3,
+                Identical = 15,
+                strengthLimit,
+                Off = 16,
+                On = 17,
+                Shifted = 20,
+                NonIgnorable = 21,
+                LowerFirst = 24,
+                UpperFirst = 25,
+                AttributeValueCount
+                }
+         enum   RuleOption
+                {
+                TailoringOnly,
+                FullRules
+                }
+         enum   BoundMode
+                {
+                BoundLower = 0,
+                BoundUpper = 1,
+                BoundUpperLong = 2,
+                BoundValueCount
+                }
+        typedef AttributeValue Strength;
+        /***********************************************************************
+                Open a UCollator for comparing strings. The locale specified
+                determines the required collation rules. Special values for
+                locales can be passed in - if ULocale.Default is passed for
+                the locale, the default locale collation rules will be used.
+                If ULocale.Root is passed, UCA rules will be used
+        ***********************************************************************/
+        this (ULocale locale)
+        {
+                UErrorCode e;
+                handle = ucol_open (toString(locale.name), e);
+                testError (e, "failed to open collator");
+        }
+        /***********************************************************************
+                Produce a UCollator instance according to the rules supplied.
+                The rules are used to change the default ordering, defined in
+                the UCA in a process called tailoring. For the syntax of the
+                rules please see users guide
+        ***********************************************************************/
+        this (UStringView rules, AttributeValue mode, Strength strength)
+        {
+                UErrorCode e;
+                handle = ucol_openRules (rules.get.ptr, rules.len, mode, strength, null, e);
+                testError (e, "failed to open rules-based collator");
+        }
+        /***********************************************************************
+                Open a collator defined by a short form string. The
+                structure and the syntax of the string is defined in
+                the "Naming collators" section of the users guide:
+                http://oss.software.ibm.com/icu/userguide/Collate_Concepts.html#Naming_Collators
+                Attributes are overriden by the subsequent attributes.
+                So, for "S2_S3", final strength will be 3. 3066bis
+                locale overrides individual locale parts.
+                The call to this constructor is equivalent to a plain
+                constructor, followed by a series of calls to setAttribute
+                and setVariableTop
+        ***********************************************************************/
+        this (char[] shortName, bool forceDefaults)
+        {
+                UErrorCode e;
+                handle = ucol_openFromShortString (toString(shortName), forceDefaults, null, e);
+                testError (e, "failed to open short-name collator");
+        }
+        /***********************************************************************
+                Internal constructor invoked via USearch
+        ***********************************************************************/
+        package this (Handle handle)
+        {
+                this.handle = handle;
+        }
+        /***********************************************************************
+                Close a UCollator
+        ***********************************************************************/
+        ~this ()
+        {
+                ucol_close (handle);
+        }
+        /***********************************************************************
+                Get a set containing the contractions defined by the
+                collator.
+                The set includes both the UCA contractions and the
+                contractions defined by the collator. This set will
+                contain only strings. If a tailoring explicitly
+                suppresses contractions from the UCA (like Russian),
+                removed contractions will not be in the resulting set.
+        ***********************************************************************/
+        void getContractions (USet set)
+        {
+                UErrorCode e;
+                ucol_getContractions (handle, set.handle, e);
+                testError (e, "failed to get collator contractions");
+        }
+        /***********************************************************************
+                Compare two strings. Return value is -, 0, +
+        ***********************************************************************/
+        int strcoll (UStringView source, UStringView target)
+        {
+                return ucol_strcoll (handle, source.get.ptr, source.len, target.get.ptr, target.len);
+        }
+        /***********************************************************************
+                Determine if one string is greater than another. This
+                function is equivalent to strcoll() > 1
+        ***********************************************************************/
+        bool greater (UStringView source, UStringView target)
+        {
+                return ucol_greater (handle, source.get.ptr, source.len, target.get.ptr, target.len) != 0;
+        }
+        /***********************************************************************
+                Determine if one string is greater than or equal to
+                another. This function is equivalent to strcoll() >= 0
+        ***********************************************************************/
+        bool greaterOrEqual (UStringView source, UStringView target)
+        {
+                return ucol_greaterOrEqual (handle, source.get.ptr, source.len, target.get.ptr, target.len) != 0;
+        }
+        /***********************************************************************
+                This function is equivalent to strcoll() == 0
+        ***********************************************************************/
+        bool equal (UStringView source, UStringView target)
+        {
+                return ucol_equal (handle, source.get.ptr, source.len, target.get.ptr, target.len) != 0;
+        }
+        /***********************************************************************
+                Get the collation strength used in a UCollator. The
+                strength influences how strings are compared.
+        ***********************************************************************/
+        Strength getStrength ()
+        {
+                return ucol_getStrength (handle);
+        }
+        /***********************************************************************
+                Set the collation strength used in this UCollator. The
+                strength influences how strings are compared. one of
+                Primary, Secondary, Tertiary, Quaternary, Dentical, or
+                Default
+        ***********************************************************************/
+        void setStrength (Strength s)
+        {
+                ucol_setStrength (handle, s);
+        }
+        /***********************************************************************
+                Get the display name for a UCollator. The display name is
+                suitable for presentation to a user
+        ***********************************************************************/
+        void getDisplayName (ULocale obj, ULocale display, UString dst)
+        {
+                uint fmt (wchar* p, uint len, inout UErrorCode e)
+                {
+                        return ucol_getDisplayName (toString(obj.name), toString(display.name), dst.get.ptr, dst.len, e);
+                }
+                dst.format (&fmt, "failed to get collator display name");
+        }
+        /***********************************************************************
+                Returns current rules. Options define whether full rules
+                are returned or just the tailoring.
+        ***********************************************************************/
+        void getRules (UString dst, RuleOption o = RuleOption.FullRules)
+        {
+                uint fmt (wchar* p, uint len, inout UErrorCode e)
+                {
+                        uint needed = ucol_getRulesEx (handle, o, dst.get.ptr, dst.len);
+                        if (needed > len)
+                            e = e.BufferOverflow;
+                        return needed;
+                }
+                dst.format (&fmt, "failed to get collator rules");
+        }
+        /***********************************************************************
+                Get the short definition string for a collator.
+                This API harvests the collator's locale and the attribute
+                set and produces a string that can be used for opening a
+                collator with the same properties using the char[] style
+                constructor. This string will be normalized.
+                The structure and the syntax of the string is defined in the
+                "Naming collators" section of the users guide:
+                http://oss.software.ibm.com/icu/userguide/Collate_Concepts.html#Naming_Collators
+        ***********************************************************************/
+        char[] getShortDefinitionString (ULocale locale = ULocale.Default)
+        {
+                UErrorCode    e;
+                char[64] dst;
+                uint len = ucol_getShortDefinitionString (handle, toString(locale.name), dst.ptr, dst.length, e);
+                testError (e, "failed to get collator short name");
+                return dst[0..len].dup;
+        }
+        /***********************************************************************
+                Verifies and normalizes short definition string. Normalized
+                short definition string has all the option sorted by the
+                argument name, so that equivalent definition strings are the
+                same
+        ***********************************************************************/
+        char[] normalizeShortDefinitionString (char[] source)
+        {
+                UErrorCode    e;
+                char[64] dst;
+                uint len = ucol_normalizeShortDefinitionString (toString(source), dst.ptr, dst.length, null, e);
+                testError (e, "failed to normalize collator short name");
+                return dst[0..len].dup;
+        }
+        /***********************************************************************
+                  Get a sort key for a string from a UCollator. Sort keys
+                  may be compared using strcmp.
+        ***********************************************************************/
+        ubyte[] getSortKey (UStringView t, ubyte[] result)
+        {
+                uint len = ucol_getSortKey (handle, t.get.ptr, t.len, result.ptr, result.length);
+                if (len < result.length)
+                    return result [0..len];
+                 return null;
+        }
+        /***********************************************************************
+                Merge two sort keys. The levels are merged with their
+                corresponding counterparts (primaries with primaries,
+                secondaries with secondaries etc.). Between the values
+                from the same level a separator is inserted. example
+                (uncompressed): 191B1D 01 050505 01 910505 00 and
+                1F2123 01 050505 01 910505 00 will be merged as
+                191B1D 02 1F212301 050505 02 050505 01 910505 02 910505 00
+                This allows for concatenating of first and last names for
+                sorting, among other things. If the destination buffer is
+                not big enough, the results are undefined. If any of source
+                lengths are zero or any of source pointers are null/undefined,
+                result is of size zero.
+        ***********************************************************************/
+        ubyte[] mergeSortkeys (ubyte[] left, ubyte[] right, ubyte[] result)
+        {
+                uint len = ucol_mergeSortkeys (left.ptr, left.length, right.ptr, right.length, result.ptr, result.length);
+                if (len < result.length)
+                    return result [0..len];
+                 return null;
+        }
+        /***********************************************************************
+                Produce a bound for a given sortkey and a number of levels.
+                Return value is always the number of bytes needed, regardless
+                of whether the result buffer was big enough or even valid.
+                Resulting bounds can be used to produce a range of strings
+                that are between upper and lower bounds. For example, if
+                bounds are produced for a sortkey of string "smith", strings
+                between upper and lower bounds with one level would include
+                "Smith", "SMITH", "sMiTh".
+                There are two upper bounds that can be produced. If BoundUpper
+                is produced, strings matched would be as above. However, if
+                bound produced using BoundUpperLong is used, the above example
+                will also match "Smithsonian" and similar.
+        ***********************************************************************/
+        ubyte[] getBound (BoundMode mode, ubyte[] source, ubyte[] result, uint levels = 1)
+        {
+                UErrorCode e;
+                uint len = ucol_getBound (source.ptr, source.length, mode, levels, result.ptr, result.length, e);
+                testError (e, "failed to get sortkey bound");
+                if (len < result.length)
+                    return result [0..len];
+                 return null;
+        }
+        /***********************************************************************
+                Gets the version information for a Collator.
+                Version is currently an opaque 32-bit number which depends,
+                among other things, on major versions of the collator
+                tailoring and UCA
+        ***********************************************************************/
+        void getVersion (inout Version v)
+        {
+                ucol_getVersion (handle, v);
+        }
+        /***********************************************************************
+                Gets the UCA version information for this Collator
+        ***********************************************************************/
+        void getUCAVersion (inout Version v)
+        {
+                ucol_getUCAVersion (handle, v);
+        }
+        /***********************************************************************
+                Universal attribute setter
+        ***********************************************************************/
+        void setAttribute (Attribute attr, AttributeValue value)
+        {
+                UErrorCode e;
+                ucol_setAttribute (handle, attr, value, e);
+                testError (e, "failed to set collator attribute");
+        }
+        /***********************************************************************
+                Universal attribute getter
+        ***********************************************************************/
+        AttributeValue getAttribute (Attribute attr)
+        {
+                UErrorCode e;
+                AttributeValue v = ucol_getAttribute (handle, attr, e);
+                testError (e, "failed to get collator attribute");
+                return v;
+        }
+        /***********************************************************************
+                Variable top is a two byte primary value which causes all
+                the codepoints with primary values that are less or equal
+                than the variable top to be shifted when alternate handling
+                is set to Shifted.
+        ***********************************************************************/
+        void setVariableTop (UStringView t)
+        {
+                UErrorCode e;
+                ucol_setVariableTop (handle, t.get.ptr, t.len, e);
+                testError (e, "failed to set variable-top");
+        }
+        /***********************************************************************
+                Sets the variable top to a collation element value
+                supplied.Variable top is set to the upper 16 bits.
+                Lower 16 bits are ignored.
+        ***********************************************************************/
+        void setVariableTop (uint x)
+        {
+                UErrorCode e;
+                ucol_restoreVariableTop (handle, x, e);
+                testError (e, "failed to restore variable-top");
+        }
+        /***********************************************************************
+                Gets the variable top value of this Collator. Lower 16 bits
+                are undefined and should be ignored.
+        ***********************************************************************/
+        uint getVariableTop ()
+        {
+                UErrorCode e;
+                uint x = ucol_getVariableTop (handle, e);
+                testError (e, "failed to get variable-top");
+                return x;
+        }
+        /***********************************************************************
+                Gets the locale name of the collator. If the collator is
+                instantiated from the rules, then this function will throw
+                an exception
+        ***********************************************************************/
+        void getLocale (ULocale locale, ULocale.Type type)
+        {
+                UErrorCode e;
+                locale.name = toArray (ucol_getLocaleByType (handle, type, e));
+                if (isError(e) || locale.name is null)
+                    exception ("failed to get collator locale");
+        }
+        /***********************************************************************
+                Get the Unicode set that contains all the characters and
+                sequences tailored in this collator.
+        ***********************************************************************/
+        USet getTailoredSet ()
+        {
+                UErrorCode e;
+                Handle h = ucol_getTailoredSet (handle, e);
+                testError (e, "failed to get tailored set");
+                return new USet (h);
+        }
+        /***********************************************************************
+                Bind the ICU functions from a shared library. This is
+                complicated by the issues regarding D and DLLs on the
+                Windows platform
+        ***********************************************************************/
+        private static void* library;
+        /***********************************************************************
+        ***********************************************************************/
+        private static extern (C)
+        {
+                void            function (Handle) ucol_close;
+                Handle          function (char *loc, inout UErrorCode e) ucol_open;
+                Handle          function (wchar* rules, uint rulesLength, AttributeValue normalizationMode, Strength strength, UParseError *parseError, inout UErrorCode e) ucol_openRules;
+                Handle          function (char *definition, byte forceDefaults, UParseError *parseError, inout UErrorCode e) ucol_openFromShortString;
+                uint            function (Handle, Handle conts, inout UErrorCode e) ucol_getContractions;
+                int             function (Handle, wchar* source, uint sourceLength, wchar* target, uint targetLength) ucol_strcoll;
+                byte            function (Handle, wchar* source, uint sourceLength, wchar* target, uint targetLength) ucol_greater;
+                byte            function (Handle, wchar* source, uint sourceLength, wchar* target, uint targetLength) ucol_greaterOrEqual;
+                byte            function (Handle, wchar* source, uint sourceLength, wchar* target, uint targetLength) ucol_equal;
+                Strength        function (Handle) ucol_getStrength;
+                void            function (Handle, Strength strength) ucol_setStrength;
+                uint            function (char *objLoc, char *dispLoc, wchar* result, uint resultLength, inout UErrorCode e) ucol_getDisplayName;
+                uint            function (Handle, char *locale, char *buffer, uint capacity, inout UErrorCode e) ucol_getShortDefinitionString;
+                uint            function (char *source, char *destination, uint capacity, UParseError *parseError, inout UErrorCode e) ucol_normalizeShortDefinitionString;
+                uint            function (Handle, wchar* source, uint sourceLength, ubyte *result, uint resultLength) ucol_getSortKey;
+                uint            function (ubyte *source, uint sourceLength, BoundMode boundType, uint noOfLevels, ubyte *result, uint resultLength, inout UErrorCode e) ucol_getBound;
+                void            function (Handle, Version info) ucol_getVersion;
+                void            function (Handle, Version info) ucol_getUCAVersion;
+                uint            function (ubyte *src1, uint src1Length, ubyte *src2, uint src2Length, ubyte *dest, uint destCapacity) ucol_mergeSortkeys;
+                void            function (Handle, Attribute attr, AttributeValue value, inout UErrorCode e) ucol_setAttribute;
+                AttributeValue  function (Handle, Attribute attr, inout UErrorCode e) ucol_getAttribute;
+                uint            function (Handle, wchar* varTop, uint len, inout UErrorCode e) ucol_setVariableTop;
+                uint            function (Handle, inout UErrorCode e) ucol_getVariableTop;
+                void            function (Handle, uint varTop, inout UErrorCode e) ucol_restoreVariableTop;
+                uint            function (Handle, RuleOption delta, wchar* buffer, uint bufferLen) ucol_getRulesEx;
+                char*           function (Handle, ULocale.Type type, inout UErrorCode e) ucol_getLocaleByType;
+                Handle          function (Handle, inout UErrorCode e) ucol_getTailoredSet;
+        }
+        /***********************************************************************
+        ***********************************************************************/
+        static  FunctionLoader.Bind[] targets =
+                [
+                {cast(void**) &ucol_open,                               "ucol_open"},
+                {cast(void**) &ucol_close,                              "ucol_close"},
+                {cast(void**) &ucol_openRules,                          "ucol_openRules"},
+                {cast(void**) &ucol_openFromShortString,                "ucol_openFromShortString"},
+                {cast(void**) &ucol_getContractions,                    "ucol_getContractions"},
+                {cast(void**) &ucol_strcoll,                            "ucol_strcoll"},
+                {cast(void**) &ucol_greater,                            "ucol_greater"},
+                {cast(void**) &ucol_greaterOrEqual,                     "ucol_greaterOrEqual"},
+                {cast(void**) &ucol_equal,                              "ucol_equal"},
+                {cast(void**) &ucol_getStrength,                        "ucol_getStrength"},
+                {cast(void**) &ucol_setStrength,                        "ucol_setStrength"},
+                {cast(void**) &ucol_getDisplayName,                     "ucol_getDisplayName"},
+                {cast(void**) &ucol_getShortDefinitionString,           "ucol_getShortDefinitionString"},
+                {cast(void**) &ucol_normalizeShortDefinitionString,     "ucol_normalizeShortDefinitionString"},
+                {cast(void**) &ucol_getSortKey,                         "ucol_getSortKey"},
+                {cast(void**) &ucol_getBound,                           "ucol_getBound"},
+                {cast(void**) &ucol_getVersion,                         "ucol_getVersion"},
+                {cast(void**) &ucol_getUCAVersion,                      "ucol_getUCAVersion"},
+                {cast(void**) &ucol_mergeSortkeys,                      "ucol_mergeSortkeys"},
+                {cast(void**) &ucol_setAttribute,                       "ucol_setAttribute"},
+                {cast(void**) &ucol_getAttribute,                       "ucol_getAttribute"},
+                {cast(void**) &ucol_setVariableTop,                     "ucol_setVariableTop"},
+                {cast(void**) &ucol_getVariableTop,                     "ucol_getVariableTop"},
+                {cast(void**) &ucol_restoreVariableTop,                 "ucol_restoreVariableTop"},
+                {cast(void**) &ucol_getRulesEx,                         "ucol_getRulesEx"},
+                {cast(void**) &ucol_getLocaleByType,                    "ucol_getLocaleByType"},
+                {cast(void**) &ucol_getTailoredSet,                     "ucol_getTailoredSet"},
+                ];
+        /***********************************************************************
+        ***********************************************************************/
+        static this ()
+        {
+                library = FunctionLoader.bind (icuin, targets);
+        }
+        /***********************************************************************
+        ***********************************************************************/
+        static ~this ()
+        {
+                FunctionLoader.unbind (library);
+        }